Electron arc therapy dose calculation using the angle-P...

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Transcript of Electron arc therapy dose calculation using the angle-P...

Electron arc therapy dose calculation using

the angle-P concept.

Pierre Courteau

Medical Physics Unit

McGill University, Montreal

March 1993

A Thesis submitted to

the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

in partial fulfillmcnt of the requirements

of the degrce of Mastcr's in

Medical Radiation Physics.

© Pierre Courteau 1993



Abstract 1 \'

Résumé v

Acknowledgments \'1

1. General introduction

2. Electron arc therapy

2.1 Single electron beams

2.1.1 General

2.1,2 Oblique incidencp.

2.2 Physical properties of arc clectron beams

2.2.1 Beam collimation

2.2.2 Pseudo-arc technique





1 1



2.2.3 Effect of bcam parameters on pcrcenlage depth doses 17

2.3 Pencil beams in electron arc therapy 20

2.3.1 Angular spread in air and virtual source position 21

2.3.2 Fermi-Eyges theory Œpreading in medium) 2fi

2.3.3 Summation of pcncIl beams 27

2.3.4 Correction for loss of electrons 2~)




:2.;Ui Use of CT numbers

:2 :3 (j Electron-arc pencil beam algorithm

The angle r~ concept in electron arc therapy

3.1 Physical aspect

:3.2 Isodosc distribution calculation algorithm

Evaluation of the angle ~ conce;>t

<1 1 Introduction

4.2 rnput data

4.2.1 Angle ~ algorithm input data

4.2.2 Pencil beam algorithm input data

4.3 Evaluation

4.3.1 Peucil beam calculation

4.3.2 Measurements with film

4.3.3 Humanoid phantom




















A computer T o~ !'

calculate electron arl.-



,It'd durlIlg t Il(' rOllt'~e or t 11I~ work to

1:, ons wüh Uw ;lI1~~ll\ I~ (,OIIl'l'pt 'l'I\('

angle ~ uniquely describes i' ..l prndence of raùial pt'rt'l'Ilt a~~(' (kpt Il

doses in electron arc therapy on the nominal field W1dth, I~()<.'l'lltl'r d!'pth,

and virlual source-axis dlstance. 'l'he p concppt. C:1Il lw USI't! III dilllcai

situations ta determinl! the field width wheI1 the lSOl'l'ntl'l" clepth alld tll<'

required radial pel'ccntage depth dose are knOWII 'J'llls thl'sis presl'Ilt S .Ill

overview of the physical properties of electroll arc therapy alld d!':-.rnhl's III

detail the angle p pseudo-arc teehI1lque uscd at. McC:ill. A descrrpt.loll or the algorithms used in the computer program ifS g1ven and the I~ t(I('hniquC'

is cümpared tü measurements and other caiculation l11l'thods.



Un programme d'ordInateur a été conçu pour calculer les

chstribullOl1S de dose pour des traitements rotationels avec électrons en

ulilisanl Il' concept de l'angle 13. L'angle p décrit la dépendence du

n'miL'ment radial de do:::e en profondeur de façon unique avec la largeur du

champ de radwlion (w), la profondeur de l'isocentre (d) , et la distance

source virtuclll' Ù lsocentre m. Cet angle peut ètre utilIsé dans des

~itualions cliniques pour détermmer w lorsque d et le rendement de dose

en profondeur sont connus. Ce travail présente premièrement une revue

des propnétés physiques de la thérapie rotationelle avec électrons et

ensuite le concC'pt de l'angle P utilisé à McGill est décrit en détail. Les

algorithmes utilisées dans le logiciel de calcul de dose sont aussi

présentées ct finalement la technique dE. thérapie avec l'angle pest

comparée avec des mesures et une autre methode de calcul.



l would like to thank Dr C, Pla for his help during t hl:-; :>t lld~' .Inti 1'01'

introducing me to programming the ApplC' Maclnto~h (,Ol1lputt"', 1\11'~ 1\1

Pla for sbaring ber knowledge in eledroll arc lI1f'rapy, 1\1 l' 1\1 1':V,IIl~ lil!'

his technical help using the water phantom beam nnaly/.l'1', and. (,Vl't'y

member of the medical physics depart.n1l'nt l'or thl' stlIlllll.ltlll~~


l also would like to thank my colleaguc Pat. Cadnwl1 t'or his

friendship which made my stay in Montreal a little l('ss palllfui. Alld

finally, many thanks to Nancy for her patIence and for 1)(\1111~ a grp:1I

mother to our girls while l was away,

The financial support which made my studies at McCtll THlsslhlc

was provided by the Dr, Georges-L, Dumont Hospital.

Chapter 1

General introduction


There exbt several radiation modalities used ln the treatment of

tum(Jr~ or reglons containing tumor cells. Sm::.lll accessible turnors c::m be

treated by 1 nserting encapsulated radIOactive sources in the [orm of

needles or wires withlO the tumor Othcr lesions accessible from a cavity

may a1so be trcated u~i ng brachytherapy whcre the sources arc placed

against the Il'SlOnS Tlus modality has the advantage of delivering high

d(}:-, .. )~ to the reg"IOI1 of ('onC'crn while efficleIltly ~paring healthy

surrounding ti:-,sues. For the case of deeply seated lesions, combinations of

high cnergy photoll beam~, most often produccd by Cobalt-GO sources or

lincar accell'rators with encrgws of 4 to 25 MeV, are used. Electron beams

with C'nergICs ranging from 4 to 25 MeV are uscd to treat regions that

l'X tend from Lhl' skin surface up to depths of 1 to 8 cm depending on the

(,Ilcrgy. Their !110st common applications arc in the treatrncnt of skin and

lip cancers, chcst wall irradiation for brcast cancer, delivering boost dose

Ln !1odcs, and in the treatment of head and neck cancers. For small

supcrficial lcsions x-rays produccd by potential difTerences of 50 kV to 300

kV are used l'requcntly.

'l'ills work \vill l'ocus on electron arc therapy or rotational electron

ther~py whieh is t he technique of choice in the treatment of certain large

Supt'rticial tUlllors locatcd along curved surfaces, su ch as post-mastectomy

chest wall Ill]. ThIS modality surpasses stationary photon or electron

tipld::\ [7, 15luscd to irradwte large curved areas, due ta the dose

inhomogcnelty \vhich would be produced at the abutment regions of the

multiple fields which givcs risc Lo cold and hot ,pot~ EIl'ctron an' tlH'l".\p\',

being a rotat.lOnal elcctron bC<lIll techIllqUt'. may lw pl'rf'ol'Il1cd \\'1 t Il a

continuou~ rotation or by a series of overlapPlng lil'hb dl,It\'l'll,tt III ;111

lsocentric manner at regular angular interval~ (p~l'lldoarT 1:\1)

ThIS technique has been devcloped and llSl'd \Vit h :-'Ul'l'l'S:-' hy \'a["JOll:-'

radiothcrnpy dcpartmcnts but electroll arT t.hl'rapy l'l'tn~llns a clllllpltr,\h'd

and time-consuming technique, therpfore not \Vldl'Iv U:-;l',j 1 t \\'a~. fir'st

described by Becker and Wcitzcl in HHj() [11 Wlt Il a tt'chniqlll' kl\(I\V1\ ;\S

"shell irradiation" usmg elcctrons of les~ than lG l\ll'V l'rom :1 f'J\.t'd

isocenter betatron. Using a \VIde range of el1l'rgws (10 tn ·I:~ M(,V) :d:-;o

pro::luced by a fixed lsoccnter hctatron, Ras!'>()w (1 ~172) [~·t 1 d(,~ct'll)(,d slll:tll

angle penduluIll therapy and Its numernus chl1ll'al 'lpplic;\l.i()l1~

There are severnl factors afTL'cting thl' do~e <hst.ribullOll in pl('('/ rOll

arc therapy making thi8 technique unique, sllch as 1.11(' fi('ld wl(lt.h,

isocenter depth, source to axis distance, e!pdrol1 lH'am (lJlprg'Y, slld'acl'

curvature of the patient, bC~lIn collimatioJl (prilllal'y, SI'('oIH!:Iry !llid

tertiary), and the number of monitor units per degn'(' for COl1ti'llllJlIS arc,

or per bearn for pseudoarc, Khan et aL. [121 ~tlldJed the f'fr(>l't~> of' titI'

isocenter depth and field size on the shape of the radwl I)('f'(·('Ilt.a~(l d('pth

dose curve in order to develop a technique for routine cIlTlIcal US(! wit.h 1:~

MeV electrons, They round that the surf:lce dm,p d('cnJa~('s : III d t.lt:! t Uw

depth of maXImum dose mcreases with lI1creasing- II-oo('('ntpr dppt Il, jlJld Uw

sarne effects are observed when decrea~ing the field width They :d~o round

that skin collimation provides a sharper dose fall'ofT than wh!,l1 no

shielding is used. Ruegseggcr et al. [251 also stud i cd the~(! dfects and wJl,h

the use of a variable isocenter machine (4f) MeV heliltrOn) round t.h:!t t.h(·

parameter responsible for the change ln ~hape of the depth dose eurv(:


with ch:mg"lng i~ocenter depth, was the SSD (source-to-skin distance)

wll/ch varie~ dircctly with the isocenter depth for a fixed source-axis

di:..,tallCü. This pfTect cun be explained by looking at the time a point spends

III th(~ h(~;lIll as a funct.ion of isocentpr depth or SSD. The Lime lTIcreases

wiLh UH' distance from the source therefore shifting dma" toward the

isocprllpr They uls\) round an obhqUlty cfTect WhlCh Shlfts dma\: toward the

surf.lce wlH'n tJll' i~occnter depth is rcduccd. this chdnge is in the opposite

direction of the SSD cfTpct, \vhence depending on the paramct.ers, dma ..: can

('ither he larger or smaller than the dma\: for the fixed field. Boyer ct al. [3]

dl'llloIl:,tr:ttpd the f'ca~lbility of a p:..,cudoarc technique employing multiple

ovprlapplllg statlOllury fields which allows elcctron arc therapy to be done

without having to make Cd~tly modificatlOl1S to the linear <.lccelerator.

With tilt' prClpel' choice oC the trcatment paramcters the dose distribution

fllf the pseudoarc doc . ..; Bot difTer from the continuous arc distribution, but

the trp:ttment time to ohtain the E>ume delivcred dose is sorncwhat largcr.

