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jesus christ numerology© may 2007

sheree denise rainbolt

2117 2118 2119intended only to illuminate....

knowledge fear is not an option.


the nature of psychological compulsion is such that those who act under constraint remain under the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. the victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. to him the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. that he is not free is apparent only to other people. his servitude is strictly objective.

brave new world revisited, aldous huxley, 1958

.... .in the end be still and know that i am god

. this sharing is not perfect it has not been edited or , ,assembled the way i would wish if i had more time

. :-) ,energy and money you will find it to be disjointed . and maybe redundant in places you may even find a

. ' couple of addition errors i overlooked it s the best i have . . right now time is of the essence

about me

i am a loving mother, long term wife, writer, teacher, and an intuitive. following in the footsteps of my father, i am a rock solid patriot (lean democratic, but open to something new). i am not a scientist, by the world's definition, or a doctor. nothing written here is meant to be taken as absolute fact! i could be all wrong. that's the risk i am willing to take.

beginning in the year 2000, i learned and absorbed some fresh new ideas about the interior and exterior material and non material of this fascinating human existence, i began to work with some new and productive ideology to manage my life. what i have learned about the power of the human mind and the love and example of jesus christ is amazing. i grew up a mormon, then investigated nearly every church on earth, looking for jesus, god, billy bob and anyone else that would rush in and help my life make sense. it would take until i was 41 years old. when i turned 41, it was as if someone turned the light on. the answers are within. really? well, why didn't someone tell me that sooner! well....um....uh.....just because.

at 41 years old, i began to slowly release old paradigm thinking and was brought some fresh air. i do mean fresh air. as in, *nothing i had ever been exposed to in my whole life*. i discovered that my parents and my society didn't get it right for me. i became lost in their dream. it's lucky there was any air left to breathe. god bless them, but how wonderful it feels to have my own mind. i am churchless and


free. not that churches aren't good. some are very good and help all kinds of people in the name of love. my statement has far deeper meaning, if you will take the time. this isn't really about churches, as buildings. i believe in the power of community.

most people in churches are there to participate in something good, and give back in ways that bring satisfaction to their lives. but, there are things to consider, and i hope you will. i pick what resonates from a variety of thought systems, and discard the rest for another time and space, if ever. i am an eclectic mix of christian, buddhist, hindu, islam, unitarian, methodist, and much more. there is true and false everywhere. for the most part, i am a simple and opening mind.

at one point, thanks to the angels, i came across a miracle divining tool called a pendulum. this remarkable tool put me in direct contact with the angels. don't roll your eyes yet, its still early. through my conversations with higher light intelligence, i was able to learn more about how things work, and more. i never used this tool for the lottery, or to find out if my son was growing pot in his closet. i can't tell you how many times i was tempted. i then learned numerology. everything i have learned has brought me to right here, right now. i can't say enough for the benefits that come from an open mind, but it is very hard to find the key if you aren't looking.

what is somewhat troubling to me, as a spiritual dowser, is how often people like me are teamed with the occult of evil intentions. it is quite sad, for most people who say such things do not know anything about dowsing. dowsing is for soccer moms, cashiers, truck drivers, and executives. it's for everyone. it's normal stuff. but, you were taught that it isn't normal. that was not true, but i will explain to you why you were taught this nonsense. if they knew how many of our most brilliant scientists have used a pendulum there would be complete shock. as well, all the doctors, nurses and other practitioners who use pendulums for healing information. if they really wanted to educate themselves about how any tool can be used for good or evil, they would take advantage of all my free audios, classes, ebooks, charts, etc.. here is the link to that free information. listen in, and find out who i am.


if you have any trouble accessing this folder, please try signing in as a user of esnips. if that doesn't work, email me at: slivermoon22@aol.com . this info is all free, and i encourage you to share it freely with others. i am not interested in making any money off this info. it was such a huge gift in my life, from jesus, that i must share it freely.

