Effect of Indiscipline in the Selected Secondary School

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The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of

indiscipline in the secondary school in Egor Local Government

Area of Edo State. In carrying out the research, the population

of the study consisted of teachers in selected secondary

schools. Random sampling techniques were employed. This

research instrument used for this study was questionnaires. It

was observed that effects of indiscipline in Egor Local

Government Area include principals administrative style,

teacher effect, peer group effects, home factors and societal

factors. It is imperative for principles, teacher’s home and

society to contribute their quote in the proper upbringing of

secondary schools children, so as to avoid in disciplinary

behaviours in schools.


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The concept of discipline has two broad meaning namely

discipline as a field of knowledge and discipline as order. The

later is the focus of this project discipline as order has several

sub-categorizations. These include the order by conduct and

action which result from training, instruction and education.

This is the order maintained and observed by person under

control or command entailing a system of rules of conduct.

Discipline is also use to denote control gained by enforcing

obedience or compliance especially by use of punishment.

Discipline implies controlled and orderly behaviour. Discipline

would appear to be a precise definition. This is because

different situation requires different modes of behaviour. A

behaviour that passes for discipline in one situation may be

regarded as an act of indiscipline in another. The point is the

term discipline is relative.


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According to Orlich et al (1985) captures truth of this as

follows what discipline means to the average person is not

entirely clear. However, discipline is usually perceived as the

preservation of order and the maintenance of control. Asaya

(1991) report that discipline arises from the need to bring about

a balance between what the individual want to do what he want

of other and the imitations and restrictions demanded by the

society in which he wants of other and the limitations and

restrictions demanded by the society in which he lives or by the

hazards in the physical environment. Discipline also implies

procedures and rules designed to help in the maintenance of

socially acceptable behaviours.

Gnagey (1968) sees indiscipline or misbehavior as any

action that is taken where it is not wanted. He goes further to

say that the appropriateness of behavaiour is much more

dependent upon the purposes of the teacher than upon the

characteristics of the behaviour itself. This means that

behaviour is judged an act of indiscipline if the teacher or the


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school authorities consider it so. Ganinu Obaro (2003) reports

the past few years have seen the waging of a relentless war on

veins acts of indiscipline, including absenteeism, truancy,

shabby dressing, insubordination, fighting, gangsterism, etc

particularly in public school (secondary) private schools owners

have equally taken up the gauntlet by enunciating a number of

measure including expulsion of students pupils for various acts

of indiscipline. According to professor Sobowale (1980) beat his

cheat confidentially that he has laid a good path for moral and

academic discipline in the schools. He told pm news in a chat

that he had no regret for whatever action he took. Her also

vowed to continue with the way it he is reappointed as

education commissioner. He however, admitted that the task is

herculean you see he said we are dealing with human being so

it is not easy. But Reverend (Mrs.) Okoye-Eze as one woman

who believes that discipline in schools should be total in all it

ramifications. But the students and teachers must exhibit a high

standard of indiscipline she counseled. Professor Idowu


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Sobowale the war against indiscipline has assumed a new

dimension. Apart from taking the war to the schools which

involves measures such as lock out of late comers and meeting

out of various sanctions on including caning or suspension, a

large number of students have been expelled from the schools

for gross acts of indiscipline. Even then their teachers have not

been spared the rod too efforts at eliminating trading activities

in the various schools. For which some teachers have been

indicated or absenteeism, lateness to work etc have been

seriously or summary dismissal in fact, the efforts have been

geared at not giving the students, teachers and school heads,

including principals and head teachers any breathing space. By

contrast indiscipline means absence or lack of order.

Indiscipline means acting in a way that is unsuitable to the

times, place and people. It comes from the environment and

group of children to the child in which he lived and with whom

he played. Indiscipline generally is the lack of decent behaviour

from a person or group of persons simplistically defined it


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implies unruly wild undomesticated and uncontrolled behaviour.

When defined moralistically indiscipline encompasses more

serious violation such as crime, therefore indiscipline refers to

deviation from prescribed norms whether such norms care

mere folkways, matters of etiquette or serious crime.

