Electrical Engineer Students

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Electrical Engineer Students

This story is an untrueStory based

on real characters At the Alshati Language

and Training Center

Once upon a time a group of engineersgathered in one place

TheAlshati Language & Training centerNear the Hai Alandulus clean shore

The everyday relationship of theTrainees grew, such that

they became members of a big family

I am Mr.Bangura Leader of Sierra Leone for 2045!My main goal: division of the trainees so they hate

each other

Then the love they had for one anotherStarted to change to

hatred Ha ha ha

That’s impossible. Ms. Laila wouldn’t do it. I’ll go and double check.

Mansoor. Ms. Laila registered you absent for 2


Hisham seems like a nice guy, I have to figure out a way to

brainwash him!

He thinks, I can’t see what he’s up


Abdelrouf isn’t an easy prey, I’ll know how to sweet talk


Mr.Bangura in the role of the nice


Not very convinced of

what’s going on

Been through this with the

university teachers

Ha Ha Ha Got 4 of them!.

Mr. Bangura continues to battle his way in creating hatred between the trainees.

But failed cause the trainees knew what he was up to.

Mr. Bangura raise the white flag and gets ready heads to Buselim knowing what awaits him there.

And the trainees lived happily everafter with love

And respect until the day they went their separate ways.

AlhamdulillahFrom today no ringing of bell. Complete silence.

Goodbye to all, and we hope to see you again in

the not so distant future.