i am not a satanist, nor a witch (whatever that really means). there's good witches and bad witches. satan stands behind me, at neutral, for darkness has no power over the fearless. these are all just words, morphing to and fro,


depending on what is using them. i would highly encourage those who write that dowsers, astrologists and numerologists are satanists, cease doing so, for it will only serve to move us further apart. educate yourself please. every tool, every organization, every church, every leader, every every thing can be used for christ, or for lucifer. you get to pick. but, i know thousands of dowsers who work in the name of jesus (for real), and the light.

to label them/me satanistic simply makes our journey together far harder, and we have so much to do to save our kids from what is coming. what is the bible, but a divination tool? in truth. churches everywhere use all kinds of physical tools for ritual. i am not a ritualist. i don't do rituals. but, if rituals help you be the light, then great.

i'm a wife and mom. i do four loads of laundry a day, cook healthy meals, pay bills, and shower. i am just like you. not weird and not crazy, and i'm not a fool. not anymore. i have educated myself. i have learned how to use divination tools....the same ones lucifer uses, to determine who lucifer is, and what this energy is doing.

at times, my inner journey, which has slowly unfolded since the year 2000, has brought me enormous joy, inner peace, spiritual growth, and freedom. but, recently, due to the events of 911, and the deeply troubling facts that i have been exposed to since then, i am moving in new directions, where rainbows and waterfalls are rarely a hot topic. in fact, few dare to tread through these muddy waters. i see it all as merging now. the light and the dark. for the purpose of knowing the truth.

once you know the truth, the truth will set you free. not in the way you might expect. truth is costly, in human terms. but, without truth there cannot be true freedom. only more of the same; like a mad movie loop.

this is one of the hardest things i have ever done. to choose to look, with faith, upon the dark side and decide i would not be afraid of death. therefore, the truth at all cost. i have noticed that few are willing and able to step up. if i am sad for anything, it is for this. it's not the darkness that scares me. it's the fear of the darkness that scares me. that is something i have to work through, between emails.

i am an ardent follower of the teachings of jesus christ. the physical body we label jesus christ is much less important than what this entity is in truth. the holy spirit, or divine essence made manifest. or something close to that. my spirituality cannot be contained, because i now realize there is so much i still don't know or understand. i see truth and illusion in all. the good, the bad, the ugly - whatever. fred alan wolfe says this: the observer does not disturb, but merely accepts what is. that is my definition of god. the creator of perfect love, which allows all to be, by the very nature of what love is, which is unconditional. sort of


contradicts this written piece and all the research that comes from it, but i also believe that ignorance is not bliss, and peace does not come from illusion.

this writing is about the number 2117. i come to share this number with you because, for most of us, we are the last to know. welcome to the party. i happened across this number by adding: 10 + 21 + 2086 vertically. this is the date of the second coming. a second near earth pass of an asteroid called hathor 2340, according to nasa. at least, that's what the site said in february. it makes a first pass on 10/21/2069 as well, but there will indeed be a second coming. with it is good news and bad news. such is life.

why spend so much time and energy on an asteroid? this isn't just any asteroid. this is the end times asteroid. revelations was right. i use to make fun of revelations. the right person found out. everything is numbers. more about hathor at the end of this document.

lucifer wrote revelations.

i'm not at all sure what made me add the digits of the date. call it a intuitive nudge. i came across the asteroid while i was actually studying the egyptian goddess known as hathor. i began that quest while seeking for internet info on the great pyramid, which incidentally = 234 (gp). 117 h. (as in 2117)

i think i might have done a search like this: hathor + great pyramid + comet. if i am truthful and not afraid of your rolling eyes, i will say i was guided. i have no idea what made me add the word comet. up popped hathor 2340. once at the nasa site, i saw the asteroid listing. i chalked it up as coincidental for a little while. then, something made me add the digits. i added both passes. the second one felt a little *hot* to me. this is a term i use to describe something that stands out in such a way that i can feel a nudge to investigate further. i wrote down the answer:2117. i then went in search of all things hathor, all things asteroid, and three months later, here i am with a first draft.

it was clear immediately that i would want to find anything interesting that was related to the numbers 2117. this took many hours a day, every day, for many weeks. this sharing is a tiny snippet of the work i have done.

i had hundreds of pages of scribbling from all my searches. i had an english alphabet to keep things simple, and excellent spiritual guidance to assist me. as well, i had the help of some good humans who taught me some critical things about numbers.

god, numerologically, spells 8. i don't do 8 anymore. the fallen 8 represents eternity. imagine forever midnight. forever indeed. as in toraforver.

god as 8 is an illusion. a hoax.


