Effective Communication | Graphic designer | Speakerhead.com

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Effective Communication | Graphic designer | Speakerhead.com

Speakerhead.com - A bunch of ingenious desirous with artistic finesse in their genes amassed

at one single destination. We have a team who are passionately in love with creativity and

focused to give unconventional ideas turning you into a marque.

In order to become a well rounded Graphic Designer, there are a variety of skills that are

essential to handling a clients or employers tasks accurately. Below you’ll find some of the most essential skills that a Graphic Designer will need to have as he/she advances in their

career and reaches new height.

Project Management

A lot of designers consider being organized sufficient, but on larger projects it really helps to

have a cinch of project management fundamentals. A designer that can actually project

manage the design part of a project has an edge over another designer who needs to be told

what to do and when to do it and sits there waiting for input.

Creative Thinking

An important benifits skilled to a graphic design artist is their ability to take something that is

defective or incomplete and turn it into something remarkable. A graphic designer should be

luminous about discovering and producing the picture that other people are trying to express

with words and desire. The picture may not always be clear at first, but this is where

creativity stands out.

Skydiving over a sea of natural thoughts, improbable, and unthinkable ideas is just fine. In

fact, with every project, it is expected. By permitting yourself to think outside the boundaries

of ordinary, normal thought, brilliant new ideas can arise. In creative thinking, a variation of

ideas are used for their expressive qualities, to see what new ones they can break loose. If you

can manage to search for several points of similarity between different ideas and your project

at hand, new aspects of your design will begin to reveal themselves.

Print Design and Layout

One of the most sought after skills employers seek in designers is an understanding of digital

print production. The ability to use a page layout program also sometimes called a desktop

publishing program is basic as well. Print design also requires an understanding of concepts

like color separations, grid layout, and master pages.

Web Design

Having a clear understanding of web development is more essential than ever in an age where

online advertising, and web existence are essential to every marketing campaign. Graphic

Designers are usually expected to have some basic understanding of HTML and CSS, as well

as web design standards. This skill can become a very good one. Web designers work on

anything from complete websites to user-interfaces, to designing blogs. Now graphic

designers can take part in this process.


If you wish to be perceived as a well-rounded graphic designer, sooner or later you will need

to take a picture. If you are fortunate enough to work for a company which supplies you with

a camera, utilize it. What sort of camera could meet the standards of a designer? A camera

that can provide enough light to adequately illuminate the subject. This can be done with a

built-in flash or with an add-on flash.


Realistically speaking this maybe the most important skill a designer will utilize throughout

their career. The ability to communicate is fundamental to everything a designer does (Refer

to the Typography section above), but this task does not begin or end with visual

communication. Designers have to be able to articulate their ideas and concepts to employers

and clients with ease and fluently. In addition graphic designers need to be able to write well

organized briefs, proposals and instructions.

Succesful designers in today’s day and age will likely have to write clear emails, hold skype conversations crossing numerous timezones and cultures, and countless other communication

tasks, and display effective communicative skills through their art.

Social Media Marketing

This skill is essential to any individual needing to promote or brand themselves, their

products or services in today’s marketplace. A firm understand of the value of social media applications such as: Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, and Digg; and how to properly use them

to build relationships with an audience as well as brand recognition, will only become more

important and valuable in the future.