Education Psychology Presentation

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Education Psychology Presentation

Teachers Talk, Students Talk

Produced by:

Maisara Mohd Mahadi

Lim Pei Gen


Manbir Kaur

Educational Psychology


Too much learning from textbook

Sees no relevance in learning a certain subject

Sees teachers as the only source of motivation

Difficulty storing information in memory

Struggling to understand Math concepts

Teachers assessment only at the end of lesson

I’m 12 years oldand am going to take PSLE this year

My teacher is boring

My teacher asks to memorise facts from textbooks

Beng Kwee

I want Science experiments and watch videos

My classmates havebetter teachers and I am not happy!

I’m having a hard timeremembering Science concepts

I love looking atcharts and graphs

Fleming and Mills’ (1992) VARK Model of Learning

V: Visual – Prefer maps, flow charts, graphs, etc

A: Auditory/ Aural – Prefer information that is “heard/ spoken”

R: Read/ Write – Prefer information in words

K: Kinesthetic – Prefer hands-on experience (connected to reality)

Learners construct knowledge in the process of developing an understanding of their experiences, rather than recording information in their memories in the exact form in which it is presented. Thus it is important to identify students’ learning style.

Different Styles of Learning

Beng Kwee’s Learning Profile

Beng Kwee is a visual and kinesthetic learner.

He learns best at finding practical uses for Science concepts and theories.

He prefers practical applications and “hands-on” activities as opposed to simply listen, observe and learn.  

Issue #1

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Mr Lim gives too much information from the textbook through verbal explanations and the lessons lack hands-on interaction

Solution #1Cognitive Learning Theories

Use Science 3-D models, science experiments, interactive websites, flow charts and illustrative powerpoints

Will impact visual and kinesthetic learners like Beng Kwee

Attention is where learning begins

Mr. Lim should find ways to attract and retain his attention by using flow-charts, attractive illustrations and 3-D models as effective attention-getters

Social Constructivist Theories

Emphasizes the importance of connecting topics to real-world context

Authentic activities

Learning is more meaningful

Beng Kwee will better understand how elements, compounds and mixtures work in real-life context

Social Cognitive Theories

Albert Bandura

People learn by observing others (McLeod, 2011)

Mr. Lim should model genuine interest in teaching Science

Issue #2

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Beng Kwee does not see the utility value in learning Science concepts

Solution #2Piaget’s Theory

Piaget: Design learning experiences as developmental bridges to more advance stages of development.

Engaging prior knowledge

Get his students to write down what they know about a topic (K), what they would like to find out (W) and at the end of lesson what they have learned (L).

Piaget’s Theory

Piaget: Provide concrete experiences and help students link the concrete representation to abstract idea

Mr Lim should have let the students do active exploration with materials – Science experiments, hands-on activities, visual aids

Help Beng Kwee relate to real world context and see and relevance of learning “Mixtures & Compounds”

Issue #3Beng Kwee sees his teachers as the only extrinsic source of


"If only they were my teachers, then maybe I will do better for my PSLE".

Solution #3

Cognitive Evaluation Theory

Mr Lim needs to sustain Beng Kwee’s motivation to learn

Make students realise that teachers are not the only extrinsic source of motivation

Reward system: Using rewards to communicate increased competence can increase Beng Kwee’s motivation to learn and beliefs about his capabilities. 

Issue #4Beng Kwee has difficulty storing information. He "can’t answer his

questions most of the time" and he "can’t remember what he said in the first place".

Solution #4Vygotsky’s Theory

Language through questioning

Social interaction: Collaborative work

Information Processing Theory

Model of STM

Central Executive: controls the flow of information to and from the other components

Phonological loop: short-term storage system for words and sounds and it retains information through maintenance rehearsal - the process of repeating information over and over, either out loud or silently, without altering its form (R. Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968).

Visual-sketchpad: short-term storage system for visual and spatial information

Reduce limitations to STM

Chunking: grouping information – Mr. Lim should group information

Distributed Processing: 1) using the phonological loop: repetition and emphasis on key concepts

2) visual-sketchpad to reduce cognitive load - use interesting visuals like concept maps, organizational charts and illustrative powerpoints

Long-Term Memory

Declarative knowledge: Knowledge of facts, definitions, procedures and rules

1) Semantic memory: Memory for concepts, principles and the relationships among them

2) Episodic memory: Memory for personal experiences

Procedural knowledge: Knowledge of how to perform tasks. Knowledge is about knowing “how”.

Conditional knowledge: Knowledge of “where” and “when” to use declarative and procedural knowledge

Phone call from Desmond

Issue #5Desmond is struggling to grasp Mathematical concepts as his

Math teacher gives formulae and expects the students to solve Math problems.

Solution #5Vygotsky’s Theories

Culture: illustrated by concrete examples, e.g. brochures and advertisements on electronic gadgets to teach percentage

Peer interaction: group work – where less competent students get help from better ones

Scaffolding: step-by-step guidance

More Knowledgeable Other & Zone of Proximal Development

Issue #6

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The teacher only assesses Desmond and his classmates at the end of the lesson.

Solution #6Constructivist Learning Theory

John Dewey

Importance of questioning and feedback – two-way interaction

Ask appropriate questions at different parts of the lesson: When the teacher asks Desmond at whichever point he thinks important, he will be able to check whether his understanding is incomplete or inaccurate. Then, he can provide feedback on Desmond's understand thus making his learning a more meaningful one.


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