Electro-Dermal Screening - Pure Vitality...

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Transcript of Electro-Dermal Screening - Pure Vitality...

Electro-Dermal Screening Table of Contents

Module 5

Electro Dermal Screening 2

History of Electro Dermal Screening 4

How EAV works 7

EAV Machines 11

What EAV is measuring 13

Homeopathy` 16

Nosodes and Sarcodes 16

Imprinting 17

ElectroDermal Screening Research 20

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 1

Electro-Dermal Screening

Electro-Dermal Screening is an amazing technology that can help you identify things

that are going on with your clients. We are encountering clients with so many more complex

issues and toxicity levels, and these toxins and chronic infections have to be cleared up for a

client to regain their vitality. We also have a constant bombardment of radio frequency radia-

tion from cell phones, cell phone towers, computers, etc...and can stress the cells and the ad-

renals. These things make it complicated when working with clients on their health.

Maybe it was because I was one of those complicated cases myself, but I don’t think

you can successfully heal people these days without becoming a health detective that knows

how to deal with all of these things.

So, how do you identify what toxins a client is dealing with? Some practitioners think

that they can just do a generic type of detox with their clients and it will fix all of their prob-

lems. But what if that client is only a little bit toxic, but actually has a mold problem in their

house? The detox can help, but will not get them well. Until you address the mold in their

house, they will not get well.

So you need a way to find out what the main toxin or body burden that is affecting the

client. Is it mold? Or an infection? Pesticides they were exposed to on a farm where they

grew up? Or maybe a hidden dental infection? All you need to know is how to find these an-

swers and what protocol you need to use to get the client well.

There are several different things you can use to gather the data to find out the main

things affecting a client. One way is through muscle testing or kinesiology. This is a tech-

nique that you can learn that uses the body’s own autonomic nervous system to determine the

stressors of the body and what supplements that person needs. Now there are many different

techniques that have been developed, from Klinghardt’s ART, NRT, Brimhall’s method, so this

type of testing can be very valuable. But they are dependant on the skill level of the practitio-

ner or whoever is doing the muscle testing. It can be difficult to learn and the practitioner can

influence the results if they are not careful.

I’ve also found that clients have a harder time understanding it and they may think it’s

not scientific or valid. I have used it myself both as a client and as a practitioner, and found

that it could help pinpoint the main issue, but it didn’t give enough information on the overall

issues. Many can find a helpful remedy, but it could not find the root cause as well as I would

have hoped it would.

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 2

So, I have found that muscle testing provides a limited amount of information. As a

practitioner, I was initially drawn to it because it did not require me to buy expensive ma-

chines and devices, and it was pretty easy to learn. But after realizing the drawbacks, I

wanted to use something that was more scientific and accurate. And that is what Electro-

dermal screening was able to provide me.

Where muscle testing is dependant on the muscle strength of the client, and how long

they can withstand you testing by using their muscles to gather the data, electro-dermal

screening can test for thousands of things in just a few minutes. So, the amount of informa-

tion you can get through electro-dermal screening is much greater than with muscle testing.

Now there are more equipment costs with electro-dermal screening, but the trade off

in my opinion is well worth it. It also is typically better received by clients as a testing modal-

ity. I personally have experience with 4 different electro-dermal screening devices and I think

all of them can be used to get successful results with clients. So, I’m gonna give you the pros

and cons of each one, so you can make an educated decision if you decide to purchase one of


But first, I want to take a moment and talk about what electro-dermal screening is and

why you should utilize this amazing technology. Electro-dermal screening is based on the me-

ridians. Chinese medicine discovered the meridians initially thousands of years ago, and they

found that they are energetic channels that are like the electrical system of the body. And we,

in western medicine, used to not believe that they were real but finally modern science has

actually verified that they are real. They’ve injected radioactive dye and then have been able

to trace these throughout the body. The Chinese believe that the flow of life energy or chi, in

these channels, relies on the remaining imbalance and free of any blockages and our ability to

stay healthy and fight off disease is dependent on this vital flow of energy and so we’d like to

think of it as the electrical system of the body. Electrodermal screening devices allow us to ac-

cess using galvanic skin response, the state of each of these acupuncture meridians and there-

fore can tell the overall health of a body. It also allows us to find what could be blocking any

of these meridians and this is where the real power of this technology lies. All substances,

whether they’re living or nonliving, have a frequency or resonance.

Any tissue or organ of the body, any bacteria or virus, has its own frequency. Now, just

like when an opera singer hits a high C and shatters a wine glass because she hit the same

frequency as the glass molecule which causes it to vibrate until it shatters, all other substances

have their own frequencies. In EDS, the energetic signature or frequency of many different

substances is introduced into the testing circuit, and then the patient’s response is assessed

through skin resistance measurement using an Ohm meter.

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 3

Galvanic skin response is a well established principle that’s also used in lie detectors.

The way it works is the electrical conductance between two different electrodes placed on the

skin is measured and then the patient is subjected to different skin stimuli and then any

change in the skin conductance is recorded by the ohm meter. So this device sounds really

new but actually has been around for awhile. The basic concept for EDS screening was the

invention of Dr. Rhinehard Voll, who was a medical doctor and an acupuncturist in Germany in

the 1940’s. And he discovered that the acupuncture points would actually conduct electricity.

All the other parts of the skin would not conduct electricity and he found that the skin resis-

tance at the acupuncture points was 50,000 ohms compared with 200,000 and 2 million else-

where. So this acupuncture points were actually able to conduct a tiny bit of electric current

that was able to pass through the body more than any other tissue of the body.

Many other researchers have also verified that the electrical conductance of the acu-

puncture points is a lot greater than surrounding tissue. So Voll then began a lifelong search to

identify the correlation between disease and changes of the electrical resistance of these acu-

puncture points. He thought that if he could identify the electrical changes of certain acupunc-

ture points with certain diseases then he might be able to identify those diseases more easily

or earlier before they manifested into full blown disease. By the 1950’s, Voll had learned that

the body had at least a thousand points on the skin which followed the twelve lines of the

classical Chinese meridians. Each of these points Voll called a measurement point and he

worked with an engineer, Fritz Warner, and he created an instrument to measure the skin re-

sistance of these acupuncture points, is patterned after the galvanic skin response and he

named this point testing.

So in 1953, Voll established this procedure that became known as Electro-Acupuncture

According to Voll and that is where we get the acronym EAV. Voll understood that the body’s

ability to conduct this energy could be measured and that one way to do that was to measure

the flow of electrons through the meridian pathway. He used an Ohm meter, an instrument

that basically measures electrical resistance or how easily a substance can conduct electricity.

He used the Ohmmeter to measure the electrical resistance at the body’s acupuncture points.

And based on his correlations between the physical exams of these patients and the conduc-

tance measurements, Voll determined that the electrical resistance of the meridian channels

varied between healthy and unhealthy people. Voll determined the amount of resistance in a

healthy person and developed a scale, a number scale from zero to 100 to distinguish healthy

from unhealthy. A healthy or balanced meridian is within the range of 45 to 55 with 50 being

optimal. Any deviation from this range is considered out of balance so values above 55 have

more energy and indicate inflammation and values below 45 have less energy and indicate

stress or possible degeneration.

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 4

Voll identified many acupuncture points related to specific conditions and published a

great deal of information about using acupuncture points diagnostically. For instance, when a

person with a normal liver has the frequency of a healthy liver put into the testing circuit,

there will be resonance and the liver will test in the 45 to 55 range or in balance as we call it.

