Ee353 Notes No. 2 - Lole&Loee

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LOLE AND LOEE reliabilities

Transcript of Ee353 Notes No. 2 - Lole&Loee

  • Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering University of the Philippines - Diliman

    EE 353 - Power System Reliability

    Reliability of Generation SystemGenerating Capacity LOLE & LOEE

    Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Conceptual Task & Generation System Representation

    G LTotal System Generation Total System Load

    Generation Model

    Load Model

    Risk Model

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 3Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating UnitForced Outage Rate

    If the hazard rate of a generating unit is constant

    The failure density function is exponential

    ( ) =th

    ( ) ( ) ( )= t







    ( ) tetf =

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Unit Forced Outage Rate

    The cumulative failure distribution function is

    Then, the reliability function is

    ( ) ( ) == t0t


    [ ]0tt0



    ( ) = e1tF

    ( ) ( )tF1tR =[ ]te11 =

    ( ) tetR =

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 5Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Unit Forced Outage Rate

    The mean-time-to-failure is

    ( )= 0 dttRMTTF

    [ ]=0



    m1MTTF == (mean up time)



    [ ]0ee1 =

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 6Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Unit Forced Outage Rate

    Also, if the repair rate function is constant

    the mean-time-to-repair is

    The mean-time-between-failures

    and the cycle frequency is

    ( ) =tr

    rMTTR ==1 (mean repair time)

    timerepairmeanuptimemeanMTBF +=MTTRMTTF +=

    TrmMTBF =+=

    T1f =

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 7Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Unit Forced Outage Rate

    The Availability is the steady-state or long term probability that the generating unit is in operating condition (UP state)

    time cycletime up meanA =









    [ ][ ] [ ]



    time uptime downtime up


    time repair mean time up meantime up meanA


  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 8Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Unit Forced Outage Rate

    The Unavailability of a generating unit is the probability of finding a unit on forced outage at some future time. This is technically termed as Forced Outage Rate or FOR.


    TrU ==






    [ ][ ] [ ]


    time uptime downtime down


    tyAvailabili1U =

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 9Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Markov Modelsof Generation System



    Single Generating Unit

    State Generator Rate ofDepartureRate ofEntry

    1 UP 2 DOWN

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 10Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Markov Models of Generation System

    Two Generating Units





    State Gen 1 Gen 2 Rate ofDepartureRate ofEntry

    1 UP UP 1 + 2 1 + 22 DOWN UP 1 + 2 1 + 23 UP DOWN 1 + 2 1 + 24 DOWN DOWN 1 + 2 1 + 2

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 11Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    (Capacity Outage Probability Table)

    A. IDENTICAL UNITSFor identical units, binomial distribution is applicable. The probability of exactly r successes in n trials is

    ( ) ( )rnr

    r p1p!rn!r!nP


  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 12Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    EXAMPLE 1:2 10 MW units each with 0.03 forced outage rate

    0.970.03-1p 2n ===

    ( ) ( ) ( ) 0009.097.0197.0!02!0!2P 0200 =


    ( ) ( ) ( ) 0582.097.0197.0!12!1!2P 1211 =


    ( ) ( ) ( ) 9409.097.0197.0!22!2!2P 2222 =


    (probability that exactly two generating unit are available)

    (probability that no generating unit is available)

    (probability that exactly one generating unit is available)

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 13Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    The capacity outage table is summarized as follows:Units Out Capacity Out Capacity Available Probability

    0 0 MW 20 MW 0.94091 10 MW 10 MW 0.05822 20 MW 0 MW 0.0009


    Note: The probability of all possible cases must sum to unity

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 14Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    EXAMPLE 2:3 5 MW units each with 0.03 forced outage rate

    0.970.03-1p 3n ===

    ( ) ( ) ( ) 000027.097.0197.0!03!0!3P 0300 =


    ( ) ( ) ( ) 002619.097.0197.0!13!1!3P 1311 =


    ( ) ( ) ( ) 084681.097.0197.0!23!2!3P 2322 =


    ( ) ( ) ( ) 912673.097.0197.0!33!3!3P 3333 =


  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 15Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    The capacity outage table is summarized as follows:Units Out Capacity Out Capacity Available Probability

    0 0 MW 15 MW 0.9126731 5 MW 10 MW 0.0846812 10 MW 5 MW 0.0026193 15 MW 0 MW 0.000027


  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 16Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    For units with 0.03 forced outage rate313 - 4

    Units Out Capacity Out Capacity Available Probability0 0.00 MW 13.33 MW 0.885292811 3.33 MW 10.00 MW 0.109520762 6.66 MW 6.66 MW 0.005080863 10.00 MW 3.33 MW 0.000104764 13.33 MW 0.00 MW 0.00000081


  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 17Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    EXAMPLE:A system consist of two 3 MW units and one 5 MWunit each with forced outage rate of 0.02.

