Election Of 1824lb

Post on 28-May-2015

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8th grade US History information about the Election of 1824

Transcript of Election Of 1824lb

John Quincy Adams


Highly qualified but people found him cold and self important

Committed to internal improvements

Less strongly committed to tariffs

Very good friend of Clay

Henry Clay


Speaker of the House

People love him

Strength is compromise

Favored the National Bank, protective tariffs, and a national program for internal improvements - believed it would build the nation and economy

William Crawford


Congressman and Secretary of State

Radical Republicans – distrusted nationalism that developed during John Adams Presidency

Andrew Jackson


Hero of the Battle of New Orleans

Says he is the anti-politician

Wanted government to support the common man

No real platform

Jackson had the most votes but not a majority of electoral votes

Clay got least votes

Crawford is dying and is out of the race

Clay tosses his votes to Adams it is said in exchange for the role job of Sec. of State

Jackson believes it is an example of the powerful controlling the government

Democratic-Republican party splits

1. Democratic – Republican party supports Jackson and becomes the party of the common people

2. National Republican Party becomes a new party and is led by Adams

Jackson says Adams is an aristocrat, upper class, spent to much money on national projects

Adams says Jackson is a barbarian and a savage, that he can barely spell his own name, and ruffian with a furious temper

Jackson wins with the support of urban eastern workers, farmers in the south and the west.

Jackson “Old Hickory” as President

Believes the government should give equal protection and equal benefit for all people

Creates the “Spoils System” – fired everyone in the government and hired his friends. He believed the people in the government were corrupt and needed to be replaced.

For the first time white men who did not own property were able to vote

Share croppers, factory workers and other were able to vote and the thought Jackson was their best bet for a voice in the government

End of private party caucus – where a group of men when into a room and decided who the party would run for president.

Nominating conventions where delegates from each state vote for who will run for President replace it.

Tariff of Abominations 1828

Tariff caused the price of foreign goods sold in the US to increase

Northern View Point: Made European goods more expensive and that made it possible for Northern manufacturing to make a profit.

Southern View Point

The tariff makes the North more powerful and profitable while making goods more expensive in the South

Jackson’s view point

Must not allow the tariff to break the country

The South is suggesting that they will Nullify (refuse the law) the law if it continues.

Jackson does not want the concept of Nullification to take hold in the country.

Jackson's VP (John C. Calhoun) to battle against the "Tariff of Abominations" and in 1828 he states that the Union was an agreement among sovereign states and therefore had the right to nullify any federal law

Nullification Crisis – what if the South refuses to able the law and actually says it is not the law in the South

Jan. 1830 - Senator Daniel Webster counters Senator Haynes’s speech favoring nullification with a 2 day speech tying the Constitution and Union and Liberty

Nullification Crises

Jackson and his Vice-President take different sides

Jackson (from the South) says the law must stand and Calhoun (from the South) says states have the right to decide for them selves if they follow the law.

Jackson “ Our federal union must be preserved”

Calhoun “ The Union next to our liberty, most dear.”

Comprise is reacted but the North and South are working their way toward the Civil War

Calhoun resigns and becomes a senator and Martin Van Burean becomes the VP

S. Carolina nullifies the tariff and threatened to secede

Jackson and Clay create a compromise of the tariff and S. Carolina backs down