EfW, Conditions in Romania

Post on 09-Apr-2018

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Transcript of EfW, Conditions in Romania

  • 8/8/2019 EfW, Conditions in Romania


    Romania has a significant potential in organic waste, including waste generated inforestry sector, agro-food industry, municipal biodegradable wastes and effluents fromwastewater treatment facilities. This fact provides a good opportunity to developanaerobic digestion technologies in Romania, since the funding for R&D of renewableresources and waste management has increased for the last year

    Biggest problem still landfilling and illegal dumps

    Romania's biggest waste problem is the landfilling on dumps that don't comply with EU

    regulations. In urban areas major steps for the separate collection of wastes has been

    done in the last year, but in the rural areas no progress has been made. So far there

    have been made environmental balances and risk assessments for more than 90% of

    the 450 landfills and over 200 of them have already been closed.

    Romania suffers a lack of investors in the waste management sector mainly due to the

    lack of infrastructure and difficulties in the application of the legislation. Nevertheless it

    has developed a National Waste Management Strategy 2003-2013 and the National

    Waste Management Plan together with the County Waste Management Plans that arereviewed every five years. Also the National Laboratory for Waste Management was

    founded. In addition, to strengthen recycling manufacturers are required to recycle 20 %

    and to reappraise 30 % of the quantity of the packaging resulting from their work. The

    percentage will increase to 50%, 66% respectively and if the companies will not meet

    the targets they will have to pay compensation.

    Cohesion Fund offers further possibilities for waste management development

    End of last year the European Commission approved a new integrated waste

    management project for Romania financed by European funds, with the investment

    value reaching EUR 26 million. The estimated investments will target the shutdown oftwo non-compliant urban waste dumps, the opening of a county waste dump in line with

    European standards, waste collection facilities, the construction of a composting facility

    and a sorting unit. This project will benefit most population of the county, namely some

    297,859 inhabitants. The project will create approx. 170 jobs, with their number to reach

    nearly 150 after the investment is completed.

  • 8/8/2019 EfW, Conditions in Romania


    This EC grant for waste management in Romania will not be the last - Choesion Funds

    available from 2007 for Romania in the field of waste and water management are

    expected to increase to 400-500 million eur annually and the foreign companies are

    showing an increasing interest for the recovery of waste in Romania.

    Copyright: WtERT (26.04.2010)

  • 8/8/2019 EfW, Conditions in Romania


    Municipal Waste Collection

    In 2006, the total quantities of municipal waste collected, directly, through thespecialized departments within the Local Boards, or indirectly by granting this duty tospecial sanitation services on a contract basis, was 6,809,000 tons.Selective collection represented only 2% from the total generated quantity.Urban population percentage which benefits from sanitation was 79.53% and thepercentage in the rural area was 11.44%. Table 5 presents the percentages for eachdevelopment regions and at national level.

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