EFFECTS OF TURNING FREQUENCY, PILE SIZE AND SEASON ON …€¦ · compost sets were set-up at the...

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M.S Thesis

Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master in

Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering in the Graduate School of The

Ohio State University


Sandra M. Tirado, B.S.


The Ohio State University


Dissertation Committee: Approved by

Dr. Frederick C. Michel, Jr, Adviser

Dr. Harold M. Keener Advisor

Dr. Brian McSpadden Gardener Food, Agricultural and Biological

Dr. Warren A. Dick Engineering Graduate Program




Composting offers the potential to significantly reduce problems

associated with manure management including odors, pathogens, ground water

pollution, and utilization costs. Two variables that directly affect on-farm

composting costs are windrow size and windrow turning frequency. However the

size of a windrow is limited by the depth of penetration of oxygen and high

temperatures as well as available equipment. In this study three full scale

compost sets were set-up at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Developing

Center (OARDC) compost pad to evaluate the effects of turning frequency, pile

size and seasonal variability on physical (temperature, oxygen, bulk density,

moisture and weigh loss), chemical (volatile solid loss, pH, Carbon and Nitrogen

concentrations) and biological (plant growth bioassays and microbial community

structure) parameters during dairy manure/sawdust composting (DM+S). Based

on these data the operational costs for producing and transporting compost were

estimated and compared to those for liquid manure and fertilizer.

The three treatments consisted of a set of windrows (A) which were

turned using a self propelled and tractor drawn windrow turner every three days

for a total of 32 turns during 16 weeks, a second set (B) that was turned once

every ten days and a third set (C) consisting of much larger piles turned that was


also turned every ten days with a loader. All three sets were composted in both

winter and summer for 120 days.

The hypotheses of the study was that: “turning frequency, pile size and

season do not significantly affect compost process parameters or the final

chemical, physical or biological properties of cured composts”

Results showed that neither physical chemical nor biological properties of

the final cured composts were significantly affected by turning frequency, season

or pile size (p> 0.05). During composting, he the surface area, oxygen

concentrations and Total nitrogen losses were significantly affected by pile size

(p < 0.05). Turning frequency affected (p < 0.05) mass losses, bulk density and

total nitrogen losses. The seasonal effects on composting during the process

were primarily related to moisture (p < 0.05), mostly due to ambient temperatures

which affects water holding capacity of air. Despite these process differences,

the final cured composts from all treatments and seasons had similar properties

(p > 0.5).

Plant growth bioassays showed a high emergence percentage (> 80%).

The fertilized cucumber plants grown in composts from the various treatments in

summer had higher shoot dry weights than peat controls ( ≥ 100%) except for

day 30 in pile C (89%). The unfertilized cucumbers plants showed an increase of

shoot dry weight at the end of the composting process (day 120) except for

windrow A in summer. However the bioassay tests were inconclusive.


Microbial Community analysis, based on Terminal Restriction Fragment

Length Polymorphisms (T-RFLP), showed that management differences (turning

frequency, pile size and season) did not significantly affect (p > 0.05) microbial

community structure. Clustering, pairwise comparison, principal component

analysis (PCA) and Kruskal Wallis tests were used to determine the similarities

and differences between microbial communities in the different treatments. In

each treatment a different subset of TRFs were present suggesting that different

classes of organisms predominate during different stages of composting..

However, one terminal restriction fragment H371 contributed significantly (p< 0.1)

to the observed variation as a function of compost age

The Restriction Fragment (TRF) sizes obtained in the different treatments

were compared to fragment sizes predicted by in silico amplification and

digestion (RDP v.9.0) to characterize the microbial community in the composts.

TRFs fragments sizes were also compared to a clone library of 263 sequences

from composted dairy manure. Representative TRFs (61, 93, 99, 159, 167, 205,

215, 227, 365, 373, 437 and 481) in the compost samples were consistent with

the predicted TRFs of Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes and


The main factor affecting total compost production operational cost was

the cost of the bulking agent. Operational costs for frequently turned windrow

were higher ($109/Mg) compared to the infrequently turned windrow ($95/Mg),

and the infrequently turned piles ($93/Mg). These differences are due to the time


that is needed to turn and the equipment fuel costs. Thus, infrequent turning

(every ten days) with larger windrow sizes reduced the operating costs

associated with unseparated dairy manure composting compared to more

frequently turning windrows. It is recommended for the farmers to use a turning

frequency of ten days and piles with a surface to volume ratio of 0.9-1.2 m2/m3 to

minimize operational costs. If composting is performed in temperate climates

there is a need to consider the moisture content at the beginning of the process

to prevent moisture irregularities during the process.



I would like to express my deep appreciation to Harold M. Keener, Warren

A. Dick and Brian McSpadden Gardener, my academic committee, for all the

advice and support in every aspect of my graduate school experience; also for

encouraging me and showing me the right way for success. I would like to thank

Dr. Frederick C. Michel, my academic advisor, for showing me that

independence, patience and understanding are also essential to achieve any


I also would like to thank Dr. Jerome F. Rigot, Michael Klingman, Michael

J. Sciarini and the entire department in Wooster for the support, advice and help

during the study. A special thanks to Gerald L.Reid, Richard Franks and all the

crew of the Farm Operations at the OARDC; without them this study could not be

possible. Thanks also to Nathan Smith and my family in Colombia, for the

support and the concerned about my academic career and my life.

iii vi


August 12, 1980……………………………..Born in Manizales, Caldas, Colombia 2000 - 2005…………………………………. B.S., Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia 2005- 2006…………………………………..Researcher, Department of Food, Agricultural and

Biological Engineering The Ohio State University, Columbus,


2006-Present………………………………..Graduate Research Associate- Student

Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering

The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio


Tirado, S. M., J. Rigot, Michel F.C. (2007). Analysis of bacterial community structure in dairy manure composts. Abstracts of the General Meeting of the

American Society for Microbiology. Washington, DC. p468-469.

Tirado, S.M., Michel F.C. (2008) Seasonal Effects on the composting of Dairy Manure/Sawdust (DMS)” Paper No 083671 Annual Meeting American Society of

Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)- Providence, R.I


Major Field: Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Studies in: Environmental Biology Environmental Microbiology




ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................................ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................vi VITA….................................................................................................................vii LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................xi LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................. xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................xv CHAPTERS 1.INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background.......................................................................................... 1

1.2 Objectives ............................................................................................ 6 2.LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................... 8

2.1 Recycling organic wastes .................................................................... 8

2.2 Composting.......................................................................................... 9

2.3 Microbiology of composting ............................................................... 21

2.4 Current Research Interest on Composting......................................... 30


3.EFFECTS ON TURNING FREQUENCY, PILE SIZE AND SEASON VARIABILITY ON THE COMPOSTING OF DAIRY MANURE SAWDUST (DMS) ................................................................................... 323.1 ABSTRACT........................................................................................ 32

3.2 Introduction ........................................................................................ 33

3.3. Materials and methods...................................................................... 35

3.4 Results and discussion ...................................................................... 44

3.6 Summary and conclusion................................................................... 77



4.1 Abstract.............................................................................................. 78

4.2 Introduction ........................................................................................ 80

4.3 Materials and methods....................................................................... 81

4.4 Results and discussion ...................................................................... 88 4.5 Summary and conclusions............................................................... 109

APPENDICES Appendix A. Physical, Chemical, Biological and Molecular parameters

analyzed during the composting process............................................... 110 Appendix B. Physical, Chemical, Biological and Molecular Parameters

Analyzed during the Composting Process in Summer........................... 114


Appendix C. Operation Costs Equation in Dairy Manure Composting.............. 119 Appendix D. Potential Classes of Bacteria for samples I (Day 50), II (Day

155) and III (Day 330)-Clone Bank ........................................................ 122 REFERENCES................................................................................................. 124



Table ..............................................................................................................Page 3.1 Summary of weather data for study period summer and winter 2007........... 37 3.2 Machinery used to build, turn and composite frequently turned windrows

(A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and piles (C) during this study and its respectively fuel efficiency (Grisso R.D., 2004)............................ 42

3.3 Initial and Final compost properties performed in this study, for

frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and piles (C). .................................................................................................. 49

3.4 Effect of depth on temperature (°C), pH and oxygen concentrations (%)

for winter and summer on day 30. In frequently turned windrow (A-Every three days), infrequently turned windrow (B-Every 10 days) and infrequently turned pile (C-Every 10 days). ** Missing data .............. 55

3.5 Effects of Management practices (pile size, turning frequency and

season) during the composting process (from day zero through day 120) with p values (α= 0.05) and correlation coefficients......................... 65

3.6 Estimated costs per Mg of cured composts (produced in this study) in

US dollars for DM+S compost managed with different turning frequencies and pile sizes........................................................................ 68

3.7 Nutrient concentrations, values and costs where transportation costs

equal the nutrient value in miles for dairy manure (Heifer barn), composts (DM+S, produced in this study) and fertilizers (15:15:15)........ 71

4.18Biochemical changes of composite samples in frequently turned

windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and infrequently turned piles (C) for the full scale study..................................................... 91


4.29Concentration of genomic DNA and conditions for the frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and infrequently turned piles (C) compost treatments. ....................................................... 96

4.310Similarity coefficients between the TRFs from the middle of the pile (120cm) on day 30 of frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and infrequently turned piles (C) compost.............. 98

4.41116S rDNA terminal restriction fragment with factor loadings |x|>0.60 on

the four principal components (PC) for each experimental treatment .... 103 4.512Predicted bacterial genera to generate a terminal restriction fragments

(TRFs) with factor loadings |x| ≥ 0.60 on the PCA for each experimental treatment .......................................................................... 107




3.1 Experimental treatments and dimensions for winter (w) and summer (s). In frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and infrequently turned piles (C). w= Winter, s= Summer........................ 38

3.2 Oxygen concentrations in frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently

turned windrows (B) and piles (C), before, immediately after and 2 hours after turning (120cm depth)............................................................ 51

3.3 Temperatures (°C) in frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned

windrows (B) and piles (C), before, immediately after and 2 hours after turning (120 cm depth)..................................................................... 52

3.4 Moisture Content and cumulative precipitations during winter (w) and

summer (s) for frequently turned widrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and piles (C)....................................................................... 62

3.5 Day-by-day average daily temperatures during the composting process

(Wooster Experimental Station, OSU/OARDC). ...................................... 63 3.6 Revenues of compost in $/yd3 (produced in this study) when selling

compost in fertility-based (same product category such as soil amendments and fertilizer) and nonfertility-based (erosion control, disease suppression, bioremediation, storm water management) markets. ................................................................................................... 75

4.17Effects of compost age on Total N supplied by compost and shoot dry

weight of cucumber plants (C.sativus. L.cv) produced in the three different compost amended potting mixes treatments. Compost physical and chemical conditions are shown in previous results. ............ 92

4.28Dendogram-Relatedness of T-RFs profiles of HhaI-digested of 16S

rDNA from frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned


windrows (B), infrequently turned piles (C) and clone compost samples (I, II, II). (The UPGMA, single linkage, was used to performed the cluster patterns and obtain the similarity dendogram) ...... 97

4.39Effects of composting age, turning frequency and pile size during winter

and summer in bacterial community structure for the frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B), infrequently turned piles (C) and clone compost samples (I, II, II). Ordination plots from the first two principal components (PC) are shown with the corresponding standard error bars. The PCA was performed using the 16S rDNA terminal restriction fragment (HhaI) relative abundance data obtained from composts collected on day zero, 30, 60, 90 and 120 exposed to different management practices. ................ 101

4.410Effects of season variability, turning frequency, depth and pile size in

day 30 on bacterial community structure for the frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and infrequently turned piles (C). ..................................................................................... 102



AFLP………………………..Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms

ARISA………………………Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis

ASAE...……………………..American Society Agricultural Engineers

ATCC……………………….The American Type Culture Collection

BC……………………………Bacterial Community

CA…………………………..Continuous Aeration

CLPP……………………….Community Level Physiological Profiles

DGGE………………………Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis

DM+S………………………...Dairy manure sawdust

DNA…………………………Deoxyribonucleic acid

EDTA………………………..Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid

FAME………………………..Fatty Acid Methyl Ester

FISH…………………………Fluorescent in situ hybridization

IA…………………………….Intermittent Aeration

ICP…………………………..Inductively Coupled Plasma

LB……………………………Luria-Bertani Enriched Bacterial Media

MSP…………………………Maximal Segment Pair Score

NCBI…………………………National Center for Biotechnology Information


NOAA/NCDC……………….National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration/National Climate Data Center

OARDC……………………..Ohio Agricultural Research Development Center

PCA…………………………Principal Component Analysis

PCR…………………………Polymerase Chain Reaction

PLFA………………………..Phospholipid Fatty Acid

RDP…………………………Ribosomal Database Project

RFLP………………………..Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms

RNA…………………………Ribonucleic Acid

SCSU……………………….Sole Carbon Source Utilization

SSCP……………………….Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism

T-RFLP……………………..Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism

TRFs………………………...Terminal Restriction Fragments

U.S. EPA……………………The United States Environmental Protection Agency

UPGMA……………………..Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic





1.1 BACKGROUND Composting and the use of compost offer the potential to significantly

reduce manure management problems such as odors, pathogens, ground water

pollution, and utilization costs (Rynk et al., 1992; Grewal et al., 2007; Keener et

al., 1996). Additionally, such composts can potentially be sold into high value off-

farm markets, thereby adding additional revenue for livestock producers. The

value of composts is a result of its ability to improve soil physical and biochemical

properties and to suppress common plant diseases (Hoitink et al., 1986).

Windrow composting is the most commonly used method to prepare

manure composts (Stentiford et al., 1996). It consists of placing a mixture of raw

materials in long narrow piles or windrows which are mechanically turned on a

regular basis. Two variables that directly affect on-farm composting costs are

windrow size and windrow turning frequency. The costs for on-farm composting

are strongly related to pile size (which affects pad size) equipment and labor

costs for windrow turning.

The size of a windrow is limited by the depth of penetration of oxygen and

high temperatures (Iannotti et al., 1994). Occasional turning is necessary to mix


the compost to assure even decomposition and pathogen destruction (Alexander,

2007; Hoitink, 1993)

Previous authors have shown that turning frequency affects the rate of

composting, the time required to reach full maturation and elimination of

phytotoxicity (Stanford et al., 2006; Chikae et al., 2006; Tateda et al., 2005; Ibuki

et al., 1999; Tiquia et al., 1997; Illmer et al., 1997; Defoer et al., 2002; Parkinson

et al., 2004). Tiquia et al., (1997) studied the changes in physical (temperature),

chemical (pH and NH4+-N and HA) and biological (germination index) properties

showing that composting of spend pig litter with a 2 or 4-day turning frequency

had a faster composting rate than turning the spent pig litter pile with a 7-day

turning frequency. Frequency of turning has also been observed to influence

nitrogen and phosphorus losses from manure stacks (Parkinson et al., 2004).

Chikae et al., (2006) demonstrated that an efficient composting system is highly

correlated with the oxygen concentration regardless the turning frequency. The

efficient composting system was found to be a static aerated reactor system in

comparison with a turning pile.

Tateda et al., (2005) showed that turning by layers, which is different from

conventional turning that mixes compost pile entirely, was essential in terms of

hygienic aspects. Ibuki et al., (1999) composted dairy manure with an automatic

turning device and forced aeration device showing that economical and

managerial efficiency was improved with fewer turnings without affecting the

quality and microbial properties of the compost. However, Illmer et al., (1997)


showed that the mixing action of the turning influenced significantly chemical and

biological parameters. The speed of degradation, as well as the quality of the end

product was significantly increased through supported mixing with a mechanical

stirrer, which reduced water content and improved aeration. In general, Illmer

showed that mechanical mixing led to better results regarding organic matter

decomposition and immobilization of nutrients, however manual mixing showed a

highest amount of microbial biomass compared with static composters.

Defoer et al., (2002) conducted a study in different composted materials to

determine the effects of turning frequency on odor emissions. Results

demonstrated that frequent turning resulted of less odor emissions but larger

costs; windrow turning frequency affected compost bulk density but did not

significantly affect temperature or oxygen concentration, the time to produce

stable compost or the characteristics of finish compost.

Michel et al., 1996 studying yard trimmings showed that turning

frequencies of once per month and seven times per month had similar

temperatures oxygen concentrations and final compost chemical properties. Only

bulk density and particle size were different in frequently and infrequently turned


Turning exposes fresh material for microbial colonization and leads to the

release of NH3 that has accumulated in the internal void spaces. Thus enhanced

NH3 losses from turned composts may make an additional contribution to

deposition on sensitive ecosystems. Hence it may be environmentally beneficial


to reduce turning frequencies or develop appropriate turning regimes that result

in high pathogen kill, yet retain N (Parkinson et al. 2004).

Different studies have been developed to determine the effects of pile size

on composting (Michel et al., 1996; Defoer et al., 2002; Criner et al., 1995;

Renkov et al., 1994; Criner et al., 1995; Weppen et al., 2002). Michel et al.,

(1996) showed that the effects of windrows and pile configurations (different

surface area to volume ratios) had dramatic effects on temperature and oxygen


Renkow et al., (1994) and Criner et al., (1995) showed that pile size and

pad size are directly associated with the costs of building and operating

composting facilities. Unpaved, minimal tech facilities are considerably cheaper

to build and operate than more sophisticated facilities; however, the lower quality

of the material produced by such facilities may significantly limit the amount of

that product that can be marketed (or even given away). Economies of scale

clearly favor more sophisticated systems at larger (≥ 100,000 tons per year)

annual volumes. At lower annual volumes (< 25,000 tons per year), composting

systems featuring specialized equipment like compost turners and shredders are

not likely to be cost effective.

To our knowledge, few studies have been conducted on the effects of

season on dairy manure composting. However, Nelson et al., (2006) composted

feedlot manure and showed that during hot dry weather conditions, windrows

lose moisture very rapidly causing the deceleration of the composting process


when the moisture contents fall below 40%. With excessive rainfall composting

windrows absorb water, and that may result in levels of moisture content higher

than 60%. The large range of moisture, excessive rainfall to drought inflicted on

windrows by the environment can significantly affect the composting process.

Parkinson et al., (2004) investigated the effects of seasonal weather

conditions and the effects of turning regime on nitrogen and phosphorus losses

on the composting of cattle manure. They found that ammonia losses are greater

in wetter conditions compared to colder dry conditions. Larney et al., (2000)

examined active and passive composting of beef feedlot manure during winter

and summer demonstrating that water mass losses were higher in summer and

that high temperature composting is feasible in winter despite sub freezing

ambient air temperatures.

In this study the effects of turning frequency, season and pile size on

composting of dairy manure sawdust (DM+S) on physical, chemical and

molecular parameters were determined.

The hypotheses of the study were that:

• The turning frequency for dairy manure composting in windrows does not

significantly affect final chemical, physical or biological properties of cured


• Larger piles have lower oxygen concentrations and higher temperatures

than windrows during composting.


• Composting in cold, wet conditions leads to high moisture contents and

cold compost temperatures that adversely impact the composting process

while composting in warm conditions leads to excess compost drying.


The overall objective was to evaluate the effects of turning frequency, pile

size, and seasonal weather effects on dairy manure/sawdust (DM+S)

composting. The effects were measured by characterizing the composting

process and finished composts with a series of physical, chemical and molecular

parameters related to compost quality. These included volatile solids, bulk

density, moisture, temperature, nitrogen and carbon losses, oxygen

concentration, particle size, pH, carbon and nitrogen concentrations, plant growth

and microbial community structure. In addition to these analyses, the operating

costs for producing composts were determined. These costs were compared to

the nutrient value of the composts and to the transportation costs for composts,

liquid dairy manure and fertilizer.

Specific objectives were to:

Objective 1. Monitor the effects of turning frequency on temperature and

oxygen profile before and after turning to establish the time of

recovery and the effects of turning.


