EffectofGubenfangxiaodecoctiononrespiratorysyncytialvirus ... · 4 ℃Ovalbumin (OVA) was supplied...

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JTCM |www. journaltcm. com February 15, 2016 |Volume 36 | Issue 1 |

Online Submissions: http://www.journaltcm.com J Tradit Chin Med 2016 February 15; 36(1): 101-106info@journaltcm.com ISSN 0255-2922

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Effect of Gubenfangxiao decoction on respiratory syncytial virus-in-duced asthma and expression of asthma susceptibility gene oroso-mucoid 1-like protein 3 in mice

Huang Zhengguang, Gao Lijuan, Zhao Xia, Ling Hao, Chen Wenjunaa

Huang Zhengguang, Gao Lijuan, Zhao Xia, Ling Hao,Chen Wenjun, Institute of Pediatrics of Nanjing Universi-ty of Chinese Medicine, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of PediatricRespiratory Disease, Nanjing 210023, ChinaSupported by Natural Science Foundation of China (Effectof Gubenfangxiao Decoction on the Expression of AsthmaSusceptibility Gene ORMDL3 and ADAM33 and its Signalingpathway, No. 81173209)Correspondence to: Prof. Zhao Xia, Institute of Pediat-rics of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Jiangsu KeyLaboratory of Pediatric Respiratory Disease, Nanjing210023 China. zhaoxiahy@126.comTelephone: +86-25-86798182Accepted: May 16, 2015

AbstractOBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of Guben-fangxiao decoction (GBFXD) on respiratory-syncy-tial-virus (RSV) -induced asthma and the expressionof asthma susceptibility gene, orosomucoid 1-likeprotein 3 (ORMDL3) in mice.

METHODS: Seventy-two female BALB/c mice wererandomly assigned to normal, model, GBFXD highdose, GBFXD moderate dose, GBFXD low dose andmontelukast groups. An asthma model was in-duced via intraperitoneal injection and aerosol in-halation of ovalbumin (OVA) and repeated intrana-sal instillation of RSV in all mice, except those in thenormal group. All treatments were administered atthe first onset of asthma (within 8 weeks of modelestablishment) and the mice were euthanized after28 days of treatment. The levels of transforminggrowth factor-β (TGF-β) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) inbronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of the mice

were measured and the expression of asthma sus-ceptibility gene ORMDL3 in lung tissue was deter-mined using real-time polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) and western blotting.

RESULTS: Expression of ORMDL3 and levels ofTGF-β and IL-6 were significantly higher in the mod-el group (P < 0.05, P < 0.01) compared with the nor-mal mice. Levels of ORMDL3, TGF-β and IL-6 weresignificantly lower in all three GBFXD treatedgroups (P < 0.05) compared with the model group.However, the levels in the GBFXD treatment groupsdid not differ significantly from the montelukastgroup.

CONCLUSION: GBFXD had a therapeutic effect inthis experimental model. The functional mecha-nism of GBFXD may involve multiple factors, includ-ing alleviation of airway inflammation, down-regu-lation of asthma susceptibility gene ORMDL3 andinhibition of airway remodeling.

© 2016 JTCM.

Key words: Asthma; ORMDL3 protein, mouse; Air-way remodeling; Gubenfangxiao decoction

INTRODUCTIONBronchial asthma is chronic inflammation of the air-way, with both genetic and environmental factors im-plicated in its pathogenesis.1,2 Recurrent asthma attacksinvolve infiltration of inflammatory cells and abnormalchanges to the structure of the airway. The mechanismunderlying airway remodeling has yet to be deter-mined. Recently, the first asthma-specific, ge-


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JTCM |www. journaltcm. com February 15, 2016 |Volume 36 | Issue 1 |

Huang ZG et al. / Experimental Study

nome-wide association study (GWAS) identified oroso-mucoid 1-like protein 3 (ORMDL3) as a candidateasthma risk gene,3 in multiple ethnic groups.4-6 Howev-er, the function of ORMDL3 remains unknown andfurther studies are needed to elucidate the mechanismsof ORMDL3 and its association with asthma. Guben-fangxiao decoction (GBFXD) is prepared using a for-mula containing eleven Chinese herbs. The formulawas designed by Professor Jiang Yuren for the manage-ment of asthma and has been used in Jiangsu ProvinceHospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) formore than 30 years. Our previous studies showed thatGBFXD could protect against airway inflammationand inhibit airway hyperresponsiveness.7

The aim of the present study was to investigate the ef-fect of GBFXD on respiratory-syncytial-virus(RSV) -induced asthma and the expression of the asth-ma susceptibility gene ORMDL3, in mice.