A lack of change in the person’s skin resistance indicates that the liver is not stressed. If on

the other hand, a person has an energetically stressed liver, there will be a higher flow of elec-

trons on that meridian and it will show as a reading of higher than 55 on the machine. And if

the person has a liver that is degenerating, there will not be a good flow of electrons running

through the meridian, so the liver point will test as a lower than 45. By testing each organ

and system of the body, the practitioner can get a really good idea of the area of the body

where the problem lies.

Now, here is where it gets interesting, Voll made an interesting discovery using this

technology, and he really found this out by accident. He was testing someone and they went

off to lunch and when they came back the person had actually went home and gotten one of

their supplements that they take and he put it in his pocket and so when Voll went back to

testing him, he found that the point he was still working on was actually in balance and he

asked the patient “what have you done?, what did you do? We went out to lunch but why has

this changed?”. And he said, “oh I just went home and got this supplement”. And he took it

out of his pocket and put it on the table, and then Voll retested the point and it was back out

of balance again and then he took the supplement and he put it back in his pocket and the

point was in balance.

So, he could remove the bottle and put it back on the client and consistently get differ-

ent reading when the bottle was in his pocket as compared to when it was not. Now, at first

he was very confused about how a closed bottle of a supplement, outside the body could af-

fect the acupuncture readings but what was even more strange was when he discovered that

that actual bottle of the supplement could change the readings when it was in contact any-

where along the closed circuit involved with the testing procedure. Voll began to try to figure

out what was going on here. So he inserted a metal plate into the circuit and found that many

substances that caused changes in the acupuncture points when taken internally could actu-

ally produce the same changes when placed on the plate even when it was in a closed bot-

tle. He assumed that there must be some kind of electromagnetic energy being emitted from

these substances or this supplement and that somehow these energy fields travel along the

electric circuit to the body. So Voll and other scientists have conducted various experiments

and in an attempt to characterize or quantify this energy that is being measured and as yet

there really has been no clear consensus of opinion on how exactly this works. So

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 5

basically when an herbal or nutritional remedy is put into the circuit by placing it on the metal

plate of the device, an out of balance point would move towards 50 bringing the meridian back

into balance if the product was helpful to the patient. When he tested the balanced meridian

point, and then re tested it with a substance that the person actually had an allergy to then it

would affect the balance energy on that point. This would indicate that the person was allergic

or sensitive to that substance.

The goal of the practitioner is to define one or a combination of things that will balance

the points or cause the reading of the meridians to be as close to 50 as possible. And the prac-

titioner can test all kinds of different things basing that selection on the different knowledge or

experience that they already have until an appropriate solution is found. The thing that bal-

ances the point may have a positive effect on the system being measured and be basically the

most recommended dietary supplement or medication. And if there is no response, then basi-

cally that would indicate there will be no effect on the system and then if the person gets

worse, the points get worse, either too high or too low that would indicate a negative effect.

For instance, the pancreas point on a person with diabetes will become balanced when the

proper dose of insulin is placed on the circuit but it will show an out of balance reading if re-

fined sugar is put on there.

Since Voll’s machine there have been many different types of EAV machines developed

over the years. Dr. Shimmel, a medical and dental physician and researcher from West Ger-

many, developed the Vega Test or Vega Machine. And this was a culmination of thirty years

of development in German electroacupuncture. It has actually become very popular and has

actually come to the U.S., England and Australia. And then in 1979, an American named James

Clark, launched a machine called a Dermatron and this was the world’s first computerized EDS

system. And then after 16 years of research and development, he introduced the LISTEN sys-

tems to the world, this was in 1991. And this is the second generation computerized system

that allowed for faster and simpler operation with more accurate results. The testing was able

to check for different substances up to 18,000 things. And then the LISTEN system was the

basis of Biomeridian system which was released in 1998. This was a fully Windows compatible

system that could test 29,000 things. This is when energy medicine became more widespread

and clinically accepted and there was a lot of research that started to be done on it. And then

in 2003, this technology evolved to a system called the Asyra. And aside from software devel-

opments the most important change that was created with the Asyra was there was a filtering

process so that the information that it gathered allowed it to do single point testing. So there

was no more point testing required where you had to touch the probe to the different acu-

puncture points; instead the client would hold two metal rods and the system would automati-

cally screen them for all the different things and so it was an automated process. It was a ma-

jor advance in this type of technology. It made it much faster, completely non-invasive, you

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 6

developments the most important change that was created with the Asyra was there was a

filtering process so that the information that it gathered allowed it to do single point test-

ing. So there was no more point testing required where you had to touch the probe to the

different acupuncture points; instead the client would hold two metal rods and the system

would automatically screen them for all the different things and so it was an automated proc-

ess. It was a major advance in this type of technology. It made it much faster, completely non

-invasive, you also eliminated the use of point testing because they use a hand cradle and the

client would rest their hand on it, it would scan the client’s hand to collect the data.

So how does EDS work? We have touched on this but I really want to make sure you

understand it because you need to know exactly what it does so that you can convey that in-

formation to a client if they ever want to know more than technical background. But EDS is

basically like a thermometer which measures energy. A thermometer measures heat while EDS

measures electric flow. It’s using a simple low voltage circuit, using one volt of electricity and

it is created by holding two brass hand masses and the response of the body to those signals

is recorded by measuring changes in the electrical resistance of the skin using an Ohm meter.

And this information is relayed back to the software and a report is generated on the computer

of any responses that are outside of certain limits so the health status of an organ will affect

the concentration of ions at the measurement point on the meridian.

It is considered that the inflammation of an organ can cause an increase in the ion

concentration and this enhances the flow of electrons that causes resistance to decrease so

the conductance actually increases. On the other hand, the degeneration of an organ can

cause a decrease in ion concentration that hinders the flow of electrons so the resistance in-

creases which makes the conductance decrease. Sorry this is so technical but I really want to

explain this. So a measurement of each point or each meridian is taken and if the point is bal-

anced in the 45- 55 range, that indicates health in that area. And so any deviation from this

range is considered out of balance. so values above 55 have more energy and indicate inflam-

mation and values below 45 have less energy and indicate a weakening or degeneration of the

body. So the point that is most out of balance, meaning the highest point, the most stressed,

or the lowest point, the weakest point, basically tells you the area that needs the most support

and that is where you do the most testing from, to find out what’s causing that.

Are these tests accurate? There have been at least three double blind assessments of

EDS reported in the American Medical Literature. In 1989, Ali reported in the American Jour-

nal of Clinical Pathology, the results of a double blind test comparing the results of an IgE anti-

body level for various varieties of pollen and molds to EDS testing to the same antigens. The

results showed that the tests matched 73%. Another physician who has evaluated EDS in his

office is Dr William Rae and he is in Dallas and he is an internationally known pioneer in

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 7

Environmental Medicine. He set up a simple double blind situation using a number of people

who had reacted adversely to a challenge test with various antigens and for whom they were

trying to find the optimal dosage for neutralizing those reactions. So neither the patients nor

the person operating the machine knew the correct dosage. And so they used this technology

to test a number of treatment dosages and they found that it was 80% accurate. And the in-

teresting thing was all the misses were basically one dilution away from the optimal dose. So

it’s easy to determine what the optimal dose was even in those ones that they did not get ex-

actly right. Now, the machine may also occasionally misidentify an allergen as positive or it

may not catch one that the client has an issue with, so but although it is not perfect, double

blind studies using this technology have definitely shown a better correlation with food allergy

testing than any other known test. So EDS seems to at least be as reliable or more reliable

than other forms of allergy testing. So, it has been my experience that the results from EDS

are able to give a clearer picture of what the client actually has going on in their body than

what they can get from other forms of testing, even medical testing. So while it is not 100%

accurate, I still find the information that it gets me is so valuable because it cannot be easily

obtained from any other testing. And I find that it is very much worth it.

