EDB CS Aerospace Factsheet FA LR 20111202

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Transcript of EDB CS Aerospace Factsheet FA LR 20111202

  • 7/28/2019 EDB CS Aerospace Factsheet FA LR 20111202



    Singapores vision or this industry

    Careers@S ngapore

    Singapore is well known today as an air

    hub. With more than 350 awards, Changi

    International Airport is recognised

    as one o the worlds best airports. We

    are also the leading centre in Asia or

    aerospace maintenance, repair and

    o v e r h a u l ( M R O ) , m a n u a c t u r in g

    and research and development

    ( R& D ) . S i n c e 1 9 9 0 , S i ngap ore s

    aerospace industry has grown at

    an average rate o 12% to become

    the most comprehensive MRO hub in

    Asia. In 2009, the aerospace industry

    achieved a record output o S$7 billion

    and employed close to 18,000 workers.

    There are more than 100 international

    companies carrying out MRO in

    Singapore. Aerospace-related R&D in

    Singapore has also grown signicantly

    over the last two years and is set to grow

    urther still. Major aerospace companies

    have already established R&D centres

    here to leverage the capabilities o our

    local research institutions and universities.

    Our excellent connectivity has made

    Singapore the ideal location or Boeing,

    Airbus, Embraer and GE to establish

    their regional distribution centres (RDCs).

    Singapore is also home to the bi-annual

    Singapore Airshow, one o the worlds

    top three international airshows.

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    Seletar Aerospace Park

    Singapore is committed to growing the aerospace industry as demonstrated by

    the development o Seletar Aerospace Park. Spanning 300ha, this dedicated

    aerospace park will host an integrated cluster o activities including MRO;design and manuacture o aircrat systems, components, and light aircrat;

    business and general aviation activities; and a regional aerospace campus

    or education, research and training. Companies here can reap the benets

    o a world-class business inrastructure, complete with runway access and

    leverage the synergies rom cluster integration.

    Maintenance Repair andOverhaul:

    S i n g a p o r e h a s t h e c o m p l e t erange o MRO capabilities or both

    passenger and reighter aircrat. The

    continued expansion and investment

    by aerospace companies urther

    augment Singapores position as the

    regions MRO centre.

    Eurocopters new 8,200 sq-m acility

    at the Seletar Aerospace Park will have

    twice the hangar capacity o its existing

    premises, and will also house its training

    and R&D activities.

    Safran Electronics Asia and Singapore

    Air l ines Engineer ing Companys

    (SIAEC) j oint ve nture wi ll es tablish

    a dedicated Centre o Excellence &

    OEM warranty repair centre or

    avionics components.

    ST Aerospace has two new hangars

    at Seletar Aerospace Park to cater to

    narrow-body MRO and Passenger-

    to-Fre ighter Convers ion. Able to

    accommodate up to three narrow-

    body jets such as Boeing 737 andAirbus 320 at a time, these two hangars

    will allow ST Aerospace to capture

    more MRO work rom the rapidly

    growing Asian budget airlines and help

    generate downstream MRO work or

    the industry as well.

    Goodrich has a 530,000 sq-t aircrat

    component and systems maintenance

    and repair campus in Singapore that

    brings together several Goodrich

    service businesses under one roo and

    represents Goodrichs largest MROcampus worldwide.

    Who are the leading players here?

    Manufacturing:With a strong manuacturing base,

    skilled manpower and ocus on science

    and engineering, Singapore is ideal or

    aerospace manuacturing activities.

    Rolls-Royce established a actory

    in Singapore or the manuacture o

    hollow titanium wide chord an blades

    (WCFBs). Its rst acility outside UK to

    manuacture the specialist component,

    this actory will be located at Rolls-

    Royces Seletar campus alongside the

    companys other new acility or the

    assembly and test o large commercial

    aircrat engines. Rolls-Royces campusat Seletar will create some 500 jobs

    when ully operational.

    GE Aviation will be manuacturing

    engine components at i ts newly

    expanded GE Aviat ion Serv ices

    Operations acility at Loyang.

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    Supply Chain Management:Singapores connectivity and robust

    inrastructure have made it ideal or

    aerospace companies to site their

    regional distribution centres here.

    B o e i n g I n t e g r a t e d M a t e r i a l s

    Managements (IMM) new IMM Asia

    Regional Center in Singapore helps

    maintain and manage airlines spareparts inventory, providing items to the

    airline as needed.

