El Jourbagy KA1

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FRIT 7236

Transcript of El Jourbagy KA1

Jasmine El-JourbagyFRIT 7236Final KA

Link to Assessment: http://goo.gl/forms/sNO4RKErZo

Objectives and Multiple Choice Questions

Objective 1: (Grades 9-12 – Introduction to Business and Technology)

Condition, behavior, and criteria: When given examples, students will demonstrate and understanding of ethical and legal actions with regards to plagiarism, fair use, and copyright laws. (Georgia Standard: BMA-IBT-2) (2B Understand Conceptual Knowledge)

Question 1: Which might indicate that a company is run according to ethical standards?a. Employees are treated fairlyb. The cost of making products increasec. The government investigates the company’s accounting practicesd. Environmental problems related to manufacturing are not addressed

Objective 2: (Grades 9-12 – Introduction to Business and Technology)

Condition, behavior, and criteria: When given a list of examples, students should be able to identify formatting features of a document and specifically dealing with the creation tables. (Georgia Standard: BMA-IBT-3) (4C Analyze Procedural Knowledge)

Question 2: Identify the quickest way to insert tables, such as calendars or tabular lists, is by using which of the following methods?

a. Dragging to create a tableb. Drawing a tablec. Using the Insert Table dialog boxd. Inserting a Quick Table

Objective 2: (Grades 9-12 – Introduction to Business and Technology)

Condition, behavior, and criteria: When given choices, students should be able to identify ways to insert page setup settings. (Georgia Standard: BMA-IBT-3) (1C Remember Procedural Knowledge)

Question 3: From which of the following would you choose to insert a manual page break?a. Home tab, Paragraph groupb. Paragraph dialog boxc. Page Layout tab, Paragraph groupd. Insert Tab, Pages group

Jasmine El-JourbagyFRIT 7236Final KA

Link to Assessment: http://goo.gl/forms/sNO4RKErZo

Assessment Plan


According to our text, reliability is the degree to which students’ results remain consistent over all assessment procedures. (Nitko & Brookhart, 2014) I also stated in our class discussion that reliability is when information, be it test results, are stable and constant.

When it came to my questions, which I created, I found the last two are more reliable than the first. That is because the last two are actual production based questions so the students are able to visualize the steps to insert either a table or page break. The first question also has to deal with ethics so as long as the student has a firm grasp of what is right and wrong then they should automatically come to the conclusion and answer. It would be easier to make questions two and three easier by adding in an image and telling students to label which of the buttons to complete the task.


Validity according to the text is the “judgment you make after considering evidence from all relevant areas.” It is also defined as: the soundness of your interpretations, uses, values and consequences. (Nitko & Brookhart, 2014, p. 37)

When it comes to validity of my test questions, I would use the results to see if students have mastered a certain content area. The first question is addressing one of the first standards in the course that covers ethics in the workplace. If a student answers several questions on a topic wrong I know that I need to go back and cover the information again because there was a clear misunderstanding of the content. When it comes to the last two questions, I know if a student misunderstands one or the other they either did not pay attention during the lesson or were confused over the certain commands of one of the buttons. For example, many of the students are familiar with inserting tables into their documents but may have never used the quick tables, which is the correct answer to the question. Many students will automatically jump to the answer they are most familiar with which is answer choice C instead of the correct answer choice.


Differentiated instruction refers to instructional practices that are altered to meet the needs, abilities, interests, and motivations of students. (Nitko & Brookhart, 2014)

I have not yet addressed any of the issues when it comes to differentiation. I would plausibly have to re-write the questions, re-create the formats they are in and maybe even create a new

Jasmine El-JourbagyFRIT 7236Final KA

Link to Assessment: http://goo.gl/forms/sNO4RKErZo type of assessment to meet other students’ needs. Last year I had to create an audio only test because I had a student that was legally blind. It was a very interesting process and I learned so much of the process of creating different types of tests and assessments to meet the needs of others.

