Effective Sharing and Testing of Data on Web Services ... · work combines persuasive cued click...

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  • National Conference on Green Computing Trends in Information and Communication Technology


    ISSN: 2349 - 641X www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 1

    Effective Sharing and Testing of Data on Web Services using

    Combinatorial Testing


    Computer Science And Engineering

    Arunai College Of Engineering


    S.MOHANARANGAN Assisstant Professor

    Computer Science And Engineering

    Arunai College Of Engineering


    Abstract- Web injection attack exploits web application security by inserting malicious script into the web

    application. The need for this kind of attack is to gain

    access to application data or database. Here the focus is on

    securing web application against web injection attacks. To

    detect injection vulnerabilities in web services, we use

    combinatorial interaction testing the main focus is on

    Cross-Site Scripting Attack (XSS). By analyzing the

    behavior of the Web service the model can detect the

    presence of the injection vulnerabilities. This proposed

    work combines persuasive cued click points and password

    guessing resistant protocol to reduce the guessing attacks

    as well as motivate users to select more random and

    difficult passwords to guess. An algorithm for anonymous

    sharing of private data among parties is been developed.

    Assigning ID numbers to nodes ranging from 1 to n, the

    identity received are unknown to the other member. Using

    serial number assigned the complex data can be shared.

    The new algorithms are built on top of a secure sum

    Security operation using service discovery identities and

    ids vulnerability detection secured protocol.

    Keywords- Cross-site Scripting Attack, Persuasive cued click point, Password guessing resistant protocol and

    Combinatorial Interaction Testing.


    Web service is a systemized way of combining Web-based

    applications using XML, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI open

    Standards over an Internet protocol. XML is used to tag the

    data; SOAP is used to transfer the data between web

    applications. WSDL is used for describing the services that

    are available and UDDI is used for listing what services are

    available in the application. Web service used for business purpose to communicate with the client. By using Web

    services the organizations can exchange data without

    knowledge of others in IT systems. Applications in Web

    services from different sources can communicate with each

    other in less time, because everything is in the form of XML. Web services are not fixed to single operating system or programming language. For example, Java can work with

    Perl. Windows applications can work with UNIX applications. Web application is the foundation for each

    activity in the internet, through which all the informations are

    available in the internet. This demand for web application also

    makes the attackers to exploit the vulnerabilities.

    Web Injections Browser behavior is exploited by

    constructing malicious input strings using input validation as

    the form of application vulnerabilities, malicious purpose varies depending on the type of injection; all malicious

    activities are used to compromise the three region of

    information security: confidentiality, integrity, and

    availability. In injection techniques the HTTP headers are

    used to pass input data to the server-side web application, the

    GET and POST methods will include malicious parameters

    processed by the web application.

    Many type of malware has the ability to insert malicious code into the client side browser, without the knowledge of

    the server-side application which is undetected normally. The

    aim of the attacker is to obtain secret data by performing

    illegal activities, he identifies the system which is vulnerable

    and using that system the attacker will gain information about

    the victim. Multiple vulnerabilities possible in dynamic web

    applications, Cross-site scripting is one among the top ten

    vulnerabilities according to Open Web Application Security

    Project (OWASP). XSS vulnerabilities have been introduced

    since 1990s. Many sites are affected by this attack are Twitter,

    Face book, MySpace, YouTube and Orkut. Nowadays the cross-site scripting attack exceed buffer overflows to become

    the most commonly occurring security vulnerability, Some

    researchers in 2007 found that 68% of websites are open to

    XSS attacks.

    This paper will focus on how the web application is

    secured against web injection attacks, with the aim to develop

    an understanding of how web injection attacks may be

    detected and ultimately prevented. Based on the findings the project will aim to develop an appropriate web injection


    Organization This paper is organized as follows. In

    Section 2 we present the security problems in the presence of

    Cross-site scripting attack. In Section 3 we present proposed

    approaches we use to identify the presence of vulnerabilities

    and use some algorithms to provide authentication against the attacks. In Section 4 we present Implementation part of our paper how the algorithm works and provide

    authentication against attacks. In Section 5 we present the


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    ISSN: 2349 - 641X www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 2

    Security analysis, here the resulting outcome is analyzed with

    the concept.


    Around 80% of all web application vulnerabilities, Cross-

    Site Scripting (XSS) is one of the most predominant web

    application injection attacks and attached to other injection

    vulnerabilities. XSS mainly occurs due to inadequate input

    filtering procedures utilized by the web application host. Like

    most web injection attacks, successful XSS exploits may lead

    to compromised authentication information, privilege risk and

    possible revelation of confidential information. As a result of

    vulnerabilities on the server-side of the application, this type

    of attack is achieved. Using the client-side web browser,

    complexity is further added to the detection and gathering evidence of a successful attack. This causes victim browser to

    execute JavaScript crafted by the attacker to gain access rights

    to sensitive data, session cookies, and other informations.

    This attacks are made to steal confidentiality of sensitive data,

    undetermined authorization schemes, defraud users and

    defame web sites.

    XSS allows a user to accidentally send malicious data to

    him through that application. Attackers often perform XSS attack by crafting malicious URLs and tricks users to clicking

    on malicious link.

    The XSS occurs in the system using Script. Embedded

    JavaScript has the ability to execute on the users browser

    with same permission.

    An attacker waits for their victim to view and execute the

    injected code using scripting attacks.

    Figure 1: Traditional XSS Web Application Hijack Scenario

    If the software did not validate user input, a malicious user can add the malicious Comment within the tags.

    When other users viewed the comment, it might look

    something like a normal code. There are two basic techniques

    to accomplish an XSS attack. The first technique is to store malicious code in database and when accessed by client will

    be executed by the browser at the client side. The second

    technique requires that the victim without the knowledge of

    malicious link clicks on the link resulting in execution of

    malicious code.

    A.XSS Vulnerability causes:

    An attacker could write malicious scripts; a JavaScript with an infinite loop could which makes the victims browser

    unusable, forcing them to quit the browser. Similarly the

    attacker could manipulate the window, by shrinking it, closing

    it, or making it move randomly across the screen, or

    manipulate the Document Object Model to embed or alter text

    and images. A more sophisticated attack could use DOM

    manipulation to alter from values as part of an attempt to

    gather information intended for the vulnerable application.

    The action could be switched to post the submitted data to

    a logging script on the attackers site, for instance. Dom

    manipulation via JavaScript would make this attack

    mechanism highly difficult to detect.

    An XSS attack could also use browser-specific

    vulnerabilities in scripting implementations to scrape

    information out of files on a users hard drive. Attackers target

    is to obtain access to sensitive information stored on their systems, sending malicious URLs in email designed to appeal

    to the specific intended victims. The most common behavior

    of XSS attacks, however, is to gather cookies. Cookies are a

    technology initially designed for Netscape Navigator 1.0 to

    mitigate some of the problems stemming from HTMLs nature

    as a stateless protocol. They are text files that reside on a

    users computer and store name-value pairs along with some

    metadata. Cookies are commonly used to store information

    intended to be persistent during a browser session or from

    session to session, such as session IDs, user preferences, or

    login information.