So, is the testing repeatable? This is an interesting point because as you are testing

the body and getting these responses, the body is being sent information in the form of differ-

ent remedies. So this exposure to different remedies will actually help to balance the body’s

points, to balance these acupuncture points. And so it will have a good effect in the body. So

basically if you want to do one test and then do another test fifteen minutes later, it will vary.

So it is going to be more accurate the first time around and then if you can wait a day or two

between each test that is actually going to give you a better, more accurate result.

Are these EDS machines a diagnostic device? Now, legally the operator or the practi-

tioner is not able to use the word “diagnosis” unless he or she is a licensed medical doctor, of

course. They can only recommend certain supplements or modalities based on what they find

but they cannot diagnose disease. So energetic indications of disease, or health issue may be

revealed by the testing and you will certainly see words that look like diseases on the devices

but the practitioner would have to refer the client to a licensed practitioner, medical doctor for

diagnosis or verification of this problem. So the practitioner can only tell the client what points

are out of balance and suggest supplements of modalities to bring the points back into bal-

ance. So because it’s looking for the root cause, these causative factors can be found for the

patient’s problems but this is also not a diagnosis, but it’s an indication or a factor that could

be involved in their current health problem. So it’s really important on how you word things to

a client. Don’t say, “Well I see a bacteria that is affecting your health” but rather you can say,

“I see an energetic marker for a bacteria that could be affecting your health.” The other thing


Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 8

this machine, also is also picking up things affecting the energetic level of the body not just

the physical level of the body. So it really not wise to tell clients everything you see on the

screen. Some things like cancer indicators or other diseases or other pathogens should really

not be told to a client, that is just opening yourself up for a serious legal situation to happen

and we do not diagnose. So you have to be really careful with the wording and we will get into

that in some future lessons.

What exactly do the results like these signify? Basically the way you interpret these

things that show up on the scan, if an area of the body shows up as unbalanced, and then the

machine is able to find the balancing item, whatever it is that is going to bring the body back

into balance, basically what that is going to tell you is that the body is going to benefit from

further exposure to the homeopathic frequency of that item or a supplement of that item. The

EDS test is able to identify different items that the body can to benefit from learning how to

adapt to and these can be a wide variety of things, it can check for foods, pathogens, chemical

toxins, emotional patterns and many more things.

How do we use this technology to help people regain their health? This is really an indi-

vidual thing, so there’s a number of different paths we can go down but I have found that I

use the information provided by the things that are brought up on the scan to make a homeo-

pathic imprint of those items is to allow the immune system to target those things, but then I

also use the data to recommend certain supplements, a certain dietary protocol, certain other

healing modalities. So each practitioner can recommend various remedies according to their

particular area of expertise. So most commonly this looks like nutrition, supplements, herbs,

enzymes, homeopathy, detoxification and emotional based therapies which is basically what

we are teaching you how to do in this course. So this technology essentially helps you become

a better health detective and like all detective work some clues are more important than oth-

ers and some are actually going to be red-herrings. And this is why we combine the informa-

tion from EDS with the other information we gather from the client intake form, maybe their

lab work, and where they are in the healing template to create the best protocol possible.

Health practitioners, just like good doctors develop and rely on their intuition; meaning that

healing is just as much an art as it is a science. This technology does not remove the need for

a practitioner to have good training and obviously intuition but it can help them do a more ef-

fective work in a shorter period of time.

So does the results from the EDS test correlate with the client’s symptoms? Well, the

answer to this is kind of surprising because sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t. So, it

is always reassuring to us as practitioners for what we see on the scanner, what we see in

EDS, to confirm the things that the client is already saying that they have going on on their

body. But the way this machine works is it is identifying the root cause, it also is identifying

the priority that needs to be dealt with first and that may actually not exactly correlate with a


Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 9

symptoms unless you happen to know that the symptoms could be caused by that particular

thing. But usually there is multiple layers of root causal factors affecting the client’s health at

one time such as chemical toxins, candida, heavy metals and food allergies. And these root

causes can affect the body and manifest as symptoms in many different ways. So there is

really not always a clear relationship on what is causing what but as you go through this

course you are going to learn more about the relationship between root causes and symptoms

and how to identify what is causing what.

A client state of health can be quite complex and I liken it to trying to put together a

puzzle but without having a picture of the overall image you are trying to make. But with EDS,

it is going to give you that overall picture so you can see more clearly what you need to focus

your attention on to get that person well. So when we want to help a client undo patterns

that have been engrained in the body over years and decades, basically we can see this proc-

ess as like stripping away layers, kind of like the layers of an onion. So this type of testing es-

pecially this scan for causal factors reveals the body’s first priority for healing, and they may

or may not correlate with the main symptoms the client is experiencing but as we peel away

more layers, different aspects of the health problems start to reveal themselves and get

healed and go away.

Now that you realize you need to get EDS into your practice, what machine should you

buy? What machine is best? And that’s a very tricky question. I have actually owned and used

four different EAV machines over the past seven years. So, I will give you my advice on the

issue but of course, but please talk to other practitioners, get their feedback because every-

body has a different opinion. But first of all you need to know that no EAV machine is 100%

accurate. From my personal experience, some are more accurate than others for sure, and

even the best ones are about 80 to 90 percent accurate, depending on the skill of the practi-

tioner if it is a point testing device. So about 10 to 20 percent of the data will not be accurate

but the majority of the time it is going to give you enough data that you need to figure out

what to do with a client. Now, I know some of you are not going to like this but I just found

this to be true. So to compensate for this, I found that doing more testing will allow me to

gather more data, which helps me find the answer. For instance, the other day I saw a client

that had Aspergers and usually that is caused by vaccine injury, right? But the very first visit,

the first scan that I did did not show any sign or indication that vaccine injury was on his

causal scan, or it was not on the brain scan, and it just didn’t show up at all! But what I found

was that there were other that needed to be dealt with first in his body. And then on the sec-

ond visit, it showed up all over the place. So obviously, things can be there but if they are not

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 10

a priority or if they are not something the body is not ready to handle yet, its not necessarily

going to show up right away. Another thing you can do that I have done with many clients is

that, if I am dealing with a really complicated case, somebody that is really sensitive or they’ve

got all kind of issues going on, and if the results are not clear, and I really don’t have a good

game plan, then I will ask them to come back to see me again for a Part 2 session so I can do

another scan and gather more information from their body on another day. Maybe they had a

rough night that night and their body is in a state of crisis or maybe they have just not been

drinking enough water and they are dehydrated and that can affect the readings from the ma-

chine to a degree. But whatever the case, there are things you can do to address this issue.

