Education Study Guide 2015

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Read about our Teacher Preparation Programs on offer at UQ

Transcript of Education Study Guide 2015




Teacher preparation programs

INTERNATIONAL REPUTATIONUQ is ranked in the world’s top 100, as measured through four key global university rankings – Times Higher Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong, Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities and QS World University. UQ is also one of only three Australian members of Universitas 21, a select international network of comprehensive, research-intensive universities.

QUALITY PROGRAMSUQ has the most comprehensive range of high-quality programs in Queensland, with just under 400 programs and more than 4000 courses offered at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Concurrent undergraduate diplomas in languages, global issues or music performance, as well as UQx (uncredited) massive open online courses (MOOCs) are also available.

GREAT EXPERIENCESMany programs at UQ offer a range of practical experiences – including field trips and industry placements – to boost your skills. You can also make the most of “the UQ Advantage” with many extra-curricular activities such as Summer and Winter Research programs, intensive language training, volunteering opportunities, and overseas exchange programs.

WORLD-CLASS FACILITIESUQ is continually upgrading its teaching facilities to meet the needs of students. We have one of the fastest and most advanced information networks in the world, one of the best research libraries in the country, and modern teaching spaces that enable the latest technology. Our active building program reflects our commitment to providing high-quality, sustainable facilities.

HIGHLY AWARDED TEACHERSOur teachers share a passion for excellence in education that has led to them receiving more national teaching awards than any other Australian university. The University has more than 2800 highly-qualified academic staff dedicated to teaching, research and mentorship, many of whom are recognised internationally as leaders in their fields.

LEADING RESEARCHERSOur researchers are answering some of the toughest questions facing humanity. With eight internationally recognised Institutes on-site, UQ is one of the country’s top three research universities across many measures, including annual PhD graduations, commercialisation of discoveries, industry collaboration, Excellence in Research for Australia survey results, and funds received from government and the private sector.

VIBRANT CAMPUSESLife beyond the classroom is a big part of university life, and UQ is a great place to meet new people and access a wide range of sporting, social and cultural activities. You will enjoy the sense of community that pervades UQ’s diverse campuses at St Lucia, Ipswich, Gatton and Herston. The campuses are renowned as being among the most beautiful and well-equipped in Australia.

SUCCESSFUL GRADUATESUQ has a tradition of leadership in all spheres of society, both here and overseas, and our 210,000+ alumni include many outstanding performers. UQ qualifications are highly regarded by Australian and international employers, and both the employment rate and starting salary for UQ graduates are considerably higher than the national average.

A university in the world’s top 100 that offers excellence in teaching, world-class learning environments, state-of-the-art facilities and opportunities to excel beyond the classroom: what more could you want?



Why choose Education at UQ? 2

School experience 4


Primary Education 6

Secondary Education 8

Graduate Entry 10

Concurrent Diplomas 12

Admission information 13

Money matters 14

Further study at UQ 15

Scholarships 16

International students 17

What do we mean? 18

Expand your horizon 19

Academic Programs Quick Reference Guide 20


The UQ Education advantage:

LEARN FROM THE BESTOur teaching staff have won multiple national teaching awards, meaning that you will be learning from some of Australia’s best and most highly regarded teachers.

Professor Merrilyn Goos and Associate Professors Karen Moni and Shelley Dole won national awards for teaching excellence in 2004, 2007 and 2010 respectively, and in 2011 Dr Tony Wright won a national Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning for sustained excellence and leadership in science education.

The School of Education at UQ is Australia’s leading education school. We are a thriving community of academic staff and students who have rich connections with colleagues in a wide range of government and community settings.

MULTIPLE PATHWAYSWe offer a number of pathways into teaching through four-year undergraduate programs, dual degree programs, and a one-year graduate diploma or one-and-a-half-year masters program for those who have already completed a degree.

GO GLOBALGraduates can teach interstate and overseas and there is a demand for graduates in rural and remote locations in Queensland and across Australia. International agencies regularly recruit graduates for positions overseas, particularly in the UK.

LINKS WITH LEADING RESEARCHERS FROM ACROSS THE UNIVERSITYYou will draw on the vast resources and expertise from across the University to help develop your content knowledge. For example, if you are studying science education, you will be studying alongside other science students, accessing international standard laboratories and learning from leading international academics.

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GREAT JOB PROSPECTSEmployment opportunities for graduate teachers are very good. Our graduates have an excellent track record of gaining employment upon completion of their program. Our programs are very well respected by employers and our reputation is very helpful for graduates when they seek their first professional position.

EXTENDED PRACTICUM EXPERIENCEAll of our teacher preparation programs are built around extensive practical experiences in schools with real students, alongside professional teachers. The practicum experience is an essential part of your journey to become a teacher, and a central part of every teacher preparation program.

EXCELLENT LINKS WITH TEACHER PARTICIPATION SCHOOLSWe work alongside teachers and school communities to improve learning and development of students across the State. Professional partnerships have opened doors for our students to engage in schools on important projects while they are studying.

If you are studying primary education, you have the opportunity to complete a minor study in subjects outside of education.

3Education UQ Guide 2015

A passion for teachingMai Takamoto thinks teaching is one of the most challenging but rewarding jobs in the world.As a teacher at Iona College, Mai facilitates student learning to allow students from years five to nine to communicate effectively in Japanese and to increase their appreciation for another language and culture.

The Bachelor of Education (Secondary) graduate said one of her career aspirations is to help as many students as possible experience the Japanese culture and language.

“You need to be passionate about what you teach because if you don’t love what

you are doing it is very difficult to inspire others. Every day is different and you are always learning something new.”

Mai’s interest in hospitality first led her to choose a Bachelor of Business at UQ.

“It was towards the end of my first year of study that I started thinking of becoming a teacher in Australia,” she said.

Impressed by the academic strengths, facilities and teaching style at The University of Queensland, Mai enrolled in a Bachelor of Education (Secondary) and Bachelor of Business dual program for her second year of study.

Mai said the structure of the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) was what she really enjoyed.

“I thought the program was well structured as there were many different elective courses to choose from to develop your knowledge and interest in that area.

“I particularly enjoyed my final year of study where I completed two practicum blocks at a school in preparation for becoming a teacher. I felt this helped me concentrate on making the transition from

university student to teacher,” Mai said. The UQ experience that Mai said helped

her prepare most for work as a teacher within Australia was final year sessions held by UQ academic Dr Kerryn McCluskey.

The sessions were held once a week for teacher education students from non-English speaking backgrounds and covered topics such as developing knowledge within a workplace and education systems in Queensland, understanding school and work cultures, as well as visa information for work within Australia.

“UQ offered many opportunities to prepare for life after university. The content of courses included concepts and practical skills that applied to real life situations.”

Mai said her UQ qualifications were highly recognised by her employer and helped her secure a teaching position before graduation.