    In this section we present some of the concept to provide

    better authentication against injection vulnerabilities and

    perform testing to measure the presence of vulnerabilities in web application using a better methodology.

    A. Taxonomy of Authentication

    The first stage in securing any computer system is to verify

    the identity of users. This process of checking a users identity is referred to as user authentication.

    Passwords are often used to authenticate any user.

    Normally, user created passwords which are easy to remember

    and recall. which is easily cracked by the third party with the

    malicious intentions. So it is necessary to create passwords with more security measures. If the user creates any password

    it has to be more secure.


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    ISSN: 2349 - 641X www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 3

    Most of the user create text based password which are

    vulnerable for different class of attacks like brute force,

    dictionary based attack, shoulder surfing attack. In spite of

    such vulnerabilities users are tend to select short guessable

    password. Unfortunately, such passwords can be easily

    breakdown by third parties. To avoid this problem, the idea of

    image based passwords is introduced. The graphical

    passwords are more popular since they are better than Text

    based passwords, because people are better at memorizing

    graphical passwords than text-based passwords.

    1. Persuasive Cued Click Points (PCCP)

    The persuasive technology was first introduced by Fogg.

    Persuasive feature is added to Cued-Click Point concept to

    allow users to select less predictable passwords. To avoid hotspot problem the viewport is positioned randomly rather

    than specifically. Using such information attackers can their

    improve guesses and form new hotspots. Since all click-points

    are hotspots, it makes it more difficult to select passwords.

    This persuasive technology guides and encourages users to

    select stronger passwords, rather than improving system-

    generated passwords. Advantage of image based

    authentication system using persuasive cued click point is

    resistant to many security attacks such as dictionary attack,

    brute force attack, hotspots, Guessing attacks, capture attacks,

    etc., In this concept during image selection we select multiple click-points on the single image instead of selecting click-

    points on a multiple image to reduce time usage.

    Figure 2: Registration Phase

    This project proposes a new protocol called Password

    Guessing Resistant Protocol, designed to restrict Brute force

    and dictionary attacks on password. PGRP limits the total

    number of failed login attempts from unknown remote hosts,

    legitimate users can make several failed login attempts before

    being challenged with an ATT.

    PGRP provides protection against some threats such as

    key logger spy ware. Mouse is provided instead of keyboard

    to enter our image password to protect our password from key

    loggers. PGRP prevent password guessing attack without answering ATT challenges, since it is more effective. It also

    provides convenient login experience, e.g., fewer ATT

    challenges for legitimate users. PGRP appears for

    organizations with large number of user accounts.

    B. Homomorphism Vulnerability Algorithm

    An algorithm for anonymous sharing of private data

    among multiple parties has been developed. This technique

    assigns ID numbers to each nodes ranging from 1 to N

    iteratively. This assignment is not known to the members of

    the other group. Resistance to collusion among other members

    is verified in an information theoretic sense when private

    communication channels are used. Using the serial numbers

    assigned the complex data can be shared and has applications

    to other problems in privacy preserving data mining, collision

    avoidance in communications and distributed database access.

    Without trusted central authority the required computations are distributed. Existing and new algorithms for assigning

    anonymous IDs are examined with respect to trade-offs

    between communication and computational requirements. The

    new algorithms are built on top of a secure sum data mining

    operation using service discovery identities and IDS

    vulnerability detection secured protocol. A homomorphism

    vulnerability algorithm for distributed solution of certain

    polynomials over finite fields enhances the scalability of the


    C. Combinatorial Interaction Testing

    The popular selection proposed approach is combinatorial

    interaction testing (CIT), where the developer selects a

    strength t and then computes a covering array (a set of

    configurations) in which all t-way combinations of

    configuration option settings appear at least once. In prior work, we demonstrated several limitations of the CIT

    approach. In particular, we found that a given systems

    effective configuration space. We also found that effective

    configuration space may not be well approximated by t-way

    covering arrays. Based on these insights we have developed

    an algorithm called interaction tree discovery (iTree).

    Interaction tree discovery is an iterative learning algorithm

    that efficiently searches for a small set of configurations that closely approximates a systems effective configuration space.


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    Figure 3: Proposed System Model

    The Proposed approach follows the methodology as the

    above model starting from preparing test to analyzing the

    output from the HTTP header. By analyzing the behavior of

    the web service the model can detect the presence of the

    injection vulnerabilities in the Web Services. Based on the gathered information we find the different way of input that

    are being provided to the web service. We provide the

    workload in a random manner as well as in a sequence with

    the absence of any attack.

    Figure 4: Proposed model on the basis of input

    For generating XSS attack scripts we classify the large

    data set of script that are capable of emulating XSS attacks

    and classify them on the basis of length, 4 different types of encoding techniques namely URL encoding, Base64 encoding

    ,HTML encoding, Hex encoding.. This classification makes it

    easier to generate the attack load for the input parameter.

    The priority of attackload generation for testing each

    input is varied for example for user controled input The

    priority of testing a double quote script with length more than

    75 is the first priority ,Followed by single quoted script and

    followed by the different encoded scripts.The flowchart is

    given below.

    Figure 5: Flowchart

    For other kind of input the priority is different for

    generation and testing of the attackload.For detection of the

    vulnerability we use the response header of the SOAP

    message exchanged. Based on the results of HTTP status code

    in the header of the SOAP message response, we determine

    the existence of vulnerabilities in Web Services, described

    below. If the header contains the code 200 OKAND the

    server ran the SOAP message with the XSS attack, THEN

    there is a Vulnerability Found (VF) in the Web Service.

    OTHERWISE, if the SOAP message describes the existence of a syntax error or warning about the presence of an attack,

    THEN there is No Vulnerability Found (NVF) in the Web

    Service. If the header contains the code 400 Bad request

    message, e.g. request format is invalid: missing required

    soap: Body element, THEN there is No Vulnerability Found

    (NVF) in the Web Service.

    If in the absence of attacks, the header contains the code

    500 Internal Server Error AND there was information disclosure in the SOAP message. AND if in the presence of

    XSS attack, the header contains the code HTTP 200 OK,

    THEN there is a Vulnerability Found (VF) in the Web

    Service. Based on the behavior we can further classify on the

    basis of response header if needed. In Any case there is no

    response then the result remains inconclusive.


    A. Welcome Page

    The basic step for any authentication scheme is to become

    a valid user of that system. We use Graphics or Image based


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    ISSN: 2349 - 641X www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 5

    authentication which is more reliable, for performing this kind

    of authentication user has to create an account with the user id

    and the password in textual based login system.

