Eliot Concept of tradition

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Eliot Concept of tradition

Topic: Eliot Concept of Tradition. Name : Gohil Binkalba Semenster: 2 Roll no : 06 enrollment no : 2069108420170010 Email id :

Binkalbagohil1995gmail.com Year : 2017 Submitted to : Department of


Introduction T.S.Eliot’s “Tradition and

Individual Talent” was published in 1919 in The Egoist - the Times Literary supplement.

Later, the essay was published in The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and Criticism in 1920/2. (Gallup). 

This essay is described by David Lodge as the most celebrated critical essay in the English of the 20th century.

Eliot essay divided Three part’s….

Eliot concept of ‘tradition’

The conclusion

or summing up

Theory of depersonaliz


Eliot concept of tradition, What is tradition? According to Eliot tradition is not

this slavish imitation of the past. Tradition cannot be inherited. It can only be obtained by hard labor.

Tradition can only be obtained by those with have the historical sense. Historical sense involves a perception not only of the past lives of the past.

But also of its presence one who has the historical séance field at the whole of the literature of Europe from home to his one day.

Continue ….. Including the literature of his one country

from one countries literary tradition .That is to say poet has to work hard

labors heart level hard and read  whole   tradition relation and keep in mind that the train of different Iran before comparison he is on poetry.

Alias concept of tradition is dynamic one. It is not something fix.

Continue…     It is constantly changing growing and

becoming from what it is the relationship between past and present is reciprocal one just is past direct guide the present the present and modified the past when there view creation of literature its effect existence one and its takes place in the whole scheme of the theme and its effect interpret done of existence work of literature.

A writer must seek guidance from the past confirm to the literary tradition.

The theory of the in personality of poetry. The poet according to you must be as

in personal as a science. The emotion and personalized before enter into the poetry point Elliot say the more  perfect artist the more completely separated in him will be the man who suffer and the mind which create it different.

That is the park poet this with different emotions and feelings that can be in personal emotion and feeling or it can be expression by him in some other way but this to think is very very separate.

Continue… The emotion and feeling might be in personalized but

mind that imagine the creation is a poetry that is should be completely separate.

The personality of the poet is a more reciprocal Elliot say it is just like chemical reaction that is kind of receptacle emotion collected and text form of poetry after refinements.

Continue…. Eliot say on criticism and

sensitive of appreciation is direct not upon the poet but upon the poetry. Eliot concept of poetry.

According to Elliot concept of poetry is organization rather than inspirational it does not believe hearing of inspiration rather than poet inspire armor organization.

Eliot's conclude by saying..... poetry Is not turning

loose of emotion but an escape from emotion it is not the expression of personality but an escape from personally.

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