“One of the memorable experiences of my time at UQ was meeting people from different cultural backgrounds, different study areas and making new friends. I made some good friends over the four years of study and we still catch up regularly. These friends had a great

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Our teacher preparation programs are built around extensive practical experiences in schools with real students, alongside professional teachers.

Professional experience is a vital component for development as a teacher, and is designed to link directly with your on-campus learning. This link is managed by a team of UQ facilitators who will mentor you as you progress through your program.Students in each of the programs will participate in a variety of professional experiences. These will range from a one-day-a-week program to an eight-week full-time practicum, where immersion in the school setting prepares pre-service teachers for the transition to teacher.

Practicum blocks are organised by the School of Education. You will be placed in

Queensland schools based on your teaching areas (secondary) or in a variety of age group settings (primary and middle years). There is the opportunity to nominate a rural setting, if desired, and successful applicants may qualify for financial assistance.

Your pre-service experience may include different types of schools, different school communities and different class groupings. The practicum experience is an essential part of your journey to become a teacher and a central part of every teacher preparation program offered in The University of Queensland’s School of Education.


influence on me as we were studying the same program and were able to talk about similar future and career goals.”

Mai moved from Japan to Australia when she was 17 to complete her high school studies.

“I chose Australia because of its warm climate, its multiculturalism, and the friendly and outgoing people.”

Because of its international ranking in the world’s top 100 universities Mai said UQ was well recognised within her home country of Japan.

Mai said her study at UQ helped improve her English language skills.

“The lecturers and tutors at UQ had a great awareness of students from non-English speaking backgrounds and made me feel very welcome to ask questions and ask for help when there was something I didn’t understand.

“It also helped my English language skills to make friends with people from different cultural backgrounds.

“I feel that studying and living in Australia is one of the best experiences of my life and I strongly recommend it to others,” Mai said.

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Education (Primary) The Bachelor of Education (Primary) offers practical school-based learning and draws on the latest research into effective teaching methods, ensuring graduates are well-equipped to meet the challenges of a teaching career. The program is built around a framework for leadership development, ability to respond to diversity and differentiated learning, literacy and numeracy, and effective educational uses of information and communication technologies. In addition, you will have the flexibility to choose a minor from across the University to further develop your content knowledge in a specific area. These include, but are not limited to, mathematics, sciences, English, history, music or languages.

School practicum (observation) placements commence in the first year of the program so that students gain early experience in classrooms, interacting with children in these age groups. Progressively, school practicum experiences become more extensive with students gradually taking more responsibility for planning and implementing lessons. In the final year of the program, you will undertake an eight-week internship where you will take full responsibility for teaching a class with minimal input from your teacher or mentor. The internship enables you to gain a real perspective of teaching. You will also undertake a major project in your final year that combines theory with reflection upon practice.

Studying the Bachelor of Education (Primary) will enable you to teach in the following areas across years Prep to 7:– Arts (including Drama, Dance, Media,

Music and Visual Arts)– English– Mathematics– Science– Social Education– Health and Physical Education– Technology.

What is Primary Education?The primary years of schooling are a crucial stage of learning for all children. From the early years to the later years of primary school, teachers need specialist preparation as they are required to teach across subject areas and to have the skills and knowledge to understand and manage the diverse issues related to early and middle childhood. UQ’s Primary program will prepare you to teach across years Prep to 7, through the Bachelor of Education (Primary) or the Master of Teaching (Primary).

How can I study Primary Education?



Teaching (Primary)


Teaching (Primary)


4 semesters (including a compulsory summer semester) in 1.5 years full-time

Location St Lucia

2014 entry scoreBachelor degree with at least one year of teaching-subject-related study

QTAC code 742802

The Master of Teaching (Primary) is a teacher preparation program specifically designed for people with an undergraduate degree to qualify as a primary school teacher in one and a half years of full-time study. The program is ideal for those who wish to follow their passion for teaching.

The distinctive program is the first of its kind in Queensland to meet new national teaching standards as outlined by the Federal Government. Completing the program means you will be ready to implement the new national teaching curriculum. Courses have been carefully designed to ensure graduates comply with the Australian professional standards for teachers.

The program consists of periods of on-campus lectures, tutorials and workshops, alternated with blocks of professional placements in schools. Strong emphasis is placed on classroom practice with placements designed to provide the opportunity for professional development and learning for growth into the role as a beginning teacher. All placements are supported by an expert team of university facilitators, whose role is to liaise, visit, observe practice, and support both the pre-service teachers and the school-based mentors and staff.


Education (Primary)

Duration 4 years full-time

Location St Lucia

2014 entry score Qld – OP 11/Rank 77; IB 27

QTAC code 742401


High-performing students identified in Semester 1 of the third year, based on GPA, will be invited to apply for the School’s on-course Honours program. This program involves students undertaking individual research and research preparation as a component of their Bachelor of Education (Primary) program.


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Entry requirements for the Master of Teaching (Primary)Entry requirements include the completion of a Bachelor degree from an approved tertiary institution. This degree must provide at least one year of study in one or more of Arts, English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Health and Physical Education and Social Education.

What job can I get?Graduates are eligible to apply for teacher registration in Queensland and employment in both State and non-State schools, interstate and overseas. Our Primary teaching programs are a starting point for many different careers working with people in the early and middle years of childhood. The University of Queensland has been preparing teachers for the world’s classrooms, as well as for industry, for media and for community leadership, for nearly 40 years, and our programs and academics remain at the leading-edge of the field. Studying education at The University of Queensland gives you the edge to design your own future on the world stage.

You will gain the benefits of being taught by national and international award-winning lecturers and will be thoroughly prepared for a career in the education sector through access to the latest innovations in teaching research taking place within UQ’s School of Education.

This program will prepare you for employment as a primary school teacher across years 1 to 7. It provides the skills and knowledge necessary for teaching to complement the current knowledge and skills gained in your first degree. You will be qualified to teach in all areas of the primary curriculum:– Arts (including Drama, Dance, Media,

Music and Visual Arts)– English– Mathematics– Science– History / Geography / Civics and

Citizenship– Health and Physical Education.– Technology.


KATIE SEXTONAfter attending a UQ Open Day, Katie Sexton was excited by the way primary education was being promoted, and left with a belief that UQ would prepare her both academically and practically for a career in education.

She was right. Katie completed her Bachelor of Education (Primary) with First Class Honours in 2013 and is currently teaching Year 7 at Redbank Plains State School near Ipswich.

“As well as being a permanent, full-time position with Education Queensland, it is also the school where I completed my nine-week internship, making the transition into full-time teaching relatively straightforward,” Katie said.

Katie said one of the highlights of the program was the opportunity to design and conduct a research project as part of the honours requirement, providing her with experience as a teacher researcher.

“Working with a supervisor to research the use of picture books in early years

science was something I had never done before,” Katie said.

“I have been able to apply this experience in my own classroom, when I gather information and evidence of my students’ learning to guide them towards achieving particular learning objectives.”

Katie said this project has opened up a future pathway of returning to complete a Masters or PhD.