    This step is necessary to have an entry in the administrator

    level to check whether the user is authenticated or not. When

    the new user arises, the user must select new user id, password and proceed to become a valid user

    B. Registration Phase

    During registration the system will ask the user to provide

    information such as user id, password, mail id etc., the user

    should provide the textual based passwords. The information

    that is provided during registration is maintained by the

    administrator to check whether the intended user is

    authenticated user or not. After registering, whenever the user need to access any application the login page appears. To

    conform as an authenticated user, the users specify user id and

    password in a textual form.

    C. PCCP Algorithm

    After the textual based login system, now the user

    entering to the PCCP algorithm step, here we use Image based

    passwords along with the textual password via cued click-

    points. During this phase user has to select how many click

    points needed to create the password which will show the

    strength of the password security. To improve the strength of

    the security in the graphical passwords the number of click-

    points in the image can be increased.

    Figure 6: PCCP Algorithm

    D. Automatic Turing Test

    The image appears after that enter the authentication code and click the upload button, by clicking on the correct

    pixel in the image the authentication code which we uploaded

    will be generated.

    Figure 7: Automatic Turing Test

    After that automated Turing Test (ATT) is performed on

    the authenticated code, if the user entered code and code generated during click-points in the image are compared. If

    the authentication code is same then system enters to the

    corresponding users page.

    E. White List

    With the use of the homomorphism vulnerability

    algorithm the frequent failed login attempts made by any

    system can be identified by their Id assigned using this

    algorithm. At last system maintains a white list in which the

    system which performed failed attempt frequently is listed and

    further access is denied for those ID for further attempt.


    A. Password Guessing Attack

    The brute force attack and dictionary attacks are most

    basic password guessing attack against PCCP. In Brute force

    attack the attacker tries all possible code, combination, or

    password to obtain the correct code by guessing, which is a

    time consuming attack. Brute force attacks are avoided by

    selecting complex password because it requires more time to

    hijack the password. Dictionary Attack: Used by the attacker

    to identify the users password by using dictionary of common


    B. Capture Attack

    By intercepting the data entered by the user, the attacker

    can directly obtain passwords or by tricking users to reveal

    their passwords. Key loggers can be prevented by using

    mouse rather than keyboard to enter graphical password using

    PGRP protocol.


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    ISSN: 2349 - 641X www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 6

    C. Hotspots

    The area which is chosen often by the user in an image as

    a part of password is referred to as Hotspots. In PCCP random

    view port for security enhancement is provided during

    password creation, which forces users not to select any

    Hotspots. . Random view ports guide the users to make things

    difficult for attackers, who can use common guessable

    selection within an image.

    D. Database Anonymity

    With the use of the homomorphism vulnerability

    algorithm the confidentiality information in the database is

    maintained by denying the access to the database by the

    unauthorized or third parties. The Id assigned to each node not

    known to other nodes in the network using this complex data

    can be shared effectively

    E. Outcome of the testing

    Expected outcome is to detect with less Attack load for

    detection and with more accuracy (less false positive and less

    false negative) while making the detection coverage high

    which makes the test effective.


    This paper explains some of the potential dangers that

    occur due to the presence of XSS attacks and the security

    problems in the web application. Among several injection

    attacks Cross site scripting has major impact on web

    applications. To test those threats many technologies are

    available which has some inefficiency. Therefore in this work

    we presented an efficient methodology to identify the

    vulnerabilities by monitoring the behavior of the model.

    The combination of persuasive cued click points & password guessing resistant protocol provide better results in

    authentication system. Here we provide only one image for

    the authentication purpose which is easier for the user to

    remember and also requires less time, but for the attackers it is

    very difficult to see at click point area in the image. PGRP is

    more restrictive against brute force and dictionary attacks.

    PGRP is apparently more effective in preventing password

    guessing attacks, it also provide most convenient login

    experience. In future we can add some empty click-points to

    confuse the attacker and also make double click on specific

    click points we can further improve the security.


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  • National Conference on Green Computing Trends in Information and Communication Technology (NCGCTICT-2015)

    ISSN: 2349 - 641X www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 7

    A Novel Method For Face Recognition Using Gabor


    R.Prema1, Dr. P.Shanmugapriya


    1Assistant Professor and Research Scholar , Department of CSE , SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram.,

    2Associate Professor and Head, Department of IT , SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram

    Abstract - Gabor wavelets (GWs) are commonly used for

    extracting features for various applications like object

    detection, recognition and tracking. This paper

    proposes and analyzes Gabor Wavelet and Eigenface

    method for face recognition.

    Index Terms Gabor wavelets , feature extraction, eigen face.


    Humans are very good at recognizing faces and complex patterns. Even a passage of time doesn't

    effect this capability and therefore it would help if

    computers become as robust as humans in face

    recognition. Face recognition system can help in

    many ways :

    1) Checking for criminal records .

    2) Enhancement of security by using

    surveillance cameras in conjunction with

    face recognition system.

    3) Finding lost children's by using the images received from the cameras fitted at

    some public places .

    4) Knowing in advance if some VIP is

    entering the hotel.

    5) Detection of a criminal at public place.

    6) Can be used in different areas of science

    for comparing a entity with a set of entities.

    7) Pattern Recognition.

    Currently there are a several methods to achieve face

    recognition. Among them we have the neural network

    approach, the statistical approach - primarily based on

    histograms, the multiresolutional approach, the

    information theory approach, and the eigenface


    We would be focusing on the Eigenface approach.

    This method was originally suggested by Alex P.

    Pentland and Matthew A. Turk from MIT in 1991.

    This method consist on weighting the difference

    between a given face image and a mean image, which

    is obtained by averaging a predefined set of faces.

    The training set is a group of face images from which

    the mean face is calculated. Face recognition takes

    place by linearly projecting the image to a low dimensional image space and weighting the

    difference with respect to a set of eigenvectors. If the

    difference (weight) is bellow certain threshold, the

    image is recognized as a known face; otherwise, the

    face can be classified as an unknown face, or not a

    face at all.

    Some of the limiting factors of this approach are the

    background, difference in illumination, imaged head

    size, and head orientation. To solve some of these

    problems we could identify the location of the head

    and zoom until we observe most of the face. We

    could also set the camera's lighting based on the time

    of the day.

    In this paper, we propose a eigen face approach

    with Gabor wavelet Transform (GWT) for feature extraction.

    This paper is organized as follows: Section II

    describes and Face Recognition system also describes

    and analyzes eigenface approach and Gabor wavelet

    Transform(GWT) . Section III shows results. The

    concluding remarks will be given in Section IV.