8 is the sum of 17. everything in the physical universe is 17. 17 represents lucifer in man.

you recall jesus saying...satan get behind thee. he knew that thoughts have placement value. they do indeed.

if you are a numerologist, using the english alphabet, please erase god = 8. the numbers 7 and 8 work in close partnership. many people use traditional numerology to name jesus. but, the 7 of traditional numerology is not light filled. you will see why. jesus is not 7. jesus the light is not a number at all.

lucifer called himself god at the very millisecond the physical universe was created. that's right, lucifer created the first illusionary thought. it blew things way out of proportion. it would be downhill from there, give or take a few easter brunches.

what was the thought that exploded absolute perfection into "i'll take it from here!" we are living the answer in slow motion. so slow in fact that it looks like ..........t.............i...........m............e.

time = 47/11/2. for your files.

i began this journey when i first began to look for in depth info on the great pyramid. i spent several weeks on a crusade of sorts. then, i burned out and went away from it. while i was gone, i stumbled syncronistically through the well hidden and protected maze of factory farming. someone left a link to a video on you tube, and curious me went on over and had a peek.

i was nothing short of horrified to learn what people and business is doing to our animals so we can eat one more hamburger or chicken fingers meal. it's outrageous. once i learned, i became a voice to help put an end to the millions of animals who are needlessly tortured so we can eat meat. so, the activation point for my newly minted online activism began with the issue of factory farming and especially cows. no, i didn't think to connect hathor, the cow goddess, to this other seemingly unrelated factory farm issue. the timing was actually stunning, as you will learn as you read along. but, i will see this: when you witness, with your own eyes, what business and people are allowed to do to animals, it is only a matter of time before humans are treated the same way.

jesus said: what you do to the least of me, you do unto me.


i set up several online blogs in one day and began to share information with people. (update: i have had a few cheeseburgers in times of weakness, but i am trying).

after the intense raw emotion, i found some center, and proceeded to mass blog everything i found related to factory farming. my goal: spread the news. i wanted it to stop. there are many organizations working to make it stop, and i will leave their links at the end of this document. unfortunately, some of the blogs didn't like me sharing the info and the pictures i posted of the truth of what is going on, so my blogs suddenly were *locked down*. i spent hours trying to fix it, and sent many emails for help. i received no help, and some of my blogs are gone.

while moving through this frequency for a few weeks, i began to take a special interest in the plight of cows, especially downed cows. i was so distraught that i didn't sleep for a week. i was so angry at myself for directly supporting this industry. you won't find this information on your nightly news. the beef industry seems to have chased oprah out of the loop, so why would anyone else take that risk on? more on this later. again, did not connect any dots at this early stage. just assumed i was on to something else for awhile. yes, i felt a little like a rubber band.

one of the hard things to grasp is how little people seem to care. i had people ask me to stop sending them pictures and stories about abused animals. i naturally expected people would be as horrified as i and help me do something about it. it was beyond shocking to see how few really got with it. that brought up a whole bunch of other questions. more on that later. but, we have certainly become complacent. dangerously so.

the cost of our denial (fear) to our ailing democracy is so monumental, it pales in comparison to anything that has ever occurred before, in the history of this planet, save the great flood. how can that be true? wait and see my friend. let's leave this aspect for now, and go over here.....

the evidence of the truth is everywhere, but few will look upon it, for to do so would beg for our attention, and that is something we are short on. attention would demand questions, then reasoning. reasoning would require a calling up of everything we believe in. we would recognize immediately that what we have been sold all these many centuries, is a lie. we have been punk't as they say. no one is quite ready to go there. it may very well take a police state of gigantic proportion to wake people. by then, it is far too late. we, the baby boomers of this country, and beyond, failed miserably to correct the sins of our so called *fathers*. the bloodlines are in triangular lock boxes, where the light of day will never shine except for a *chosen* few. but, these chosen have been chosen by the darkness, not the light.