A t.rl'atnll'nt planning mode! for electron arc has been developed by

Leavi tt. et al. [lG 1 \\'here they calculat.e the dose tü a point due ta the arc by

the SUmlllatlOIl of tïxed fields supl~rimposed ln fixed angular Increments

around the arc Hogstrom et al. [6] modified the pencil-beam algorithm for

fixed fields Ln calcuiaLe the dose distrIbution f(lr arc beanls tü reduce the

computatIOn time tu acceptablp levels. This algorithm treats the total arc

as a s1I1gle broad be<lm

An important con~ideration when using electron arc techniques is

contumination dUl' tu lJhotons lIO, 22] which can accumulate at and

i.ll'ound the i~ocl'ntcr tü givf' a considerable dose tü the patient if the prüper

parurneters an' not u8ed. 'This is dependent on the electron scattering

system used. such as single or dual scattering foils, or magnetically


scanned bearns, It. also depl)nds !ln the field :-;ill' u~l'd' t Ill' phnto11

cont.ributIOn increases wIth a del'rl'asin~ fil'ld :-;Ill' SUit'!' t Ill' photo11

contribution remains constant wIth rt.'Spf'ct. in til'Id S1/l', Whl'I't',IS thl'

electron contnbution diminIshes wIth tht..' field ~lZl' t11l'n'f'n\'e ~~I\'il\t~ IlllJl"l'

importance to the photons when dccreaslng thl' field :-'17('

This thesis \v111 first present. a general oV(,I'vil'w ot' tlll' l'Il\rtron :11'1'

technique, namely the physical prOpl'rtll'~ of arc l'ledrol1 IH':IIll~, thl'

different levels of collimation requIren, and the cllI1il'al L'o\l~idl'I':ltio\1s 1 ~Ol

involved \vi th electron arc therapy \<'ollowing \vill Ill' a dl'f,l'I'I pt Ion or t Ill'

McGill pscudoo.rc technique which Uf,('S the andp-I\ ClllH'l'Pt. t h:1t 1I111l1111'1y

dcscribes the depcndellcc of the radial pen'(\nt.age dept h d()~(':-- on V:II'lOliS

pararnetrrs, The angle-!) is il gcometric:11 p:lI"allH'tl'I', which IS dPlil1(·d

using the field width, isocenter dept.h, and the nominal StHIITP-axis

distance, Dose calculation using the pcncil hemn algorithm Iii, H, ~), 171 will

be discused in this work for the purpose of' ('orllpaI'lSOl) wlLh t l\(, :\Ill!,ll'-I\

pseudoarc technique. The algont.hms u~l'd In LIll' d('wlopllWIlL or tll('

treatment planning prllgram wn ttpn for the A ppll' M aCIIILo~h computer

and a user guide showing the u~cr inter,race wrll also bp prl'~J('rlt,(·d Firwlly

the isodose distribution obtaincd usmg the angl('-I~ ('oncl'pt p:wudoarc

technique is compared wlth a (h:-,trihut.IOI1 produccd hy a IUIOWfl trt':ltllH'f11.

planning computer using a pencd beam algorithrn and also WILl! :1

measured isodose distribution,

The benefits of having a treatment planni ng prograrn arr~ the spe(~d

with which the calculation of a plan can be completed, the abdity to aller

various parameters at will, such as the isocen ter pOSI tlOn W LI eh (':1 n tH'


placed ln a fa~hlOn that optimizcs the isodose distribution for a glven

patIent, and In the standardization of the patient records which are

autornatically obtuinpd from the output of thl, treatment planning

progrum. 'l'hcsc were the main inccntlves in the devcloprncnt of the

computC'r program discusscd in this work and the pro gram was made as

u~er-fncl1dly ab possible through the choice of computer which presents

high Icvel tools for the devclopment of sophisticated user interfaces.

Chapter 2

Electron arc therapy

2.1 Single ele.ctron beams

Before discussing the properties of e!cctro!1 arr IH'a I11S, a hrll't'

overview of the properties of single elcctron beams, beam charal't l'nst les

and dosimetry will he presentl'd.

2.1.1 General

Electrons travelling in a low atomic number absorhing llH'diUIll,

such as water or tissue, will lose cncrgy malllly through Coulomh

interactions with the bound atomic electrons (ionizations Hnd eXClt.atIOIlS)

Due to the small mass of l'lectrons and, sincc the !11(1SS IS the salll(' as tlw

target particles (hound electrons), the collisions may result in larg(' ('Iwrgy

losses along with large scattering angles. Becaut-,c of t1w relativply :-.mall

mass of the electrons, relativistic cffl'ets arc important evpn at quiL(' low

energies. In addition, the electrons interaet wIth the pOSI Ltvely charged

nucIei and are deeelerated, and consl'quently they lot-,(> ellf>rgy Lhrough

radiation or bremsstrahlung. For water or a IlH.'rlltllll {Jf :-'11l1I1ar iJLoJJ}J('

number and for an incident enl'rgy of 10 MeV, the proportion of tJj(' (~IH!rgy

10st which goes into bremsstrahlung radiation (BrPffisst.rahlllflg fraction)

is about 4%. A diagrammatic example of a track produced by ail f!!C!ctroll

depositing its energy in a medium is shown in figure 2 1 .

Figure 2.2 shows the shape of a typical percent depth dose for


clectron beams. 'l'he practical range (Rp) and the mean range (R50) are

shown on the diagram. Rp is round by extrapolating the straight trailing

('(J~e of the curvc until it crosses the bremsstrahlung background.

Cont.rary to photons, which are attenuated exponentially, there exists a

depth of abc.;orlnng medium that will stop a11 the incorning electrons and

bcyono th)" depth only the bremsstrahlung contamination will contribute

tn the dose.


Incident Particle

~ Single Ionizations

(or Excitations)

• • ... ....-. ... \ Delta Ray

Figure 2.1 Illustration of a possible track produced by ionizations along the path of an electron (or charged

particle) penetrating a scattering medium .

Q) lfJ C


] QQ~-------------­.-e ~ 1

,..c::l 1 ~ 1

1 1 \ 1 - ""'\ - - - =-__ .-....-l

R50 Hp

Depth in watcr (cm)

Figure 2.2 Typical plot of absorbcd dose as a functillll

of depth fo:- electrons, showing the practical rall~c (l{I')

and the mean range (R50).


The large scattering angles that the electrons may undt>rgo rpsld t

in the widening of the dose distribution up ta a dcpth of about Rp , malullg

the penumbra for electron beams very broad. The penumhra IS ddif](·d as

the width between the 20% and 80% intensity points of a fixed br'am profile

normalized ta 100% at the central axis. The penumbra can be somcwhat

minimized by collimation placed as close ta the skin as pOSSI hic whlch has

the effect of cutting off the scattering that occurred in tl-je air gap above

the patient.

When the distance from the central axis to the edge of the fjeld is

greater than the practical range of the electrons considered (about 4 cm

for 9 MeV electrons and about 7 cm for 15 MeV electrons), changes ln


radiation field Slze will not change the central aXIS percent depth dose

bccausc electrons scattcrcd from the edges will not reach the central axis.

The efTect of the source-to-skin distance (SSD) on the depth dose

curve IS mostly se en within the build-up region. For ex ample, if the

distance t'rom the elcctron apphcator (cone) is increased then the percent

depth dose curve dccreases within the huild-up because of a decrease in

the arnount of scattcrcd clectrons. As the SSD is increased the beam

becorncs more hke a parallcl beam and this has the effect of decreasing the

dose wlthm the bmld-up rcglOn. Since the principal use of electron beams

is to treat from the surface to a certain depth with a dose as uniform as

possible, tht'n t.he surface dose must he as close to 100% as possible and a

typical distance bciwcPIl t.he electron cane and the patient's skin is 5 cm.

As can be expcctcd, tr.e main effect of changing the electrons'

incident. encrgy is to vary the dcpth of penetration or to change their

range. An IIlcrcase (decrease) in encrgy increases (decreases) the range.

'l'he combination of electron energy and bolus thickness can therefm e be

uaed to control the surface dose and the depth of treatment.

2.1.2 Oblique incidence

Since the radial depth dose for a rotational beam is produced by

many single oblique-incidence beams, it is useful to review the behavior of

single beams with oblique incidence. It will be seen that these properties

are very slmilar to those of rotational beams when one looks at the

correlation between the angle 13 of rotational beams and the incidence

angle of the single fields (Figure 2.3).

Beam central axis

Figure 2.3 Diagram showing the geornctric definition

of the incidence angle.


For a fixed SSD , increasing the beam obliquity lends lo incrcase the

dose at the depth of maximum dose (dmax ) and shift dmax towaru the

surface [11]. This behavior can be explaincd because en onc slde Uw heam

will have traversed a greater depth causing an mcrp(lse 111 scatter to

points nearer to the surface and a decrease to decper pOInts, and this

causes the elevation of dose at dmax along with a dt)cr(!a~('d dl!pth of

penetration beyond dmax. In ar lition tu this efTcct is the beam dlvl'rgence

which tends ta decrease the dose as the air gap bcyond the end of the cIme

is increased. Khan et al (11] were able to predict the change in depth dose

based on the inverse square law and an obliquity factor appJwù lo lhe

depth dose for normal incidence. The obliquity factor is simply ttH! ratio of


the iomzatlOn charges measured for the obliquely and norrnally incident

beums, with both measurernents performed at the same depth along the

central axis.

2.2 Physical properties of arc electron beams

This section will descnhe the effect of the beam collimation (which is

one of the paramcters setting this technique apart), the effect of the beam

paramelprs on the radIal pcrcentage depth doses, and how the ph0ton

co'1taminalIOIl affects the dose distnbution in electron arc therapy.

2.2.1 Beam collimation

The electron beams used for arc therapy are the same as those used

lI1 cOl1ventional stationary eiectroll beam therapy as far as the beam

broudening is concerned (i.e. scattering foils). The main difference lies in

the extensive collimatIOn required to obtain the desired dose distnbution.

Figure 2.4 shows the three levels of collimation used in electron arc

therapy. The l'ledron applicators are not used with this technique because

the clearance between the end of the co ne and the patient is not sufficient

tu allow the gantry rotation.

The fi l'st rolli mation level is produced by the x-ray collimator which

al80 defil1l's the field wldth (light field at isocenter) used as a parameter in

the planning of a treatrnent when the secondary collimation is omitted.

When a secondary collimator is used the jaws are open sa that the primary

field is larger than the opening of the secondary collimator. The secondary

colli mator should be placed at least 35 cm from the isocenter which


corresponds to a typical isocenter depth of 15 cm and a clearance of aL 1l'<1!4t

20 cm in order to avoid possible collisions \Vith tl1l' patll'l1t. or t.lw

treatment couch.

The purpose of the 3econd:uy collimator lS tn gl\'l' a varIable lil'Id

width along the rotation axis to compensatc for the vanat LOn~ III tilt'

radius of curvature arising in most clinical cases. As tIlt' ISOCt'ntcr dept il

becomes smaller the colhmator width should hl' madl' smalll'r to

compensate for the increase in dose.

Movmg source

Pnmary collimation (pws)

Secondary collimator (field slze)

......... ~~~'-Tertlary colilméJ.tlon (skln)

Figure 2.4 Diagram showing the collimation sysU'm

used in electron arc therapy .


The increase ln dose when the isocenter depth decreases or when

the ssn increases is the opposite of fixed beams and this can be

undcrstood as follows. as the isocenter depth is decreased (SSD increased)

and t.he field size is kcpt constant, the angle of the arc that will contribute

t.o the dose at a givcn depth wIll increase. This geometrical effect is

stl'onger than the change in output due to the inverse square law. The

angle mcntioned above if-, closely re:lated to the angle ~ which will be

dcfined in detad ln t.he next chapter.

LeavItt et al l15] have used multIple arc segments \vith secondary

collimators tallored to each segment to take into account the change in

radius along the rotation axis as weIl as to compensate for the change in

radius withll1 the transverse planes. This compensation is necessary sinee

with continuous arc rotation the monitor units per degree are constant,

whereas for a pseudoarc technique the compensation within the

transverse plane CDn be donc by giving a different amount of monitor units

tü each bram. They also presented a method for determining the shape of

the secondary collimator which calcula tes the field width needed to keep

the dose at a dcsired depth along the rotation axis constant. The final

result is given by

l(w) x F(w) = DarcCr o,d,O,5) x 1 Darc(r,d,O,5) OAF(ylL) 2.1

where Hw) is the ratio of the dose at a point for an electron arc using

the secünddry light field width w tü the dose for the same arc for a

standard field width, which in the case of Leavitt et al. is 5 centimeters.

