EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications EE4513 Analog and

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Transcript of EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications EE4513 Analog and

EE4512 Analog and Digital CommunicationsEE4512 Analog and Digital CommunicationsEE4513 Analog and Digital Communications EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications

LaboratoryLaboratoryDr. Dennis SilageDr. Dennis

•• Course syllabusCourse syllabus

•• Course textbooksCourse textbooks

•• Course gradesCourse grades

•• Course objectivesCourse objectives

EE4512 Analog and Digital CommunicationsEE4512 Analog and Digital Communications• CourseCourse


•• Available as:Available as:bound bound hardcopyhardcopypdfpdf filefileKindle Kindle downloaddownloadYouTubeYouTube videovideoblog blog sessionsessiontwittertwitter streamstreamtext messagetext messageMorse code Morse code .wav file .wav file

EE4512 Analog and Digital CommunicationsEE4512 Analog and Digital Communications• CourseCourse

textbooktextbook–– only only


EE4512 Analog and Digital CommunicationsEE4512 Analog and Digital Communications• Course textbooksCourse textbooks

•• Communication Communication Systems Systems providesprovidesthe theoreticalthe theoreticalbasisbasis

•• Digital Digital CommunicationCommunicationSystems Systems providesprovidessimulations forsimulations forinsight and insight and experiential laboratoriesexperiential laboratoriesin EE4513in EE4513

EE4512 Analog and Digital CommunicationsEE4512 Analog and Digital Communications• CourseCourse


•• All courseAll coursematerialsmaterialsare also are also available on available on BlackboardBlackboard

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications

•• InIn--class problems and discussions form the basis for the class problems and discussions form the basis for the examinationsexaminations

•• SNAP quizzes (weekly, 15 minutes, 25%) and SNAP quizzes (weekly, 15 minutes, 25%) and examinations (three, hour exams, 35% and a two hour examinations (three, hour exams, 35% and a two hour final exam, 40%) are benchmarks of performancefinal exam, 40%) are benchmarks of performance

•• Blackboard Blackboard is used for theis used for thecourse and laboratorycourse and laboratorydocuments and todocuments and tocommunicate assignments communicate assignments

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications

•• MMATLABATLAB and and Simulink Simulink modeling of communication modeling of communication systems insystems in--class augments the text descriptionclass augments the text description

•• MMATLABATLAB and and SimulinkSimulink modeling in EE4513 Analog and modeling in EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications LaboratoryDigital Communications Laboratory

•• InIn--class discussions,class discussions,simulation studies andsimulation studies andproblem solutions problem solutions

Temple Technical InstituteTemple Technical Institute

Analog Communications Analog Communications Laboratory 1962Laboratory 1962

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications

•• This course is the This course is the applicationapplication of of electrotechnologyelectrotechnology

•• Professional career path in Professional career path in digital data communicationsdigital data communications

•• Course sequence continues in EE4542Course sequence continues in EE4542Telecommunication EngineeringTelecommunication Engineering

•• Read the assigned textRead the assigned textportions and review yourportions and review yournotes before classnotes before class

•• Weekly closedWeekly closed--bookbookbut open notes but open notes SNAPSNAPquizzes quizzes to assessto assessperformanceperformance

Edwin and Marian Armstrong Edwin and Marian Armstrong with a with a portable radio portable radio 19231923

•• SNAPSNAP stands for stands for StudentsStudents’’ NoteNote--taking Achieves taking Achieves PerformancePerformance and the 15 minute quizzes are and the 15 minute quizzes are openopen--notesnotesbut but closed text bookclosed text book..

•• Your organized notes are a compilation of reading the Your organized notes are a compilation of reading the text and thinkingtext and thinkingabout the conceptsabout the conceptsand are an and are an aid toaid tolearninglearning..

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications

•• The The SNAPSNAP concept relates to the learning process concept relates to the learning process expressed in the Chinese proverb:expressed in the Chinese proverb:

I hear and I forget,I hear and I forget,I see and I remember,I see and I remember,I do and I understand.I do and I understand.