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    ISSN: 2349 - 641X www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 8


    A facial recognition system is a computer application

    for automatically identifying or verifying a person

    from a digital image or a video frame from a video source. One of the ways to do this is by comparing

    selected facial features from the image and a facial

    database. Although humans perform face

    recognition in an effortless manner, underlying

    computations within the human visual system are

    of tremendous complexity. The seemingly trivial

    task of finding and recognizing faces is the result

    of millions years of evolution and we are far away

    from fully understanding how the brain performs this

    task. Up to date, no complete solution has been

    proposed that allow the automatic recognition of

    faces in real images. In this section we will

    review the face recognition systems using Gabor

    Wavelet Transform (GWT).

    Fig.1 Flow chart of Feature Extraction Stages


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    ISSN: 2349 - 641X www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 9

    A. Gabor Wavelet Transform

    Gabor wavelets are widely used in

    image analysis and computer vision [8] .The

    Gabor wavelets transform provides an effective way to analyze images and has

    been elaborated as a frame for

    understanding the orientation and spatial

    frequency selective properties of simple

    cortical neurons. They seem to be a good

    approximation to the sensitivity profiles of

    neurons found in visual cortex of higher

    vertebrates. The important advantages are

    infinite smoothness and exponential decay

    in frequency. Let be the gray level distribution of the input image, Gabor

    wavelets transform on can be written as a convolution of with a family of kernels

    k :

    Where * denotes the convolution operator, and is the convolution result at k. The

    Gabor wavelets (kernels) take the form of

    a plane wave restricted by a Gaussian

    envelope function [9]

    vector enveloped by a Gaussian function,

    where s is the standard deviation of this


    B. Feature vector generation

    Feature vectors are generated at the

    feature points as a composition of Gabor

    wavelet transform coefficients. kth feature vector of ith reference face is defined as,


    While there are 40 Gabor filters, feature

    vectors have 42 components. The first two

    components represent the location of that

    feature point by storing (x, y) coordinates.

    Since we have no other information about

    the locations of the feature vectors, the first two components of feature vectors are very

    important during matching (comparison)

    process. The remaining 40 components are

    the samples of the Gabor filter responses at

    that point.

    Although one may use some edge

    information for feature point selection, here

    it is important to construct feature vectors as

    the coefficients of Gabor wavelet transform.

    Feature vectors, as the samples of Gabor

    wavelet transform at feature points, allow representing both the spatial frequency

    structure and spatial relations of the local

    image region around the corresponding

    feature point.

    By selecting different center

    frequencies and orientations, we can generate a

    family of GW kernels using (3), which is then used for feature extraction from images. Given

    a gray-level image I (x, y), the GW features are

    extracted by convolving I (x, y) with each of the GWs, as in (2).

    Fig.2 Facial feature points found as the high-

    energized points of Gabor wavelet responses

    The Convolution can be computed efficiently using FFT, then point-by-point multiplica-tions, and

    finally the inverse FFT (IFFT). By concatenating the convolution outputs, we can obtain a GW feature


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    C. Similarity Calculation

    In order to measure the similarity of two

    complex valued feature vectors, following similarity

    function is used which ignores the phase:

    vi, k (l) vt , j (l) (4)

    feature vector of ith reference face, (vi,k), where l is

    the number of vector elements.

    Proposed similarity measure between two vectors

    satisfies following constrains:

    0 < Si< 1,

    and if ith gallery face image is used also as the test


    Si ( j, j)< 1.

    The location information is not used for vector

    similarity calculation, but only the magnitudes of the

    wavelet coefficients are take place at (3). It must be

    clarified that the similarity function (3.8) is only one

    component of the proposed matching procedure .

    Location information of feature vectors will also be used during matching.

    Equation (3) is a very common similarity

    measure between feature vectors, containing Gabor

    wavelet transform coefficients [36], but sometimes

    we might have small variations [23, 27]. In [23]

    similarity function at (3) is used with complex

    valued coefficients and an additional phase

    compensating term. In the early experiments it is

    observed that small spatial displacements cause

    change in complex valued coefficients due to phase rotation. Then phase can either be ignored or

    compensated as in [23]. Although phase

    compensated similarity function is found to increase

    recognition performance significantly [23,27],

    similarity function without phase is chosen to avoid

    computational complexity.

    D. Face comparison

    After feature vectors are constructed from

    the test image, they are compared to the feature

    vectors of each reference image in the database. This

    comparison stage takes place in two steps. In the

    first step, we eliminate the feature vectors of the

    reference images which are not close enough to the feature vectors of the test image in terms of location

    and similarity. Only the feature vectors that fit the

    following two criterions are examined in the next



    where th1 is the approximate radius of the area that

    contains either eye, mouth or nose, (xr, yr) and (xt, yt)

    represents the location of a feature point on a

    reference face and test face respectively. Comparing

    the distances between the coordinates of the feature

    points simply avoids the matching of a feature point

    located around the eye with a point of a reference facial image that is located around the mouth. After

    such a localization, we may disregard the location

    information in the second step. Moreover here

    topology of face is also examined to use

    corresponding information at the final matching by

    only letting feature points that are match each other

    in a topological manner.

    Si(k,j)>th2, (6)

    Similarity of two feature vectors is greater than th2,

    where th2 is chosen as the standard deviation of

    similarities of all feature vectors in the reference gallery and the similarity of two vectors is computed

    by Equation (3).



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    In the following section, detailed information for

    those four face databases and their corresponding

    performance results for the proposed face

    recognition method are given with the comparisons

    with some major face recognition methods.

    (a) (b)

    Fig.3 Examples of different facial expressions of two people from Stirling database, a) gallery

    faces, b) probe faces.

    Table I: Recognition performances of eigenface, eigenhills and proposed method on the Purdue

    face database.

    Method Recognition rate (%)

    Eigenface [20] 82.3

    Eigenhills [31] 89.4

    Proposed face recognition 100.0

    method using GWT


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    This method compares faces in terms of mouth,

    nose and any other features rather than eyes. Moreover,

    having a simple matching procedure and low computational cost proposed method is faster than

    elastic graph matching methods. Proposed method is

    also robust to illumination changes as a property of

    Gabor wavelets, which is the main problem with the

    eigen face approaches. There is no training as in many

    supervised approaches, such as neural networks. A new

    facial image can also be simply added by attaching new

    feature vectors to reference gallery while such an

    operation might be quite time consuming for systems

    that need training.

    Although recognition performance of the

    proposed method is satisfactory by any means, it can

    further be improved with some small modifications

    and/or additional pre-processing of face images. Such

    improvements can be summarized as;

    Since feature points are found from the responses of image to Gabor filters separately, a set of weights

    can be assigned to these feature points by counting

    the total times of a feature point occurs at those


    A motion estimation stage using feature points

    followed by an affine transformation could be

    applied to minimize rotation effects.

    In this paper, a new approach to face

    recognition with Gabor wavelets is presented. The

    method uses Gabor wavelet transform for both finding

    feature points and extracting feature vectors.