    State Gen. 1 Gen. 2 Gen. 3 Capacity In Capacity Out1 UP UP UP 3+3+5 = 11 MW 0 MW2 DOWN UP UP 0+3+5 = 8 MW 3 MW3 UP DOWN UP 3+0+5 = 8 MW 3 MW4 UP UP DOWN 3+3+0 = 6 MW 5 MW5 DOWN DOWN UP 0+0+5 = 5 MW 6 MW6 UP DOWN DOWN 3+0+0 = 3 MW 8 MW7 DOWN UP DOWN 0+3+0 = 3 MW 8 MW8 DOWN DOWN DOWN 0+0+0 = 0 MW 11 MW

    Markov Transition States (23 = 8)`

    B. NON-IDENTICAL UNITS Binomial distribution is not applicable Basic probability concepts can be applied

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 18Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    Note: The probability of exactly 3 MW is out of service is the sum of the probabilities of states 2 and 3. Similarly, the probability of exactly 8 MW is out of service is the sum of the probabilities of states 6and 7. Therefore states 2 and 3 can be combined and states 6 and 7 can be combined to come up with the reduced states capacity probability table.

    New State Capacity In Capacity Out Probability1 11 MW 0 P12 8 MW 3 P2 + P33 6 MW 5 P44 5 MW 6 P55 3 MW 8 P6 + P76 0 MW 11 P8

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 19Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    Step 1: Combine the two identical units(binomial distribution may be applied)

    Step 2: Add the 5 MW units considering that it can exist in two state (in service or out of service)

    Capacity Out Capacity In Probability0 MW 6 MW 0.96043 MW 3 MW 0.03926 MW 0 MW 0.0004


    02.0P98.0 P

    serviceof out




  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 20Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    Step 2a: 5 MW unit in service

    Step 2b: 5 MW unit out of service

    0 + 0 = 0 MW 6 + 5 = 11 MW ( 0.9604 ) ( 0.98 ) = 0.9411923 + 0 = 3 MW 3 + 5 = 8 MW ( 0.0392 ) ( 0.98 ) = 0.0384166 + 0 = 6 MW 0 + 5 = 5 MW ( 0.0004 ) ( 0.98 ) = 0.000392


    Capacity Out Capacity In Probability

    0 + 5 = 5 MW 6 + 0 = 6 MW ( 0.9604 ) ( 0.02 ) = 0.0192083 + 5 = 8 MW 3 + 0 = 3 MW ( 0.0392 ) ( 0.02 ) = 0.0007846 + 5 = 11 MW 0 + 0 = 0 MW ( 0.0004 ) ( 0.02 ) = 0.000008


    Capacity Out Capacity In Probability

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 21Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    Step 2c: Combine probability tables in steps 2a and 2bCapacity Out Capacity In Probability

    0 MW 11 MW 0.9411923 MW 8 MW 0.0384165 MW 6 MW 0.0192086 MW 5 MW 0.0003928 MW 3 MW 0.00078411 MW 0 MW 0.000008


  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 22Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    Cumulative Probability TableAn additional column can be added to the capacity outage probability table which gives the cumulative probability. This is the probability of finding a quantity of capacity on outage equal or greater than the indicated amount.

    Capacity Out of Service Individual Probability Cumulative Probability0 MW 0.941192 1.0000003 MW 0.038416 0.0588085 MW 0.019208 0.0203926 MW 0.000392 0.0011848 MW 0.000784 0.00079211 MW 0.000008 0.000008

    1.000000( ) 118653 PPPPP3 out capP ++++=( ) 11865 PPPP5 out capP +++=

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 23Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    Truncating the Probability Table

    Theoretically, the capacity outage probability table incorporates all the system capacity. The table, however, can be truncated by omitting all capacity outages for which the cumulative probability is less than a specified amount, e.g., 10-8.

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 24Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    Capacity Rounding Probability TableIn a system containing a large number of units of different capacities, the table will contain several hundred positive discrete capacity outage levels. This number can be greatly reduced by grouping the units into identical capacity groups prior to combining or by rounding the table to discrete levels after combining.

    The rounding process is done by calculating

    For all states i falling between the required rounding states j and k.

    ( ) ( )ijk

    ikj CPCC


    = ( ) ( )ijk

    jik CPCC



  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 25Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    EXAMPLE:Obtain the rounded probability table of the generation system in the previous example rounded in 5 MWincrements.

    For Capacity Out of Service Ci Cj Ck P(Ci) P(Cj) P(Ck)

    0 MW 0 MW 0.941192 0.9411920 0.00000003 MW 3 MW 0 MW 5 MW 0.038416 0.0153665 0.02304975 MW 5 MW 0.019208 0.0192080 0.00000006 MW 6 MW 5 MW 10 MW 0.000392 0.0003136 0.00007848 MW 8 MW 5 MW 10 MW 0.000784 0.0003136 0.0004704



    Capacity on Outage (MW)

    0 MW 0.941192 + 0.0153664 = 0.95655845 MW 0.0230496 + 0.019208 + 2(0.0003136) = 0.0428848

    10 MW 0.0000784 + 0.0004704 + 0.0000064 = 0.000555215 MW 0.0000016 = 0.0000016


    Individual Probability

    The final Rounded Probability Table is:

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 26Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    Recursive Algorithm for Capacity Model Building Addition in Probability Table one generating unit at a

    time Suitable for computerized computations Cases

    No Derated States Derated States Included Unit Removal

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 27Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    Case 1: No Derated StatesThe cumulative probability of a particular capacity outage state of X MW after a unit of capacity C MW and forced outage rate FOR is added is given by:

    Where, P (X) - Cumulative Probability of X MWor more on outage of new table

    P(X) - Probability of X MW or more on outage of old table

    C - Capacity of unit to be addedInitial Setting: P(X) = 1.0 for X 0,

    P(X) = 0 otherwise

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )CX'PFORX'PFOR1XP +=

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 28Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    EXAMPLE 1:

    Using the Recursive Algorithm, the system capacity outage probability table is created sequentially as follows:

    UNIT RATING (MW) FOR1 3 0.022 3 0.023 5 0.02

    STEP 1: Add Unit No.1 C = 3 MW( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )30'PFOR0'PFOR10P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( ) += 0.1=( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )31'P02.01'P02.011P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( )0.102.0098.0 += 02.0=( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )32'P02.02'P02.012P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( )0.102.0098.0 += 02.0=( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )33'P02.03'P02.013P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( )0.102.0098.0 += 02.0=

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 29Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    STEP 2: Add Unit No. 2 C = 3 MW( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )30'P02.00'P02.010P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( ) += 0.1=( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )31'P02.01'P02.011P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( ) += 0396.0=( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )32'P02.02'P02.012P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( ) += 0396.0=( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )33'P02.03'P02.013P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( ) += 0396.0=( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )34'P02.04'P02.014P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( )02.002.0098.0 += 0004.0=( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )35'P02.05'P02.015P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( )02.002.0098.0 += 0004.0=( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )36'P02.06'P02.016P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( )02.002.0098.0 += 0004.0=

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 30Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    STEP 3: Add Unit No. 3 C = 5 MW( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )50'P02.00'P02.010P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( ) += 0.1=( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )53'P02.03'P02.013P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( )0.102.00396.098.0 += 058808.0=( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )55'P02.05'P02.015P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( )0.102.00004.098.0 += 020392.0=( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )56'P02.06'P02.016P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( )0396.002.00004.098.0 += 001184.0=( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )58'P02.08'P02.018P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( )0396.002.0098.0 += 000792.0=( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )511'P02.011'P02.0111P +=

    ( )( ) ( )( )0004.002.0098.0 += 000008.0=

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 31Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    EXAMPLE 2:Using the Recursive Algorithm, prepare the generating capacity outage probability table of the system with three (3) generating units:

    No. of states = 23

    STEPS1. Initialize Table2. Enter Unit A3. Enter Unit B4. Enter Unit C

    UNIT RATING (MW) FORA 100 0.01B 150 0.02C 200 0.03

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 32Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    STEP 1: Initialize the outage table

    Probability when no unit yet is added intothe generation system

    STATE X MW or more on Outage Cumulative Probability1 0 1.0000002 50 0.0000003 100 0.0000004 150 0.0000005 200 0.0000006 250 0.0000007 300 0.0000008 350 0.0000009 400 0.00000010 450 0.000000

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 33Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    STEP 2: Add unit A : C = 100, FOR = 0.01, 1-FOR = 0.99 STATE X MW P'(X) (X - C) MW P'(X-C) P(X)

    1 0 1.000000 -100 1.000000 1.0000002 50 0.000000 -50 1.000000 0.0100003 100 0.000000 0 1.000000 0.0100004 150 0.000000 50 0.000000 0.0000005 200 0.000000 100 0.000000 0.0000006 250 0.000000 150 0.000000 0.0000007 300 0.000000 200 0.000000 0.0000008 350 0.000000 250 0.000000 0.0000009 400 0.000000 300 0.000000 0.00000010 450 0.000000 350 0.000000 0.000000

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 34Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    STEP 3: Add unit B: C = 150, FOR = 0.02, 1-FOR = 0.98 STATE X MW P'(X) (X - C) MW P'(X-C) P(X)

    1 0 1.000000 -150 1.000000 1.0000002 50 0.010000 -100 1.000000 0.0298003 100 0.010000 -50 1.000000 0.0298004 150 0.000000 0 1.000000 0.0200005 200 0.000000 50 0.010000 0.0002006 250 0.000000 100 0.010000 0.0002007 300 0.000000 150 0.000000 0.0000008 350 0.000000 200 0.000000 0.0000009 400 0.000000 250 0.000000 0.000000

    10 450 0.000000 300 0.000000 0.000000

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 35Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    STEP 4: Add unit C : C = 200, FOR = 0.03, 1-FOR = 0.97 STATE X MW P'(X) (X - C) MW P'(X-C) P(X)

    1 0 1.000000 -200 1.000000 1.0000002 50 0.029800 -150 1.000000 0.0589063 100 0.029800 -100 1.000000 0.0589064 150 0.020000 -50 1.000000 0.0494005 200 0.000200 0 1.000000 0.0301946 250 0.000200 50 0.029800 0.0010887 300 0.000000 100 0.029800 0.0008948 350 0.000000 150 0.020000 0.0006009 400 0.000000 200 0.000200 0.000006

