Effective Selling Skills One Day Revision Draft[1]

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Effective Selling Skills One Day Revision Draft[1]

  • 8/3/2019 Effective Selling Skills One Day Revision Draft[1]


  • 8/3/2019 Effective Selling Skills One Day Revision Draft[1]


    Effective Selling


  • 8/3/2019 Effective Selling Skills One Day Revision Draft[1]


    Programme Aims

    To Understand the concept of selling and who the salesperson is.

    To understand the characterisitics of the effective sellsperson.

    Understanding the importance of effective customer

    serviceAbility to identify the customer needs and preferences

    Identify criteria for making on target recommendation.

    Knowing how to effectively manage the selling process

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    What are we going to cover?

    Definition of selling.

    Characteristics of an effective sales person

    Communication skills for effective selling

    The Retail Selling ModelHow to Make On- Target recommendation to clients

    How to Handle Customer Resistance

    Techniques used in Closing a sales pitch

    Value Added SellingThe power of Follow-up

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    What is Selling?

    Module one

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    What is Selling?

    Definition of a sale:

    Giving money in return for a commodity

    Selling is finding out what the client wants and

    helping them to get itSelling is the ability to congruently influencesomeone

    Sales Person:

    Person employed to do this

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    The Effective Sales PersonThe Effective Sales Person



    Well presented

    People skills

    Communication skills

    Presentation skills

    Knows market

    Excellent product knowledge

    Follow up

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    The Retail Selling ModelThe Retail Selling Model

    Greet the customer

    Establish Rapport and Trust




    Overcome sales objections

    Close saleSell up

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    Customer Service

    Module Two

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    How do you Greet the customer ?How do you Greet the customer ?

    Put a smile on your face Friendly

    Use Sir/ Madam as may be

    appropriateAsk for customers name People skills

    Avoid religious or tribal greetings

    except if the customer relates to you

    that way.

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    Customer Service Tips

    Always acknowledge waiting customers

    Be polite , Smile

    Listen to the customers

    Jot down important points e.g Nokia Budget=N=20,000.00 Dont argue with the customer

    Dont hide behind company polices when youcannot solve a customers problems.

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    What is Communication?

    Module Three

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    What is Communication?

    Communication is the act of passing across a

    message from one person to the other.

    Communication can be broadly categorized intotwo groups

    Verbal Communication

    Non Verbal Communication

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    Communication Skills Contd

    Verbal SkillsVerbal Skills

    Speaking Questioning

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    Communication Skills Contd

    Non- VerbalNon- Verbal


    Body Language


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    Verbal Communication

    Module Four

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    The 5 Rules of Verbal


    Ensure good vocal delivery

    Use descriptive language

    Use Short Sentences

    Avoid Jargons

    Avoid tag lines such as I guess, I hope, sort

    of etc

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    Ingredients for good Vocal deliveryIngredients for good Vocal delivery






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    How to identify Customers NeedsHow to identify Customers Needs

    A need could be defined as :

    A set of wants

    A state of deprivation or lack

    In order to ensure customer satisfaction, it is

    imperative that we understand what needs they have .

    A customers needs can be discovered by simply

    asking QUESTIONS!

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    Use of Questions

    Questioning Skills are import in the retail environment

    for the following reason:

    Why do we ask questions?

    It helps us get information from the customer

    Helps to know if the customer is following the

    train of thoughts / ideas being presentedHelps to establish the need of the customer

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    Customers Needs ContdCustomers Needs Contd

    The types of questioning techniques would include:

    Open ended questions

    Close ended questionsReflective questions- seek to evoke thethought on the part of the customer.

    Leading question- seeks to guild the customer

    in a particular directionNB Confirm by Restating or repeating

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    Non VerbalCommunication

    Module Five

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    Listening to customers when they talk shows the





    RespectHelps build rapport

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    Types Of ListeningTypes Of Listening

    Types of listeningTypes of listening

    Passive Listening

    Intermediate Passive


    Active Listening

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    Passive Listening

    Characteristics of Passive listening includes

    Lack of attention

    Inability to process both verbal and non-verbalmessages

    This type of listening is usually characterized by

    this phrase

    OOPS I Didnt catch What you Just Said!

