Edward Lear (1812-1888) · 1/6 data.bnf.fr. Journal d'un paysagiste anglais en Corse, 1868 (1992)...

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Transcript of Edward Lear (1812-1888) · 1/6 data.bnf.fr. Journal d'un paysagiste anglais en Corse, 1868 (1992)...

Activities of Edward Lear (1812-1888) (78 resources in data.bnf.fr)

Textual works (43)

Eulerich und Miezekatz (1978)

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Musical work (9)

Mr. and Mrs. Spikky Sparrow (2020) with Edward Lear (1812-1888) as Author

The owl and the pussy-cat. W 109 (1967) with Edward Lear (1812-1888) as Author

Nonsense (1953) with Edward Lear (1812-1888) as Illustrator

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Edward Lear (1812-1888)

Country : Grande-Bretagne

Language : Anglais

Gender : Masculin

Birth : 12-05-1812

Death : 29-01-1888

Note : Peintre, dessinateur, poète

ISNI : ISNI 0000 0001 2100 6493




Documents about Edward Lear (1812-1888) (22 resources in data.bnf.fr)

Books (21)

Inventing Edward Lear (2019) Mr Lear (2017)

Edward Lear and the play of poetry (2016) The natural history of Edward Lear (2016)

Edward Lear in Albania (2008) Problem of translating "Jabberwocky" (2007)

Edward Lear (1995) Le dictionnaire et le cri (1995)

Edward Lear and the critics (1993) Journal d'un paysagiste anglais en Corse, 1868 (1992)

That singular person called Lear (1988) Nonsensus (1988)

Edward Lear's Tennyson (1988) Edward Lear in the Levant (1988)

The Corfu years (1988) Edward Lear and his world (1977)

Edward Lear & Knowsley (1975) Mr. Nonsense (1974)

Edward Lear (1968) Edward Lear's journals (1952)

[Recueil. Documentation sur Edward Lear]

Archives and manuscripts (1)

Cahier 58 :. Fiction et imaginaire (4-COL-178(6346))




Related to Edward Lear (1812-1888) (32 resources in data.bnf.fr)

Related subjects (15)

Absurde (philosophie) -- Dans la littérature Albanie

Animaux -- Dans l'art Artistes

Autobiographie Biographies

Catalogues d'exposition Correspondance

Corse (France) Descriptions et voyages

Journaux intimes Limericks

Nonsense Poésie du non-sens

Poètes anglais

Authors linked as author (8)

Leigh Ashton (1897-1983) Martin Jarrie

Emery Kelen (1896-1978) Brian Reade (1913-1989)

James de Carle Sowerby (1787-1871) James Thurber (1894-1961)

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973) W. Wiesner

Authors linked as composer (7)

Richard Rodney Bennett (1936-2012) Régis Campo

Pierre Chépélov Roberto Gerhard (1896-1970)

Kelsey Jones Goffredo Petrassi (1904-2003)

Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)




Authors linked as illustrator (2)

Elizabeth Gould (1804-1841) John Gould (1804-1881)

See also

In BnF (1)

Equivalent record in Catalogue général

On the Web (6)

Equivalent record in Dbpedia

Equivalent record in ISNI

Equivalent record in MusicBrainz

Equivalent record in VIAF

Equivalent record in Wikidata

Equivalent record in Wikipedia Francophone


