eCompetences and equality - from MOOCs to social MOOCs in europe

Post on 11-Aug-2015

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Transcript of eCompetences and equality - from MOOCs to social MOOCs in europe

E C O M P E T E N C E S A N D E Q U A L I T Y : F R O M M O O C S T O S O C I A L M O O C S I N E U R O P E

C L A U D I N E M Ü H L S T E I N - J O L I E T T E

H O M E P O R T O 2 7 N O V E M B R E 2 0 1 4

Economical Context: an opportunity

The right period for recommendations and coordinated actions

MOOCS impulsion: European structured policies clearer, more efficient ?

Scattering different programs, portals coexisting with national initiatives: urgent mapping

But still administrative and pedagogical resistance: France paradox of FUN needs and the “decret” of 2008 in France preventing retired teacher from working in their own universities ECO EADTU FIED

My view on strategic opportunities for MOOC collaboration

“the crisis” as a chance to change, to build coherent new ecosystem for scalable, durable ecology for EU moocs but moocs are not online elearning courses!

EU, institutions, the general public (adults ex Y generation need for badges and certifications), corporates and politicians now ready and waiting for it

Historical networks for expertise now ready to work together: Open Us, UNED, AUF, EADTU, FIED, EFQUEL, ELIG… (declarations at EDEN Research in Oxford, October 2014) ECO EADTU FIED

Central position of EU MOOCS

Multicultural and multilingual

Coherent European programs federate the research and development (complementing Open Universities or national policies)

Visibility through 2 moocs initiatives: ECO, EMMA.

2 European coexisting cultures: Great Britain and Nordic countries pragmatism & focus on active pedagogy AND Southern countries more transmissive: most of the time reproducted in the first moocs ECO EADTU FIED


Pedagogical creativity to valorize : experience in multimedia, elearning, videoconferencing, ePortfolio and MOOCS in varied languages and cultures from the 80’s top research networks

2 traditions as a benefit: student & game centered Northern countries /centralized , top down in Southern (ECO sMOOCS: Asterix and Descartes)

France as a go between ?: leading position for serious games,

national coordinate initiative with FUN created in 2013 and a niche market (3rd world host in Roubaix).

Europe between the American mooc “model” and the Chinese needs and formats ECO EADTU FIED

Certification of eCompetences through ePortfolio & MOOCS ECO EADTU FIED

On the road for sMOOCS: already done

eQuality research EADTU, EDEN, EFQUEL, FIED

ePortfolio and development on openbadges and certification

Rich MOOC offer but the portals and descriptors are not yet unified, transferable, reusable, scalable, translated: EMMA & ECO role to play

Innovative initiatives still confidential: EDEN research work

Necessity to increase cooperation, coherence and visibility, taking advantage of EU specificities ECO EADTU FIED

Europe can’t miss the boat

Improve and secure the business plan: an alternative solution to elearning and continuous training for Life Long Learning (individual private and corporate contrainsts)

Coordonate the EU legislation: recognizing eCompetences and encourage teleworking

Encourage innovation in all sectors of the economy

sMoocs: social networking, teleworking, prefigurating future organization of work relationship (representations) ECO EADTU FIED

I have a dream: Pragmatic Proposals

Build a European official service (expertise network) and platform for accreditation and certification for MOOCS

Coordonate the EU mapping for places for certification all over the world though Open Universities, UNED, the Agency of Francophonie and national networks like FIED, ambassies, agencies…

The co-construction of a European plurilingual Portal (common indicators, descriptors and standards), eQuality labels for moocs (common typology and glossary) ECO EADTU FIED

Time for action

Create the EU moocs cartography for all countries/subjects/languages

Develop contextualization, intercomprehension (Mooc from A to Z)

Common Business Model diversify, extend the offer of accreditation (integration to cursus, inscription of private groups through corporates and university groups…)

A federating European proposal for a program on roadmap and actions ECO EADTU FIED

Invitation: ECO sMOOCS and conference

ECO E-learning Communication Open-Data Competitivity and Innovation , 19 partners 6 countries, 16 MOOCS in 2015

ECO France: DIY Education to Media and Information Nov 27 th DIY is sharing with others


The pedagogy at the Web 2.0 sauce dec 2014

Learning Analytics & The MOOC from A to Z ECO EADTU FIED ECO EADTU FIED

Remaining crucial questions

Individualised Responsabilisation of oneself in Life Long Learning: Engagement, self selection, pair networking… Lifelong flexible adaptable learners

But increasing digital and social gaps: vulnerable population, universities, countries, parts of the world

But platforms and tools restrictions (diversified models): to be open and creative

... (On tweet)

Return of Ethics and Intercomprehension: hurra for the little diference! ECO EADTU FIED

Let’s meet at the Sorbonne Nouvelle

21st of January conference/sMOOCAMP at Sorbonne Paris Cité Scalable Learning in Europe from MOOCS to sMOOCS – ECO (in french and english)

Please, do participate and send your feedbacks!


Let’s meet in January 21 st 2015 at the Sorbonne nouvelle ECO EADTU FIED



DiY EMI: Bérangère Blondeau, Divina Frau-Meigs

La pédagogie à la sauce Web2.0: Déborah Arnold, Faouzia Messaoudi

Learning Analytics: Avner Ben-Har, Hubert Javaux

The Mooc from A to Z: Mathieu Cisel, Claudine Mühlstein-Joliette, Divina Frau-Meigs, Adeline Bossu

+ CCMC Cyprus (design) , Carole Helpiquet (Clémi), Cécile Cochard (Sapiens), iCampus Sorbonne Nouvelle ECO EADTU FIED


For more information: Sara Osuna Acedo, UNED & Project coordinator, Divina Frau-Meigs, Project coordinator WP4 and ECO France &

+ at this conference : Sara, Darco Jansen, EADTU & Claudine Mühlstein-Joliette, Project manager & Mooc Architect ECO France & ECO EADTU FIED ECO EADTU FIED