Improving Student Learning

I would work on a few areas when it comes to my students’ learning. First I would make sure that when I am teaching the content my students had a clear understanding of each topic and standard by making sure to give both summative and formative assessments and to benchmark their understanding. Secondly I would need to make sure I give feedback in a manner that is quick enough so my students are still in the mind set of the concept they just learned. I also need to make sure that the information in each assessment is covering the information which I have taught, sometimes I have seen teachers use questions on assessments that were never covered in class or are vague enough the students get confused.

Improving Future Assessments

In the future I want to be able to add imagery into my questions so students are able to see questions the way they learned the content. Also, I need to make sure I have a good mix of high and low level questions. I always seem to end up using lower level questions and I want to move away from that habit.

Jasmine El-JourbagyFRIT 7236Final KA

Link to Assessment: http://goo.gl/forms/sNO4RKErZo Course Name: Introduction to Business and TechnologyGrade Level: 9-12Georgia Standard:

● BMA-IBT-2 Apply technology as a tool to increase productivity to create, edit, and publish industry- appropriate documents. 2.2Demonstrate ethical and legal actions with regards to plagiarism, fair use, and copyright laws.

● BMA-IBT-3 Master word processing software to create, edit, and publish professional-appearing business documents.

● BMA-IBT-4 Analyze and integrate leadership skills and management functions within the business environment.

● BMA-IBT-5 Demonstrate understanding of the concept of marketing and its importance to business ownership.

Objectives Level and Type Short Answer QuestionsStudents will demonstrate an understanding of ethical and legal actions with regards to plagiarism, fair use, and copyright laws.

Remember Factual/

Conceptual Knowledge

Name at least four of the different mediums that Copyright law can cover?

Students will identify and understand how to apply passwords to a Word document.

Remember Procedural Knowledge

List the three different ways to apply a password to a Word document?

Students will identify and research digital citizenship and protecting themselves online.

Apply Factual Knowledge

What does a Digital Citizen try to protect?

Essay QuestionsStudents will explain the role of a business leader and the

Evaluate Conceptual Knowledge

What types of skills should a business leader have? Can you be a good leader and manager at the same time? Can you be a leader and follower? Explain in your own words what skills a business leader should have and how their

Jasmine El-JourbagyFRIT 7236Final KA

Link to Assessment: http://goo.gl/forms/sNO4RKErZo skills they must have to function in the business world.

role in today’s business has changed from the past.

Students will explain how a business must incorporate the marketing mix to sell and buy goods.

Analyze Factual Knowledge

How does a company get their word out to the general public? Are there certain methods they would use to reach certain key markets? Explain how companies must use the Marketing Mix to influence their customers to purchase goods; and how they must also use the same concepts to purchase goods to produce their goods.

Students will explain their understanding of ethical and legal actions with regards to plagiarism, fair use, and copyright laws.

Evaluate Factual Knowledge

Explain in your own words how important it is to understand ethical situations. List situations in your writing that are unethical and explain why and how to correct the situation.

Jasmine El-JourbagyFRIT 7236Final KA

Link to Assessment: http://goo.gl/forms/sNO4RKErZo

Assessment Plan


Reliability is the degree to which students’ results remain consistent over all assessment procedures. (Nitko & Brookhart, 2014) I also stated in our class discussion that reliability is when information, be it test results, are stable and constant.

With short answer and essay questions I must be able to provide detailed instruction to benefit the students learning. I must also be sure to provide the students with detailed rubrics. Before providing my students with these assessments I would have gone through demonstrations showing step-by-step instruction. Also, many of these questions would be used as either essential questions or part of projects that the students would complete. This would provide the students with enough background knowledge to provide detailed answers to each of the questions.


Validity according to the text is the “judgment you make after considering evidence from all relevant areas.” It is also defined as: the soundness of your interpretations, uses, values and consequences. (Nitko & Brookhart, 2014, p. 37)

My objectives come straight from the state standards. They are worded so that they are clear for the students to understand and so that they know what they are being tested upon. Also I present the students with the standard during class time and leave it posted for the entire unit so that they understand what they are learning or so that they are able to have a general idea of what we will be covering in class.


