ECDPM Economic Transformation and the role of the Private Sector

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Transcript of ECDPM Economic Transformation and the role of the Private Sector

Anna Rosengren

25th October 2013, ECDPM, Maastricht

Economic Transformation and the

Role of the Private Sector

• Context

• Which private sector?

• 3 agendas in 1

• Implications and issues for development


• What are we currently doing at ECDPM?

I. Outline of presentation


• Until at least the mid-1990s, Africa had “inclusive, sustainable, pro-poor, shared stagnation”.

• Growth necessary but not sufficient condition for long-term development and poverty reduction.

• Need to be accompanied by economic transformation where inclusive, sustainable, pro-poor, shared growth is key objective

• So what does mean? And how is it achieved?

Economic transformation, governance, integration and trade for inclusive growth


“We want to engage the private sector…”

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• UK: “bring private sector ideas, innovation and investment into the heart of what we do...”

• NL: “Dutch interests first, more so than in the past....PPPs, business instruments and economic diplomacy can lead to gains in both commercial profit and poverty reduction.”

• DK: ”… strategic priority in Danish development cooperation to work for a strong private sector…important that Danish business participates actively..."

“...and help our own…”


Push factors: Fiscal crisis, job cuts, aid squeeze & “value for money”

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Push factors: competition & “new models”

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Pull factors: Learning from the private sector

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• The private sector is going there anyway…

…and the private sector is “doing development” anyway….!

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So who is this “private sector”?

And what are the implications of “engaging” with it?

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• Private sector developmentOld agenda: domestic, enterprise growth, value-addition, exports, access to credit, business climate, firm-level skills, industrial policy etc.

• Private sector investment for developmentNew agenda: international, partnering with developed country firms, offset risk, link producers & suppliers

• Private sector finance for developmentInput side – promote and leverage private sector finance

Three distinct agendas

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Private Sector Development… developing country businesses were able to startup and expand

Private Investment for Development… there was a way to encourage more inwards investment to link with the local private sector

Private Finance for Development…there was a way to bring in more finance for public investments and the private sector

Assumptions – development would happen if only…..

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• How to promote economic transformation, trade

and value-chain integration?

• How prioritise & implement reg. reforms?

• How to make credit accessible to firms?

• What role for FDI and industrial policy?

• How to make it “inclusive”?

• Mixed results

• Endogenous and exogenous firm conditions

• The PE of economic reforms

1. Private Sector Development: Issues

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• Less clarity on agenda and processes

• What donor tools available? DFIs, ODA, non-ODA

• What about tied aid/PCD?

• From CSR to "core business model”

• Defining the developmental

aspect/additionality/opportunity costs?

• What do firms say?

2. Private Sector Investment for Development

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• About inputs – bringing in private finance for development ends

• Blending grants and loans & private sector finance

• Public-Private Partnerships

• Challenges

- PPPs need to be commercially viable

- Risk management and balancing

- Legal environment

- Capacity to use effectively

3. Private Sector finance for Development

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• Potential to find real synergies

• Need to identify the additionality of engaging PS- trade-offs

• Create better tools to measure & identify impact

• Fully engage national and local governments

• Improve stakeholder communication and mutual understanding

• Regulate expectations and understand the mandate and capacity of the other

If development is the ultimate goal, then:

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• Informal donor sessions

• Cluster

• Private sector approaches to nutrition

• Development corridors

• Emerging economies impact on African


What are we currently working on?

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1. Do you agree with the distinction between the three “agendas”?

2. What challenges are there to working on this agenda? Is there a “good” versus “bad” private sector?

3. What is the link between this agenda and your programme/theme?

4. What are the key opportunities for the future?

Questions for discussion

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Thank you

www.ecdpm.orgAnna Rosengren

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Common or conflicting interests?

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• Private Sector: Image and reputation, supply chains, competition, consumer markets, “do good”

• Donors: financial crisis and decreasing ODA, value for money, new positive grand narrative

• Partner governments: employment creation, raised productivity, inclusive growth, improved business climate, new types of investment, interest groups,

• NGOs and CSOs: people centered business….

Common interests (or at least non-conflictive)

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• The corporation as a “psychopath”

• Profitability vs optimal developmental

outcome (people vs profits!)

• Tied aid, subsidies, PCD!

• Risk-sharing balance

• Opportunity costs of finance

• National ownership

• National vs local conflicts

• Impact assessments

Debate: Conflicting interests

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