Ed14 39740 2015 11 01 IDM 4.4.2 Selection Tables ...€¦ · Bass Coast Shire Council...

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Transcript of Ed14 39740 2015 11 01 IDM 4.4.2 Selection Tables ...€¦ · Bass Coast Shire Council...

  • Infrastructure Design Manual

    Selection Tables

  • Bass Coast Shire Council Infrastructure Design Manual Selection Tables

    ED14/39740 Revision 2 IDM Version 4.4.2 October 2015 Page 3 of 25

    Selection Table 16.7 Differing Coefficients Of Runoff – Do Not include

    Bass Coast in Table

    Selection Table 16.8.2 Minimum Pipe Grades Minimum Grade of

    Stormwater Pipe to be 1 in 300 and Have a Minimum

    Velocity of 1.0m/sec

    Selection Table 16.10.1 Ribbed Polyethylene or High Density Polyethylene

    Stormwater Pipes - Do not include BCSC in the

    selection table. When requested by a contractor, we

    will consider/ allow the use of ribbed high density

    polyethylene stormwater pipes in easements but not

    generally in the road reserve.

    Selection Table 16.16 Kerb Adaptors UPVC Kerb Adaptors

    Selection Table 17.4 Minimum Slope of Earth Drains Minimum Slope of

    Earth Drain 1 in 500

    Selection Table 18.4.6 Shallow Groundwater Tables Include Bass

    Coast in Municipalities Affected by Shallow

    Groundwater Tables

    Selection Table 20.3.4 Bioretention Basins and Rain Gardens Permitted

    Except in Unsuitable Locations for Access, Permanent

    Subsurface Flow Conditions, Etc.

    Selection Table 20.3.5 Vegetated Swales / Grass Swales / Buffer Strips

    Permitted On Narrow Nature Strips Only As Part Of

    An Overall Design Strategy Incorporating Concrete

    Edge Strips, Entrance Culverts and Supporting


    Selection Table 24.3.9 Clear Zones – Do Not include Bass Coast in Table


    Proposed Clause 24.4.8 Street Tree Planting Requirements – Option 1 is

    appropriate in Bass Coast.

    1. Developers shall be required to supply plant

    and maintain street trees. Tree size to be

    specified by Council. Maintenance shall be for 3

    years, or until the developer can demonstrate

    that such plantings have established. Selection of

  • Bass Coast Shire Council Infrastructure Design Manual Selection Tables

    ED14/39740 Revision 2 IDM Version 4.4.2 October 2015 Page 5 of 25

    Bass Coast Shire Council nominates the following selections:

    Selection Table 7.6(a) Drainage “As Constructed” Requirements

    Selection 7.6(a) shows those Councils which require drainage “As Constructed”

    plans to be provided in DSpec Format.

    Selection Table 7.6(a) Drainage “As Constructed” Requirements

    Councils Requiring “As Constructed” Drainage Information to Be provided in D Spec format Ballarat City Council Bass Coast Shire Council Baw Baw Shire Campaspe Shire. Central Goldfields Shire Colac Otway Shire Council Glenelg Shire Council Greater Shepparton City Council. Macedon Ranges Shire Council Moorabool Shire Council Mount Alexander Shire Council Rural City of Wangaratta. South Gippsland Shire Council. Southern Grampians Shire Council Strathbogie Shire Council. Surf Coast Shire Council Warrnambool City Council Yarriambiack Shire Council