Objective 2. Analyze and examine the effects of turning frequency and pile

size on physical parameters such as moisture content, bulk

density, and particle size distribution of DM+S during


Objective 3. Determine the effects of turning frequency, compost age and

pile size on chemical parameters such as, volatile solids loss,

total and available nutrient levels, pH and compost maturity of

DM+S as a function of compost age.

Objective 4. Calculate the costs, including production expenses and

energy use for on-farm composting of DM+S and suggest

ways to minimize these costs.

Objective 5. Determine the effects of turning frequency, season and pile

size on the microbial community structure in DM+S composts

using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-

RFLP) and 16S rRNA gene cloning and sequencing analysis.





Many types of wastes are produced every year, some of which have

potential benefits in agriculture. These wastes are estimated to exceed 1 billion

Mg/yr in the United States alone (Tegtmeier et al., 2005; Karlen et al., 1995).

Increasing environmental awareness and the costs associated with the disposal

of effluents, organic wastes and biosolids has placed greater emphasis on their

beneficial reuse as feedstocks for agronomic purposes (Malcolm et al., 2000).

Although many materials have little potential for reuse due to elevated levels of

salts, heavy metals or toxic organic compounds, municipal wastewater, sewage

sludge, animal manures, byproduct gypsum, yard trimmings, food processing,

paper and pulp wastes have nutrients and organic matter that can be highly

beneficial to crop production as fertilizer substitutes if properly treated.

Composting has been shown to be one method of preparing these wastes for

reuse as a soil amendment (Defoer et al., 2002; Danso et al., 2006).



2.2.1 Composting Principles and Methods

Recently, interest has increased in the land application of organic residues

that benefit nutrient recycling. Composting (i.e. the aerobic microbial

decomposition of organic materials) can be used to stabilize residues and

promote nutrient recycling (Ellert et al., 1995). Soil regularly amended with

compost is generally able to better hold air and water, drains more efficiently, and

contains a nutrient reserve that plants can draw on (Griffiths et al., 2001; Kostov

et al., 1995). Such soil also tends to produce plants with fewer insect and

disease problems (Steinberg et al., 2006; Iannotti et al., 1994; Hoitink et al.,

1986). The compost encourages a larger population of beneficial soil

microorganisms, which control harmful microorganisms (Gunapala et al., 1998;

Hoitink et al., 1986). It also fosters healthy plant growth, and healthy plants are

better able to resist pests. Other benefits of on-farm composting include having a

saleable product, improved manure handling, improved land application, lowered

risk of pollution and nuisance complaints, the ability to recycle compost as a

bedding substitute, and the ability to charge processing or tipping fees for

producing composts.

Dick and McCoy (1993) reviewed some of the information related to the

effect of compost application on crop production and yield. The paper described

how composts alter specific soil physical, chemical and biological properties.

Crop growth studies demonstrated that the addition of compost improves soil


fertility resulting in increased production of food and fiber (Suzuki et al., 1990).

Nutrient uptake may be increased by compost additions due strictly to increased

nutrient concentrations in the soil (Suzuki et al., 1990). Changes in soil properties

resulting from compost addition include a decrease in soil bulk density (Tester et

al., 1990; Tester et al., 1989) increased total porosity (Pagliai et al., 1981),

improvements in soil aggregate stability in water (Pagliai et al., 1981), increased

soil organic matter concentrations (Mays et al., 1973), greater water retention

(Tester et al., 1990), higher cation exchange capacity (Dick et al., 1993) and a

decrease in heavy metal concentrations (Dick et al., 1993).

The microbial community is considered the most active fraction of soil

organic matter. It decreases the impact of soilborne plant pathogens (Hoitink et

al., 1986; Dick et al. 1993) is a significant source of plant available nutrient

(Hoitink, et al. 1986), increases soil enzyme activity (Dick et al., 1993; Giusquiani

et al., 1995) and decreases soil redox potential (Epstein et al., 1976).

Composting begins when suitable organic materials are mixed to achieve

a C:N ratio, moisture content and pore space that assures appropriate conditions

for degradation (Illmer et al. 2007; Michel et al., 2004; Tiquia et al., 2002;

Giusquiani et al., 1995; Horwath et al., 1995). The ingredients for composting are

organic by-products or waste materials. On farms such materials may include

animal manure, bedding, crop residues and some processing wastes (Rynk et

al., 1992). The majority of the time; the primary material used is a troublesome

waste needing treatment and/or disposal. The most common materials available


for farmers include livestock manure (cattle manure, poultry manure, horse

manure, swine manure) (Wilkinson et al., 2005; Ibuki et al., 1999; Kashmanian

et al., 1993; Michel et al., 1996; Rynk, 1994; Tiquia et al., 1997), crop residues

(hay and silage, straw, sawdust, leaves, wood chips, grass clippings) and almost

any organic matter consisting of plant and animal material that is in the process

of decomposing, (Criner et al., 1995; Danso et al., 2006; Giusquiani et al., 1995;

Michel et al., 1996; Michel et al., 1993; Saebo et al., 2006). These manures and

other organic wastes contain naturally occurring microorganisms which catalyze

the breakdown of organic matter and are imperative for rapid composting (Chikae

et al., 2006; Tateda et al., 2005; Defoer, et al 2002; Ibuki et al., 1999; Illmer et al.,

1997; Horwath et al., 1995; Keener, et al 2005; Hogland et al., 2003;

Kashmanian et al., 1993).

Four general groups of composting methods are used on farms: passive

composting, windrows, aerated piles, and a group of methods commonly known

as in-vessel composting. Passive composting simply consists in stacking

feedstocks and leaving them to compost over a long period of time (Larney et al.,

2000). Windrow composting is the production of compost by piling organic matter

or biodegradable waste, like animal manure and crop residues, in long rows

(windrows). Windrow composting is the most commonly used of farm scale

composting methods (Avnimelech et al., 2004).

Aerated pile composting uses a blower to supply air to the composting

material. The blower provides direct control of the process and allows larger piles


(Larney et al., 2000). In-vessel composting is an industrial form of composting

biodegradable waste that occurs in enclosed reactors. These generally consist of

metal tanks or concrete bunkers in which air flow and temperature can be


Passively aerated windrows eliminate the need for turning by supplying

air to the composting material through perforated embedded pipe. However

regular mixing is required. The aerated static pile method takes the piped

aeration system a step further and uses a blower to supply air to the composting

materials (Alexander, 2007; Ibuki et al., 1999; Larney et al., 2000; Rynk et al.,

1992). Larney et al (2000) examined the effects of two composting methods

(active and passive aeration) on physical changes of beef feedlot manure during

winter and summer. This study was carried out during May and October with

passive and active treatments. During the thermophilic phase in winter, the active

treatment showed significantly greater losses in volume and mass than passive

treatment. For the summer study, total mass losses and water losses were

significantly higher with active than with passive composting. In both studies,

higher volume reduction in the active compared to the passive treatment became

apparent in the first 30 days. These results demonstrated that year-round

composting is an option for beef cattle feedlots interested in reducing the volume

of raw manure and producing a product that has lower haulage requirements.

Brodie et al., (2000) studied static and turned windrow technologies at a

commercial site. Their results showed the major difference between the static


pile and turned windrow is the amount of energy and labor required. Good quality

compost can be produced for field nursery and landscape use with static piles

and /or machine turned windrows at a cost that can be marginally covered by the

sale of the compost (Operational cost was driven by the cost of compost

ingredients and accounted for 60-70% of the cost in the pilot study).

Hong et al., (1998) and Elwell et al., (2002) evaluated the effects of

continuous aeration (CA) and intermittent aeration (IA) during composting of hog

manure amended with sawdust. They concluded that there is no significant

difference in C:N ratio but IA compared to CA may be a practical way to reduce

nitrogen loss and ammonia emissions during composting. Ammonia emissions

were positively related to air flow rate in these studies, lowering air flow,

particularly during periods of thermophilic activity, offers an option for reducing

ammonia emissions.

In vessel composting studies refers to a group of methods which confine

the composting materials within a building, container or vessel. There are a

variety of in-vessel methods with different combinations of vessels, aeration

devices and turning mechanisms.

In terms of costs, management and process speed, the windrow,

passively aerated windrow, and aerated static pile systems are similar (Rynk et

al., 1994). Windrow composting is more labor-intensive than aerated piles, but

allows a greater choice of amendments, produces more uniform compost and

reduces the need for secondary operations. A major disadvantage is that


windrow composting is at the mercy of the weather. Rain, snow, and mud are

more likely to cause problems with windrows and pile systems as compared to in

vessel systems (Rynk et al., 1994)

2.2.2 Factors affecting the composting process Oxygen and Temperature

Composting begins almost immediately as soon as appropriate materials

are piled together. The decomposition of organic matter generates heat and

carbon dioxide and consumes oxygen. As the supply of oxygen decreases,

aerobic decomposition slows and may eventually stop if the oxygen is not

replenished. Thus aeration is continually required to recharge the oxygen supply.

A minimum oxygen concentration of 5% within the pore spaces of the

composting pile is recommended to maintain predominantly aerobic conditions

during composting (Ibuki et al., 1999; Tiquia et al., 1997; Keener et al., 2005;

Hogland et al., 2003).

Keener et al., (2005) used a set of energy and mass balance equations

relating biological and physical factors and compost temperature, moisture,

oxygen level and decomposition rates for aerobic composting. The study focused

on the effects of intermittent aeration on the composting operation. A multi-

parameter kinetic model in conjunction with heat and mass balance equations

was used to predict and optimize the performance of composting (Compost


performance is the ability of the final product to stimulate beneficial

characteristics either in soil or plant growth) systems.

Michel et al., (2004) studied the effects of straw and sawdust amendments

on dairy manure composting. Straw amended composts had low initial bulk

densities with high free air space values of 75-93%. This led to lower

temperatures and near ambient interstitial oxygen concentrations during

composting. Sawdust-amended composts, on the other hand, had higher bulk

densities, lower porosities and self-heated to temperatures > 55°C within 10 days

maintaining these levels for more than 60 days. Therefore taking into account the

type of amendment type will help farmers optimize and potentially reduce costs

associated with composting.

Temperature, which hastens reactions if raised, is a strong driving force in

the succession of microbial communities during composting; and since the

release of heat is directly related to the microbial activity (Waksman et al., 1939;

Nelson et al., 2006; Keener et at. 2005; Hogland et al., 2003; Weppen et al.,

2002) temperature is a good process indicator. Composting essentially takes

place within two ranges known as mesophilic (10-40°C) and thermophilic (above

40°C). Most composting takes place at temperatures between 45°C and 65°C.

The thermophilic temperatures result in more rapid decomposition and pathogen

weed seed and fly larvae destruction (Hoitink et al., 1986; Dick et al., 1993; Inbar

et al., 1993; Alexander, 2007; Tateda et al., 2005; Hogland et al., 2003).

15 Nutrients, pH and moisture

Carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are the

primary nutrients required by microorganisms involved in composting, as well as

the primary nutrients for plants, influencing the value of compost (Dick et al.,

1993; Wilkinson et al., 2005; Saebo et al., 2006). Almost all organic materials

used for composting contain all of these nutrients at various levels which

microorganisms use for energy and growth. An insufficient or excessive supply of

nutrients may result in low quality compost. Barker et al., (2006) showed that the

beneficial effects of the composts on plant growth were associated with

increased supply of nutrients for the plants. However, excessive supply

decreased shoot plant weight.

C:N ratio has been shown to affect composting rate and the amount of

nitrogen lost during composting. (Illmer et al., 2007; Tiquia et al., 2002; Horwath

et al., 1995; Michel et al., 2004; Ekinci et al., 2000). Michel et al., (2004)

composted freestall dairy manure (83% moisture) with either hardwood sawdust

or straw and composted it for 110-155 days in turned windrows in four replicated

trials that began on different dates. Initial C:N ratios of the windrows ranged from

25:1 to 50:1. Their results showed that at C;N ratios of less than 40:1, large

amounts of N are volatilized, suggesting that an initial C:N ratio of greater than

40 is recommended to minimize nitrogen loss during dairy manure composting

with sawdust or straw amendments.


Particle size, nitrogen content, cellulose and lignin content, electrical

conductivity (soluble salts), pH, and inhibitors released by compost are known to

affect incidence of diseases caused by soilborne plant pathogens (Hoitink et al.,

1986). Hoitink and Fahy (1986) reviewed a series of studies that showed that

composting can destroys soilborne plant pathogens. One of these studies

showed that Bacteria and nematodes are more sensitive to heat than most fungal

pathogens. However, the majority of fungal pathogens do not survive the

maturing process after peak heating. Factors other than heat, such as

antagonism, apparently kill fungal pathogens in low- temperature parts of

windrows during curing. While small-scale compost piles may not achieve

adequate temperature-time exposure, commercial scale operations should

achieve effective pathogen kill, if adequate precautions are taken.

Studies to determine the effects of nutrient concentration on the

composting process, such as those performed by Tiquia et al., (2002) who

studied composted swine manure from a hoop house (a mixture of partially

decomposed pig manure and cornstalks from swine fed in hoop structures) are

commonly observed in the literature. Tiquia et al., (2002) investigated C, nutrient,

and mass loss during the composting process. Feeding cycle mass balance

results indicated that N losses from the bedded pack ranged from 24 to 36%.

Results showed that the initial C:N was the most critical factor affecting the N

loss in this composting process. Similarly, Michel et al., (2004) showed that the


initial total manure N lost during composting varies according to the amendment

used and initial C:N ratio of the compost.

The composting process is relatively insensitive to pH, within the range

commonly found in mixtures of organic materials, largely because of the broad

spectrum of microorganisms involved. The preferred pH is in the range of 5.5-9.0

(Rynk R et al., 1992; Carnes et al., 1970). pH does become important with raw

materials that have a high percentage of N (Illmer et al., 2007; Tiquia et al., 2002;

Tiquia et al., 1997). A high pH, above 8.5, encourages the conversion of N

compounds to ammonia which further adds to the alkalinity and leads to N losses

due to volatilization (Rynk et al., 1992).

Moisture is necessary to support the metabolic processes of the microbes.

The large range of moisture contents that can occur in outdoor windrows due to

excessive rainfall or drought can significantly affect the composting process

(Nelson et al., 2006). During hot dry weather conditions, composting windrows

lose moisture very rapidly due to evaporation, causing the decceleration of the

composting process when the moisture contents fall below 40% (Michel et al.,

2004). With excessive rainfall, composting windrows absorb water, and that may

result in levels of moisture content greater than 60%. Various studies have been

conducted to investigate the effects of moisture content on the composting

process specifically the compost temperature and energy required to turn the

windrows of different moisture contents (Nelson et al., 2006; Keener et al., 2005).

These studies showed that moisture is an essential parameter to be controlled


during composting. Nelson et al., (2006) evaluated the composting of feedlot

manure using three compost windrows which were maintained at each of four

moisture contents (40, 50, 60 and 70% wet basis) to determine the relationships

between moisture content, composting temperatures and the energy required to

turn the windrows. Windrows maintained at 60 and 70% moisture content did not

reach or sustain temperature levels of 55° C. The windrows maintained at 40 and

50% moisture content satisfied the compost process constraints with regard to

temperature as defined by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment.

Windrows maintained at 50% moisture required the least amount of energy to

turn them and achieved the best temperature profile. However the temperature

and energy data suggest a possible threshold, when achieving ideal

temperatures, between 50 and 60% moisture content. Keener et al., (2005)

depict that the moisture content is associated with the ash content. For materials

with high levels of inerts, such paper sludge, the optimum water content should

be based on the non-inert fraction. Porosity, Structure, Texture, Bulk density and Particle Size

Porosity, structure, and particle size affect the composting process by their

influence on aeration. They can be adjusted by the selection of raw materials and

by grinding or mixing (Michel et al., 2004).

Porosity is a measure of the air space within the composting mass and

determines the resistance to airflow. Structure refers to the rigidity of the


particles. Good structure prevents the loss of porosity in the moist environment of

the compost pile (Giusquiani et al., 1995).

Most of the aerobic decomposition of composting occurs on the surface of

particles, because oxygen moves readily as a gas through pore spaces but much

slower through the liquid and solid portions of the particles (Rynk et al., 1992).

Smaller particles reduce the effective porosity. Good quality compost is usually

obtained when the particle sizes range from 1/8-2 inch average diameter.

(Hoitink et al., 1986; Michel et al., 1996; ASAE, 2007; Saebo et al., 2006).

2.2.3 Compost quality - maturity and stability

Compost maturity is a critical issue for the use of compost because

immature compost can be detrimental to plant growth and the soil environment

(Wu et al., 2000). Well prepared compost can increase soil quality by decreasing

soil bulk density, increasing soil porosity, water retention and soil organic matter

during the establishment and management phases of plants (Saebo and Ferrini

2006). Descriptions of the quality of the composts must be comprehensive

enough to be able to predict the effect of composts on the growth and

development of plants at the point of use. These include stability, the absence of

unpleasant smell, a low or medium salt content, and absence of polluting

substances or particles inhibiting germination and growth. The specific quality

demands on composts have to be related to nutrient content and particle size in

order to achieve optimal conditions for plant growth (Saebo et al., 2006).


Compost stability is assessed by measuring the oxygen uptake rate of

compost under standard moisture and temperature conditions. (Hue et al., 1995).

Iannotti et al., (1994) correlated the oxygen uptake rates of composts prepared

from municipal solid waste (MSW) at a full-scale composting plant to chemical

(pH and total Kjeldahl N), physical (dry solid content), and biological assays

(rygrass growth). Their results showed that respiration bioassays used to

determine stability (O2 and CO2 respirometry) were sensitive to process control

problems, and among all the tests, oxygen respirometry best predicted the

potential for ryegrass growth.

Wu et al., (2000) showed that stability and maturity can be correlated (e.g

more stable compost tends to be more mature). However, due to variations in

compost feedstock and composting processes, some stable compost may have

phytotoxic substances, and some mature compost may have relatively high

respiration rates and be unstable. As a result, both parameters are needed to

assure high quality compost.


Microorganisms are the foundation of the Earth’s biosphere, and play

integral and unique roles in ecosystem function and biogeochemical cycling of

carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and various metals. Because microorganisms play a

central role in decomposing organic matter, the release of mineral nutrients, and


in nutrient cycling, they affect soil nutrient contents, chemical-physical properties,

and consequently plant productivity (Liu et al., 2006).

Understanding the complex diversity of the microbial community in the

environment is a challenging task. This is not only because of methodological

limitations, but also because of a lack of taxonomic knowledge (Gunapala et al.,

1998; Steinberg et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2006).

Microbial analyses of compost can serve to confirm pathogen removal

during the composting process (Grewal et al., 2007) and help identify microbial

communities consistent with compost maturity (Annabi et al., 2007; Weppen et

al., 2002). Surveys of microbial communities in mature composts can also be

used to better understand plant-growth promoting bacteria or disease

suppressive microbial populations (Gunapala et al., 1998; Green et al., 2004;

Steinberg et al., 2006).

2.3.1 Microbial community structure

Composting occurs through the efforts of diverse microorganisms. No one

species or organism dominates because the materials and conditions vary from

one pile to the next, over time within a given pile and at different sections of the

pile creating many different localized environments, each populated by a mixed

group of microorganisms (Gunapala et al., 1998; Steinberg et al., 2006).

The types and number of species within a community (species richness)

and the sizes of species populations within a community (species evenness) are


the essential parameters for defining community structure and diversity (Liu et

al., 1997; Van Elsas et al., 2000).

Different microbial communities predominate during composting phases,

each of which is adapted to a particular environment (Ryckeboer et al., 2003).

The composition of a microbial community during composting is determined by

many factors. Under aerobic conditions, temperature is the major selective factor

for populations and determines the rate of metabolic activities. While some

authors state that the total number of microorganisms does not significantly

change during composting (Atkinson et al., 1996), other authors report higher

numbers during the mesophilic stage (Ryckeboer et al., 2003; Steinberg et al.,


Green et al., (2004) analyzed bacterial communities in two cow manure

composts derived from the same feed and composted in the same location, but

composted with different carbon amendments (wheat straw, hardwood sawdust

and wood shavings). The bacterial communities were analyzed with denaturing

gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Results indicate that the effects of the initial

carbon amendment on the mature compost bacterial communities were minor,

while factors such as the manure, composting location, temperature and

moisture may have been more influential on the communities.

