eGyankendra media ecology

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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A vision for using a web 2.0 media ecosystem for ICT4D in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India for the eGyankendra and SEWAA groups.

Transcript of eGyankendra media ecology

eGyanKendra Media Ecology

A Media Ecology Strategy for Development Using ICT4D and M4D

Prepared by Jan Herderfor eGyankendra/SEWAAOctober 31, 2010

Attribution Share Alike

This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial reasons, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use.

Key Ideas

• Pay the People of Dehradun to build a Knowledge Base using micro payments over the cell phone ( $ from Dedicated Tourist Tax, Grants, Advertising, etc)

• Creative Economy and Self Reliant Approach to Education and Development (Eco-tourism, Value added agriculture, Development focused contests, collaborative competition--etc)

• Local/Global “Do It Yourself University: Teaching/Learning Economy: Leveraging Open Education Resources”

• Incubate eCommerce sites hyperlocally: We start with eGyanKendra’s Telecenter network

• Network existing Schools, Telecenters, Libraries, etc to stimulate creativity in all sectors.

The Challenge: To Generate and Aggregate Content from your Network of

Telecenters, Schools, Libraries and CommunitiesEvery Component of the ecology--both virtual and

physical, has economic generating attributes

Content is Geo-located and enhanced through Participative Planning Geographical Information Systems: the sacredness of Place

Bio Regional Inventory Building•A Knowledge Base is the Foundation for

wealth in a Global Knowledge Economy.

How Do We Build Wealth?

HyperLocal Knowledge

Intimate and detailed content from every place in Dehradun

Languages and Culture of Place-- sustainable resources of the 21st

Century Knowledge Economy

We Build it From the

Bottom Up



iTunes University

Start With What you Have

Inventories and Stories are the beginning of the Knowledge Base

eGyankendra’s Media EcosystemFacebook

eGyanKendraSocial Networking and



Monetized Google SiteDonation Button & other income

streamsunder construction

www.sewaa.orgOfficial Site

Donation Button, Links

Picasa/PanoramioGeo tagged images

YouTubeGeo Tagged Videos


Management System


Blogs/ Networks


People of Uttarakhand and Global, Collaboratively Generated Content

Knowledge BaseWiki
