Ed Sheeran Music Video Analysis

Post on 26-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Ed Sheeran Music Video Analysis

Music Video AnalysisEd Sheeran: Thinking Out Loud

Ed Sheeran (artist) and female, close proxemics, dancing: ballroom style romance

Touching legs, faces close: intimate, seductive

Lying down on floor together: romance/love

Dress/suit: smart, making an effort

Couple/Dancing: Romance/ Love, Ballroom:intimate dancing


White dress: purity / angelic : dancing gracefully

Empty Ballroom: romantic

Lighting: low key/spotlight: dramatic, romance...

Spot light: heart shaped

'take me into your loving arms' holding eachother

'we found love right where we are'

Character: There are only two characters used in this music video which are Ed Sheeran, the artist of the song, and a female character. The representation of a heterosexual romantic relationship is represented due to the close disposition towards each other as they are dancing in a Ballroom, holding each other and being close in the face. With their faces being close and also the touching of legs and close dancing, the music video suggests that the relationship in this video is quite intimate and romantic; also shown when they are lying down on the floor together. The characters are both smartly dress with a suit and a white dress which suggests romance in terms of them possibly have been to a wedding.

Iconography: The white dress which the female in the video is wearing may be to represent weddings and love, or to symbolise purity. This purity iconography is further symbolised within the type of dancing being ballroom. Ballroom dancing suggests romance and love, but also the female dances is gracefully and delicately which reflects on the white coloured dress. The setting of a Ballroom itself is iconic as Ballrooms are seen as a romantic, intimate location as this type of dancing is there. Also, the man and woman being close and dancing together is iconic to romance and a heterosexual relationship.

Setting: The setting is based in an empty Ballroom, suggesting romance and intimacy as a ballroom is a romantic place and the way that it is empty shows how it is private for the couples to dance.

Narrative Event: There is not much of a narrative event in this video as it shows the couple dancing all the way through. However, when watching this video the audience sees how the couple is intimate and happy as they are romantically and closely dancing together.

Technical and Audio codes: The lighting used is low key with dark blue colours, suggesting intimacy. Also the spot light is used to follow the couple's dancing, this gives a more dramatic style to the video as though they are performing to an audience. The spot light, on some parts, comes together to create a heart shape over the couple to show love and romanticism. The audio also says things such as take me into your loving arms representing love and relationships within the song and also by the characters holding each other to relate to the lyrics.