    Bass Coast Selection 7.6(a) Drainage “As Constructed” Requirements Require

    drainage “As Constructed” plans to be provided in DSpec Format

  • Bass Coast Shire Council Infrastructure Design Manual Selection Tables

    ED14/39740 Revision 2 IDM Version 4.4.2 October 2015 Page 7 of 25

    Selection Table 12.3.1 Access Lanes Access Lanes as defined in The Planning Scheme are not considered desirable by the Councils listed in Selection Table 12.3.1, and should not be provided within Developments unless specific approval is obtained from the Council’s Engineering Department PRINCIPLE. Roads of width and function similar to Access Lanes may be approved as roads or common property. However, Council may require specific treatment such as fencing, paving and drainage. It is recommended that negotiation of this issue be addressed as early as possible in the planning process. Selection Table 12.3.1 Access Lanes Access Lanes Are Not Considered Desirable In These Councils Unless Specific Approval Obtained Ararat Rural City Council Ballarat City Council Baw Baw Shire Benalla Rural City Council Campaspe Shire Council Central Goldfields Shire City of Greater Geelong Colac Otway Shire Council Gannawarra Shire Council Glenelg Shire Council Golden Plains Shire Council Greater Bendigo City Council. Greater Shepparton City Council Indigo Shire Council Macedon Ranges Shire Council Mansfield Shire Council Mitchell Shire Council Moorabool Shire Council Murrindindi Shire Council Rural City of Wangaratta South Gippsland Shire Council Southern Grampians Shire Council Strathbogie Shire Council Swan Hill Rural City Council Towong Shire Council Warrnambool City Council Wellington Shire Council Yarriambiack Shire Council

    Bass Coast Selection Table 12.3.1 Access Lanes Access Lanes Are Desirable in

    Bass Coast – Do not include Bass Coast in Table

  • Bass Coast Shire Council Infrastructure Design Manual Selection Tables

    ED14/39740 Revision 2 IDM Version 4.4.2 October 2015 Page 9 of 25

    Selection Table 12.3.10 Subsoil Drainage Subsoil drainage must be provided below all kerb and channel laid within the boundaries of the Councils listed in Selection Table 12.3.10 unless the following conditions apply:

    • Subgrade is rock or sand.

    • No underground drainage is available to connect the subsoil drainage to.

    • The geographical location does not require it (need to contact each Council to determine if this applies).

    Selection Table 12.3.10 Subsoil Drainage Subsoil Drainage Required Below Kerb and Channel Ballarat City Council

    Bass Coast Shire Council

    Baw Baw Shire Council Benalla Rural City Council Colac Otway Shire Council Corangamite Shire Council East Gippsland Shire Council Glenelg Shire Council Golden Plains Shire Council Indigo Shire Council Macedon Ranges Shire Council Mitchell Shire Moira Shire Moorabool Shire Council Murrindindi Shire Council Pyrenees Shire Council Rural City of Wangaratta South Gippsland Shire Council Southern Grampians Shire Council Strathbogie Shire Council Subsoil Drainage Required Below Kerb and Channel Swan Hill Rural City Council Towong Shire Council Warrnambool City Council Wellington Shire Council Wodonga City Council Yarriambiack Shire Council

    Bass Coast Selection Table 12.3.10 Subsoil Drainage Subsoil Drainage

    Required Below Kerb and Channel

  • Bass Coast Shire Council Infrastructure Design Manual Selection Tables

    ED14/39740 Revision 2 IDM Version 4.4.2 October 2015 Page 11 of 25

    Selection Table 12.4.2 (c) For Rural Access Standard A Councils Standard B Councils Ararat Rural City Council Bass Coast Shire Council Ballarat City Council Baw Baw Shire Council Benalla Rural City Council Macedon Ranges Shire Council Campaspe Shire Mitchell Shire Council Central Goldfields Shire Warrnambool City Council City of Greater Geelong Wellington Shire Council Colac Otway Shire Council Wodonga City Council Corangamite Shire Council East Gippsland Shire Council Gannawarra Shire Council Glenelg Shire Council Golden Plains Shire Council Greater Bendigo City Council Greater Shepparton City Council Indigo Shire Council Mansfield Shire Council Moira Shire Council Moorabool Shire Council Mount Alexander Shire Council Murrindindi Shire Council Rural City of Wangaratta South Gippsland Shire Council Southern Grampians Shire Council Strathbogie Shire Council Surf Coast Shire Council Swan Hill Rural City Council Towong Shire Council Yarriambiack Shire Council

    Bass Coast Selection Table 12.4.2 (c) For Rural Access Standard B Councils

  • Bass Coast Shire Council Infrastructure Design Manual Selection Tables

    ED14/39740 Revision 2 IDM Version 4.4.2 October 2015 Page 13 of 25

    Selection Table 12.7.8 Council’s Requiring Extension of Central Pavement 12.7.8 Minimum Shoulder Thickness For unkerbed roads, the base layer should extend at least to the nominated width of the shoulder, and have a minimum thickness of 150mm. The Councils listed in Selection Table 12.7.8 require the central pavement thickness to extend to the full width of the shoulder in the specified circumstances. Selection Table 12.7.8 Council’s Requiring Extension of Central Pavement

