Effective Technical Reports Copyright (c) 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies. This material is solely...

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Transcript of Effective Technical Reports Copyright (c) 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies. This material is solely...


Copyright (c) 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies. This material is solely for educational use by licensed users of LearningStats. It may not be copied or resold for profit.


There is no single “right” style

Experts suggest many rules and formats to guide technical writers. But there are no writing police. YOU must judge your own writing.

Form follows function

There is no reason why all reports should have the same form, since objectives vary. But rules can help you get started and suggest solutions to writers’ dilemmas.

So – let’s look at some rules that have been proposed!

So – let’s look at some rules that have been proposed!

Ehrenberg’s Five RulesEhrenberg’s Five Rules

Rule 1: Start at the End

The reader should not have to turn to the last page to get to the main conclusions.

Rule 2: Be Prepared to Revise

Develop an outline, do a first draft, then revise, rearrange, and edit (several times).

Rule 3: Cut Down on Long Words

Use non-technical language, short sentences, and plenty of paragraphs.

See A.S.C. Ehrenberg, “Writing Technical Papers or Reports,” The American Statistician, V. 36, N. 4, 1982, 326-329.

Ehrenberg’s Five Rules Ehrenberg’s Five Rules (cont’d)(cont’d)

Rule 4: Be Brief

Prune drastically. Seek help from critics. Use appendices to shorten the main report.

Rule 5: Think of Your Reader

Readers need your main points, but may have little patience with details.

See A.S.C. Ehrenberg, “Writing Technical Papers or Reports,” The American Statistician, V. 36, N. 4, 1982, 326-329.

McCloskey’s 31 RulesMcCloskey’s 31 Rules

Rule 2: Writing is Thinking

Sloppy writing and sloppy thinking are indistinguishable. The production functions for “doing it” and “writing it up” are inseparable.

Rule 7: Fluency Can Be Achieved by Grit

Make a draft, then revise, revise. Hard work (not raw talent) is the key for most people.

See Deirdre N. McCloskey, Economical Writing, Second Edition, Waveland Press, Inc., 2000.

Just kidding - there isn’t space for all 31 of McCloskey’s rules -- but here are a few of them!

McCloskey’s 31 Rules McCloskey’s 31 Rules (cont’d)(cont’d)

Rule 8: Write Too Early Rather Than Too Late

It is not until you start to “write it up” that you begin to see errors in your logic and research.

Rule 11: Speak to a Human Audience

Try to please one audience (not two). Visualize a single target reader (e.g., Bob).

Rule 12: Avoid Boilerplate

Omit predictable or prefabricated prose. Don’t restate well-known stuff that is “in the book.”

See Deirdre N. McCloskey, Economical Writing, Second Edition, Waveland Press, Inc., 2000.

McCloskey’s 31 Rules McCloskey’s 31 Rules (cont’d)(cont’d)

Rule 14: Paragraphs Should Have Points

Each paragraph needs a focus. Don’t put too many ideas in one paragraph.

Rule 24: Read, Out Loud

This will reveal awkward, unclear prose. Switch stuff around until it sounds good.

Rule 25: Use Active Verbs

“I like McCloskey’s rules” not “The rules I like are those of McCloskey.”

See Deirdre N. McCloskey, Economical Writing, Second Edition, Waveland Press, Inc., 2000.

Rigdon’s 34 RulesRigdon’s 34 Rules

Rule 6: Give Credit

Not citing your sources is plagiarism. If it’s not your own material, tell where you got it.

Rules 7: Answer the Question

Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? But the “bottom line” is easy to forget, once you get lost in your graphs.

See Steven E. Rigdon, A Handbook of Mathematical Writing for Undergraduates, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, June, 1997.

Rigdon suggests 34 rules, but we’ll only mention a few.

Rigdon’s 34 RulesRigdon’s 34 Rules Rule 11: Use Symbols Only When Necessary

Acronyms like NPV or SKU and symbols like or are fine for talking with peers, but readers may not know them.

Rules 16-17: Avoid Passive Voice

Same as McCloskey’s Rule #25. All the pros agree on this one.

Rule 19: Use Figures or Tables

Often you can avoid equations or long explanations with visual displays or examples.

See Steven E. Rigdon, A Handbook of Mathematical Writing for Undergraduates, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, June, 1997.

Doane’s Suggestions for Doane’s Suggestions for StudentsStudents

Rule 1: Just Tell the Story

Don’t try to impress the professor. Let the data lead the way. When the story is told, quit writing.

Rules 2: Make Your Mother Read It

If she can understand it, you’re golden. If not, rewrite. If you have no mother, ask Aunt Barb.

Rule 3: Go Beyond the Minimum

Team #13 also “did the assignment” but they also found some new data, did Internet research, and spent hours improving Excel’s default graphs. Who deserves the “A”?

Elements of a ReportElements of a Report

Executive Summary (one page max)

Introduction (short)

Data, Definitions, Methods (short)

Analysis (the main event – as long as needed)

- Narrative (explanation/discussion/interpretation)

- Tables and graphs (numbered, titled, integrated with narrative)

Conclusions/Limitations/Further Research

Appendices (for lengthy or backup material)

There is no single “correct” form. Here is one possibility. Ignore it if you know a better way, or adapt it to your own needs.

Executive SummaryExecutive Summary

The executive summary briefly describes the

task and goals



main findings

major limitations

The executive summary is limited to a single page (ideally only two or three paragraphs) and should use mostly non-technical language

Executive SummaryExecutive Summary

The goal of an executive summary is to permit a busy decision-maker to understand what you did and what you found out without reading the whole report.

Ask a stranger to read your executive summary and then describe your research. If the stranger cannot, your summary is deficient. The executive summary must make it impossible to miss your main findings.

Why Bother?Why Bother?

Bad writing can hurt your career. Others will judge you by your writing. Why harm yourself?

Bad writing can hurt other people. Others will rely on your report. Key decisions may be based on its accuracy. Your accuracy, honesty, and clarity will help them understand your work and avoid your mistakes. You probably won't be available to discuss the report, so it must stand on its own.

Spelling and GrammarSpelling and Grammar

If you spell something wrong or use poor grammar, you appear ignorant. In your career, you are competing with other intelligent, educated people.

Don’t make your good ideas look bad.

This really counts in business!

Format and StyleFormat and Style

You took a writing course in college, right? Consult the handouts, notes, and recommended references for format, style, usage, and grammar (surely you didn’t sell your textbook?)

Microsoft specializes in computer software – not English writing. Don’t rely exclusively on their spelling and grammar checkers.

Oral PresentationsOral Presentations

Don’t try to cover everything

Don’t overestimate what your audience knows

Do select a few key points to convey

Do simplify your visuals ruthlessly

Do use color and effects, but not as gimmicks

Do have backup slides, just in case

Do rehearse to get the timing right

Do refer to your written report for details

The goal is not the same as for the written report. Imagine yourself in the audience. Make it simple, clear, light, and succinct.

Suggested ReadingSuggested Reading

S. N. Radke, “Writing as a Component of Statistics Education,” The American Statistician, Vol. 45, pp. 292-293.

S. N. Radke, “Writing as a Component of Statistics Education,” The American Statistician, Vol. 45, pp. 292-293.