Economia Creativa Consultancy visions for 2015, art, business, creativity and technology

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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We shed light into the inner motivations of people’s behaviour and aspirations that leads to new ways of living and making business that 2015 would see to consolidate. Technology, social networks, creativity and an ever closer relationship between art and business will shape a dynamic and flexible interaction whether socializing or at workplaces.

Transcript of Economia Creativa Consultancy visions for 2015, art, business, creativity and technology

Visions for 2015



development strategies, policies

and brands that shape the future

of places and businesses around

the world







Rooftops as social spaces

Friendly fine dining experiences

Take a seat and make a friend

Rent unique places

from local hosts

Collaborative inventing


Cinderella moments

>Key ideas People are searching for meaning and authentic experiences

that reassure them and make them feel being so high,

powerful and closer

Sustainable urban life linking the neighbors again and using wasted spaces

like roofs tops for growing food, cinema, community gatherings, bars,

open-air art schools, concert venues and theatres exhibition centers

Cinderella moments: rent luxury fashion from designers to feel like a star

Digital technology and social media networks have created

a world flexible and dynamic, without physical frontiers:

Virtual thematic communities: from foodies like Chaoscooking to

collaborative inventing like Quirky and renting local places from Airbnb

Dynamic experience offices that integrates design, programming,

hospitality and community 11







Bringing Internet to people

from the sky

Era of hyperconnectivity

Invisible art

Colourful cities

Art exhibitions in the office

Brands lighting up creativity

Multilayered businesses

>Key ideas Global Connectivity:

The time has come to connect the world bringing Internet to people from

the sky by Facebook Satellites, Drones and Lasers and Google balloons

Life coaching by wearable technology (Ralph Lauren smart shirt and

Apple watches) tracking your running progress and capturing the data

New business models in the network economy: open, mobile,

social, always on and multilayered

Offering better, more personalized customer experiences and co-creating

Colourful cities (festivals, literature, gastronomy, theatre, design and

entrepreneurship) and brands such as Rolex, Swarovski, Illy or Lavazza

are lighting up creativity by strategic partnerships with artists

Art: discover the invisible, experience more by seen less, be

different, imagine and create your own experience