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications

•• I hear and I forget, I hear and I forget, ←← Listening to the lectureListening to the lectureI see and I remember, I see and I remember, ←← Reading the textbook Reading the textbook I do and I understand.I do and I understand. ←← Compiling the notesCompiling the notes

The notes are to beThe notes are to behandwrittenhandwritten to insureto insurethat the process worksthat the process worksfor you. No for you. No xeroxxerox copiescopiesor or electronic versionselectronic versionsor textbooks areor textbooks arepermitted for usepermitted for useduring the SNAP quiz.during the SNAP quiz.

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications

Leonardo Da Vinci and his notebooks

•• The 15 minute SNAP quizzes areThe 15 minute SNAP quizzes aresimple calculations and unit simple calculations and unit conversions (calculators areconversions (calculators arepermitted) from formulas in yourpermitted) from formulas in yournotes and conceptual answersnotes and conceptual answersto posed questions to assessto posed questions to assessyour understanding of the basicyour understanding of the basicconcepts.concepts.

•• The SNAP quiz is the assessmentThe SNAP quiz is the assessmentof your preparation and organizesof your preparation and organizesyour thoughts as part of theyour thoughts as part of theengineering methodengineering method (not that (not that shown here!).shown here!).

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications Chapter 1

Chapter 1Chapter 1


EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications Chapter 1

Chapter 1Chapter 1

IntroductionIntroduction•• Components of a CommunicationComponents of a CommunicationSystemSystem

•• Pages 1Pages 1--55

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications Chapter 1

•• Modulation Modulation (partial definition):(partial definition):33:: to vary the amplitude, frequency, or phase of (a to vary the amplitude, frequency, or phase of (a

carrier wave or a light wave) for the transmissioncarrier wave or a light wave) for the transmissionof information (as by radio)of information (as by radio)

• Carrier Carrier (partial definition):(partial definition):2: an electromagnetic wave or alternating current whose 2: an electromagnetic wave or alternating current whose

modulations are used as communications signals (as modulations are used as communications signals (as in radio, telephonic, or telegraphic transmissionsin radio, telephonic, or telegraphic transmissions

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications Chapter 1

•• Analog modulation:Analog modulation:continuouscontinuousinformation such asinformation such asspeechspeech or or videovideoencoded as anencoded as anamplitudeamplitude

•• Digital modulation:Digital modulation:discrete informationdiscrete informationsuch as such as binary databinary dataencoded asencoded asa a frequency shiftfrequency shiftorora a phase shiftphase shift

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications Chapter 1



Analog amplitude modulation (AM)Analog amplitude modulation (AM)

MS Figure 1.16MS Figure 1.16

ChannelChannelwith noisewith noise

ReceiverReceiverSimulinkSimulink subsystemssubsystems

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications Chapter 1

Analog amplitude modulation (AM)Analog amplitude modulation (AM)

MS Figure 1.16MS Figure 1.16


ChannelChannelwith noisewith noise

SourceSourceTransmitterTransmitter ReceiverReceiver


SimulinkSimulink subsystemssubsystems

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications Chapter 1

ChannelChannelwith noisewith noise

Analog amplitude modulation (AM)Analog amplitude modulation (AM)

MS Figure 1.20MS Figure 1.20

NonNon--coherent demodulationcoherent demodulation

SimulinkSimulink subsystemssubsystemsSourceSourceTransmitterTransmitter ReceiverReceiver


EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications Chapter 1

Sinusoidal input and DSB AMSinusoidal input and DSB AM

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications Chapter 1

Sinusoidal input and DSB AMSinusoidal input and DSB AM

SimulinkSimulink subsystemsubsystem

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications Chapter 1

DSB AM temporal signal and power spectrumDSB AM temporal signal and power spectrum

DSB modulated spectrum


EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications Chapter 1

Demodulated DSB AM spectrumDemodulated DSB AM spectrum

Original spectrumDSB demodulated spectrum

2 x carrierfrequency

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications Chapter 1

Digital binary phase shift keying (BPSK)Digital binary phase shift keying (BPSK)

MS Figure 3.12MS Figure 3.12

Random data sourceRandom data source Bit error rateBit error rate

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications Chapter 1

•• Input binary data, rate Input binary data, rate rrbb = 1 kb/sec, bit time = 1 kb/sec, bit time TTbb = 1 msec = 1 msec

• Output binary data with no noise, note 2 bit delay in outputOutput binary data with no noise, note 2 bit delay in output

TTbb = 1 msec= 1 msec

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications Chapter 1

•• Input binary data, rate Input binary data, rate rrbb = 1 kb/sec, bit time = 1 kb/sec, bit time TTbb = 1 msec = 1 msec

• Received signal with significant additive noiseReceived signal with significant additive noise

WhereWhere’’s the signal?s the signal?