    10 450 0.000000 250 0.000200 0.000006

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 36Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    Case 2: Derated States IncludedTo include the multi-state unit representations, the recursive equation is modified as follows:

    Where, n - Number of unit statesCi - Capacity outage of state i for

    the unit being addedpi - Probability of existence of the

    unit state i

    ( ) ( )=



    1iii CX'PpXP

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 37Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    EXAMPLE 1:

    5 MW unit 3-state representation

    Replacing the 2-state 5 MW unit in the previous example by the new 3-state unit,

    n = 1; C1 = 0 MW

    n = 2; C2 = 2 MW

    n = 3; C3 = 5 MW

    State Capacity Out State Probability1 0 0.9602 2 0.0333 5 0.007

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 38Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )50'Pp20'Pp00'Pp0P 321 ++=( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )0.1007.00.1033.00.1960.0 ++= 0.1=

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )52'P007.022'P033.002'P960.02P ++=( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )0.1007.00.1033.00396.0960.0 ++= 078016.0=

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )53'P007.023'P033.003'P960.03P ++=( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )0.1007.00396.0033.00396.0960.0 ++= 0463228.0=

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )55'P007.025'P033.005'P960.05P ++=( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )0.1007.00396.0033.00004.0960.0 ++= 0086908.0=

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )56'P007.026'P033.006'P960.06P ++=( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )0396.0007.00004.0033.00004.0960.0 ++= 0006744.0=

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )58'P007.028'P033.008'P960.08P ++=( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )0396.0007.00001184.0033.00960.0 ++= 000283272.0=

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )511'P007.0211'P033.0011'P960.011P ++=( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )0004.0007.00033.00960.0 ++= 000002.0=

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 39Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    Case 3: Unit RemovalFrom the recursive algorithm for capacity model building,

    The modified capacity model after a unit removal can be obtained by working on the algorithm in reverse. Thus,

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )FOR1



    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )CX'PFORX'PFOR1XP +=

    Where: P(X-C) = 1.0 for X C

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 40Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    EXAMPLE:Using the obtained capacity outage probability table for the 100 MW system (2 - 25 MW and 1 - 50 MW). Remove the 50MW Unit with FOR = 0.02

    Capacity Out of Service (MW) Cumulative Probability0 1.00000025 0.05880850 0.02039275 0.000792

    100 0.000008

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 41Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Generating Capacity Model

    Removing the unit from the capacity outage probability tables that gives the following modified capacity model:

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )02.01500'P02.00P0P


    ( )( )98.0 = 0.1=

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )02.015025'P02.025P25P


    ( )( )98.0

    0.102.0058808.0 = 0396.0=

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )02.015050'P02.050P50P


    ( )( )98.0

    0.102.0020392.0 = 0004.0=

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 42Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Comparison of Deterministic and Probabilistic Criteria

    Consider the following four systems which are very similar but not identical

    SYSTEM 1 - 24 x 10 MW Units each having a FOR of 0.01

    SYSTEM 2 12 x 20 MW Units each having a FOR of 0.01

    SYSTEM 3 - 12 x 20 MW Units each having a FOR of 0.03

    SYSTEM 4 - 22 x 10 MW Units each having a FOR of 0.01

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 43Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Comparison of Deterministic and Probabilistic Criteria






    Cumulative Probability

    Individual Probability

    Capacity In (MW)

    Capacity Out (MW)

    SYSTEM 1: Capacity Outage Probability Table

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 44Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Comparison of Deterministic and Probabilistic Criteria






    Cumulative Probability

    Individual Probability

    Capacity In (MW)

    Capacity Out (MW)

    SYSTEM 2: Capacity Outage Probability Table

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 45Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Comparison of Deterministic and Probabilistic Criteria







    Cumulative Probability

    Individual Probability

    Capacity In (MW)

    Capacity Out (MW)

    SYSTEM 3: Capacity Outage Probability Table

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 46Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Comparison of Deterministic and Probabilistic Criteria






    Cumulative Probability

    Individual Probability

    Capacity In (MW)

    Capacity Out (MW)

    SYSTEM 4: Capacity Outage Probability Table

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 47Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Comparison of Deterministic and Probabilistic Criteria





    % Reserve

    0.004847200 MW240 MWSystem 3

    0.000063183 1/3 MW220 MWSystem 4

    0.000206200 MW240 MWSystem 2

    0.000004200 MW240 MWSystem 1

    Probabilistic RiskLoadTotal Capacity


    Percentage Reserve Margin Criteria

    Note that the risk in system 3 is more than 1000 times greater than that in system 1Analysis of the four systems shows that the variation in true risk depends upon FOR, number of units and load demand

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 48Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Comparison of Deterministic and Probabilistic Criteria






    10 MW

    20 MW

    20 MW

    10 MW


    0.048650220 MW20 MWSystem 30.020229210 MW10 MWSystem 4

    0.006175220 MW20 MWSystem 20.023855230 MW10 MWSystem 1

    Probabilistic RiskLoad

    Cap/ Unit


    Largest Unit Reserve Criteria

    It is seen from the above comparison that deterministic approaches in power reserve margin planning are inconsistent, unreliable and subjective.