Indiscipline is a social disorder, emanating as a result of deviant

behaviour to social norms and values of the society. Up to the

late nineteen sixties indiscipline in school manifested itself in

the following ways truancy, and rudeness to teachers, disregard

for authority, and other similar incidents. In recent years,

indiscipline has assumed a wider dimension thereby posing

serious problems in institutions of learning at both the

secondary and tertiary levels. Secondary school now record

very high rate of indiscipline behaviour. There are increasing

case of truancy, bullying of various types, stealing breaking of

bounds, gambling, examination malpractices, damaging of

private and public properties taking of alcohol and hard drugs

and ganister shy to mention but a few indiscipline among


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secondary school students in Oredo Local Government Area of

Edo State include fighting, bribery, and corruption,

victimization, dishonesty, influence padding, tribalism,

favoritism, conspicuous consumption of alcohol, gross

disobedience to school authority, among others. Many

administrators, law enforcement agents and students fail

woefully in their appointed tasks because of one or a

combination of these vices. A potential indiscipline students or

police office either has a good father or an influential

connection who can bribe his way through. This unfortunate

mirage has become a reality in our society and schools. The

phenomenon has turned many a brave man into a timid or

incompetent one. Indiscipline among secondary school students

are no such high declining because the society at large no

longer cares for and/or foster our children. Therefore, they do

not think twice about their conduct around them or the long

term effect of their conduct on our children. It is imperative that

we all take huge steps towards self examination and place the


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value and worth necessary on our children and their growth or

upbringing in society. Many people believe that the

fundamental reasons why students do not act rightly are

because they do not possess the right condition for the right

actions. Thus, the prevalence of the problem of indiscipline in

secondary school in Egor Local Government Area is symmetric

whatever the contentions however, it is obvious that indiscipline

pose serious threat to the educational institution.


The researcher feel that the level of indiscipline in schools

has deteriorated so much that teaching profession that was

noble to many has become a night mare. The researcher is

concerned on investigation about the effect of indiscipline in

schools and to proffers possible solutions.


The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of

indiscipline in the secondary school in Oredo Local Government

Area, Edo State specifically the study is meant to show;


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i. The way poor school administration affects indiscipline

in schools.

ii. Lack of profession on the part of the teacher as it affects

indiscipline in schools.

iii. The effect of social influence of peer pressure influence

on indiscipline in secondary schools.

iv. Societal solutions to indiscipline in secondary schools.

v. To proffer solutions to indiscipline in secondary schools.


The researcher formulated the following research

questions to enable the researcher proffer solution to the effect

of indiscipline in the selected secondary schools in Egor Local

Government Area of Edo State.

i. Do poor school administrations lead to indiscipline in


ii. Does the actions and behaviour of teachers contribute

to indiscipline?

iii. Does peer group account for indiscipline in schools?


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iv. To what extent can the home influence indiscipline in

secondary schools?


This study is significant because it reveals the degree of

indiscipline among students in Oredo Local Government Area of

Edo State. The observation so made help in arresting the

problem. It is also significant and important to the development

of children mostly in this our complex society where drug

addiction, gambling, stealing, bribery and corruption not to

mention but a few has become the order of the day. Some

parents on the other hand have contributed to the major causes

of indiscipline today in our society. Take for example a parent

who has a child or children in school and refuse to carter for

their needs or assist them in their academic is indirectly telling

the child to look for solution elsewhere which may lead this

child or children going o their peers or friends outside.


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This peer or friends might be the already corrupt type who

may eventually influence the child into what he or she has been

doing which may include bribing of teachers to pass exams,

forging of results, stealing of money or even becoming addicted

to drugs. So therefore parents are advice to always carter for

their children’s need, help in their academic pursuit and lastly

always look at their welfare. Lastly, the significance of this

lesson will provide an insight to child need and how best these

could be met.


The study is centred on identifying the effects responsible

for indiscipline in secondary school in Oredo Local Government

Area, Edo State. three secondary schools were selected and the

target class of teachers in junior secondary schools.


In understanding the effects of indiscipline in the

secondary schools in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo


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State. it is essential to define various term that will be used in

the context of this study.

Discipline: Can be said to mean the ability of an individual to

make a way from any act that will bring pains on him from other

person. Discipline also means the desire of an individual to

avoid breaking the rules that might lead to punishment.

Indiscipline: Indiscipline is the absence of discipline. That means

that an indiscipline person is one who does not run away from

punishment which had been laid down in the rules and

regulations governing people. Indiscipline can also be defined

as anti-social behaviour.

Behaviour: Behaviour can be defined as external characteristics

of an individual manifested to show relationship either in group

or as or person every person has the characteristics that make

up the person.

Peer group: Peer group are usually the same age group, social

status or they emerge from common interest. The peer group

can be defined as any group of equal according to some stated


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criteria. But the typical use of the term is for the same age in

adolescent time.

Administration: Administration is the management of public or

business affairs management implies the activities of two or

more peons in an organization, with the aim of achieving a goal

or objective with available resources in a specified environment.

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