Differentiated instruction refers to instructional practices that are altered to meet the needs, abilities, interests, and motivations of students. (Nitko & Brookhart, 2014)

I have not yet addressed any of the issues when it comes to differentiation. I would plausibly have to re-write the questions, re-create the formats they are in and maybe even create a new type of assessment to meet other students’ needs, for example if a student need an auditory test because they were blind or a student who has a speech impediment would have an alternate assignment to classroom presentations. Last year I had to create an audio only test because I had a student that was legally blind. It was a very interesting process and I learned so much of the process of creating different types of tests and assessments to meet the needs of others.

Jasmine El-JourbagyFRIT 7236Final KA

Link to Assessment: http://goo.gl/forms/sNO4RKErZo Technology would also be a huge component of helping out students who might have problems with writing prompts.

Improving Student Learning

I would work on a few areas when it comes to my students’ learning. First I would make sure that when I am teaching the content my students had a clear understanding of each topic and standard by making sure to give both summative and formative assessments and to benchmark their understanding. Secondly I would need to make sure I give feedback in a manner that is quick enough so my students are still in the mind set of the concept they just learned. I also need to make sure that the information in each assessment is covering the information which I have taught, sometimes I have seen teachers use questions on assessments that were never covered in class or are vague enough the students get confused.

Improving Future Assessments

In the future I want to be able to add imagery into my questions so students are able to see questions the way they learned the content. Also, I need to make sure I have a good mix of high and low level questions. I always seem to end up using lower level questions and I want to move away from that habit.

Jasmine El-JourbagyFRIT 7236Final KA

Link to Assessment: http://goo.gl/forms/sNO4RKErZo Course Name: Introduction to Business and TechnologyGrade Level: 9-12Georgia Standard:

● BMA-IBT-2 Apply technology as a tool to increase productivity to create, edit, and publish industry- appropriate documents. 2.2Demonstrate ethical and legal actions with regards to plagiarism, fair use, and copyright laws.

● BMA-IBT-3 Master word processing software to create, edit, and publish professional-appearing business documents.

● BMA-IBT-4 Analyze and integrate leadership skills and management functions within the business environment.

● BMA-IBT-5 Demonstrate understanding of the concept of marketing and its importance to business ownership.

Objectives Level and Type HOTSThe following objective comes from the class standards listed above. The course is Introduction to Business and Technology.

Students will provide clear explanations and model their understanding of career ethics.

Students will create action plans to aid their understanding of Identify Theft and Fraud.

EvaluateConceptual Knowledge

A Runner-up’s Request

The SMN Corporation has enjoyed a great growth spurt in the past three years. Because of increased sales, the CEO decides to create a new director level position. The position requires extensive business expertise, an understanding of the SMN Corporation's industry, and exemplary interpersonal skills.

Two candidates remain after the final interviews: John, an external candidate with a sound business background, and Mary, a candidate from within the company, who also has the required skills. After due consideration, the Vice President for Human Resources decides to offer the position to John. John considers the offer for several days, but ultimately declines the position.

The Vice President then meets with Mary, and offers her the position. Upon hearing the offer, Mary pauses. She looks the VP straight in the eye and asks, "Was the job offered to the other candidate first?"

How should the vice president respond? What would you do in this situation?

Jasmine El-JourbagyFRIT 7236Final KA

Link to Assessment: http://goo.gl/forms/sNO4RKErZo Create Procedural Knowledge

Create a “Scam Action Plan” for your family that outlines preventive measures you and your family can take to avoid scams, fraud, and theft. Your plan should include actions to protect personal and financial information when banking in person as well as when using Internet and phones.

