Electronic Component Online - Technological Advances and the Improvement of Life

Post on 23-Mar-2016

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(http://www.excessparts.net/) - From the dawn of the Sumerian wheel to the discovery of gunpowder, man has come a long way from what once was a simple existence. Even during those times when fire and electricity were comprehended as dark magic, technology has been reshaping the courses of human lives. Today, as more and more discoveries are made, we see how history is repeating itself. We are surprised with the advancements in electronics as our ancestors were with the discovery of fire. Our fascination with robotics is as zealous as the Sumer when they discovered the wheel. These advancements may have been ages apart, but they are products of technology.

Transcript of Electronic Component Online - Technological Advances and the Improvement of Life

Contact Us (208) 342-3559

Electrical Components OnlineKimball Electronics / ExcessParts.Net652 N. Five Mile Road Boise, ID 83713 http://www.ExcessParts.Net


Advances and



of Life

From the dawn of the Sumerian wheel to the discovery of gunpowder, man has come a long way from what once was a simple existence. Even during those times when fire and electricity were comprehended as dark magic, technology has been reshaping the courses of human lives.

Contact Us (208) 342-3559

Electrical Components OnlineKimball Electronics / ExcessParts.Net652 N. Five Mile Road Boise, ID 83713 http://www.ExcessParts.Net

Technological Advances and the

Improvement of Life

Today, as more and more discoveries are made, we see how history is repeating itself. We are surprised with the advancements in electronics as our ancestors were with the discovery of fire. Our fascination with robotics is as zealous as the Sumer when they discovered the wheel. These advancements may have been ages apart, but they are products of technology.

Contact Us (208) 342-3559

Electrical Components OnlineKimball Electronics / ExcessParts.Net652 N. Five Mile Road Boise, ID 83713 http://www.ExcessParts.Net


Advances and



of Life

Technology has a very wide scope, but most particularly, it involves the art of manufacturing equipment and materials in the industrial world. As the world sees it, technology is the way that people do things.

Contact Us (208) 342-3559

Electrical Components OnlineKimball Electronics / ExcessParts.Net652 N. Five Mile Road Boise, ID 83713 http://www.ExcessParts.Net


Advances and


Improvement of


This definition incorporates the industry with agriculture, medicine, transportation, communication, energy and even activities that provide entertainment and leisure. The Greeks, through their cargo ships, travelled as far as Ancient Egypt to trade their inventions and discoveries.

Contact Us (208) 342-3559

Electrical Components OnlineKimball Electronics / ExcessParts.Net652 N. Five Mile Road Boise, ID 83713 http://www.ExcessParts.Net


Advances and



of Life

Today, this corresponds to online trade and business and it is through this thatelectronics distributors run their business smoothly. One cannot deny that one of the greatest innovations of man today is in the field of electronics.

Contact Us (208) 342-3559

Electrical Components OnlineKimball Electronics / ExcessParts.Net652 N. Five Mile Road Boise, ID 83713 http://www.ExcessParts.Net

Technological Advances and the

Improvement of Life

This event plays a major role in almost every aspect in our lives from our daily way of living to the leisure and luxury that has entertained us for every blunt moment.Along time ago, the Ancient Chinese were entertained with one of technologies’ younger offspring—in the form of fireworks.

Contact Us (208) 342-3559

Electrical Components OnlineKimball Electronics / ExcessParts.Net652 N. Five Mile Road Boise, ID 83713 http://www.ExcessParts.Net


Advances and



of Life

Centuries later, the televisions and radios honed our society. In later years, these technological devices paved its way through offices, factories, internet shops, printing shops and merchandises.Electronics components stores became available for troubleshooting such devices. It became the way of living that made a lot of things easier to handle.

Contact Us (208) 342-3559

Electrical Components OnlineKimball Electronics / ExcessParts.Net652 N. Five Mile Road Boise, ID 83713 http://www.ExcessParts.Net


Advances and



of LifeNext thing you know, smaller electronic components and circuits were developed to achieve logical operations and amplify electronic signals creating calculators, cellphones and computers.Some would say that technology is what made people different from animals, although it is not very accurate to say that only people can use the simplest tools. Science is no different from technology. Only that in technology, the principles of science is being applied.

Contact Us (208) 342-3559

Electrical Components OnlineKimball Electronics / ExcessParts.Net652 N. Five Mile Road Boise, ID 83713 http://www.ExcessParts.Net


Advances and



of LifeBut like any other invention, these advancements also require a higher form of troubleshooting and repair. Before these modern times, communication and research were not very easy. But now, with the world at our fingertips through the internet, it is only a matter of seconds to find the right electrical componentsand electronics components supplystores online that provides us with all our needs which is a classic example of using technology for technology’s sake.

Contact Us (208) 342-3559

Electrical Components OnlineKimball Electronics / ExcessParts.Net652 N. Five Mile Road Boise, ID 83713 http://www.ExcessParts.Net


Advances and



of Life

Who knows, years from now, we may not need to buy electronics components to replace the damaged ones in our smartphones because, as the name suggests, they may be already smart enough to repair their own systems. Talk about “dark magic”.