METHODSDrug and reagentsGBFXD was prepared from a TCM formula consistingof Huangqi (Radix Astragali Mongolici), Dangshen (Ra-dix Codonopsis), Baizhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macro-cephalae), Fuling (Poria), calcining Muli (Concha Os-treae), Chantui (Periostracum Cryptotympanae), Chenpi(Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae), Fangfeng (Radix Saposh-nikoviae), Xinyi (Flos Magnoliae Biondii Immaturus),Wuweizi (Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis) and stir-fryingwith liquid adjuvant Gancao (Radix Glycyrrhizae). Theratio of mass in grams used in the formula was 5∶3.3∶3.3∶3.3∶5∶2∶2∶1∶2∶2∶1 and the granules were sup-plied by Jiangsu Province Hospital of Traditional Chi-nese Medicine. The decoction was produced using thegranules and double distilled water at a concentrationof 2.25 g/mL. Montelukast sodium tablets (20070058,Hangzhou MSD pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Hangzhou,China) were used to prepare a solution of approximate-ly 0.16 mg/mL, in sterile distilled and stored stored at4 ℃ Ovalbumin (OVA) was supplied by Sigma (St.Louis, MO, USA). Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)was obtained from the Institute of Pediatrics of Nan-jing University of Chinese Medicine (Nanjing, China).Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits forIL-13 and lL-6 were supplied by eBioscience (San Di-ego, CA, USA). Real-time PCR master mix Plus(SYBR Green) and RNA extraction kits were suppliedby Takara Biotechnology (Shanghai, China). Monoclo-nal antibodies against ORMDL3 were supplied by Ab-cam (Massachusetts, MA, USA) and against β-actin bySanta Cruz (California, CA, USA). Secondary antibod-ies were also supplied by Abcam. Primers for IL-13,ORMDL3 and β-actin were designed and synthesizedby Takara Biotechnology.

Animals and asthma model establishmentSeventy-two healthy, female, 6-week-old BALB/c mice

[certificate of quality No. SCXK (Hu) 2012-0002],weighing [(18 ± 2) g] were supplied by the LaboratoryAnimal Center of Shanghai Slack Co., Ltd., (Shanghai,China). Mice received food and water ad libitum for 1week before experiments [temperature at (24 ± 1) ℃and humidity at 50% ± 5%]. Mice were maintained inthe Laboratory Animal Center in the Nanjing Universi-ty of Traditional Chinese Medicine. All animal studieswere performed according to the Guide for the Careand Use of Laboratory Animals of the National Insti-tutes of Health. The protocol was approved by the Com-mittee on the Ethics of Animal Experiments of theNanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.Mice were randomly divided into six groups: normal,model, GBFXD high dose, GBFXD moderate dose,GBFXD low dose and montelukast. Asthma was in-duced in all mice, except those in the normal group. Asensitization and challenge protocol was employed, asdescribed previously,8,9 with small modifications. Micewere immunized via intraperitoneal injection of 100 μgOVA, conjugated to 1 mg aluminum potassium sul-fate, in a total volume of 0.2 mL on the 1st and 8thday. Mice inhaled aeroallergens as 2.5% OVA, everyday from the 15th to the 28th day, for 30 min. Asthmawas induced using intranasal instillation of 50 μL RSVon the 29th, 42nd, and 55th day. From the 29th to the55th day, mice were challenged with inhalation of2.5% OVA solution for 30 min, once every 3 days.10

GBFXD treatmentThe standard dose of GBFXD was based on individualanimal body weight. The formula used was Db = Da ×Rab, which was derived from the formula used to deter-mine the standard dose for humans.11 The formulaused for humans was based on a ratio of 24 g crudemedicine to 1 kg of murine body weight. GBFXDhigh-dose (GBFXD- H) was 36 g/kg, the moderatedose (GBFXD-M) was 24 g/kg and the low dose (GB-FXD-L) was 12 g/kg. GBFXD and montelukast ace-tate (2.6 mg/kg) treatments were intragastrically admin-istered, once a day from the 2nd day of model estab-lishment. The normal and model groups were given anequal volume of distilled water, intragastrically at thesame time points. All mice were euthanized after 28days of treatment.

RSVRSV supernatants were prepared according to themethod described previously.12 The 50% tissue cultureinfective dose (TCID50) of RSV was measured as 1.0×106.5TCID50/mL.

Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid collectionMice were sacrificed 24 h after the final treatment.BALF was acquired as described previously.7 Three ali-quots of 0.5 mL PBS were injected and withdrawnthrough a tracheal cannula. Following centrifugation,the supernatant was stored at - 70 ℃ , for measure-ment of IL-6 and TGF-β concentrations, using ELISA.


JTCM |www. journaltcm. com February 15, 2016 |Volume 36 | Issue 1 |

Huang ZG et al. / Experimental Study

Lung histology and morphometryThe left lungs of mice were fixed in 4% buffered para-formaldehyde for at least 24 h. Transverse sections of5 μm were harvested. Each section was stained with he-matoxylin and eosin for histological assessment usinglight microscopy. Additional sections were stained withMasson's trichrome to detect collagen deposition andperiodic acid Schiff (PAS) stain to show mucin withingoblet cells. For sections stained with Masson's tri-chrome, the region of interest was a 20 μm band, im-mediately beneath the epithelium, as this is consideredto include the ECM and contractile elements associat-ed with the airways.13 The positive peribronchiole areasstained with Masson's trichrome were quantified usinglight microscopy connected to an Image-Pro Plus im-age analysis system (Media Cybernetics, Chicago, IL,USA). The numbers of PAS-positive epithelial cells(goblet cells) in individual bronchioles were counted aspreviously described.14 At least six bronchioles werecounted on each slide and all the histological analyseswere performed blind to treatment.

RT-PCR determination of ORMDL3 expression inlungsThe lungs of mice were collected after the final treat-ment. Total RNA from lung tissue was extracted usingTRIzol reagent, according to the manufacturer's in-structions. The concentration of RNA was measuredusing spectrophotometry. Total RNA was reverse tran-scribed to cDNA, using reverse transcriptase reagentsfrom Takara, according to the manufacturer's protocol.Real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) wascarried out using SYBR Green Ⅱ fluorescent dye meth-od, on Applied Biosystems 7500 PCR apparatus (Cali-fornia, CA, USA). The sequences of primers used areshown in Table 1.

Western blottingProtein was extracted from lungs using protein lysatefrom Beyotime Biotechnology (Haimen, China). Itcontained 50 mmol/L Tris-Cl (pH 7.4), 150 mmol/LNaCl, 1% Triton X-100, 1% sodium deoxycholate,0.1% SDS, 100 μg/mL phenylmethylsulfonyl (PMSF)and 1 μg/mL aprotinin. The protein concentration wasmeasured using a BCA protein assay kit from Pierce(Rockford, IL, USA). Sample aliquots, containing 30 μgprotein, were fractionated on 12% SDS-polyacryl-amide gels (SDS-PAGE) and transferred to polyvinyli-dene fluoride (PVDF) membranes, from Millipore

(Massachusetts, MA, USA). The membranes wereblocked with 5% non-fat milk in 1×Tris-buffered sa-line, with 0.1% Tween-20 (TBST) for 2 h at roomtemperature and incubated overnight with anti-ORM-DL3 (1∶500 final dilution) antibody. After incubation,the blots were washed with 1 × TBST (20 mmol/LTris-HCl, pH 7.4, 150 mmol/L NaCl, and 0.1%Tween-20) 3 times for 10 min. Membranes were thenincubated with secondary antibody (1∶5000 final dilu-tion) at room temperature for 2 h and washed 3 times,for 5 min, with 1 × TBST. The blots were visualized us-ing a chemiluminescence system from Pierce, accord-ing to the manufacturer's instructions. The results werenormalized using β-actin densitometry on an Im-age-Pro Plus image analysis system.

Statistical analysisAll data were analyzed by using SPSS 17.0 (SPSS Inc.,Chicago, IL, USA). Results are expressed as mean ±standard deviation ( x̄ ± s). Differences betweengroups were evaluated with one-way analysis of vari-ance. P < 0.05 was considered significant.


Histopathological examinationCompared with the normal group, there was little eo-sinophil infiltration and thicker airway and alveolarwalls in the model group. The levels of eosinophil infil-tration in the GBFXD treatment groups were lowerthan in the model group (P < 0.01). However, therewere no significant differences among the groups treat-ed with GBFXD and montelukast (P < 0.05, Figure 1).Compared with the normal group, collagen depositionthroughout the lung interstitium, around the wall ofairway, was significantly different (P < 0.01) in themodel group. There was a significant reduction in colla-gen deposition in the GBFXD and montelukast treat-ment groups (P < 0.05, Table 2 and Figure 2). Thenumber of goblet cells that stained positively for mucinwas significantly increased in the model group com-pared with the normal group. The GBFXD treatmentgroups showed a sharp decrease in the presence of mu-cin compared with the model group (P < 0.05, Table 3and Figure 3).

