ELQ soluGuide targetSeg-GR R3-SCRN S1 conversion rates that outperform untargeted broadcast...

Post on 06-May-2019

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Transcript of ELQ soluGuide targetSeg-GR R3-SCRN S1 conversion rates that outperform untargeted broadcast...

Q: Struggling to get the right message in front of the right buyer?

Problem:Your campaign response rates aren’t what you’d like them to be and your opt-outs are on the rise. Chances are, you’re suffering from a “one-size-fits-all” approach to marketing. When you send the same message to everyone, or target your campaigns based only on customer demographics-your messages can fall on deaf ears.

Solution:Marketers know that relevance drives conversion and revenue. But to truly engage your audience, you need to target prospects based on both who they are, and what they do. Eloqua targeting and segmentation makes it easy incorporate both demographic and behavioral data to pinpoint potential buyers and target messages geared to their interest.

It’s a simple equation. When your message is targeted to audience interest, it’s more likely to resonate and compel an action. The more actions your audience takes – the more revenue you will drive.

Effective targeting starts with decoding buyer behavior, or digital body language – the clues your prospects leave behind when they visit your website or engage with marketing campaigns. Tracking your prospects’ online activity gives you a clear picture of interest and intent. Combine that insight with clean, consistent data, and you can target your campaigns according to who your prospects are AND what they do. By ensuring the relevance of your message, you will improve conversion rates and decreases those nasty un-subscribes.

In addition to matching the right offers to the right buyers – you need an easy way to keep your database free of duplicate records and ensure consistency across key fields for segmentation like title and industry. Eloqua’s powerful data management tools work under the hood to keep your database squeaky clean and easy-to-use filters make building the perfect, targeted list a snap!

Marketers at Plum Benefits used website

click-stream behavior to target campaigns, improving open rates by 13.3%, click-rates by 15.2% and lowering

unsubscribe rates by 12 basis points.

Relevance = Conversion = Revenue

Targeting & Segmentation pays off.

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20,000 prospects $200,000 1% $1M

Average Selling PriceIf You Improve Your Response Rates By

Your Additional Revenue =Audience

Eloqua has helped us get more personal. We’ve always known which compa-nies are visiting our site. Now we know which people are visiting. There is no other more powerful sales support tool than this single piece of information.

~Chris WarnerVice President of Marketing, JackBe

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Chief Marketing Officer

VP of Marketing

Marketing VP

VP of Strategy & CMO

Vice President of Marketing



The first step to accurate targeting is clean data. Eloqua enables you to match, cleanse, de-duplicate and standardize data automatically to improve segmentation and response rates. As new contacts enter your database, they can be logically categorized into discreet segments to make filtering and targeting easy. For example, the title “Chief Marketing Officer” could exist hundreds of different ways in your database—depending on how the data was acquired. Using Eloqua’s data management tools, all of these permutations can be mapped to a single segment— Marketing Executives—that you can easily filter.

Once you have clean data—Eloqua filters help you match offers with specific segments based on demographic and behavioral characteristics. By combining contact and activity filters, you’ll have laser-like focus on WHO your prospects are WHAT they’re doing.

For example, by creating a simple filter—you can easily find all the CEOs in New York who visited a specific page on your site, clicked through on an email or filled out a specific form within a given timeframe. Want to re-engage specific segments in your database? Build a quick filter that looks for certain contacts that haven’t been to your website in a while or who haven’t demon-strated any activity at all. These filters can be used to automati-cally to “feed” campaigns by dropping contacts into programs.

Eloqua’s targeting, segmentation and data management tools let you track buyer behavior with precision so you always know what your prospects want. Armed with insight into which web pages they’re visiting, content they’re consuming and campaigns they’re engaging with—you can focus your efforts on the cam-paigns that will resonate most.

Campaigns that target based on Web-site user click-stream data generate conversion rates that outperform untargeted broadcast campaigns by nearly 4 to 1.

~Jupiter Research

Using contact filters, marketers can easily build and target relevant communications at specific segments.


Find the needle in the haystack


S o l u t i o n G u i d e

www.eloqua.com 1.866.327.8764