Ryckeboer et al., (2003) showed that aerobic decomposition by

microorganisms occurs at a wide moisture range of from 30% to 65%. If moisture

decreases below 30% and temperature rises above 30°C, the substrates become


more alkaline and Actinomycetes, and Streptomycetes thrive. Actinomycetes

play an important role in composting by degrading natural polymers and

colonizing organic material left after the other bacteria and fungi have consumed

easily degradable fractions (Peters et al., 2000). When temperature increases

above 55°C, thermal inactivation of pathogens start which is required to obtain

safe products, both in terms of phytohygiene and human diseases (Peters et al.,

2000; Ryckeboer et al., 2003).

2.3.2 Methods for studying microbial community structure

The present level of understanding of microbial community dynamics in

composting processes is largely based on studies made with traditional, culture

based methods. Biochemical based techniques such as plate counts, community

level physiological profiles (CLPP), sole carbon source utilization (SCSU), fatty

acid methyl ester (FAME), phospholipid fatty acid analyses (PLFA) (Klamer et al.,

1998) are traditional methods that are used to study diversity and metabolic

activity (Liu et al., 2006) in some populations. For example, Riddech et al.,

(2002) tested CLPPs with Biolog microplates in a sequence of mature composts

from organic waste and prunings. Their results showed distinctly different

patterns of carbon source utilization identifying five substrates (α-cyclodextrin,

tween 40, D-glucosaminic acid, L-threonine and 4-hydroxybenzoic) that

significantly contributed to difference in CLPPs.


However, many microorganisms cannot be cultivated under laboratory

conditions (Green et al., 2004; Gunapala et al., 1998; Liu et al., 1997;

Stackebrandt et al., 1991; Van Elsas et al., 2000). Therefore, in the late

1980s/early 1990s, molecular tools such as nucleic acid hybridization,

polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA cloning and sequencing, were

developed to improve the analysis of microbial communities in environmental

samples (Liu et al., 1997; Van Elsas et al., 2000).

DNA analysis can provide information about the structural diversity of

organisms in environmental samples and the presence or absence of functional

genes. A large and diverse suite of protocols has been published on nucleic acid

extraction from environmental matrices. Van Elsas et al., (2000) discussed one

approach based on direct in situ lysis of microbial cells in the presence of the

environmental matrix followed by separation of the nucleic acids from matrix

components and cell debris. This is by far the most frequently utilized method.

However, directly extracted DNA often contains considerable amounts of co-

extracted substances such as humic acids that interfere with subsequent

molecular analysis (Howeler et al., 2003; Stackebrandt et al., 1991; LaMontagne

et al., 2002).

In another method, microbial cells are separated from the environmental

matrix prior to cell lysis and subsequent DNA extraction and purification. This

method is commonly called ex situ DNA extraction (Stackebrandt, 1991).


After the DNA is extracted, molecular-based techniques are applied, such

as nucleic acid hybridization, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), denaturing

gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), amplified fragment length polymorphisms

(AFLP), restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses (RFLP and TRFLP),

automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) and/or single strand

conformation polymorphism (SSCP) (Kelly, 2003; Liu et al., 2006).

Green et al., (2004) evaluated the bacterial communities in cow manure

composted with different carbon amendments (wheat straw, hardwood sawdust

and wood shavings). Bacterial communities were characterized by PCR-DGGE

(DGGE is based on the melting or denaturation of two complementary DNA

strands, when this happens the electrophoretic mobility of the DNA drops

considerably and a band is formed). Their results demonstrated that bacterial

community profiles of individual composts were highly similar. The microbial

population was minimally affected by different carbon amendments.

Wang et al., (2007) and Halet et al., (2006) investigated the microbial

dynamics of microbial communities during the composting process with DGGE

and plating. Their results showed that the great majority of microorganisms were

bacteria followed by fungi. Hansgate et al., (2005) studied the network of bacteria

and fungi demonstrating that, while the fungal species richness was relatively low

at any time point, the community structure was dynamic and paralleled changes

in bacteria community structure.


Klammer et al., (1998) investigated the microbial biomass and community

structure of swine manure/straw composts in reactors and open boxes using

phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis. Their results showed different PLFA

patterns indicating rapid changes in the microbial community. Gram-positive

bacteria increased rapidly with increasing temperature and decreased with

decreasing temperature. Gram-negative bacteria increased rapidly with

increasing temperature up to 50°C, but decreased during the high temperature

phase. The development of the microbial community was similar during the initial

thermophilic phase, but the communities after 3 months differed. In contrast,

Cooper et al., (2002) studied the resilience of microbial communities to

temperature changes during composting and showed that decomposition

(organic matter breakdown) by thermophilic communities appeared to be less

resilient than that by mesophilic communities. The resilience of compost systems

to perturbation is usually attributed to the highly active and diverse microbial

population. Composting is characterized by distinct temperature changes that are

associated with a succession of microbial communities adapted to the prevailing

temperature (Cooper et al., 2002).

Single strand conformation polymorphism, another technique used for

microbial community analysis, distinguishes DNA molecules of the same size but

of different nucleotide sequences using electrophoresis in a non-denaturing

polycrylamide gel. Peters et al., (2000) directly extracted DNA from compost

samples and used primers targeting 16S rRNA genes (bacteria) and 18S rRNA


genes (fungi). Homologous PCR products were converted to single-stranded

DNA molecules by exonuclease digestion and were subsequently

electrophoretically separated by their single-strand-conformation polymorphism

(SSCP). Genetic profiles obtained by this technique showed a succession and

increasing diversity of microbial populations with time using all primers. This

study indicates that community SSCP profiles can be highly useful for the

monitoring of bacterial diversity and community successions in composting.

Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) is a

molecular biology technique for profiling of microbial communities based on the

position of a restriction site closest to a labeled end of an amplified gene. The

method is based on digesting a mixture of PCR amplified variants of a single

gene using one or more restriction enzymes and detecting the size of each of the

individual resulting terminal fragments using a DNA sequencer. The result is a

graph image where the X axis represents the sizes of the fragments and the Y

axis represents their fluorescence intensity (Liu et al., 1997). It has been used to

describe communities in many different environments including soils (Benitez et

al., 2007), lakes (Kent et al., 2003), activated sludge, groundwater interface, gut

of termites (Liu et al., 1997) and composts (LaMontagne et al., 2002) among

many others. Community analysis by this technique requires DNA isolation, PCR

amplification and digestion to obtain the restriction fragment length, which is

determined by the sequence of the fragment to be digested. Terminal restriction

fragment (T-RF) lengths can be predicted from known sequences; thus, the T-


RFLP method can potentially identify specific organisms in a community based

on their T-RF length (Kent et al., 2003). Few studies have been published that

use this technique on compost samples. Michel et al., (2002) studied the

bacterial community structure during yard trimmings composting using TRFLP.

They isolated community DNA from different composting days; the DNA was

PCR –amplified using fluorescent label primers. The products were digested with

HhaI, MspI, and RsaI to give fingerprints of the bacterial communities. Their

results showed that the greatest diversity of bacteria was observed in day 64 and

day 136, showing a diverse group of potentially beneficial plant disease

biocontrol agents in mature composts (day 136). Similarly Tiquia et al., (2002b)

studied the phylogenetic diversity of bacterial communities in livestock manure

composts (in-vessel and windrow composts) using terminal restriction fragment

length polymorphisms. Their results showed an increase in diversity in in-vessel

compost after 21 days of composting, while a decrease in diversity was observed

in the windrow composts after 109 days. Another compost study using T-RFLP

was performed by Tiquia et al., (2002a). T-RFLP analysis of PCR amplified

bacterial 16S rRNA genes from triplicate root tips grown in different treatments

and digested with HhaI, MspI, and RsaI revealed that the T-RFLP pattern of

rhizosphere communities from the bare soil treatment were more similar (54-

82%) to plots mulched with ground wood than to plots mulched with compost.

This data showed that mulching with compost strongly influenced the structure of

the microbial rhizophere community. Liu et al., (1997) discussed the possibility


that T-RFLP analysis may permit at least semiquantitative analysis of the relative

proportions of dominant members/genotypes within a microbial community, while

cautioning that T-RFLP analysis is subject to all the biases inherent in any PCR

amplification approach (Kanagawa, 2003).


Composting and marketing of composted materials is one of the options

currently being used by livestock farms to better manage manure and other

wastes. Most composters practice composting for several reasons including

improving manure for on-farm use, easing manure handling problems and

providing additional revenue from compost sales and tipping fees. Farmers take

advantage of composting in different ways, depending on their objective and farm

situation. Most perform their own composting on farm but, several large farms

rely on others to produce and/or sell the compost (Rynk, 1994). Windrow

composting is the predominant method. Manure generated on the farm, plus

bedding materials, are the basic composting materials.

Rynk (1994) performed a survey of dairy farms and found that several

farmers observed improvements in crop yield or quality due to the use of

compost instead of raw manure and/or fertilizer. Many researchers have found

these benefits by studying the process (Inbar et al., 1993; Chikaee et al., 2006;

Jeong et al., 2001; Horwath et al., 1995; Hogland et al., 2003; Weppen et al.,

2003; Alexander, 2004; Halet et al; 2006; Hoitink et al., 1993; Illmer et al; 2007;


Keener et al., 2005; Kashmanian et al., 1993). Composting is a microbiological

process which adds a great amount of value to the soil improving crop quality

(Inbar et al., 1993; Chikae et al., 2006; Horwath et al., 1995; Hogland et al.,

2003; Weppen et al., 2002).

Typically, composters base their decisions on experience and

accommodate material mixes according to their situation. Amendments are

either scarce, costly, or avoided because they add to the materials handling

costs and labor. Generally, the on-farm composters have not invested a great

deal of time in optimizing the process. Research in composting is essentially

performed to optimize the process and minimize the costs of production. The

results of this study can be used to minimize costs and optimize the process.






Composting offers the potential to significantly reduce problems

associated with manure management including odors, pathogens, ground water

pollution, and utilization costs. Two variables that directly affect on-farm

composting costs are windrow size and windrow turning frequency. However the

size of a windrow is limited by the depth of penetration of oxygen and high

temperatures as well as available equipment. In this study the effects of two pile

sizes and two turning frequencies in two different seasons, winter and summer

2007, on weight loss, volatile solids loss, moisture content, oxygen and

temperature gradients, bulk density, particle size and the costs associated with

the composting of unseparated dairy manure with hardwood sawdust (DM+S)

were examined. Windrows were divided into three replicates for winter and one

replicate for summer. Turning frequency had a significant effect (r > 0.7) on bulk

density, moisture and weight loss but not on volatile solid loss, particle size,


oxygen and temperature gradients. There was no significant effect of turning

frequency, pile size or season on the physical and chemical characteristics of the

final cured composts. The bulking agent was the main factor affecting total

operational costs while windrow size and turning frequency had minor effects on

costs. Estimated operational costs for frequently turned windrows were

$20.60/yd3, for infrequently turned windrows $17.89/yd3 and $17.74/yd3 for

infrequently turned piles. The seasonal effects on composting were primarily

related to moisture content, mostly due to ambient temperatures which affect

water holding capacity by air. Results of this study indicate that while variations in

moisture content, temperature and bulk density occurred during the composting

process, final compost properties were very similar regardless of turning

frequency, season or pile size. It can be established that larger and infrequent

turned piles are cost beneficial and are recommended for efficient dairy manure

compost production.


Composting is a dynamic and complex ecological process in which

temperature; oxygen, pH, moisture content, organic matter and nutrient

availability are in constant flux. Composting is accomplished using a variety of

different systems, which include turned windrows, static piles with forced aeration

and in-vessel systems (Alexander, 2007; Rynk et al., 1992). The process of

composting in any of these is governed by the fundamental principles of heat and


mass transfer and by biological constraints on living microorganisms (Keener et

al., 2005; Tirado et al., 2008).

Many physical, chemical, biological and molecular methods have been

developed to monitor the composting process and assess compost quality

(Alexander 2007; Beaffi et al., 2007; Illmer et al 1997; Giusquiani et al., 1995;

Iannoti et al., 1994; Michel et al., 1993). Relatively few studies have focused on

the effects of turning frequency, pile size or season on compost quality or on

mass losses, bulk density, volume and moisture content. Changes in these

properties may affect compost quality (Saebo et al., 2006) and are important

from a transportation or haulage standpoint (Larney et al., 2000).

Windrow size and windrow turning frequency directly affect on-farm

composting costs due to the type of machinery used and the area needed to

construct them. However the size of a windrow is limited by the equipment, the

depth of penetration of oxygen and by high temperatures that develop in the

center of the pile that can inhibit microbial activity (Guo et al., 2007; Halet et al.,

2006; Cooper et al., 2002; Jeong et al., 2001). Turning temporarily mitigates high

temperatures and low oxygen concentrations and is occasionally necessary to

mix the compost to assure even decomposition and pathogen destruction

(Alexander et al., 2007; Nelson et al., 2006; Tateda et al., 2005; Michel et al.,


In order for composting to be an effective management practice for

manure, it must be a year-round operation. In addition, the cured compost must


be uniform with an added value in the market and costs must be optimized to

cover (at least) the operating costs of a compost site.

There is a perceived constraint to winter composting in temperate

climates, where low ambient temperatures may drop below freezing and

composting temperatures, optimal moisture contents and rates may be harder to


In this study the effects of two pile sizes, two turning frequencies and two

seasons on volatile solids loss, moisture content, bulk density, oxygen and

temperature gradients as well as the operational costs of producing and the

dollar value of DM+S composts compared to manure and fertilizer were



3.3.1 Experimental treatments

Two full scale compost sets were set-up at the Ohio Agricultural Research

and Developing Center (OARDC) compost pad during winter and summer 2007.

The composts were made from similar initial mixtures (3:1 wet basis) of dairy

manure (OARDC- Heifer Barn-Wooster, Oh) (straw was used as bedding) and

hardwood sawdust (Dalton Wood Products, Inc) similar in properties to those

described previously by Michel et al., (2004). One set of windrows (A) were

turned every three days using a tractor drawn windrow turner for a total of 30

turns during 16 weeks. A second set (B) was turned once every 10 days. A third


set (C) consisted of much larger piles turned every 10 days. Windrows were

divided into three replicates in winter and one for each treatment in summer

(Figure 3.1). The approximate dimensions of the windrows were 7.6m long, 1-

1.2m high and 3m wide with an estimated cross-sectional area of 10.7m2. One

pile treatment set per season was also built, with approximate dimensions of 1.5-

2 m high and a base circumference of 22-27m.

Samples (100g) were collected on days zero, 30, 60, 90 and 120.

Samples consisted of mixed composites collected immediately after turning. For

depth studies, 0.03 m3 were also collected from three different depths (5 cm, 60

cm and 120 cm) before turning (Table 3.3).

3.3.2 Weather conditions

Precipitation and daily temperatures were recorded at the Wooster

Experimental Station –Wayne County Lat 40 47 Long 81 55W Elevation 1020ft

(OH ST UNIV-OARDC). Monthly averages are summarized in Table 3.1. Winter

treatments were built starting January 8th 2007; thereafter one replicate for each

treatment was built every week for three weeks to give three replicates (January

22nd). For the summer treatment, all replicates were built during the same week

(August 8th 2007).


** Precipitation Temperature total (cm) mean (°C) January,2007 6.73 -2.3 February, 2007 4.11 -8.0 March, 2007 11.18 5.2 April, 2007 8.10 7.6 May, 2007 8.26 16.9 June, 2007 * 7.80 20.5 July, 2007 * 16.64 20.3 August, 2007 14.45 22.2 September, 2007 6.45 18.1 October, 2007 11.81 14.5 November, 2007 8.81 4.4 December, 2007 8.70 0.05

*Experiments were not conducted during these months, ** Data from NOAA/NCDC Table 3.1 Summary of weather data for study period summer and winter 2007


1-1.2m Aw Aw Aw



Bw Bw Bw







1.5-2m 1.5-2m

1-1.2m 1-1.2m

1-1.2m 1-1.2m

1-1.2m 1-1.2m 1.5-2m





3m 3m 3m

3m 3m 3m

3m 3m

Figure 3.1 Experimental treatments and dimensions for winter (w) and summer (s). In frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and infrequently turned piles (C). w= Winter, s= Summer


3.3.3 Physical Parameters Dimensions- Surface area and volume determinations

The length, height, width and circumference (Figure 3.1) of each windrow

and pile was measured and recorded every time composting materials were

turned to determine differences in volume with turning and age. Cross sectional

area and volumes were calculated by integrating formulas of cones that best

represented windrows and piles. Temperature and oxygen profiles

Pile and windrow temperature profiles were measured manually at three

depths (5cm, 60cm, and 120cm), using a series of portable K-thermocouples

(Omega ®). Oxygen concentrations were determined using a galvanic oxygen

sensor, Model 320A (Teledyne Analytical Instruments) at three depths (5cm,

60cm and 120cm). Oxygen and temperature profiles were measured before and

after turning at 0, 30, 60 and 90 minutes to determine the duration of the effect of

turning. Bulk Density and Moisture Content

The bulk density was determined as described by the US Composting

Council (Thompson et al., 2003). The weight per unit volume of compost was

calculated and reported on a dry weight basis.


Moisture content was determined as described by Michel et al., (1993).

Approximately 250g per sample was dried at 70 ± 5°C for 24h to a constant

weight. The percent moisture was calculated as the mass loss due to

evaporation (g/g) divided by the wet weight. Particle size

Particle size was determined using dried compost samples. The method

was performed as described in ASAE Standards S424.1. A set of seven square-

hole sieves were used consisting of numbers 3.5, 6, 10, 14, 20, 35 and 60, with

screen openings of 5.66, 3.36, 2, 1.41, 0.85, 0.5 and 0.246mm, respectively.

3.3.4 Chemical Parameters Volatile solids (Organic matter) and pH

The organic matter was determined according to the US Composting

Council (Thompson et al., 2003) and measured as the fraction of the dry weight

lost when the compost is combusted at 550°C in the presence of excess air (%

g g-1). Compost pH was determined as described by Carnes and Lossin (1970).

Ten grams of compost was added to 100ml of deionized water and pH

determined using a pH electrode and an Orion pH meter.

40 Total Carbon, Nitrogen and major elements

Approximately 100 g of wet composite compost samples were sent to the

Service Testing and Research Laboratory (STAR Lab

http://oardc.osu.edu/starlab/ ) at the OARDC Wooster campus for analysis of

total N (Dumas Method), total C (Combustion with CO2 detector) and mineral

analysis (Microwave-Assisted Nitric Acid Digestion, US EPA 3051, plus

Inductively coupled mass spectrometry-ICP analysis). Test methods for the

examination of composting were performed according to the US Composting

council (Thompson et al., 2003) (Table 3.3).

3.3.5 Energy Inputs and Farm Composting Economics

Production costs and fuel use for cured compost were estimated based on

amendment costs, the machinery used (Table 3.4), turning frequency, labor and

transportation costs. Operational costs for frequently and infrequently turned

composts were calculated according to the time of turning, the labor needed and

the machinery used (Table 3.4). According to Grisso et al., 2004 the operating

costs for the agricultural machines depend on the type of fuel, the amount of time

the machine is used and the amount of work accomplished relative to the cost

incurred in getting the work done. Grisso et al., reports the fuel efficiency of

different types of engines and the optimum travel speed for a given operation;

Table 3.4 shows the values for each machine used in this study. Hauling costs


were estimated assuming 30 mph travel speed, hauled material with 40%

moisture, average diesel price ($4.15/gal), and a rate of labor of $15.00/hour.

Compost, fertilizer (15:15:15) and manure values were calculated based

on the N:P:K contents of the compost, using STARLab results. Hauling costs

were estimated assuming 80% moisture content for manure (Michel et al., 2004),

40% for compost and 10% for fertilizer.