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 49Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Load Expectation

    Loss of Load Expectation (LOLE)The expected number of days in the specified period in which the daily peak load will exceed the available capacity.Notes:

    LOLE is known in the power industry as the LOLP. LOLP is not a probability index but an expectation.

    The expected risk of loss of load is determined by convolving the system capacity outage table and the system load characteristic.

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 50Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Load Expectation

    Load Models

    Daily Peak DemandJanuary 1


    December 31Day

    0 365D












    Actual Load Curve

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 51Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Load Expectation

    Load Models

    The load is represented by its daily peak arranged in descendingorder to form a cumulative load model called load variation curve.

    Load Variation Curve

    Daily Peak DemandArrange in Descending Order

    Linearized LVC

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 52Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Load Expectation

    Where, Ok - Magnitude of the kth outage in the system capacity outage probability table

    tk - Number of time units in the study interval that an outage magnitude Ok would result in a loss of load

    pk - Individual probability of the capacity outage Ok.





    ( )=



    1kk1kk PttLOLP




    1kkk PT

    Pk - Cumulative outage probability for capacity state Ok.

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 53Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Load Expectation

    EXAMPLE 1:Consider a system containing 5 - 40 MWunits each with a FOR of 0.01. The capacity outage probability table is shown on the right.

    The system load model is represented by the daily peak load variation curve in the figure on the right.

    Capacity Out of


    Individual Probability

    Cumulative Probability

    0 0.950991 1.00000040 0.048029 0.04900980 0.000971 0.000980120 0.000009 0.000009

    Note: Probability values less than10-8 have been deleted.




    0 100Time (%)


















    Installed Capacity = 200 MW

    Time periods during which loss of load occurs

    02 = 40MW 03 = 80MW 04 = 120 MW

    T4 = 41.7%t3 = T3 = 41.7%

    t4 = 83.4% 64

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 54Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Load Expectation

    Capacity Out of Service (MW)

    Capacity In Service (MW)

    Individual Probability, pk

    Total Time, tk (%)


    0 200 0.950991 0.0 0.000000040 160 0.048029 0.0 0.000000080 120 0.000971 41.7 0.0404907

    120 80 0.000009 83.4 0.00075060.0412413

    Capacity Out of Service (MW)

    Capacity In Service (MW)

    Cumulative Probability, Pk

    Total Time, Tk (%)


    0 200 1.000000 0.0 0.000000040 160 0.049009 0.0 0.000000080 120 0.000980 41.7 0.0408660

    120 80 0.000009 41.7 0.00037530.0412413

    LOLP using Individual Probabilities

    LOLP using the Cumulative Probabilities

    If the time considered is 365 days per year then,( ) yeardays LOLP 1505307.01000412413.0365 ==

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 55Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Load Expectation

    It should be realized that there is difference between the terms capacity outage and loss of load. The term capacity outage indicates a loss of generation which may or may not result in a loss of load.

    ( ) ddays/perio LCPLOLP n1i



    Where, Ci - Available capacity on day iLi - Forecast peak load on day iPi(Ci Li) - Probability of loss of load on day i. This

    value is obtained directly from the capacity outage cumulative probability table.

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 56Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Load Expectation

    EXAMPLE 2:What is the LOLP of the 450 MW system in a 5-day period?

    Generator and Demand DataUnit Rating (MW) FOR Day MW

    A 100 0.01 1 95B 150 0.02 2 120C 200 0.03 3 160

    4 1105 90

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 57Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Load Expectation


    1 100 150 200 450 0 0.941094 1.0000002 0 150 200 350 100 0.009506 0.0589063 100 0 200 300 150 0.019206 0.0494004 100 150 0 250 200 0.029106 0.0301945 0 0 200 200 250 0.000194 0.0010886 0 150 0 150 300 0.000294 0.0008947 100 0 0 100 350 0.000594 0.0006008 0 0 0 0 450 0.000006 0.000006

    DAY MW1 952 1203 1604 1105 90

    DAY MW1 1602 1203 1104 955 90

    Load Model

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 58Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Load Expectation




    LOAD1 450 160 290 0.0008942 450 120 330 0.0006003 450 110 340 0.0006004 450 95 355 0.0000065 450 90 360 0.000006

    LOLP 0.002106

    System Reliability

    LOLP = 0.002106 Days/5-Days

    Annual LOLP 365 days period

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 59Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Load Expectation

    EXAMPLE 3:100 MW system with annual peak load of 57 MW

    Unit No. Capacity (MW) FOR1 25 0.022 25 0.023 50 0.02

    System Capacity Data

    Daily Peak Load 57 52 46 41 34No. of Occurences 12 83 107 116 47 = 365 days

    System Load Data

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 60Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Load Expectation

    Using the recursive algorithm, the capacity outage cumulative probability table is

    Capacity Out of Service (MW) Cumulative Probability0 1.000000

    25 0.05880850 0.02039275 0.000792

    100 0.000008

    ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )34100P4741100P116



    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )66P4759P11654P10748P8343P12 ++++=( ) ( ) ( )

    ( ) ( )000792.047000792.0116 000792.0107020392.083020392.012



    yeardays 15108.2LOLP =

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 61Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Load Expectation

    LOLP Vs. Peak Load

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 62Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Load Expectation

    Scheduled OutagesThe system capacity evaluation examples previously considered assumed that the load model applied to the entire period and that the capacity model was also applicable for the entire period. This will not be the case if the units are removed from services for periodic inspection and maintenance in accordance with the planned program. During this period, the capacity available is not constant and therefore a single capacity outage probability table is not applicable.