Levels of IL-6 and TGF-β in BALF supernatantThe IL-6 and TGF-β levels were very low in the nor-





Forward: 5'-cgtgttcctacccccaatgt-3'

Reverse: 5'-tgtcatacttggcaggtttct-3'

Forward: 5'-cactgggagcagatggactac-3'

Reverse: 5'-tggacttggtcatacttggtgt-3'

Product annealing

104 bp 58 ℃

106 bp 58 ℃

Table 1 The sequences of forward and reverse primers of ORMDL3


JTCM |www. journaltcm. com February 15, 2016 |Volume 36 | Issue 1 |

Huang ZG et al. / Experimental Study

mal group and significantly elevated in the modelgroup. IL-6 and TGF-β levels in the DBFXD groupswere significantly lower than those in the model group(P < 0.05). There were no significant differences be-tween the levels among the GBFXD and montelukastgroups. The results of the enzyme-linked immunosor-bent assay indicated that GBFXD ameliorated airwayinflammation in mice (Table 3).

Changes in ORMDL3 mRNA expression in lungtissueThe relative quantity of ORMDL3 mRNA expressionin lung tissue of the model group (2.30 ± 0.19 foldchange) was significantly higher than that of the nor-mal group (P < 0.05, P < 0.01). Compared with themodel group, ORMDL3 mRNA expression in all treat-ment groups was downregulated (P < 0.05, P < 0.01).There were no significant differences in expressionamong the GBFXD and montelukast groups (P >0.05, Table 3 and Figure 4).

DISCUSSIONIn this study, GBFXD reduced the levels of Th2-typecytokines, IL-6 and TGF-β, in an RSV enhanced asth-ma model. Investigations have shown that IL-6 canpromote allergen-induced epithelial cell damage, gob-let cell hyperplasia with mucus hyperproduction andthe production of TGF-β.21 TGF-β has also been re-ported to play a detrimental role in promoting airwayremodeling during chronic inflammation associatedwith asthma. Therefore, GBFXD showed a positive ef-fect by inhibiting Th2-type cytokines and airway re-modeling.Subepithelial fibrosis represents an important featureof asthmatic bronchi. In our study, even at 4 weeks af-

ter the final allergen exposure the model group mice de-veloped universal collagen deposition, which may con-tribute to a prolonged airway inflammatory response.GBFXD could significantly reduce collagen deposi-tion. We also examined goblet cells, which are themain source of mucin glycoproteins. Interestingly, GB-FXD not only inhibited mucin production and colla-gen deposition but also reduced IL-6 and TGF-β lev-els. This suggests that the GBFXD effects on mucinproduction and collagen deposition may be associatedwith the suppression of Th2 cytokines.ORMDL3 has been identified as a candidate risk genefor asthma. Consistent with this finding, ORMDL3was significantly increased in the blood of recurrentwheeze patients.22 ORMDL3 proteins are negative regu-lators of sphingolipid synthesis, which may contributeto the development of childhood asthma.23 ORMDL3was recently shown to be involved in Ca2 + signalingand the unfolded protein response (UPR), which canlead to inflammatory responses in asthma.24 In ourstudy, GBFXD had a significant effect on ORMDL3expression, at both mRNA and protein levels. ORM-DL3 is an inducible lung epithelial gene that regulatesoligoadenylate synthetase (OAS) genes,25 which sug-gests it may play an antiviral role in RSV.26

In conclusion, this study provides evidence that by re-ducing airway inflammation, decreasing airway colla-gen deposition, inhibiting airway mucus productionand downregulating ORMDL3 expression, GBFXDtreatment can prevent the development of chronicasthma. However, the mechanism of action of GB-FXD on ORMDL3 expression and its function inthe pathogenesis of asthma remains unclear. It is pos-sible that ORMDL3 selectively regulates activation ofthe endoplasmic reticulum localized transcription fac-tor, ATF6α, which is linked to the sarcoendoplasmic



