EBY'S Woman's Aid To Nov … · page 2-a torrance herald, torrance, calif. eby's quits after 7...

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Transcript of EBY'S Woman's Aid To Nov … · page 2-a torrance herald, torrance, calif. eby's quits after 7...

PAGE 2-A TORRANCE HERALD, Torrance, Calif.






For All the Family at Close-Out Prices

Lease Expires... And We Must Get Out At Once!Landlord Has Rented Our Store To Another Tenant!


98c Ladies' Pure Silk, Full Fashioned Hose, dull finished, service weight, with either silk or lisle tops. New

79?, or 2 pairs for $1.49$1.48 Service Chiffon Hose, Silk to Picot top. New winter shades. While

they last,

98cPairOne Lot, Light and Heavy weight Ladies' Hose, Broken sizes and shades. Every pair perfect and values up to $1.95 pair. Your Choice,

59c Pair59c Ladies' Charclonize Semi-fashioned Hose,

2 pairs 89cLadies' Heavy Silk and' Wool Hose, Nationally , known brand,


Lighter Weight Silk and Wool Hose, 49c pair. 50c Bear Brand Rayon Ladies' Hose, r

2 pairs 50cLadies' Lisle or Ribbed Cotton Hos«, including Bear Brands,

2 pairs for 39cSeveral lots of Bear and Burson brands Ladies' Lisle Hose, regulars and outsizes. Brown, Black, and White. Values to 75c. To Close out,


HATSWinter Felts and Novelties Values to $2.98, No

49c79c Transparent Velvet

BERET S 39cAlso Some Wool Berets, 39c

Children's Socks and StockingsAll 25c to 50c Anklets and '/2 Hose, sizes 4 to 10, Out ilit-y go, ...........................:. 1................:....,............. Pair 15cBoys' and Girls' Long. Lisle or Rayon Stockings, Values to 65c .......................................... 2 pairs for 49cBoys' and Girls' Long Cotton Hose, Values to 35c NOW ...:..............:....;........................................... 19c pairOne Lot of Boys' and Girls' Golf type Hose, .Plaids and Plains, Values to 50c, Now .................... 19c pair

Ladies1 Sleeping GarmentsN'.<u Ladies' Medium Heavy Outing Flannel Gowns,

Whltr nr Pink...............'..............._......,...........................'.........2 for $1.29*l.lii Ladies' Outing Flannel Pajamas, SI<-cvi-U-H»,............Now 79c

J.]'.\'J Hand Embroidered Pajamas,.....................................2 for $1.49^Porto Ricnn Gov^hs, ^linrl, «t..llt "sl/.i-s. Out tlioj- «n,............_....63c

Porto R:-.- ,. Cowns, sizi-s 1C und 17,........................... ........2 for 79c

DAY PAJAMASsi ';!' Ladies' Printed Pique Pajamas,

i ,ir j.|,i,. t- ( . MiyU-s...............'....................................._................Now 89cI'M- Two-Piece Pajamas, altniL-llve i>rlu1s.............................Now 59c.fl."'.' Two-Picce Pajamas of Siripuil 1'epiicnl Clutli

» llli Niillm- i-ullai>. ....................................................................Now 9ScTin- Children's Pajamao, nin>-pU>fi.,..........."........................ ......Now 49c

100% Pure KAPOKIn Full Pound P.-ckages (not 12 ounces).

2 for 45c

Made of Pepperel Jean Close Out at ........ $1.29 SuitIncluding Belt.

liik.' Gym Sox, . ...................................... Now Pair 12'/2 cGet Ready for Second Semester.

Cotton Batts!)Sc Pure White, 7^.\:)0, Long Staple, Now 2 for $1.50 7!K.- Unbleached, 72x00, Long Staple, Now 2 for $1.26 Quilt or Comfort Prints, ............. . 10 yards for 79c

Piece GoodsAll Sharply llcducevl .