Type* of

machinery Capacity Gal/tank

Engine Power

(Gross-hp) Max

Mile/h Fuel type

gal/h **

$/gal *** $/h

I 140 250 45 diesel 13.91 4.15 57.7II 18 80 20 diesel 4.96 4.15 20.6III 20 51 6 diesel 4.19 4.15 17.4IV 18 80 20 diesel 4.96 4.15 20.6

* I Medium Duty Dump truck Class 1-3 GVW, II Aereomaster MidWest PT120+Truck Hydrostatic drive Farmall 1026, III CASE 1840 Wheel Skid Steer Loader, IV Butler 3340 ensilmixer+Truck Hydrostatic drive Farmall 1026 *** Average price of gas (May, 2008) Table 3.2 Machinery used to build, turn and composite frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and piles (C) during this study and its respectively fuel efficiency (Grisso R.D., 2004) 3.3.6 Statistical Analysis

All statistical analyses were performed using MINITAB (ver 15.1) from

MINITAB, Inc. Plots were made using SIGMAPLOT (ver. 10.0) from TE Sub

Systems Inc. Standard one way analysis of variance was used to determine

differences in treatments, while mean comparisons among treatments and


seasons were performed using Fisher’s protected least significance difference

test (5% level). Correlation analysis between random variables was performed

using Pearson product moment and Spearman R for categorical variables.

Discrete (turning frequency), continuous (compost temperature, pH, bulk density,

volatile solids, moisture content and particle size) and categorical (season and

pile size) variables were used to make the comparisons.



3.4.1 Effects of turning frequency

Dairy manure sawdust was composted for 120 days. To determine the

effects of turning, windrows turned frequently and infrequently were compared.

Total Mass and volume reductions

At the beginning of the composting process, the total volume varied from

40-25 m3 in the frequently and infrequently turned windrows, with an initial

surface area to volume ratio of 1.55 ± 0.4 m2/m3 for winter and 1.74 ± 0.9 m2/m3

in summer.

Cumulative volume reductions appear to be greater during winter than

summer (Table 3.3). A cumulative volume reduction of 63% for the frequently

turned windrow (A) during winter was the highest followed by the infrequently

turned windrow in summer (B) (47%). Although cumulative volume reduction was

higher for the frequently turned windrows, the rate of volume reduction for each

treatment in both seasons did not differ significantly after the composting process

(p > 0.150).

There was a highly significant relationship (r >0.95) between the number

of turnings and volume reduction for frequently turned windrow (A) in both

seasons during composting (Table 3.5). This relationship showed that windrow

turning had a greater negative impact on volume reduction than infrequently

turned windrows. This result is similar to the observations reported by Michel et


al., (1996) who observed that the effects of turning regime are transient and

present similar trends in different windrow and pile configurations.

Composting significantly reduced compost mass weight. Wet mass losses

during the composting process reached 67% (winter) for frequently turned

windrows, and for the infrequently turned composts mass losses ranged from 44

to 62% (Table 3.3).

The numbers of turnings directly affected mass losses. The frequently

turned windrows appeared to have greater losses (r > -0.98) compared to the

infrequently turned windrows (r > -0.68). There was a significant difference in

overall mass loss (p < 0.05) between frequently and infrequently turned

windrows. This difference was not an effect of moisture content since dry mass

losses were also greater than wet mass losses in the frequently turned windrows

(Table 3.3, Table 3.5).

Surface area

The surface area of the windrows, during winter was slightly higher (50-

70m2) than those windrows built in summer (35-50 m2). The greatest effect in the

percentage of cumulative surface area loss was observed in frequently turned

windrows (r > 0.95). The surface area during composting showed no significant

difference between treatments (p > 0.06); but, between seasons there was

significant difference (p < 0.005; α= 0.05) (Table 3.5).


Temperature and Oxygen gradients

Compost heat is produced as a by-product of the microbial breakdown of

organic material. The heat production depends on the size of the pile, its

moisture content, aeration, and C/N ratio. Additionally, ambient temperature

affects compost temperatures. According to Keener et al (2005) consistent

performance of composting systems to generate high quality compost requires

controlled process conditions, such as temperature (ranges vary from 35 to

60°C), oxygen (> 5%) and mixing. The optimal compost temperatures from the

standpoint of pathogen destruction and organic matter decomposition are 55-

60°C (Hoitink et al., 1986; Dick et al., 1993; Inbar et al., 1993; Alexander, 2007;

Tateda et al., 2005; Michel et al 2004; Hogland et al., 2003; Grewal et al., 2007).

According to these parameters, windrows and piles in this study were

grouped into six different temperature ranges (from -1 to 15°C, 15.1 to 31.1°C,

31.2 to 47.2°C, 47.3 to 63.3°C, 63.4 to 79.3°C, 79.4 to 95.4°C) and groups with

oxygen concentrations greater than 5%. Optimal composting conditions were

considered to be temperatures of 35°C to 60°C and oxygen concentrations

greater than 5%. These, to determine the frequency of dates that had optimal

composting conditions. Optimal temperatures were reached in the majority (>

70%) of the composting periods in all treatments for both seasons.

Turning frequency had little effect on windrow temperature and oxygen

gradients. Compost temperatures at the center of the windrows (120 cm) rose to

greater than 55°C after 10 days in both treatments (Figure 3.2). At depths closer


to the surface (5 and 60 cm) temperatures were lower and appeared to be

influenced by turning frequency. Temperatures at these levels were higher in the

infrequently turned windrows.

There was a significant relationship (r > 0.80) between oxygen

concentration at the center of the windrows and the number of turnings during

summer (Table 3.5). However, overall, turning had only a transitory effect on

compost oxygen concentrations; two hours after turning oxygen concentrations

were similar to levels before turning (Figure 3.3). Overall, the different turning

frequencies used in this study did not appear to have a great impact on compost

temperatures or oxygen concentrations during the process (p > 0.05).

Bulk Density

Initial bulk density varied between 117-142 kg/m3 and rose during

composting to 143 to 182 kg/m3. There was a small difference in final bulk

densities between frequently turned windrows as compared to the infrequently

turned (Table 3.3); this difference can be attributed to the chopping and mixing

action of the windrow turner which may have accelerated the breakdown of straw

fragments, hence reducing air space and increasing bulk density. Our values are

similar to those reported by Larney et al., (2000) who reported final bulk density

values ranging from 170 to 290 kg/m3 for the composting of similar feedstocks.


A higher correlation between bulk density in windrows (A and B) and

turning frequency was observed during winter (r > 0.85) than between windrows

in summer (r < - 0.75) (Table 3.5).

Moisture Contents

Initial moisture contents were 62-68% (Table 3.3). Final moisture contents

for the frequently turned windrows (≤ 70%) where higher than those observed for

the infrequently turned windrows (≥ 59%). However these differences did not

appear to be significant (p > 0.5) (Table 3.5).

Particle Size

Particle sizes during composting (day zero thorough day 120) were 2.15 ±

0.82 mm in the frequently turned windrows and 2.25 ± 0.81 mm for the

infrequently turned windrows. The particle size in the frequently turned windrows

showed lower values during the composting process (day zero thorough day

120) than those observed in the infrequently turned windrows (Table 3.3).

No correlation was observed between particle size and turning frequency

with an r= 0.19 for frequently turned windrows and r= -0.12 for infrequently turned

windrows (Table 3.5).


A* Frequently turned


B* Infrequently turned


C* Infrequently turned

pile Winter Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer Surface Initial 69.3±5.5 48 51.6±14.2 51 42.7±0.7 34.4 Area (m2) Final 33.6 43 46.9 38 30.6 29.3 Reduction 51% 10% 19% 25% 28% 15% Volume Initial 38.8±2.8 24.40 37.5±7.2 23.70 43±1.2 31.20 (m3) Final 14.3±0.9 15.40 21.80±0.5 12.50 25.50±0.5 24.50 Reduction 63% 37% 21% 47% 41% 21% Surface Area Initial 1.78 1.96 1.87 2.15 0.99 1.1 to volume Ratio Final 2.35 2.79 2.15 3.02 1.2 1.2 Wet Mass Initial 6145±522 3992 6152±501 3919 6424±29 3909 (kg) Final 2026±200 2531 2331±527 1923 3115±141 2195 Loss 67% 37% 62% 51% 52% 44% Dry Mass Initial 2129±181 1709 1951±159 1697 2177±10 1732 (kg) Final 643±63 734 691±156 785 1013±46 676 Loss 70% 57% 65% 54% 53% 61% Bulk Density a,b Initial 125 127 122 135 117 143 (kg/m3) Final 176 146 170 151 143 182 Moisture Initial 65.4±2.2 61.9 68.3±4.4 60.3 66.1±2.0 58.2 (%) Final 68.8±4.4 71.0 70.4±5.9 59.2 67.5±7.8 69.2 pH Initial 8.25±1.07 7.85 8.59±0.01 8.1 8.35±0.29 8.2 Final 8.62±0.17 7.24 8.17±1.00 7.2 7.94±0.09 7.4 Carbon b, c Initial 52.75±3.33 50.56±2.60 52.75±3.33 50.56±2.60 52.75±3.33 50.56±2.60(%) Final 41.35 44.50 45.01 43.09 44.71 44.16 loss 76% 62% 70% 61% 61% 66% C:N Initial 37.61 37.31 37.61 37.31 37.61 37.31 Final 15.1 24.4 17.6 21.4 17.4 21.7 Nitrogen b, c Initial 1.40±0.18 1.35±0.10 1.40±0.18 1.35±0.10 1.40±0.18 1.35±0.10 % g/g dw Final 2.74 1.82 2.55 2.01 2.57 2.03 Loss 41% 42% 35% 31% 15% 41% Volatile Initial 94.2±1.5 93.10 92.8±2.8 93.80 93.8±0.4 93.5 Solids a Final 76.5±3.4 80.10 76.2±10 72.20 69.1±22.5 76.2 (g/ginitial) Loss 75% 63% 71% 64% 66% 68% Particle size Initial 2.4±1.0 1.7 3.2±1.5 1.6 1.7±0.2 0.9 (mm) Final 2.6±0.7 1.9±0.2 1.9±0.6 2.0±0.3 1.9±1.7 2.9±0.9

a Dry weight basis b Composite samples c Analysis performed in StarLab * A frequently turned windrow (Every three days), B infrequently turned windrow (every 10 days), C infrequently turned piled (every ten days Table 3.3 Initial and Final compost properties performed in this study, for frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and piles (C).


Volatile Solid Loss, Nitrogen Loss and pH

The volatile solid losses, calculated assuming constant ash, reached 25%

loss on day 30 (for frequently and infrequently turned) and increased to 63-75%

in the final cured compost for both windrows, regardless of turning frequency (p >

0.4) .

Frequently turned windrows had higher N losses (40%) than those

windrows turned infrequently (30%) (Table 3.3). Turning exposes fresh material

to microbial colonization and leads to the release of NH3 that has accumulated in

the internal void spaces of the compost (Parkinson et al., 2004; Ogunwande et

al., 2008).

According to Wu et al., (2000), Inbar et al., (1993), Alexander et al., (2007)

and Michel et al., (1996), compost pH varies between 7.0 to 9.2. There was no

significant pH difference among turning frequencies (p > 0.5) (Table 3.3 and 3.4).

For the frequently turned windrows, pH during composting was 8.2 ± 0.4 and for

infrequently turned 8.1 ± 0.5. The alkaline values obtained in this study may

contribute to nitrogen losses and ammonia odors during composting because

above pH 8.2, ammonia nitrogen becomes volatile (Michel et al., 1996).

However Ekinci et al., (2000) showed a 75% reduction in ammonia loss by

lowering initial pH from 8.3 to 6.6; verifying that lowering initial pH with additives

can be an important factor for ammonia control.





0 20 40 60 80 100 120

As Bs Cs Aw Bw Cw

2 ho

urs A







ly A









ly A








n C










n (%








0 30 60 90 12

Figure 3.2 Oxygen concentrations in frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and piles (C), before, immediately after and 2 hours after turning (120cm depth).

Figure 3.2 Oxygen concentrations in frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and piles (C), before, immediately after and 2 hours after turning (120cm depth).

Time (days)







0 30 60 90 12

Winter Summer








0 30 60 90 120







0 30 60 90 120







0 30 60 90 120-5






0 30 60 90 120

Frequently turned windrow (Every three days), Infrequently turned windrow (every 10 days), Infrequently turned pile (every 10 days). w=winter, s=summer


2 ho

urs A







ly A









re °C




0 20 40 60 80 100 120

As Bs Cs Aw Bw Cw

Figure 3.3 Temperatures (°C) in frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and piles (C), before, immediately after and 2 hours after turning (120 cm depth).










0 30 60 90 120










Winter Summer

0 30 60 90 120










0 30 60 90 120










0 30 60 90 120










0 30 60 90 12










0 30 60 90 1200

Time (days)

Frequently turned windrow (Every three days), Infrequently turned windrow (every 10 days), Infrequently turned pile (every 10 days). w=winter, s=summer


3.4.2 Effects of pile size in composting To determine the effects of pile size, infrequently turned windrows were

compared to larger infrequently turned piles.

Total Mass The primary differences between windrows and piles used in this study

were the surface area to volume ratios. The surface area to volume ratios for

windrows ranged from 1.7 to 2.0 m2/m3, while for piles the surface to volume

ratios was 0.99 to 1.1 m2/m3 (Table 3.3). The windrows and piles were built with

a mix ratio of 3:1 (DM+S) on a wet basis. Dry mass losses for piles were ≥ 53%

and for windrows ≥ 54%, suggesting similar losses for windrows and piles.

Temperature and Oxygen gradients

The temperature and oxygen concentrations in the pile were significantly

different (p < 0.05) than those effects observed in the windrows (p > 0.1). In the

piles (C), the temperatures rose from 2.49°C ± 2.36 to 43.6°C ± 9.63 from day

zero to day 30, and remained above 40°C through day 120 (Figure 3.2). Piles

maintained lower oxygen concentration (range from 5 to 12% of oxygen) than the

windrows (>10%) (Figure 3.3) in both summer and winter replicates.

There was a significant relationship (r > 0.80) between oxygen

concentrations and windrow size during summer. The windrows during winter

showed a small negative correlation between size and oxygen (r < -0.15), which


might be the result of higher moisture content (Figure 3.4). For the piles the

relationship was less (r < 0.60) which may suggest a difference in oxygen

concentrations with pile size, but not turning frequency (Table 3.3, Table 3.5).

Bulk Density

The bulk density in the piles during the composting process rose from

117-143 kg/m3 to 143-182 kg/m3 on day 120. For the windrows initial bulk density

was 122-135 kg/m3 and increased to 170-151 kg/m3 (Table 3.3, Table 3.5). This

finding is similar to those observed by Michel et al., 1996, who observed gradual

increase in compost bulk density as a function of turning frequency to a similar

level as those observed in piles and windrows in this study.

Moisture Contents

Moisture contents were not significantly different between windrows and

piles (p > 0.5) (Figure 3.3). Pile moisture contents during composting showed

slightly higher values (64.6 ± 7%) than those observed in the windrows (63.7 ±

10%). During winter and summer, windrows (60-75%) and piles (58-72%)

presented similar values (Table 3.3).


A* Frequently turned


B* Infrequently turned


C* Infrequently turned

pile Depth Winter Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer

5cm 8.2 8.6 9.09 8.4 8.3 7.9 pH 60cm 7.9 8.6 8.6 8.4 8.8 7.9

120cm 8.9 8.7 8.85 8.3 8.3 8.4 5cm 44.1 52.3 18.5 50.2 41.3 48.2

Temperature 60cm 43.8 48.3 34.8 46.7 49.9 46.3 (°C) 120cm 46.5 54.2 35.1 46.1 41.7 24.5

5cm 16.0 17.0 17.0 18.0 13.7 17.0 Oxygen 60cm 15.0 17.0 ** 18.0 0.75 16.5

% 120cm 8.0 17.0 14.5 17.0 0.0 18.5 5cm 71.6 48.8 74.5 48.3 72.9 49.6

Moisture 60cm 66.7 54.4 67.7 49.4 62.6 63.1 % 120cm 66.9 54.4 67.8 52.6 65.6 67.9

Table 3.4 Effect of depth on temperature (°C), pH and oxygen concentrations (%) for winter and summer on day 30. In frequently turned windrow (A-Every three days), infrequently turned windrow (B-Every 10 days) and infrequently turned pile (C-Every 10 days). ** Missing data Particle Size

During composting (day zero thorough day 120), windrows had similar

particle sizes (2.2 ± 0.8mm) as piles (2.0 ± 0.7mm) (Table 3.3), There was no

significant difference between pile size and particle size (p > 0.150) in the final

cured composts. However there was a greater range of particle sizes (higher

heterogeneity) in the piles as compared to the windrows (Table 3.3, Table 3.5).


Volatile Solid Loss, Nitrogen Loss and pH

Volatile solid loss did not vary significantly between windrows (60-75%)

and piles (66-68%) during the composting process. The volatile solids content

loss from the composting material during the composting process reflects the

amount of organic material converted to CO2 during composting.

Nitrogen losses during both seasons for windrows varied from 31-35%, for

piles it was significantly different between seasons with 41% and 15% in

summer and winter respectively; these differences suggest an effect of season

but not pile size (Table 3.3, Table 3.5).

In the thermophilic phase of composting (day 30), pH varied (8.43 ± 0.34)

between depths 5cm, 60cm and 120 cm (Table 3.3). However these variations

were not significant (p > 0.05) (Table 3.5)

3.4.3 Seasonal Effects

The effects of season variability during composting was determined by

comparing compost characteristics in winter and summer in frequently turned (A)

infrequently turned (B) windrows and piles (C).

Total Mass

In summer, the greatest dry mass loss was in the infrequently turned pile (61%);

followed by frequently turned windrow (57%) and the infrequently turned windrow


(54%). During winter, the greatest dry mass loss was observed for the frequently

turned windrow (70%). Dry and wet weigh losses are shown in Table 3.3.

The greater dry mass loss observed in the summer pile compared to the

pile in winter may be due to the effect that in summer the piles were wetter than

the windrows in summer, allowing more extensive degradation (Table 3.3, Table

3.5). In winter, the piles and windrows all had similar higher moisture contents

(Figure 3.4). The piles also had lower oxygen concentrations (Figure 3.3) during

winter which may have limited decomposition.

Temperature and Oxygen gradients

On day zero of the winter season the average daily ambient temperature

was -0.6°C; during composting in the winter season daily average temperatures

varied from -23.4 (day 38) to 25°C (day 86) with an average relative humidity of

65%. Temperatures below freezing were present during days 10-60 (winter-

spring, January through March); after day 60 (until day 90) daily ambient

temperatures rose to levels similar than those in summer-autumn (Figure 3.5);

from day 90 (March-April) until day 120 (May) daily ambient temperatures in

winter-spring treatment were higher than those in summer-autumn treatments.

For the summer study initial ambient temperature was 26°C and varied from

34°C (day 1) to -7.8°C (day 119) with an average relative humidity of 75%. On

day 60 (August) until day 90 (October), summer-autumn ambient temperatures

decreased to temperatures similar to those in winter (10-0°C).


Compost temperatures rose to greater than 50°C after 30 days in both

winter and summer treatments. Final temperatures in summer (15 ± 11°C) were

somewhat lower than in winter (32 ± 17°C). Even though average daily

temperatures varied between seasons, windrow and pile temperatures during

winter and summer rose to levels higher than 30˚C after day 5, increasing

thereafter (52 ± 10˚C) until day 90 in winter and day 110 in summer. Final

temperature (day 120) in the frequently turned windrows in winter-spring

(05/10/07) was 13˚C and in summer-autumn 5.2˚C (12/19/07). The piles seemed

to maintain higher temperatures at the end with 47˚C and 31˚C for winter and

summer respectively.

For the summer-autumn study there was a significant difference in

compost temperatures (p < 0.05), whereas there was no difference between

treatments for the winter-spring study (p > 0.3) (Table 3.5).