“For the next five years, I aim to continue to develop my knowledge and skills as a classroom teacher and after that I would love to return to UQ to complete a Masters or PhD in Education in an area of interest,” she said.

Katie believes there is an unrivalled culture of success at UQ, where you will feel supported to not only achieve your best, but also believe that you can handle anything thrown at you in the classroom.

“The smaller cohort also makes the course feel more relevant to you. You won’t just be one of thousands of primary education students floating through!”



Education (Secondary)

Duration 4 years full-time

Location St Lucia

2014 entry score Qld – OP 12/Rank 74; IB 26

QTAC code 707202


Business Management/ BACHELOR OF

Education (Secondary)

Duration 4.25 years full-time

Location St Lucia

2014 entry score Qld – OP 9/Rank 82; IB 30

QTAC code 710301



Education (Secondary)

Duration 5 years full-time

Location St Lucia

2014 entry score Qld – OP n/a / Rank n/a; IB n/a

QTAC code 723202



Education (Secondary)

Duration 4 years full-time

Location St Lucia

2014 entry score Qld – OP 11/Rank 77; IB 27

QTAC code 731302


Education (Secondary)

Duration 1 year full-time

Location St Lucia

2014 entry score Qld – OP n/a / Rank 85; IB n/a

QTAC code 742702

see information on page 10

What will I study?

Bachelor of Education (Secondary)The Bachelor of Education (Secondary) dual program consists of two parts:

Part A – Focuses on issues in teaching and schooling and is completed in conjunction with the requirements of the non-education degree, which provides the content knowledge for two teaching areas. Part A of the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) dual programs requires completion of eight core courses.

Part B – Develops the necessary skills, knowledge and practical experience required for application for teacher registration and employment. It is completed during the final Professional Year, and comprises on-campus lectures, tutorials and workshops which are alternated with blocks of teaching in schools.

Some of the courses you will study as a Secondary Education student include:

– Introduction to Education– Learning Tools for the 21st Century– Learning, Mind and Education– Diversity and Inclusive Education

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What is Secondary Education?The University of Queensland’s Bachelor of Education (Secondary) dual programs provide you with the opportunity to explore, create and develop new knowledge through practical, school-based learning.

Our programs cover the latest developments, theories, policies and practices in the education arena. You will draw upon the recent research into effective teaching methods, ensuring you are well-equipped to meet the challenges of a teaching career.

Students completing a dual program with Education are qualified to teach in at least two teaching areas with our flexible options as listed below.



– Becoming a Professional Educator– Multicultural and Indigenous Knowledge

and Education– Identity, Youth Cultures and Education.

Features of our Bachelor of Education (Secondary) dual programs include:– A wide range of teaching areas from

which you may select two.– At least three years of concentrated

studies in the content knowledge for teaching areas and educational theory.

– A final Professional Year, concentrating on teaching practice and preparing pre-service teachers for their professional roles, including 15 weeks of professional experience.

– Additional preparation and career enhancement programs offering further professional development and insights.

– A supportive environment that values the individual.

– The opportunity to complete two degrees in less time than it would take to complete the two programs separately.

What job can I get?UQ Education degrees are recognised worldwide and many graduates seek employment overseas. Secondary school teachers are in demand, especially in the fields of mathematics, science, and languages other than English. Graduates are eligible to apply for teacher registration in Queensland and employment in both State and non-State schools.

An Education degree opens up a vast range of career opportunities within educational settings such as head of department, deputy principal and principal. The development of key competencies throughout the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) provides knowledge and skills that are also sought by employers in business and industry, especially in areas where an understanding of program development and training are required.

The programs are accredited with the Queensland College of Teachers and enable application for teacher registration in Australia and overseas.

Select from one of these dual Bachelor programs

With senior teaching areas of (select two from within the same program)

Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) – Chinese– Drama– Economics– English– English as a Second Language– French– Geography– German

– History– Indonesian– Italian– Japanese– Learning Support– Legal Studies– Mathematics– Media Studies

– Music– Philosophy– Spanish– Studies of Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander People– Studies in Religion– Study of Society

Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education (Secondary)

This program prepares graduates for employment as a specialist music teacher, enabling you to teach Music in secondary schools. You may also choose to study instrumental music and choral music teaching.

Bachelor of Business Management/Bachelor of Education (Secondary)

– Economics– Business Management and BCT

Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education (Secondary)

– Biology– Chemistry– Geography

– Mathematics– Science 21, Earth and

Environmental Science

– Physics

9Education UQ Guide 2015


KRISTEN ROWLANDThe experiences Kristen Rowland had while studying at The University of Queensland extended beyond the classroom, as it was here she met her (now) husband and celebrated her wedding.

Choosing to study a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Kristen wanted to be a part of a university based on tradition that would also provide her with the most up-to-date theoretical and practical knowledge in her subject area.

Currently working at St Catherine’s Catholic College in the Whitsundays as a secondary teacher, Kristen graduated in 2013 and is now part of a developing school, enjoying the challenge and new experiences.

“It has been such a wonderful experience to be able to apply the learning I received at UQ into the classroom to empower my students,” she said.

Kristen said besides meeting her future husband, who was also a UQ student, the best part of her program was definitely the opportunity to experience numerous guest lecturers, who were all well respected in their individual fields.

“They complemented the learning experiences being taught by lecturers and tutors in the classroom and provided me with a real world context of where my work could take me in the future,” she said.

Through the program, Kristen was able to explore interests and pursuits which have shown her other opportunities she might like to explore in the future.

“The University of Queensland has provided me with the most up-to-date theoretical knowledge in my field to enable me to implement strategies that match the changing face of education,” she said.

“This, combined with a strong practical experience, has prepared me to adapt and work well within a team environment.”

In the future, Kristen would like to study her Master of Educational Studies (Career Development) to pursue a desire to assist students in building their careers.

“The best part of being a UQ student is definitely becoming a part of the community of learners at the university. This community, made up of your lecturers, tutors and peers stays with you in the workforce and provides a support system as you find your way in the working world,” she said.

Kristen plans to continue working in the education system and hopes to make a difference in the lives of her students.

“The experiences I had while at UQ will stay with me for the rest of my life, changing me in ways far beyond the learning that takes place in the classroom.

“The memories created at UQ shape who you are and the difference you will make in the world,” she said.

This program will prepare you for employment as a secondary school teacher across years 8 to 12. It will provide the skills and knowledge necessary for teaching to complement your current knowledge and skills gained in the first degree. You will be trained to teach in two of the following curriculum areas:– Accounting– Agriculture– Biology– Business Management BCT– Chemistry– Chinese– Drama– Economics– English– English as a Second Language– French– Geography– German– Health and Physical Education– History– Indonesian– Italian– Japanese– Information Processing and Technology

Do you already have a degree?

Education UQ Guide 201510

The School of Education offers a number of programs specifically designed for people who have an undergraduate degree. These programs are ideal for those looking for a career change or who wish to follow their passion.