Here are my experiences with a few different EAV machines. The machine I originally

started with was a Biomeridian MSAS Professional and this machine has a very special place in

my heart because it is the one I learned on. It is the one I started using right after I got my

health back and I apprenticed under an awesome practitioner and this is one of the best EAV

machines, in my opinion. The only draw back is of course, it uses point testing which takes

time but this machine is very accurate when you know how to do the point testing precisely. It

also has a large database of items that is already built into the system and also can be cus-

tomized to your own needs, you can make your own point test for all kind of things. They ac-

tually have come out with a new type of probe in the last several years but I actually used the

old style probe to take the readings on the acupuncture points. So the main drawback on this

is just the time that it takes. But when you get proficient at it, it works great!

Another EAV machine is called Avatar and it is made by Veradyne. And this is very,

very similar to the Biomeridian and it is a great point testing machine. And I used this one for

about a year and I found that it was very extremely precise with the ability to target the causal

factor. The software is really easy to use and navigate to find whatever you need. And I feel

like it is one of the better machines out there. The only drawback that I had with it is that I

found that I could influence the readings if I didn’t use that point probe exactly right. So for

me, it just didn’t work as well as a Biomeridian did but I think that was a personal issue be-

cause I talked to other practitioners who didn’t seem to have that problem.

Another one is called the Zyto which I already mentioned. And the Zyto’s technology

does not use point testing but it uses a single hand test for skin resistance which they call a

hand cradle and this makes it much easier for the practitioner as well as faster to gather the

data. While I found that it was able to identify the root causes pretty well, it didn’t seem to be

quite as accurate as the other machines I’ve used typically for other testing like food sensitivi-

ties and other things like that. So it is not my favorite but its ease of use makes it very valu-

able for a lot of practitioners.


Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 11

And then the fourth one is the Asyra or Quest 4 and I got that after using the other

EAV machines and I decided to invest in it because I need to get other practitioners in my of-

fice up and running with the same clients and I needed a way for it to train somebody so they

didn't have to learn to do point testing. And I am so glad I invested in this machine because it

is so easy to use, it doesn’t require the point testing so it doesn't have that long learning curve

that is involved and you can actually run a scan in minutes.So we can actually run all the scans

we need to in about 15 minutes with the client so this saves us so much time and it seems to

be just as accurate as the other ones I’ve used.

So whatever machine you decide to use, know that it is going to be a tremendous aid

to create the ideal protocol for your clients and enable you to be a health detective. Just re-

member as great as the information it provides you obviously take into consideration other

data from the lab work, the intake form, and all these other things we are teaching you in this

course so you can take that into consideration as you create the best protocol.

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 12

Part 2

I want to expound a little bit on EDS to give you a little bit more of a foundation be-

cause what we are dealing with is actually a device, it does not diagnose or cure disease, we

are actually balancing the meridian pathways that have been compromised by different patho-

gens or different things. And because this technology is not based on chemistry, it is not

measuring actual, different things in the body it is actually based in physics and this is an im-

portant point because basically we are dealing with electronic or bioenergetic signals and this

is another reason why it is totally different from a medical diagnostic instrument and it should

not be implied as one.

Chemistry and blood testing and medical testing look for symptoms of disease. These

are things that actually affecting the physical body. But with this type of technology, we can

actually pick up on indicators before symptoms actually show up.

According to Dr. Fritz Popp, in Germany, all the cells of the body possess a resonance

frequency and actually emit electromagnetic waves. He says that disease is caused by elec-

tronic oscillations which hinder the unrestricted flow of energy in an organ or organs. These

energy congestions lead to blockages which can significantly impair the unrestricted flow of

healthy oscillations. These can be detected before symptoms can occur. He had an amazing

discovery. He found that all living cells of plants, animals and humans emit biophotons, which

is actually light which cannot be seen by the naked eye but can be measured by special elec-

tronic equipment developed by these German researchers. Basically photons are light particles

without mass and they transmit information within a cell and between cells. He found that the

DNA of living cells store and release these photons and he basically called this biophotonic


Another fascinating characteristic of these photons is their coherence. In a healthy

state the emission is more coherent than anything man has ever developed. Quantum coher-

ence means that subatomic particles are able to cooperate. These waves know about each

other and are highly linked by bands of electromagnetic fields. They can communicate with

each other. It is kind of like an orchestra were all the photons are playing together but as indi-

vidual instruments they are also able to carry on playing individual parts. So biophotonic emis-

sion is the communication system that transfers information to many cells across the

body. When they looked at healthy individuals they found that these biophotons were very

coherent and in rhythm with the world. In very sick people, they lost their natural rhythm and

coherence. It is like the lines of communication were scrambled and they lost their communi-

cation with the

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 13

world. In effect their light was going out. So when Dr. Fritz Popp said that disease is actually

called by electronic oscillations which are blocking the flow of energy in an organ or sys-

tem, that’s basically what we are dealing with with EDS.

What we are doing is when we are scanning the body, we are finding these additional

electronic oscillations that are locked in the body that are caused by different things like xeno-

biotics or toxic chemicals or different things that have affected the body, heavy metals or all

kinds of things are actually creating these imbalances that are blocking this electrical flow. And

so our job as practitioners is number one, to identify them and to unblock them so that the

body can go back to homeostasis. If the body is not able to deal with these things and there

has been ongoing exposure, and the disease gets further and further down the road, the body

cannot get rid of this electronic oscillation or toxin and accepts it as itself and it basically

means it is accepting offending signal, it becomes part of the body, becomes part of the self

and so sometimes when you do EDS and you are looking for the different toxins, if the body is

not able to deal with these toxins, they continue to congest the body and cause it to break

down and obviously hinder the flow of these biophotons causing eventually disease.

So our job as practitioners is to find out what are these extra electronic oscillations that

are hindering the body from wellness. And with EDS they have a built in library of thousands

of different energy signals or frequencies of different things. They come with a database of

thousands of different things that you can actually check for to see what is affecting the body,

whether it is different toxic chemicals, whether it is environmental pollutants, heavy metals,

dental problems, materials from dental fillings, geopathic stress, it could be different allergens,

different pollens or grasses, or animal dander, it actually has different phenolics, mold and

fungal pathogens, infectious things like viruses, bacteria, vitamin deficiencies, they contain so

many different things because there is so many different factors that could be affecting the

body and we need to be able to scan for all those different things.

So, how does this technology actually do this? Well, Dr Voll, in the 1950’s, actually cre-

ated the very first Electrodermal Screening device and it was about the size of a dresser and it

had all these different drawers and basically it was hooked up to its ohm meter but inside this

dresser were all these different little vials of homeopathic nosodes that are basically like dis-

eased tissue. He used homeopathic preparations in little glass vials and there was a little cop-

per wire that was attached from the machine and it wrapped around each little vial so he could

do the test. He also had all different remedies that would be more like supplements. So after

he tested all the different meridians to see which ones were out of balance and in balance, he

then used the most out of balance point whether that was the highest point or the lowest

point and then he would challenge them with those different things, the different toxins or the

different diseased states to see what brought that point back into balance.

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 14

That basically told him what the issue was. Now this technology can get confusing because a

lot of times it is hard to interpret because if you are checking something and it’s a toxin and it

brings that person back into balance, why would a toxin bring a person back into balance if it

is something that is not good for their body? So, what I want you to understand is that it de-

pends on where you are starting from. You are either checking to see if a point is in balance or

out of balance first. When you are looking for different things that are affecting the body you

want to use a point that is out of balance. If you are using their lung point to test, and then

you go and you check for all these different toxins it might be affecting their lungs most of

those are not going to affect the lung point and it is going to stay testing out of balance. But

when you find the thing that is affecting the lungs, it’s going to bring that point back into bal-

ance, as close to 50 as possible. And so that’s how you know what’s going on. So whether is it

a toxin you are testing with the lung point or a supplement because if you find a supplement

that brings that point back into 50 then that’s the best supplement to give that person that has

a lung issue, so that their lung point will get back into balance.

