Electricity Storage Power Sector

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Transcript of Electricity Storage Power Sector

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    16. Electricity Storage inthe Power Sector

    16.1. Introduction

    Electricity storage is identified as a key technology

    priority in the development of the European powersystem, in line with the 2020 and 2050 EU energytargets [European Commission, 2007; 2009; 2010].Power storage has gained high political interest inthe light of the development of renewables anddistributed generation, as a way to reduce carbonemissions, to improve grid stability and to controlthe fluctuations of variable resources.

    Power storage systems can benefit generators,transmission and distribution utilities, and end-users. They can balance energy flows, thus facilitating

    the integration of variable renewables, and canprovide system services70 and support to electricityinfrastructure, such as asset deferral [EAC, 2008].Among storage technologies commercially availableor under development, the following systems aremapped hereafter: pumped hydro storage (PHS),compressed air energy storage (CAES), hydrogenand fuel cells, flywheels, supercapacitors,superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES)and conventional/advanced/flow batteries.

    The services needed by the power system indicatethe technical requirements to be met by the storage

    devices suitable for energy and for power qualityapplications. Energy applications differ from powerapplications mainly for the discharge time and thecapacity involved.

    For energy applications, a storage discharge timeover several hours and a nominal capacity in theorder of 1-500 MW are expected on the generationside, and of kW on the end-user side. Wind and solarcurtailment avoidance, load shifting and forecasthedging are typical energy related applications.The most suitable technologies are pumped hydro,

    CAES, fuel cells and hydrogen and batteries (lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, sodium-sulphur or vanadium-redox).

    Power applications are related to services providedfor periods from a few seconds to less than anhour with a typical power rating lower than 1 MW.

    They are needed to face network disturbancesrequiring a response time in order of millisecondsfor regulating voltage fluctuations,71 and in the

    order of a few seconds for adjusting frequencyfluctuations. Adequate technologies are flywheels,ultra-capacitors, SMES and some of the advancedbatteries.

    Figure 16.1 gives an overview of the power storagetechnologies, as a function of their commercialmaturity stage and the power investmentcost.72 Applications suitable also for transportelectrification, such as lithium-ion, hydrogen andsupercapacitors are mapped with services providedto the power system only.

    16.2. Technological state of the art andanticipated developments

    A wide array of technologies and underlyingprinciples - mechanical, electro-chemical andphysical - is today available to store electricity,providing a large spectrum of performance andcapacity for different application environments. Thecurrent installed capacities worldwide are around127.9 GW [EPRI, 2010].73

    Table 16.1 gives the main technical and economicfeatures of the storage technologies which aremapped in this chapter. The various sources usedfor this review can provide different figures for thesame technology. These sources might use differentoperational parameters, market indicators, pricesand tariffs. Therefore intervals for some technologiescan be large to withstand the uncertainty related todeveloping technologies, but also the specificitiesof project environments for different valuationmethodologies.

    Hydropower with storageHydropower with storage is a mature technology,being the oldest and the largest of all availableenergy storage technologies. The facilities are usuallydistinguished in two main categories: hydropowerwith reservoir and pumped hydro-storage (PHS). Thebasic principle of a PHS system is to store energy by

    70 System services are all services provided by a system operator to users connected to the system. Some users provide systemservices that are ancillary to their production or consumption of energy [EURELECTRIC, 2004].

    71 Voltage swells, impulses, notches, flickers, harmonics [EPRI, 2004].72 The on-line version of this document allows for an interactive overview of technologies as a function of their energy cost,

    effi ciency and number of cycles.73 The following capacities are installed worldwide, admitting that the comparison of large- with small-scale capacities isnot the purpose, and that the number of installed units should complement the size of capacities: PHS 127 GW, CAES 440MW, Sodium-sulphur 316 MW, Lead-acid 35 MW, Nickel-cadmium 27 MW, Flywheels 25 MW, Lithium-ion 20 MW, Redox-Flowbatteries 3 MW [EPRI, 2010], SMES 100 MW [EER A, 2011].

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    means of two reservoirslocated at differentelevations. In times of

    low demand, electricityfrom the grid is usedto pump water to thehigher reservoir, whilein times of peak demandthe water is released togenerate electricity,h e n c e op e r a t i n g areversible cycle of gridelectricity.

    Additionally, the large

    pumped, hydro-storagepotential existing inN or w a y , e s t i m a t e dto 10 -25 GW of newp r oj e c t s , c ou l d b efurther exploited, triggered by the large deploymentof wind power in the Nor th Sea [Haaheim, 2010;SETIS, 2009].