    Typical Annual Load& Capacity Model

    Total Installed Capacity

    January 1 December 31





















    Units onmaintenance

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 63Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Load ExpectationConsidering scheduled maintenance, the annual LOLPa can be obtained by dividing the year into periods and calculating the period LOLPP values using the modified capacity model and the appropriate period load model.The annual risk index is given by

    Subdivision of Period




    1ppa LOLPLOLP

    Total Installed Capacity

    P1 P2 P3






















  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 64Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Load Expectation

    Approximate methods may also be used to take into account scheduled maintenance while using the original capacity outage probability table such as shown in the following figures:

    Installed Capacity

    Time load exceeded the indicated value






    Reserve CapacityPeak Load

    Capacity onMaintenance

    Modified LoadCharacteristicOriginal LoadCharacteristic

    Installed Capacity

    Time load exceeded the indicated value






    Reserve CapacityCapacity on Maintenance Peak Load

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 65Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    LOLE with Load Forecast Uncertainty

    The calculation of reliability indices presented so far assumes that the actual peak load will differ from the forecast value with zero probability. But some uncertainties exists in load forecasting arising from the historical data considered, the methodology used and the assumptions made. There is, therefore, a need to improve the risks calculation by including these uncertainties in building the system load model.

    Studies made in the past had shown that the uncertainty in the load forecasts can be reasonably described by a normal distribution with the peak load value as the distribution mean parameter. The distribution can be divided into a discrete number of class intervals. The load representing the class interval midpoint is assigned the probability for that class interval. A seven-step distribution is considered reasonable in the subdivision.

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 66Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Load Forecast Uncertainty

    -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3


    0.061 0.2420.382



    Probability given by indicated area

    No. of standard deviations from the mean

    Mean = forecast load (MW)

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 67Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo





    Cumulative Probability

    Capacity Outage (MW)

    (probability values less than 10-B are neglected)

    Example:The capacity model of a system consisting of twelve 5 MW units,

    each with forced outage rate of 0.01 is shown below.

    Load Forecast Uncertainty

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 68Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo






    LOLP (days/year) (4)




    (3) x (4)Probability of the Load (3)

    Load (MW)


    Number of S. D. (1)

    Using a seven-step normal distribution approximation of the load forecast with peak load of 50MW, 2% S.D., 70% load factor and straightline load variation curve, calculate the annual LOLP of the system in days/year.Standard Deviation = (0.02)(50) = 1 MW Mean = 50 MW

    Annual LOLP = 0.03972873 days/year

    Load Forecast Uncertainty

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 69Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Peak megawattdemand

    Alternative 2

    Alternative 1

    0 2 4 6 8 Years











    Note: MW0 = capacity of existing generating plant

    Application in Generation System Expansion Analysis

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 70Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Application in Generation System Expansion Analysis

    Percentage of days the daily peak load

    exceeded the indicated value

    Daily peak load variation curve Year Number Forecast Peak Load (MW)1 160.02 176.03 193.64 213.05 234.36 257.57 283.18 311.4

    Load Growth at 10% p.a.

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 71Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Consider a system containing five 40 MW units each with a forced outage rate of 0.01.

    Capacity outof service



    0 MW 0.950991 1.00000040 MW 0.048029 0.04900980 MW 0.000971 0.000980

    120 MW 0.000009 0.0000091.000000

    Sytem installed capacity = 200 MW

    Generation model for thefive-unit system.




    0 100Time (%)


















    Installed Capacity = 200 MW

    Time periods during which loss of load occurs

    02 = 40MW 03 = 40MW 04 = 40 MW

    T4 = 41.7%t3 = T3 = 41.7%

    t4 = 83.4% 64

    Loss of Load Expectation

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 72Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Capacity Outof Service (MW)

    Capacity InService (MW)


    Total Timetk (%)


    0 200 0.950991 0.0 -40 160 0.048029 0.0 -80 120 0.000971 41.7 0.0404907120 80 0.000009 83.4 0.0007506

    1.000000 0.0412413

    Capacity Outof Service (MW)

    Capacity InService (MW)


    Total Timetk (%)


    0 200 1.000000 0.0 -40 160 0.049009 0.0 -80 120 0.000980 41.7 0.040866120 80 0.000009 41.7 0.0003753


    LOLE using individual probabilities

    LOLE using cumulative probabilities

    Loss of Load Expectation

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 73Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    LOLE (days/year)System Peak

    Load (MW)200 MWCapacity

    100 0.001210120 0.002005140 0.086860160 0.150600180 3.447000200 6.083000220 -240 -250 -260 -280 -300 -320 -340 -350 -

    Loss of Load Expectation

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 74Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    System PeakLoad (MW)

