
Post on 26-May-2015

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Transcript of Electricity


By Louka Ananiadis

Electricity Louka Ananiadis


What is a electronic wave?

•A electronic wave is a wave that transfers electrical and magnetic energy. •It consists of vibrating electric and magnetic fields that move through space at the speed of light. •The wave is transferred through space by electromagnetic waves called electromagnetic radiation.•Most waves require a medium to go through, but a electromagnet wave doesn’t need one. That is so because the energy needs to travel through the vacuum of space. This is why we can see stars and the sun, their light reaches earth.

How can light produce electricity?

How can light electricity produce light?

•Electricity comes from the movement of electrons , electrons are tiny particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom.•If enough electrical energy is added to the electrons-after flipping on a switch, or plugging in a cord, or adding a battery-they can escape from their normal orbit and flow along a path.• Also there is two types of electricity. Static electricity, which when the electrons are messed around and displaced. Lightning is a form of static electricity. •An experiment that you can try. You need a balloon and a subject(won’t get hurt). First you need to fill the balloon with air, then you rub the balloon back and forth on the subjects head then after a minute slowly lift it above his head, keep there.

What are the different types of light bulbs?




An incandescent light bulb is a glass bulb with a metal wire called a filament inside a vacuum. As the electricity flows though the filament, the filament heats up and glows, making light.

Fluorescent light bulbs are comprised of a thin glass tube that is coated on the inside with a white powder called phosphor. A ballast produces a high current which passes through the bulb and with the gas inside creates ultraviolet energy which hits the phosphor and gets converted to light.

High intensity discharge lamps work in a similar way to fluorescent light bulbs. They work by having electricity create an arc which makes a gas inside a quartz tube burn very hot there by producing light.

What are the different colors of light produced by a light bulb?

There are two main light colors that most people might know, the cool and the warm. The cool white bulb has a temperature of 4,100k, this causes the color to go in a low range of blues. The warm bulbs have a color temperature of 3,000k, causing it to a reddish and orange color.

Why is electricity a good form of energy?

• Electricity is a good form of energy because it can help people everyday. • You use electricity for computers, lights, lasers, hospitals, homes, and every where you go. •Electricity can change into other forms of energy like solar energy, hydroelectricity, and wind turbines.

Why is electricity so essential for our life?

•Electricity is the power to everything in this age of time

•People use it everyday to help them, self pleasure, and everything else in life that you need

• it also help in life saving

• take Google, it helps you to find information, websites with information about something you might not know

What other forms of energy can electricity can change into?

Electricity can be changes=d to solar energy, hydroelectric energy, and wind turbines, etc.

•A neon light is the sort of light you see used in advertising signs. These signs are made of long, narrow glass tubes, and you can bent them into any shape. The tubes have different colors because of the color of the tube.

• A fluorescent light works on a similar idea but it has an extra step. Inside a fluorescent light is low-pressure mercury vapor. When ionized, mercury vapor emits ultraviolet light.