    Unkerbed Court Bowls Only All Unkerbed Roads

    Bass Coast Shire

    Bass Coast would require full depth across the shoulder

  • Bass Coast Shire Council Infrastructure Design Manual Selection Tables

    ED14/39740 Revision 2 IDM Version 4.4.2 October 2015 Page 15 of 25

    Selection Table 12.10 Dust Suppression

    The requirement for dust suppression works will vary from Council to Council due

    to variation in road making materials used and the annual rainfall expected. Those

    Councils that do require dust suppression works are listed in Columns 1 and 3 in

    Selection Table 12.10

    Selection Table 12.10 Dust Suppression Dust Suppression Works Required

    Councils –Where Council Funds Dust Suppression Works

    Councils – Where Dust Suppression Works are Determined on a Case by Case Basis

    Campaspe Shire Greater Shepparton City Council

    Ararat Rural City Council

    Macedon Ranges Shire Council

    Ballarat City Council

    Moira Shire Council Bass Coast Shire Council Baw Baw Shire Council Benalla Rural City Council Central Goldfields Shire

    Council Colac Otway Shire Council Corangamite Shire Council Glenelg Shire Council Golden Plains Shire Council Greater Bendigo City Council Indigo Shire Council Mitchell Shire Council Moorabool Shire Council Murrindindi Shire Council Rural City of Wangaratta Southern Grampians Shire

    Council Strathbogie Shire Council Swan Hill Rural City Council Towong Shire Council Warrnambool City Council Wellington Shire Council Wodonga City Council Yarriambiack Shire Council

    Bass Coast Selection Table 12.10 Dust Suppression - Dust Suppression Works are

    determined on a Case by Case Basis

  • Bass Coast Shire Council Infrastructure Design Manual Selection Tables

    ED14/39740 Revision 2 IDM Version 4.4.2 October 2015 Page 17 of 25

    Selection Table 16.8.2 Minimum Pipe Grades

    In general the absolute minimum grade of a stormwater pipe is listed in Selection

    Table 16.8.2, however flatter grades may be approved where it is demonstrated

    the velocities are greater than those listed in the headings of the table.

    Selection Table 16.8.2 Minimum Pipe Grades Minimum Grade of Stormwater Pipe to be 1 in 500 and Have a Minimum Velocity of 0.7m/sec

    Minimum Grade of Stormwater Pipe to be 1 in 300 and Have a Minimum Velocity of 1.0m/sec

    Benalla Rural City Council Ararat Rural City Council Campaspe Shire Council Ballarat City Council Colac Otway Shire Council Bass Coast Shire Council Gannawarra Shire Council Baw Baw Shire Council Greater Shepparton City Council Central Goldfields Shire Council Mansfield Shire Council City of Greater Geelong Moira Shire Corangamite Shire Council Wellington Shire Council East Gippsland Shire Council. Yarriambiack Shire Council Glenelg Shire Council Golden Plains Shire Council Greater Bendigo City Council

    Indigo Shire Council

    Macedon Ranges Shire Council

    Mitchell Shire Council

    Moorabool Shire Council

    Murrindindi Shire Council (minimum grade 1 in 200)

    Pyrenees Shire Council

    Rural City of Wangaratta South Gippsland Shire Council Southern Grampians Shire Council Strathbogie Shire Council Surf Coast Shire Council Swan Hill Rural City Council Towong Shire Council Warrnambool City Council Wodonga City Council

    Bass Coast Selection Table 16.8.2 Minimum Pipe Grades Minimum Grade of

    Stormwater Pipe to be 1 in 300 and Have a Minimum Velocity of 1.0m/sec

  • Bass Coast Shire Council Infrastructure Design Manual Selection Tables

    ED14/39740 Revision 2 IDM Version 4.4.2 October 2015 Page 19 of 25

    density polyethylene stormwater pipes in easements but not generally in the

    road reserve.

