ELAGSE6RL3 Describe how a particular story’s or …...•Exposition –introduction of the (1)...

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Transcript of ELAGSE6RL3 Describe how a particular story’s or …...•Exposition –introduction of the (1)...

ELAGSE6RL3 Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds

in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond to change as the plot moves toward a resolution

Essential Question How do readers determine if literature

is a narrative work?

What is a narrator ?

A narrator tells the story, or narrates.

A narrative is the actual story.

Word Family

Word Families / Latin Prefixes & Suffixes

• - or (person or thing that)

• inventor

• educator


Listen to this story.

What are some characteristics of narratives?

• Setting

• Fiction (unless a biography)

• Characters (people or animals)

• Plot & conflict

• Explores an insight into life (Theme)

PLOT – the sequence of events in a story





• Exposition –introduction of the (1) setting, (2) the characters, and (3) the basic situation

• Rising Action – events that introduce a conflict or struggle and increase the tension

• Climax – the story’s turning point; WHAT HAVE WE BEEN WAITING FOR?

• Falling Action - events that follow the climax


Look for these elements in a story’s plot.

Conflict • What does it mean to be in conflict?

– A struggle between 2 opposing forces

• For example: The 3 Little Pigs

• External vs. Internal

• -ex (exit, extract, exhale)

– outside

– Man vs. Man; Man vs. Society; Man vs. Nature

• -in (inhale, incubate)

– Inside/into

– Man vs. Himself


• Man vs. Man (External)

• Man vs. The World (External)

• Man vs. Himself (Internal)






Nika vs. Herself – thinking about

what to do about her

relationship with Anthony

Ms. Ussin vs. herself– spider

moving too quickly for Ms. Ussin

to kill; can’t sleep until she

knows it’s dead


Nika vs. Anthony – the

spraying and kicking at Sonic to

end relationship

Ms. Ussin vs. spider – spider

moving too quickly for Ms.

Ussin to kill; it moves and she

chases it with her shoe


Pablo and the Market Job

Pablo hurried to put on his best clothes. He was finally old enough to work at the outdoor market in his

small Mexican town this summer, and today he would apply for the job of apprentice to the fruit dealer. Pablo

rushed through the narrow dirt streets to the town square where the outdoor market dealers set up their small

booths. He saw his friend, Manny, already talking to the fruit dealer, Mr. Gonzales.

“Yes, sir, Mr. Gonzales, I know how to judge if a fruit is ripe or not,” said Manny to the dealer, “since I

have picked them in the orchards many times.”

Pablo frowned because he had never known Manny to work in the orchards, or anywhere else. Of all the

boys in the town, Manny was known to be the laziest.

Pablo finally got his chance to interview with Mr. Gonzales and told him about his own work

experience in the orchards. The fruit dealer told both boys that they could work for him today, and by the end

of the day he would pick one of them to help him all summer.

Both boys started out the day as hard workers when they thought Mr. Gonzales was watching, but soon

Manny began sitting more than he worked. Unknown to the boys, Mr. Gonzales closely watched both of them

all day.

At the end of the day, Manny tried to act as if he, too, had worked hard, but Mr. Gonzales knew better.

“I told you both that I would choose a worker at the end of today, and I choose Pablo.”

Manny trudged home disappointed, but Pablo was all smiles because he knew his income would be a

welcome addition to the small wages brought in by his older brothers.

“You were the best worker today, Pablo, and I know that you will work hard for me all summer,” said

Mr. Gonzales.

- Georgia CRCT Coach Book, GPS Edition, Grade 8, 2006

a. plot b. - or c. exposition d. rising action e. climax f. falling action g. resolution

1. Events that take place after the climax

2. Introduces setting, characters and situation

3. Person or thing that 4. Events that develop the story and

introduce conflict 5. Conclusion; result of conflict 6. The highest tension of story; turning

point; what readers have been waiting for

7. A short story’s series of events


Write the number, the letter, and the word that follows the letter.

Write the number, the letter, and the word that follows the letter.

a. plot b. - or c. exposition d. rising action e. climax f. falling action g. resolution

1. Events that take place after the climax

2. Introduces setting, characters and situation

3. Person or thing that 4. Events that develop the story and

introduce conflict 5. Conclusion; result of conflict 6. The highest tension of story; turning

point; what readers have been waiting for

7. A short stories series of events

In the following narrative, identify the key elements of the plot and explain your identification.

