Elizabethan England Ms. MacLean English 9. Greensleves.

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Elizabethan England Ms. MacLean English 9. Greensleves.

Elizabethan England

Ms. MacLean

English 9


What was Elizabethan England?

A period of time in England, which occurred between the early 16th century (1500s) and the early 17th century (1600s).

Named after the queen: Elizabeth I

Who was Elizabeth I?

Who was Elizabeth I?

Elizabeth I (Trailer)

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Who was Elizabeth I?

Her father was Henry VIII.

Henry VIII is famous for

marrying 6 wives in the attempt

to produce a male heir.

Belongs to the House (Family)

of Tudor.

Who was Elizabeth I?

Her mother was Anne Boleyn.

Anne Boleyn was executed by Henry VIII on charges of high treason

(disloyalty to your government).

Who was Elizabeth I?

She's Not There - The Zombies

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Life in Elizabethan England


The main part of each meal was meat (i.e. beef, pork, lamb, rabbit, deer, and wildfowl).

Food was normally placed in a large

bowl in the centre of the table and

people helped themselves.There were no forks, just spoons,

knives, and fingers.


Bread was eaten at most meals.You could tell the class of a person by the bread

they ate.Rich people ate bread made from white flour.Poor people ate bread made from rye and ground



Water was often contaminated with sewage and could not be drank.

Ale and wine was drank with meals.Fruits were preserved in syrup, so they could be

eaten during the winter.Sugar was expensive and scarce, so honey was

used to sweeten food.

School and Education

Only the children of wealthy and working families could afford to send their children to school.

Boys were educated for work.Girls were educated for marriage and running a


School and Education

The school day started at 6:00am in the summer and 7:00am in the winter.

School ended at 5:00pm.Students went to school 6 days a week.Teachers were strict and beat students with a

cane when they misbehaved.

Crime and Punishment

Executions were a form of punishment for a crime and were often considered to be entertainment.

A person could be executed for crimes such as stealing, murder, rioting, or rebellion.

People would often wait through the night to get the best spot for the execution.

Public executions had a carnival feel: pie sellers, ale merchants, socialization.

Crime and Punishment

Forms of execution:BeheadingHangingBurning (Often for women

who committed treason)Being Pressed (Or being crushed)Boiled Alive (For attempting to murder


Crime and Punishment

Lesser punishment for committing crimes included:Flogging (Whipping)Branding with hot irons

• “M” - Murder

• “V” - Vagrant (Wandered, Beggar)

• “T” - ThieveThe Pillory (Standing with head and

hands in holes)The Stocks (Sitting with hands and feet in holes)

Crime and Punishment

The Ducking Stool (For

women accused of witchcraft)The Brank (Gossip’s mask -

for women who gossiped)Limbs cut off (i.e. Hands cut off for stealing)The Drunkard’s Cloak (For

public drunkenness, had to wear

a barrel)

Crime and Punishment

Monty Python

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