Bulk Density

For the winter study, bulk density on day zero varied from 117 kg/m3 to

122 kg/m3. It was necessary to construct compost piles at different times during

the winter treatment and the bulk density variation can be explained by the

amount of straw bedding that was included during construction. Average bulk

density during winter composting varied from 119 kg/m3 in the pile to 131 kg/m3

in the windrows. By the end of the curing phase, bulk density had increased to

greater than 160 kg/m3 in all treatments.


For the summer study, initial bulk densities in all treatments were similar

(135 ± 8 kg/m3). Average bulk density during summer composting varied from

100 to 190 kg/m3 (Table 3.3). Final values ranged between 140 and 180 kg/m3.

Moisture Contents

The initial moisture contents of the compost treatments were 60-70% in

both seasons which are optimal for composting (Rynk, 1992). At the end of the

composting period, of both seasons, moisture reached values of 67.6 ± 4.32 %.

A winter storm (Table 3.1) on day 20-30 increased compost moisture to 70%. A

small amount of sawdust (Approximately 130kg per treatment) was added to the

windrows on day 28 which reduced the moisture content from 70% to 69%.

Due to high precipitations during winter (recorded precipitation of the

weather conditions showed an increase during dates 60-65), moisture content

rose similarly in all three treatments to approximately 75% after 60 days (Figure


Geotextile (Midwest Biosystems) covers were used after the winter storm

to reduce water infiltration from precipitation. This material is permeable to air

and gas, but water-repellent. Covers were left on the compost the rest of the

cycle, being removed only for turning operations. Moisture content during the

summer replicate decreased to levels below 45% indicating a need for addition of

water in all treatments. On day 64 water addition of 130, 95 and 62 gal were

added to A, B and C respectively to maintain adequate moisture (60%) (Keener


et al., 2005). The amount of water was added according to a mass balance

(Figure 3.4).

A medium linear relationship (r > 0.5) between the number of turnings and

moisture was observed indicating an effect of turning on moisture content.

Moisture content was highly correlated with windrow temperature during winter (r

> 0.7). During the curing phase, approximately on day 90, moisture contents in

both seasons dropped from 70% to 55%. Even though different moisture

contents were observed during the composting period, cured compost of more

than 120 days for all treatments showed similar values (45 ± 4.5%) (p > 0.6)

(Data not shown).

The average pile moistures during winter were slightly lower (68.57% ±

2.6) for piles compared to the windrows (70.3 ± 3.0%) but not significantly

different (p > 0.5) (Figure 3.4, Table 3.5). During summer the variation was

opposite. Piles maintained a higher moisture content (60.6 ± 7.8%) than

windrows (57.0 ± 9%). These variations may be correlated to weather conditions

and surface to volume area ratios (Table 3.3, Figure 3.4).

The total cumulative precipitation during winter was 33.81cm (Table 3.1).

The highest recorded precipitation occurred in March (11cm) followed by January

(9.8cm). During the summer treatment the total cumulative precipitation reached

45.69 cm with a highest precipitation of 14.4 cm during August and a lowest

precipitation of 6.4 cm in September (Figure 3.4). Although precipitation during


the summer study was higher (50cm) moisture contents were lower due to higher

evaporation rates.

The temperature at any point during composting depends on how much

heat is being produced by microorganisms, balanced by how much is being lost

through conduction, convection, and radiation (Richard et al., 1996). Conduction

occurs at the bottom of the compost pile into the concrete pad. Convection refers

to transfer of heat by movement of a fluid such as air or water. When compost

gets hot, warm air rises within the system, and the resulting convective currents

cause a steady but slow movement of heated moist air upwards through the

compost and out the top. In addition to this natural convection, turning adds a

forced convection (Richard et al., 1996).

In winter moisture in the air leaving the compost will condense as it leaves

the windrow. In summer high ambient temperatures allow much greater amounts

of water vapor to escape by convection. However according to Richard et al.,

(1996) the heat removal due to water evaporation (about 70%) is the largest heat

removal source, radiation (about 20%) is the second, and convection (about












0 30 60 90 120

Time (days)

% M















ly P





Day 30 Sawdust addition (A, B)

Day 64 Water addition (A, B, C)


1 0

2 0

3 0

4 0

5 0

6 0

7 0

8 0

0 3 0 6 0 9 0 1 2 0Time (d a ys)


1 0

2 0

3 0

4 0

5 0Aw BwCw AsBs CsCumulative precipitation (cm)-Summer Cumulative precipitation (cm)-Winter

Frequently turned windrow (Every three days), Infrequently turned windrow (every 10 days), Infrequently turned pile (every 10 days). w=winter, s=summer

Figure 3.4 Moisture Content and cumulative precipitations during winter (w) and summer (s) for frequently turned widrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and piles (C).













0 30 60 90 120

Time (days)




( C


Summer Winter

Winter Day zero =Julian day 008, day 120= Julian date 125; Summer day zero = Julian date 220, day 120 = Julian date 340 (2007)

Figure 3.5 Day-by-day average daily temperatures during the composting process (Wooster Experimental Station, OSU/OARDC).

Particle Size

There was a significant difference between season and particle size (p <

0.05) during the composting process. These differences can be attributed to the

amount of straw fragments incorporated in the initial mixture. Initial particle size

for winter (2.4 ± 0.7mm) was higher than summer (1.4 ± 0.3 mm). Average final

particle sizes varied from 2.62 ± 0.74 mm in winter and 1.67 ± 0.46 mm in



Volatile Solid Loss, Nitrogen Loss and pH

Volatile solids did not appear to be influence by season (p = 0.9). Volatile

solid losses at the end of the composting process were 60 ± 7% in winter and


Infrequently turned windrows, during winter, had higher nitrogen losses

(35%) compared to those in summer (31%). For the frequently turned windrows

and the piles nitrogen losses were higher in summer compared to those in winter

which may be correlated to the exposure of the piles to direct sunlight which may

have accelerated the decomposition and loss of valuable nutrients (Ogunwande

et al., 2008).

Initial pH values were similar between winter (8.39 ± 0.17) and summer

(8.04 ± 0.11) treatments, but final pH values were significantly (p < 0.05) higher

in winter (8.2 ± 0.34) than in summer (7.28 ± 0.12). These differences can be

attributed to ambient and compost temperatures (Barron and Geary 2008) as

discussed previously (pile size effects). According to Barron and Geary (2008),

pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration, and a change in the

temperature will be reflected by a subsequent change in pH. In this study there

was no significant correlation between pH and compost temperature of windrows

and piles during winter (r < 0.40). However, there was a slight correlation of pH

and temperatures in piles and windrows during summer (r > 0.50) (Table 3.5).


Pile Size* Turning Frequency* Season*


value CorrelationP

value Correlation P

value Correlation

Properties α = 0.05 ( r )

α = 0.05 ( r )

α = 0.05 ( r )

Volume 0.8 < -0.97 > 0.15 > 0.95 0.04 > 0.95

Area < 0.05 < -0.99 > 0.06 > 0.90 0.005 > 0.93 Mass > 0.05 > 0.7 < 0.05 > -0.7 0.05 > 0.8, > 0.7

Temperature > 0.05 > 0.8 > 0.05 0.73, -0.46 >0.3,

< 0.05 > 0.7, < -0.4

Oxygen < 0.05 > 0.80 > 0.05 > 0.80 0 Wi= <-0.12 (w),

>0.76 (s);

Pile= >0.7(w);


Bulk Density < 0.05 > 0.30 < 0.05 >0.85, <-

0.75 0 > 0.60(w), < 0.3

(s) Moisture > 0.5 > 0.50 > 0.5 < 0.20 0 < -0.683

Particle Size > 0.15 < -0.39 > 0.5 < 0.19 0.05 < -0.62 Volatile Solids > 0.05 -- > 0.4 < -0.54 0.9 --

pH > 0.05 -- > 0.5 < -0.18 0.005 < 0.4, > 0.5 Total Nitrogen 0.05 -- < 0.05 > 0.58 < 0.05 > 0.20

Dry Weight > 0.15 -- > 0.15 -- 0.03, 0.43 --

Microbial Community > 0.1 -- > 0.1 -- 0.1 --

*Values during the composting process, final cured compost significance are different (p > 0.05). Table 3.5 Effects of Management practices (pile size, turning frequency and season) during the composting process (from day zero through day 120) with p values (α= 0.05) and correlation coefficients.

The management practices did not appear to significantly affect final cured

compost properties (p > 0.05).


3.4.4 Energy Inputs and Farm Composting Economics

The costs of producing compost can be offset by the value of composts in

the marketplace. This value is due not only to nutrients but the ability of compost

to reduce plant diseases and improve soil physical properties (Michel, 2002;

Hoitink et al., 1993).

In this study the size and the turning frequency of the composting

treatment affected total operating costs. Capital costs would add to total compost

costs but were not considered in this study.

Approximately $ 99.29 ± 8.57 per Mg (value depends on turning

frequency) U.S dollars were spent on operational costs to produce final cured

compost (Table 3.6).

The costs of transporting and application of solid or semi-solid manure

and composts vary greatly within the different states and between countries.

Custom haulers usually charge by load regardless of tonnage. A common

practice is to charge by load up to one or two miles radius and from there charge

on a per-mile bases. When custom haulers or farm owners haul compost their

major limiting factor is volume. So haulers usually charge by cubic yard of

compost regardless of tonnage. In this study operational cost calculations were

made according to the costs of amendments (sawdust/manure 3:1), rental of

agricultural machinery, size and load per machine, type of machinery, fuel

efficiency (Table 3.2), average local fuel prices, travel speed, distance hauled,

time of turning, and labor; assuming an initial compost moisture of 60% a final


moisture of 40% and mass weight loss of 70%. An average hauling cost on a per

mile basis was determined (Table 3.7).

When hauling solid stockpiled manure or semi-solid manure the moisture

content will vary according to the manure handling system, bedding material

used, meteorological conditions, storage type, how long that manure has been

stored, etc. In most cases trucks will be hauling a considerable amount of water.

Liquid manure, because of its high water content, cannot be transported as far

but low cost irrigation systems can be used to distribute it relatively


An additional analysis of the real value of transporting and spreading

manure, compost and fertilizer was based on the nutrient value (Table 3.7). The

nutrient concentration was expressed as Total N- P2O5-K2O5, which are the

primary forms in the market. Even though there is variation between

concentrations, primary nutrients (Total N- P2O5 - K2O5) in this study were

unaffected (p > 0.05) by pile size, turning frequency and season. The average

percentage of total N in the final cured compost (regardless of season- final

cured composts were composite piles) was 2.25 ± 0.63%, 2.30 ± 0.42% and 2.30

± 0.41% for the frequently turned windrow (A), infrequently turned windrow (B)

and the infrequently turned pile (C), respectively. Phosphoric acid (P2O5)

concentrations were 0.60%, 0.59% and 0.58% for A, B and C respectively. Cured

composts had 2.66% (A), 2.76% (B) and 2.39% (C) of potash (K2O5). Table 3.7


shows total N: P: K per Mg of cured compost (regardless of turning frequency,

pile size or season) produced in this study (Assumes 40% moisture).

Compost *Amendment Machinery used-Costs ($/Mg) b Labor Total ** $/y3

Treatment Costs $U.S I II III IV Costs c ($/Mg)

$ U.S Mg

A a 88.47 0.02 10.2 8.62 0.01 1.8 109.13 20.6

B a 88.47 0.02 3.4 2.87 0.01 0.6 95.38 17.89

C a 88.47 0.02 0 4.33 0.01 0.54 93.37 17.74 * Prices include hauling to site (Sawdust: Dalton Wood Products Inc, Orville, OH (January, 2007), Manure from OARDC Heifer Barn (No cost) ** Total costs does not consider transportation or application costs (for final hauling, refer Table 3.7). All values were divided by the total mass produced in this study (15 Mg) a A frequently turned windrow (Every three days), B infrequently turned windrow (every 10 days), C infrequently turned piled (every ten days). b I Medium Duty Dump truck Class 1-3 GVW, II Aeromaster MidWest PT120+Truck Hydrostatic drive Farmall 1026, III CASE 1840 Wheel Skid Steer Loader, IV Butler 3340 ensilmixer+Truck Hydrostatic drive Farmall 1026 c Labor costs were calculated with a rate of $15/h; 5 people on the day of construction (3h) and 2 people for each turning (approximately 1minute/windrow and 3.5minute/pile)

Table 3.6 Estimated costs per Mg of cured composts (produced in this study) in US dollars for DM+S compost managed with different turning frequencies and pile sizes.

Tables 3.5 show the costs of making and transporting frequently and

infrequently turn windrows and piles. Results show that turning frequency and

size are major compost production expenses. Operational costs for frequently

turned windrows were higher ($109/Mg) compared to the infrequently turned

windrows ($95/Mg). The lowest cost was observed for the infrequently turned pile

($93/Mg). These differences are due to the time that is needed to turn and the


equipment necessary (Table 3.6). Operational costs are affected greatly by the

type of amendment used.

Table 3.7 describe the costs and nutrient values per Mg of manure,

fertilizer (15:15:15) and composts (produced in this study) and shows the

distance where the transportation costs equal the nutrient value of each

amendment. Hauling costs were calculated assuming a labor rate of $15.00/hour,

a travel speed of 30mph, a rate of rent of $60.00/h plus additional mileage

($0.50/mile) and gas ($1.92/mile for a medium dump truck according to Grisso et

al., (2004)) for a total hauling costs of $4.90/mile per load in a medium duty truck

for materials with a moisture content of 40%. The total costs were divided by the

amount of material a medium duty dump truck class 1-3 carries (from 4.5 to 9.0

Mg per load); in this study 7.0 Mg was assumed per load.

The total nutrient values per kilogram of the composts generated in this

study were compared to the nutrient value of commonly used fertilizer (Total N,

Phosphoric acid and potash 15-15-15) and manure (Alexander, 2004; James et

al., 2006) (Town & Country Co-Op, Ashland, OH –April 21, 2007) (Table 3.7).

Results showed that fertilizer had the greatest nutrient value per kg followed by

compost and manure. However to take into account the potential sale of compost

in the market, the value should be considered as the potential to suppress

pathogens, the slow release of nutrients and organic matter, the potential to


reduce erosion and increase water holding capacity, and other properties that

can off set the expense of creating compost in addition to the amount of nutrient



Costs $ U.S/Mg,Nutrient Values (kg/Mg) and Transportation (miles)

kg/Mg $/Mg

Distance where transportation costs = value (miles)

Fertilizer a N 150 216 309 P2O5 150 252 360 K2O 150 159 227 Total 627 896 N 18.20 26.2 37.44 P2O5 5.77 9.7 13.85 Compost b K2O 26.03 27.6 39.42 Total 63.5 90.70 N 3.55 5.1 7.30 P2O5 1.10 1.8 2.64 Manure c K2O 3.37 3.6 5.10 Total 10.5 15.05

a= Source Town & Country Co-Op, Ashland, OH (April 21, 2007). Price is at the point of sale and does not consider application costs. b= Assume 70% wet mass loss, and moisture content 40%, Average operational cost $99/Mg, Results from this study c= Source Ohio Livestock Management guide. Table 3.7 Nutrient concentrations, values and costs where transportation costs equal the nutrient value in miles for dairy manure (Heifer barn), composts (DM+S, produced in this study) and fertilizers (15:15:15).


Fecal N is approximately 40% available (NH4, nitrate, nitrite) and only 50%

reacts (bacteria, sloughed digestive tract cells) generating a product potentially

available to plants. Significant amounts of N can be lost by volatilization of

ammonia, nitrous oxides and N2 (N2, N2O, NH3) (Martins and Dewes, 1992).

Fresh manure can harm plants due to elevated ammonia levels (Walker et al.,

2001). Composting can address this problem as composting accumulates N. N

that is not lost to the environment is assimilated in the microbial biomass and

incorporated into the organic compounds to give immobilized organic N, and a

highly stable end-product (Keeling and Cook, 1998). According to Keeling and

Cook (1998) during composting, ammonia gas is lost from the manure.

Therefore, nitrogen levels may be lower in composted manure than in raw

manure (Different from our results). On the other hand, the phosphorus and

potassium concentrations will be higher in composted manure. Salt levels also

will be higher in composted manure than in raw manure (Jeong et al., 2001).

Chemical fertilizers have been the principal source of N in conventional

agricultural systems, but the prices are increasing and the demand for

biofertilizers in the form of compost and manure has increased rapidly (Garnier et

al., 2003). New organic standards (Fed Reg. No 49) require the use of compost

or manure for Organic agricultural systems. Excess animal wastes have become

an endemic problem at large scale animal production facilities (Inbar et al.,


1993). Composting can address these problems by reducing the weight or

manure by up to 70% (found in this study), enabling sales in value-added off-

farm markets and by sequestering manure N (Michel et al., 2004).

From the agricultural point of view, the challenge persists on how to

produce nutrient-rich compost at the lowest cost, which can justify a price high

enough to cover (at least) the operating costs of a compost station and the

transportation costs for fertility sources. Operational costs are highly affected by

the bulking material used; however these costs can be offset when the compost

is sold off farm.

When assessing exactly how to price a high quality compost there is a

need to recognize two distinct markets: 1) Fertility based, same product category

such as soil amendments and fertilizers; and 2) Non-fertility based such as

erosion control, disease suppression, bioremediation, storm water management

(Alexander et al., 2004). Typically, there is little price elasticity between products

in fertility based markets, even when the benefits that compost adds are factored


Non fertility based markets, on the other hand, are outside of the soil

amendment and fertilizer category. Therefore the price point is fixed by the most

competitive products in that category (i.e., fertility based products for that industry

or service sector such as mulches).

Composts can be priced based on the nutrients it contains, or based on

the typical selling price of composts in a market area. A typical price for compost


is in the range of $25-50 yd3 (Alexander et al., 2004). Figure 3.5 shows the

revenues of compost (produced in this study) when selling compost for nutrient

value or assessing its costs for its complete benefits.

Results showed that infrequently turned piles may produce higher

revenues (selling composts for nutrient value) than frequently turned windrows.


Selling Compost for Nutrient Value








0 20 40 60 80 100 120


Fertility Based- Markets



st V



t of P



n ($


Non-fertility Based- Markets

Selling Compost for $50/yd3








0 20 40 60 80 100 120


Selling Compost for $25/yd3








0 20 40 60 80 100 1






0 20 40 60 0 100 1208

Cost of Amendment ($/Mg)

As Bs Cs Aw Bw Cw

Frequently turned windrow (Every three days), Infrequently turned windrow (every 10 days), Infrequently turned pile (every 10 days). w=winter, s=summer

Figure 3.6 Revenues of compost in $/yd3 (produced in this study) when selling compost in fertility-based (same product category such as soil amendments and fertilizer) and nonfertility-based (erosion control, disease suppression, bioremediation, storm water management) markets.




As more farmers adopt composting to reduce the environmental impacts

of manure management, a wider spectrum and greater quantity of organic

materials are composted, and different management practices are developed,

the need to optimize and suggest ways to minimize compost production costs,

will become critical to the future growth of composting.

The results of this study indicate that even though different management

practices are employed, final properties of composts did not vary considerably.

However operational costs can differ. It is recommended for farmers not to use

frequent turning, a frequency of ten days rather than many times a week can

reduce operational costs. If composting is performed in temperate climates there

is a need to take into account the moisture content at the beginning of the

process. Composting in winter (January) can start with lower moisture contents

(45 - 50%) and if summer (July-August) composting is performed, additional

water addition may be necessary to maintain adequate moisture contents of 50-


Future research in composting is recommended in order to establish the

effects of amendment types on these management practices (e.g straw, leaves,

paper, woodchips, etc; and different manures pig, poultry). It is also

recommended that other environmental and seasonal variables such as wind


velocity and trajectory be measured in order to estimate their effects on compost

mass losses, oxygen profiles, temperatures and particle size.