    In Europe, the installed capacity of pure hydro-pumped storage amounts to approximately 40 GW. Itis estimated that by 2030, about 50 % of the currentlyinstalled capacity of hydro-pumped storage in Europe

    will have to be refurbished due to ageing [SETIS,2008]. Some of these projects have already startedand moreover, they have been optimising the turbineand pumps system in order to increase the generationcapacity, for example, in the Alpine region, wherenew and larger converter units have being added toexisting storage basins [RRI, 2008]. The capacity ofplanned or ongoing projects in Europe is estimated toabout 7 GW to be built by 2020 mainly in Switzerland,Austria, Portugal, Germany and Spain [Deane etal., 2008]. Additionally, the large pumped, hydro-storage potential existing in Norway, estimated to

    10-25 GW of new projects, could be further exploited,triggered by the large deployment of wind power inthe North Sea [Haaheim, 2010; SETIS, 2009].

    Main barriers to the installation of new pumpedhydro-plants are the environmental concern and thepublic acceptability when projects might affect theresource availability and inundate the ecosystem.New PHS plants require usually large electricitytransmission infrastructures, which might raisepolitical, social and regulatory issues. The initialinvestment costs are high, the construction time

    could be long up to 15 years along with the time lagfor obtaining the approval for concession rightsand connection to the grid [ETSAP, 2010]. Lifecycle emissions related to the construction of a

    PHS storage facility are in the range of 35 tCO2eq/MWhe of storage capacity [Denholm and Kulcinski,2004].

    The main advantages of PHS systems are high storagecapacity, quick start capabilities, low self-discharge,long technical life-time and high number of cycles,which make the technology suitable for regulation

    provision and for supporting the variable electricitygeneration. The main applications are load shifting,price arbitrage, tertiary and secondary reserves forup and down regulation, as spinning or standingreserve, peak power supply, forecast hedging,grid congestion avoidance, load following, energybalancing and seasonal fluctuations regulation[EPRI, 2002].

    Recent technological advances are mainly relatedto the double stage regulated pump-turbine, whichgives the possibility to utilise a very high head for

    pumped storage. This provides higher energy andeffi ciency, and also variable speed drive. This allowswider grid support and better economics, flexibilityand reliability [Deane et al., 2010; EPRI, 2004].Further developments concern the location of thetechnology, such as improved civil engineering andconstruction techniques, and the demonstration ofopen coast sea concept which is currently underdevelopment in Japan [Peters and OMalley, 2008].Alternatives to conventional geological formationsare PHS plants using underground reservoirs[Ekman and Jensen, 2010] or former opencast

    mines, e.g. from granite mining in Estonia [Kruus,2010] and from coal mining in Germany [Schulz andJordan, 2010].

    Electricity Storage in the Power Sector

    Figure 16.1: Power storage technologies as a function of their cost and development stage

    [Source: JRC]

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    Compressed air energy storage (CAES)In CAES systems, the energy is stored mechanically,usually in underground caverns, by compressing the

    air from the atmosphere. A typical CAES system isa combination of natural gas combustion and highpressure of the compressed air to drive the turbines.When electricity is required, the compressed air isdrawn from the cavern, then heated in gas burnersand expanded in a gas turbine [Lund and Salgi,2009; Hadjipaschalis et al., 2009].

    The compression of air creates heat, whilst airexpansion causes cooling. The way the heat andcooling are processed generates three categoriesof thermodynamic processes:

    1) Diabatic CAES, where the compressed air is storedand the heat from the compression is lost. Whenenergy is needed, gas turbines are used to reheatthe compressed air. The effi ciency is in range of40-54 %, but alternative designs of cycles existand result in improved effi ciency rates [BNEF,2011b]: CAES with recuperated cycle; CAES withcombined cycle; CAES with steam-injected cycle;CAES with humidification.

    2) Adiabatic CAES (AA-CAES), where the heatresulting from the compression process is

    stored and is reused when the compressed airis released. Heat can be stored in solid, fluid ormolten salt solutions, at temperatures from 50to over 600 C [Bullough et al., 2004]. Comparedwith a diabatic system, the AA-CAES does notneed additional gas co-firing, and the energeticprocess is more effi cient (70 %).

    3) Isothermal compression, which employs athermo-dynamically reversible cycle, where thetemperature is maintained constant by allowingcontinuous heat exchange during air compression

    and expansion. The process approaches atheoretical effi ciency of 100 %.