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    [2] G. Davies, H. Ellis, and E. J. Shepherd, Perceiving and

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    [14] T. Kanade, Picture processing by computer complex and recognition of human faces. Technical report, Kyoto

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    [16] R. Brunelli, T. Poggio, Face Recognition: Features vs. Templates, IEEE Trans. on PAMI, Vol. 12, No. 1, Jan.


    [17] M. H. Yang, N. Ahuja, and D. Kriegman, A survey on face detection methods, IEEE Trans. On Pattern analysis

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    [18] S. Ranganath and K. Arun, Face Recognition Using

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    [19] S. Lawrence, C. Giles, A. Tsoi, and A. Back, Face Recognition: A Convolutional Neural Network Approach,

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    [20] M. Turk and A. Pentland. Eigenfaces for recognition. Journal of Cognitive Science, pp.71-86, 1991.

    [21] P. Belhumeur, J. Hespanha, and D. Kriegman, Eigenfaces vs. Fisherfaces: Recognition using class Specific linear

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    Face Recognition by Elastic Graph Matching, In

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    Mobile Cloud Computing for Face Recognition in Social

    Media and Future for Mobile apps

    P.Sriranjani, UG Scholar, Department of IT, Anna University, BIT Campus, Tiruchirappalli-620024,Tamil Nadu,India.


    In todays lifestyle social networking has become easily receive

    information about everyone in the world. In day-to-day life

    mobile apps and mobile devices are developing rapidly. In

    Android mobile devices we can detect person identity using

    cloud computing which utilized the Face.com API(application

    programming interface).The paper presents the face

    recognition,mobile application and approaches to overcome the

    challenges.we also applied Augmented Reality as an information

    viewer to user.The result of testing shows that the system is able

    to recognize face samples with the average percentage of 85%

    with the total computation time for the face recognition system

    reached 7.45 seconds,and the average augmented reality

    translation time is 1.03seconds to get someones information.


    Cloud Computing, Social Network, Face Recognition, Face

    Detection, Augmented Reality, Mobile Cloud Computing



    Cloud computing refers to the use of networked infrastructure software and capacity to provide resources to users in an on-demand environment. With cloud computing, information is stored in centralized servers and cached temporarily on clients that can include desktop computers, notebooks, handhelds and other devices. Cloud computing exists when tasks and data are kept on the Internet rather than on individual devices, providing on-demand access. Applications are run on a remote server and then sent to the user. Mobile cloud computing is the form of cloud computing in combination with mobile devices. Mobile devices are increasingly becoming an essential part of human life as the most effective and convenient communication tools which is not restricted by time and place. However, the mobile devices are facing many challenges in their resources (e.g., battery life, storage, and bandwidth) and communications (e.g., mobility and security). Currently, social networking has become a very popular media for

    many people . A lot of personal information can be obtained from

    this social network. Search for detailed-identity can be easily

    conducted through searching using the search engine sites or

    existing social networking website. However, this appears to be a

    less effective and the search must be performed in front of a

    computer or laptop. The development of mobile technologies such

    as smartphone and tablet allows a person to easily run a variety of

    multitasking activities including basic activities of the phones to

    run various applications such as email, multimedia, office

    T.Palaniyammal, UG Scholar, Department of IT, Anna University, BIT Campus, Tiruchirappalli-620024,Tamil Nadu,India.

    applications, etc. In addition, there are a variety of services on the

    internet which is integrate their services with social network

    Services. This condition was due to the current trend in it which is

    aimed the capability for sharing the core of social network. Today,

    most services on the internet must provide facilities for users to

    connect their services with a popular social network services,

    especially Facebook and Twitter. Start from this case, we designed

    a system that can connect a person with a variety of services

    through someones identity. Our proposed system uses a persons

    face as the primary identity. This is because in general, we know

    someone from his face. Our system has made facial identification

    to know the various

    social network and other internet activities followed by that person.

    By utilizing the camera system on mobile devices, system

    identification can be done by a person using face recognition

    system. One thing to be considered in the application of facial

    recognition systems is face recognition system requires high

    computation. In this case, the mobile devices has only limited

    resources and there is a problem in implementing face recognition

    application in mobile devices. The work of show the advantage of

    the computing process of facial recognition systems which is done

    outside the server (cloud computing). The implementation of cloud

    computing technology on mobile devices is aimed at creating

    effective computation on mobile devices for performing process of

    face recognition. In this work, the problem of interest is the design

    and implementation of face recognition module on mobile devices

    associated with the process of cloud computing. The design and

    implementation is done by making an application to perform face

    detection system on Android mobile device (onloading) including

    augmented reality module and performing face recognition module

    using clouds services. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW

    This section will describe the explanation of the face recognition

    system, cloud computing technology, Face.com API, and

    augmented reality concept.

    2.1. Face Recognition

    Face recognition system is a system that performs engineering

    method in an image to search for the identity or the information

    contained in an image. Facial recognition systems are generally

    divided into two stages . The first stage is the face detection

    module which is the early stage (pre-processing). Then, is followed

    by the facial recognition stage. Several techniques that can be used

    to detect face in an image are :

    a. Knowledge-based method

    b. Feature invariant approaches

    c. Template matching methods

    d. Appearance based methods

    Meanwhile, the face recognition system is a system designed on a

    computer. This system is created to help identifying a person's face

    through the image or digital video. One of the method commonly

    used in the face recognition system is a way to compare the facial

    feature of an image with a database of faces that have been taken

    earlier. This is shown in Figure 1, which describe the flow of the

    process official recognition


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    Figure 1 Face Recognition Workflow

    2.2. Cloud Computing Technology

    Cloud computing system is a combination of computer technology

    as a processor utilization and development of internet-based

    computing in which information technology-related capabilities

    provided as a service or on demand . One of the cloud computing

    service is Google App Engine (GAE). GAE is a Platform as a

    Services in cloud computing for building and hosting our web-

    based applications in Google data center . Applications will be

    built on a multiplevirtualized servers. Google App Engine provides

    an on-demand services, that the resource will be used according to

    the need of users. GAE has an automatic system to adjust resource

    for applications that are built to increase the existing demand.

    2.3. Face.com API

    Face.com is an Application Programming Interface (API) services

    for face recognition process. Face.com can be classified into PaaS

    cloud computing service . Face.com provides an API for

    developers to develop software that implement a face recognition

    function. The process of facial recognition with Face.com API as

    well as face recognition process in general. First, the user must

    perform training to the new faces. In this training process, there is

    a face detection stage and the result will be saved. Once the face

    has successfully trained, the face can be recognized by the system.

    2.4. Augmented Reality

    Augmented Reality has been there for a long time, but has been

    established as a research area in 1990s. There are many

    definitions of augmented reality, however the general assumption

    is that the augmented reality enables an enriched perspective by

    superimposing virtual objects on the real world in a way that

    persuades the viewer that the virtual object is a part of the real.