The different turning frequencies and pile sizes used in this study did not

appear to have a great impact on compost properties, temperatures or oxygen

concentrations during composting (p > 0.05). Neither moisture content, bulk

density nor volatile solids losses were significantly affected by turning frequency

or pile size (p> 0.05). Similar oxygen concentrations and temperatures were

observed in all windrow treatments and although oxygen concentrations rose

transiently after turning, they returned to preturn levels after two hours indicating

that this is not an important mechanism of aeration. The seasonal effects on

composting were primarily related to moisture content mostly due to ambient

temperatures which affect water holding capacity by air. pH was also affected by

composting season possibly as a result of ammonia volatilization during summer

and condensation during winter. The bulking agent was the main factor affecting

total operational costs. But when amendment costs are low, windrow size and

turning frequency can also considerably affect those costs. Results of this study

indicate that composting is possible in any season and infrequent turning (every

10 days) with larger windrow sizes could potentially be used to reduce the

operating costs associated with unseparated dairy manure composting.







Composting is a biological process which contains diverse microbial communities

due to the wide range of conditions prevalent during the process. These

microbial communities mediate some of the most valuable properties of

composts including plant disease suppression and nutrient availability. However

the effects of dairy manure compost production practices on community structure

an on compost maturity have not yet been previously studied. The objectives of

this study were to determine the effects of turning frequency (frequently-every 3

days, infrequently-every 10 days), size (windrow and pile) and season (winter

and summer) on the microbial community structure in DM+S composts of

different ages and their impacts on compost maturity determined by plant growth

bioassays. A mixture of dairy manure and sawdust (3:1 w/w) was composted in

windrows/piles and samples were collected on days 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120.


Bacterial populations were characterized using T-RFLP analysis of amplified 16S

rDNA sequences. PCR products were digested with HhaI and the Terminal

Restriction Fragment (TRF) sizes were compared to fragment sizes predicted by

in silico amplification and digestion (RDP v.9.0). TRF fragments sizes were also

compared to a clone library of 263 sequences from composted dairy manure.

Clustering, pairwise comparison, principal component analysis (PCA) and kruskal

Wallis tests were used to determine the similarities and differences between

microbial communities in the different treatments. Plant growth bioassays

showed a high emergence percentage (≥ 80%) and shoot dry weight for all

compost treatments that were correlated with carbon and nitrogen content of the

compost and to fertilizer application. Pairwise comparision on day 30, showed

that piles of different sizes and turning frequencies have very similar microbial

communities (>60%) but that composts of different seasons and ages were less

similar (~30%). Principal component analysis revealed variations in the

communities in response to age, size and season. In each treatment a different

subset of TRFs contributed considerably to the variation along the first three

principal components. Representative TRFs (61, 93, 99, 159, 167, 205, 215, 227,

365, 373, 437 and 481) in the compost samples were consisted with the

predicted TRFs of Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria .

A single terminal restriction fragment, H371, contributed significantly (p < 0.1) to

the observed variation in compost age. According to the clone database

Cytophaga sp, E.coli, Ewingella, Rothia and/or Bifidobacterium cuniculi ATCC


27916 could have given rise to H371. Overall, management differences (turning

frequency, pile size and season) did not appear to affect significantly (p > 0.05)

microbial communities, but different classes of organisms predominated during

different stages of composting (p < 0.1).


Composting is a treatment method used for municipal and agricultural

solid wastes that substantially reduces mass, volume and water content.

Although several reports are available concerning the composition and dynamics

of the microflora during composting (Gunapala et al.,1998; Klamer et al., 1998;

Hansgate et al., 2005; Halet et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2007; Michel et al., 2004),

little is know about the effects of management differences on microbial

communities during composting. For example the effects of windrow turning or

pile size which may affect the moisture, oxygen or temperature gradients during


The effect of these process parameters on compost maturity, or the

potential for the development of beneficial effects upon utilization, is also not

known (Hoitink, et al., 1986; Tiquia et al., 1997; Iannotti et al., 1994). Immature or

nonstabilized compost can be phototoxic due to the occurrence of insufficiently

degraded organic compounds (Illmer et al., 1997). Beneficial effects of compost

on plant health (disease suppression) and soil physical properties are frequently

correlated with the microflora and the organic matter decomposition (Iannotti et


al., 1994; Kostov et al., 1995; Zubillaga et al., 2006). Since the production of

composts requires energy for turning and mixing, understanding all the impacts

of these practices on final compost properties is important to optimize the


In this study the effects of turning frequency, pile size and season during

DM+S composting on biological (bioassay) and molecular parameters (microbial

communities) were determined.


4.3.1 Composts

Compost samples (0.03 m3) of different ages (0, 30, 60, 90,120 days),

made from initial mixtures (3:1 w/w) of unseparated dairy manure (Heifers are fed

with silage, corn silage, grain mix and dry-baled) and hardwood sawdust (Dalton

Wood Products, Inc) were collected during a full scale compost study at the

OARDC compost pad during winter and summer 2007. Three treatments were

evaluated during each season; frequently turned windrow (A- every three days),

infrequently turned windrow (B-every ten days) and infrequently turned piles (C-

every ten days). Windrows were turned with an Aeromaster turning machine and

piles with a skid steer loader. The dimensions of the piles and other properties

are described in chapter 3.


4.3.2 Biological Parameters

Prior to bioassay compost samples were stored at -20°C until each

season replicate was concluded. Bioassays for winter and summer were

performed separately

The effects of each treatment on seedling emergence and plant growth

were determined with a cucumber bioassay according to Iannotti et al., (1994) at

the end of each season. Bioassays were performed in 20% v/v compost

amended (Wilkinson et al., 2005) potting medium (ProMix 360) with 12.5g/L slow

release fertilizer (Osmocote 14-14-14, Grace-Sierra Chemical Co) and without

fertilizer. Two (with and without fertilizer) 500 ml pots with 450 ml potting mix and

compost were used per experimental set. Eight cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.cv.

Straight Eight, 99% germination) seeds were planted 1.0cm deep in composite

samples for each treatment in both seasons. Plants were grown in a greenhouse

at 22-27°C with 14 hours per day of supplemental illumination (225μEm-2 s-1).

Pots were irrigated as needed and incubated for 21 days. On day 7, the mean

emergence was determined and the number of seedlings thinned to four per pot.

On day 21, the aerial portion of each plant was harvested and weighed and then

air-dried (70°C) to a constant weight from which plant dry weight per pot was

determined. The response of cucumber plants to differences in compost

treatments and age was expressed as the percent of plants grown in compost

mixes compared to the peat control.


4.3.3 Bacterial Community Analysis

DNA was extracted from the composts (5 to 10 g used) on day 0, 30, 60,

90, 120 and from 120cm depth of day 30 (highest temperature in compost piles,

according to previous results). DNA was extracted using the Ultraclean soil DNA

isolation kit (MoBio Laboratories). The genomic DNA was quantified using

PicoGreen ® dsDNA Quantitation reagent (Molecular probes). DNA

concentration was adjusted to 2 ng/μl so that equivalent amounts of DNA were

used as templates in PCR reactions. PCR was performed using the eubacterial

16S gene targeted primers 11F (3’ GTT TGA TCM TGG CTC AG 5’) and 907R

(3’ CCG TCA ATT CMT TTR ATG TT 5’) (Peters et al., 2000). The 11F primer

was labeled with the fluorescent phosphoramidite dye (Sigma, Proligo) for

visualization of terminal restriction fragments (TRF). Amplifications were carried

out in 50μl reactions containing 0.45 μg/ml of BSA, 0.2 mM dNTPs, 1 mM MgCl2,

3% DMSO, 0.5 μM of each primer and 0.025 U/μl of Taq polymerase (StartTaq,

Qiagen). PCR cycling was done in a T-gradient Biometra thermocycler, using an

initial activation step of 5 min at 95˚C, 30 cycles of 30 sec at 95˚C, 45 sec at

52.5˚C, 2 min at 72˚C with a final extension at 72˚C for 10 min. Amplified rDNA

was purified with Microcon-PCR mini-columns (Millipore). Products were

separated on a 2% agarose gels in 50% Tris-borate-EDTA buffer and visualized

by ethidium bromide staining.

Restriction digestion of PCR products were performed in 25μl reactions

containing 0.5μl HhaI enzyme (20U/ml) (Promega), 5μl of 10x BSA, 5μl buffer


Neb#4 and varied volumes of PCR product according to concentration

(300ng/50μl). Samples were incubated for 12h at 37°C followed by 20 min at

75°C for enzyme inactivation. 10μl were cleaned with Wizard S.V Gel-Clean DNA

Kit (Promega) and sent to the Research Technology Support facility of Michigan

State University. There, samples were mixed with 100mM ROX standard size

(Bioventures). The lengths of fluorescent labeled terminal restriction fragments

(TRFs) were determined with the use of Perkin Elmer’s ABI GeneScan Analysis

System. Bionumerics software v3.5 (Appllied Maths) was used to evaluate the

results. Matrixes containing incidence as well as peak height data of individual

TRFs were generated for all samples. The following criteria were used to limit,

evaluate and define TRFs used in this assay: fragment size ≥ 50bp, ≥ 0.1 for

normalized area of each peak, ±1bp for TRFs < 100, ±2bp for TRFs between 100

and 200bp, and ±5bp for TRFs > 200. Because of the natural variation in

bacterial population between replicates of the same treatments, comparisons

between treatments were performed only when TRFs appear in a minimum of 4

out of 31 samples. TRF identity was predicted by a computer-simulated

amplification and digestion of complete 16S gene sequences obtained from the

Ribosomal Database using TAP TRFLP software (RDP v9.0) and by comparison

to a clone library of 16S sequences of DM+S composts.

The clone library was obtained from DNA DM+S composts (day 50, 155

and 330) that were amplified with the same set of primers (11F and 907R)

labeled at the 5’ end with the phosphoramidite dye Hex and digested with HhaI,


MspI or RsaI restriction. The cloning of PCR products Ligations were obtained

using the pGEM®-T and pGEM®-T easy vectors and the 2x rapid ligation buffer

(Promega Corporation). The ligated reactions were transformed (uncut plasmid)

and the transformation efficiency cfu/mg DNA was calculated (Promega).

Transformation efficiencies higher than 1 x 108 cfu/mg DNA were cultured in LB

media overnight. Identification of the colonies containing the recombinant

plasmid was performed using a multiplexed miniprep for rapid screening

(Berghammer and Auer, 1993). Individual screening was performed if pools

produced the same pattern of bands by utilizing a colony-lysis miniprep (Hultner

and Cleaver, 1994). Approximately 100 different clones were selected for each

compost sample for sequencing.

DNA sequences were pairwise aligned (Maximal Segment Pair) and

submitted to the NCBI Genbank BLAST search to determine the nearest relative.

Sequences were also phylogenetically classified using the I Bayesian rRNA

Classifier of the ribosomal database project (RDP). Final TRFs from each of the

treatments were compared to the phylogenetically classified clone sequences

that presented the same fragment size (fragment size ≥ 50bp, ≥ 0.1 for

normalized area of each peak, ±1bp for TRFs < 100, ±2bp for TRFs between 100

and 200bp, and ±5bp for TRFs > 200).


4.3.4 Statistical Analysis

All statistical analyses for the Bioassay were performed using MINITAB

(ver 15.1) from MINITAB, Inc. Plots were generated using SIGMAPLOT (ver.

10.0) from TE Sub Systems Inc. Standard one way analysis of variance was

used to determine differences in treatments, while mean comparisons among

treatments and seasons were performed using Fisher’s protected least

significance difference test (5% level). Correlation analysis between variables

was performed using Pearson product moment and Spearman R for ranked


The similarity of microbial communities in each treatment was estimated

by clustering, pairwise comparison, principal component analysis (PCA) and

kruskal wallis (Benitez et al., 2007). Pairwise comparisons were carried out to

valuate the similarity of microbial communities between seasons, age and turning

frequency. Normalization and analysis of fragment sizes were done with

BioNumerics software v3.5 (Applied Maths). The normalized banding patters

were used to generate dendograms by calculating the Pearson product moment

correlation coefficient and by UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with

arithmetic averages) clustering. This approach compares profiles based on both

band position and intensity. Principal component analysis (PCA) on covariance

matrices of T-RFLP was employed to generate hypothesis and group or separate

samples based on the presence or absence of TRFs from each TRFLP pattern.

Data from each experiment treatment (Compost age, season variability, turning


frequency and size) was analyzed separately using MINITAB (ver 15.1) statistical

software package. Ordination plots were created with SigmaPlot (v 10.0 Systat

Software Inc) from the mean principal component scores of each treatment.

Loading factors were used to determine the relative influence of each TRF on the

variation among treatments. TRFs with loading factor values of ≥ 0.6 present in

the first 4 principal components were selected for further analysis. MINITAB

(v.15.1.1 Minitab Inc) was used to perform the rank-based Kruskal-Wallis test

used to determine treatment differences in relation to the relative abundance of

the selective TRFs.



4.4.1 Plant Growth Bioassay

The evaluation of the maturity of composting process has been widely

evaluated with plant growth bioassays (Illmer et al., 2007; Chikae et al., 2006;

Hogland et al.,, 2003; Tiquia et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2004). Immature compost

can cause a decrease of the O2-concentration around the root system (Chikae et

al., 2006). Additionally, compost can inhibit plant growth by the production of

phytotoxic substances, including ammonia, ethylene oxide, and organic acids

(Iannotti et al., 1994; Tiquia et al., 2002).

Cucumber cultivation has been performed by various authors showing a

rapid and significant response to compost treatments (Iannotti et al., 1994;

Kostov et al., 1995; Tiquia et al., 2002). In this study, trends in compost pH,

moisture content, percent volatile solids, organic C and total N were analyzed

simultaneously with the bioassay (Table 4.1) to facilitate interpretation of the

plant growth response.

Plant growth bioassays indicated that the seedling emergences were

higher than 80% in all potting media amended with compost that contain fertilizer

and more than 90% in the potting media without fertilizer. Day 60 of windrow B of

the winter replicate was the only sample with less than 80% emergence (74%);

however there was no significant (p > 0.3) inhibition of germination by any of the

composts. These results are similar to the ones reported by Kostov et al., (2002)


who showed a higher increase of cucumber emergence on compost treatments

mixed with fertilizers.

The response of cucumber plants to differences in compost age and

treatment in fertilized and unfertilized treatments was expressed as the percent

shoot dry weight of plants grown for 21 days in compost mixes as compared to a

peat control (Table 4.1). In the fertilized treatments, the shoot dry weight of

cucumbers in the summer compost amended mixes surpassed the peat control

(≥ 100%) for all treatments and days except for day 30 in pile C (89%). In winter

only pots containing compost for pile C on day 120 surpassed the peat control

(102%). In the unfertilized treatments infrequently turned piles (Cs) showed the

highest response of plants (highest shoot dry weight related to the peat control)

(80 ± 13%) compared to the frequently (65 ± 8%) and infrequently turned

windrows (61 ± 10%).

Total N incorporated as compost into the potting mix showed an increase

with compost age over the entire test period (120 days) for all treatments and

seasons (Figure 4.1). However these differences were not significant (p > 0.05)

and there was no correlation between total nitrogen and shoot dry weight (r <

0.5). Similar results were obtained by Wang et al., (2004) suggesting that total N

supplied by the compost does not relate well to shoot N or dry weight.

Initial mixtures contained 3 parts wet basis of sawdust (0.40% N) and one

part manure. Manure of Heifers, expressed as a percent in a dry basis contained

4.25% total nitrogen. The percentage of initial nitrogen for winter treatments was


1.40 ± 0.18%, for summer treatments 1.35 ± 0.10%; final cured compost in all

treatments and seasons varied from 1.80 to 2.70% (Table 4.1).

Volatile solid loss, moisture and pH did not affect significantly (r2 < 0.5)

plant growth. However there was variation between pH and pile size in winter for

the cured composts, for the windrows 8.62 ± 0.17 and the piles 7.94 ± 0.09.

According to our results pH, affected shoot dry weigh, which was higher for the

windrows (Table 4.1). These can be also explained with the nitrogen

concentration; according to Beegle (2007) with low nitrogen concentrations plant

yield increase as soil pH increases

Although the dairy manure sawdust compost supported growth of

cucumber without added fertilizer, the fertilized pots had higher shoot plant

weight. It is recommended to conduct some studies to optimize the concentration

of the controlled release fertilizer and compost which could reduce nutrient

leaching and improve plant quality.



A * Frequently turned


B * Infrequently turned


C * Infrequently turned

piles Properties Day Winter Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer

% 0 1.4±0.2 1.3±0.1 1.4±0.2 1.3±0.1 1.40±0.2 1.3±0.1 Nitrogen a 30 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5

60 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.9 90 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.8 120 2.7 1.8 2.6 2.0 2.6 2.0

% 0 52.7±3.3 50.3±2.6 52.7±3.3 50.3±2.6 52.7±3.3 50.3±2.6 Carbon a 30 47.8 47.6 47.5 47.3 47.6 47.4

60 43.9 42.1 45.0 43.2 47.5 45.7 90 46.7 49.2 46.3 45.1 46.4 43.7 120 41.7 44.5 45.0 43.1 44.7 44.2

pH 0 8.2±1.0 7.8 8.6±0.01 8.0 8.3±0.3 8.2 30 8.4±0.7 8.4 8.8±0.3 8.4 8.3±0.1 8.0 60 8.6±0.3 8.4 8.7±0.5 7.9 8.4±0.05 8.0 90 8.6±0.1 7.6 8.3±0.5 7.3 8.2±0.3 7.4 120 8.6±0.2 7.2 8.2±1.00 7.2 7.9±0.1 7.4

% 0 65.4±2.3 61.9 68.3±4.4 60.33 66.11±2.03 58.21 Moisture 30 67.7±0.9 52.9 69.3±6.1 50.11 66.65±3.12 60.24

60 74.0±2.2 42.5 72.0±6.8 45.90 72.44±1.67 49.01 90 73.7±0.1 59.1 74.2±4.3 66.99 70.20±1.13 66.36 120 68.8±4.5 71.0 70.4±5.9 59.20 67.46±7.84 69.19

% Volatile 0 94.17±1.51 93.09 92.8±2.8 93.8 93.8±0.4 93.5 solids 30 89.44±1.89 91.25 88.9±6.1 91.7 94.8±0.8 90.7

g/g initial 60 85.32±5.85 73.21 83.8±2.8 76.3 79.4±2.2 74.7 90 69.90±9.76 87.61 78.2±3.2 87.8 85.9±0.9 85.4 120 76.53±3.44 81.00 76.2±10.8 72.2 69.1±0.2 76.2

Shoot Dryb 0 95% 59% 123% 71% 122% 71% Weight (%) 30 78% 68% 66% 65% 86% 76% N-Fertilizer 60 81% 78% 85% 65% 75% 70% 90 47% 62% 51% 44% 51% 83% 120 100% 57% 90% 60% 90% 102% Shoot Dryb 0 131% 134% 129% 127% 144% 101% Weight (%) 30 102% 100% 127% 122% 119% 89% Fertilizer 60 112% 100% 120% 126% 121% 155% 90 98% 116% 107% 136% 126% 158% 120 98% 161% 76% 127% 112% 162%

* A (Every three days), B (every 10 days), C (every ten days) ** Winter Day zero =Julian day 008, day 120= Julian date 125; Summer day zero = Julian date 220, day 120 = Julian date 340 (2007) a Analysis of total C and N were performed in the StarLab at the OARDC Wooster campus. b Percentage compared to the shoot dry weigh of plants grown in a peat control. N- means without fertilizer Table 4.18Biochemical changes of composite samples in frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and infrequently turned piles (C) for the full scale study







0 30 60 90 120


oot D

ry W


t (g/


Compost Age (days)


0 30 60 90 120

Compost Age (days)

0 30 60 90 120

Aw As

Bw Bs

Cw Cs

N concentration (Compost-Winter) N concentration (Compost-Summer)

Frequently turned windrow (Every three days), Infrequently turned windrow (every 10 days), Infrequently turned pile (every 10 days). w=winter, s=summer

Figure 4.17Effects of compost age on Total N supplied by compost and shoot dry weight of cucumber plants (C.sativus. L.cv) produced in the three different compost amended potting mixes treatments. Compost physical and chemical conditions are shown in previous results.