Evaluate/Analyze Conceptual Knowledge

Give Me a Break

Samuel approves leases for Bayside Properties, a real estate company. One day, Elaine, a real estate appraiser, approaches Samuel to inquire about leasing office space in one of the company’s buildings. Elaine has previously rented space in a Bayside building, but that building has been sold; Elaine needs to find new space at the end of her lease. Samuel would like to rent to Elaine—she is not only an ideal tenant with an excellent credit record with the company, but Samuel knows that Elaine is in the position to speak favorably to others about the company’s good service and careful maintenance of their buildings. In addition, Elaine is a close family friend.

Samuel has the perfect space for Elaine coming available just when she needs it. The problem is, rental rates have increased quite a bit since Elaine signed her last lease with Bayside, and it is more than she wants to pay. Elaine asks Samuel for a break on the rent. What should he do?

Jasmine El-JourbagyFRIT 7236Final KA

Link to Assessment: http://goo.gl/forms/sNO4RKErZo

Assessment Plan


According to our text, reliability is the degree to which students’ results remain consistent over all assessment procedures. (Nitko & Brookhart, 2014) I also stated in our class discussion that reliability is when information, be it test results, are stable and constant.

With HOT questions, I would recommend providing rubrics and detailed instructions on how to complete and answer each question. By providing rubrics you give each student a guideline to follow so they understand your expectations for an assignment. Before ever seeing these types of questions each student would have the hands on experience and prior knowledge that they would need to tackle each question. Also being able to gage students understanding of the topics through projects will help to see if students are gaining that deep knowledge of the topic that they will need.


Validity according to the text is the “judgment you make after considering evidence from all relevant areas.” It is also defined as: the soundness of your interpretations, uses, values and consequences. (Nitko & Brookhart, 2014, p. 37)

My objectives come straight from the state standards. They are worded so that they are clear for the students to understand and so that they know what they are being tested upon. Also I present the students with the standard during class time and leave it posted for the entire unit so that they understand what they are learning or so that they are able to have a general idea of what we will be covering in class.


Differentiated instruction refers to instructional practices that are altered to meet the needs, abilities, interests, and motivations of students. (Nitko & Brookhart, 2014)

I have not yet addressed any of the issues when it comes to differentiation. I would plausibly have to re-write the questions, re-create the formats they are in and maybe even create a new type of assessment to meet other students’ needs. Last year I had to create an audio only test because I had a student that was legally blind. It was a very interesting process and I learned so much of the process of creating different types of tests and assessments to meet the needs of

Jasmine El-JourbagyFRIT 7236Final KA

Link to Assessment: http://goo.gl/forms/sNO4RKErZo others. Technology would also be a huge component of helping out students who might have problems with writing prompts.

Also students with IEPs or ESOL students should be addressed in the future.

Improving Student Learning

I would work on a few areas when it comes to my students’ learning. First I would make sure that when I am teaching the content my students had a clear understanding of each topic and standard by making sure to give both summative and formative assessments and to benchmark their understanding. Secondly I would need to make sure I give feedback in a manner that is quick enough so my students are still in the mind set of the concept they just learned. I also need to make sure that the information in each assessment is covering the information which I have taught, sometimes I have seen teachers use questions on assessments that were never covered in class or are vague enough the students get confused.

Improving Future Assessments

In the future I want to be able to add imagery into my questions so students are able to see questions the way they learned the content. Also, I need to make sure I have a good mix of high and low level questions. I always seem to end up using lower level questions and I want to move away from that habit. Also, with these types of questions, HOT, I would like to also add specific rubrics so that students could see what they would need to add into their responses.

Jasmine El-JourbagyFRIT 7236Final KA

Link to Assessment: http://goo.gl/forms/sNO4RKErZo Course Name: Introduction to Business and TechnologyGrade Level: 9-12Georgia Standard:● BMA-IBT-2

● 2.1 Practice respectful and responsible use of technology. ● 2.8 Compare and contrast technology tools’ uses for efficiency in business.

● BMA-IBT-3 Master word processing software to create, edit, and publish professional-appearing business documents.

