Effective Networking

Post on 17-May-2015

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Transcript of Effective Networking

Welcome to Woods Chapel Crossroads Career Network!

Get Back in the Dating Pool

“Rules” for finding a “mate”

Rule #1 - Be Patient

• Marriage isn’t imminent after a first date. Don’t assume that a networking contact will lead to a business deal.

• This is an opportunity to get to know one another, find common ground. What can you bring to the table that is of value to your potential “mate”?

Rule #2

Accept there will be “Frogs” along the way.

• In the dating world you’ll run into a lot more people that are not a great match than are, the same rules apply to networking. Accept this.

• Businesses don’t market to everyone for a reason. It’s ok not to network with people who you can’t share mutually beneficial needs and resources.

Rule #3

Ask about the Other Person

“There’s no sweeter sound than the sound of one’s own voice” Dale Carnegie

• What was your worst date? Did the other person dominate the conversation?

• The other person doesn’t care as much about your situation as you do. Yet. Give the other person time to talk. And LISTEN

Rule #4

Follow Up

• How much time do you spend talking to a new girl/boyfriend on the phone when you first start dating?

• In business it’s easier, send an email or hand-written note. A quick call to say thanks or follow up on any open issues discussed.

• Look for ways to help the other person.

Why should I be networking?Networking is the single most valuable thing you can do

with your time. • Build new relationships that will stay with you for the rest of your


• Learn more about your profession, industry and community.

• Protect yourself from becoming out-of-touch with the professional world.

• It will put you in front of people who have leads on jobs that haven't been published yet (the hidden job market).

Through active networking, you could be the only candidate who is considered for that great job. Why? Because you got there first.

Things to Keep in Mind when Networking

Change your mind about why you’re networking.

Don’t expect to get a job or even get help finding a job. This is a chance to learn from someone else, tell your story and determine if your talents might benefit the other party. Take each meeting as it comes, sometimes you’ll have high expectations and it will turn out to be a dud meeting. Sometimes the long shot will be a goldmine.

Be Confident.

Don’t be the person that wants to stay at home on the computer in their PJs waiting for the phone to ring. Be at the top of your professional game with plenty to offer and a wealth of experience to draw from.

Don’t be embarrassed or timid about being unemployed. People expect to hear from you. They want to help.

NO “Informational Interviewing”!The term “interview” sets an expectation with the other party that they are

now somehow obligated to assist you with a job at their employer.

“Bob told me that you’re the expert and I would love to pick your brain. Can I treat you to a cup of coffee?”

• Focus your meeting on the positive. If your story includes “and then they laid me off” you need to re-think your approach.

• Make it more about them than about you.

• Focus your time talking about accomplishments and times when people noticed your potential throughout your career. Its time to be a STAR.

Just like a lot of really great people these days I’ve found myself looking forward to new challenges & opportunities...

Other “One-to-One” TipsHave an Agenda: You’ll want to start with some small talk, but you called the meeting so you’ll want to have a plan on where you’re taking it.

Respect their Time: You should be able to get where you need to go in 30 minutes or less. Only deviate from that plan if the other person is strongly engaged in the conversation

Keep Your Calendar Full: No networking meeting should ever be the last networking meeting you have scheduled. Always do your best to have something else lined up. No one wants to be anyone's last, best hope.

10 Tips for Successful Group Networking

1. Keep in mind that networking is about being genuine and authentic. You are there to build relationships, and see how you can help others in the group.

2. Ask yourself what your goals are in participating in networking meetings. Pick groups that will help you get what you are looking for. Some meetings are focused purely on making business contacts, some strictly on education, and some are purely social.

3. Visit as many groups as possible that spark your interest. Notice the tone and attitude of the group. Do the people sound supportive of one another? Does the leadership appear competent?

10 Tips for Successful Group Networking

4. Hold volunteer positions in organizations. This is a great way to stay visible and give back to groups that have helped you.

5. Ask open-ended questions in networking conversations. This means questions that ask who, what, where, and when. This form of questioning opens up the discussion and shows listeners that you are interested in them.

6. Become known as a powerful resource for others. When you are known as a strong resource, people remember to turn to you for suggestions, ideas, names of other people, etc. This keeps you visible to them.

10 Tips for Successful Group Networking

7. Have a clear understanding of what you do, why you do it, and how it benefits others. In order to get referrals, you must first have a clear understanding of what you do that you can easily articulate to others.

8. Be able to articulate how others may help you if asked. Too often people in conversations ask, "How may I help you?" and no immediate answer comes to mind.

9. Follow through quickly and efficiently on referrals you are given. When people give you referrals, your actions are a reflection on them. Respect and honor that and your referrals will grow.

10. Call those you meet who may benefit from what you do and vice versa. Express that you enjoyed meeting them, and ask if you could get together and share ideas.