    Two CAES facilities are currently in operation, one inGermany in Huntorf built by Alstom Power in 1978,with a rated output power capacity of 320 MW anda discharge average of 3 hours per day [RWE, 2010];and the second in Alabama, USA built by Dresser-Rand in 1991, with a rated power output of 110 MWand a discharge time up to 10 hours during weekends[Ibrahim et al., 2008]. Additional CAES facilities areunder different stages of planning, construction or

    demonstration in USA (1 500 MW) [BNEF, 2011b],Germany (300 MW) [RWE, 2010], Italy (25 MW), Israel(300 MW), South Korea (300 MW), Morocco (400MW), Japan and South Africa [Chen et al., 2009].

    Life cycle emissions related to the construction ofa CAES facility are in the order of 19 tCO2/MWh ofstorage capacity [Denholm and Kulcinski, 2004].

    However, the main source of emissions for CAES islinked to the natural gas consumption.

    Main advantages of CAES are the large storagecapacity, relatively fast time response and fastramping rates, no self-discharge and long lifetime. CAES plants are designed to sustain frequentstart-up/shut-down cycles, and can swing quicklyfrom generation (discharge) to compression(charge) mode or can be designed to operate themsimultaneously. The technology is therefore suitablefor applications such as load following, time shifting,

    peak shaving, price arbitrage, frequency regulation(tertiary reserve), seasonal fluctuation regulation,grid decongestion, assets deferral, voltage control[EPRI, 2002]. One feature of the new generation ofproposed CAES plants is that they may be closelyintegrated with wind farms, presenting a means offirming the capacity of wind energy [RRI, 2008].

    The economic and technical performance of CAESplants, although based on mature components, isexpected to continue to improve. This is mainly due tothe possibility to use different designs for the basicprocess, such as different degrees of inter-cooling

    and humidification, and improved heat integrationleading to a simplified high pressure turbo-expanderdesign and less NOx emissions [Baker, 2008]. Thereare also cross-synergies within the power sectordue to the use of common components with gasturbines.

    Improvements in the CAES operation are expectedalong with the identification of new locations, suchas compressed air storage in vessels or above ground(CAS or SSCAES, i.e. Small Subsurface CAES). Theseare small-scale CAES systems, where the air is

    stored in fabricated high-pressure tanks. They areindependent of geology, and they can hot start inseconds and cold start in minutes.74

    Further advances are to be noted for the adiabaticprocess, with the project ADELE in Germany [RWE,2010], with 300 MW of generation and a storagecapacity of 1 000 MWh, for daily charging anddischarging operations. Expected improvements

    Electricity Storage in the Power Sector

    74 BNEF documents a project under discussion in USA of 1 MW,

    with a capital cost of $10 800/kW and $2 700/kWh, basedon an isothermal process and targeted effi ciency of 90%[BNEF, 2011b]. For comparison purposes, the German CAESpower plant in Huntorf has a capital cost of $485/kW and$121/kWh, and a round-trip effi ciency of 42 %.

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    are higher efficiency (70 %), no gas combustionand a longer lifetime, comparable with heat plants,30-40 years. The cost is higher than for diabatic

    CAES ($1 500/kW, $380/kWh) [BNEF, 2011b]. Costreductions are expected for the converter and theheat storage.

    Hydrogen-based energy systemsHydrogen can be produced using electricity viareversible water electrolysis. It can be stored andtransformed back into electricity by means of afuel cell or a combustion engine/turbine. The maincomponents are the electrolyser unit which convertsthe power into hydrogen, the hydrogen storage systemand the convertor which transforms hydrogen back

    into electricity [Chen et al., 2009]. Suitable large-scale storage locations are underground caverns,salt domes and depleted oil and gas fields.

    The concept of hydrogen-based energy storage iscurrently in a demonstration phase with a focus toback-up wind farms in remote areas. The worldsfirst-of-a-kind demonstration project was run in2004 in Norway, in the Utsira Island, (Figure 16.2),in connection with a wind farm [Ulleberg et al., 2010].Other demonstration projects in Europe based onwind-hydrogen hybrid systems can be found inUnst, Shetland Islands, UK, in Nakskov, Denmark, in

    Keratea, Greece; and in Galicia and Aragon, Spain.

    Considering the main advantages such as the largeenergy capacity, high energy density and the verylow self-discharge, the technology appears suitablein connection with very large wind farms, in supportto power grids in isolated systems or in systemswhere grid reinforcement is very expensive. The mainservices provided are seasonal storage, wholesale

    arbitrage, time-shifting, forecast hedging, secondaryand tertiary reserve, grid bottleneck avoidance, andvoltage support [EPRI, 2004; Chen et al., 2009].