    Therefore, augmented reality is a crossover between the real and

    virtual world. Generally, augmented reality systems are divided

    into two types :

    a. Augmented reality based on marker.

    A method that utilizes an illustration of a black marker and a

    square-shaped anthers with a thick black border and white

    background. Through the position faced with a computer camera,

    the computer will make the process of creating 2D or 3D virtual


    b. Augmented reality without marker (markerless AR).

    AR method does not require a marker to show the elements of the

    virtual world when combined with a real-world environment. The

    use of the markerless method is commonly used for face tracking,

    object tracking and 3D motion tracking.

    Figure 2 Augmenting virtual object in the real world image

    Figure 2 depicted the process of combining real world and virtual

    object for marker based AR. Since the begining of Augmented

    Reality (AR) systems, the potential of collaborative AR was

    exploited for different activities such as in military, in football

    match or in the helmet of the pilot. They can see several pieces of

    information. Nowadays some elements of AR are used for mobile

    phone applications . By just pointing the camera to an object, we

    will immediately receive information about the object on the

    screen. In this paper, we implement augmented reality without

    marker on Android platform, but we use the face as a primary

    marker for augmented reality display.


    The system in this paper was designed to combine the computation

    which is run on mobile device and the advantage of cloud

    computing as explained . The computation on mobile device

    (onloading) will perform the face detection module and augmented

    reality to interact with the user. The other computation will run in

    the cloud server (offloading) using Google App Engine (GAE) dan

    Face.com service. Actually, the system in this paper was design in

    three main modules including face detection on Android mobile

    device, face recognition on cloud server using GAE and Face.com

    API, and augmented reality as a result of a face recognition module

    on mobile device. The overall system design is shown in Figure 3.

    Figure 3 Block Diagram of System

    Firstly, the system will perform a face detection through mobile

    device (onloading). The face detection itself, will use native API

    from Android called Android Face Detector API that detect face

    from a bitmap. Then, the application on mobile device will make

    the process of video stream which is directed to the face object

    based on the operations selected by the user. After face detected,

    mobile device will crop the image only on the face aspect as

    described in Figure 4. The algorithm for cropping the face image is

    as follows : Get the mid points of all the faces in the image, the

    confidence value should be higher than 0.4 ; Calculate a rectangle

    around the face which is about the dimensions as shown in Figure

    4, the distance between the eyes is A ; Then, crop the image from

    the coordinates that have just been calculated. After that, the

    results of the face detection will be processed for the offloading of

    the face recognition process to the cloud server by REST


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    communication in the data network. Figure 5 shows the sequence

    diagram of this system.

    Figure 4 Illustration of Cropping Face Image

    Figure 5 Sequence Diagram of System

    The next step for this system is to perform face recognition module

    on the cloud server. Figure 6 shows the block diagram of the face

    recognition module. There are two Python scripts in the face

    recognition module. Main.py is a script which has a function as a

    connector with Android devices and also for Blobstore services

    caller. Face_client.py is a script which has a function as an API

    caller to the Face.com server. When the cloud server got the image,

    the face image will be proceed to know the identity of the face

    image. After the cloud server recognized the face image, it will

    return the result to the mobile device with json response which

    include, personal identity of the person. Then, mobile device will

    decode the json response and show the result as an augmented



    There are three main modules which has been tested from this

    work i.e face detection module, face recognition module, and

    augmented reality module. The result and analysis will be

    described in the following sub-sections.

    4.1. Face Detection

    Face detection module in the mobile device is the first stage in the

    main functionality of this face recognition application. The process

    of face detection module work as a process of onloading that run

    individually on the mobile device. The technical testing done in

    this module consists of testing the camera resolution variations.

    Testing of the variation is done by varying resolutions camera

    ranging from low to high. The results of these variations in the

    resolution of the camera that would be material to know the time

    required to perform the face detection process in an image. Tests

    conducted in the face detection module will be performed 10 times

    for each condition of the camera resolution. The result of this

    testing will be shown in Figure 7 that also implemented augmented

    reality concept.

    Figure 7 The Results of Face Detection Using Augmented Reality


    The test results of face detection system for mobile devices are

    implemented in two type that used low class (Galaxy GT S5570)

    with a 600 MHz CPU specs, 384 Mb RAM, and quality of 3.15

    megapixel camera and middle class (W I8150 Galaxy) which has

    the specification of 1.4 GHz CPU, 512 Mb RAM, and quality 5

    megapixel camera. When the testing process, it was found that the

    working time of a face detection system in mobile devices

    experience the difference in each variation of the camera

    resolution. This is because the amount of work is a growing field

    that is marked with greater resolution. When using a resolution of

    240x160 pixels, the system can recognize the presence or absence

    of the face with an average time of 0.46 seconds. When the

    resolution was increased to 320x240 pixels, face detection system

    in mobile devices requires a longer working time. Greater use of

    the resolution would affect the long absence of the processing time

    of the face detection system. The processor speed also affect the

    working of the face detection system on mobile devices. The

    difference can clearly be seen in Figure 8.

    Figure 8 Face Detection System With Variation of the Camera


    4.2. Face Recognition

    The results of the face recognition that has been built will be

    discussed in this chapter as shown in Figure 9. This test aimed at

    obtaining an analysis of the level of success in the system to

    perform its function. The number of face data used in this test is 50

    faces, with details of three men and two women with 10 face each

    data. Examples of faces used in this testing are presented in Table

    1. In the tests performed with the variation of the number of

    training data, we obtained the results as shown in Table 2. Table 1

    Face Samples

    Face Object Object 1 Object 2 Object 3 Object 4 Object 5

    Face Image


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    Figure 9 Result of Recognition Process on GAE

    Figure 10 shows the effect of the number of training data on the

    level of face recognition of our system. X-axis show the number of

    training data, while the Y axis expresses the degree of face

    recognition. With the number of training data is only one piece, the

    recognition rate remains low at 20%. Along with the increasing

    number of the training data, it increased the level of recognition.

    When the training data of five pieces, the recognition rate reached

    the average of 100% from 10 trials. Figure 11 shows the effect of

    the number of data training to the result of error rates.

    Table 2 Test Result with Variation of the Number of the Training


    In contrast to the recognition rate, error rate is obtained from the

    variation of the number of training data which has a quite different

    value. With only single training data, the error rate is obtained at a

    value of 33%. The error values continue to decrease until the

    training data is 4, with a value of 28% error. But when the number

    of training data continues to be increased, the error rate to be

    increase to 31.2%. After that the error will be returned to the

    stability value of 30.2%. The differences in the recognition rate

    and error rate, indicated that the number of training data affects the

    value of recognition and error rate. When there are only few

    training data, the learning system of the face will low. The more

    training data, the better learning system.

