Elementary School Website Redesign Presented by Stacy Michaelsen, Liz Molleur, and Jackie Dana.

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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Content Inventory Types of materials to be organized. Multiple creators and sources of information Discrepancies in information location and neglected portions. Most frequently updated and used areas of information.

Transcript of Elementary School Website Redesign Presented by Stacy Michaelsen, Liz Molleur, and Jackie Dana.

Elementary School Website Redesign Presented by Stacy Michaelsen, Liz Molleur, and Jackie Dana Flowchart of Our Process Content Inventory Types of materials to be organized. Multiple creators and sources of information Discrepancies in information location and neglected portions. Most frequently updated and used areas of information. Peer Reviews and Comparisons Critical categories of information Ideas for organization and layout Appropriate to the audience Peer Reviews and Comparisons And a few others Survey Results Survey Monkey survey with 10 questions Six respondents Basic information about respondent (e.g. children's ages, location) Usage of current sites o What information is important o What changes would you make Cardsort Results 6 Participants Hybrid open/closed sort Establish: o labels o content location o additional info needs Cardsort Results Tree Cluster groups of similar items Personas Knowledge of the different users coming to our site and their different information needs. Johanna Jones 29 years old New to the area Works full-time Has a 1st grader with a learning disability Recently divorced Users Wireframe Based on survey results and card sort Top bar navigation En Espaol link Monthly calendar Clearly defined section s Interviews with Stakeholders Purpose and goal of the website Political climate Requirements and preferences "We prefer the side navigation because it gives us more options to add links. "The page has to be completely accessible or we could loose our federal funding." Stakeholder Wireframe Noticeable Calendar Accessible Contact Information Aesthetically Pleasing Space for Photos Advertisement for E-news View our site Miller Creek Elementary Miller Creek Elementary Webpage Accessibility & Usability Skip Navigation Global Navigation Translation Image Tags Site Map Consistency Usability Testing IX Lab at the iSchool 3 participants Morae Software 6 scenarios with sub-tasks Usability Testing Plan a Visit Lunch Menu Directory Post-Test Questions Questions???