    The current lines of future technical progress arereducing the system cost, increasing the effi ciency,scaling-up electrolyzer systems and increasing thefuel cell durability and lifetime [Ulleberg et al.,2010]. Important cost reductions and performanceimprovements for fuel cell systems are expectedfrom synergies with the on-going research anddemonstration efforts on hydrogen and fuel celltechnologies in the transport sector.


    Electrochemical batteries store electricity througha reversible chemical reaction. The essentialcomponents are the container, the electrodes(cathode and anode) and the electrolyte. Bycharging the battery, the electricity is transformedinto chemical energy, while during discharging, itis restored into electricity. Conventional batterieshave a standard design (lead-acid, nickel-basedbatteries), while advanced batteries have higherperformances (lithium-based, sodium-basedbatteries). Their storage and discharge take placein the same structure. By contrast, flow batteries(vanadium-based, zinc-bromine) present a different

    design where the electrolyte is stored in a separatecontainer.

    Conventional batteriesLead-acid batteries (Pb-acid) have a mature technologybase, suitable for large power quality applications.Nickel-cadmium batteries (NiCd) are also mature andpopular systems, with a higher density and longer lifethan Pb-acid, but contain environmentally-unfriendly

    toxic metals. Nickel-metal hydride batteries(NiMH) are an alternative

    to NiCd, have no toxicmaterial and have ahigher density but alsohigher loss rates [Chenet al., 2009].

    M o s t c o m m o napplications are forpower quality, suchas gr id rel iabi l i ty ,frequency control, blackstart, uninterruptible

    power supply (UPS)s y s t e m s , a n d a l s ospinning reserve andpeak shaving (EERA,

    Electricity Storage in the Power Sector

    Figure 16.2: Photo of the Utsira wind/hydrogen demonstration plant [Ulleberg, 2010]

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    2011). If there is no restriction on volume andweight because of their low energy density, goodcandidates are lead-acid batteries because of their

    economic cost, and nickel-cadmium because ofhigher rates of charging/discharging capabilities.When energy density is important, NiMH is thesuitable technology.

    Lead-acid batteries are commonly used in stationaryand automotive applications. Despite low energydensity, moderate efficiency and in some cases,the need for maintenance, these batteries have arelatively long lifetime and robustness, in addition tolow costs when compared to other types of battery.Several large stationary projects based on lead-

    acid batteries have been performed worldwide toimprove grid performances, as for instance in Berlinfrom 1988 to 1997, for frequency regulation andspinning provision. Demonstration projects, suchas the European FP6 programme DEMO-RESTORE,test the robustness of lead-acid batteries in supportto PV systems.75

    Despite advantages of NiCd over Pb-acid batteriesin terms of energy density and number of cycles,projects are limited because of the harmfulenvironmental impact of cadmium. The EuropeanDirective on batteries and waste 2006/66/EC76

    prohibits batteries containing cadmium above a fixedthreshold and introduces recycling measures. NiCdbatteries need maintenance and have memory effect,which is much less significant in NiMH systems.

    Advanced batteriesDifferent chemical types are currently being used forstationary applications, such as lithium-ion (Li-ion)and sodium-sulphur (NaS). Li-ion batteries have veryhigh effi ciency, high energy density, fast chargingand light weight. They are therefore suitable for small-scale applications, mostly developed for consumers,

    PV support and vehicles. Whereas, NaS batteriesare primarily suited for large-scale applications andlong-daily cycles for energy management.

    Lithium batteries rely on the properties of lithiummetal, the most electropositive and lightest metal.Therefore, a high energy density storage devicecan theoretically be achieved in a more compactsystem. The advantage in using Li metal was firstdemonstrated in the 1970s and it is undergoing

    important research development worldwide. Twotypes are available: Lithium-Ion (Li-ion) and Lithium-Polymer (Li-pol). Lithium-ion is the most mature

    lithium technology to date. Transport and mobileapplications have so far been the main drivers forits development. However, the future prospect ofPV energy has recently revived a strong interest inlithium-ion batteries.