What will I study?


Education (Secondary)

Duration 1 year full-time

Location St Lucia

2014 entry scoreBachelor degree with at least one year of teaching-subject-related study

QTAC code 742702

The Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) program is a teacher preparation program for students who already hold an undergraduate degree from a recognised tertiary institution. The program consists of periods of on-campus lectures, tutorials and workshops, alternated with blocks of practicum in schools.




AARON BATESAaron Bates decided to study a Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) after completing a Bachelor of Science (Geographical Sciences) in 2012.

For him, the program had many highlights, one of them being the extensive support offered by both staff and peers.

“Tutors and lecturers were always only an email or phone-call away and their doors were always open for professional consultation or just a casual chat,” Aaron said.

Currently working for Education Queensland in Far North Queensland as a Senior Biology and Geography teacher, Aaron is utlising what he has learnt to create engaging learning experiences for his students.

“Aside from teaching, I am also organising a number of exciting extra-curricular activities to promote science and geography at my school,” he said.

As part of his practical experience, Aaron completed a total of 15 weeks at a high school in Logan City.

“I got to put into practice what I had been taught at university, and develop knowledge and skills essential to becoming an effective teacher.

“I also had the privilege to complete a four-week internship, where I took on full teaching duties for a number of classes. This was a daunting and exciting time that prepared me for teaching,” he said.

Aaron’s UQ experience prepared him for the range of demands and challenges that he is currently facing in his position at a remote school.

“In the future I hope to further develop my skills and expertise in my teaching areas of biology and geography, and devise secondary student work programs that are tailored to the cohort’s diverse range of contexts and experiences,” he said.

– Learning Support– Legal Studies– Mathematics– Film, Television and the New Media– Music– Philosophy– Physics– Science 21– Studies in Religion– Study of Society– Tourism.

Entry Requirements for the Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary)Entry requirements include the completion of a Bachelor degree from an approved tertiary institution. This degree must provide the necessary prerequisite knowledge for two teaching areas listed above. An interview is also required if you are applying to study the teaching of a language other than English. For more information on entry requirements, please visit


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AMANDA DUNSTERAmanda Dunster is part of the first cohort to undertake a Master of Teaching (Primary) Program at UQ, allowing her to teach primary school classes at schools across Queensland by the middle of next year.

These teachers-in-training, the first of many to come, have appreciated the launch of the program as signifying a transformation in the conduct of teacher education.

Program Coordinator Dr Linda Willis said the current students are pioneers and will be remembered as the first cohort of what she believes will be an exceptional teacher education program.

“The MTeach is a unique graduate entry pathway for beginning teachers that has been designed to align with the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership national accreditation framework.

“This year’s MTeach entrants have completed undergraduate degrees from across a wide range of disciplines and areas including science, music, arts, journalism and sociology,” Dr Willis said.

“The program aims to enrich and extend their disciplinary knowledge and skills as they learn about the Australian Curriculum and convert their knowledge to engage effectively with students in classrooms,” she said.

Amanda is excited about the program and said it’s a great opportunity for students such as herself to kick-start their career in teaching.

“I like that it is a flexible and practical course delivered in only 18 months. The amount of practical experience that we are offered is phenomenal,” she said.

Graduating from UQ with a Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of Communication majoring in Public Relations in 2013, Amanda recently completed a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) qualification which inspired her to want to teach English overseas. This passion then led to her discovery that UQ had a Master of Teaching program starting in 2014.

“The program coordinators have made everyone feel welcome and it is great to see how passionate they are about teaching. It is exciting to know that in such a short time, using the knowledge I have gained throughout the program, I will also be teaching in the industry.”

A distinctive feature of the program is enhanced collaboration between UQ and partner schools. This year UQ will collaborate closely with Ironside State School to guide the MTeach cohort.

Head of UQ’s School of Education Professor Merrilyn Goos welcomed the opportunities for collaborating teachers at Ironside State School to enhance their professional practice via the supervision and mentoring role they will take on.


Teaching (Primary)


Teaching (Primary)

Duration4 semesters (including a compulsory summer semester) in 1.5 years full-time

Location St Lucia

2014 entry scoreBachelor degree with at least one year of teaching subject-related study

QTAC code 742802

The Master of Teaching (Primary) is a teacher preparation program specifically designed for people with an undergraduate degree to qualify as a primary school teacher in one and a half years of full-time study. The program is ideal for those wishing to follow their passion for teaching.

The distinctive program is the first of its kind in Queensland to meet new national teaching standards as outlined by the Federal Government. Completing the program means you will be ready to implement the new national teaching curriculum. Courses have been carefully designed to ensure graduates comply with the Australian professional standards for teachers.

The program consists of periods of on-campus lectures, tutorials and workshops, alternated with blocks of professional placements in schools. Strong emphasis is placed on classroom practice with placements designed to provide the opportunity for professional development and learning for growth into the role as a beginning teacher. All placements are supported by an expert team of university facilitators, whose role is to liaise, visit, observe practice, and support both the pre-service teachers and the school-based mentors and staff.

You will gain the benefits of being taught by national and international award-winning lecturers and will be thoroughly prepared for a career in the education sector through access to the latest innovations in teaching research taking place within UQ’s School of Education.

This program will prepare you for employment as a primary school teacher across years 1 to 7. It provides the skills and knowledge necessary for teaching to complement the current knowledge and skills gained in your first degree. You will be qualified to teach in all areas of the primary curriculum:– Arts (including Drama, Dance, Media, Music

and Visual Arts)– English– Mathematics– Science– Social Education (History / Geography /

Civics)– Health and Physical Education– Technology.

Entry Requirements for the Master of Teaching (Primary)Entry requirements include the completion of a Bachelor degree from an approved tertiary institution. At least one third of the degree must relate to one or more of the primary school curriculum areas.

At UQ, you can now study one of three undergraduate diplomas concurrently with your bachelor degree. You may complete it over an accelerated period, or spread the load across the duration of your degree.

MUSIC PERFORMANCEIf you love music, this is the diploma for you – no matter what your main academic interest. Discover the world of ensembles as you participate in ensemble rehearsals and performances. Develop excellence in rhythmic accuracy and pitch discrimination, acquire a full dynamic range, and develop musical style and vitality through a variety of rehearsal techniques employed by each ensemble director. Indulge your passion for music!

LANGUAGESIf you are keen to learn a new language, whether for personal interest or to enhance your career prospects in the global economy, you can study the Diploma in Languages. This diploma will suit you if you studied a language at high school and want to maintain your proficiency. It will also suit you if you have never studied a foreign language – you don’t need any prior experience. The diploma is available in Chinese, Classical languages, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish.

GLOBAL ISSUESThe Diploma in Global Issues will appeal to you if you wish to pursue a career in an area where having a global perspective on the environment, economics, politics, and social change will be of advantage. In this program, you will learn how individuals, societies and countries are all interconnected. One exciting feature is the opportunity to make the most of UQ’s extensive international connections through study at one of our partner universities.