    Figure 10 The Effect of Total Training Data for Face Recognition


    Figure 11 The Effect of Total Training Data for Face Recognition

    Error Rate

    4.3 Augmented Reality

    This section we discuss the result of testing and analysis of our

    system. The systems has been successfully developed on android

    devices. The functionality of the whole system has been working

    well. We tested to find out the weakness and error. Testing was

    intended the system to find out the translation time of augmented

    reality. Tests performed on normal lighting conditions using ten

    samples and performed on the front face recognition process as

    many as 10 attempts for each face with different expression. It is

    intended to maximize the face recognition results obtained and to

    get more detailed information on the face intended to be

    recognized. The average time to test the result of the translation is

    shown in Figure 12.

    Figure 12 Average Translation Time

    Based on the translation of the image obtained from 9 information

    access, information that contains the complete data about the

    owner of the familiar faces are much slower compared with an

    access permission to display bio information. In displaying

    detailed information the translation

    time lasts for 1.03 seconds, while the bio-data to show the

    translation time is 0.69 seconds. This happens because the system


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    works by making the initial approach of face detection and face

    recognition. Condition that occurs when the test was to ignore the

    value of face recognition are issued either agree or disagree with

    the input face image. Determination of the face affects the process

    of facial recognition as the face detection results will serve as the

    primary marker in our recognition. If there are objects that are

    blocking the area of the face like a scarf or hair covering the

    forehead, the face recognition algorithm will not deliver good

    result as the translation was not the same for each time. The result

    of translation that interact with social media is shown in Figure

    Figure 13 Illustration of Social Media Interaction

    In addition to the effect caused by the recognition process, it

    should be noted that the information will be displayed in the

    different request. Plain text files take longer to be parsed and

    translated. JSON translation to spend a long time, to exchange data

    with complete information requests because of size issue. JSON

    object with complete information has a size greater than JSON

    with a little information. The different is around a hundred bytes.

    This impact on the variation of translation time.

    4.4 Total Computation Time

    This section explains the testing result of all modules that

    implemented on mobile devices. This section discussed about the

    computing process which was done on the face detection module

    and the face recognition module. Computational processes that

    occur in the face recognition systems shows the effectiveness of

    the, especially when integrated with cloud computing technology.

    The application of cloud computing technology to make the

    process of offloading can be used to save energy. Here is an

    overall result of the computation process of facial recognition

    systems on mobile devices as shown in Table 3. Table 3

    Description of Computational Time for Face Recognition System



    Figure 14 Total Computation Time for Different Device

    Figure 14 shows that the computation to perform the face detection

    process (onloading) require a faster time on all types of mobile

    devices. This differs from the process of offloading that requires a

    longer computation time. This is due to the process of offloading

    the server cloud computing requires high computation and the

    process of sending the result of face recognition which is also

    highly dependent on network connectivity. However, the overall

    process of face recognition is implemented on mobile device

    which indicate the results are not so bad. The process of visual

    tracking or face detection process that has been tested run well and

    indicates the system works in real-time.

    5.Advantages of Mobile Cloud Computing

    and anytime.

    location, context, and requested services to improve user


    sing, and power

    resources which are advantageous.

    Computing such as solving the problem of WAN latencies by

    using cloudlet.

    Weiguang Song summarize the core concepts of Mobile Cloud

    Computing [MCC] by developing a basic idea model of Mobile

    Cloud Computing. Major problems faced by MCC are discussed

    such as stability of wireless connectivity, tackling the unnecessary

    battery usage etc. Also, few possible solutions are suggested.

    Qureshi discusses about the mobile cloud computing technology

    and proposes the implementation methods for Mobile Cloud

    Computing solutions such as General Purpose Mobile Cloud

    Computing (GPMCC) and Application Specific Mobile Cloud

    Computing (ASMCC). Certain barriers such as network

    availability and bandwidth are focused. Two aspects of security

    issues such as mobile device security and cloud security are

    addressed. Le Guan addresses the challenges in Mobile Cloud

    Computing design such as network latency, limited bandwidth and

    availability. In order to analyze Mobile Cloud Computing

    technology, a concept model is proposed which includes context

    management, resource scheduling, client and transmission channel.

    A Cloud architecture of Mobile Cloud Computing is described for

    organization of Mobile Cloud Computing systems. Application

    partition and offloading and various context aware services are

    explained briefly. Dejan addresses several mobile cloud

    approaches. An overview of various possibilities of Mobile Cloud

    Computing is given. Native and web applications are too extremes

    of mobile applications. The cost model of elastic mobile cloud

    applications is described. Han qi discuss Mobile cloud computing

    (MCC) as a development and extension of mobile computing (MC)

    and cloud computing (CC) which has inherited high mobility and

    scalability. The proposed system in the paper explains the principle

    of MCC, characteristics, recent research work, and future research

    trends. Proposed system analyzes the features and infrastructure of

    mobile cloud computing and also analyzes the challenges of

    mobile cloud computing. Ashwin focuses on the capabilities of the

    mobile and cloud landscape. New class of applications called

    Cloud Mobile Hybrid [CMH] applications and a Domain Specific

    Language [DSL] are defined. The proposed system define Cloud-

    mobile hybrid as a collection of application that has a Cloud based

    back-end and a mobile device front-end. Using a single DSL script,

    proposed system is capable of generating a variety of CMH

    applications. These applications are composed of multiple

    combinations of native Cloud and mobile applications. The

    proposed system also reduces the complexities of the platform.

    Dejan discuss about the mobile communities which introduce new

    requirements compared to traditional online web communities. On

    the other hand, cloud computing is emerging as computing concept

    that gives the computational resources on demand and abstraction

    of technical details from the clients. The paper proposes Mobile

    Community Cloud Platform (MCCP) as a cloud computing system

    that can influence the full potential of mobile community growth.


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    ISSN: 2349 - 641X www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 18