Borden's Prints, . ..........................................Printed Pique, . . .. . . . . ..".Melbourne Challis, ........ .....Colored Indian Head, White Nurse's Linen, Printed Cliarmeu-jo, A. B. C. Silk, .....::. .. .Washable Silk Flat Cie|>cs,Beautiful Cretonnos ninlr :, r!.,,i> i MIII-iniiis.

,.,;, i .it .,i,i.uri II- K, U. r m::.h :. ..I j:;r Soft Cotton Crepe l,,i I 'mi, i»..n Mini Muhli

\vhiii- nr i;ii-i.ii... ... . ... .. ;A . BIG BARGAINS IN REMNANTS'.

Notions5c Articles, . 3 for I1c 15c Articles, 10c Articles, 2 for 15c 25c Articles,

Wi- l,,r , ,,lu,n .l,,,.l,,-,| u :;IIMI Mlll-lj '.I \iill «, I thrill Khl'tl >i.ll lUMil llH'Ill al ;i' >l .n: 'lull Van! S|u,,..l.-. ,\.j'. Mi White Machine 1 (in.- I..'! On-, T.ipeb, Braids, RicFUcs, GENUINE KOTEX,

yard 17c yard 19c yard 10c yard 15o .yard 25c yard 19c yard 25c yard 98c

yd. 16c

2 for 23c 2 for 39c

>. spools 1/c lit they Go, 5c

2 boxes 59c

Curtain Goods !,' Genuine Dcstonct, I" "" Ir Do'.tcrl M,nquisctlc \v,Hi Hulll

Nothing Reserved - Everything Goes!


GIFT GOODSLadies'.Rayon Dress Scarfs,

Values to $1.00 each, Now 29c Lace Collar and Cuff Sets,

~ ; - Values to 98c, Now 69c to 15c All over 36 in. Lace, Was $1.49 Yard, Now, yd. -...Wo Ladies Belts,1 Values to 49c, Clos$ out price, .......\9bAll Ladies Purses, Regardless of former prices, 59c Children's Purses, ..........................'......-^'...'......i 9c to 39cPowder Puffs, Individually boxed; including imitation

ZQrange souvenir, ready for mailing............. 2 for 39c.39c Bath Salts, packed in vases,.. .................. Now 25cJpl.951 Santa Maria Ship models, ....................Now $1.39$1.00 Gift Sets composed of Necklace with Perfume, Handkerchiefs, etc. ..-..............;...................,... Now 69cSterling Silver Rings at, ........................ HALF PRICE98c Buffet Sets and Scarfs, Pure Irish Linen, Hem­ stitched or Lace Trimmed, ............................ Now 69c

Men's Cliff Links, All at HALF PRICE.

McCall Stamped Art Needlework Patterns Y2 OFF

An unusual opportunity to make attractive present* that plvase the most fastidious. A large selection from which to choose, all at HALF PRICE. f

BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS, for Ladies and Children. AU ways acceptable Gifts. Choice of Irish Lin»n, Swiss, or Domes­ tic at UNHEARD OF LOW PRICES TO CLO8E OUT._____

BOY'S TOYS.\o. 1 Erector Sets...............................................:........................Now i9cNo. I Erector Sets, with motor................ ..............................Now $4-49.11-rioci- Tool Chests, with plan book,L..................................No* 89eSteam Shovels, Trucks, pile OrivcrtJ 'Jtc.-|a.ll of "^

substantial metal " construction,....::iftt'.........'..........!..........;«...Now 89cScrvlci/ablc Wheel Barrows, 29 inches ionis. NOW 69c G9e Catapult Aeroplanes, an Interesting toy which

flics, attached to a hangar................................................._..Now 39cWilliam Tell Popsun Game,..........._...........................................Now «cSpace does not permit us to Met everything we have in pur Toy

Department but we can surely save you real money. . .