    Selection Table 16.16 Kerb Adaptors Galvanised Steel Kerb Adaptors UPVC Kerb Adaptors Baw Baw Shire Council Ballarat City Council Campaspe Shire Council Bass Coast Shire Council Colac Otway Shire Council City of Greater Bendigo Glenelg Shire Council Wellington Shire Council Golden Plains Shire Council Yarriambiack Shire Council

    Macedon Ranges Shire Council

    Mount Alexander Shire Council

    Surf Coast Shire Council

    Swan Hill Rural City Council

    Mildura Rural City Council Mildura Rural City Council

    Bass Coast Selection Table 16.16 Kerb Adaptors UPVC Kerb Adaptors

  • Bass Coast Shire Council Infrastructure Design Manual Selection Tables

    ED14/39740 Revision 2 IDM Version 4.4.2 October 2015 Page 21 of 25

    Significant areas of municipalities listed in Selection Table 18.4.6 are subject to

    shallow ground water tables and as a result it is desirable that all excavations are

    limited to 0.5 metres above the water table.

    Selection Table 18.4.6 Shallow Groundwater Tables Municipalities Affected by Shallow Groundwater Tables Bass Coast Shire Council Campaspe Shire Council East Gippsland Shire Council Gannawarra Shire Council Glenelg Shire Council Greater Shepparton City Council Warrnambool City Council Wellington Shire Council

    Bass Coast Selection Table 18.4.6 Shallow Groundwater Tables Include

    Bass Coast in Municipalities Affected by Shallow Groundwater Tables

  • Bass Coast Shire Council Infrastructure Design Manual Selection Tables

    ED14/39740 Revision 2 IDM Version 4.4.2 October 2015 Page 23 of 25

    Selection Table 20.3.5 Vegetated Swales / Grass Swales / Buffer

    Vegetated Swales / Grass Swales / Buffer Strips are approved for use in open space reserves within a residential one zone, central median strips on roads subject to road reserve width and services unless otherwise stated in Selection Table 20.3.5. Selection Table 20.3.5 Vegetated Swales / Grass Swales / Buffer Strips Permitted on narrow nature strips only as part of an overall design strategy incorporating concrete edge strips, entrance culverts and supporting treatments.

    Not permitted under any circumstances

    Ararat Rural City Council City of Greater Bendigo Ballarat City Council Mitchell Shire Council Bass Coast Shire Council Moorabool Shire Council Baw Baw Shire Council Benalla Rural City Council Colac Otway Shire Council Corangamite Shire Council Greater Bendigo City Council Macedon Ranges Shire Council Pyrenees Shire Council Rural City of Wangaratta Strathbogie Shire Council Towong Shire Council Wellington Shire Council Wodonga City Council Yarriambiack Shire Council

    Bass Coast Selection Table 20.3.5 Vegetated Swales / Grass Swales / Buffer

    Strips Permitted On Narrow Nature Strips Only As Part Of An Overall Design

    Strategy Incorporating Concrete Edge Strips, Entrance Culverts And

    Supporting Treatments.

  • Bass Coast Shire Council Infrastructure Design Manual Selection Tables

    ED14/39740 Revision 2 IDM Version 4.4.2 October 2015 Page 25 of 25

    Note: 31 July 2014

    Following discussion at the last two technical meetings regarding the street tree

    provisions in the Clause it has been agreed to have a selection table for the

    provision of Street Trees in new subdivisional works.

    Council’s requirements regarding how street trees are addressed in your

    Municipality see Clause 24.4.8 of the proposed document:

    Proposed Clause 24.4.8 Street Tree Planting Requirements

    Street trees shall be planted at one tree per lot. Council can choose from two


    1. Developers shall be required to supply plant and maintain street trees. Tree

    size to be specified by Council. Maintenance shall be for 3 years, or until the

    developer can demonstrate that such plantings have established. Selection of

    species for planting shall be approved by Council.

    2. Council may elect to supply and plant trees (in place of the developer) and

    charge the developer a fee per tree. In such instances Council will assume

    maintenance and defects responsibility for such plantings.

    Where developers are required to undertake street tree planting; such planting can

    be carried out after the time of practical completion and statement of compliance

    with the approval of Council

    Cl 24.4.8 – Option 1 is appropriate in Bass Coast.

    Proposed Clause 24.2.1 Landscaping Design Manual/Requirements

    The following Councils have specific Landscape Design Manuals that shall take

    precedence over these guidelines.

    • Ballarat City Council Landscape Design Manual • City of Wodonga Landscape Guidelines.

    Bass Coast does not have a landscape design manual