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Editor: Kevin Cheng Tel: (852) 2277 6626 Email: foreignstock@phillip.com.hk

27 June 2014

Page | 1 MCI (P) 046/11/2013 Ref. No.: TH2014_0258

Home Product Center - HMPRO

2QFY14 earnings seen modest growth


CG Rating - 2013


Valuation Method DCF (WACC 9.06%, growth rate 3%)



HMPRO management expects a modest earnings growth but earnings are expected to grow notably in 4QFY14.

We project net profit to grow 8.44% y-y and 9.11% q-q to Bt791.87mn in 2QFY14 on increasing consumer confidence, as political tension eased.

As the current share price is overvalued to our FY14 price target of Bt8.60, we thus downgrade HMPRO to ‘REDUCE’ rating.

According to guidance, the second-quarter earnings should continue to improve sequentially as easing politics has since boosted consumer spending. Even though HMPRO has yet reaped benefits from an increase in purchasing power after NCPO paid off rice-subsidy debt owed to rice farmers, the company expects the rice payment will come to fruition in the final quarter of the year. How we view this Net profit is projected to grow 8.44% y-y and 9.11% q-q to Bt791.87mn in 2QFY14. Such modest growth can be contributed to consumer spending, which dropped in April but rebounded in June. The quarterly sales should grow at slower pace when compared to a 2.2% sequential growth in 1QFY14 that HMPRO registered sales of Bt11,322.06mn. In this period, HMPRO opened three stores – two HomePro stores in the upcountry (Prachuap Khiri Khan and Surin provinces) and one Mega HomePro at Cholburi. The northeastern region continued to suffer the most from sluggish sales, though NPCO paid off the rice-pledging program debt in May-June, as the rice payment is expected to yield fruits in the second half of the year. Investment Action We compute target price based on DCF valuation arriving at Bt8.60. HMPRO shares are currently overvalued and thus we downgrade HMPRO to ‘REDUCE’ rating.

Analyst Phillip Research Team +65 65311240 research@phillip.com.sg

Home Product Center - HMPRO 27 June 2014

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Industry Group Name Sector Name Sector Index

Agro & Food Industry Agribusiness AGRI

[AGRO] Food & Beverage FOOD

Consumer Products Fashion FASHION

[CONSUMP] Home & Office Products HOME

Personal Products & Phamaceuticals PERSON

Financials Banking BANK

[FINCIAL] Finance & Securities FIN

Insurance INSUR

Industrials Automotive AUTO

[INDUS] Industrail Materials & Machinery IMM

Packaging PKG

Paper & Printing Materials PAPER

Petrochemicals & Chemicals PETRO


Property & Construction Construction Materials CONMAT

[PROPCON] Construction Services CONS

Property Development PROP

Property Fund & REITs FP&REIT

Resources Energy & Utilities ENERG


Services Commerce COMM

[SERVICE] Media & Publishing MEDIA

Health Care Services HELTH

Tourism & Leisure TOURISM

Professionsl Services PROF

Transportation & Logistics TRANS

Technology Electronic Components ETRON

[TECH] Information & Communication Technology ICT

Kay Ng
I.T. & Software


We do not base our recommendations entirely on the above quantitative return bands. We consider qualitative factors like (but not limited to) a stock's risk reward profile, market sentiment, recent rate of share price appreciation, presence or absence of stock price catalysts, and speculative undertones surrounding the stock, before making our final recommendation


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Total ReturnTotal ReturnTotal ReturnTotal Return RecommendationRecommendationRecommendationRecommendation RatingRatingRatingRating RemarksRemarksRemarksRemarks >+20%>+20%>+20%>+20% BuyBuyBuyBuy 1111 >20% upside from the current price>20% upside from the current price>20% upside from the current price>20% upside from the current price

+5% to +20%+5% to +20%+5% to +20%+5% to +20% AccumulateAccumulateAccumulateAccumulate 2222 +5% to +20%upside from the curren+5% to +20%upside from the curren+5% to +20%upside from the curren+5% to +20%upside from the current pricet pricet pricet price ----5% to +5%5% to +5%5% to +5%5% to +5% NeutralNeutralNeutralNeutral 3333 Trade within ± 5% from the current priceTrade within ± 5% from the current priceTrade within ± 5% from the current priceTrade within ± 5% from the current price ----5% to 5% to 5% to 5% to ----20%20%20%20% ReduceReduceReduceReduce 4444 ----5% to 5% to 5% to 5% to ----20% downside from the current price20% downside from the current price20% downside from the current price20% downside from the current price

<<<<----20%20%20%20% SellSellSellSell 5555 >20%downside from the current price>20%downside from the current price>20%downside from the current price>20%downside from the current price

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