So when Dr. Voll was using his device toxins in different conditions in the body, he

made a very interesting discovery and that is where I want to take this from his discovery and

show you how it’s applied today. Because he found that when he opened the drawers and saw

some little vials that he was using, he found that the little copper wire that was wrapped

around those vials had gotten loose and wasn’t even touching the vial and he was still getting

good results. And he couldn’t figure out why this would be but eventually they just realized

that just having the name of the substance was enough for the machine to be able to get the

correct data and get the correct reading.

So that is kind of how this modern day EDS devices are set up. Like I say because this

is not based on chemistry and when you see all these different things in your database you are

actually going to read, that is actually anthrax. But the person who created this technology

did not go get all those different substances, put them on the test plate and imprint them so

they would be on the database, it is just not physically possible. And some of the things that

are on the database are things that basically you can’t even find and actually physically put on

your test plate to begin with, like emotions and different mental states and things like radia-

tion or cell phone radiation, things like that. That is how this technology works. It is basically

using the words the body recognizes as an actual substance when we test for it. So they have

taken that into consideration when you put things into your database, you don’t have to have

the physical item in your office to be able to put it unto your test plate, you can just program

it in the system and it will still recognize as that substance. So, what are all these substances

and how does this work? EDS is based on homeopathy and this is a type of medicine, it is an

alternative type of medicine that stimulates the body’s own natural healing abilities

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 15

and so basically it is based on the Law of Similars that “like cures like”. If one substance in

large quantities can cause certain symptoms, then they found that the same substance in very

small doses can completely cure those same symptoms.

This was basically discovered by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the 1790’s. He was re-

searching quinine at the time, and he discovered that taking large amounts of the cinchona

bark, which was the source of quinine, would cause fever attacks in malarial type of symp-

toms, the same symptoms that quinine cured. So after more experimentation, he found that

other substances did the same thing. Smaller doses cured the problem caused by the large

quantities of these things. So he worked to discover the smallest effective dose because this

was the way to avoid side effects. And he found that the more the remedy became diluted

with water, the more potent it became. He found that even these dilutions were there wasn't

even truely a single molecule of the original substance still in it, was still effective but it was

very unaccepted by the general scientific community at the time. But because it worked, it sur-

vived and it is still working to this day.

Homeopathy is what Dr. Voll used when he was working with the EDS equipment. So

nosodes are basically homeopathic remedies that are derived from diseased tissue or they

are toxic substances. They are highly diluted so there is no actual harmful substance in them

but what they do is when you take them internally they stimulate the body’s defense mecha-

nism and the body starts to remove this toxin, whatever it is that was targeted by the homeo-

pathic. They are mainly eliminated by the lymphatic system but I have personally found that

they actually come out of the body through the skin as well. So it is really important to take a

lymphatic drainage remedy and extra drainage support whenever you give a client a homeo-

pathic nosode detoxifier.

Now a sarcode is actually the opposite, it is actually a homeopathic preparation of

healthy tissue, it’s giving the body the blueprint of how it is supposed to function. For instance,

you can have a thyroid sarcode that can help support the thyroid and give it the extra informa-

tion it needs so it knows how to function the best way possible.

EDS also uses dilutions, homeopathic dilutions, to give us more information on these

different pathogens or different toxins in the body. This is based on Samuel Hahnemann’s

method of making homeopathic remedies, where he would take one drop of the mother tinc-

ture, mix it with nine drops of a mixture of water and alcohol and succuss it, which is shaking

with impact and then that would be one of the remedies. So it uses a series of letters and

numbers to indicate the dilution rate of these tinctures. So basically, one drop of the mother

tincture with nine drops of the water and alcohol is considered a 1X potency or 1X dilution. Or

if you have one drop of 1X with nine drops of water and alcohol it’s considered a 2X dilution.

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 16

And the dilutions go even higher than that! If you would take one part of the mother

tincture and ninety -nine parts of water and alcohol mix them together and succuss them, then

you would get what is considered 1C dilution rate. So obviously this is helpful if you are a ho-

meopath to be able to know what potency the client needs to take of a different homeopathic

remedy. But we also utilize this information in EDS to tell us a little bit more about the actual

issue that we’re testing.

The potencies start at V and X and go up from there to C and K, then M and then LM,

and then the higher potencies CM, LM and MM. So these potencies basically can indicate

things to us as practitioners. If you are testing something and it pulls up that is a V or X po-

tency along with a number, what that is telling you is that whatever you are testing whether

it’s a toxin or pathogen or nutrient, it’s telling you that that’s a serious thing that’s affecting

the physical body. If it is a toxin, then it is most likely physically present. If it is a pathogen it

is most likely present, if it is a nutrient that indicates that the person needs that actual nutri-

ent, they are very deficient most likely. And if it is a hormone that shows up as an X or V, that

means that they are too low on that and they need to have that hormone as a supplement or

a homeopathic imprint. Now if it is a C or K potency, that indicates that it is possibly present

but it can also be affecting the emotional level of the body. It is usually important to give the

client the actual nutrient if it shows up as a nutrient deficiency. Things that are showing up in

the M potency or higher are actually affecting the body on an energetic level or maybe things

that the body has dealt with in the past but there is just a little bit of residue left over so it is

something that they dealt with years ago but is not really altering the physical body at the mo-

ment. But still there can be energetic oscillations that need to be dealt with and gotten out of

the body for the body to be well. So these are things you’d want to give only as imprints or

homeopathic imprints using the device.

When I say imprint what do I mean by that? When I use the word imprint is basically

the way we can use our EDS devices to be able to neutralize the different things that are

showing up in the EDS assessment and using homeopathy. We are not talking about using a

mother tincture and diluting these substances on down by hand, we are actually able to use

this technology to make a electronic version. Basically what it does is it takes different fre-

quencies of those substances, the actual weighed form and it actually is able to electronically

imprint that waveform into to liquid medium, which is water with a little bit of alcohol in it.

This waveform is actually recognized by the body as the actual substance.

A German physicist, Wolfgang Ludwig, who basically found that different frequencies of

homeopathic remedies all had their own unique waveform pattern. And so there have been

different ways that EDS devices as well as other devices, like the wave front, has been able to

utilize this technology to basically duplicate the resonant frequency or waveform of any

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 17

substance. So that means you can actually create a homeopathic like remedy out of anything!

So while this process is not making an actual homeopathic, this remedy, the imprint, carries

this resonant signal into the body as an alert signal that works just like a homeopathic would.

So, let’s talk about how we can utilize this technology because I’ve used this with great

results and like if you have a child that has some sign of vaccine injury or autism, and you see

that they test well for like a vaccine chord, what you can do is you can customize it because

you have done the assessment. You know exactly what vaccines are showing up that’s affect-

ing the body. So what you can do is pull up the vaccine that’s affecting the body, find the dilu-

tion rate, and then put the vaccine chord on the test plate or inside the device, however your

device works and imprint that into the vaccine chord. So what happens is, when the person

takes that remedy it is sending a signal to the body to deal with that particular vaccine be-

cause the vaccine chord is like a general vaccine detoxifier. It is general, so it is not specific to

each person but we can customize it and I have used that with clients that have had autism,

and adults that have had a reaction to vaccines like a tetanus shot. And when I customize it

like that to the client, it is able to target the exact toxin, at the exact dilution rate to be able to

work that stuff out of the system out of their body. And it reverses their health effects from

that particular toxin, so it can be very effective.