F(w) i8 slInilar to Hw) but for fixed electron fields. The product I(w) x F(w)


is obtained from a graph as a function of the field Slze w. This plot is

obtained from measurements performed with the saIlW geo Illl' 1 l'Y as 1:-; us('d

during a treatment. Darc(r,d.y.w) is the dose to a point al dt'plh li t'rom ail

electron arc about a patient (phnntom) of radius r at. a di~talH'l' y slIpl'l'iol'

or infenor to the central plane ul(}ng' thl' dlrt'ct ion ot' t lU' l'otal IOn :l'\. t:-; 01'

along the length of the field, re~mltmg from a S('c()I1(!ary collimator light

field width w at isocenter. OAF(vlL) is the otT-aXIS ratlO for ,\ fil'Id width spt

at the chosen standard (i.e. , 5 cm) and L is tlH' chst :InCl' t'rol1l t Ill' l'(\nt PI' of

the light field ta the edge of the light field along t111' rot al 1011 dXIS

Darc(rQ,d,O,5) .. . D (d ° 5) 1S the ratIO of th~ do~e from l'h,ctron arc 1Il t1w cl'nt.ral

arc r, , ,

plane at a depth d in a phantom (or patient) of raùius ro for a heam sd al,

the standard field width of 5 cm compared wlth the dos(' for a radius r.

This ratio as been shown by the authors tn be g"l ven by cquatlOn 2 2 lllldt'1'

the conditions that the effective source posItIOn remall1s fixpcl and t.h,,\' t.hl'

arc is large enough to completely include the beam prolilp lilr th(\ fixl'd

beam for the worst case, that IS for the smallest radius uspd c1inically

This result was originally presented by Khan et al. [121 and is gwen by,

Darc(r,d,O,5) =[ro-d] x [[~~O+~J Darc(ro,d,O,5) r-d f-r+d

where fis the effective source-to-Îsocenter distance.

The choice of 5 cm for the standard sccondary collimator width IS

explained by Hogstrom and Leavitt [7] by looking lit the heam wldth and

dose output as a function of collimator width. FIgure 2 !j shows UJ(~ graph

they used in choosing the beam width. The data e()rrc~ponds 1,0 (] 10 MeV

beam, 85 cm SSD and a collimator placed at 45 cm f'rom the I~()center.

These curves depend strongly on the collimator position and on the


energy From the graph it is seen that 4 to 5 cm appear to be the practical

choice with 4 cm favoring the beam profile and 5 cm favoring the output.

It ~hl)uId he T10ted that this choice of field wldth constrains the

racüaI depth do~e; for exampIe, if one requin~s a ditTerent surface dose th an

the defauIt provided hy the 5 cm width, it will be necessary to use bolus in

order to adju!->t the surface dose and this also shifts the depth of treatment.

A~ will he ~een Iater, the surface dose can be set by the proper choice of

field width, thus eiimmating the need for bolus while increasing the

amount of skin collimation required to shield from the \vider field. This

degrce of frceù(lm IS difTcrent from the adjustment of the field width along

the rotation axis which still needs to be done in order to compensate for the

change of SSD or isocent(,f depth.

6 1.4 ,-.. n S Q u

~ 0 ~ 4 1.2 c::: Il ..-.,

"d 0-'-' Il ~ I.-.:l

~ 2 1 ~

n ~ !3


o 0.8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Collimator Width (cm)

Figure 2.5 Beam full width at half maximum (FWHM) and beam output as a function of secondary collimator

width. For d source collimator distance (SCD) of 55 cm,

a SSD of 85 cm and fOf a beam of 10 MeV electrons.

(Hogstrom and Leavitt [7] )


The last level of collimation is the tertiary or skin collimation whlch

IS needed to shield outsidc the target volume and to minimi7.l' tlll'

penumbra ut the edge of the targe!. volume. As lIo(ed abovl.', tlll' :U'l':I to IH'

shielded de pends on the fidd size 1.l~('d d1.lring the !.rl'atJ11l'nt and Il e:ln tH'

found from the beam profile's measured 1Il au'. T1H' la~t two hl':lm~ al. !loth

ends of the treatment arc ~hou1d not contnbutl' tn the do~l' .Ju~t 1\1~\(h' tlH'

tertwry colhmator, or at least thclr contributIOn "hould lw 1ll'/~lIglhh'. 'l'hl'

skin collimation shou1d a180 be used to l'l'duce tilt' pl'l1u1l1hm ill t hl' plall(,

perpendicu1ar to the plane of rotation

2.2.2 Pseudo-arc technique

Boyer et al. [3J showed the feasibility of using fixed elecl.roll l)('al1l~

delivered in an isocentric manner to produce a conti IlUO\lS pledroll arc

dose distribution. Their technique did not use any secondary rollimator

and the field size was defined by the light field pr()duc(~d hy UH' x-ray

collimator with the lower jaws defining the lield width (narrow dllllensJOIl)

and the upper jaws definmg the field length. They round tha!' a ("OIlt.IIlIIOllS

dose distributIOn cou1d be obtmned wJth overiapplJ1g fiplds all/~rH·d III such

a way that the cross hair at the center of a gIVC'Il fic·ld would COI/H'lrle- wlt.h

the light field edge of the adjacent beam Shght van:1I,10I1!-> of ~II rl:I('(' dos(!

were observed for energies greater than 12 M"V but wilh IIU 1l01.ICC·:lbh·

variations at depths greater than dmax . Fmlure t,o cho()!->e t1H' proper

angular step would result in scallopmg of the dose distributIOn (undl'nJo!->e

between the beams).

For example, for an angular interval of 10" and an if-,ocenter depth of

15 cm, the mimmum field width necessary to meet this (~nterIa can h(:


calculatcd from simple geometry tü be about 6 cm. Ta facilitate the

tr!ChnHjUe such an interval can be used for ail treatments using a field

wldth greater thall about f) cm for a typlcal case of 15 cm lsoccntcr depth.

The 10" mterval 1<; used as a standard angular step at :'lcGill [21. 231

2.2.:J Effect of beam parameters on percentage depth doses

When a mcthod like the angle-~ concept [21115 used, the shape of the

PI)f) didates the energy and the field sizc which will produce the required

dcpth dose characten~tics \Vlth this methoJ. the surface dose can in sorne

caSl'S ({(Jr wide field widths or large p's) surpass that of fixed fields. The

l' ffc cV, the parameLers have on the radial depth do~e will be explained

assuming a treatIlH'nt technique which uses the secondary collimation

and a constant SAD (:-,ourcc-to-axis distance) machine. The parameters

that wIll be discussed are the SSD or isocenter depth, the field width at

isocentl'r definl'd hy the sl'condary collimator. the radius of curvature and

the elcdron lwam energy. There are more parameters that modify the

PD!) :-uch as the tyre of collimation (secondary and tertiary), the effective

50UrCl' posi tion. Ow fi ('Ici shape as defined by the secondary collimator and

variable numher of monItor units per beam for a non-continuous arc

tL'Chl11qUl': howevl'r, thesc other parameters are more or less fixed by the

tL'l'hniqu(' anJ Lan hl' assuI1lL'd tu hl' constant throughout the treatment.

It 15 diflll'u!t to separate the em~cts of the field size from those of the

SSD (or lsocenter depth) since an increase in SSD produces an increase in

the field sizl' with respect to a cylindrical phantom of constant radius. In

addition. therC' lH the obliquity ctTect as reported by Ruegsegger et al. [25]

which has an opposite elIect to that of the SSD and field size.


The individual effect of the SSD on the shapl' of tilt.' PD\) \S sllch

that a decrease of the SSD (increa:"l' \l1 i::-Ol'l'Iltl'l' dl'pth) d\:-.pl:ll'l'S dma \

toward largcr d('pths, lowers the ~tlrr:ll'l' dm;l' and ilH'l'L':I~{,S tlH' photon

contribution around the isoccntcr. ThIS dl'l'ct is dUt' to OH' rad th:!l a point

at a decper depth wll1 n>main in the bC:lm longpr than a pOInt clOSt'!" to tilt'

surface, The obliquity l'trect becoffics more important. as t hl' 1 :-'1H'1'llt l'r

depth is decreased,

An increase in field size produces efl'eets ~\milar tll ;l\1 1 1 IlTl':ISL' III

SSD which can be understood by the argument glvl'n abovl' that. thl'

change in field size compared to the ::aze of thL' phant,olll is tl1l' p;IrallH'tl'r

linking the SSD and the field wldth eCl'cds Also, thc obl\(!t11Iy l'I'I'I'cl

increases wi th increasing field size, 'l'he ('ITect of tilt.' hl':I111 l'1H'rgy 111

electron arc lS not very differcnt from its effpct l'or fixl't! fï"lds, t hl'I'(' <In'

small variations In the degrec to WhlCh tht' :-.urf':\t'(' do!-.p l'h:Ill~~t'S,

especially for low energies [25] for which lt f'eems that thr' ohltrplltv dTl'ct.

overrides the velocity e fTe ct, The velocity efTect IS thf' challgl' III t.ht, l.illH' a

point along a radii will be irradiated hy Hw r()t.alin~ bealll a:-. (\ f'ulld,101I of'

depth along the radii, If the secondary collimator IS omittt·d alld .JII:-'t. t.h(· x­

ray collimator is used then the beam profile spread~ ou L d lW Lo the

increased scatter and the oblique pntry angle hecomes more llIlportallt 1 ~ l,

23] shifting d max toward the surface

The photon contamination accumulu tes at and around t lu' I!'>ocr!!l f.Pf

because of the rotational aspect of eledron arc therapy I~xprp~s('d as a

percentage of the electron dose at d mdx ' Lhe photon contributlOIl IIlcreases

with decreasing field size and SSD The close at the I~ocent.r·r cali "(~conu~

important, as much as 26 % for a boum energy of IH MeV, ,Ill ISO('Pfltef

depth of 15 cm, an electron arc of 1800 and a secondary collimator wldt.h of

---- --------------


!) cm fI5]. This dose is very much dependent on the machine (scattering

foils) and should be measured for ail treatment geometries used clinically.

Pla et (Ll. [221 have Jnvestigated the photon contribution for a pseudoarc

technique wlth angular mtervals of 10° and primary collimation only.

Figure 2.6 ~how the relative photon dose at the lsocenter as a function of

the field wllhh rJight field at lsocenter). The lncrease In photon dose for

small field vndth IS duc to the decrea~e in electron dose rate at dmax for a

rotational beam. The contamination also increases with the treatment arc

angle in the same way as rotational photon therapy, therefore for small

field width and a large treatment arc angle the photon dose at the

isocenter cannot be neglected.

20 -,--r-r--r-r-

'""'" ~\J (.,,, "-'

s.. ~ 1 5 ...., ~ (]) (.)

0 if.! ..... ...., 1 0 ~

~ if.! 0


~ 5 0 ... 0

...c: p..

o 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1

o 5 1 0 1 5 20 25 30 Field width (cm)

Figure 2.6 Relative photon dose at isocenter for an

electron dose of 100 cGy at dmax as a function of field

width for isocenter depth of 15 cm. The electron beam

energy was 9 MeV and the arc angle 180°.