How to enrol in a concurrent diplomaIf you are interested in the Diploma in Music Performance or the Diploma in Languages, you can apply for these programs directly to UQ once QTAC offers you a UQ place.

If you wish to do the Diploma in Global Issues, you will need to complete one year (#16 units) of undergraduate studies before applying.

To find out more about undergraduate diplomas, please contact the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Faculty of Humanities and Social +61 7 3365 1333

Once you are enrolled at UQ, you may decide to undertake a Diploma in Music Performance, Languages, or Global Studies at the same time as you complete your bachelor degree.


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ADMISSION INFORMATIONAdmission requirementsTo gain admission to undergraduate programs, you must satisfy prerequisites and have a sufficient entry score (OP/IB/Rank).

But there are alternative pathways for entry if you do not meet the requirements, and you can upgrade your score.

PrerequisitesSubject prerequisites are the Queensland Year 12 subjects required for individual programs. You may also gain admission to programs with subject equivalents from interstate or overseas schooling, selected bridging programs, or tertiary studies. Some programs have additional prerequisites, e.g. the Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT).

Entry scoresEntry scores include Overall Positions (OP) and entry ranks. Eligible applicants are selected for admission to a program in order of merit based on entry scores. Those with the highest entry score are selected first, and so on until the program quota is filled.

The minimum OP or rank required for entry varies from year to year and is determined once applications have been processed and places allocated. While it is difficult to predict exactly what OP or rank will be needed for entry to a program, you can use the previous year’s cut-off points as a guide.

Current Queensland Year 12 students receive an OP on the basis of their overall achievement at school in comparison with other students. OPs are determined by the Queensland Studies Authority and range from 1 to 25, with 1 being the highest.

All other applicants are allocated a rank on a scale of 1-99, with 99 being the highest. This common ranking scale allows many different types of qualifications to be compared, such as:

− the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR), which is used to calculate a rank for interstate Year 12 students

− the Combined Rank by QTAC, which is used to rank Australian International Baccalaureate (IB) students (see page 92)

− Entry rank for non-school leavers (including previous Queensland Year 12 students who qualified for an OP) and OP-ineligible Year 12 school leavers based on previous secondary, tertiary, bridging and preparatory studies, and/or work experience.

UQ OP GuaranteeIf you achieve an OP score in the range of 1-5 (or entry rank equivalent) and have completed required prerequisite subjects, you are guaranteed a place in the majority of UQ’s undergraduate programs, regardless of the published program cut-offs. See

English language requirementsIf you are from a non-English speaking background, you will need to provide evidence of English proficiency. You can do this by passing Queensland Year 12 English (or interstate equivalent), or by other means detailed in the Entry Options booklet available at:

Alternative entryIf you did not complete Year 12, did not achieve a high enough entry score for your preferred program, or are a mature-aged applicant, there are alternative entry pathways to UQ. Contact UQ Admissions for advice.

Improving an entry score (upgrading)If you are not offered a place in your preferred program and want to improve your entry score or meet subject prerequisites, you can accept an offer in a less competitive program with fewer prerequisites and try to improve your entry score. This is called upgrading.

We recommend that you complete one full year of bachelor degree study to upgrade to higher demand programs (such as dentistry or veterinary science) because the entry ranks allocated to attempts totalling less than one full-time year are capped. Depending on your academic performance your new entry rank could be higher than your previous rank.

For more information on how to improve your entry score, contact UQ Admissions.

Special entry programsIf you are of Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent, or have suffered financial hardship or severe disadvantage beyond your control that has affected previously satisfactory results, you may be eligible for special entry to UQ. Contact UQ Admissions for more information.

UQ’s Bonus Rank Scheme gives current Year 12 high school students bonus points towards their entry score for completing certain approved subjects or courses. Contact UQ Admissions for more information.

Programs for high-school studentsUQ’s Enhanced Studies Program (ESP) is the perfect opportunity to test-drive a tertiary-level course before you start

university. While still in Year 12, you can complete a university course, attend lectures and tutorials, and access UQ facilities. Once you pass the course, you may get credit towards a UQ program and can also boost your university entry rank through the Bonus Rank Scheme: see

The Young Scholars Program is another opportunity to discover, learn and engage with UQ’s academic community and like-minded students from across Queensland. See

How to applyYou can apply for admission to undergraduate programs at UQ through the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC).

Check the QTAC Guide for details on how to apply and what entry requirements you need. Free copies are given to all current Queensland Year 12 students and some interstate schools. You can also buy a copy from some newsagents or through QTAC.

Check the QTAC website for the 2015 application deadlines.

Current Year 12 students − lodge an application online via QTAC’s Twelve-to-Tertiary (TTT) web application service at

International students studying Year 12 in Australia

− visit for more information on application procedures and entry requirements

Other prospective students − lodge an online application using QTAC’s Apply-by-Web service at

EnrolmentOnce you have been offered a place in a UQ program, you can formally accept the offer by lodging a response with QTAC. You can then enrol at UQ by using the UQ link from QTAC’s Current Applicant online service.

The UQ enrolment website at provides information about the enrolment process to help you get started. Phone 1300 GO QTAC (1300 467 822)

UQ +61 7 3365 2203

International Admissions Year 12 studentsPhone +61 7 3346 7376

Interstate Year 12 studentsPhone 1800 671 980

Education UQ Guide 201514

FEES AND COSTSCourse fees and student contributionsWhen you study at University, at the start of each semester or teaching period (study period) you are charged a fee for each course in which you enrol.

Most undergraduate places at UQ are Commonwealth supported, i.e. funded partly by the Australian Government (Commonwealth support) and partly by you (student contribution). You are eligible for Commonwealth support if you are an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or an Australian permanent resident and have a Commonwealth supported place (CSP). (International students pay full tuition fees.)

If you have a CSP, the amount you pay for a course (your student contribution amount) depends on the fee band level of the course (see table below for 2014 fee bands).

As fees are charged according to the courses you undertake, not the program in which you are enrolled, it is not possible to publish a fixed fee for a program. “Indicative” annual fees (based on average first-year enrolment patterns) are listed on our Courses and Programs website to help you plan your budget.

Courses and

Fees calculatorTo help you estimate your course fees for a study period, UQ has an online Fees Calculator, available on the Courses and Programs website.

The Fees Calculator shows individual course fees and lets you add them to a list to estimate the overall fee for your enrolment. Before you enrol, Academic Advisors can help you develop a study plan.

Fees (under What It Costs/UQ Toolkit)

Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)In 2011 the Australian Parliament passed legislation allowing universities and other higher education providers to charge a fee for non-academic services such as sporting and recreation activities, employment and career advice, child care, financial advice, and food services. UQ levies the SSAF – which is capped at a maximum of $280 for 2014 – according to whether you are an internal or external student, or enrolled full-time or part-time. The fee is indexed annually.