    The costs of lithium battery modules are stillquite high. The deployment of Li-ion in support torenewables will require further cost reductions,particularly in research in materials andmanufacturing techniques [Hall and Bain, 2008].For instance, sodium-ion technology follows the

    same principle as Li-ion and is further investigatedas an interesting alternative to lithiums scarcity andcost price increase [European Commission, 2011].An alternative to lithium-ion technology is lithium-ceramic. The largest lithium ceramic battery in theworld has been developed in Germany, with a powerof 1 MW, storage capacit y of 700 kWh, effi ciencyrate of 96 %, and very low self-discharge rate, seeFigure 16.2.77

    Current research is ongoing on the developmentof new cathode and anode materials, on safe non-flammable electrolytes, on materials for new cells

    and battery designs and on the improvement ofthe temperature operating window [EuropeanCommission, 2011]. Further demonstration projectsfor large systems and also for small residentialapplications are necessary to validate the robustnessof batteries in supporting renewables.

    Sodium sulphurbatteries consist of molten sulphur atthe anode, molten sodium at the cathode, and a solidbeta-alumina electrolyte membrane which allows thebattery to function without self-discharge [Chen etal., 2009; Hall and Bain, 2008]. The battery is based

    on a high temperature electrochemical reactionbetween sodium and sulphur (~ 300 C), whichimplies losses with heating. Therefore the technologyis suitable for short-term storage with daily, long-cycle applications such as energy management, e.g.load-following and peak-shaving.

    The main manufacturer is NGK Insulators (Japan).NaS batteries have significant potential to becomecost-effective, modular and bulk medium-scale

    Electricity Storage in the Power Sector

    75 http://ec.europa.eu/research/energy/pdf/synopses_electricity_en.pdf76 Directive 2006/66/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 September 2006 on batteries and accumulators and

    waste batteries and accumulators and repealing Directive 91/157/EEC.77 http://corporate.evonik.com/en/content/product-news/Pages/storing-the-sun.aspx

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    storage deployed at a large scale, since no materialconstraint limits their manufacture [BNEF, 2011a]. Themarket is expected to grow from the current 316 MWto more than 1 GW by 2020 [BNEF, 2011a]. In Europe,several demonstration projects have been conductedin Germany (Berlin-Adlershof ), Spain (Gran CanariaFacility) and France (Reunion Islands). Applicationson islands, aim at optimizing the electrical mix, e.g.

    to support renewables integration and to reducefossil-fuel-based technologies. Current researchis ongoing on beta-alumina membrane and newelectrolytes, and on reducing corrosion risks ofcontainer materials [European Commission, 2011].

    Sodium-nickel-chloride (NaNiCl) or Zebra batteriesare similar to NaS but are able to operate at a broadertemperature range (-40 to +70 C) and have bettersafety characteristics [Chen et al., 2009], presentinghowever lower density than NaS. Zebra batteriesare produced by MES-DEA (Switzerland) and further

    research is conducted at its Beta R&D centre in theUK. Main services are in automotive and mobileapplications, but also in stationary systems insupport to PV and wind, for load levelling [EERA,2011]. Although there are few applications to thegrid, some projects are being tested in Europe, suchas the Livorno Test Facility in Italy [Fastelli, 2010].

    Other advanced batteries, such as Metal-Airsystems,are currently at different basic research stages. Todate Zinc-Air and Lithium-Air are the most advanced.These are very compact systems and are therefore

    limited to small-scale applications. Research

    initiatives are ongoing,as the German STROMprogramme [European

    Commission, 2011],and they focus on theimprovement of theporous air design,electrical rechargeabilityand system safety.

    Flow batteriesIn flow batteries, theelectrolyte is stored in atank separated from thecell stack, decoupling

    thus the power systemfrom the energy capacity.The storage capacity canbe increased by addingm o r e e l e c t r o l y t e s

    combined in series or in parallel [EERA, 2011].Therefore, flow batteries could be easily scaled upto very large capacity. They have a large numberof cycles and high discharge rates (~10 h), whichmake them suitable for large storage systems andhigh energy applications [Chen et al., 2009]. Withlow energy density, flow batteries are large andheavy, being more suitable for small-to-medium

    scale applications. Potential services are peak-shaving, back-up supply, power supply in remoteareas, support to renewables, asset deferral. Fastresponse time, in order of sub-milliseconds [Beaudinet al., 2010], makes the technology a good candidatefor power quality applications, UPS and voltagesupport.

    Several flow battery types are under different stagesof R&D, such as polysulphide bromine, vanadium-vanadium, vanadium-polyhalide, cerium-zinc, lead-lead, etc., but two main types raised more interest:

    zinc-bromine (Zn-Br) and vanadium-redox (VRB) flowbatteries. Zn-Br batteries have a lower cost thanVRB, while VRB are more effi cient and have a longerlife time.