CHRISTMAS GIFT BOXESThe prettiest ever in Torrance. Every imaginable

e, To Close Out;

lOc Sizes, ............ Now 5c *16c Sizes, ........ Now 7'/2 c25c Sizes, ........ Now 12VL.C .50c Sizes, ........ Now 25c

TOYLANDDolls! Dolls! Dolls!

nported and Domestic, too Many to Itemize, From

19cupDoll Beds, regular 79c, all metal wl(:h mattress, and pillow, ................Now 49c19 in. Wooden Doll Beds, were 65c, NOW ................................................... 49c

$1.19 Three-Drawer Wardrobe Trunks, ........ Now 89cU5c Laundry Sets, 6 pieces iiicJuding wringer Now 49c 50c Bell Telcphon,es, Kelt Uaaes, ................'Nvw 39cDogs, Elephants, Bears, ............................... .. .10c up15 Piece China Dish Sets, ..................:.............Now 44c$1.25 Pure Aluminum Cooking Sets, 11 pieces, ..98c $1.25 Pure Aluminum Tea Sets, 15 pieces,.. .Now 98c Imported China Tea Set«, II pieces, ........ Now 89cImported China Sets, 7 pieces. .................... Now 44c

Select Your Toys Now, Make a Deposit, and We'll do the Rest,

Toy Stoves, like mother's with oven, H in. top 98cGAMES, Big variety of Games from Old Maid to Baseball.

All arc pccidcdly Reduced. ^

Ciimfift,,Etched Greea GlasswareThese ill onderful Christmas Gifts, inexpen-

Every piece made to sell at a dim* :ach, but NOW SHARPLY REDUCED, some of the

graces" we i vriH"8ell^»8 -cmi»p-(rs- -- . ----- -- -. ..,*..---.-

4 for(Cheaper


EBY'SDry Goods - Clothing Gifts!

1328 Sartori Avenue TorranceNext to Bank of America

...2 f

MEN'S WEAR9Bc WORK SHIRTS of Quality. 8izo» 14i/2 to

18. Nationally known brands, such 01: Robuit, Roomy Richard, etc.,

2 for $1.50 7Men's Bib Overalls and Jumpers, Broken Sizes .-...............'.:... .................... ......-....... at 89cfl.in Men's Wai«t Overalls ot 1!20 Blue Denim, i^vct

tacked, buckle back........! ................................Now 89e

S8c Hayncs Fleece Lined Shirts a>id Drawers,_..........69c Man's Nainsook Union Suite. An all-year around suit,

always one of bur leaders, .......................................Now, 2 for 89c'TIES, Any 7<Jc Four-in-hand or Bow Tle,...,......................Now 29c08c Won't Quality Initial Handkerchiefs, ....................3 in box 69cAll 25c |p6os« Handkerchiefs,.....................................-.........-..2 for 35c

MEN'0 HO6E?-What better gift for. men than socks? 65c Silk and Wool Fancy Hose, .................. Pair 49c49c Silk and Uisle Fancy Hose, .................... Pair 29c15c Quality Work Sox, Brown or Natural, 3 pairs 35c SOc'Wool Boot Sox, ..................................... Pair 39c39c Rockford Wool Sox, ........................ 2 pairs for 39cMEN'S .RAYON UNDERSHIRTS, Finest guage, 98c Quality, ...,.........,......;.........................'.............. 2 for $1.50

$3.39 P«pperell Part Wool

DOUBLE BLANKETSBlue, Rose,').ay«nder, Gold, Gray, Green Plaids

$2.39, OK 2 pair for $4.75

BOY'S WEAR89c Bib Qveraljs, 2 to 16 years .................... Now 69c98c Bell Bottoms with tailored waist bands, Sizes 28 to 33 waists, NOW - 79c, Smaller sizes 716 49c Btue Shirts, 0 to 14 years, ................... 2 for 79c79to Dress Shirts, Broken sizep, ................ 2 for $1.0049c Dress Shirts, Bi-oken sizes, .................... 2 for 79cAH Boy's Underjyvea.,r>at ........... CLOSE OUT PRICESUttie Men's Sox, Just like Dad's, Fancy or Plain. 25c Quality, ................................................ Now pair 19c15c Quality, .....;.........:.................... Now 2 frajrs for 19c