So it is really important to utilize imprinting when you are trying to bring the body back

into balance. And when you use the Asyra, for instance, and you do a baseline scan and it

shows the different organ systems that are out of balance, what shows up in the comprehen-

sive scan is what brings all those out of balance points back into balance. And so using a ho-

meopathic imprint of all those items is actually going to help bring back that body, that per-

son, that client back into balance. It is going to start to resolve all those health issues and

they are going to feel better. So it is really important to utilize this technology wisely and we

utilize it now with every client. I use to only use it occasionally but I found that it works so

well that we utilize it with every client now. I imprint what shows up on the comprehensive

scan as well as the hormones that show up on the second scan into a blank remedy that con-

tains, water, distilled water, and a little bit of alcohol, about 20% alcohol. And these are blanks

that we have basically had made up for us by a company and we just order them in bulk. You

can obviously make up your own but it is better to start with an actual remedy.

Now you could also imprint into an already manufactured remedy like Liver Tone

or another homeopathic drainage remedy. So it is important to imprint something that has a

little bit of alcohol because it is going to energetically bind with the water molecules and the

alcohol helps to keep it stable so that it won’t fade over time. Now there is a limit to the num-

ber of imprints that can be put into one bottle so that is why I don’t imprint everything into

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 18

one remedy. If you want to imprint a lot more things you really need to put it in a separate

bottle because there is only so much information that the body can handle at one time in one


Now the only other thing I want to mention about imprinting is when a client shows

different chemical toxins or heavy metals on their comprehensive scan, I will not check those

boxes to have them imprinted into the remedy unless I am ready to go into a detox phase

with that client. But most times when those clients come to me they’ll show for a lot of toxins

on their very first visit but I am not quite ready to detox them yet and if you check those

boxes that have toxic compounds and different things and chemicals and you add that to their

homeopathic remedy it is going to start to detox that substance from their body. And so a lot

of clients if they are not prepared for a detox process yet by making sure their digestion is

working well, their elimination is working well, or their liver is supported, they are probably

going to have a healing crisis and are not going to feel good for a little while. And so that is

one of the reasons why we don’t do it that way.

The other reason is when you imprint you are very specifically targeting those particu-

lar toxins and a lot of times when I do a detox for the client in our wellness center, I really

want to unload their body of all the different toxins they’ve been exposed to in their lifetime

and not necessarily hit one particular group of toxins or like a vaccine or whatever, I am trying

to basically get rid of all the stuff so we will use like a far infrared sauna, that is more like a

broad spectrum detoxifier or I will use something like acetyl glutathione, or zeolite. Those are

very broad spectrum detoxifiers and nowadays everybody is toxic from all kinds of different

things. So detoxing with homeopathy is really not something I’ve had really great success with

the general person. I utilize it more when I want to target a very specific toxin, particularly in

children because children can’t really use the sauna very well or something that’s affecting an

adult that is very specific like a vaccine or a particular bacteria or something like that but gen-

eral chemical toxins, I’ve found it works much better to detoxify the body in a more broad

way. And we will get into that in the detox module in a lot more detail. So I hope this gives

you a little bit more information on how EDS works and how you can utilize this amazing tech-

nology to bring clients back to health.

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 19

Electro-Dermal Screening Research

In February 1937 the prestigious British Medical journal carried an article by Sir Tho-

mas Lewis describing a hitherto unknown network of cutaneous nerves.' He called it the

'nocifensor system' and deduced, from his experiments, that it was an independent cutaneous

nerve system, unrelated to known pathways and unconnected to the autonomic nervous sys-

tem. It was composed, not of nerve fibers, but a network of thin lines, similar to meridians.

In 1985 Pierre de Vernejoul at the University of Paris carried out a definitive and much-

quoted experiment. He used a radioactive marker, technetium 99m, which he injected into

subjects at classic acupuncture points. He then used gamma camera imaging to track the sub-

sequent movement of the isotope. He was able to show that the tracer migrated along the

classic meridian lines, travelling quite quickly: a distance of 30 cm in 4-6 minutes. [P. de

Vernejoul et al., 'Etude Des Meridiens D'Acupuncture par les Traceurs Radioactifs', Bull. Acad.

Natle. Med. Vol. 169 (22nd October 1985): 1071-5.] As a control he made a number of ran-

dom injections into the skin (not at acupuncture points) and also injected the tracer directly

into veins and lymphatic channels. There was no significant migration of the tracer at other

sites than an acupuncture point. What this simple but helpful study proved beyond doubt is

that meridians are definitely real 'vessels' but they conform to no macroscopic anatomical

structures whatever. See: http://www.biomeridian.com/biomeridian/skins/main/pdfs/Nuclear%


So if meridians are not nerve-conducting channels or other anatomically visible vessels,

what are they? How is the energy conducted? The answer is almost certainly via the collagen

fibers of the connective tissues. As the name suggests, connective tissue fills in between the

main organs and layers. There is thus a continuum of liquid crystalline water-bound collagen

fibers running throughout the whole body. Recent studies have shown that these are not just

mechanical fibers but that they have dielectric and conductive properties which make them

sensitive to pressure, pH, local ionic composition and surrounding electromagnetic fields. In

fact these collagen fibers, like a network mesh of fine electrical fibrils, form the ideal conductor

medium in which many of the electro-magnetic phenomena may take place.

These meridians have further been shown to have organ representation in the brain.

The mechanisms of the transmission of the electromagnetic potentials appear to be explicable

in terms of the Aharonov-Bohm effect in Field Theory and Quantum Mechanics. Furthermore,

it has been suggested that each of the acupuncture points has a direct relationship to the spe-

cific anatomical structure or physiological function in the body, although they may not reflect

the severity of pathological alteration of that organ or system.

The basic concept for all of the Electro-Dermal screening devices, was the invention of Dr.

Reinhardt Voll, a medical doctor and an acupuncturist in Germany, who in the 1940s, discov-

ered that the electrical resistance of the human body is not homogenous and that meridians

existed over the body which may be demonstrated as electrical fields. He found that skin resis-

tance at acupuncture points is 50,000 ohms compared with 200,000 to 2 million ohms else-

where. [Becker, R., et al. :Electrophysiological correlates of acupuncture points and meridians

Psychoenergetic Sys., 1976, 1:195-212.] Furthermore, he showed that the skin is a semi-

insulator to the outside environment. By the 1950’s Voll had learned that the body had at least

1000 points on the skin which followed the 12 lines of the classical Chinese meridians. Each of

these points, Voll called a Measurement Point (MP). Working with an engineer, Fritz Werner,

Voll created an instrument to measure the skin resistance at each of the acupuncture points,

patterned after a technique called Galvanic Skin Resistance (GSR). This was named Point Test-

ing. In 1953, Voll had established the procedure that became known as Electro-Acupuncture

according to Voll (EAV).