    200 MWCapacity

    250 MWCapacity

    100 0.001210 -120 0.002005 -140 0.086860 0.001301160 0.150600 0.002625180 3.447000 0.068650200 6.083000 0.150500220 - 2.058000240 - 4.853000250 - 6.083000260 - -280 - -300 - -320 - -340 - -350 - -

    LOLE (days/year)

    Loss of Load Expectation

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 75Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    System PeakLoad (MW)

    200 MWCapacity

    250 MWCapacity

    300 MWCapacity

    100 0.001210 - -120 0.002005 - -140 0.086860 0.001301 -160 0.150600 0.002625 -180 3.447000 0.068650 -200 6.083000 0.150500 0.002996220 - 2.058000 0.036100240 - 4.853000 0.180000250 - 6.083000 0.661000260 - - 3.566000280 - - 6.082000300 - - -320 - - -340 - - -350 - - -

    LOLE (days/year)

    Loss of Load Expectation

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 76Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    200 MWCapacity

    250 MWCapacity

    300 MWCapacity

    350 MWCapacity

    100 0.001210 - - -120 0.002005 - - -140 0.086860 0.001301 - -160 0.150600 0.002625 - -180 3.447000 0.068650 - -200 6.083000 0.150500 0.002996 -220 - 2.058000 0.036100 -240 - 4.853000 0.180000 0.002980250 - 6.083000 0.661000 0.004034260 - - 3.566000 0.011750280 - - 6.082000 0.107500300 - - - 0.290400320 - - - 2.248000340 - - - 4.880000350 - - - 6.083000

    LOLE (days/year)System Peak

    Load (MW)

    Loss of Load Expectation

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 77Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Energy Indices

    Load Model: Load Duration Curve (LDC) Individual hourly load values arranged in

    decreasing orders The area under the curve represents the energy

    required in the given period

    Let, Ok - Magnitude of the capacity outage

    Pk - Probability of the capacity outage equal to Ok

    Ek - Energy curtailed by capacity outage equal to Ok.

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 78Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Energy Expectation

    Load Models

    Hourly Load Curve(Luzon Grid)

    HOUR LOAD P.U. LOAD1 1452 0.712 1422 0.693 1446 0.714 1405 0.695 1440 0.706 1464 0.717 1417 0.698 1455 0.719 1547 0.7510 1498 0.7311 1574 0.7712 1535 0.7513 1501 0.7314 1499 0.7315 1504 0.7316 1487 0.7317 1504 0.7318 1659 0.8119 2051 1.0020 1960 0.9621 1830 0.8922 1718 0.8423 1598 0.7824 1661 0.81

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 79Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Energy Expectation

    Load Models

    Load Duration Curve(Hourly Peak arrange in descending order)

    HOUR P.U. LOAD1 1.002 0.963 0.894 0.845 0.816 0.817 0.788 0.779 0.7510 0.7511 0.7312 0.7313 0.7314 0.7315 0.7316 0.7317 0.7118 0.7119 0.7120 0.7121 0.7022 0.6923 0.6924 0.69

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 80Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Energy Indices

    The probability energy curtailed by a capacity outage equal to Ok is Ekpk.Loss of Energy Expectation is the total energy curtailment because of capacity outages.

    The per unit LOEE value represents the ratio between the probable load energy curtailed due to deficiencies in available generating capacity and the total energy required to served the system demand.




    kkk pELOEE


  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 81Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Energy Indices

    STATE CAP IN CAP OUT INDIVIDUAL CUMULATIVE1 450 0 0.941094 1.0000002 350 100 0.009506 0.0589063 300 150 0.019206 0.0494004 250 200 0.029106 0.0301945 200 250 0.000194 0.0010886 150 300 0.000294 0.0008947 100 350 0.000594 0.0006008 0 450 0.000006 0.000006

    Generating Capacity Model


  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 82Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Energy Indices

    Hourly Load

    1 160.002 152.903 142.764 134.025 129.586 129.427 124.668 122.799 120.6810 119.7511 117.3312 117.33

    13 117.0914 116.9415 116.8616 116.0017 114.2118 113.5119 113.2720 112.8021 112.3422 110.9323 110.5424 109.61

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 83Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Energy Indices

    Loss of Energy Expectation (LOEE)CAP IN = 150 PROB = 0.000294

    HOUR LOAD CURTAILED EXPECTATION1 160.00 10.00 0.0029402 152.90 2.90 0.0008533 142.76 0.00 0.0000004 134.02 0.00 0.0000005 129.58 0.00 0.0000006 129.42 0.00 0.0000007 124.66 0.00 0.0000008 122.79 0.00 0.0000009 120.68 0.00 0.00000010 119.75 0.00 0.00000011 117.33 0.00 0.00000012 117.33 0.00 0.00000013 117.09 0.00 0.00000014 116.94 0.00 0.00000015 116.86 0.00 0.00000016 116.00 0.00 0.00000017 114.21 0.00 0.00000018 113.51 0.00 0.00000019 113.27 0.00 0.00000020 112.80 0.00 0.00000021 112.34 0.00 0.00000022 110.93 0.00 0.00000023 110.54 0.00 0.00000024 109.61 0.00 0.000000

