EIRENE FELLOWSHIP Gone in 90 seconds……... WHY 90 SECONDS TESTIMONY? 90 second testimony is just...

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Transcript of EIRENE FELLOWSHIP Gone in 90 seconds……... WHY 90 SECONDS TESTIMONY? 90 second testimony is just...

EIRENE FELLOWSHIP Gone in 90 seconds……..

WHY 90 SECONDS TESTIMONY? 90 second testimony is just about the length of time you need to convey your full testimony.

90 seconds is just about the right amount of time for someone to listen to you without interrupting.

A 90 second testimony can be easily remembered.

You should be prepared to share your 90 seconds testimony anywhere, anytime, under any circumstance.

HOW TO PREPARE 90 SECONDS TESTIMONY? Think of it as telling a story – your life story.

First think of your audience. Who would you like to share your testimony with?


Let the Holy Spirit lead you

Be truthful and honest

Consider sharing something personal

Highlight key phrases

Stories that relate to your audience


Use Christian jargon

Pressure yourself

Exaggerate or lie

Try to be perfect

Be argumentative

YOUR TESTIMONY SHOULD BE IN 3 PARTS:1. What were you like before you came to Jesus?

2. What was the situation that brought you to Jesus?

3. How have you changed since coming to Jesus?

If recommitting….

4. What were you like before you came to Jesus?

5. Share about when you distanced yourself form God…

6. What was the situation that brought you back to Jesus

7. How have you changed since coming to Jesus?


Who is your target audience? (classmate, older / same age relative, parents, etc.) Co-worker, youth parents, youths (4th to college), parents with kids

Life as a non-Christian or before recommitting: guilt, attitude, behavior, story, etc: Relied on popularity (jock, etc) as my source of acceptance in a Christian high school in Japan Started dating when I was 14, did not take relationship with God seriously. Rarely prayed or read

the Bible. Felt big void and emptiness when moving to the U.S.

Actual conversion – How Christ saved you / event with key phrase: Was reading the Bible one day on Easter during college and realized all of God’s blessing to me and

Jesus, who was sacrificed for a sinner like me.

Current condition – Living in Christ: how life is different from (1) I can now live knowing that God loves me and values me no matter what. I am free from sin because I am forgiven. I am confident that I will be in heaven after I die.


1) Going to my friend’s house at 1am to use the Internet

2) Lying in bed in Vegas with a college friend

3) To 20 kids on Good Friday


Let the Holy Spirit lead you

Stick to the script

Ensure you say the key phrases right

Make eye contact

Smile and be joyful. Be excited


Run away

Pressure yourself

Be distracting - mannerisms

Be argumentative

Get side tracked