    Both Zn-Br and VRB batteries are in an early phaseof commercialisation. European manufacturersfor VRB include Cellstrom (Austria) and REDT (UKand Ireland). On the research side, the NationalPower Institute (UK) developed a system basedon polysulphide-bromide (Regenesys) in the early1990s. Demonstration projects in Europe are in

    Spain (La Gomera Facility), Ireland (Sorne Hill

    Electricity Storage in the Power Sector

    78 http://corporate.evonik.de/en/content/product-stories/Pages/energy-source-of-the-future.aspx

    Figure 16.3: XXL lithium-ion batteries made by Evonik Industry. The technology stores solar

    energy and releases it when there is no sunlight. [Source: Evonik Industries78]

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    wind farm) and Denmark (Riso Research Institute).Further research focus, on increased energy density,improved membrane performance, new stack design

    and cost reduction [European Commission, 2011].For VRB in particular, the replacement of vanadiummedia with vanadium bromide, the so-called secondgeneration of VRB flow batteries, allowed to increasethe energy density and to find further applicationsin mobile devices [EERA, 2011].

    FlywheelsFlywheel systems store energy mechanically in theform of kinetic energy by rotating a mass aroundan axis. On charging, the flywheel is accelerated,and on power generation, it is slowed. The core

    element of a flywheel is a rotating mass which isconnected to a main shaft (rotor) powered by anexternal source of energy. In revolving, the massbuilds up inertial energy. In discharge mode, thekinetic energy is released when the rotor is switchedoff. The use of flywheels as an energy storagedevice was first proposed for electric vehicles andstationary power back-up in the 1970s. Flywheelsystems are generally distinguished between lowspeed (up to 5 000 rpm) and high speed systems (upto 50 000 rpm) [Lazarewicz and Rojas, 2004].

    Flywheel systems have the advantage of high

    cyclability, high energy effi ciency and fast responsetime. The main applications are power related suchas short time support in distributed power systems,including power quality for sags and surges lastingless than 5 seconds, UPS for outages lasting up to10 minutes, voltage regulation, and support forflexible alternating current transmission systems(FACTS). Flywheels can provide ride-trough powerwith generators, as well as short-time support forsystems providing ancillary services such as spinningand standby reserves. They can be combined withbatteries to cover short-duration events and save

    batteries life-time [EERA, 2011].

    In Europe, the project SA2VE (Spain) tests theapplications of flywheels in three sectors:stationary applications for railway transport, energymanagement in buildings and the quality of powersupply.79

    Research and development aim at increasing theenergy density, for instance through increased

    angular velocity, and to reduce energy lossesbecause the system has a quite high self-dischargerate. However, increasing the rotational speed of the

    flywheel poses severe constraints on the bearings.Hence, magnetic bearings are used, in addition tomaintaining the flywheel housing under a partialpressure or vacuum to reduce the drag force due tohigh rotational energy. Research on low cost andhigh strength composite materials would influencethe development of flywheels, such as high strengthfibres and high temperature superconductors.Further research focuses on improved safety anddesign for the deployment in residential systems,along with cost reductions [EERA , 2011; EuropeanCommission, 2011].

    Supercapacitors 80

    The basic principle of a capacitor is to store theelectricity in an electrostatic field formed betweena pair of conductors (two electrodes of oppositepolarity) separated by a dielectric or insulator layer.Main differences between conventional capacitorsand supercapacitors are enlarged electrode surfaceareas, the use of a polymer membrane and of aliquid electrolyte instead of the dielectric solidmaterial. In these electrochemical systems, thecapacitive properties of the electrolyte-electrodeinterfaces, known as electrochemical double layers,

    are exploited to store energy [Hadjipaschalis et al.,2009; Chen et al., 2009; Naish et al., 2008].

    Electrochemical capacitors are in different stagesof R&D, although some devices are becomingcommercially available. In Europe, demonstrationprojects are in Spain for ultracapacitors (STOREproject in Canary Island, La Palma Facility in LosGuinchos) and for supercapacitors to optimizehydrogen-based systems (the EU FP6 projectHyHeels).81

    Supercapacitors have low maintenance needs, veryfast charging and discharging times and they canstand many cycles. They are good candidates forfrequency and voltage regulation, pulse power, factorcorrection, VAR support and harmonic protection.They have the potential for fast acting short termpower back-up for UPS, transmission line stability(FACTS devices), and spinning reserve provision.They find applications in support to renewableenergies and in smart grid systems [Beaudin et