2.3 Pencil beams in electron arc thcrapy

The genenc pencil beam algorIthm (Hog~trolll ct al. I~)j) fOl" IiXl'd

electron beam will be presented first and sub~wqul'ntly tllL' l'~t l'l1Siol1 tu

the algorithm for electron arc therapy will be presl'nted (Hog~tl'(}ll\ t'f al.


The purpose of the pencil beam algorithm IS to provldp a model l'or

the calculation of electron beam dose distrIbutions lIlclud1l1g t Ill' jll'l'S('lll'l'

of inhomogeneous tissue by making use uf CT data 'l'Iw pnm'lpll' or addll1g

pencil bearn distnbutions to obtam the distnbutlon of a \\'H!l' field \Vas first

demonstrated by Lillicrap et al. [16] (975) by companng t IH' ~\Il11ll\ati()n

of measured pencil beams with the mcasured di!->tnhut Ion of a hro;u! IH'arll

The pencil beams were measlifcd in a homogcneou:-, phantolll hut li

mathematical model is needed to predlct th0 dlstrihutlOn of thl' pencil

beams in inhomogeneous media since such IT1C(lSUremellts would 1)(,


A brief summary of the input data and the calculatloll stl'pS

involved in the model will precede the mathematical description of the

algorithm. There are two regions that are considercd 111 the algoflthm; UH'

air gap and the medium (or patient). The successive behavior of' LIli' fH'llcil

beams i5 treated as follows: the pencil heam~ start aL th,· boLLolll ('dg-e of'

the secondary collimator (electron apphcators or cones), spread III t1w (Ill'

according to measured data, penctrate the medium, and thcn spread

according to a mathematical model callcd Ferml-Eyges tJwory ba!-.pd on

multiple Coulomb scattering compounded tn the same spreadmg as in air.

The pencil beam has a profile that can be described In aIr and III medium

by a Gaussian; the Gaussian in the medium is in fact the convolution of


t.he in-air spreading with in-medium spreading. The dose at a point in the

medIUm IS the s um of all the penci1 beam doses at that point. The

spreadlllg of the pencil beams in aIr is obtained from a set of broad beam

profiles at various source-to-chamber disLd.:1C'pc;; the position of the virtua1

~ource can also be extrapolated from these rneasurements and used

subsequenUy lo take into account the beam divergence. The Fermi-Eyges

theory howéver does not include the 10ss of electrons as the beam

penetrates the medium and a correction must be app1ied to take into

account this depth effect. The PDD for the field considered is used to force

the result of the surnmation of penci1 beams to exactly reproduce the

measured PDD. This gives a correction function used thereafter in the

model that accounts for the electr(ln 10ss. The inhomogeneities are

i ncl uded 1Il the model by the use of CT numbers which directly gi ve the

linear stopping power from a rneasured calibration curve. An effective

depth is round along the line formed by the source point and the

calculation pomt that modifies the PDD correction and the electron energy

nt depth. The Fermi-Eyges theory also uses this data in finding the

standard dcviation of the Gaussian due to multiple Coulomb scattering.

2.3.1 Angular spread in air and virtual source position

The data used to de termine angular spread in air and virtual source

posi tion arc the beam profiles in air measured at various source- chamber

distances. The vlrtual source can be found by using the position of the 50%

point for each profile (distance from central axis and distance from the

source) and then fittinrr a straight Hne in order to find the intercept which

corresponds to the virtual source position as shown in figure 2.7.

1 0 ~

l'''--'--'-~'--· r-·- ,-


8 ,.

,-., • ~ S .-~ u ct!'-'

~~ 6 · ... 0 "t:l1O

rJ.l Il

.~~ 4 Isocenter ~O SAD = 84 cm 0"" ~


0 1 1 L-L_L __ L_l . L -' _

0 20 40 60 80 100

Source-chamber distance (cm)

Figure 2.7 Graph showing the intercept determining

the virtual source posit.ion for a 9 Mc V electrol1 heam

and a bearn width of 15 cm. The isocenter is 1(:i cm l'rom

the machine isocenter.

The angular spread, commonly referred to as (j8x (sigma-thcla-x), is

the standard deviation of the angular Gaussian distnbution which occurs

from the drift of electrons between the collimator and the patient surface.

This spreading in both off-axis directions explains the increase of Hw beam

penumbra as the air gap increases.

cre x


Figure 2 8 Diagram showing the geometric relation

between the penumbra width and the standard

deviation of the profile. Also shown is a Gaussian profile

with the standard deviation.



<Js x cau be calculated usmg the moments of the linear angular

scattering power as shown in Hogstrom et al. [9] but it is simpler to use the

slope of the plot of in-air penumbra width as a function of source-detector

distance. Figure 2.8 graphically shows how <JSx is related to the penumbra

width and the :-:;ource-to-detector distance, the tangent of the angle ($) is

proportional tü the slope of the line obtained by plotting the penumbra

width as a function of source-to-detector distance. The penumbra width

cau be defined either as the 90%-10% or 80%-20% width, and O'Sx can be

calculated using equation 2.3 .

(Je = 0.391:\ (slope of 90<7'(,-10(;0 plot x


= 0.595x (slope of 80%-20% plot

Effective source posi Lion

SSD SCD Secondary Collimator

Ul Ul

Figure 2.9 Schematic showing the geometry for the

pencil beam algorithm including a possible case of

inhomogeneities which are assumed as slabs by the

Fermi-Eyges theory.


2.3.2 Fermi-Eyges theory (Spreading in medium)

Eygcs modified the EmaIl-angle multiple scattering theory first

dcveloped by Fermi ta incl ude inhomogeneities with slab geometry

constraint and energy 1055, ta obtam what is known as the Fermi-Eyges

theory. The thcory eonsiders the inhomogeneities underlying the central

aXIs as slahs extending infinitely laterally and this is an approxImation

wlllch breaks down whcn mhomogcneous structures present sharp edges

paralI('1 Lo the beam (Flgure 2.9). Although the theory treats the energy

1088, it ducs not mc1ude the faet that eleetrons which are lost have their

cnergy completely absorbcd, resulting in a behavior illustrated in figure


'l'he basic Fermi-Eyges model gives the probability f (X,Y,Z) to find

an clectron at a depth Z with coordinates between X and X+dX, y and

Y+dY for an eleetron incident in the Z direction at (X=O, Y=O, Z=O) as

where 2.4

cr~CS = ~ LZ

(Z-u)2 T(u) du

and '1'( u) is the lincar scattering power of the medium, defined as the

incrcase of the menn square angle of deflectian per unit of path length at

dcpth u [T(U) ~ de:~u~ l cr2MCS is a measure of the width of the Gaussian


distribution and the subscript MeS stands for "l\lultipll' Coulomb

Scattering" .

Fermi - Eyges (no 10ss of electrons)

(j'Mes 1 True' behavioul'


Depth Rp

Figure 2.10 Depth dependence of the paramet.er ()MCS

(equation 2.4) as obtained with the Ferml-Eygl'~ thcory

eompared ta the aetual behavior wh en the plallar

electron flux is not constant.

cr2MCS is due only ta multiple Coulomb scaltering which (Jcclirs III

the medium but to this must be added the intrinsic sprpadillg, lhal i~, th(~

in-air spreading <J8 x . Sinee the beam distrihution 111 ,lIr I~ also a

Gaussian, the final distribution whcn convolutcd with t.he dl~trihl1tlOn

due to MeS remains a Gaussian with a charadcrislic wlflth given hy


(J2 rtJed = (j2 MCS + 0'8 x2 . This is the sigma which must be J.sed when

calculaling the dose in the medium.

2.3.3 Summa tion of pencil beams

The dose at a point P is given by the summation of aIl the pencil

beams starting within the boundaries of the secondary collimator. Figure

~.11 shows a diagram explaining the geometry of this summation. The

summation mu~t be done over the projected field size at the depth of

calculation in orcier to account for beam divergence because the algorithm

assumes that the ueam is para Il el.

'l'he dose to point P is therefore

Dp(x,y,z) = f f S(x',y') dex-x',y-y',z) dx' dy' projccted field



d(x,y,z) = fmed (x,y,z) g(z)

is the dose from a single pencil beam. S(x',y') is the source strength at the

exit of the secondary collirnator, fmed(x,y,z) is the pencil beam distribution

ohtained l'rom the convolution of the in-air and Fermi-Eyges distribution,

and g(z) is the fudging functlOIl that corrects for the 10ss of electrons. The

source strength is the parameter used to correct for the electron flux

changes at the edges of the secondary collimator. The primary x-ray

collimator is normally opened 5 cm or more larger than the secondary


collimator, minimizing the edge effect on the electron flux.


The dose at a point is computed by Întegrating over elementary pencil beams

Element clx', dy'



Source strength




Figure 2.11 Geometry for the summation of ppncil




2.3.4 Correction for 10ss of electrons

As previously statcd, the Fermi-Eyges theory does not eompletely

reproduce electron transport sinee it does not consider the 108s of electrons

when the cnergy is completely absorbed. To correct for this, the

summation shown at equatlOn 2.5 is forced ta be equal tü the measured

central axis depth dose:

Dmeasurpd(O,O,Z) =f ( dC-x',-y',z) dx' dy' lprojeeted field


where S(x' ,y') was taken to be equa1 to 1 for simplicity. From this equation

and [rom the definition of the dose due to penci1 beams, as defined in

equation 2 5, the function g(z) can be isolated and is given by,

2 1 [A( 11 Z)] [B (lI Z )] ) g(z) = [SSJ2+z] Dmeas(O,O,z) \erf SSD erf SSD

SSD fi O'med(Z) fi O'med(Z)


where the error function is defined as

erf(x) = ~ (X e-t2dt. Yi lo

2.3.5 Use of CT numbers

The CT numbers are used tü calculate an effective depth zeff using

the lin car stopping powers übtained from a calibration plot of Seo] as a

functiün of CT number. The linear stopping power Seo] = dE is the amount d.x

of encrgy lost pcr unit length by a charged particle in producing ionization


in the ab80rbing medium. Assuming that the Imeur ~toppin~ power IH

relatively independent of electron energy twhich is justitil'd whl'Il

considering water and normal body tissues), the l'n'l'dive dt'pth l~ round

with the following expression :

where Lü is the distance betwcen the- secondary collimalo!' and t1H' patil'nt.

skin. The origin is taken at the skin anu the-ref'ore the mt.eg-ration is dOlll'

from the secondary collimator to a depth z.

The function gmed(z) can be found fronl the efTl'ctiVl' dppth hy using-

g(z) for water or the function g(z) founu using the IllL'<lSUrL'd dept Il dOSl' i Il

water. The correspondence between the medium and wa(,l'l' i s dOlll'

through Zeff ;


In the calculation of O'med (from the Fernu-Eygcs result) the linear

scattering power T(u) is needed and it can be round through the llIean

energy Ez approximated by,

~. 1 ()

where EO 18 the average energy at the surface and should be calculated

from the relation Eo = 1.919 Rp (cm) + 0.772 . A table of val UC!S for

T water(E) is used to find T med(E) from the ratio T med(l~)rl'wat(!r(E) w hlch is

a8sumed ta be independent of ~.