4.4.2 Quantitative Assessment of Microbial Community

The amount of extractable DNA is strongly correlated with the total

microbial biomass and reflects the size of genetic material pools of

microorganisms (Kelly, 2003; Howeler et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2007). However,

the DNA content does not reflect the ability of these microorganisms to be

activated physiologically and metabolically. Blagodatskaya et al., (2003)

characterized microbial communities by the amounts of extractable DNA

quantified by PicoGreen. He found a strong correlation between microbial

biomass and DNA contents in environmental samples of different types (r = 0.8);

thus, the DNA content of the compost samples analyzed in this study can be

used to characterize the compost microbial community (Blagodatskaya et al.,

2003; Yang et al., 2007).

The genomic DNA for the composite compost samples of every treatment

after turning was quantified using PicoGreen ® dsDNA Quantitation reagent

(Molecular probes). Initial DNA concentrations were 0.36 μg DNA/g of compost

and 4.57 μg DNA/g of compost for winter and summer respectively. The

concentration of genomic DNA at the end of the composting phase did not vary

greatly (p > 0.05) between seasons and treatments (10.36 ± 2.54 μg DNA/g wet

compost) (Table 4.2). According to Howeler et al., (2003) an average extraction

and purification of wet compost is 18.2 ± 3.8 μg DNA/g; the amount of DNA

recovered with the kit used in this study depends greatly on the sample; on the

other hand the binding capacity of the spin filter is 20 μg of DNA. Even though


DNA concentrations were not as high as those values reported in the literature

(Howeler et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2007), results showed similar patterns in the

concentration of genomic DNA in all composts.

During the first 30 days, DNA concentration for the infrequently turned

piles for both seasons, showed the highest increase. There was a high

correlation of the concentration of genomic DNA with turning frequency and pile

size (r > 0.7). A high positive correlation with temperature (r > 0.6), in all

treatments and seasons, and oxygen (r > 0.6) in the summer replicates was

observed (Figure 3.3), verifying that the microbial community is highly dependent

on its surroundings (i.e. temperature, oxygen, moisture).

The DNA purification methods produced DNA sufficiently pure to allow

restriction enzymes and DNA polymerase enzymes to function; and although

PCR amplification is extremely sensitive to humic acid contamination (Howeler et

al., 2003; LaMontagne et al., 2002), humic acid concentration was reduced

sufficiently and the PCR products of the expected size were present in the

majority of the samples (25/30). Molecular analyses were limited to those

samples that had sufficient digestion product for T-RFLP analysis. Samples from

day 90 (frequently turned windrow, Aw), day 120 (infrequently turned windrow

Bw) of the winter study; and samples from day 90 and 120 of the infrequently

turned windrow and day 90 of the infrequently turn pile of the summer study (Bs,

Cs) were not considered due to poor DNA recovery.


4.4.3 Analysis of bacterial community structure

Terminal Restriction Fragment Length polymorphism was used to asses

the microbial community structure. The profiles of the samples were evaluated,

using UPGMA clustering based on pearson correlation coefficients. The resulting

dendogram generated four large clusters, assigned 1 to 4 (Figure 4.2). Cluster 1

contained samples from day zero (fresh dairy manure sawdust compost from a

composite mix of winter and summer replicate) and showed low similarity with

the rest of the treatment samples (r = 1.75%). The great majority of the young

samples (day 30 and 60) for winter and summer grouped in the same cluster (4)

with ≥ 41.49% similarity in almost all the treatments. Older samples (> 60 days)

also clustered together (3), but similarity among these samples was less (>

13.61%). There was no clustering of samples based on season, turning

frequency or pile size.

TRF profiles from the clone sequences, representing active (50 days-

compost I), stable (155 days- compost II) and mature (330-days-compost III)

composts clustered (3 and 4) with separately from the other samples (Figure

4.2), Clustering results from T-RFLP profiles of samples I, II and III are shown in

Figure 4.2.


A Frequently turned


B Infrequently turned


C Frequently turned

piles Properties Day Winter Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer

Temperature 0 3.2±3.8 36.5±5.2 4.6±3.4 40.3±0.6 2.5±2.4 37.6±1.6 (°C) * 30 38.4±5.4 51.6±3.0 28.5±18.6 47.7±2.2 43.6±9.6 39.7±13.2

60 48.5±5.1 43.4±1.1 51.4±19.2 25.4±5.5 43.4±4.8 41.8±9.2 90 37.2±7.5 46.3±3.7 44.6±5.6 47.3±1.6 48.9±6.5 37.2±11.5 120 42.1±6.2 22.8±2.9 42.9±5.7 7.3±0.5 41.5±17 34.9±3.7

Oxygen 0 11.0±7.7 7.0±3.0 11.1±2.7 17.0±3.1 11.9±6.7 17.5±8.0 (%) * 30 13.7±7.6 19.6 8.3±1.73 19.5±0.6 15.9±7.1 4.67±1.04

60 15.0±6.3 17.6 11.4±5.6 19.5 13.3±6.5 19.5±0.9 90 15.9±6.1 19.5±0.3 8.9±7.5 7.8 5.3±5.1 17.3±0.3 120 9.7±8.2 17.3 12.0±3.7 18.8 12.4±8.9 11.5±10.6

μg DNA/ 0 0.36 4.57 0.36 4.57 0.36 4.57 g Wet 30 16.35 19.48 23.84 7.18 37.75 21.69

Compost ** 60 19.03 25.61 18.47 24.49 18.07 11.44 90 8.47 16.74 24.20 17.04 21.57 15.70 120 8.73 8.91 10.30 9.87 15.43 9.05

A frequently turned windrow (Every three days), B infrequently turned windrow (every 10 days), C infrequently turned piled (every ten days) * Temperature and oxygen gradients are averages of all depths, before and after turning **Composite samples. DNA concentration was based on Picogreen results The number in parenthesis is the age of compost

Table 4.29Concentration of genomic DNA and conditions for the frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and infrequently turned piles (C) compost treatments.





































A frequently turned windrow (Every three days), B infrequently turned windrow (every 10 days), C infrequently turned piled (every ten days)*. w=winter, s=summer. I(50) The number in parenthesis is the age of compost. Samples day 30, Samples day 60

Samples day 90, Samples day 120 . Figure 4.28Dendogram-Relatedness of T-RFs profiles of HhaI-digested of 16S rDNA from frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B), infrequently turned piles (C) and clone compost samples (I, II, II). (The UPGMA, single linkage, was used to performed the cluster patterns and obtain the similarity dendogram)


Pairwise comparisons of the TRFLP profiles between the seasons for the

frequently turned windrow (A) showed a similarity from 30 to 70% during the

composting process (day 30-120). In winter, a high similarity (70%) between

infrequently turned (B-C) composts made in piles of different sizes suggested no

effect of pile size on the microbial community. In Table 4.3 similarities between

the middle depths in day 30 of compost for all seasons, pile size and turning

frequency are shown; a low similarity between summer pile compost and the

other treatments was observed.

Aw Bw Cw As Bs Cs Aw X 61% 59% 45% 61% 22% Bw X X 43% 61% 64% 0% Cw X X X 30% 40% 0% As X X X X 85% 6% Bs X X X X X 0% Cs X X X X X X

A frequently turned windrow (Every three days), B infrequently turned windrow (every 10 days), C infrequently turned piled (every ten days)*. W=winter, S=summer. * Pairwise comparisions were performed using Bionumerics (Apllied Math v.3.5) Table 4.310Similarity coefficients between the TRFs from the middle of the pile (120cm) on day 30 of frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and infrequently turned piles (C) compost

During composting (day zero through day 120) there was low similarity

between various treatments, therefore further statistical analyses were performed

to determine where the variation occurred. Principal component analyses were


performed to determine the overall effect of each treatment (turning frequency,

pile size, age and season) on the observed populations of 16S rDNA TRFs. For

this part of the study each TRF was considered as a different variable.

Samples from different seasons, turning frequencies, pile sizes and ages

were analyzed separately to identify were variation. Ordination plots, generated

from the mean principal components scores, were used to interpret the observed

treatment separations. Variation explained by the first two principal components

ranged from 40% to 95% among season and age. There was an apparent effect

of season on bacterial community structure (Figure 4.3). The variation between

winter and summer explained by the first two principal components ranged from

46% to 70% among all turning frequencies and sizes samples (data not shown).

T-RFLP profiles from day 30 and 60 appeared to be influenced by turning

frequency and pile size (Fig. 4.4).. For day 30 in the summer replicate,

separation between winter treatments was observed in the infrequently turned

pile and windrow, but not the frequently turned ones, suggesting no significant

effect of turning in the microbial communities but some effect of season. Overall

winter replicates separated from the summer replicate along the second principal

component (17%) and only the infrequently turned pile (C) for winter and summer

was separated along the first component (45%) (Figure 4.3).

The observed TRFs from the clone sequence (I,II,II) were compared

according to age, (samples were collected from the compost pad and did not

have any treatment- turning frequency or pile size). These TRFs showed high


similarity with the rest of the samples but separated from the other treatments

along the second PC (17%) with day 30 of the infrequently turned windrow


A response to pile size was also observed in the PCAs of the T-RFLP

profiles in both seasons for each date evaluated. During day 30, after turning, the

frequently turned windrow in summer (As) showed 10% of variation along the

second PC between the replicate from winter (Aw). The communities also depict

differences in day 30 among windrow/pile size. The windrow (As) is separated

from the pile (Cs) along the second PC (10%). For 120cm depth on day 30,

before turning, the pile in summer (Cs) was separated from the rest of the

replicates along the first component (44%). However the pile in winter (Cw) did

not separate from the other treatments (Figure 4.4).

For day 60 the highest variation among communities was observed for the

infrequently turned windrow during winter but not for summer (PC2 10%). For

day 90 and 120 the frequently turned windrow (A) is separated from the

infrequently turned pile (C) along the second PC suggesting an effect of pile size.

The pair wise comparison and the cluster analysis showed differences and

effects in the microbial communities with compost age but not season, pile size

or turning frequency.



As(30) Bw(30) Bs(30)

Cs(30)Bw(60) AS(60) Aw(120) As(120) Cw(120) Cs(120) Cw(90)

Zero As(90) Cw(60) Cs(60) Aw(60) Bs(60)

Bw(90) I(50) II(155) III(330)







Cw(90)Zero As(90)Cw(60)Aw(60)










-0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7PC1 (45%)




A frequently turned windrow (Every three days), B infrequently turned windrow (every 10 days), C infrequently turned piled (every ten days)*. w=winter, s=summer. The number in parenthesis is the age of compost. Figure 4.39Effects of composting age, turning frequency and pile size during winter and summer in bacterial community structure for the frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B), infrequently turned piles (C) and clone compost samples (I, II, II). Ordination plots from the first two principal components (PC) are shown with the corresponding standard error bars. The PCA was performed using the 16S rDNA terminal restriction fragment (HhaI) relative abundance data obtained from composts collected on day zero, 30, 60, 90 and 120 exposed to different management practices.


Day 30














-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2PC 1 (75%)

PC 2



120 cm Depth -Day 30


















-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6PC 1 (44%)

PC 2







Aw(30) Bw(30) Cw(30) As(30) Bs(30) Cs(30)

Plots show the mean principal component (PC) scores for each treatment with the corresponding error bars. The PC analyses of TRf’s were performed using 16S rDNA terminal restriction from Hha. A frequently turned windrow (Every three days), B infrequently turned windrow (every 10 days), C infrequently turned piled (every ten days)*. w=winter, s=summer. The number in parenthesis is the age of compost. Figure 4.410Effects of season variability, turning frequency, depth and pile size in day 30 on bacterial community structure for the frequently turned windrows (A), infrequently turned windrows (B) and infrequently turned piles (C).


Principal Component PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 Age** 0 93 30 215 371 437 60 371 61,99 90 205 120 215 159, 167 Season Winter 371 Summer 215 371 93 481 Turning

& A 481,371 373 Size B 371 215 481, 365

C 93 227 371 * TRFsize was predicted by a computer-simulated amplification and digestion of complete 16S gene sequences obtained from the Ribosomal Database using TAP TRFLP software (RDP v9.0) A frequently turned windrow (Every three days), B infrequently turned windrow (every 10 days), C infrequently turned piled (every ten days)*. W=winter, S=summer. ** Winter Day zero =Julian day 008, day 120= Julian date 125; Summer day zero = Julian date 220, day 120 = Julian date 340 (2007) Table 4.41116S rDNA terminal restriction fragment with factor loadings |x|>0.60 on the four principal components (PC) for each experimental treatment


Only a small subset of TRFs contributed strongly to the variation observed

in the PCA. TRFs with a factor loading |x| ≥0.60 for each of the first four principal

components are summarized in Table 4.4. The first four principal components

explained from 40% to 96% of the variation among the different experimental

treatments. In all treatments, A TRF with a size of 371 bp (H371) contributed

more than 40% of the variation. H371 had factor loading values of |x| ≥ 0.8 in all

treatments except in the older composts (day 90-120). Other TRFs that largely

contributed to the variation to the first four principal components in more than one

scenario were H93, H215 and H481. TRFs with high factor loadings in day 30

from 120cm depth for summer did not show any similarities with those found in

winter, in addition the factor loading for M379 did not meet (x≤0.4) our selection


In order to determine if the relative abundance of individual TRFs was

influenced by treatment and if there was a significant difference in bacterial

community structure, the nonparametric Kruskall-Wallis test was also used. Even

though uncommon TRFs were found in the different treatments (season, age,

turning frequency and depth); p (α =0.1) values revealed that differences in

abundance of TRFs were directly affected by age but not season, turning

frequency or pile/windrow size. Only TRF M371 was directly associated with age

(p < 0.1). Nevertheless the loading factor for H371 for summer (0.673) was more

highly associated to the variation than in winter (0.605).


The clone library of active (I), stable (II) and mature (III) composts

generated a total of 87, 85 and 91 16S rRNA gene clones respectively that were

sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences using RDP Naïve Bayesian

classification indicated that 9, 11 and 12 different Phyla were found in composts

I, II and III, respectively (data not shown). In all three composts, Proteobacteria

ribotypes predominated. Many sequences from the phyla Actinobacteria,

Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Chloroflexi were also found (Table 4.5). The

numbers of different Classes of bacteria observed among the cloned sequences

from the three composts was 14, 18 and 17 for composts I, II and III,

respectively. The class Gamma Proteobacteria predominated in composts I and

II while Actinobacter was the most prevalent class in compost III. Clostridia,

Chloroflexi and Sphingobacteria were observed in all three composts. The

BLAST nearest relatives of the clones from all three composts did not include

any pathogenic bacteria (data not shown). Sequences related to classes of

bacteria not previously described in composts, such as Chlorofexi, Anaerolineae,

Thermomicrobia, Gemmatimonadetes and Acidobacteria, were found.

Conversely, entire phyla such as the Acidobacteria or the Chloroflexi are poorly

represented among the sequence databases but are widely abundant in natural

environments (Mering C.von., 2007). Only two sequences corresponding to

Bacillus, the predominant culturable genus found in composts (Strom, 1985),

were observed.


Phylogenetic identity of the terminal restriction fragments (± 2bp) for each

experimental treatment with factor loadings |x| ≥ 0.60 on the PCA (Table 4.4)

were performed using TAP TRFLP software (RDP v9.0) and by comparisons to

the clone database (Table 4.5). Phylogenetic assignments for H371 ± 5bp with

the clone database suggested the presence of Cytophaga sp (Bacterioidetes),

E.coli and Ewingella (Gammaproteobacteria), Rothia and/or Bifidobacterium

cuniculi ATCC 27916 (Actinobacteria) in young compost samples.

Comparisons of the representative TRFs in the PCA for each treatment

(Table 4.4) with the clone database was consistent with the presence of 4

different Phyla. Among these TRFs, Proteobacteria ribotypes were the most

prevalent, followed by Firmicutes, Bacterioidetes and Actinobacteria (Table 4.5).

The number of different Classes of bacteria consistent with the TRFs from

all the treatments was 14. The class Gamma proteobacteria was consistent with

the largest number of TRFs (H61, H205, H215, H371) while Actinobacteria and

Alpha proteobacteria were consistent with TRFs in all the samples regardless of

turning frequency, pile size, season or age.

In this study the TRFs found indicated that the microbial community varies

with time during composting and that there is a succession of bacterial lineages

during composting. Microbial communities are very diverse within dairy manure

composts (Wang et al., 2007; Bolta et al., 2003; Morales et al 2005; Guo et al.,

2007) throughout the composting process but do not differ significantly with

compost turning frequency, pile size or season.


TRF Phyla Classes 61 Proteobacteria AlphaProteobacteria

Firmicutes Bacilli Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Firmicutes Clostridia

93 Bacterioidetes Flavobacteria Firmicutes Bacillales Bacterioidetes Bacteroidetes Bacterioidetes Sphingobacteria

99 Proteobacteria Epsilonproteobacteria Bacterioidetes Bacteroidetes

159 Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Firmicutes Mollicutes

167 Actinobacteria Actinobacteria

Proteobacteria Proteobacteria

Betaproteobacteria AlphaProteobacteria

205 Proteobacteria Acidobacteria

Proteobacteria Acidobacteriales

Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria

215 Proteobacteria Proteobacteria

Gammaproteobacteria AlphaProteobacteria

Firmicutes Actinobacteria

Lactobacillales Actinobacteria

Firmicutes Bacillales Bacterioidetes Sphingobacteria

227 Firmicutes Clostridia Firmicutes Mollicutes Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria


Proteobacteria Proteobacteria Firmicutes

Alphaproteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Bacilli

Actinobacteria Actinobacteria 371 Bacterioidetes unclassified


Gammaproteobacteria Bacillales

437 Actinobacteria Actinobacteridae 483 Uncultured Clone TBS19

* TRFsize and identity was predicted by a computer-simulated amplification and digestion of complete 16S rDNA gene sequences obtained from the Ribosomal Database using TAP TRFLP software (RDP v9.0) and comparing fragment sizes to a clone sequence database (HhaI disgested) matching (fragment size ≥ 50bp, ±1bp for TRFs < 100, ±2bp for TRFs between 100 and 200bp, and ±5bp for TRFs > 200). Table 4.512Predicted bacterial genera to generate a terminal restriction fragments (TRFs) with factor loadings |x| ≥ 0.60 on the PCA for each experimental treatment




Even though several studies have described the composition and

dynamics of microbial communities during composting (Wang et al., 2007), none

have examined the impacts of turning frequency, season or pile size on microbial

community structure on dairy manure composts or the effect of these process

parameters on compost maturity.

This study is the first, to our knowledge, to determine these effects.

Although the dairy manure sawdust compost supported growth of cucumber

without added fertilizer, the fertilized pots had higher shoot plant weight. It is

recommended to conduct some further studies to control, quantify and optimize

the concentration of nutrients in potting media to reduce nutrient leaching and,

therefore, improve the sensitivity of this test to compost maturity.

This work can be used as the first step of a step-wise approach for

identifying and confirming the predominant bacterial populations in composts. It

is also recommended to evaluate different microbial communities based on

different ribosomal subunits (i.e, 18S rDNA T-RFLP profiles) with different

restriction enzymes (i.e, RsaI, MspI, TaqI, Mbo, etc), and to use functional genes

to identify, if possible, the metabolic activities of the microorganisms present .



The different turning frequencies and pile sizes did not appear to have a

great impact on plant growth (dry and wet weight) and bacterial community

structure (p > 0.05). Cluster analysis on TRFLP profiles of the different

treatments revealed low similarities between composts of different age and

season but high similarities between composts of different turning frequencies

and pile sizes. Ppairwise comparison showed low similarities between small

windrows and larger piles (≤ 6%), but high similarities between microbial

communities from composts of different seasons and ages (≥ 70%). Principal

Component Analysis revealed changes in the bacterial communities in response

to age, size and season. In each treatment (turning frequency, pile size and age)

a different subset of TRFs contributed considerably to the variation along the first

three principal components. However, terminal restriction fragment M371

contributed significantly (p<0.1) to the observed variation with compost age.