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    Intermediate Passive Listening

    This type of listening is characterized by the


    Listeners inability to process what is heard intousual information.

    Fading in and out of a conversation

    Getting fixed on an idea

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    ActiveActive Listening

    This is the ideal state of listening skill that should be

    attained. This is usual characterized by the following:

    Conscious awareness of the conversation

    The ability to internalize information

    Creating conceptual ideas in the mind which

    would aid understanding

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    Ways To Improve YourWays To Improve Your

    Active Listening Skill levelActive Listening Skill level

    Block out all conflicting thoughts

    Stop talking both verbally and in in your head

    Jot down points, without jotting down, usually80% of the information given may be lost!

    Avoid bias/ prejudgment

    Concentrate on the conversation/ focusMake a conscious effort to listen!

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    Body Language

    Apart from communicating verbally, our non-verbal

    message( body language) is also a very important part

    of the communication process.

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    Body Language ContdBody Language Contd

    In body language the most import parts to

    observe includes:

    Eyes an Brow

    Facial Gestures

    Torso and arm Behavior

    Leg Activity

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    Eye And Brow MovementEye And Brow Movement

    Positive Behavior

    Direct Eye Contact

    Smiling Eyes

    Relaxed Brow

    Negative Behavior

    Limited or no eye contact

    Tension in brow

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    Facial GesturesFacial Gestures

    The most important facial gesture we need to take not

    of is the mouth

    Positive Behavior

    Upward turn in the corner of the

    Downward turn , tightly held lips

    Negative Behavior

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    Arm and Torso MovementArm and Torso MovementThe third important in understanding body language is

    reading arm and torso movement.

    Positive Behavior

    Leaning forward

    Still- interested in what you are saying thananything else

    Mirroring you

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    Negative Behavior

    Rigid body postureCrossed arms

    Tapping fingers

    Fidgeting with hands or objects

    Arm and Torso MovementArm and Torso Movement


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    Leg Activity

    Positive Leg Activity

    Negative Behavior


    Fidgety leg movement

    Legs crossed pointing away from you

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    Making on Target


    tionsModule Six

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    How to make on target

    recommendationAfter identifying the customers needs , it is also

    necessary to recommend the right products or

    service to the customer.

    Tools to making the right Recommendation.

    Identify the customers need

    Know your customer( budget etc)

    Listen/ ask questions

    Know your Products and services

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    Role of Product Knowledge In

    SellingIdentify and know the features/ functions ofeach product

    Know the price for as many products aspossible

    Know how to demonstrate the features of thephones etc you have on sale.

    Identify what benefits the subscriber stands togain by buying particular products

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    Handling Objections

    Module Eight

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    Handling Customer Resistance.Handling Customer Resistance.

    A simple rule for overcoming objections to making a sale

    is the LPRC approach

    L- Listen

    P- Probe

    R- Restate benefits

    C- confirm if objections has been overcome

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    How to Close A Sale

    Module Nine

  • 8/3/2019 Effective Selling Skills One Day Revision Draft[1]


    Closing A Sale

    A close is a statement or statements that leads to a

    customer saying yes or no to a commitment.

    Types of Closing Techniques

    Assumption close - May I take your order close

    Invitation close Why dont you give it a try

    IInducement close- discount, promo, value added


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    Closing Sales ContdSSummary close- restate benefits and highlights of

    customers agreements.

    Indirect close e.g Would you like to take it with the

    carrying case?

    Alternative Choice Close closing by asking which ofthe items they would like to purchase. E.g would you like

    to buy the red or blue

    Reverse close- asking why the customer would not buy

    from you.

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    Selling up

    Module Ten

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    Selling up

    Selling up implies

    what else can I add to the customers shopping


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    Work PreparationModule Eleven

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    Work Preparation for the Sales


    Drop all emotional and psychological baggage!

    Ensure that you look prim and proper( your nice

    appearance also raises your self esteem !Make sure sales environment is clean

    Get stationary within reach

    Log on to all relevant systems

    Sell, sell ,sell !!!!!!!!!!!

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