Objectives Level and Type


The following objective comes from the class standards listed above. The course is Introduction to Business and Technology.

Students will create a mail merge with their understanding of professional business documents.

Students will create an Itinerary with their understanding of professional business documents.

Students will research two technologies to understand their impact on society.

Create Procedural Knowledge

Using the Executive Letter created in class and the Leaders database document create a Mail Merge to add in the address block and greeting line fields to your document.

How do you create a mail merge? What type of coding is around the fields?

Create Procedural Knowledge

Using Microsoft Word create an Itinerary for a trip that you would like to take in the future. Make sure to include dates, times and locations.

Why is it important to have an itinerary?How are they used in the business world?

Create Conceptual Knowledge

You are to research four (4) articles that compare Microsoft’s Surface to Apple’s iPad and write an academic report that defines the Surface and iPad, explains the similarities (compare) between the two, explains the differences (contrast) between the two, and make a recommendation as to the best tablet for the car company to use for the sales staff. Provide evidence to illustrate or clarify your analysis. What conclusion and implications can you draw from your research? You will use proper the MLA style of writing and citing all sources used to conduct the research in a Works Cited page.

Jasmine El-JourbagyFRIT 7236Final KA

Link to Assessment: http://goo.gl/forms/sNO4RKErZo

Assessment Plan


According to our text, reliability is the degree to which students’ results remain consistent over all assessment procedures. (Nitko & Brookhart, 2014) I also stated in our class discussion that reliability is when information, be it test results, are stable and constant.

With Performance questions, I would also recommend providing rubrics and detailed instructions on how to complete and answer each question. Before ever seeing these types of questions each student would have the hands on experience and prior knowledge through demonstrations from the teacher that they would need to tackle each question. Also being able to gage students understanding of the topics through projects will help to see if students are gaining that deep knowledge of the topic that they will need.


Validity according to the text is the “judgment you make after considering evidence from all relevant areas.” It is also defined as: the soundness of your interpretations, uses, values and consequences. (Nitko & Brookhart, 2014, p. 37)

My objectives come straight from the state standards. They are worded so that they are clear for the students to understand and so that they know what they are being tested upon. Also I present the students with the standard during class time and leave it posted for the entire unit so that they understand what they are learning or so that they are able to have a general idea of what we will be covering in class.


Differentiated instruction refers to instructional practices that are altered to meet the needs, abilities, interests, and motivations of students. (Nitko & Brookhart, 2014)

I have not yet addressed any of the issues when it comes to differentiation. I would plausibly have to re-write the questions, re-create the formats they are in and maybe even create a new type of assessment to meet other students’ needs. Last year I had to create an audio only test because I had a student that was legally blind. It was a very interesting process and I learned so much of the process of creating different types of tests and assessments to meet the needs of others. Technology would also be a huge component of helping out students who might have problems with writing prompts.

Jasmine El-JourbagyFRIT 7236Final KA

Link to Assessment: http://goo.gl/forms/sNO4RKErZo

Also students with IEPs or ESOL students should be addressed in the future.

Improving Student Learning

I would work on a few areas when it comes to my students’ learning. First I would make sure that when I am teaching the content my students had a clear understanding of each topic and standard by making sure to give both summative and formative assessments and to benchmark their understanding. Secondly I would need to make sure I give feedback in a manner that is quick enough so my students are still in the mind set of the concept they just learned. I also need to make sure that the information in each assessment is covering the information which I have taught, sometimes I have seen teachers use questions on assessments that were never covered in class or are vague enough the students get confused.

Improving Future Assessments

In the future I want to be able to add imagery into my questions so students are able to see questions the way they learned the content. Also, I need to make sure I have a good mix of high and low level questions. I always seem to end up using lower level questions and I want to move away from that habit. Also, with these types of questions, Performance, I would like to also add specific rubrics so that students could see what they would need to add into their responses. ( Also with these questions I can add rubrics if I need to because I have already created them because these performance questions are based on actual projects I use in the classroom.)