Element of Art - Shape 2

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Element of Art - Shape 2

The Second Element of Art


A two-dimensional space defined by edges.

There are two types of shapes: geometric and organic (also known as free-form)

These are the shapes you already know and have names for. You may learn about these shapes in math as well.

Some examples include: squares, circles, triangles, and hexagons

Organic shapes are not so precise and don’t have a set of rules (for instance, a square has four equal sides). Many of these “free-form” shapes are found in nature.

Some examples include the outline of a leaf or the shape rain water makes in a puddle.

Shape is in all types of art.Some artists like Mondrian and Miro

based their art just on shape.

Picasso used shape in his cubist period.

Shape is used in Optical Art as well.

Shape can be used in abstract art.

Shape can also be used to make art more realistic by breaking an image down into basic shapes

early in the process of drawing.

There is an UNLIMITED amount of

ways shape can be used

in art.

The Objective: Learn and identify the two types of

shapes in art.

The Product:I will create a piece of artwork utilizing

geometric and organic shape.

Using a ruler and black permanent marker you will create a series of overlapping geometric and organic

shapes. You will color or paint these in to highlight the new shapes that are formed when overlapping is used.

Tips:Use interesting color.

Stay inside of the lines.

Use pencil first, THEN permanent marker.

Use a ruler or the edge of a book for straight edges.

Try making the colors go from dark to light in the same box.

Make your shapes a variety of sizes.

Don’t make too few shapes.