According to RDP and a clone database, , fragment M371 is consistent with

Cytophaga sp, E.coli, Ewingella, Rothia and Bifidobacterium cuniculi. The effects

of management differences (turning frequency, pile size and season) did not

appear to affect significantly (p > 0.05) microbial communities; but different

classes of organisms predominated during different stages of composting.







Physical. chemical, biological and molecular parameters analyzed during the composting process---WINTER

A Frequently

turned windrow

B Infrequently

turned windrow

C Infrequently turned pile

Properties Day Winter % Nitrogen 0 1.40 ± 0.18 1.40 ± 0.18 1.40 ± 0.18 30 1.50 1.50 1.40 60 1.88 1.90 1.94 90 1.80 1.80 1.70 120 2.70 2.60 2.60 % Carbon 0 52.75 ± 3.33 52.75 ± 3.33 52.75 ± 3.33 30 47.80 47.50 47.61 60 43.90 45.03 47.49 90 46.70 46.30 46.45 120 41.36 45.02 44.71 pH 0 8.25 ± 1.07 8.59 ± 0.01 8.35 ± 0.29 30 8.44 ± 0.71 8.85 ± 0.35 8.33 ± 0.06 60 8.57 ± 0.33 8.72 ± 0.46 8.39 ± 0.05 90 8.60 ± 0.11 8.31 ± 0.54 8.23 ± 0.29 120 8.62 ± 0.17 8.17 ± 1.00 7.94 ± 0.09%Moisture 0 65.36 ± 2.28 68.29 ± 4.44 66.11 ± 2.03 30 67.66 ± 0.96 69.27 ± 6.06 66.65 ± 3.12 60 74.05 ± 2.18 72.03 ± 6.85 72.44 ± 1.67 90 73.72 ± 0.11 74.17 ± 4.34 70.20 ± 1.13 120 68.78 ± 4.48 70.37 ± 5.88 67.46 ± 7.84Cumulative 0 0.17 ± 0.29 0.17 ± 0.29 0.00 ± 0.00Daily 30 1.48 ± 2.57 1.48 ± 2.57 1.48 ± 2.57Precipitation 60 7.92 ± 10.25 7.92 ± 10.25 0.00 ± 0.00(cm) 90 0.03 ± 0.04 0.03 ± 0.04 0.03 ± 0.04 120 0.01 ± 0.01 0.01 ± 0.01 0.01 ± 0.01Atmospheric 0 81.00 ± 3.61 81.00 ± 3.61 92.00 ± 6.93Humidity 30 70.00 ± 4.24 70.00 ± 4.24 83.00 ± 0.01% 60 40.33 ± 11.24 40.33 ± 11.24 58.00 ± 6.93 90 59.67 ± 6.35 58.00 ± 8.19 56.00 ± 0.01 120 64.00 ± 0.01 64.00 ± 0.01 64.00 ± 0.01% Volatile 0 94.17 ± 1.51 92.84 ± 2.85 93.82 ± 0.42solids 30 89.44 ± 1.89 88.96 ± 6.14 94.76 ± 0.82 g/g initial 60 85.32 ± 5.85 83.82 ± 2.79 79.45 ± 2.17 90 69.90 ± 9.76 78.22 ± 3.21 85.98 ± 0.86 120 76.53 ± 3.44 76.20 ± 10.86 69.06 ± 0.23Temperature 0 3.19 ± 3.80 4.56 ± 3.45 2.49 ± 2.36(°C) 30 38.41 ± 5.44 28.55 ± 18.56 43.61 ± 9.63Compost 60 48.51 ± 5.12 51.39 ± 19.18 43.38 ± 4.84 90 37.18 ± 7.51 44.56 ± 5.62 48.99 ± 6.50 120 42.10 ± 6.19 42.88 ± 5.66 41.56 ± 17 Temperature 0 -3.43 -3.43 -3.90 (°C) 30 -8.87 -8.87 0.33 Ambient 60 6.20 6.20 17.17 90 8.47 10.30 10.07 120 20.60 20.60 20.60


Physical. chemical, biological and molecular parameters analyzed during the composting process---WINTER

A Frequently turned


B Infrequently

turned windrow

C Infrequently turned pile

Properties Day Winter Oxygen 0 11.00 ± 7.75 11.14 ± 2.72 11.88 ± 6.70(%) 30 13.71 ± 7.65 8.29 ± 1.73 15.88 ± 7.15 60 15.00 ± 6.34 11.42 ± 5.62 13.30 ± 6.48 90 15.96 ± 6.07 8.90 ± 7.51 5.31 ± 5.09 120 9.75 ± 8.17 12.00 ± 3.70 12.38 ± 8.90μg DNA/g 0 0.36 0.36 0.36 Wet 30 16.35 23.84 37.75 Compost 60 19.03 18.47 18.07 90 8.47 24.20 21.57 120 8.73 10.30 15.43 Dry 0 125.13 126.42 117.61 Bulk 30 98.20 118.96 122.53 Density 60 117.31 105.34 110.44 Kg/m3 90 147.69 127.66 101.19 120 176.04 170.19 143.13 0 38.84 ± 2.85 27.52 ± 13.27 43.00 ± 1.21 30 31.50 ± 12.67 35.60 ± 5.39 39.93 ± 1.21Volume 60 26.14 ± 10.12 23.03 ± 0.79 36.84 ± 5.67 m3 90 14.41 ± 0.53 18.25 ± 6.57 20.48 ± 4.11 120 14.34 ± 0.91 21.78 ± 0.50 25.50 ± 0.50 0 0% 0% 0% Cumulative 30 19% -29% 7% volume 60 33% 16% 14% reduction 90 63% 34% 52% (%) 120 63% 21% 41% 0 69.31 ± 5.56 51.57 ± 17.24 42.75 ± 0.78 30 61.91 ± 15.72 67.53 ± 9.40 40.69 ± 0.87Area 60 55.06 ± 9.79 51.70 ± 1.56 38.61 ± 4.12 m2 90 40.75 ± 4.76 41.75 ± 10.23 26.36 ± 3.45 120 33.64 ± 0.07 46.94 30.64 Cumulative 0 0% 0% 0% area 30 11% -31% 5% reduction 60 21% 0% 10% (%) 90 41% 19% 38% 120 51% 9% 28% Surface 0 1.78 1.87 0.99 Area to 30 1.97 1.90 1.02 Volume 60 2.11 2.24 1.05 Ratio 90 2.83 2.29 1.29 120 2.35 2.15 1.20 0 2.37 ± 1.00 3.25 ± 1.46 1.75 ± 0.16Particle 30 2.43 ± 1.51 2.73 ± 1.35 1.06 ± 0.93size 60 3.90 ± 2.29 3.59 ± 2.37 3.12 ± 1.30(mm) 90 2.70 ± 3.05 2.98 ± 1.40 3.05 ± 0.63 120 2.59 ± 0.73 1.88 ± 0.62 1.97 ± 1.71


Physical. chemical, biological and molecular parameters analyzed during the composting process---WINTER

A Frequently turned


B Infrequently

turned windrow

C Infrequently turned pile

Properties Day Winter 0 100% ± 0.01 100% ± 0.01 96% ± 7.22 30 100% ± 0.01 100% ± 7.22 96% ± 0.01Germination 60 100% ± 0.01 100% ± 0.01 96% ± 0.01No-Fertilizer 90 100% ± 0.01 100% ± 0.01 96% ± 0.01(%) 120 100% ± 0.01 100% ± 0.01 96% ± 0.01 0 6.11 ± 0.75 8.37 ± 1.95 8.23 ± 4.00Wet Weight 30 5.06 ± 1.00 4.05 ± 0.60 5.24 ± 1.01No Fertilizer 60 4.95 ± 1.59 5.35 ± 1.01 4.75 ± 1.56(g) 90 6.33 ± 1.35 6.30 ± 2.57 5.95 ± 1.93 120 6.76 ± 0.67 5.58 ± 1.31 5.87 ± 1.61 0 0.93 ± 0.10 1.21 ± 0.17 1.20 ± 0.52Dry Weight 30 0.77 ± 0.17 0.65 ± 0.08 0.84 ± 0.19No Fertilizer 60 0.80 ± 0.25 0.84 ± 0.15 0.74 ± 0.26(g) 90 0.46 ± 0.04 0.50 ± 0.18 0.50 ± 0.14 120 0.98 ± 0.11 0.88 ± 0.05 0.89 ± 0.26Germination 0 100% ± 0.01 96% ± 7.22 100% ± 0.01Fertilizer 30 100% ± 7.22 96% ± 7.22 100% ± 7.22(%) 60 100% ± 0.01 96% ± 7.22 100% ± 7.22 90 100% ± 0.01 96% ± 0.01 100% ± 7.22 120 100% ± 0.01 96% ± 7.22 100% ± 7.22 0 13.09 ± 1.23 13.48 ± 1.70 14.90 ± 2.35Wet Weight 30 11.39 ± 0.75 13.68 ± 1.27 12.84 ± 0.81Fertilizer 60 12.38 ± 1.68 12.76 ± 1.56 12.79 ± 1.16(g) 90 10.53 ± 2.24 11.07 ± 2.87 12.86 ± 0.95 120 9.71 ± 1.61 7.49 ± 3.05 10.43 ± 0.23 0 0.97 ± 12.00 0.96 ± 0.14 1.07 ± 0.19Dry Weight 30 0.76 ± 0.04 0.94 ± 0.06 0.88 ± 0.04Fertilizer 60 0.83 ± 0.10 0.89 ± 0.07 0.89 ± 0.10(g) 90 0.72 ± 0.18 0.79 ± 0.16 0.93 ± 0.06 120 0.72 ± 0.11 0.56 ± 0.20 0.83 ± 0.02 0 81.00 ± 44.31 78.67 ± 42.33 367.00 ± 51 Time 30 104.67 ± 25.89 122.33 ± 78.65 300.01 ± 49 turning 60 75.67 ± 19.09 88.33 ± 27.15 453.33 ± 70 (sec) 90 50.33 ± 12.50 60.00 ± 26.87 422.00 120 piled Wet Mass 0 6144.6 ± 521.6 6152 ± 500.9 6424 ± 29 (kg) 120 2026 ± 200.1 2331 ± 527.3 3115 ± 141 Loss 67% 62% 52%







Physical. chemical, biological and molecular parameters analyzed during the composting process---SUMMER



turned windrow Infrequently

turned windrow Infrequently turned pile

Properties Day Summer % Nitrogen 0 1.35 ± 0.1 1.35 ± 0.1 1.35 ± 0.1 30 1.53 1.5 1.5 60 1.88 1.85 1.9 90 1.78 1.85 1.78 120 1.8 2 2 % Carbon 0 50.56 2.6 50.6 ± 2.6 50.56 ± 2.6 30 47.6 47.3 47.41 60 42.1 43.2 45.69 90 49.2 45.1 43.75 120 44.5 43.1 44.17 pH 0 7.85 8.05 8.23 30 8.45 8.37 8.05 60 8.42 7.96 8 90 7.58 7.33 7.4 120 7.24 7.19 7.42 %Moisture 0 61.87 60.3 58.21 30 52.99 50.1 60.24 60 42.48 45.9 49.01 90 59.06 67 66.36 120 71.01 59.2 69.19 0 0 0 0 Cumulative 30 0 0 0 Daily 60 0 0 0 Precipitation 90 0 0 0 (cm) 120 0 0 0 Atmospheric 0 77 77 77 Humidity 30 68 68 68 (%) 60 79 79 79 90 72 72 72 120 75 75 75 % Volatile 0 93.09 93.8 93.46 solids 30 91.25 91.8 90.36 g/g initial 60 73.21 76.3 74.73 90 87.61 87.8 85.42 120 81 72.2 76.17 Temperature 0 36.35 ± 5.16 40.3 ± 0.6 37.63 ± 1.6(°C) 30 51.6 ± 3.01 47.7 ± 2.2 39.67 ± 13Compost 60 43.4 ± 1.05 25.4 ± 5.5 41.83 ± 9.2 90 46.33 ± 3.67 47.3 ± 1.6 37.22 ± 12 120 22.82 ± 2.88 7.28 ± 0.5 34.95 ± 3.8


Physical. chemical, biological and molecular parameters analyzed during the composting process---SUMMER



turned windrow Infrequently

turned windrow Infrequently turned pile

Properties Day Summer Temperature 0 28 28 28 ( °C) 30 24.7 24.7 24.7 Ambient 60 22.9 22.9 22.9 90 3 3 3 120 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 0 7 ± 3 17 ± 3.1 17.5 ± 8Oxygen 30 19.67 ± 0.01 19.5 ± 0.6 4.67 ± 1(%) 60 17.67 ± 0.01 19.5 ± 0 19.5 ± 0.9 90 19.5 ± 0.29 7.83 ± 0 17.33 ± 0.3 120 17.27 ± 0.01 18.8 ± 0 11.5 ± 11μg DNA/g 0 4.57 4.57 4.57 compost 30 19.48 7.18 21.69 (Wet) 60 25.61 24.5 11.44 90 16.74 17 15.7 120 8.91 9.87 9.05 0 127.05 135 143 Bulk Density 30 158.64 113 92.16 Kg/m3 60 191.87 162 168.5 90 135.7 78.1 114.6 120 145.58 151 182.3 0 24.45 23.7 31.23 30 22.1 21.2 27.63 Volume 60 18.93 18.9 26.02 m3 90 11.98 9.75 13.48 120 15.39 12.5 24.54 0 0% 0% 0% Cumulative 30 10% 11% 12% volume 60 23% 20% 17% reduction 90 51% 59% 57% (%) 120 0.37 47% 21% 0 48 51.1 34.45 30 47.1 50.3 32.13 Area 60 42.73 44.8 30.54 m2 90 30.84 28.1 19.67 120 42.87 37.8 29.35 Cumulative 0 0% 0% 0% area 30 2% 2% 7% reduction 60 11% 12% 11% (%) 90 36% 45% 43% 120 11% 26% 15%


Physical. chemical, biological and molecular parameters analyzed during the composting process---SUMMER

A Frequently turned


B Infrequently

turned windrow

C Infrequently turned

pile Properties Day Summer

0 100% 100% 100% 30 100% 100% 100% Germination 60 100% 100% 100% No-Fertilizer 90 100% 100% 100% (%) 120 100% 100% 100% 0 4.63 5.35 4.76 Wet Weight 30 4.91 4.64 5.39 No Fertilizer 60 5.98 5.15 4.77 (g) 90 4.20 3.92 6.29 120 4.11 4.63 8.03 0 0.37 0.45 0.45 Dry Weight 30 0.43 0.41 0.48 No Fertilizer 60 0.49 0.41 0.44 (g) 90 0.39 0.28 0.52 120 0.36 0.38 0.64 Germination 0 100% 100% 100% Fertilizer 30 100% 100% 100% (%) 60 100% 100% 100% 90 100% 100% 100% 120 100% 100% 100% 0 13.39 12.24 10.39 Wet Weight 30 9.68 11.91 8.84 Fertilizer 60 10.26 13.12 15.27 (g) 90 11.44 14.18 17.13 120 16.35 13.55 17.20 0 0.99 0.94 0.75 Dry Weight 30 0.74 0.90 0.66 Fertilizer 60 0.74 0.93 1.15 (g) 90 0.86 1.01 1.17 120 1.19 0.94 1.20 0 1.10 1.00 4.10 Time 30 1.12 3.19 6.14 turning 60 1.05 1.06 7.10 (sec) 90 1.21 1.15 7.06 120 PILED Wet Mass 0 3991.6 3919 3910 (kg) 120 2531 1923 2195 Loss 37% 51% 44%


Physical. chemical, biological and molecular parameters analyzed during the composting process---SUMMER


Frequently turned

windrow Infrequently turned

windrow Infrequently turned pile

Properties Day Summer Surface 0 1.96 2.15 1.1 Area to 30 2.13 2.38 1.16 Volume 60 2.26 2.37 1.17 Ratio 90 2.57 2.88 1.46 120 2.79 3.02 1.2 0 1.75 ± 0.01 1.57 ± 1.6 0.98 ± 1Particle 30 1.28 ± 0.11 1.47 ± 0.1 1.89 ± 0.6size 60 1.25 ± 0.05 1.32 ± 0 1.7 ± 0.1(mm) 90 1.31 ± 0.35 1.69 ± 0.2 1.86 ± 0.5 120 1.92 ± 0.21 2.03 ± 0.4 2.96 ± 1






( ) ( ) ( ) ( )[ ]{ }MiSFeAmSRtSLrHc ÷÷++÷+÷=

( ) ( )[ ]{ } ( ) ( )[ ]{ }( ) ( ) ( )[ ]( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )[ ]{ }

( )[ ] ( )[ ]{ } ( ){ }LrHcMlturnLrPSmixLrP



MlmixMgiiiMlmixMgiiMlmixMgiSDhHcCsIrSDhHcCmC Mg










Variables: - Hc Hauling cost ($/mile/Mg) - Lr rate of labor ($/h) - S speed (mph) - Rt Rent truck ($/h) - Am Additional mileage ($/mile) - Fe fuel efficiency ($/h) - Ml machine-truck load - Cm Cost of manure ($/Mg) - Cs Cost of sawdust ($/Mg) - Dh Distance hauled (miles) - Ir Initial bulking ratio - Mtype:I, ii, iii, iv Machinery type used (fuel efficiency) ($/h) - Ө Time (minutes) - P personnel


- No costs of manure - Cost of Sawdust $35.00/Mg (Dalton Wood Products) - Initial ratio 3:1 (hardwood sawdust/manure) - Initial Moisture content 60% (This study) - Final Moisture content 40% (Market moisture) - Weight wet losses 70% (This study) - Constant speed 30mph - Medium Dump truck load: 7Mg - Fuel efficiency of Medium Dump Truck: 13.91 gal/h (Grisso et al., 2007) - Average fuel price $4.15/gal - Labor Rate: $ 15.00/h - Rent costs $60/h plus additional mileage $0.50/mile






Assesion Compost Pile Blast match AY921982.1 I,III Uncultured Chloroflexi bacterium clone AKYG1747 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence AY309119.1 I,II Uncultured bacterium clone WIM-Mc-53 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence AY921689.1 I,II,III Uncultured Chloroflexi bacterium clone AKYH1447 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence AB109432.1 II, III Uncultured Chloroflexi bacterium gene for 16S rRNA, partial sequence, clone:STG-2 AJ421905.1 II, III UBA421905 uncultured bacterium partial 16S rRNA gene, clone Alt9-K79 AY599186.1 I,II,III Uncultured gamma proteobacterium clone FH1-54 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence AB185000.1 I, II Uncultured bacterium gene for 16S rRNA, partial sequence, clone:TH-143 AF445671.1 I,III Uncultured gamma proteobacterium clone SM1D02 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence AY493939.1 I,II Uncultured soil bacterium clone 455 small subunit ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence AY592559.1 II, III Uncultured bacterium clone Napoli-1B-02 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence AY922114.1 I,II Uncultured gamma proteobacterium clone AKYH1464 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence AY921889.1 I,III Uncultured delta proteobacterium clone AKYH682 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence AB041226.1 I, II Roseiflexus castenholzii gene for 16S rRNA, partial sequence AF392758.1 I, II Uncultured bacterium clone LBB1 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence AF452103.1 II, III Pseudomonas cellulosa 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence AJ292582.1 I,III UEU292582 uncultured eubacterium WD254 partial 16S rRNA gene, clone WD254 AY548937.1 I,II Uncultured bacterium clone 1-13 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence AY921711.1 I,III Uncultured Chloroflexi bacterium clone AKYG535 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence AY921831.1 I,III Uncultured Actinobacteria bacterium clone AKYG619 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence AY921918.1 II, III Uncultured Gemmatimonadetes bacterium clone AKYG1585 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence DQ088788.1 I,II Uncultured bacterium clone MP104-SW-b25 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence



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