I always knew Kirsten would graduate from high school and go to

college because she always worked really hard in school and stayed away from the wrong crowd so she wouldn’t be distracted. All through our four years of high school, she made the honor roll, and she was always getting an award for something. I wished she would’ve gotten the opportunity to make it. One weekend we went to a party. We made sure we didn’t drink because we knew we’d be driving. We danced all night and had a good, clean time. She even talked to Michael all night just like she’d hoped. When we were driving home, talking and laughing about everything that happened that night, a drunk driver, some other student from the same party, didn’t stop at a red light and smashed into our car. It hit the driver’s side and sent Kirsten flying right from the driver’s seat to a nearby parking lot. At her funeral, I cried uncontrollably! I didn’t go to school for a week because I couldn’t stand to be there without her. It’s still taking time for me to heal. I miss her so much.

I always knew Kirsten would graduate from high school and go to

college because she always worked really hard in school and stayed away from the wrong crowd so she wouldn’t be distracted. All through our four years of high school, she made the honor roll, and she was always getting an award for something. I wished she would’ve gotten the opportunity to make it. - Exposition One weekend we went to a party. We made sure we didn’t drink because we knew we’d be driving. We danced all night and had a good clean time. She even talked to Michael all night just like she’d hoped. When we were driving home, talking and laughing about everything that happened that night, a drunk driver, some other student from the same party, didn’t stop at a red light and smashed into our car. It hit the driver’s side and sent Kirsten flying right from the driver’s seat to a nearby parking lot. At her funeral, I cried uncontrollably! I didn’t go to school for a week because I couldn’t stand to be there without her. It’s still taking time for me to heal. I miss her so much.

I always knew Kirsten would graduate from high school and go to

college because she always worked really hard in school and stayed away from the wrong crowd so she wouldn’t be distracted. All through our four years of high school, she made the honor roll, and she was always getting an award for something. I wished she would’ve gotten the opportunity to make it. Rising Action - One weekend we went to a party. We made sure we didn’t drink because we knew we’d be driving. We danced all night and had a good clean time. She even talked to Michael all night just like she’d hoped. When we were driving home, talking and laughing about everything that happened that night, a drunk driver, some other student from the same party, didn’t stop at a red light and smashed into our car. It hit the driver’s side and sent Kirsten flying right from the driver’s seat to a nearby parking lot. At her funeral, I cried uncontrollably! I didn’t go to school for a week because I couldn’t stand to be there without her. It’s still taking time for me to heal. I miss her so much.

I always knew Kirsten would graduate from high school and go to

college because she always worked really hard in school and stayed away from the wrong crowd so she wouldn’t be distracted. All through our four years of high school, she made the honor roll, and she was always getting an award for something. I wished she would’ve gotten the opportunity to make it. One weekend we went to a party. We made sure we didn’t drink because we knew we’d be driving. We danced all night and had a good clean time. She even talked to Michael all night just like she’d hoped. When we were driving home, talking and laughing about everything that happened that night, a drunk driver, some other student from the same party, didn’t stop at a red light and smashed into our car. It hit the driver’s side and sent Kirsten flying right from the driver’s seat to a nearby parking lot. - Climax At her funeral, I cried uncontrollably! I didn’t go to school for a week because I couldn’t stand to be there without her. It’s still taking time for me to heal. I miss her so much.

I always knew Kirsten would graduate from high school and go to

college because she always worked really hard in school and stayed away from the wrong crowd so she wouldn’t be distracted. All through our four years of high school, she made the honor roll, and she was always getting an award for something. I wished she would’ve gotten the opportunity to make it. One weekend we went to a party. We made sure we didn’t drink because we knew we’d be driving. We danced all night and had a good clean time. She even talked to Michael all night just like she’d hoped. When we were driving home, talking and laughing about everything that happened that night, a drunk driver, some other student from the same party, didn’t stop at a red light and smashed into our car. It hit the driver’s side and sent Kirsten flying right from the driver’s seat to a nearby parking lot. Falling Action - At her funeral, I cried uncontrollably! I didn’t go to school for a week because I couldn’t stand to be there without her. It’s still taking time for me to heal. I miss her so much.

So what’s the resolution?

ALWAYS look to the CLIMAX to answer that question

I always knew Kirsten would graduate from high school and go to

college because she always worked really hard in school and stayed away from the wrong crowd so she wouldn’t be distracted. All through our four years of high school, she made the honor roll, and she was always getting an award for something. I wished she would’ve gotten the opportunity to make it. One weekend we went to a party. We made sure we didn’t drink because we knew we’d be driving. We danced all night and had a good clean time. She even talked to Michael all night just like she’d hoped. When we were driving home, talking and laughing about everything that happened that night, a drunk driver, some other student from the same party, didn’t stop at a red light and smashed into our car. It hit the driver’s side and sent Kirsten flying right from the driver’s seat to a nearby parking lot. - Climax At her funeral, I cried uncontrollably! I didn’t go to school for a week because I couldn’t stand to be there without her. It’s still taking time for me to heal. I miss her so much.