    Electricity Storage in the Power Sector

    79 http://www.aicia.es/2/sites/aicia.es/files/IA-AICIA-2007-ing.pdf80 Terminology: Super capacitors are referred to also as electro-chemical capacitors, ultra-capacitors, ultra-high capacitance

    capacitors, and double layer capacitors [European Commission, 2011].81 http://ec.europa.eu/research/transport/projects/items/eu_funded__hyheels__takes_new_approach_to_fuel_cells_en.htm

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    al., 2010]. Coupling supercapacitors with batteriesis a prime option to extend both the peak powercapacity of batteries and the energy density of


    The technology is also suitable for road transportapplications to capture and store the energy fromregenerative braking, and to supply accelerationpower for electric vehicles. Other applications arein aerospace field, as they can withstand severetemperature conditions and power emergencyevents; and in cranes and elevators to captureenergy along downward motion [EERA, 2011].

    Research is currently on going on nano-carbon

    materials as a promising route to increase energyand power densities [Hadjipaschalis et al., 2009].Efforts are on improved capacitance and control ofpore sizes, to increase the cycle life and the charge-discharge operations. New electrolyte solutions arealso tested (solvents/ salts/ ionic liquids) in synergywith research on batteries [European Commission,2011].

    Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES)SMES stores energy in a magnetic field. Once a DCelectric current is injected into a superconductingcoil, it creates a magnetic field where the energy is

    stored. It is then released when this closed circuitis opened. Up to now, coils are mainly built fromniobium-titanium (NbTi) and cooled by liquid helium[Wolsky, 2002]. Emissions incurred during themanufacture of SMES facilities are about 962 tCO2/MWh stored [Hartikainen, 2007].

    The capacity installed of SMES units is over 100 MWworldwide [EERA, 2011]. Research prototypes havebeen developed up to 1 MW in Italy, Germany, Finlandand Spain; while successful demonstration projectsoperating at 20 K have been run in Germany, Finland,

    France, USA and South Korea [Hall and Bain, 2008].The technology is at a mature development stage;however, only micro-SMES systems (1 to 10 MW) arecommercialised.

    A hybrid-storage type with a flywheel system is theInertial Energy Storage system (INES). The basicprinciple consists in the rotation of a flywheel underlevitating conditions with a self-stable magneticbearing including bulk superconducting materialsand magnets. The essential components are theflywheel, a power conditioning system and a vacuum

    vessel [European Commission, 2011].

    A SMES stores electrical energy directly, withoutconverting it into another form, so it can release

    the energy very quickly. The system has very higheffi ciency, fast response and is suitable for powerquality applications, to provide active and reactive

    power, voltage support for critical loads, static VARcompensations, transmission lines stability andsmart grid applications [EPRI, 2004; EERA, 2011].

    Main SMES disadvantages are that they require largeinstallation surfaces, and that materials only becomesuperconducting at extremely low temperatures(0273 C). A research topic is the development oflarger systems with higher energy density. Researchefforts concern low temperature superconductivitybut also high temperature systems to can reduce thecost. Additional research on these high temperature

    materials is needed to increase the critical currentand magnetic field and to develop manufacturingprocesses enabling high production volumes. Moreeffi cient cryogenic cooling systems, high magneticfield and mechanically secure structure are key forfuture SMES development [EERA, 2011].

    16.3. Market and industry status andpotential

    The European industry has currently a strong marketleadership in large-scale energy storage technology,

    but it needs to maintain this industrial excellence[SETIS, 2008]. Three market leaders for hydro-pumped storage are based in Europe, and amongthem one company alone owns 40 % of the marketshare worldwide. Although the European know-how is widely used around the world, internationalcompetitors, such as Chinese manufacturers, areentering the market at a fast pace. As for CAEStechnologies, although they are not widely deployed,one of the two plants currently in operation wasbuilt with European technologies, while Europeanmanufacturers are actively evaluating adiabatic

    CAES concepts [RWE, 2010]. However, it has to benoted that six other projects on advanced CAESsystems (second generation and isothermal CAES)are under construction or planned in the US [BNEF,2011b]. For fuel cell and hydrogen technologies,the establishment of a Joint Undertaking in 2008 iscontributing to the development and strengtheningof the European industry.

    For small-to-medium scale technologies, the Europeanindustrial base is weaker, although dynamic. Despiteworld-class European manufacturers of batteries

    and supercapacitors, the overall battery market isdominated by Asian manufacturers. This contrastswith the excellence of European research at theorigin of decisive breakthroughs, which enabled

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    the origin of the diffi culty to assess its economics.In particular this is due to the fact that there is anoverlap created between the levels to which storage

    contributes, i.e. generation, grid, end-user. Forstorage to be profitable, all multiple value streamsneed to be accumulated, and regulatory barriersmust be removed. Establishing a framework toassess the economic potential of storage wouldenable the industry to take investment decisionsand public authorities to support the developmentof electricity storage [SETIS, 2008].