Living costsAs a university student, you will also need to consider other costs of living, especially if you are living away from home for the first time. These include accommodation, books and study requirements, transport, and parking. Fortunately, a wide range of assistance is available.

UQU, the student union, has a secondhand bookshop at St Lucia, and provides many low-cost entertainment activities plus an employment service. UQ’s Student Services offer help with accommodation.

And the Australian Government provides financial support for low-income earners, as well as fee repayment options for most students.

UQ Student

CENTRELINK STUDENT SERVICESThe Australian Government’s Centrelink provides three income-support payments for Australian tertiary students: Youth Allowance, Austudy, and ABSTUDY.

You can apply for these payments at any Centrelink Customer Service Centre. Other schemes include:

− an interest-free advance loan for students, where you are paid part of your allowance as a lump-sum advance

− the Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) − the Health Care Card, which enables Commonwealth health concessions, such as low-cost pharmaceuticals, under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)

− Fares Allowance − Child Care Benefit (CCB) or Rebate (if you have children in your care). Allowance, Austudy, PES, Health Care Card, CCB, Fares: Phone 132 490ABSTUDY: Phone 1800 132 317

OTHER GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCEHECS-HELPIf you have a Commonwealth supported place, you may be eligible to receive HECS-HELP.

HECS-HELP is an Australian Government loan scheme that allows an eligible Australian citizen or permanent humanitarian visa holder in Australia to defer repayment of all or part of their student contribution amount until their income meets a specific threshold. This means you do not have to start repaying your HECS-HELP debt until you earn above a certain income level ($51,309 for the 2013-14 financial year). Loan repayments are then taken out of your pay as additional tax. You need to supply your tax file number if you wish to obtain a HECS-HELP loan.

SA-HELPSA-HELP is a loan scheme that helps you pay for all or part of the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF). If you use SA-HELP, the amount will be added to your accumulated HELP debt. You can take out a SA-HELP loan even if you do not wish to take out any other HELP loan. You require a tax file number to obtain SA-HELP.


Budgeting skills will help you manage your new life...



3Accounting, Administration, Commerce, Dentistry, Economics, Law, Medicine, Tourism, Veterinary Science


2Agriculture, Allied Health, Built Environment, Computing, Engineering, Mathematics, Other Health, Science, Statistics, Surveying


1Behavioural Science, Clinical Psychology, Education, Foreign Languages, Humanities, Nursing, Social Studies, Visual and Performing Arts


2014* Student contribution bands and amounts

* 2014 figures only, based on full-time (16-unit) workload: figures indexed annually


UNDERGRADUATE DIPLOMAIf you wish to explore a particular area of interest, fulfil pre-requisites for other programs, or upgrade your qualifications, the Diplomas in Arts or Science may be for you.

Study at your own pace and choose courses to suit your personal career goals.

Courses and

POSTGRADUATE STUDYUQ offers both coursework programs and research higher degrees (RHD) at the postgraduate level.

Both will give you specialised knowledge, provide a significant advantage in the employment market, enable you to upgrade your qualifications, enhance your promotion potential or pave the way for a career in academia.


Once you complete your undergraduate degree, you may decide to keep going: UQ has many postgraduate study options from which to choose.

Coursework programsPostgraduate coursework programs include graduate certificates, graduate diplomas, coursework masters, coursework masters (advanced) and professional doctorates, and require you to complete prescribed courses and assessment. There may be a research component in some programs but they mostly require lectures, laboratories, tutorials, assignments and examinations.

Graduate certificates, graduate diplomas and masters (by coursework) programs may be studied across a wide range of disciplines either individually or within a suite of programs. Depending on your academic background, you may enter a masters program directly, or be asked to apply for a graduate certificate, progress to a graduate diploma, and then to a coursework masters.

Research higher degreesResearch higher degrees (RHDs) require that at least two-thirds of the program is supervised independent research (a thesis). Some limited coursework may be required.

RHDs include the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programs. The PhD takes three-and-a-half years and the MPhil one-and-a-half years to complete. To be awarded these degrees you must produce either a 40,000 or 80,000 word thesis of original research.


COURSEWORK PROGRAMS • Graduate Certificate • Graduate Diploma • Coursework Masters • Coursework Masters (Advanced)• Professional Doctorate

RESEARCH PROGRAMS• Master of Philosophy (MPhil)• Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

QUEENSLAND YEAR 12 (high school equivalent)

HONOURS (coursework and/or research)







UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS • Associate Degree • Bachelor degree• Dual program

CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTOnce you start in your career, you may be interested in ongoing tuition to keep up-to-date in your industry.

Some faculties offer work-related courses run intensively over several days or hours, while others are offered on a semester-long basis. Still others are offered online. Check your faculty website for details.

The Institute of Continuing and TESOL Education (ICTE-UQ) also offers a wide range of highly practical technical, academic and vocational programs, corporate training and professional development, educational tours, and professional year programs for industry. You can choose between certificate, diploma, short course or customised programs.


15Education UQ Guide 2015

Education UQ Guide 201416

SCHOLARSHIPSUQ scholarships are awarded to recognise academic excellence combined with outstanding leadership; to assist students from families experiencing significant financial hardship; to support elite athletes; to help offset the costs of overseas study; and to aid students wishing to gain valuable research experience.

Scholarships are not only funded by the University, but are also generously supported by industry partners, private donors and the government.

Academic scholarshipsAcademic scholarships aim to reward very high-achieving school leavers who, in their senior years, have also demonstrated outstanding community service and/or significant leadership potential. Three categories are offered: UQ Vice-Chancellor’s, UQ Excellence and UQ Merit. Applications open in August and close on 31 October each year.

Equity scholarshipsUQ is keen to support students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds to realise their tertiary study aspirations.

More than 100 UQ-Link Access Scholarships, valued at $12,000 over four years, are awarded each year to commencing students who demonstrate significant financial hardship. If you wish to be considered for one of these scholarships, you should complete the Financial Hardship section of QTAC’s Educational Access Scheme when submitting your QTAC application.

Centrelink scholarshipsIf you receive a study support payment such as Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY, you may be able to access the Student Start-Up Scholarship through Centrelink. Relocation Scholarships are also available to regional/remote students needing to relocate from home to attend university: contact Centrelink at for more information.

Scholarships for overseas studyAn overseas study experience is a great way to build global networks, increase employability, learn a new language, and experience a new culture. Through UQ Abroad, UQ’s student exchange program, you can study overseas for a semester or a year on exchange while gaining credit towards your UQ degree. Scholarships valued at up to $3000 are available to help with travel and other costs.

Global experiences and professional developmentUQ is committed to providing opportunities for you to realise your aspirations, become a leader in your chosen field, and make a positive impact on society. UQ Advantage Grants of up to $1000 can provide financial assistance to support your participation in professional development and co-curricular activities such as internships, volunteering, short-term study programs, conference presentations and more.