Figure 1 Histopathological analysis of a lung section (HE staining, × 100 )A: airway inflammation of normal group; B: airway inflammation of model group; C: airway inflammation of montelukast group;D: airway inflammation of GBFXD-H group; E: airway inflammation of GBFXD-M group; F: airway inflammation of GBFXD-L group.The normal group was treated with distilled water only; the model group was exposed to OVA and treated with distilled water;the montelukast group was exposed to OVA and treated with montelukast acetate (2.6 mg/kg); the GBFXD-H group was exposedto OVA and treated with GBFXD (36 g/kg); the GBFXD-M group was exposed to OVA and treated with GBFXD (24 g/kg); the GB-FXD-L group was exposed to OVA and treated with GBFXD (12 g/kg). OVA: ovalbumin; GBFXD: Gubenfangxiao decoction; GB-FXD-H: Gubenfangxiao high-dose decoction; GBFXD-M: Gubenfangxiao moderate dose decoction; GBFXD-L: Gubenfangxiao lowdose decoction. HE: hematoxylin-eosin. Normally, few eosinophils could be seen in the lung, while OVA sensitization and chal-lenge led to significantly augmented recruitment of eosinophils to the airway (B vs A, P < 0.01). Both montelukast and GBFXDtreatment effectively diminished tissue infiltration of eosinophils (C, D, E, F vs B, P < 0.05).


JTCM |www. journaltcm. com February 15, 2016 |Volume 36 | Issue 1 |

Huang ZG et al. / Experimental Study

reticulum, Ca2 + ATPase (SERCA2b), and implicatedin airway remodeling in asthma.27 Further investiga-

tion of GBFXD is required to elucidate its mecha-nism of action.















Collagen staining area(μm2/μm %)







PAS positive epithelial cells(%)














Notes: the normal group was treated with distilled water only; the model group was exposed to OVA and treated with distilled water; themontelukast group was exposed to OVA and treated with montelukast acetate (2.6 mg/kg); the GBFXD-H group was exposed to OVAand treated with GBFXD (36 g/kg); the GBFXD-M group was exposed to OVA and treated with GBFXD (24 g/kg); the GBFXD-Lgroup was exposed to OVA and treated with GBFXD (12 g/kg). OVA: ovalbumin; GBFXD-H: Gubenfangxiao decoction high dose; GB-FXD-M: Gubenfangxiao decoction moderate dose; GBFXD-L: Gubenfangxiao decoction low dose; PAS: periodic acid Schiff; ORMDL3:orosomucoid 1-like protein 3. Compared with the normal group, aP < 0.01; compared with the model group, bP < 0.01.

Table 2 Changes in collagen deposition for each group ( x̄ ± s)















Dose (g/kg)







IL-6 (pg/mL)







TGF-β (ng/mL)







Notes: the normal group was treated with distilled water only; the model group was exposed to OVA and treated with distilled water; themontelukast group was exposed to OVA and treated with montelukast acetate (2.6 mg/kg); the GBFXD-H group was exposed to OVAand treated with GBFXD (36 g/kg); the GBFXD-M group was exposed to OVA and treated with GBFXD (24 g/kg); the GBFXD-Lgroup was exposed to OVA and treated with GBFXD (12 g/kg). OVA: ovalbumin; GBFXD-H: Gubenfangxiao decoction high dose; GB-FXD-M: Gubenfangxiao decoction moderate dose; GBFXD-L: Gubenfangxiao decoction low dose; BALF: bronchoalveolar lavage fluid;TGF-β: transforming growth factor-β; IL-6: interleukin-6. Compared with the normal group, aP < 0.01; compared with the model group,bP < 0.01.

Table 3 The levels of IL-6 and TGF-β in BALF supernatant for each group ( x̄ ± s)

Figure 2 Staining as assessed using morphometry for collagen deposition (Masson's staining, ×100)A: collagen deposition of normal group; B: collagen deposition of model group; C: collagen deposition of montelukast group; D:collagen deposition of GBFXD-H group; E: collagen deposition of GBFXD-M group; F: collagen deposition of GBFXD-L group. Thenormal group was treated with distilled water only; the model group was exposed to OVA and treated with distilled water; themontelukast group was exposed to OVA and treated with montelukast acetate (2.6 mg/kg); the GBFXD-H group was exposed toOVA and treated with GBFXD (36 g/kg); the GBFXD-M group was exposed to OVA and treated with GBFXD (24 g/kg); the GBFXD-Lgroup was exposed to OVA and treated with GBFXD (12 g/kg). OVA: ovalbumin; GBFXD: Gubenfangxiao decoction; GBFXD-H:Gubenfangxiao high-dose decoction; GBFXD-M: Gubenfangxiao moderate dose decoction; GBFXD-L: Gubenfangxiao low dosedecoction. Mucus overproduction was evident in the model group (H vs G, P < 0.01). Mucus production was clearly reduced in thelungs of GBFXD and montelukast treatment groups (C, D, E, F vs B, P < 0.05).




JTCM |www. journaltcm. com February 15, 2016 |Volume 36 | Issue 1 |

Huang ZG et al. / Experimental Study

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