    The economic valuation of power storage in Europefaces the heterogeneity of power systems andpower markets among Member States, since storage

    operation is strongly dependent on local conditionsand regulation. However, outlining the framework ofthe market evaluation of storage represents one ofthe current priorities of the Information System ofSET-Plan, SETIS [Loisel et al., 2010; 2011].

    The development of a fully-integrated Europeanpower market takes into consideration all the optionswhich can improve the flexibility of power supply anddemand. Storage is clearly identified as part of theproject and complements measures such as improvedweather forecasting, new market-based approaches,demand control, cross-border interconnections,

    HVDC lines, power flow control technologies andsmart meters [ETP, 2008]. Therefore strategicplanning at the European level is required to inscribestorage technology and regulatory developments inthe broader context of smart grid related activitiesand renewable energy integration.

    16.5. RD&D priorities and currentinitiatives

    Current initiatives on storage development are

    undertaken at the industry level, at the Member Statelevel and at the European level. Two time-perspectivescan be framed, as a function of their developmentstage. Short-to-medium term initiatives aim atattaining the commercial maturity and at acceleratingthe transition to mass commercialisation, while long-term actions consist in boosting the fundamentalresearch on new technologies, new materials andnew components.

    The European Association for Storage of Energy(EASE), created in 2010 and scheduled to be launched

    offi cially in 2011, aims at building a common industryand stakeholders vision.84 EASE objectives are tobuild a European platform for sharing informationon storage and to help advance technological

    development, in connection with similar associationsin USA, Japan, Australia and China.

    With focus on the research and innovation, theEuropean Energy Research Alliance (EERA) 85includes a chapter Smart Grids. Task 4.1 ElectricEnergy Storage technologies. It provides a reviewof storage technologies aimed at gaining a deeperknowledge in storage applications and capabilities torespond to grid needs from economic and technicalviewpoints. In a later stage, the objective is to offersolutions which can be embedded in industry-drivenresearch.

    Focussed on batteries, the Association of European

    Automotive and Industrial Battery Manufacturersgathers more than 85 % of European industrial actorsin the field and joins their R&D efforts in developingnew solutions in areas such as electrical vehiclesand renewable energy storage.86

    The European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen JointTechnology Initiative aims to accelerate thedevelopment and the deployment of hydrogen-based technologies in a cost effective way throughapplied research programmes and demonstrationprojects.87

    Ongoing or planned European projects financedunder FP6 and FP7 programmes consist in creatingnetworks of excellence to consolidate the Europeanresearch in a particular field. For instance, the FP6European virtual research centre ALISTORE88 gathers23 European research organisations structuringR&D activities on lithium systems and promotingnanomaterials. The FP7 European project MESSIB89focuses amongst others on solutions which reducethe energy consumption in buildings by advancingthe research on materials, on phase change slurries,flywheels and VRB batteries. The FP7 project

    HESCAP90 aims to develop a new generation high-energy supercapacitor based system. For the longerterm perspective, EU research funding could focus onkey components, i.e. for battery development, suchas electrolytes, additives, new solvent solutions, newcells designs and post-lithium ion systems [EuropeanCommission, 2011].

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    84 http://www.iea.org/work/2011/storage/Item11_EDF.pdf85 http://setis.ec.europa.eu/about-setis/technology-


    http://www.eurobat.org/87 http://www.fch-ju.eu/88 http://www.u-picardie.fr/alistore/alistore_presentation.htm89 http://www.messib.eu/90 http://www.hescap.eu/

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    All storage technologies need sustained RD&Defforts through demand pull and supply push actions.Demand pull policies can send a market signal to

    researchers and investors that there is a potentialneed for the technology (e.g. re-designed ancillaryservices markets). However, these measures mainlystimulate innovation through deployment and maylead to low amounts of additional R&D expenditure.Dedicated funds for research programmes, the

    creation of public-private partnerships, cost-sharing schemes, loan guarantees and prizes forachieving policy goals, are examples of supply push

    actions that would further stimulate innovationby providing additional expenditure. Industrial-scale demonstration projects for near-to-marketdeployment are necessary to build the industrial trustand to gain field experience in storage technologies[SETIS, 2008].

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