INFANTS WEAR$1.00 Reuben's Wool Vests, ............................ Now 49c50c Reuben's Wool Mix Vests, ....................... Now 39c25c Reuben's Silk and Cotton Vests, ............ Now 19c50c Wdol Hose, ....................................................Now 29e35c Lisle Hose, .,.........../...'................',...,........ ,... Now 19c98c Esmond Blankets, .................................... Now 79c98c Hand Embroidered Dresses, .................... Now 69c79c Hand Embroidered Gertrudes, ............ ....No'w 3ftp98q Bath Robes, boxed, ................................... Now 79c50c Silk or Cashmere Bonnets, .....:.............. NOW 2$c$1.00 Organdie Bonnets, ................................ Now 49cOdds-and Ends of Baby Goods, ............ Now. % pricel>8c Part Wool Sleepers, sizes 1 to t years 2 for $1.50 Light Weight Sleepers, .....................:......... 2 for $9c

Children's 9»c Wash Dresses NOW39cand49c

Children's! Sweaters ...................................,39c up

UNDER\VEAR ^A"*$1.25 Ladies' Part Wool Union Suits, (Short Sleeves, Knee Length, ................................................ 2 suits $1.60No Sleeve. Knee Length, .......:................ 2 suits $1,79Vests, Part'Wool. No Sleeve, ................... 2 for $1.29

Good Quality'jntt Low«at Prlc«i. Buy 8«v<r«l Pain. Ladies' Cotton Union Suite, VU|UI>H to fl.OU cuth. Tinlil

yr slu-ll knuc. liuilli-« or l>uUt up,........................... 2 sulU for 98cCotton V«»tj, Wlitd- or 1'iiili, vuliii'.s to 0«« fiu-li.....-........* for «cL.idiet' and Children 1! Rayon Underwear, Hoaular and Outei(«i.

Too many etyl«e and woavei to itemize. All Mutt GoR«g>rdl«i of Cost.

Girlf' Nainsook Union Suit*, Kluaih' Knee, Hlzi's « lo !-. }-ctti-«,...................................,.... w .........................a far 8»c

Children'e Dr. Spcncor and Nazareth Knit Union SiiiU, Kia.'o i to U yuurs...... .....^,....................................2 for 79c

C'WUJren'a SUort- K|«ov<! I'lfave Mn*0 V«»|« and KneeDr»w«rt. Ma<Ji- lo «,;ll up tu 7Jc cuc-lj. I to li yrurn,..2 for 75c

Acorn Knitted Button Waists, 1 (o II y,.«i>.. ..................2 for 39o

LA ES aird SATIN RIBBONSFor Making Up Clirntmai Presents


On« lot niavlc to Bell Tor $l.!)S, Bias cut, C'.l9W^ woven rayon, ..... ................................... ... Now $1.39Other Slips, niiulo o( (|iiulity ruyon in wni|)Turouiwl fitted, lucu trimmed ami plain wtylc-B,, Clow out at WeAll reeeieres, Carter Belts, Girdles, and Corsets

illllKl so l«i'!:,-inllvH.i ol Co.it.

DRESSES$o.!*,r> Ladies' Silk Dresses, OulnUet>, .lust <j in the lui, Choice . -.. ... ......... . ... ......... $2.75Uiu: Lot Ifl.'JG Winter Waeh Dresses, LOIIJ; or Short .sloevivs and sU'ovelcss, Choice . ........ 98cOn-' l,"l !)!?< Wa:-h OITMI-:,, ... . . Now 79c

Woman's Aid To Hold Yule Party

TI|C rd of theMithoilist EplHcqpnl Wonmn'H Aid Moclety will meet In tin- church pnrlors, TueHrtuy, December S, nt 1:30 p. m. A short reRUlur mnot- InR will lie held nt 2:30 o'clock ttnrt the aftornocm will then ho given over to ,-i Chrlstmns party. Mr». T. Edmondn l« In charge of the program. It Is announced that owing to circumstnnces there will not be the customary exchange of gifts thlH year. All members anil friends arc conllnlly Invited lo at­ tend thlH meeting.

