Effect of media on youth

Post on 07-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Effect of media on youth





What is media?

tools used to store and deliver information or data.

various media, content, buying and placement for advertising.

communications delivered over mass electronic communication networks.

Television (TV) is a widely used telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images.


Media is spreading anarchy in Pakistani society by using acculturation as a tool which is controlling our mind.


Media is a tool to change the way we were and now the way we are.


Mainly we want to spread awareness about what is presently happening within Pakistani society what media wanted us to be.

. Youth which is going to be the future of Pakistan need to understand their responsibilities as well.

We want to put awareness about whatever our media (specifically TV) is telling us is what directly effects our values and culture.


It is a small effort to put awareness among youth and remind them their responsibilities.


We conducted a survey through open ended questionnaires.

Study area: The present study is conducted in

Rawalpindi city. The universe of the study is Per Mehr

Ali Shah University of Arid Agriculture. Because the focus of study is on effects

of media on youth, we concentrated on the students of university.


We used simple random sample technique.

A sample of 50 respondents from University of Arid Agriculture Rawalpindi is selected.

The data is collected by using open ended interview schedule.

Variables of the study will be aggression, watching cable TV habits, violence, and ethics values.


Qualitative data will be analyzed through general ideas of the answers

given by the respondents.


Learning aggressive attitudes and behaviors.

Developing a fear of being victimized by violence (also known as the "Mean World Syndrome).

Sense of hopelessness and disappointment.

Creates a sense of anarchy and mental disturbance among young generation of Pakistan.


Media bears a tremendous potential to shape the collective mind set and psyche of a nation.

Our youth divide from inside, their unity decreases and in turn they can’t fight their external enemies.

Media is a great source of spreading despair and disappointment among our country and that includes our own as well as international media.


The worst part of this situation is that Pakistani media has also become a tool in hands of U.S. and Indian media.

Indian media is influenced by the U.S. media and our media in turn is influenced by Indian media.

That’s why they are spreading their beliefs and ideas among our nation.

This is destroying the minds of our youth. Pakistani youth is far away from their religion, ethics, language and culture just because of this media brain washing.


The call of the time is to spread enlightenment and encouragement among people.

to tell them that still we have hope of retrieval and revival of our society as well .

Our nation is a strong nation ethically as well as morally.

. We are one of those few countries which are rich in human as well as natural resources.

We are one of the few countries in which large number of population is young.


We need to motivate this youth in positive manner by giving them a positive futuristic approach.

This can be done by portraying and visualizing such documentaries, talk shows, dramas and T.V. programs which shows them the right and positive view of things and motivate them towards the development of their country.

These shows should spread awareness among youth enabling them to recognize their enemies as well as defend themselves against their traps.