    Embraer chose Singapore or its

    regional logistics and spares hub to

    provide spares and rotables support to

    regional airline customers.

    Research & Development:Singapore is ast establishing itsel as

    a R&D hub. According to the Agency

    or Science, Technology and Research

    (A*STAR), Singapores gross domestic

    expenditure on R&D increased to more

    than S$6.3 billion in 2007. In the same

    year, the total number o researchers

    in Singapore was more than 27,000,

    with the private sector employing closeto 60% o them. Several aerospace

    companies have establ ished R&D

    centres in Singapore to capitalise on

    this vibrant research environment.

    EADS has established EADS Innovation

    Works Singapore, its rst Research and

    Technology (R&T) centre outside o

    Europe. The R&T centre undertakes R&D

    or EADS wide variety o businesses

    ranging rom aerospace to deence

    and security systems. In some instances,

    some o the R&D will be done in

    col laborat ion with our Research

    Institutes and universities.

    Tha les establ i shed the Thales

    Technology Centre Singapore (TTCS), a

    global centre o excellence or specic

    R&D areas in dual-use technologies

    technologies that may be used in

    deence or commercial applications.

    TTCS is signicant in that it is one o the

    our Thales corporate R&D centres in

    the world, and the rst outside Western


    In addition to the company established

    research centres, Boeing, EADS,

    Pratt & Whitney and Rolls-Royce arecollaborating with A*STAR and its

    research institutes under the SERC

    Aerospace Programme to conduct

    pre-competitive basic-directed and

    applied research work.

    Where do you t into the picture?The long term prospects o the

    aerospace industry remain positive in

    spite o the current economic climate.

    Air trac and aircrat feet size in Asia is

    poised or strong growth, bolstered by

    rising demand rom China, India and

    ASEAN countries.

    The global Aerospace industry is also

    in a phase o exciting developments.

    There has been a recent surge in new

    aircrat types being developed and

    brought into service. These include theAirbus A380 and A350, as well as, the

    Boeing B787 Dreamliner, to name a ew.

    These aircrat employ new technologies,

    including the extensive use o composites

    in airrames, the development o more

    ecient engines and the testing o

    environmentally riendly uels.

    Singapore continues to invest

    in strengthening its capabil i t ies,

    manpower resources and inrastructure

    to better position its aerospace industry

    to capture uture growth. There are

    growth opportunities in the areas o

    design and manuacturing o aircrat

    systems and components, regional

    aerospace training, as well as businessaviation. Engineers across all disciplines

    are needed to ll positions in the new

    exciting investments made by leading

    aerospace companies in Singapore.

    There is a range o positions in MRO

    activities, cutting-edge manuacturing

    and R&D, as well as in supply chain


    There is no better time to be in

    Singapore than now; the city is growing

    economically with a constant bustle

    o activity. Situated at the heart o the

    worlds astest growing economies, the

    city is a bridge between the East and

    West, burgeoning with diversity and

    opportunities. Couple these actors withthe citys superb physical inrastructure,

    sophisticated IT network, great variety o

    living, dining and entertainment options,

    and you have one o the most liveable

    cities around.

  • 7/28/2019 EDB CS Aerospace Factsheet FA LR 20111202


    About Contact Singapore

    Contact Singapore is an alliance o the

    Singapore Economic Development Board and

    Ministry o Manpower. It aims to engage overseas

    Singaporeans and global talent to work, invest

    and live in Singapore.

    With oces in Asia Pacic, Europe and North

    America, Contact Singapore is the one-stop

    centre or those who wish to pursue a rewarding

    career in Singapore, as well as individuals andentrepreneurs who are keen to invest in or

    initiate new business activities h er e. Conta ct

    Singapore actively links Singapore-based

    employers with talent and provides updates on

    career opportunities and industry developments

    in Singapore. We work with public and private

    sector partners to acilitate the interests o

    potential individual investors in Singapore.

    For more inormation on working, investing

    and living in Singapore, please visit www.


    To nd out more about the career opportunities

    in Singapore, visit www.contactsingapore.sg/jobs

    For enquiries, email us at


    November 2011 Contact Singapore. All rights

    reserved. Every eort has been made to ensure

    accuracy o all inormation in this actsheet at

    time o production.