2.3.6 Electron-arc pencil beam algorithm

The computing time tha t would be required ta calculate the dose

distrihution for an clectron arc usmg the basic pencil beam algorithm is

approxirnutely ~() times longer than a typical fixed-beam dose calculation

and this is clinlcally unacceptahle. '1'0 render the algorithm usable

cl inically f(Jr electron arc treutrnent planning Hogstrom et al. [6] treated

the arced beam as a single broad bearn defined by the irradiated patient

surface insHlc the terti3ry (skin) collim.ation.

The difTprence hetween the pencil beam algorithm for rotational

beams and Uw pencil bl:.lm algorithm for ~ingle bearns is in the way the

pencil healll:-' are added together Por the rotational beams. the pendl

bcams are first added along the rotation axis ta give ·'strip" beams and the

fi na) dose distribution is obtained by adding the strip bearns. The input

PD1) nceded 1,0 find the function g(z) is the radial depth dose produced by

an art'cd bcam. This algorithm is designed for a long and narrow beam

such as G cm x ~H) cm, with the long axis parallel to the rotation axis. Also

n('cded with this model are the profiles along the rotation axis at a depth of

d max and jllst. heyond Hp, for a single field set·up. These measurernents

shollld be done in water and with a typical SSD used in electron arc

therapy (about 85 cm). The major axis profiles at dmax are needed for the

dl.~tcrnl1nati()n of the off-axis weighting factor, a rnultipU cative factor

appliL'd to Ll1l' hnear ~cat.tenng power WhlCh partially accounts for large

angle scattered electrons not predicted by Fermi-Eyges theory. This factor

is uSl'd ta fine-tune the calculation to better match the penumbra.

As a wholc, this modified algorithrn for the dOSt' calculation of

rotational beaIns is the same as that for fixcd bl'am~. both llsing tlw Fl'rmi­

Eyges theory as the foundation for n"lultiple scattl'I'ing- within the l11l'dlllll1

and using CT numbers in the same manner.


Chapter 3

The angle p concept in electron arc therapy

3.1 Physical aspect

This technique is based on the angle p, a parameter which links the

IIght field wielth at the Ï:-,ocenter and the isocenter depth to simplify the

prediction of the elepth dose cun'es based un these varying parameters.

Il'lI;Ht'ë :1.1 shows t.he geornetrical definition of p dS a function of the field

size w, dcfined hy the light field produced by the primary collimator at the

isocentt'r, and the l::,ocenter depth The angle p i8 the angle between the

œn tral axis of two rotational beams such that the edges of their light

fields just meet at the patIent surface (as shown in figure 3.1). \Vith this

constramt, the hehavior of ~ as a function of the field size and isocenter

depth ean eusdy be deduccd. When the field size increases (keeping the

isocenter depth cOIlslant), the angle ~ increases and when the isocenter

depth increases (keeping the field size constant), the angle ~ decreases.

From ::-'lmple geometry, lt can be shown that lquation 3.1 dictates

t.he relation between the characteristic angle ~ , the depth of isocenter dl ,

the fil'ld size at the isocenter (l) w , defined by the light field, and the

physical source-axis distance f of the linear accelerator.



d· 1

\1 ~ -------

Figure 3.1 Schematic definition of the chaructenstlc

angle ~ in relation to the source-ax:s distance r, Uw isocenter depth d) and the field width w defined at

isocenter by the light field produced by the x-ray Jaws.

The treatment arc must be much larger than the ehanlcte"ist,ic:

angle ~ in arder to have a complete radial depth dose produced by ail the

contributing beams within the treatment arc and only wlH'1I thls

condition is valid can ~ be used tü characterize a tf(~atnwnL dose

distribution. It was shown experimentally that, for a constant f, ddfrmmt


combinations of w and d) giving the same ~, produce very similar radial

percentage dcpth doses [22, 23].

Even though the angle ~ technique is an empirieal one, we ean show

a theorical rationalization for the use of an angle as a parameter to

eharadcrize the radial percentage depth dose in electron arc therapy.

Lcavi tt el al. [15 J have dcrivcd the following equation:

Dnrc(d,r) = [f' + d _ro]2.[ 80(r)] D (dr) f'+d-r SO(rO)

arc ' 0


whcre Darc{d,r) and DarcCd,ro) are the rotational beam doses at depth d for

a cylindcr of radius rand rO, and f' is the effective source-axis distance.

This cquatlOn suggcsts the existence of an angle that cornes into play, 80 ,

which is proportional to the integral of the angular beam profile over the

treatmcnt arc (figure 3.2). Also the angle So is a function of the radius of

curvature of a cylmdrical phantom. In principle, the radial depth dose for

any cylindncal phantom (within practical limits) could be calculated with

cquation :3.2 from a single radial depth dose measured with a single

cylindrical phantom Wc attcmpted to reproduce known depth dose curves

usmg t.hlS l'quation and found that it did not give the expected shift in

d max . This probably means that 80 is not only a function of the radius of

curvature but also of the depth or, in other words, tl./O! proportionality

constant bctwcen 80 and the area under the angular profile curve is not

constant but rather a function of depth.


The inherent approximation in the ~ angle techniqlH\ is more

obvious wh en deriving the dose at a depth d for a cylindrical phantom of

radius r as a function of ~ using the dose profile intl'g-ratlOll Ilwt.hod

similar to that used by Khan et al. [12].

DarcCd,r) = Ded,r) û.) f

82 K(8,d,r) cl e



Pigure 3.2 Geometrical set-up for the rneasurcrnent of

an angular dose profile for use in electron arc dose

calculation .


The dose for an electron arc at a point in the phantom DarcCd,r) ean

be caleulated us mg equation 3.3, where KC8,d,r) is the angular dose profile

at a depth d for a cyhndncal phantom of radius r, DCd,r) is the dose rate for

a fixed field at a depth d and SSD = (f-r), (ù is the speed of rotation

(radians/min) and 8 1 , 8~ are the angle limits of the scan rneasured from

the radll of the calculatiün point. Figure 3.3 a) shows a typical angular

profile that would be used tü compute the dose for an arc.

(a) K(8)

K(8) (b)

13 angle concept

-pJ2 0 pJ2


Figure 3.3 Graphical representation of the

approximation inherent to the angle Il concept. The

profile is assumed to be unit y when a point is within the

light field (produced by the x-ray jaws), and zero



The second plot (figure 3.3 (b)) graphically shows the approxlll1ation

that must be made in order to derive equation 3.4 WlllCh g-iws OH' dOSl' at. a

depth d for a phantom of radius r, glVen a reference dose also at dppt h d

but for a radius ro and the two respective (Ys. 'l'lus apprOXlIllat IOn IS b"t iL'r

justified when considering the rntio of two dOSl'S as tt IS dOlH' III t Ill'

development of equatiol~ 3.4 sinee the integral in equatio\1 :~:~ is

proportlOnal to ~ (or sorne other angle), as discussed parhe .. wtt h t1H' l'l'suit.

of Leavitt et al. [15].

2 1 f' + cl - ro 1 ~(r) DarcCd,r) = DarcCd,ro)lf'+d_r '~(ro)

:~. ·1

The effect of the field size was dlsregarded in the denvat ion of t.hlS

equation, which is a reasonable assumption for sizes g-reat.er t.han tIlt'

practical range of the electrons. The rotation speed was also cOJlsidl'red


The ~ technique uses measured radial dcpth dOHc eurves, l'ach

associated to a characteristic angle ~, 1,0 compute the dose dist.ribuUon. A

set of radial PDD as a function of ~ i8 the basic data froIn which tlw isodoHl'

distribution can be calculated. EquatIOn ;~ 4 for d=() IS lI~('d t,o lilld t111'

relative dose along the surface (patient skin) wi th resp('ct 1,0 the dose ai li

reference point. The ~ technique can be used 1,0 force the surfacl.' dose ai

the beam entry points to be as uniform as pOSSIble by varylllg t hl' beam

weights within the same arc (pseudo-arc In the case of the MC<;dl r~

technique). The number of monitor units for ca ch bcam is proporttonal lo

the inverse of the surface dose, that is, if the surface dose deer('a:,(~s t.hen

the number of monitor units for that bcam must increase to cornpensate.


The calculation of the monitor units for a given arc assuming that

the nurnber of monitor units for the reference point is known, is do ne as



MU: = MU . [ f' - d) ]~. ~ref J ref f' -d CL

ref !-Il


where MU) and MUref are the number of monitor units fûT the ith beam

and the rel'erence beam respectively, d) and dref are the depth of the

isocenLer ulong the central aXIS of the ith and reference beams, ~i and ~ref

are the characteristic ~'s carresponding to thelr respective isocenter

dppths and fi i~ the effective source-axis di ",tance The actual surface dose

obtained \Vith the mOI1ltor UI1lts calculated with equation 3.5 will not be

absolutely uniform since tü obtuin a desired surface dose a11 of the beams

should have the ~ame weights (monitor units). As WIll be shawn in the

second part \Jf this chapter, the surface dose for a pseudo-arc treatment

wIth unequal monitor umts per beam can be calculated by a weighted

beam profile correction and the radial PDD can be scaled with the

caIculuted surface dose to reflect the same surface dose, giving therefore

the depth dose dIstrIbutlOn for that particular beam entry point.

In practice, the way this technique is used is as follows: i) the choice

of the surface dose and depth of maximum dose is made, and a PDD curve

is chosen from the baSIC PDD set, il) from the selected PDL we obtain the

characteristIc ~ at the reference entry point and the beam energy

required, iii) from ~ref and the patient contour which defines the isocenter

dl'pth at the rl'ference drer, the field width w can be calculated, iv) with w

constant for the treatment arc and with aIl of the isocenter depths at the .

---- ----- ",- .. -



entry points (di) the dose distributIOn and the amount of monitor umt.s per

beam can be determined. 'This method differs from the tixt.'d narrow lwam

technique in that the depth dose curve 18 ehosPI1 to suit tlH' phy~H'lall's

choice and ehminates the construction of bolus tn adJl1st t h~, :-.urfacl' dosl'.

Bolus is still used to replace missing tissue and to oITst't, tilt' dO~t' in critical

regions such as the lung in the treatment of the dll'st, wall

Figure 3.4 shows the radial percentage dppth do~-H' rurvl''' l'or

various values of ~ along wIth the curve for the statlOnary Ill'am TIH'

radial PDD's were measured in a cylinder of :30 cm radiu.; and tl1l'

rotational beams were given with a 10° incremrnt (21]. As p incI'l':uws t.IH'

surface dose increases and the dcpth of maximum dose clecrl'ë:\ses.



Cl.) (lJ

0 60 "'d Cl.)

> ..... ..., Cj 40 ....... Cl.)



0 0

Depth (cm)

Figure 3.4 Radial perccniage depth doses for various

values of ~ ~Oo to 100°) shown with thin lines compl.lred

to the percentage depth dose for a statlOnary beam

(thick line). (9 MeV elcctrons and a vlrtual source-axis

distance of 85 cm.)


In the calculation of a continuous isodose distribution the points

dcfining the medi um's surface are taken as if they were beam entry points

in the sense that they arc as~ociated with a characteristic ~ dlrectly

giving the dcpth dose curve The line within the medium to which this

depth dose curve bclongs is the line perpendicular to the surface contour

al the entry point considered. (See figure 3.5)

... .... .... .... ...


.... "

Figure 3.5 Diagram showing the line belonging to the

PDD obtained from the ~ calculated using the isocenter

depth of entry point A.

Inhomogencities can be included in the calculation of the isodose

distributions by the use of the effective depth in water (density t,ca1lng).