New Heating System Installed In Theatre

A thermnHtiitlc-cimtrolled heiit- ing Nystem has hren Initialled in the Ton-unco- Theatre which now atsuroa theatre-soers of tin even,, moderate and frcHli-nlr tempera­ ture Ht all times, according to llunuger Frank Hlgglns.

"f lielicve patrons of the Tor- ,1'anco Theatre will appreciate knpwftm that we have added this ncitr healing; system that guaran­ ty a constant healthful atmo- spj)erc," H|ggiiis"sai<l. "Vonlllallon In '». public auditorium la nlway of prime imp'gr|nnce and expert attention hun been given our then tre to Insure proper change of a I overs' tew nilntltOH in addition to providing the necessary warmll on theso chilly evenings."

Local Man's Father Badly Hurt In Crash

F. \V. Newell, I. Ango|en,father of E. A. Novell; of tl Torrnncc Transfer Company, seriously Injured "in nn automobile accident Sunday afternoon ut the Intersection of 190th street arid Vermont avenue. Gwen Oabcck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs..!'. E Osbeck. Los Angeles, wn» ulso In­ jured but only slielitly. Tlig Os hecks were in a car tlmt collldei with or was struck by Newell'i machine. Mrs. Newell and the! daughter were also In the car but they were reported unhurt. Newell suffered a broken U'onc arid possible Internal In- jurjcs, It ,wns reported.

SPECIAL EPWORTH MEET The Long Heach Flshernn;

lufi be In (jliai-ffe of the Ejiworth meet!

ns one of \Thanksgiving Day wo joy and true thanksgiving

(lies In Keystone, gome goln;r distant places for the I'cust

while others played 'the role i,r lost at home.

Guests for the clay at the hoino if Mr. and Mrs. C. E. HnrHhmnii in Monola street were Mr. and

Urn. Brace Hays and daughter, Wcrnlcc. of Santa Ana; Mr. and

. M. V. Wulheron and daugh­ ter. Marlene, of Wilmlngton; Miss Art 1m Uoher of Torrance, and M!HH Edith and ChostKr Haishmaii.

Membei their fan

of Ibc Crochet club an. enjoyed the day a

large family at tin Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. nocquo. ,Y larjie turkey and nil the fixin's «as served at nopn.

SI. nnd Mrs. Charles tolloeuf un<l son. Charles, of Carson street, spent the day nt the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Freeman In "Santa

ilca where they were among Bts at a family reunion.

Ir. and Mrs. John (.lleim and baby son nnd Miss Catherine Mc- Manns of Wllmlngton were 'guests

a family dinner parly at tlm home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.

ran on Amelia street. Otherssent were Miss Monavcc andlor Cowan.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Llndsley « T..OH Angeles spent the day at Hi home of their daughter, Mrs. s. C Wault, and family on Amelia MIWI.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Cunnlrmli.-im ami three daughters, I^orcno. Inn and Catherine, and J. CunniiiKlium of Amelia street were RUMSIS of Mr. and Mr.' E: T. White in Ful- lerton.

/Mr. ami Mrs. Ernest. Mnrii^T of

Amelia street WIM-C hosts at a foast duck dinner with suests as fol­ lows: Dr. Arthur Martin of Los Angeles, Mrs. Anna ftlchnrds o£ WUralnston, and Gordon Martin of Keystone.

A family dinner party was Kivcn at the home of Mr. and M'rs. John Hllpert on Cirace street. .