    An analysis of the core requirements of common mobile

    communities is provided. The paper presents the design of cloud

    computing architecture that supports building and evolving of

    mobile communities. Harshit presents a middleware for

    distributing computation over mobile ad-hoc networks. Mobile

    adhoc is used as an alternative for cloud in its absence. Synergy is

    mainly used for energy conservation when the cloud is not

    available, the battery life of mobile devices becomes dead hence

    mobile ad-hoc is used as an alternative. The proposed system has

    two applications such as prototype implementation of Synergy and

    integrates OpenCV with it. Al though this is not stronger than

    clouds, this must co-exist to improve the mobile computing

    accessibility. Vinod discuss about the cloud computing which

    enables the work anywhere anytime by allowing application

    execution and data storage on remote servers. This is useful for

    mobile computing and communication devices that are constrained

    in terms of computation power and storage. The goal of the paper

    is to characterize under what scenarios cloud-based applications

    would be relatively more energy-efficient for users of mobile

    devices. Hung analyzes the performance of many mobile

    applications which are weak due to lack of computation resources,

    storage, and bandwidth and battery capacity. To overcome this,

    application is rebuilt using the cloud services. The proposed

    system explains a framework to execute the mobile application in

    cloud based virtualized environment with encryption, and isolation

    to protect against unauthenticated cloud providers. Results show

    the execution of mobile application by offloading the workload

    with efficient application level migration method via mobile

    networks. The migration of application form one device to another

    is easy and quick in the proposed system. Ricky builds an elastic

    mobile cloud computing infrastructure by introducing eXCloud

    system. eXCloud is a middleware system which allows resources

    to be integrated and used dynamically. In eXCloud, a Stack-on-

    Demand (SOD) approach is used to support computation mobility

    in the mobile cloud environment. The proposed system evaluation

    shows that stack-on-demand model enhances state of the art by

    increasing the computation and reducing migration overhead and

    latency. Ricky discuss that mobile cloud computing allows mobile

    applications to use the large resources in the clouds. In order to

    utilize the resources, migration of the computation among mobile

    nodes and cloud nodes is necessary. Therefore, a highly portable

    and transparent migration approach is needed. The paper uses a

    Java byte code transformation technique for task migration without

    effecting normal execution. Asynchronous migration technique is

    used to allow migrations to take place virtually anywhere in the

    user codes. The proposed Twin Method Hierarchy minimizes the

    overhead from state-restoration codes in normal execution. Milos

    discusses the Biometric applications such as fingerprint

    identification, face, or iris scanning. These applications actually

    work in a laboratory setting where the client computer has

    unlimited access to the throughput and computational resources of

    the network. The problem focused here is on the battery power of

    the device and the throughput of the communication channel of the

    client node to the cloud. The paper explains the mobile cloud

    computing technique for biometric applications such as fingerprint

    identification, face recognition and iris recognition. Debessay

    analyzes and studies the impact of cloudlets in interactive mobile

    cloud applications. In order to study the impact, cloudlet network

    and service architecture is proposed. This architecture focuses on

    file editing, video streaming, and collaborative chatting. The

    performance gains with the usage of clouds are shown by

    simulation results. NKosi discusses mobile devices which are used

    in Health information delivery access and communication

    challenges like power, bandwidth, and security. The proposed

    system explains how cloud computing can be used in mobile

    devices to provide sensor signals processing and security. The

    system described in the proposed system uses an NGN/IMS system

    with cloud computing to reduce the burden of organizing and also

    for improving the functions of existing mobile health monitoring

    systems. The interaction between health service provider, IMS

    network operator and cloud computing service providers should be

    regulated so that identity management and security verification is

    performed. Saeid describes the reviewed and synthesized

    smartphone augmentation approaches. Generating high-end

    hardware is more expensive, energy consuming and time-

    consuming. Conserving local resources through Cyber Foraging

    and Fidelity Adaptation are feasible and widely acceptable

    approaches but they lack in providing data security. Reducing

    resource requirements is achieved through cloud computing and

    mashup technology. Peng propose a framework of Operational

    Command Training Simulation System based on mobile cloud

    computing. The system combines cloud computing and mobile

    computing, which includes infrastructure, platform, support,

    application and middleware layer. The detail design of middleware

    layer has been explained in the paper. The problem of the mobile

    terminal with limited resources has been solved, and the

    distribution and interoperability of simulation systems were

    enhanced. Yan Gu focuses on the fundamental issue in the mobile

    application platform which is the deployment decision for

    individual tasks when the battery life of the mobile device is a

    major concern for the mobile users experience. The proposed

    system explains the deployment scheme to offload expensive

    computational tasks from thin, mobile devices to powered,

    powerful devices on the cloud. The proposed system is

    implemented and various experiments on the Android devices for

    individual components. Chun discuss about the mobile applications

    which are providing functionality on mobile devices. Also, mobile

    devices provide strong connectivity with more powerful machines

    ranging from laptops and desktops to commercial clouds. The

    proposed system in the paper presents the design and

    implementation of CloneCloud. CloneCloud is a system that

    automatically transforms mobile applications to get benefit from

    the cloud. CloneCloud uses a combination of static analysis and

    dynamic profiling to automatically partition an application. Keerthi

    discusses the services provided on the mobile devices which are

    increasing day by day. One of the important services among them

    is the Location Based Service (LBS). LBS depend on the

    geographical position of the user to provide services to the end

    users. A mobile device lacks in providing resources. Mobile device

    should get resources from an external source, such as cloud

    computing platforms. The main goal of the proposed system is to

    provide dynamic location-based service. Srinivasa makes a

    comparison on various existing web based operating systems. An

    overview about proposed system is given along with the

    architecture. Proposed platform is created by MeghaOS cloud

    architecture and web browser which serves as both application

    server and end user. MeghaOS offers services such as Account

    manager, File manager, Message exchange etc. Many optimization

    approaches are described. Chit propose a Mobile Computing

    Applications Platform [MCAP] which is a cloud-enabled platform

    for defining, developing, and deploying applications on smart

    phones, tablets, and in-vehicle computers. Core services provide

    support for location, user profile, notification, authentication,

    content management, and device management. COTS technologies

    for mobile computing and wireless networking are used to create a

    low-cost and sustainable program. Yu-Jia proposes a secure frame-

    work where the location information of mobile terminals is used in

    a cloud computing environment. Various cloud capabilities have

    made many application providers start migrating the data stored in

    original databases to outsourced databases. The paper gives the

    security model for location-based services and explains the use of

    distributed storage and International Mobile Subscriber Identity

    (IMSI) as user identification to secure the location data. An

    enhanced privacy and authentication mechanism for the security

    framework is also proposed.


    In this work, we implemented a real-time image processing

    application especially the face recognition system and user

    interface on Android mobile device. We also created augmented

    reality application on this project to provide information about the

    recognizable faces viewed by the user. The result of testing

    indicates that face recognition rate reached the average percentage


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    ISSN: 2349 - 641X www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 19

    of 85%. The use of face recognition system based on Augmented

    Reality provides an attractive interface for the user. From the test

    results, the translation time is 1.03 seconds to show the augmented

    reality. This paper surveys the challenges, scope, approaches and solutions in the area of Mobile Cloud Computing. The paper focusses on Energy conservation in mobile devices, migration issues, application development platforms and the various mobile cloud computing applications. Face recognition system has been implemented using cloud computing technology (offloading

    process) that uses REST to the cloud server communications which

    are quite satisfactory with a fairly accurate result. However, the

    overall system do not represent a real time system because 7

    seconds is too long. For future development, the application of

    cloud computing technology can be considered as an alternative to

    save on computing in mobile devices along with its development is

    quite extensive. So, the future, this system should be capable of

    being a face recognition system in a real time as the development

    of the communications network in providing a faster access.


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