Howevcr this IS only valid if the inhomogeneous structures are cylindrical

1Il shapt' and concentnc wIth the machine isocenter. The inclusion of the

inhomogeneilies will givc a fairly good idea of their effect especially in the

case of the 1 ung w hen trcating the chest wall. The effective depth in water

(dwater) i8 round by summing the products of the path lengths (lJ) through

cach structure and their corresponding density (Pj)' The summation is

carried out l'rom the surface entry point to the calculation point in the


medium as given ln equation 3.6, where n IS the Humber of segments

between the surface to the calculution point.


dwater = l Ij' PJ J = 1

Pla et al. [22] investigated the electron dose rate nt. tlm.n: for tilt'

pseudo-arc technique used at McGill. Hcrc the dose ratl' at a gwen point in

t.he phantom is defined as the ratio of the given L'!t>ct.rol1 dosp t 0 till'

number of monitor units per st:ltionary eledron Iwam. It wa~ f'ound

experimentally that only the calibration for one combinat 10 Il of fi(,ld SIZl'

and ',socenter depth per electron energy is necded tn calculate thl' t'I('l't,rllil

dose rate for any other combination. For a constant 13, thl' i nv('rs(' squan'

law relationship using the effective source position Lan be lIsed to

calculate the dose rate for a different isocentcr depth as ShOWll in equat.Îoll

3.7 [Figure 3.6J:

This relationship makes sense because a constant 13 rncans thut the

measurement point will remain in the beam for the sume arnouilt of Urne

and, for electron beams, the field size effect is small for fi(~ld :-'lzes gl'patcr

than practical range which IS the case for the r~ pscudo-arc lcdllllqUC

Since in this case ~ is constant, the field size w{f3) can be calculatr!d with

the known ~ and the desired dI(B) with the use of equation :3.1.


The clectron dose rate for a rotational beam increases linearly with

the field width and a similar observation was made by Leavitt et al. [13, 14J

in their study of multilcaf collimators in electron arc therapy. The photon

contamination at the isocenter, as discussed in section 2.2.3 and shown in

fi~ure 2.fj, is inversely proportional to the electron dose rate at the nepth of

maximum dose for rotational beams, the higher the electron dose rate the

)owcr the photon contributIOn at isocenter since the photon contamination

does not change Wl th field size.

/ /

/ /



Points A and B have same p


Linear /,//

.!.ele/ationSh~~~ / 1


/ 1

/ /

/ -/-

/ /


w (B)

Field width


// dI(B)

w (A)

Figure 3.6 The combinations (w(A), dI(A» and (w(B),

dI(B» brive the same beta. The inverse square law is

used to go From the dI(A) curve tü the dICB). Then the

dose rate for different field width is found using the

equation of the li ne defined by the origin and point B.


Even though the dose rate can be calculated l'rom a ::;in~ll'

calibration point. it stIll remains necessary tn perform a cuhhratioll \Vit h

the treatment geometry used for every partlcular patil'Ilt ln pral'tll'l' t.IH'

number of monitor units for each beam is not eqllal dUt' to tlll' l'han~l'::; in

the isocenter depths as a function of the ~antry ang-ll' TIH' patll'Iü

contours may vary along the rotatlOn aXIH, thell a ~l'cllIHbry l'lllllInator

may be used to modulate tht.'! beam The do~{' ratl' l'alculatlOn pn'sl,tüpd

above was performed with l'quai monitor UIllt::; pl'I' lîl'am and t Ill'rl'I'orl'

small variations may occur. However this calclliation may lw llsl'd a::; a

good approximation for the purpose of obtaining the Isodu::;p distribution

for a given patient.

3.2 Isodose distribution calculation algorithnl.

This section will present the algorithm used in the treatment

planning program developed for this thesis project usi ng the

characteristic angle p technique.

The treatment plan with the p angle concept can he separatc'd into

two parts: first, the calculation of the number of mOilitor UllltS Jlel' beam

needed ta compensate for the change in lsocenter depth as a l'und IOn of the

gantry angle and second, the calculation of the isodose dlstnhu tlon WI thin

the patient using the MU's per beam calculatcd prevlOusly

The first thing necessary in the calculatlOn of the do~e distribution

1S the patient contour. Also required is a hOrIzontal hne u~(~d as a

reference for the angular orientation of the patient A ref(~rence pOint on

the patient surface is defined by the entry point of the hearn pointing

directly down or in particular for the Varian Clinac 18 at. the gantry angle


equa! 180 Q

• This reference point is needed in the calculation of the

treatment plan and also V/hen positioning the patient for treatment.

Patient contour Isocenter position

Calculate the isocenter depths dl for aIl beam entry points

Choose the beam energy

Choa se the reference p for wanted PDD

Calculate field width w

Number of MU for the reference beam.

Calculated or measured

Calculate f3's for aIl beams

Calculate MU per beam for all the beams in the arc

. " Figure 3.7 Sequence for the calculation of the number

of monitor units per beam using the angle p technique.

The position of the machine isocenter is determined by first marking

the treatment arc defined by the skin collimation and then placing the

isocenter such that il represents the center of the ciI'de that lits tlll'

treatment contour best. This way of chùosing thl' isocl'Iltl'r enSlll"PS a dose

distribution as uniform as possible \Vith the isocentt'I' po~lt IOn and tilt'

patient contour, the depth of Isocenter is calculated for ail Sl1t'f~\l'l' l'nt l'y


Figure 3.8

Patient contour Isocenter pllSlt 10 Il

Calculate the isocentcr dcpth as a functlOn of the gantry angle d( 0)

ChuracterÎsLtc angle I~W) as a function of the gantry angle

Radial depth dose as u function of the gantry angle

Profile correction for uncqual MU per beum

Isodose distribution

referenœ I~

Sequence for the calculation of the lsodose clistnhutloll

after the number of monitor units for each beam has he en calculated.


Once a reference point is chosen, using the depth of isocentre dref for

thls point and a scleded radial PDD which lJl turn gives the angle ~ref,

the width w can be calculated using equation 3.8 which is denved from the

~~e()llletrical definitlOI1 of the angle p (Eq. 3.1).

d . Pref w = __ ~~ef sm -2-

3.8 dref Pref 1 - cos--

f 2

The fi('ld \vidth w is then used throughout the rest of the treatment

plan calculation. By using w and ail the previously calculated isocenter

depths, the angle 13 ean be culculated for aIl the surface points within the

trcatmcnt arc, with the use of equation 3.9, (which is derived from

equatiol1 :3 1) and keeping oIlly the positive root since ~ must be positive.

2 [ 2 2 ]l _ 2 di ± 4 di + ~ _ 1 2

fw w 2 f2 .

-- [4 dT -1] w 2


'l'he sequence for the calculation of the monitor units per beam is

shown in the flow diagram of figure 3.7: the number of monitor units for

tJl(' referencl' beam MU ref is found as explained in the previous section and

as shown in figure 3.6, and then the number of monitor units for each

beam IS calclliated llsing equation 3.5.


Once the number of MU per bcam for aIl beams 18 known, t hl'

calculation of the isodosc distribution in the plmw l'on~:qdcrcd may lw

performed. Equation 3.5 g1Ves the MUs ncedcd tn Lompl'n~atl' t'Ol' t'hant~l'~

in the isocenter depth fùr cach bcam, but it assumes lwam:" wll h l'quai

monitor units and therefore, there must be a correctlUn fol' tlH' 1l11l'qU.l\

MU's of the beams (and this i8 why the MU's pel' lW;lm is l'l'quI l"l'd for t IH'

calculation of the isodose distribution). ThIs correction is a factor that

multiplies the isodose distribution calculatcd as If the t.rcatnH'l1t. hall l'quai

MU's per beam.

Central axis ofbeams at 10° intervals

Figure 3.9 Example of the placement of the Îsoccllter

represented by the circle. The radll shown correspolld to

the central axis of the beams of the pseudo-arc al, 10"

intervals. The referencc point i8 also shown.

The isodose distribution lS obtmned calculatmg the dose on a ~nd of

variable size and resolution. For each pomt on the grid there J!-' a pOlllt on

the surface which is the corresponding entry point (figure a 10), f(Jr which


the dcpth of the isocenter and therefore the characteristic angle p is

known From the value of ~1 \'v'e can find the rachal percentage depth dose

by interpolatmg the measurcd radial PDD. This interpolation 1S not just a

simple linear interpolatIOn between two sets of data since the depth of

rrWXlffil'm dose changes wIth p.

P. corr,P " .'J •

point P P K

, depth .......

Il .... '

." dp .:\

~ .. n .. 1



~ ~ -----.. r. " 9 ' 'w.<. ... :: .. > ........ ::..~ ....... ;.. .. .. .... ""'.""'C <>'

Figure 3.10 Diagram showing the grid points at

which the dose is calculated. For each grid point there

is a corresponding entry point P for which the characteristic angle ~p and the isocenter depth d p.

'l'he d max corresponding to ~p can be found by interpolating between

the drnax's of the two PDD's bracketing pp . In order to interpolate the PDD

valtws, the limax 's of the brncketing PDD's have to be made equal. The

l'DI) transformation to shift dmax , consist of maintaining the surface dose

and the last data point of the PDD constant, then the PDD values are

linearly shiùed 111 depth in arder ta obtain the target d max . The shift in

the curve i8 done by changing the depth and keeping the dose unchanged.

After tht' two data sets (PDD's) have been transformed ta the same dmax ,

• 50

the target PDD curve c:m be culculated by s1mply interpolat.in~ hetw('t\l1

the two transformed PDD's.

The dose at the considercd gnd point can tlll'll hl' round t1~1l\~

equation 3.10, which 1S the PDD ut the grid point. multiplil'd by tlll' ll1vt'r~t.'

square law, the ratio of the ~'s, the ratio of the SUrf~lCl' d()~t's and t 11l'Il by

the profile correction factor KprùfY .The ratio of t1H' surt'acl' d()~l' I~ lH'l'dl'd

to scaie the dose since the i\.IU's per beum arc calculatl'd to l'l!Ualtzl' tlll'

surface dose everywhere on the trcated surfacl' bu t as IlIl'lltiOlll'd lwlill'l\

the surface dose will not be totally equalized and thal is t Ill' rl'a~()n Il lI'

including the profile correction in the calculation

D PDD (d)[f/-dref]2 ~p PDDrpr(ü)II

at grid point = P f' _ np ~ref PT)DP(-6) '-prof, P :1. 1 ()

The profile correction factor (equation 3.11) is calculaicd fin' ail t.!H'

points on the patient surface using measured profiIc~ in air fiJr a series of

field sizes and source-chamber distances Figure 3.11 showf, the off-axis

distance for one bcam for the calculation of the off-axis l'aU, 1.

L [MU I OAR I (P)] K_ _ i (ail beams) .L~rof, P - '"

MUref L. :L11

1 (ail oeams)

Where OARI(P) is the off-axis ratIO from beam i to pOInt P on the

patient surface, MUi is the numbcr of monitor units for bcam i and MUrp (

is the number of monitor units for the reference bcam. 'l'he :'->um 1:'->

performed on the term for which the OAR i5 greatcr than !)(~J or up 1,0

beams ± 90° from the considered point P, whichever occurs tirs\"


beam # i central axis

.J..-..l----"""'\ P

Figure :3.11 Gcometry for the oIT-axis distance used ta

find the off-axis ratio for the calculation of the profile

correction factor. The source-chamber distance ean also

be round l'rom this gcometry.