How did the author foreshadow?

An author’s hint of what’s to come in the story

I always knew Kirsten would graduate from high school and go to

college because she always worked really hard in school and stayed away from the wrong crowd so she wouldn’t be distracted. All through our four years of high school, she made the honor roll, and she was always getting an award for something. I wished she would’ve gotten the opportunity to make it. One weekend we went to a party. We made sure we didn’t drink because we knew we’d be driving. We danced all night and had a good, clean time. She even talked to Michael all night just like she’d hoped. When we were driving home, talking and laughing about everything that happened that night, a drunk driver, some other student from the same party, didn’t stop at a red light and smashed into our car. It hit the driver’s side and sent Kirsten flying right from the driver’s seat to a nearby parking lot. At her funeral, I cried uncontrollably! I didn’t go to school for a week because I couldn’t stand to be there without her. It’s still taking time for me to heal. I miss her so much.

What is the external conflict in the story?

Who/What vs. Who/What

What is the internal conflict in the story?

Who/What vs. Who/What

What kind of character is it? How does the character feel?

ELAGSE6RL3 Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds

in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond to change as the plot moves toward a


When analyzing a character…

1. Look at the character’s traits

2. Look at the character’s actions

3. Look at the character’s reactions

4. Listen for the character’s words and/or thoughts

• Direct Characterization – The author TELLS the reader who the character is

• Indirect Characterization – The author SHOWS the reader who the character is

Louis hurried to get ready for school because band tryouts were going to be held this morning, and he didn’t want to be late. His stomach felt queasy, so he took only two bites of his toast before rushing out the door. He tapped a nervous finger on his trumpet case continuously during the entire bus ride to school. The score he made at tryouts this morning would determine his report card grade in band, and if he made another C, he would be grounded for a whole month.

Is Louis…

A. worried

B. happy

C. mad

D. sad

Louis hurried to get ready for school because band tryouts were going to be held this morning, and he didn’t want to be late. His stomach felt queasy, so he took only two bites of his toast before rushing out the door. He tapped a nervous finger on his trumpet case continuously during the entire bus ride to school. The score he made at tryouts this morning would determine his report card grade in band, and if he made another C, he would be grounded for a whole month.

stomps feet on floor, yells, slams books on table

• happy

• scared

• sad

• mad

smiles broadly, hums to herself

• happy

• scared

• sad

• mad

frowns, cries easily, wrings hands, walks with a slump

• happy

• scared

• sad

• mad

Good writers SHOW. They don’t tell.

Static vs. Dynamic Character

• Usually main character

• Undergoes change throughout the story

• Central Character (could be main character too)

• Does not go through change

• Think of STATIC on your clothes… it sticks

ELAGSE6RL2 Determine a theme and/or central idea of a text and how

it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions and


Essential Question What is theme?

How do authors create theme?


An overall lesson that the author wants readers to learn; usually stated

in a phrase


An overall subject of the story; usually stated in one word

For example:

Topic: Success

Theme: In order to be successful, one must work hard.

Topic: Friendship

Theme: True friendship is marked by the ones who stick around even through the tough times.

Topic: Separation

Theme: Distance makes the heart grow fonder.

# 1 What would be an appropriate topic and theme for this story?

Karen watched the other girls play in the championship game while she sat on the bench. She hadn’t been to enough practices to play, and Coach Jones was serious about “No Practice, No Play”. She begged and begged, but Coach didn’t let up. When the girls won the game, she was excited, but she wished she had an opportunity to take part in the win.

# 2 What would be an appropriate topic and theme for this story?

I didn’t understand why I was so happy today. I just felt good! Everything was going well, and I determined within myself that I wouldn’t let anything get me down.

There was a meeting after lunch, and everyone was upset about the pay cut we all had to take. They were all fussing and complaining, but I decided to sit in a lounge chair on the wall to keep away from it all. My boss walked in after a few minutes and saw everyone fussing and talking about everything. He looked at me and asked, “Why aren’t you in on the dog fight over there?”

“It’s just not worth it,” I said. “We all have to take the cut, so what’s arguing going to do to change that?”

“This is why I KNEW you deserved the one promotion we have in the building! I love your outlook on things. Congratulations! Your promotion to Site Manager is effective immediately!”

Determine a theme for these topics.

• Patience

• Obedience

• Trust