    12.901024 0.003793SUBTOTAL

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 84Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Energy Indices


    1 160.00 60.00 0.0356402 152.90 52.90 0.0314233 142.76 42.76 0.0253994 134.02 34.02 0.0202095 129.58 29.58 0.0175686 129.42 29.42 0.0174757 124.66 24.66 0.0146498 122.79 22.79 0.0135379 120.68 20.68 0.01228510 119.75 19.75 0.01172911 117.33 17.33 0.01029312 117.33 17.33 0.01029313 117.09 17.09 0.01015414 116.94 16.94 0.01006115 116.86 16.86 0.01001516 116.00 16.00 0.00950517 114.21 14.21 0.00843918 113.51 13.51 0.00802219 113.27 13.27 0.00788320 112.80 12.80 0.00760521 112.34 12.34 0.00732722 110.93 10.93 0.00649323 110.54 10.54 0.00626124 109.61 9.61 0.005705

    535.309605 0.317974SUBTOTAL

    Loss of Energy Expectation (LOEE)

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 85Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Energy Indices


    1 160.00 160.00 0.0009602 152.90 152.90 0.0009173 142.76 142.76 0.0008574 134.02 134.02 0.0008045 129.58 129.58 0.0007776 129.42 129.42 0.0007777 124.66 124.66 0.0007488 122.79 122.79 0.0007379 120.68 120.68 0.00072410 119.75 119.75 0.00071811 117.33 117.33 0.00070412 117.33 117.33 0.00070413 117.09 117.09 0.00070314 116.94 116.94 0.00070215 116.86 116.86 0.00070116 116.00 116.00 0.00069617 114.21 114.21 0.00068518 113.51 113.51 0.00068119 113.27 113.27 0.00068020 112.80 112.80 0.00067721 112.34 112.34 0.00067422 110.93 110.93 0.00066623 110.54 110.54 0.00066324 109.61 109.61 0.000658

    2935.309605 0.017612SUBTOTAL

    Loss of Energy Expectation (LOEE)

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 86Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Energy Indices

    STATE CAP IN CAP OUT PROB CURTAILED EXPECTATION1 450 0 0.941094 0.00 0.000002 350 100 0.009506 0.00 0.000003 300 150 0.019206 0.00 0.000004 250 200 0.029106 0.00 0.000005 200 250 0.000194 0.00 0.000006 150 300 0.000294 12.90 0.003797 100 350 0.000594 535.31 0.317978 0 450 0.000006 2935.31 0.01761

    0.33938LOEE (MWH)

    Loss of Energy Expectation (LOEE)

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 87Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Energy Indices

    Applications in Probabilistic Production Simulations

    Consider the LDC below




    0 20 100

    Duration (hours)









  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 88Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Energy Indices

    and the generating units capacity data

    Assume that the economic loading order is units 1, 2 & 3.

    If there were no units in the system, the expected energy not supplied would be

    MWh4575.0 Energy Required Total = (area under the curve)

    MWh0.4575EENS0 =

    Unit No. Capacity (MW) Probability1 0 0.05

    15 0.3025 0.65

    2 0 0.0330 0.97

    3 0 0.0420 0.96

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 89Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Energy Indices

    If the system contained only Unit 1, the EENS can be calculated as follows:

    The expected energy produced by Unit 1= EENS0 - EENS1= 4575.0 - 2500.0

    = 2075.0 MWh

    Capacity Out ofService (MW)

    Capacity inService (MW) Probability

    Energy Curtailed(MWh)


    0 25 0.65 2075.0 1348.7510 15 0.30 3075.0 922.5025 0 0.05 4575.0 228.75

    EENS1 2500.00

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 90Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Energy Indices

    EENS with Units 1 and 2

    The expected energy produced by Unit 2= EENS1 - EENS2= 2500.0 - 401.7

    = 2098.3 MWh

    Capacity Out ofService (MW)

    Capacity inService (MW) Probability

    Energy Curtailed(MWh)


    0 55 0.6305 177.8 112.0910 45 0.2910 475.0 138.2325 30 0.0485 1575.0 76.3930 25 0.0195 2075.0 40.4640 15 0.0090 3075.0 27.6855 0 0.0015 4575.0 6.86

    EENS 2 401.70

  • University of the Philippines

    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 91Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

    Loss of Energy IndicesEENS with Units 1, 2 and 3

    The expected energy produced by Unit 3= EENS2 - EENS3= 401.7 - 64.08 = 337.6 MWh

    Capacity Out ofService (MW)

    Capacity inService (MW) Probability

    Energy Curtailed(MWh)


    0 75 0.60528 0.0 0.0010 65 0.27936 44.4 12.4220 55 0.02522 177.8 4.4825 50 0.04656 286.1 13.3230 45 0.03036 475.0 14.4240 35 0.00864 1119.4 9.6745 30 0.00194 1575.0 3.0650 25 0.00078 2075.0 1.6255 20 0.00144 2575.0 3.7160 15 0.00036 3075.0 1.1175 0 0.00006 4575.0 0.27

    EENS 3 64.08