El Bambú Project Proposal - ABC April 2017 · El Bambú is located in the department of La...

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Transcript of El Bambú Project Proposal - ABC April 2017 · El Bambú is located in the department of La...

AMOS Delegations • 2017 • Project Packages 1

•About the Community • El Bambú is located in the department of La R.A.A.S., in the eastern side of Nicaragua. This community is incredibly isolated from urbanized areas. Just to get to the nearest store, hospital, or paved road you have to travel 3 hours by horseback.

There are 209 households with a total population of 1,300 habitants, due to large families. The community has a strong presence of both Evangelical and Catholic Churches. Like many other rural communities, the majority of people make less than $2 per day. Most of the men of these families are either subsistence farmers or day laborers, and work off the land, harvesting corn & beans and raising cattle. The women have the full time job of childcare, cooking, cleaning and gathering water.

AMOS recently started working with Health Promoter José Gomez. He is supported by a committed health committee within his role of improving access to health care and providing preventative and curative medicines to his community.

About the Health Promoter: José Gomez is a well-respected leader who has been advocating healthcare in El Bambú starting in 2013. He’s committed to serving long term with AMOS and improving access to health care in his community.

• The Need • The health committee of El Bambú has assessed the needs of the community and asked AMOS to come alongside several different projects, the highest priority is to support the communities Water Filter Program. The other need is to focus on nutrition, especially for the children under 5. Your group will also have options for leading educational activities with the children. Your support will help accomplish incredible goals for improved health and wellbeing!

El Bambú •RAAS • Nicaragua •

Project Proposal - ABC Abril 2017

El Bambú

AMOS Delegations • 2017 • Project Packages 2

• Children Activities • The community of El Bambú has specifically requested for a team to focus on dental health. Let your teams creativity shine by planning some fun and engaging activities to help emphasis brushing your teeth. AMOS has some resources to help facilitate the activities, as well.

We ask that if you bring anything to give out during the activities, bring enough for ALL the children. Plan for having at least 50 participating children.

Project Contribution ✓

Children’s Activities Materials & Planning ☐

• The Projects • • Filter Supervisions • Due to the highly contaminated water sources, El Cedro requested AMOS’ Water Filter Program. The program is ongoing and works to ensure that families are properly using and maintaining their filters. In 2017, additional leaders received in depth training to be enabled to better promote healthy practices in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). These leaders called WASH Promoters.

Your group will help work alongside Health Committee and WASH Promoters to travel home to home with our filter supervision process. During the week in the community, your team’s filter supervision project will include the following:

Project Contribution ✓

Filter Supervisions in El Bambú $2,500 ☐

1. Basic repairs to water filters

2. Distributing new ceramic filter pieces

3. Surveys with families

4. Reinforcing Filter Education

5. Training Local Leaders & reviewing the educational topics with the WASH Promoters

AMOS Delegations • 2017 • Project Packages 3

Project Contribution ✓

Nutrition Workshop $500 ☐

Children’s Activities Materials & Planning

Water Filter Supervisions $2500 ☐

TOTAL $3,000

Total Proposal for Project Opportunities:

• Nutrition Workshops & Screenings • This project will start with a Health Screening Stations project where we assess the nutritional status of children under 5 years old. We also test of anemia and survey & educate mothers.

Then, throughout the week we will work towards improving the nutritional state of their community through a series of workshops that will help to educate the health committee about nutritious foods, especially for anemia and malnutrition prevention. The most important part is that we will work towards a solution together with the community!

Project fundraising also goes towards long-term follow-up and nutritional programing.

Project Contribution ✓

Nutrition Workshop $500 ☐

Tortas con Hojas Verdes

Paso 2. Mezclar con:

- el jugo de un limón

- huevos

- masa de trigo o maíz

Paso 3. Freír

Paso 4. ¡Disfrutar!

Paso 1. En la molina: Torta de Hojas Verdes

Paso 1. Cortar Verduras

Paso 3. Freír

-Las Hojas Verdes

• De Yuca

• De Ayote

• De Chayote

• De Espinaca

-Y con otras

verduras favoritas

Paso 2. Mezclar con

-Jugo de limón


-Consumé de Polo

-Masa de Maíz

En Tortas

Paso 4. Disfrutar

• The Projects •