Voll understood that the body’s ability to conduct this energy could be measured, and one way

to do this is to measure the flow of electrons through the meridian pathway. He used an Ohm-

meter, an instrument that measures electrical resistance, or how easily a substance can con-

duct electricity. He used the ohmmeter to measure the electrical resistance at the body’s acu-

puncture points, which he compared to the resistance of the surrounding skin. The result was

that points on skin that corresponded to acupuncture points had significantly lower resistance

than surrounding skin, and so were more conductive than the surrounding skin.

Based on his correlations between physical exams and conductance measurements, Voll deter-

mined that the electrical resistance of the meridian channels varied between healthy and un-

healthy people. Voll determined the amount of resistance in a healthy person and developed a

scale from 0-100 to distinguish healthy from unhealthy. A healthy, or balanced meridian is

within the range of 45-55, with 50 being the optimal balance. Any deviation from this range is

considered, “out of balance”. Values above 55 have more energy and indicate inflammation,

and values below 45 have less energy and indicate stress, or possible degeneration. This scale

is universal and does not depend on age, weight, sex, or race.

Voll thought that if he could identify electrical changes in certain acupuncture points associ-

ated with certain diseases, then he might be able to identify those diseases more easily, or

earlier, when treatment intervention was likely to be more effective. Voll was successful in

identifying many acupuncture points related to specific conditions and published a great deal

of information about using acupuncture points diagnostically.

EAV is like a thermometer, which measures energy. The thermometer measures heat while the

EAV machine measures electric flow.

The health status of an organ will affect the concentrations of the ions at the measurement

points along the meridian. It is considered that inflammation of an organ may cause increase

ion concentration and the increase of ions enhances the flow of electrons causing resistance to

decrease while the conductance may increase. On the other hand, a degeneration of an organ

may cause decease in ion concentration that hinders the flow of electrons, so as the resistance

increases conductance decreases.

The cellular features that contribute to electrical conductance may explain why EAV has diag-

nostic or therapeutic value. The cell membrane is electrically asymmetric, created by an un-

equal distribution of cations and anions on each side of the bilayer surface. This characteristic

creates direct current electrical potentials that are maintained at homeostasis under normal

conditions. [Zukaukas, G., Dapsys, K., Ugeviciute, J. 1988 Quantitative analysis of bioelectrical

potentials for the diagnosis of internal organ pathology and theoretical speculations concerning

electrical circulation in the organism. Acupuncture Electro-Therpaeutics Res. Int. J. 13:119-

130] Abnormal changes on the external or internal surface of the cell membrane alter the rate

of ion transport across it and consequently change electrical potential. [Findl, E. 1987 Mem-

brane transduction of low energy level fields and the Ca hypothesis. Mechanistic Appoaches to

Interactions of Electric and Electromagnetic Fields with Living Systems ed. Martin Blank and

Eugene Findl. Plenum Press, NY pp 15-38]

Viral infection and bacterial infection as well as cancer, alter the rates of ion transport via ef-

fects on the cell membrane or via pH changes in the cell or the extracellular milieu. Viruses

leave a protein coat on the external face of the cell membrane and bacteria alter the pH of the

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 20

The basic concept for all of the Electro-Dermal screening devices, was the invention of

Dr. Reinhardt Voll, a medical doctor and an acupuncturist in Germany, who in the 1940s, dis-

covered that the electrical resistance of the human body is not homogenous and that meridi-

ans existed over the body which may be demonstrated as electrical fields. He found that skin

resistance at acupuncture points is 50,000 ohms compared with 200,000 to 2 million ohms

elsewhere. [Becker, R., et al. :Electrophysiological correlates of acupuncture points and meridi-

ans Psychoenergetic Sys., 1976, 1:195-212.] Furthermore, he showed that the skin is a semi-

insulator to the outside environment. By the 1950’s Voll had learned that the body had at least

1000 points on the skin which followed the 12 lines of the classical Chinese meridians. Each of

these points, Voll called a Measurement Point (MP). Working with an engineer, Fritz Werner,

Voll created an instrument to measure the skin resistance at each of the acupuncture points,

patterned after a technique called Galvanic Skin Resistance (GSR). This was named Point Test-

ing. In 1953, Voll had established the procedure that became known as Electro-Acupuncture

according to Voll (EAV).

Voll understood that the body’s ability to conduct this energy could be measured, and

one way to do this is to measure the flow of electrons through the meridian pathway. He used

an Ohmmeter, an instrument that measures electrical resistance, or how easily a substance

can conduct electricity. He used the ohmmeter to measure the electrical resistance at the

body’s acupuncture points, which he compared to the resistance of the surrounding skin. The

result was that points on skin that corresponded to acupuncture points had significantly lower

resistance than surrounding skin, and so were more conductive than the surrounding skin.

Based on his correlations between physical exams and conductance measurements,

Voll determined that the electrical resistance of the meridian channels varied between healthy

and unhealthy people. Voll determined the amount of resistance in a healthy person and de-

veloped a scale from 0-100 to distinguish healthy from unhealthy. A healthy, or balanced me-

ridian is within the range of 45-55, with 50 being the optimal balance. Any deviation from this

range is considered, “out of balance”. Values above 55 have more energy and indicate inflam-

mation, and values below 45 have less energy and indicate stress, or possible degeneration.

This scale is universal and does not depend on age, weight, sex, or race.

Voll thought that if he could identify electrical changes in certain acupuncture points

associated with certain diseases, then he might be able to identify those diseases more easily,

or earlier, when treatment intervention was likely to be more effective. Voll was successful in

identifying many acupuncture points related to specific conditions and published a great deal

of information about using acupuncture points diagnostically.

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 21

EAV is like a thermometer, which measures energy. The thermometer measures heat

while the EAV machine measures electric flow.

The health status of an organ will affect the concentrations of the ions at the measure-

ment points along the meridian. It is considered that inflammation of an organ may cause in-

crease ion concentration and the increase of ions enhances the flow of electrons causing resis-

tance to decrease while the conductance may increase. On the other hand, a degeneration of

an organ may cause decease in ion concentration that hinders the flow of electrons, so as the

resistance increases conductance decreases.

The cellular features that contribute to electrical conductance may explain why EAV has

diagnostic or therapeutic value. The cell membrane is electrically asymmetric, created by an

unequal distribution of cations and anions on each side of the bilayer surface. This characteris-

tic creates direct current electrical potentials that are maintained at homeostasis under normal

conditions. [Zukaukas, G., Dapsys, K., Ugeviciute, J. 1988 Quantitative analysis of bioelectrical

potentials for the diagnosis of internal organ pathology and theoretical speculations concerning

electrical circulation in the organism. Acupuncture Electro-Therpaeutics Res. Int. J. 13:119-

130] Abnormal changes on the external or internal surface of the cell membrane alter the rate

of ion transport across it and consequently change electrical potential. [Findl, E. 1987 Mem-

brane transduction of low energy level fields and the Ca hypothesis. Mechanistic Appoaches to

Interactions of Electric and Electromagnetic Fields with Living Systems ed. Martin Blank and

Eugene Findl. Plenum Press, NY pp 15-38]

Viral infection and bacterial infection as well as cancer, alter the rates of ion transport

via effects on the cell membrane or via pH changes in the cell or the extracellular milieu. Vi-

ruses leave a protein coat on the external face of the cell membrane and bacteria alter the pH

of the extracellular milieu through excessive H+ pumping [Alberts, B, Bray, D., Lewis, J, Raff

M, Roberts, K, Watson, JD. 1983 The Molecular Biology of the Cell, Garland Publishing Inc.,

New York, NY Chapt 9:483-547] Cancerous tissues contain higher than normal water and so-

dium content causing measureable changes in the cancer cells’ charge density. Electrical con-

ductance profiles of patients could accurately characterize areas of clinical concern by delineat-

ing significant deviations from the normal levels.

