Edld 5362 week 5 power point complete

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Transcript of Edld 5362 week 5 power point complete

The Alvin Independent School

District (AISD) Technology Plan

2011-2012 Joanne Puryear May 10, 2012

EDLD 5362 ET 8034 Week 5

“To realize the benefits of technology, schools must develop a plan for integrating technology into the curriculum. An effective technology plan is based on the shared vision of educators, parents, community members, and business leaders who have technological expertise. It ensures that technology strengthens existing curricula and supports meaningful, engaged learning for all students. It also specifies how the technology will be paid for and how it use will be supported”

Critical Issue: Developing a School or District Technology Plan: http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/methods/technlgy/te300.htm


The AISD’S Technology Plan is aligned with the 2010 National Technology Plan ( NEPT) and uses the STaR Chart as a tool for developing their long range technology plan. Their goal for using telecommunications and information technology is summed up in their following mission statement.

“ It is the mission of the Instructional Technology Department of Alvin ISD to increase student achievement, improve data analysis and reporting, provide a home-school connection, and give teachers, students, administrators and parents the tools that can enable great things to happen in every school through the use of technology.”


Elements of Technology Plan

Goals and ObjectivesProfessional Development StrategyAssessment of Telecommunication Services,

Hardware, Software and Other Services NeededBudget ResourcesOngoing Evaluation Process


The District Performance Goals 2011-2012 are divided in to six categories

Academic Performance (Student Learning)Teachers and Staff (Attract High Quality Teachers/Staff)Technology (Invest in evolving technology and

maintaining existing infrastructure)Facilities (Supportive of a quality instructional

program)Parental/Community InvolvementFiscal Responsibility (Be efficient managers)

AISD, 2011 Retrieved from http://www.alvinisd.net/education/page/download.php?fileinfo=RGlzdHJpY3RfSW1wcm92ZW1lbnRfUGxhbi5wZGY6Ojovd3d3MTAvc2Nob29scy90eC9hbHZpbi9pbWFnZXMvZG9jbWdyLzMzMmZpbGU4NDQ1LnBkZg==


Increase Technology Professional Development and Training Opportunities for Personnel, Technology Staff Development Opportunities and Administrators development of technology awareness, application, integration and refinement

Provide 100% of Teachers and Administrators technology training Internet Safety Lessons Support for Beginning Teachers - Mentoring and Inducting New Teachers (MINT) Provide Veteran Teachers as Mentors Support Strategies

Classroom Management Programs Technology Training

Promethean Board Document Camera Mini-Notebook Prezi Project Share Moodule- A Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning

Management System (LMS)


Assessment revealed a need for Electronic Communication – eNews for Parents“To increase communication between parents and school personnel” (AISD, 2011, p.43).

Plan Infrastructure to allow the introduction of Bring You Own Device (BYOD) (next slide)

Implement “Type to Learn” in Grade 2 to ensure proficiency in keyboarding

Develop embeded lessons in Eduphoria/Forethought to include technology applications & enhance more critical thinking

The BYOD program involves students bringing their own technology devices to school. By bringing these devices, students will be able to maximize their creativity and learning through utilizing their own devices and all of the programs and applications with which they are familiar.The following devices will be allowed: •Laptops •Netbooks •Notebooks •iPad •iPod Touch •E-Reader •Tablets/Slates •Cell Phones •Smart Phones

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)


Many teachers have very innovative and exciting ideas about how to implement the mobile devices into their current curriculum. Many lessons are collaborative, which allows students to work together while sharing information accessed through personal devices. Students will use the devices for activities such as:

· On-the-Spot Research · Quick Polling for immediate assessment of student learning · Study Skills (i.e. Reading Maps, Digital Flashcards) · Note-taking · Document creation and editing · Graphing exercises · Project Enhancement · Vocabulary Development · Student Planning and Organizing · Still and video imaging and editing · Individual and group reading assignments


Mobile Devices in Action


Develop a plan to fund the purchase and install Activboards in ESL and Special Education Classes

Continue to reduce budget expenditures and adjust allocations by setting budget priorities

Reduce costs by 3% across Alvin ISDDevelop a web-based data dashboard

combining student, staff and financial data (internet and intranet dashboards)

Federal funding sources (including Title 1) are integrated and coordinated with State and Local funds to meet the needs of all students

Technology Goal 3: Alvin ISD will invest in evolving technology and maintaining existing

infrastructure in order to promote student/technology engagement in the teaching and

learning process.

Technology Goal 3: Alvin ISD will invest in evolving technology and maintaining existing infrastructure

in order to promote student/technology engagement in the teaching and learning process.


MaintenanceTrouble-ShootingNetwork Management

At least every two years, the District shall evaluate the effectiveness of the District’s decision-making and planning policies, procedures, and staff development activities related to District- and campus-level decision making and planning to ensure that they are effectively structured to positively impact student performance. Education Code 11.252(d)

Alvin ISD PLANNING AND DECISION-MAKING PROCESS Retrieved from http://pol.tasb.org/Policy/Download/216?filename=BQ(LEGAL).pdf

AISD Technology Mission

Increase Student AchievementImprove Daily Analysis and ReportingProvide Home – School connectionGive Teachers, Students, Administrators and

Parents tools that can ”enable great things to happen in every school through the use of technology.”



Alvin ISD District Performance Goals 2011-2012 Retrieved from http://www.alvinisd.net/education/components/docmgr/default.php?sectiondetailid=1433m=8446&catfilter=ALL

Alvin ISD Planning and Decision Making Committee (2012) Alvin Independent School District COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT

PLAN 2011-2012 Retrieved from http://www.alvinisd.net/education/page/download.php?fileinfo=RGlzdHJpY3RfSW1wcm


Cates, D.,(2012, April 30), BYOD Day in AISD Retrieved from YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1TxU_itIzE&feature=youtu.be

Cator, K. (2010, November). National Education Technology Plan 2010 Executive Summary Retrieved from U.S. Department of Education: //www.ed.gov/technology/netp-2010/executive-summary

Star Chart (2012) Texas Education Agency. Retrieved from http://starchart.epsilen.com/