Ecological importance of the parrot fish

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Transcript of Ecological importance of the parrot fish


PARROT FISHBridget-Dawn Dawkins


O This presentation entails information about the parrotfish and will tell you why it is important to our waters. It has ecological value which will be discussed as well as adaptations, features and function.

ParrotfishO Parrotfish is the common name for members of the

large family Scaridae, which live in coral reefs throughout the Caribbean as well as the Atlantic and Pacific ocean.

O They vary in colour and pattern even between males, females and juveniles, with each going through a variety of colour changes as they age (Polychromatism). (Jamaica Environment Trust, 2013.)

O “There are about 80 identified species, ranging in size from less than 1 to 4 feet in length.” (National Geographic Society, 2013)

O Herbivores

O Powerful jaws of fused teeth “beaks”, and bright colours gives parrotfishes their common family name.

O Pass through three phases: Juvenile Phase, Initial Phase, and Terminal Phase.

O (Humann P.,et, al, 2002)

Juvenile Phase Initial Phase

Terminal Phase

O highly specialized jaws, mouths and teeth perfectly suited for scraping algae from hard coral surfaces. (William A, 2012)


O They excrete two different mucus types:O During the DAY

The mucus has antioxidant properties to repair any bodily damage

repel any parasites protection from UV lightearly warning detection system

O During the NIGHTextrudes a protective cocoon that

envelopes and secures the fish at a particular location and hides its scent from any predators(Thailand divers 2013)

Did you know?O Some male parrot fish maintain

harems of females. If the dominant male dies, one of the females will change gender and color and become the dominant male.

O Hermaphroditic life style.

O Reduce interspecies competition for food resources within the reef community.

O (Leonard. J, 2003)

Types of Parrot Fish

Female (Initial Phase)Male (Terminal Phase)


Stoplight Parrotfish Sparisoma viride

Midnight Parrotfish Terminal Phase Scarus coelestinus

Princess Parrotfish - Terminal Phase


Princess Parrotfish Terminal Phase Scarus taeniopterus

Redband Parrotfish Initial Phase Sparisoma aurofrenatum

O Blue Parrotfish Terminal Phase Scarus coeruleus

Coral ReefsO  Coral reef are hard masses of sedimentary

rocks produced by living organisms. These may include: calcareous algae, molluscs (squid, octopus, clams, oysters) or polychaeta (worms)

O Organisms that depend on coral reefs:O Zooxanthellae (algae)O Microorganisms (bacteria, fungus, and viruses)O Sea Urchin(Harmelin, V.,2008)

Importance of Coral Reefs

O HabitatO Source of foodO Water Filtration (enhanced quality and

clarity of near shore waters.)O Protect shorelines from wave action and

prevent erosionO Used in tourism (diving)

Ecological Importance of the Parrotfish

O “parrotfish play a critical role as grazers keeping algae in check. Without grazers, algae out-compete the coral until they weaken or even die.”

O Parrotfish are constantly eating and digesting bits of coral whole, and excreting sand that helps create beaches.(Chi. L., 2009)

Maintains the health of coral reefs by:

O removing sick and dead corals

O cleaning areas for new corals to settle

O removing weedy growth

O removing tones of sand and sediment that would otherwise smother the corals

O (Herold,D, 2008)

Reference O Deloach, N., and Humann, P., (2002),Reef Fish

Identification 3rd Edition, Florida Caribbean Bahamas, p.g 192.

O Took,I., (1979), Fishes of the Caribbean Reefs, p.g 68-71.

O William, A., Ph.D., (2010-2012), Coral Reef Fish,

O National Geographic Society., (1996-2013) Parrot Fish Scaridae, fish/

Reference Cont.O Jamaica Environment Trust (JET), Fish 2013.

O Thailand Divers, Parrotfish, 2013.

O Herold, D., (2008)Parrotfish play vital role in preserving coral. reefs

O Science Daily, (2013) ,Parrotfish Critical To Coral Reefs: Permanent Damage Likely Unless Urgent Action Taken, Scientists Warn

Summary O There are over 80 species of parrot fish in

our Caribbean waters

O Parrotfish are the main producers of sand

O Mainly feed on dead coral reefs

O Feed on algae that could chock coral reefs