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. JolinsoiA mid children, Leon.a and Charles, of Avalon boulevard spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Farr iu Los Angeles.

December 6, at the First iletljodist EuiircuiiQl church. The theme of Ihla mcetlntf will be "Deciding for Christ." The League aBspinbles every Sunday evening al 6:30 p. m., at the M. K. church.

TO PLAN YULE GIVING TI(C \V. C. T. U, will meet ut

Z:J« p. m.. Friday, December I, al the Home of Mrs. W. H. Sin­ clair. 1521 El 1'rudo. Mrs. S. I'. Show will have clmrgv of Hie program. Plans for Christmas giving, which includes sending a supply of home-made rookies lo i the Sailors' 'Rest Home ut Ha Diego, will be discussed.

Mi- anil Mrs. E. Wolfe n struct were hosts

\Vllinlnclondelicious roust turkey dinner.

A chicken diniler was served; at Hit! home of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. H. llaniard on Dolores street.

Mr. mul Mrs. C. 10. Ontiveros (if Simla Maria; Mr. and Mrs. 13. O. I'lunnner of Lompoc and Mr. and Mrs. Hert Keeney of Keystone were guests nl ., fmnlly dinner

D. IF. Keeney on Main street.



While we are equipped tl furnl.h any type of heating equipment, we especially recom­ mend Andrews Wall Heater*. They are easy to install in old as well as new houses and d not take up valuable floo pace.

Unlike radiiint heaters, the opposite side of the room heated well aa the space front of the heater. Pure a I* drawn in from the outside, heated and circulated to all parts of the ro»m.

EASY TERMS ...May be arranged for

Plumbing, Heating Work and Hot Water Heaters.


Co.FAY L. PARKS, Prop.1418 Marcelina Avc,Opposite Post Olfiic


Mi. and .Mrs. E. K. Stevens of .Main slrect were bosts at a fam­ ily dinner party.

Mr. and Mr ot Main sire Angeles wher guests of Mrs

Charles A. Uraztr. t molored lo Los

t,hey were dinner C.' stone.

Mr. anil Mrs. John Erlckson, Miss Kmma Urickson, Misa licrtha Milton of Pasadena and tins Erick- son of LOIIB Ucach were dinner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles M. ForrcNt and family on Amelia street.

Mr. and Mrs. 1* K. Forsbag nf Main street were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant McElwell In San fcdro.

The home of Mrs. S. C. Sault, till Amelia street, will bo open .Monday afternoon for a benefit card party, proceeds to be used to further the work c.f the Carson Slri-cl I'aienl Tenclier« unit. A. small cliai-Kc will be made and rc- lieshmi-nts will lie served.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ulack and their daughter, Miss Gladys I'. Hllu'U. of Main street held .open house Saturday afternoon. Curios,

apparel and other objectsbrought Ilium: In the PhilippineIslands, Ik-thlehem, DamnJfiTUsalcm hy Miss lilack tlirci: iiontha ago following five yvu.ro In orclBii cOuutricK as a nilublonary. Vhllo in the I'hllippine iHland.s liss lilaelVwas ,-;,nn,-ct,-(i with hr llurrlsmi Mi-mnrlal 'I'rainiin,- ihi".l nl Miiiilla. liver inn visit-

• •fri'Hhl

I'lai r'- i-uinplelcil at the rt'SUlur inccllns of ihc Wouiun's cjuli of Keystone \\VdwcMluy after- mion lur |iurtlcl|i.'ition Iu u com­ munity ChrlHlKiui) celebration co- oiM'iatlni; with tlm KcyHtanu Bup- llst i'hiiic|i. ,\ roiumitteo to coin...plrtr lll-tljils «as allMOUMCCll. Mt'HJdiiiin-s i>. r. Ki'eiiey, rharli's M.l'""i-bi mm T. (i. OmnliiHliuni.iMrn. ThuiHiis A. Ci.vian ami Mr

riiian. j lin nei-dy Thiinks-