[The above was taken from the Quantitative analysis of Electrical Skin Conductance in diagno-

sis: Historical and current views of Bioelectric Medicine by Barbara Brewitt, Ph.D from the

Journal of Naturopathic Medicine 1996 Volume 6, no. 1] See:


Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 22

So, a measurement of each point is taken (49 of them total) and if the point is bal-

anced (in the 45-55 range) that indicates health in that area. Any deviation from this range is

considered, “out of balance”. Values above 55 have more energy and indicate inflammation,

and values below 45 have less energy and indicate stress, or possible degeneration. The point

most out of balance would help identify the area where the patient needs the most support or

further investigation.

Voll found that when he placed an herbal or nutritional remedy (reagent) into the

measurement circuit by placing it on a metal place on the device, an out-of-balance point

would move toward 50, bringing the meridian back into balance if the product was helpful to

the patient. Voll also found that when he tested a balanced meridian point and then re-tested

it in the presence of a substance that the person had a known sensitivity or allergy to, that it

would affect the balanced energy on that point. This would indicate that the patient was aller-

gic or sensitive to the specific substance.

The goal of the practitioner is to find one or a combination of reagents that will balance

the point (cause the reading of the meridian to be 50). The practitioner tests various reagents,

basing the selection on knowledge and experience, until an appropriate reagent or combina-

tion of reagents is found. The reagent that balances the point may have a positive effect on

the system being measured and therefore be an appropriate medication or dietary supple-

ment. No response implies that the reagent would have no effect on the system, and a wors-

ening response implies a negative effect. For example, the pancreas point of a person with

diabetes will become balanced when the proper dose of insulin is placed within the circuit and

will show an out-of-balance reading if refined sugar is put there.

The current concept of meridians is that they represent the lines of energy that pass

through organ systems but do not necessarily represent a functional or pathological distur-

bance in those organ systems. Measurement, utilizing the EAV device, allows for a quantifica-

tion of this electrical activity of each of these points, which infers the functional status of the

disease process or structure in question. Furthermore, Voll demonstrated that medicine, if cor-

rectly chosen, could change the reading values to a more normal level. This discovery, sug-

gested that not only could the correct medicine for each patient be selected, but at the most

effective strength or potency.

Voll found that when he tested a balanced meridian point and then re-tested it in the

presence of a substance that the person had a known sensitivity or allergy to that it would af-

fect the balanced energy on that point and make the point unbalanced. This would indicate

that the patient was allergic or sensitive to the specific substance. The normal reading would

be balanced if the patient was not sensitive to the substance.

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 23

If wheat or gluten is an allergen and is placed within the circuit, when the allergy point

is tested, it would then move out of balance. The degree it moves out of balance would indi-

cate to the practitioner the severity of the allergic response or sensitivity.

See these links below for more details: http://www.biomeridian.com/allergy-study.htm


http://www.biomeridian.com/biomeridian/skins/main/pdfs/Quantitative%20Analysis.pdf http://


Changes in acupuncture point resistance related to lung cancer have been verified

more recently by researchers from UCLA and USC. In a double-blind study, 3 patients with

lung cancer and 20 controls (who had negative chest x-rays) had the electrical resistance of

several acupuncture lung points and several small intestine points measured. There was an 87

percent correlation between the testing results and the results of the x-ray diagnosis for the

lung points, and no correlation with the small intestine points. Of interest, there were no false

negatives and 4 “false” positives. Two of these false positive readings were from the same pa-

tient who had an “inconsistent shadow” on his lung X-ray but had shown no evidence of dis-

ease with tomograms and a CT scan. These “false positive” readings could have been from

lung cancer not yet diagnosed, or some other degenerative disease process, or could have

been merely incorrect readings. [Sullivan SG, Eggleston DW, Martinoff JT, Kroenig RJ: Evoked

Electrical Conductivity on the Lung Acupuncture Points in Healthy Individuals and Confirmed

Lung Cancer Patients. Publication Pending.]

Another study from the Pain Management Clinic, Department of Anesthesiology, UCLA

School of Medicine, evaluated the ability of meridian stress assessment to identify, in a blinded

fashion, areas of pain. Forty patients were determined by medical examination to have muscu-

loskeletal pain. Each patient was draped to hide any physical evidence to suggest where the

pain might be. The physician conducting the meridian stress assessment had no prior knowl-

edge of the patient's history, and was not allowed to talk to the patient. Based on increased

skin conductance at specific acupuncture points of the ears, the physician determined, with

greater than 75 percent accuracy, the location of the pain, a highly significant result. This

study also pointed out that meridian stress assessment technique “is often sensitive to patho-

logical problems of which the patient is only minimally aware. When some patients were told

of their auricular diagnosis results, they suddenly remembered having a minor or old pain

problem in that bodily area, a problem which they had neglected to mention during the medi-

cal evaluation,” and thus were considered to be “misses” in the statistical analysis. The results

of this test were therefore more impressive than the statistical analysis would indicate. [Oleson

TD, Kroenig RJ,

Module 5: Electro-dermal Screening • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 19

Bresler DE: An Experimental Evaluation of Auricular Diagnosis: The Somatotropic Mapping of

Musculoskeletal Pain at Ear Acupuncture Points. Pain 1980; 8:217-229.]

If EAV is so effective, why has it not been readily adopted by the medical community

as a standard tool? Up until the 1990’s, no conventional medical school even discussed alter-

native approaches to treating illness, but that has slowly been changing. Although it is not

widely known, EAV is now being used by more and more practitioners, even within the medical

community. There are MD’s and RN’s who are practicing alternative or integrative medicine

and have found EAV to offer valuable data to assist them in treating patients. I have recently

learned of an EAV practitioner who is highly skilled and uses her machine to help MD’s diag-

nose hepatitis, rather than with traditional lab work.

One area that EAV could be utilized is in to mitigate the adverse reactions to drugs.

Skin testing for identifying such problems are rather inadequate, since many of the drugs are

not available in an injectable form for testing purposes. Even if an injectable form is available,

the patient still might react to the dyes, fillers, or excipients in the oral form. Many of the reac-

tions from drugs are non IgE, and may not even show up on skin testing. In the past, the only

option was trial and error, and it was often after several unpleasant reactions that a tolerable,

effective choice was found. Going off of certain medications can be potentially dangerous to

the patient. The EAV assessment will usually indicate within a few minutes which medications

are likely to be a problem. This testing can also indicate which medications are likely to be well

tolerated. Based on that information, it is generally a simple matter to avoid the problem drug,

and introduce medication likely to be well tolerated.

Legally, the operator of an electro-dermal screening machine is not able to use the

word, “diagnosis” unless he or she is a licensed medical doctor. They can only recommend cer-

tain supplements, therapies, or treatments based on what they find, but may not diagnose dis-

eases. “Energetic indications” of a disease or a health issue may be revealed by the testing,

but the operator would have to refer the patient to a licensed medical doctor for a diagnosis or

medical verification of this problem. The operator can tell the patient what points are out of

balance and will suggest the supplements or treatments that bring the points back into bal-

ance. The causative factor can be found for the patient’s health problems, but this is also not a

“diagnosis”, but merely an indication or factor that may be involved in their current health


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