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications Chapter 1

•• Input binary data, rate Input binary data, rate rrbb = 1 kb/sec, bit time = 1 kb/sec, bit time TTbb = 1 msec = 1 msec

• Output binary data with Output binary data with bit errorsbit errors due to additive noisedue to additive noise

EE4512 Analog and Digital Communications Chapter 1

End of Chapter 1End of Chapter 1


EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

Chapter 1Chapter 1

Communication SimulationCommunication SimulationTechniquesTechniques•• Introduction to Introduction to MMATLABATLAB andand


•• BlocksetsBlocksets

•• Simulation displays Simulation displays

EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

•• SimulinkSimulinkLibraryLibraryBrowser:Browser:CommonlyCommonlyUsed BlocksUsed Blocks

EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

•• SimulinkSimulinkLibraryLibraryBrowser:Browser:CommunicationsCommunicationsBlocksetBlockset

EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

•• SimulinkSimulinkLibraryLibraryBrowser:Browser:SignalSignalProcessingProcessingBlocksetBlockset

EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

•• SimulinkSimulinkLibraryLibraryBrowser:Browser:SimulinkSimulinkExtrasExtras

EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

•• Simulink Library Browser Simulink Library Browser and the model windowand the model window

MS Figure 1.2MS Figure 1.2

EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

•• Source parameter block for the Source parameter block for the Random Integer Random Integer Generator Generator block and the block and the Simulink Simulink model windowmodel window

MS Figure 1.3MS Figure 1.3

EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

•• Configuration parameter window for the Configuration parameter window for the Simulink Simulink simulationsimulation

MS Figure 1.4MS Figure 1.4

EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

•• Sinusoid and half wave rectified sinusoid Sinusoid and half wave rectified sinusoid SimulinkSimulinktemporal model temporal model

MS Figure 1.6MS Figure 1.6

EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

•• Sinusoid and half wave rectified sinusoid temporal display Sinusoid and half wave rectified sinusoid temporal display in the in the Simulink Simulink Figures window Figures window MS Figure 1.7MS Figure 1.7

EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

•• Half wave rectified sinusoid Half wave rectified sinusoid SimulinkSimulink spectral display spectral display model model

MS Figure 1.8MS Figure 1.8

EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

•• Scope and axis properties parameter windows of the Scope and axis properties parameter windows of the Spectrum Scope Spectrum Scope blockblock MS Figure 1.9MS Figure 1.9

EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

•• Scaled power spectral display of a half wave rectified Scaled power spectral display of a half wave rectified sinusoid, sinusoid, ffoo = 1 kHz = 1 kHz

MS Figure 1.10MS Figure 1.10

EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

•• Gaussian noise source and lowpass filtered power Gaussian noise source and lowpass filtered power spectral density displayspectral density display MS Figure 1.11MS Figure 1.11

EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

•• Gaussian noise source and LPF PSD Gaussian noise source and LPF PSD MS Figure 1.12MS Figure 1.12

Flat PSDFlat PSD

LPF PSD, LPF PSD, ffcutoffcutoff = 11.25 kHz= 11.25 kHz

EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

•• Gaussian noise source and lowpass filtered Gaussian noise source and lowpass filtered autocorrelation displayautocorrelation display MS Figure 1.13MS Figure 1.13

EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

•• Gaussian noise source and lowpass filtered power Gaussian noise source and lowpass filtered power autocorrelation displayautocorrelation display MS Figure 1.14MS Figure 1.14



EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory Chapter 1

End of Chapter 1End of Chapter 1

Communication SimulationCommunication SimulationTechniquesTechniques