Eiffel Tower versus the White house.docx

Post on 19-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Eiffel Tower versus the White house.docx

Eif fel Tower versus the White house

The two buildings I have chosen to compare and contrast are the Eiffel Tower in France

and the White House in the United States of America. One of these days I would like to

visit these man made marvels. As they inspire me to become a successful architect.

One of the reasons I chose these two goliaths in the architectural world is because they

share significance to the countries they reside in. As well as being are rich in historical

value and culture. Also what they are made of and their built.

Both Buildings have a rich history behind their creation. The Eiffel Tower was built in the

late 19th century by French engineer Gustave Eiffel. It was built for the commemoration

of the French revolution a hundred years prior in 1789 and was supposed to last only for

the duration of the world Exhibition. Not every Parisian was thrilled with the concept of

the huge metal monument overlooking the city.

On the other hand the White house was designed by architect James Hoban per orders

of the United States first president George Washington. He began construction on the

White house which at that time was called “The Presidents house” in 1792. In the war of

1812 the British burned down “The Presidents House”. During the war Andrew Jackson

(1812) gave a heartwarming speech "Who are we? And for what are we going to

fight? Are we the titled slaves of George III? The military conscripts of Napoleon the

Great? Or the frozen peasants of the Russian Czar? No. We are the free born sons of

America. The citizens of the only republic now existing in the world. And the only people

on earth who possess rights, liberties, and property which they dare call their own."

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Unfortunately for both countries they share a history of violence. But they were able to

move on and prosper with the buildings as reminders of the past struggles.

Another factor is the location of both buildings. The Eiffel tower is situated in the town of

Champ de Mars in the capital city, Paris. It oversees all of the beautiful city which is also

called the city lights and is the centerpiece of the city. At night the lights emanating from

the tower can be seen from all over Paris. As for the White house, it is located on

Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D.C. It is one of the most visited places in

Washington. As people from all over try to get a glimpse of what goes on the white

house grounds. The two buildings mentioned here share common ground as they are

both located in the capital city of their country. This being said I think it adds value to

them as they are placed in the most visited cities in their country. This helps in the

promotion of tourism.

Lastly there is a great difference between the two buildings I have chosen. For one the

Eiffel tower is a one hundred and twenty five year old three hundred meter tall tower

inclusive of the antennae. The entire monument is made out of iron. The monument

consists of fifteen thousand pieces of iron and forty tons of paint was used to paint it.

Compared to the white house which is a two hundred year old approximately fifty one

meters in height. The external walls are made out of sandstone but inside the white

house there is timber, brick and limestone.

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To say that these buildings are not one of the world’s most fascinating and interesting

places to visit is an understatement. The history of it, though it was one of struggle, pain

and death we have these monuments as a reminder of perseverance and the place of

which these hardships took place. Also the way in which these buildings were forged

and brought up, paves the way to inspire upcoming architects, designers and so forth to

better themselves as professionals in this industry.

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