The profile correction is assumed to be the same along a given PDD

linc, thereforc the shape of the PDD eurve al ways remains the same and

only the scaling is changcd. The profile measured . . . ln aIr lS an

approximation but again here we have a ratio for which the numerator

and denominator contain the same approximation.


Chapter 4

Evaluation of the angle ~ concept

4.1 Introduction

The evaluation of the angle ~ concept IS dont' by L'omp;u'ing a radl;l\

PDD calculatcd by a known treatment planning comput.er \VIth t111'

carresponding measured radial PDD used in the p algorit.hm lSf..'rt 1011

4.3.1). The isodose distributions produced with the 13 algonthm an' also

compared with isodose distributions mcasured wtlh film 111 a cylll1dncal

palystyrene phaLtom (Section 43.2). And finally, the ISO<!OSt' dl~tnbutlOlIs

calculated with the ~ algorithm, are venfied \Vith IIlP:lSUrelllt'lIts

performed using TLD's placed in a humanoid phantmll (Sedum ·1 :l.:n.

4.2 Input data

4.2.1 Angle ~ algorithm input data.

The radial percentage depth doses used for calculution of ISOÙOSP

distributions using the angle ~ pseudo-arc technique were obtained wlt.h a

30 cm diametcr cylindrical polystyrene phantom and the measlln~rn('nts

[21] were performed with thermolurninesccnt dosimetry C()mIH'is(~d of' 1,11"

rads (TLD-IOO rads, Harshaw Chemlcal Co, Cleveland, O/I) and a 'l'LI>

reader (Madel 2000, Harshaw Chcmical Co., Cleveland, (11) 'l'he i~oc(,l1ter

was placed at the center of the cylindcr and the numher of monitor UllIts

per beam given was equal for aIl the beams of the pseudo-arc No

secondary collimation was used and field width was dcfined hy the lower x­

ray jaws.


Table 4.1 a), 4 1 b) and 4.1 c) give the radial PDD's used in the

ca)cu)atIOn of' the isodose dlstributlOns for 9, 12 and 15 MeV nominal

electron beam energies. The depth of maximum dose is also given for each

~3 and is used as a data point when an interpolation is performed. The

different Ws were ohta1I1ed hy varying the field wldth \v smce the isocenter

is fixed and the same phantoffi was used throughout.

Tahle 4.l a) Percent depth doses for 9 MeV rotational electron pseudo-arc

bcams wlth characteristic angles p from 40° tü 100°. The pseudo-arc

angular incrcment is 10° and no sccondary collimator used.

p (0)

d mllx (cm)

d (cm) 40° 50 0 60° 70° 80° 90° 100 0

2.0 1.5 1.25 1.0 0.85 0.65 0.5

0.0 78.0 81.0 84.0 88.0 90.0 95.0 97.0

0.5 86.0 900 94.0 d7.0 99.0 100.0 100.0

1.0 94.0 97.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.0 98.0

1.5 ~)9.0 100.0 99.0 98.0 96.0 94.0 92.0

2.0 100.0 97.0 94.0 91.0 87.0 85.0 83.0

2.5 88.0 84.5 81.0 77.0 73.0 71.0 70.0

3.0 69.0 64.5 60.0 58.0 55.0 52.0 50.0 3 r: .tJ 38.0 35.5 33.0 33.0 33.0 30.0 27.0 4.0 13.0 12.5 12.0 12.0 12.0 11.0 10.0

4.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5

5.0 a.o 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

Table 4.1 b) Percent depth do::;es for 1:2 l\ll'\"

rotational electron pseudo-arc bl'ams \VIth charactrl"lst il'

angles (3 from 20° to 100e. The pseudo-arc an~~lllar

increment is 10° and no secondary collimator uSl'd

cl (cm)



1.0 1.5 2.0






5.0 5.5

6.0 7.0































dmax (cm)








90.0 78.0

61.0 40.0


10.5 6.5
























Dl G











'l'ahle 4.1 c) Percent depth doses for 15 MeV rotational electron pseudo-arc

bcams wi(,h characteristic angles ~ from 30° ta 100°. The pseudo-arc

angular increment is lOU and no secondary collimator used.

~ (0)

dmax (cm)

cl (cm) 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100°

a.5 3.2 2.8 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.25 1.0

0.0 6S.0 68.0 69.0 70.0 74.0 80.0 91.0 93.0

0.5 71.0 740 77.5 81.0 86.0 92.0 99.0 99.0

1.0 77.5 81.0 84.0 89.0 94.0 99.0 100.0 100.0

1.5 83.0 87.0 89.0 94.0 99.0 100.0 98.0 99.0

2.0 88.0 92.0 94.0 98.0 100.0 98.0 95.0 95.0

2.5 93.0 96.0 98.0 100.0 99.5 94.0 91.0 89.0

3.0 97.0 100.0 100.0 97.0 94.0 89.0 86.0 83.0 3 r,: .<J 100.0 99.0 97.0 92.0 87.0 82.0 79.0 75.0

4.0 99.0 96.0 9l.0 84.0 79.0 73.0 71.0 66.5

4.5 93.0 88.0 84.0 740 69.0 63.0 62.0 58.0

5.0 82.0 77.0 72.0 63.0 57.0 51.0 50.0 48.0

5.5 67.0 62.0 58.0 49.0 44.0 39.0 38.0 37.0

6.0 47.0 44.0 40.5 33.0 30.0 27.0 27.0 26.0 6r,: .<J 27.0 25.0 24.0 19.0 18.0 17.0 16.0 15.0

7.0 14.0 13.0 13.0 10.0 9.5 8.5 7.0 7.0

7.5 8.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.5

8.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0

9.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0


The profiles uscd in the calculation of the profile corrections Wl'rt'

measured in air for 9, 12 and 15 MeV. Fur each ellergy tht."' protiles wen'

measured at source-chamber distances (seO) of ~o tu 100 ClH in :-.tl'ps of !)

cm and, for each SCD, at field widths of 5 ta ~35 cm in steps of !) l'Ill g"lving- a

total of 35 profiles for each energy. The bcam length \Vas kl'pt l'()n~ta\lL at

15 cm. The rncasurernents were perfOfmetl using- a diodp dett.\ctol' wlth a :~-

D isodose pIotter (RFA 7 , Scanditrunix, Uppsala, Swecll'n) and thl' p\'oliks

were scanned along the width of the beam FlgUt'l\ ·1 1 shows t 11l' !) l'vlpV

profiles for SCD 90 cm for various field wldths. Fq.~lln\ ,l.~ givp:-; a

comparison of the profiles for the beam energies 9 and Hi LVh\Y, SCl) !)() CIll

and for a field wid th of 15 cm.


o '.;j 60 ro 1-< rn

• po<

~ 40 ro ~ o


9 MeV SCD = 90 cm

10 15 20 25 3035~ 5 Field width

o ~"-,-'-L--L-J...-'--"---"'-'----'--"'---' o 10 20 :JO

OIT-axis distance (cm)

Figure 4.1 Profiles for 9 MeV electrons measurcd in

air for SCD 90 cm and field \fidths 5 to 35 cm.



80 ,--. --9 MeV t~ ~

- - - - - - 15 MeV 0 60 ..... .... C'j s... <Il .r:::

40 ~ C'j

~ 0


0 0 4 8 12 16 20

Off-axis distance (cm)

Figure 4.2 Profiles for 9 1'.le V and 15 MeV electrons

IIlcasurcd in air for SCD 90 cm and field widths of 15


4.2.2 Penci} beam algorithm input data.


The companson of the angle P concept with the pencil beam

algorithm is donc usin~{ the pencil beam algorithm for fixed fields and not

wit.h the "strip" bcam olgorithm since in this study the calculation time

wus not cntlcal and because the "strip" beam algorithm assumes small

beam widths of typically 5 cm which is smaller than those used in the p

concept.. M uIt ipl(' fixed beams of the pseudo-arc are summed to ob tain the

elcctron arc dose chstribution and this is compared to the dose distribution

obtained with the ~ technique. As mentioned in chapter 2, the pencil beam

algorithm requires a certain number of input parameters in order to

calcula te the dose distribution.


The input PDD (figure 4.3) wus lllcasurcd with a parallt'\ plalll'

chamber (Keit.hley 616 Digital Electrometcr l..onncctcd tn a SIl1\1 Planl'

Parallei air ionizing Charnber) and the ubsorblllg medium COJl:-;iskd or polystyrene sheets. The field size was lOx 10 cm 2 as :-,ugg(,:-;tl'd hy

Hogstrom et. al. [91 and the source tü skin distancC' was 100 Clll. 'l'ills PD\)

is the one the pencil bearn algorithm uses tü calculatc the functllll1 ~(z)

given at equation 2.7 .

100 1 Iii i 1 1 rr,T 1 1 1 111

80 Rp = 4.2cm

60 Eo= 8.16MeV

Cl Cl P-4



00 1 1 Il 1 1 1 1 1 1 L.L...L.1:::rrCl-. 1-J L

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

depth (cm)

Figure 4.3 Percent depth dose curvc for 9 M eV

electrons, lOxJ 0 cm2 field size, SHD 100 cm. 'l'his PDO is used as the input PDD to the pencli beam algorithm.

From the ionization measurements the average ini ti al electroll

energy was found to be 8.16 MeV and the practical range 4.2 cm The

gaussian spread of the electron bcam in air (j8 x was calculaLr~d wll,h

equation 2.3 using the beam profiles for the 15x 15 cm2 fil~ld sizc (as defill(~d


by the x-ray Jaws) and source to chamber distances 95 to 120 cm in steps of

fi CIn. This beam profile was measured the same way as explained in

section 4.2.1. The resultIng <J0x was 47.6 milliradiants. The15x15 cm2 field

size used here was chosen as Ull field size closest tü the field width giving

an angle f3 of 80° for an isocenter depth of 10 cm which is 13 9 cm. A

cylindrical phantom of 20 cm in diameter was assumed ln the cornparison.

The la~t parameter required hy the pencil bcam algorithm, the

source-to-collimator distance, was set at 30 cm. This 18 the distance from

the phy~lcal source to the lower edgc of the lower jaws; sinee in the ~

techmque the secondary collimation is generally omitted, the distance

choscn is adequate for UH' purposc of comparison of models. This distance

also dPll'rnllne: .. the air gap WlllCh contl~butes to the electron beam spread.

4.3 Evaluation

4.3.1 Pencil beam calculation.

A 20 cm diameter cylindrical phan tom was also assumed in the

simulation with the GE Target 4 treatment planning system and a

no mi nal elect.ron beam encq,')' of 9 MeV was used. The field size required to

obtain a I~ of SOU was calculatcd as 13.9 cm and this field size was used

throughout tlH' plan The fixed beams were defined at every 10° (gantry

angle) creat mg a full ~H10° pseudo arc.

The radial PDD obtained from the pencil beam algorithm (GE

Target 4 soft\'.'are) gave a d max of approximately 1.6 cm which is smaller

t.han the 2.2 cm oÎ the single fixed beam input PDD shown in figure 4.4 .


This shift in dmax is Bot as great as what the n1casuH'd l'nI) for ~~ ::: ~O"

gives. The surface dose also shows a discrepancy, which IS mort' rt'll'v:1nt

clinically since the goal is Lo treat as unifonnly as posslhll' t'rom t Ill'

surface up to a certain depth.

depth (cm)

Figure 4.4 Radial PDD extracted frorn thl' d()~w

calculation with Target 4 treatment planning comput(!r

compared with the measured radial PDU fè)r a I~ or HO".