Sporting scholarshipsIf you play sport at an elite level, the following scholarships are available:

− UQ Sports Achievement Scholarship, valued at $6000 for one year

– Clem Jones Sporting Scholarship, valued at $6000 a year for up to three years.Sporting scholarship recipients also receive free access to the University’s sporting facilities and services.

Apply online by 31 October each year via the UQ Sport website.

If you have represented at open, national or international level in your chosen sport, you can apply for the UQ Sport Scholarship Ambassador Program, worth $1500 per year.

Please visit for more detailed information on any of the above as well as other scholarship opportunities available at UQ.

Undergraduate Scholarships and Prizes (07) 3365 7113


UQ +61 7 3365 6243

UQ offers a large range of scholarship options to make university study more affordable. Check out what you may be eligible for before you start.

Field of study scholarshipsThanks to generous financial support from industry partners and University donors, UQ is able to offer a wide range of scholarships across most study areas. In general, you must complete at least one year of study before you can apply, although some faculties do offer entry scholarships for commencing students.

Scholarships for students studying at UQ Ipswich or UQ GattonIf you plan to enrol in a program at UQ Ipswich or UQ Gatton, you may be eligible for additional scholarship opportunities. Check the UQ Scholarships website for more information about campus-specific scholarships.

Scholarships for Indigenous studentsThere are many scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Indigenous Access Scholarships (IAS)provide a one-off payment of more than $4700 to assist with the costs of starting university (please note that preference is given to commencing students who have to relocate). IAS recipients may also be eligible for other Commonwealth-funded Indigenous Scholarships.

Undergraduate research scholarshipsUQ’s Summer and Winter Research Programs provide an opportunity to gain research experience working alongside some of UQ’s most talented researchers. Projects are available in most disciplines for six-10 weeks over the summer break and four-six weeks over the winter break. You can apply for scholarships valued at up to $3000 for the UQ Summer Research program and up to $1000 for the UQ Winter Research Program.


INTERNATIONAL STUDENTSYou are an International student if you are a:

− Temporary Resident (visa status) of Australia

− Permanent Resident (visa status) of New Zealand, or

− Resident or Citizen of any other country.

Eligibility for UQ studyFor admission into undergraduate programs at UQ, you must have:

− completed recognised upper secondary or equivalent Year 12 studies to the required standard

− satisfied individual program requirements (e.g. specific subject prerequisites, auditions or interviews)

− satisfied English language requirements.

If you do not meet these criteria, you might consider taking the Foundation Year bridging course offered by International Education Services (IES) or English language training offered by the Institute of Continuing and TESOL Education (ICTE).More

Study Abroad and Incoming ExchangeIf you are an international student currently enrolled at an accredited overseas university, you may be eligible to study at UQ for one or two semesters under the Study Abroad or Incoming Exchange program. Credit gained at UQ is usually transferred towards your degree at your home university, where you will continue to pay your tuition fees.


Fees, charges and expensesAll international students applying to study in Australia must have a student visa and study full-time, on-campus.

Please consider expenses such as visa and medical (pre-departure) fees, tuition fees, general living expenses, return airfares, and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) when you plan your budget.

As a fee-paying student, you pay tuition fees based on the courses you undertake, regardless of the program in which you enrol.

Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP)



Services for international studentsUQ’s Student Services can arrange to collect you from the airport, organise your orientation, and schedule your academic preparation sessions. International Student Advisors can help you quickly settle into life as a UQ student and can also answer your questions about health services, family matters, schooling or childcare, social events, and cultural or religious organisations.


Applying to UQFor instructions on how to apply to UQ and to download an application form, go to

International EnquiriesEmail (online enquiry form) +61 3 8676 7004 (outside Australia)

1800 671 980 (within Australia)

More than 11,000 international students from 142 countries currently call UQ home.

Bachelor degreeA qualification awarded for the first level of study undertaken at university, generally requiring three to five years of study.

Course (formerly known as subject)A component of study within a program, similar to a subject at school. Full-time students usually study four courses per semester.

Dual programA combination of two UQ degree programs undertaken at the same time (sometimes called dual, parallel, combined, or double degrees).

ElectiveA course that you can choose to study from a set of options. Some UQ programs allow electives from outside your main area of study, or from other programs.

Entry scoresUndergraduate students are given an entry score based on high school studies or other post-secondary studies: OP for Queensland Year 12s, Interstate Transfer Index (ITI) for Year 12s from other Australian states, and Rank for all others. Once you complete the equivalent of one full-time year of tertiary study (Bachelor level or higher), your OP or ranking is converted to a rank based on Grade Point Average (GPA).

FacultyA major organisational unit within UQ, with responsibility for academic programs, e.g., Faculty of Science. Faculties may have a number of sub-faculty academic units called Schools, e.g., School of ... The head of a faculty is called an Executive Dean.

Grade Point Average (GPA)The average grade of your results, weighted by the unit value of each course. GPA is determined on a semester basis and ranges from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest).

WHAT DO WE MEAN?You will hear a lot of new terms at University: here is an explanation of some of them...

HonoursAt UQ, Honours may be awarded as a one-year Bachelor Honours degree following completion of a bachelor degree; or as a four-year Bachelor Honours degree. Some undergraduate programs allow eligible students to transfer to a Bachelor Honours degree at a defined point in the Bachelor degree.

International studentA student who is not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, nor a New Zealand citizen, and is enrolled or proposes to enrol at an institution in Australia. Temporary residents of Australia are classified as international students.

MajorAn area of specialised study within a program of at least #12 units, e.g, History in Arts, which may be a formal requirement. Extended majors and dual majors are when the specialised study comprises a higher proportion of the degree.

MinorA small group of courses in a discipline. A minor is worth approximately half the value of a major.

Overall Position (OP)Overall Positions, or OPs, provide a State-wide rank order of students from 1-25 (1 highest), based on achievement in Authority subjects studied for the Queensland Senior Certificate. Your OP shows how well you have performed in your senior studies when compared with the performances of all other OP-eligible students in Queensland.

PlacementsA course requiring you to undertake a period of practical, work-related experience, usually at an organisation external to the University, designed to enable you to practise the skills of the profession in a real-life setting.

Postgraduate programsPrograms studied after graduating from undergraduate degrees which include graduate certificates and diplomas, masters, and doctorates.

Program (formerly known as course)A sequence of study involving enrolment, study and graduation, normally awarded with a qualification such as a bachelor degree, graduate diploma, or certificate.

Program codeA unique identifying number assigned by the University to a program.

QTACQueensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC), the central admissions body for most Queensland undergraduate programs: see

SemesterThe University teaching year is divided into three semesters: Semester 1, Semester 2, and Summer Semester. Most programs only require you to be enrolled in Semesters 1 and 2 each year.

Study Abroad (Exchange to UQ)A program where students enrolled at an overseas university study at UQ for one or two semesters as part of their home university degrees.

Undergraduate programsUsually refers to first-time university programs including diplomas and bachelor degrees.

