Elevated hemidiaphragm

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Elevated hemidiaphragm

Enumerate the causes of ELEVATED HEMIDIAPHRAGM


Bilateral Unilateral

Bilateral : Reduced pulmonary compliance: fibrosing alveolitis, lymphangitis carcinomatosis

Technical causes: supine film, expiratory film, post op pain

Sub-diaphragmatic pathology: ascites, obesity, pregnancy, bowel distension

Unilateral: Paralysis: surgery, trauma, idiopathic, radiotherapy, neoplastic, DM, TB, infection, HZV.

Congenital: eventration, humps.

Pulmonary : collapse, hypoplasia, pneumonectomy, embolism, basal pneumonia

Pleural: thickening, pleurisy, sub pulmonary effusion.

Bony: scoliosis, rib fracture

Sub-diaphragmatic pathology: gas distended viscus, sub phrenic abscess, pancreatitis, abdominal mass, hepato-splenomegaly