Top 10 Ways to Maximize Your Networking Approachability

1. Be Ready to Engage - When you arrive at a meeting, event, party or anywhere in which many conversations will take place, prepare yourself. Be “ready to engage” with conversation topics, questions and stories in the back of your mind ready to go as soon as you meet someone. This will help you avoid those awkward “How’s the weather” type of discussions.

2. Common Points of Interest - Discover common interests as soon as possible as you meet new people, or even talk with those you already know. It connects people to you. They will feel more comfortable talking to you. Ask questions that begin with “What’s your favorite…” “Tell me the best…” or “When was the last time…”

Top 10 Ways to Maximize Your Networking Approachability

3. Answer “Fruitless Questions” with Flair

• How’s it going? - “Fine” (now what?)

• How about “if I was any better I’d be twins”, “AMAZING!”, “on top of the world!”, or even “I’m ready to rock!”.

Most of the time your conversation partner will smile and initiate a conversation. Why? Because nobody expects anything other than “fine”.

4. Don’t Cross Your Arms - Even if it’s cold, if you’re bored, if you’re tired and don’t want to be there – don’t cross your arms. It’s a simple, subconscious non-verbal cue that hinders approachability.

Top 10 Ways to Maximize Your Networking Approachability

5. Don’t Assume - How many times have you uttered one of the following sentences and stuck your foot in your mouth?

• You must be new here.– Just because you’ve never seen someone before doesn’t mean they’re new.

• How’s work going? – Not everyone at a networking meeting has a job

• Do you remember me? – Not everyone you remember remembers you.

Use phrases that allow the other person to offer you’re the information you need to know.

• “I’m not sure we’ve met before” • “How is your week going?” • “I’m Dave, didn’t we meet last month at the Chamber meeting?”

Top 10 Ways to Maximize Your Networking Approachability

6. Options for Communication - Your friends, colleagues, customers and coworkers will choose to communicate with you in different ways. (face to face, phone calls, emails, and text are the most popular)

Make all communication options available on your business cards, email signatures, websites or marketing materials, let people know that can get in touch with you in whatever manner they choose.

7. Email Signature - Customize your email signature. There's nothing more frustrating than receiving an email from someone who wants to talk further, get together or have you send them something that doesn't have any personal information in the email.

Top 10 Ways to Maximize Your Networking Approachability

8. No Fear - The more often you you start conversations, the better you will become at it. So, be the first to introduce yourself or say hello. When you take an active instead of a passive role, your skills will develop and there will be less of a chance for rejection. Also understand the gains vs. losses.

9. Always Have Business Cards – the time and place for networking is ANYTIME and ANYPLACE. Always have a business card on you.

10. Wear a Nametag

Nametags look silly. Yes they do, but look around you.But I already know everybody. No you don’t.Everybody already knows me. No they don’t.

Check your Attitude• Watch out for negative self-talk• Always Be Positive!• Have sincere interest in the other person

and/or their organization• Know what you have to offer and give it


Redefine how you interact with “strangers”

• Take the initiative to approach others, introduce yourself, and share a piece of information that could reveal the common point of interest.

• During conversations, listen carefully to discover shared interests or goals.

• Use your shared background or interests as the basis for sustaining conversations.

Prepare and practice your introduction.

• This is not the time for your 30 second commercial.

• Hi, my name is Dave and I’m “That Job Guy”. I’m here to help people find jobs.

• What you say should be clear, interesting, and well delivered and will depend on the nature of the event.

Risk rejection - it's not the end of the world.

Some individuals may not respond to your introduction in the way you would like. If that takes place, don't take it personally and just move on. As long as you maintain an outgoing and friendly attitude, you can plan for continued networking success by:

• Identifying the goals you want to achieve at the networking event before you go (e.g., to learn more about a career, to develop internship leads, etc.)

• Keeping a healthy sense of humor. • Treating everyone as you would want to be treated. Aside from

being the courteous thing to do, you don't know who might be helpful to you in the future.

One Final NoteDon't forget how important it is for you

to physically move around and about when you're at a networking event.

You can't work a room when you're sitting down! So get in there and show them what you've got.


Unlock the Hidden Job Market: 6 Steps to a Successful Job Search When Times Are Tough by Duncan Mathison and Martha I. Finney

10 Tips for Successful Business Networking by Stephanie Speisman

The Power of Approachability – Scott Ginsberg “The Nametag Guy”

How to Work a Room - U Cal Berkley Career Center

Prayer Requests?

Woods Chapel Crossroads Ministry Leaders

Dave Templeman: david.templeman@gmail.com

Chad Snider: chad@clearmarketingdesign.com

Paul Quinlan: pquinlan1@gmail.com

Kristy Marcum-Kempin: marcum.kempin@yahoo.com

Dave Crocker: drcrocker@comcast.net

Terry Matz: terry@terrymatz.com