Field width = 13.9 cm, SSD = 90 cm and isocpntpr <IepLh

= 10 cm

A possible explanation of the differences hetween the I~ tp('hll i qlW

(measurements) and the calculations using the 2-D pencIl beam ;jll~(JrithJJl

i8 that for larger field size the efTect of obliqUlty might.. not. be ad(~qlla Lely

modeled by the pencil boam algorithm Figure 4.5 is an dlllst.nltlOn of the

possible deformation that might occur to single pencil beam when (!/llering

a medium at a certain angle. This change in the single penc:il ~H!am


ùlf-llribulion i:.; not modelled in the 2-D pencil beam algorithm. \Vhen

conf-liù(~rlng multiple bcamf-l delivercd as in the pseudo arc technique this

ohliquity cffecl could add up to give a considerable effect.

.. ,. ......

Defarmed \ pencil beam

\ ... / " \.

\ 1. 1 1


Central axis

Figure 4.5 Possible moddication ta a single pencil

bcam dose distribution when obliquely entering a


4.3.2 Measurements with film.

The procedure followed to expo~e and obtain tlll' dose distnhlltion

from a therapy verification film (XV2 , Kodak Inc., Roche:ster, NY, U.8 A) is

as follows;

i) The film was eut in a darkroolll to fit on a ;W l'Ill (h:\Ilwt.l'1"

polystyrene phantom. The film's envelopc was kept. in Ot'dl'!" to protl'd. tilt'

film from the Cherenkov radiation that occur in Hw absorhin~ IllC(IIUIll, in

this case polystyrene.

ii) The film was then fixed on one sluh of the phantoill \VII Il ;1 slllall

plece of tape and sandwichcd with the (lther slab of' t1w llhallt.olll l1~illg

opaque plastic tape (black clectncal tape) the two part:-- or tilt' phantolll

were taped and tightly cIamped togethl'r with large C-clamp:-, !'l'ad, fi l!llll

thick, \Vas used as a tertiary collunator to ~hicld the low('I' h,dl' of' t.1ll'

phantom and to eliminate the shlClchng l'lIed of UlP clamps

iii) The cylinder was then posltionc·d wlth t1H' iSOC(!lltP!' cOIllCHlrllg

with the geornctric center and the film wa~ eXjJoseù wlth LIli' rf'qlIln'"

number of monitor units per beam to conform wIth the simulat.1011

iv) The film was processed \Vith an auLomatJc pro('('!->sor alld Ul<'

optical density \Vas measured using a scanni n~ densl LOIlll'Lpr WI th a Il

aperture of 0,5 mm. The net optical demilty (measured op!'lc:!1 dPIlSlty

minus base plus fog) was normahzed to 100% at the mén.llllUllI dt'fl!->Ity

value along the reference radii.

Four isodose dIstributions calculated \Vith the f3 ulgorrthm compared

with isodose distributions measured with film in a cyhndrrcul p()ly~tyrene

phantom will be illustrated below in figures 4.6 to 4.9.


The number of monitor UI.tÏts given for the cases shawn in figures

4.6 tü 4 9 were chosen so that the optical density remained entirely within

the linear region of the H&D curve of the film. For the XV2 film [5] the

Iinear reglOn corresponds to doses less than 50 cGy. This facilitates the

procedure Slllce the relative dose distnbution c::m be obtained directly

l'rom the optlcal density measurement wlthout any conversion function.

A cornmon point ta the four examples given here is that the

shielding at the surface of the phan.om is not modeled in the P concept

treatment planmng pragram, but the surface dose changes mostly within

2 to :3 cm from the edge of the shielding and this can be taken into

consideration wlwn the treatment arc is determined. The difference in

dose penetI atiOI1 is very evident with the dose distributions shown below.

The s.1ift in d max can easily be seen between the Ws of 50 0 and 80 0

and the calculatlOns directly prediet this shift. IL is important to

remember that with electron arc therapy the most uniform distributions

are obtained when the geometry lS as close to a circle as possible and this

can generally he :"atJ:·,fied wlthm a normal treatment arc sueh as an arc

contuined wi thin the left or right si de of the chest wall. With such

geometrics, the modeling using measured radial PDD with circular

symmetry cun be used with confidence.

Calculatcd l'vlcasured


Figure 4.6 Companson of the film rneasurcnH.'nLs WI th

the calculation with the P technique for 9 MeV

electrons. The field width to have a P of GOG was 14.7 cm,

constant number of monitor units per bearn was :~ and

the dose at dmax was 30 cGy .


Calculated Measured


Figure 4.7 Companson of the film measurements with

the calculation with the ~ technique for 9 MeV

electrons. The field wldth to havp a 0 of 80° was 21.8 cm,

constant number of monitor units per beam was 2 and th~ dose at d max was 30 cGy.


.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------~

Calculated Measured


Figure 4.8 Same as figure 4.6 but for 15 MeV



Calculated Measured


Figure 4.9 Same as figure 4.7 but for 15 MeV




4.3.3 Humanoid phantom.

The isodose distribution shown in figure 4.10 was calcllbted ll~in~

the treatment planning program developed for thls thesls and it

corresponds to the experimental set-up used by Pla et. al. [211 . This was

calculated here as one test for the program SInce the distnbution l"l'fl'ITl'd

to had been verified with TLD llH'aSllremC'nts The progralll calcul:l !,lOns

are practically identical to that of Pla et. al [21] and t.he \,pry ~Illall

differences can be attribllted to the different calculatioll n'sol ut IOn For

this study the dose was calculated on a grid with 1 mm resolution \VIllie III

the case of Pla et. al. the dose was calculated on tllP hne::; IWJ"pt'Ildiclllar to

the surface beginning at the central axis entry points of' UH' pseudo arc

beams which are at 10° intervals. For a geometry such as in figuJ"l' ·1 10,

where the isocenter is placed at the vicmIty of the center of a transverse'

slice, the resulting surface dose is fairly uniform.

The computer programme calculates the number of MU per heam,

the corresponding Ws, the surface dose corn'cLed for uncqllal monItor

units (profile correction), and the isodose distnbutIOn. The MU pe,. IH'am

are the MU's that are used when the treatment IS given tu the patient.

The effect of bolus may also be taken into comiHlcratlon hy the

computer programme simply by includiüg the bolus in the patient contour.

#MUperbeam 21 ~ 80

surface dose 90


\ 91 83 70 62 23 26



-7950 30

--- 78 48 31

""'-7847 31


\. """77 32 '\ 77 48

51 31 29

Figure 4.10 Calculated isodose distribution using the ~

concept for a transverse slice of a Rando humanoid

phantom. This distribution was aisa calculated by Pla

et. al. in refcrence 21.

Chapter 5



Electron arc therapy i8 the modality of choicc 111 the trl'atnll'nt. of

certain large 8uperficial tumors following curvcd surrace~. llowl'vl'I' 1I1l'

treatment planning is complicated and the paLient prl'paration is t.inw­

consuming which discourages the use of this t.l'chniquc by .·adiotlwrapy


There are basically three methods for calculat.i ng l'ledrol1

pseudoarc isodose distribut.ions using: a) measured angular dosl' pro{ilps

and radial depth dose, such as Leavitt et al. [lGI have proposl'd, hl a Pl'I1('!l

beam algorithm modified for electron arc t.hcrapy [(j 1; and r) tilt' anglp-I\

concept developed at lVIcGill [21]. The first two an' g-l'Ilerally u:wd wll Il a

fixed field width, usually about 5 cm, and bolus t.ü control holh Uw surf'ac('

dose and treatment depth. "Vi th the angle-~ t.eChl1lqlH.', t.he fil'ld sizl' is

calculated from the depth of lsoecnter and the sl,lecleJ radiai 1)(·rcl'llI.age

depth dose. In this case bolus may be used tn reduce t.he dos(' t.o IIILprnal

structures but the shielding required 1S more elaboralc due lo the largC'r

field width, normally about 15 to 20 cm,

The p-coneept's fundamental feature 18 the cslablishnH'nl of il

simple relationship between depth of isocentrc, field wldlh, :lnd <lllgie Il,

with two special characteri8tics: a) a given angle 11 can tH' o!lt:llllt'd l'rom

different combinations of field width and depth of' 1f,OCentl'c, and h) (iH' C':!ch

different PDD there is a unique angle p which cha"aclenz(!s t.ill~ PDD,

The implications of these two special propertws of the angl(~ r~ cone(~pl are

very important clinically: prior to a treatment the radioli1craplst, ba~(~d 0/1

the depth of treatment, ean select the best electron cneq~y and PDU,


which in turn gives the angle ~ to be used. Once 0 is known, the tre:atment

geometry, i.e., selection of isocentre and field width, can be defined to

provlde the requef-,ted 13 and therefore the requested radial PDD. If the

placement of the Isocenter 18 such that a good circular geometry is

obtnined, the angle p will only vary slightly along the treatment contour

thcreforl' producmg the required radial PDD with only minor variations.

The POD 18 less sensitive tn variations in 0 for larger 13 angles, of about

HO", than IL is for' smaller ones of about 40°. Thus larger 0 angles render

more uniform do!->c dlstnbutlOIls along with a higher surface dose which is

usually a treatment. rcqUlrement.

With the 0 techmque the inclusion of inhomogeneities can only be

donc, strict.ly spealong, for eylindrical geometries.

As wc have seen, the pencil beam algorithm does not seem to predict

correctly thc measured shlft ln dmax Bor the surface dose, while the 13

technique accounU:; for both properly.

One possible improvement for both calculation techniques would be

to join them in sorne way that would incorporate the best of both, namely

the ~ technique's ability to prcdict PDD's, and calculations that include

CT#'s as cloes the pcncil bcam algorithrn. The way it may be possible to do

t.his is by using the r.~ concept as F\ PDD generator that would give the PDD

to bl' used in the calculaliol1 of the fudging function g(z) of equation 2.7 .

Each stnp beam could be calculated with a new g(z) that would reflect the

Îsocenter dppth <.lt the reqUlred position. Also with this merging, a

treatmcnt rl'quiring multiple energies could be done the same way with

the radial PDD's for the particular energies.

• 72

The computer program developed for this work calcula tes isodnst'

distributions disregarding the efTect of the tertiary collimation placl'd

directly on the patient's surface; with this approxlInation. tlw distributIOn

is only valid starting from about 2 cm from the ('tige of the ~hü'ldlllg 'l'he

patient contour can be entered in minutes and t hen the isocl'nt l'r l'an \w

chosen with the help of adynamie circle (t.he l'l l'cl l' chan~es whel1 the

isocenter is moved within the patient contour) which gU1dl'~ t Ill' uspr fol'

the best fitting circle ta the patient treated contour. 'l'Il(' dlOSl'1l l:-'lH'l'nt.t'r

can be changed at any time tü optimize the dose distribution lllltii LIll'

geometry of the treatment bccorncs satisfactory The prog-ram outpub lIll'

treatment plan which consist of the number of monl tOI' uni ts Ill'r Iwam

required by the ~ technique and the correspondmg I~()d()~t\ dlstnbutlOIl.

Sinee this program was written for the Macintosh eornputer the llspr

interface or its appearance to the user is such that cverything- ('an be donc

visually and interactively.



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