UnitThe value of a course (#). Most courses at UQ are worth two units but some are higher.

UQ Abroad (Exchange from UQ)A program where students enrolled at UQ may be eligible to study in another country under UQ’s student exchange program.


Education UQ Guide 201518

19Education UQ Guide 2015


EXCHANGE FROM UQ – UQ ABROADThrough UQ’s student exchange program, UQ Abroad, you can study overseas for up to one year while gaining credit towards your UQ degree.

With 185 exchange partners in 41 countries, UQ Abroad is an ideal way to combine study and travel, and can be the adventure of a lifetime. Improve your foreign language skills, broaden your professional and academic experience, and establish a worldwide network of friends. While on exchange, tuition fees at the host university are waived and you continue to be enrolled at and pay fees to UQ. You can even apply for student exchange scholarships or an OS-HELP loan to assist with airfares, accommodation, health insurance and living costs.

UQ +61 7 3365 9075 or (07) 3365 8832

LEARN A LANGUAGEIf you would like to add another skill to your portfolio, why not learn a new language?

The Institute of Modern Languages (IML), located within the University, offers courses in more than 30 languages, from Arabic to Vietnamese, at beginner to advanced levels, and you are most welcome to enrol while studying at UQ.

IML’s flexible time schedule and well-qualified tutors ensure that you not only gain valuable language skills but also receive an exciting cultural experience.

IML language courses cover all four communication skill areas – listening, speaking, reading and writing – in small, friendly classes. You do not need any formal entry requirements for IML courses and they will not be counted towards your degree.

IML also offers translation and interpreting services on a fee-for-service basis.

Institute of Modern +61 7 3346 8200

UQxWith its Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), UQx presents the best of higher education, offering opportunity to anyone who wants to achieve, thrive and grow.

UQ is part of the international edX consortium, a not-for-profit online education venture founded by Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that is committed to making high-quality educational experiences more widely available. Online courses are available free-of-charge in a diverse range of areas. We encourage you to explore them as part of your educational experience at UQ. +61 7 3365 1003

Education UQ Guide 201520


BACHELOR DEGREE IN (unless otherwise stated)



QLD 2014 OP




742401 Education (Primary) 4 years Internal St Lucia 11 77 27 English 6

742802 Master of Teaching (Primary) 1.5 years Internal St Lucia n/a 92 n/aEnglish, plus a degree and

prerequisites for one or more teaching areas

6, 11


707202 Arts/Education (Secondary) 4 years Internal St Lucia 12 74 26 English 8

710301 Business Management/ Education (Secondary) 4.25 years Internal St Lucia 9 82 30 English plus

Maths A B or C 8

723202 Music/Education (Secondary) 5 years Internal St Lucia n/a n/a n/a English, Music 8

731302 Science/Education (Secondary) 4 years Internal St Lucia 11 77 27 English, Maths B, (Chemistry or Physics) 8

742702 Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) 1 year Internal St Lucia n/a 85 n/a

English, plus a degree and prerequisites for two

teaching areas8, 10


CONCURRENT DIPLOMAS also available - see page 12 for details.

For further information on dual programs in Education, please refer to the Bachelor of Arts Study Guide and the Humanities and Social Sciences Study Guide.

UQ IPSWICHUQ Ipswich provides a high-quality teaching and learning environment in a supportive, friendly campus community. Students benefit from small classes held in purpose-designed teaching spaces and enjoy a range of support, amenities and recreational services, including a bookshop, cafés, sports court, oval and gym. UQ Ipswich is also home to UQ College, a new academic preparation centre.

UQ CAMPUSESUQ’s campuses are renowned as being among the most beautiful and well-equipped in Australia.

UQ GATTONUQ Gatton delivers excellence in agricultural and natural resource sciences in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Just over an hour’s drive west of Brisbane, the campus offers a unique blend of recreational amenities, support services, modern teaching facilities, state-of-the-art laboratories and historic buildings, along with the $100 million School of Veterinary Science.

UQ ST LUCIASituated on the Brisbane River just seven kilometres from the central business district, UQ St Lucia is one of Australia’s most attractive campuses. With its striking sandstone buildings and beautiful parklands, it is the ideal setting for both study and recreation. Students can find just about everything they need on-site, including excellent sporting venues, shops and cafés.

UQ HERSTONHerston is UQ’s core clinical health teaching and research site. The campus is close to Brisbane city and is located alongside the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and the Royal Children’s Hospital. This co-location demonstrates UQ’s commitment to working closely with health professionals and researchers to deliver innovative and contemporary health education programs.


1 B




School of EducationThe University of QueenslandBrisbane Qld 4072AUSTRALIA

Phone: +61 7 3365 6550Fax: +61 7 3365 7199Email:

UQ AdmissionsJD Story BuildingThe University of QueenslandBrisbane Qld 4072AUSTRALIA

Phone +61 7 3365 2203Fax +61 7 3365 2061Email

UQ International AdmissionsJD Story BuildingThe University of QueenslandBrisbane Qld 4072AUSTRALIA

Phone +61 7 3365 7941/ 1800 671 980Fax +61 7 3365 1794Email

QTACPO Box 1331 Level 2, 33 Park Road, MiltonBrisbane Qld 4064AUSTRALIA

Phone +61 7 3858 1222/ 1300 467 822Fax +61 7 3367 1164Email

Undergraduate Scholarships and Prizes OfficePhone +61 7 3365 7113Fax +61 7 3365 7559Email

Student Services-AccessibilityStudent Services Building 21DThe University of QueenslandBrisbane Qld 4072AUSTRALIA

Phone +61 7 3365 1704Fax +61 7 3365 1702Email

If you have a disability, please contact a Disability Advisor in Student Services at the start of semester to learn about the services and alternative academic arrangements available to you as a UQ student.

UQ publicationsUQ Admissions holds several publications that can help you find out more about UQ programs, campuses, student services, admissions procedures and fees, including:

– UQ Guide: Australian Undergraduate– UQ Guide: International.

Campus toursIf you would like to experience UQ through a hosted campus tour, please contact the UQ School Liaison team (details below). Campus tours of UQ Ipswich and UQ Gatton are available all year round. UQ St Lucia tours are provided during Queensland school holidays, and you can download a self-guided discovery tour map for visits at any other time.

Phone +61 7 3346 9649Email or

In the event of any conflict arising from information contained in this publication, the material approved by The University of Queensland Senate shall prevail.

Information in this Study Guide was correct at time of print. Always check the UQ website for the most up-to-date information:

CRICOS Provider Number 00025B


KEY DATESTertiary Studies Expo (TSXPO)RNA ShowgroundsSaturday and Sunday, 19-20 July 2014

UQ Open DayUQ St LuciaSunday, 3 August 2014

UQ IpswichWednesday, 6 August 2014

UQ GattonSunday, 17 August 2014

QTAC closing dateCheck website for

Semester 1, 2015 Classes commenceMonday, 2 March 2015

Cert no.