our children and our grandchildren will not have accurate history to look upon, because it will be removed from seeing eyes. the internet will become the domain of the military, and blogs speaking truth to power will become extinct and a joke at some white house water cooler.

people on the front lines of the truth movement are constantly ridiculed. their very lives are at risk. the public has no clue the service they have done to date, to wake people up from this devastating slumber. all the while, the powers that be laugh at them/us. there is no fear to dance and drum, and be in a drunken stupor, or lie, or cheat or steal, or admit your press conference is actually scripted......because the government (slash) business owns the internet and the media. this is not something that can be changed at this late date. but, there are alternatives. for now. while we slept, they worked. its the age old story of the grasshopper and ant. we drank beer and watched football, while they methodically planned a takeover. this is what happens.

fortunately, there are some amazing heroes in this world who are full blast - telling it like it is, and i am eternally grateful to them for waking me up. i will speak of them in this writing. the first few brave souls are: steven m. greer, m.d.william cooper (shot and killed in 2001), david icke, michael moore, rosie o'donnell, lou dobbs, randi rhoades, bill moyers, jack murtha, keith olberman, bev harris of black box voting, the aclu, moveon.org, john stewart, cindy sheehan, and a dozen or so bloggers on the net, risking their own lives each and every day. i have watched and listened long enough to know that of all the americans i have known, i would like to align with these extraordinary patriots. it's damn hard to speak truth to power. they have done it; even when you and i have sat on our hands and contributed nothing.

they will always be remembered as the pioneers in the truth movement. there are many others. others whose names you wouldn't recognize. people who walk with a sign, who send emails, who call their congressional reps and speak truth to power, who write letters and wear tee-shirts, and march and pray and burn the candles of hope. not to mention all the soldiers who fight in a war in the name of a god that doesn't have their best interest at heart. for those who know the truth, but for the sake of their named duty, they move along...a blessing for each and every one of these people. i am entitled to my beliefs. for now, i am free to share them.

these people are the ones who impacted me first. i will leave you with numerous valuable links at the end of this document. please take the time to educate yourself by going to their sites and reading. they offer tons of information freely, in the name of truth and freedom. your financial support of their work is absolutely critical.


for the few media broadcasters who are given a tiny slot to ask questions, and stand up for the rest of us, be sure to tune in and listen. keith olberman, randi rhoades, bill moyers, and lou dobbs has done more to bring light to the darkness than i can possibly measure. you can bet they are pressured, day in and day out. there are very few "keeping them honest." the media cover ups are killing us quitely. in some ways, they are the worse enemy, for they were entrusted, and they have been brainwashing the american people for far too long, with our permission.

i hold much of the media of this country, and beyond, responsible for crimes on humanity. you have been manipulated and lied to, not just by network owners, but by journalists who placed their own personal well being above that of our children. there are no words to describe how deeply evil this is. but, let's breathe through it and pretend our anger will go away quickly.

you will want to be selective about the news you are watching. turn to the internet if you want to be informed. yes, be discerning, but don't rely on tv news to inform you. big business pays their salaries. it is my opinion that big business, in many ways, is joined at the root of this tree of death. i don't mean that in a bad way.

the information to follow is important enough to share publicly, right now, even though i have not edited entirely, and am still working on a book. it won't wait. it may not be perfectly understandable, but this is the best i have on short notice. it will take two or three read throughs to grasp this urgent message. people who write these kinds of things have a tendency to go away. so, i want to put this in your hands right away. ya never know. i don't mean that to scare anyone, but its time to wake up. we are already way late.

whether or not things can change i don't know. maybe its all the attack and defense that keeps us alive in hell. maybe, when one side surrenders totally, and knows that all is well, in truth, there will be peace. evil cannot breathe where there is no air. eventually death becomes no fun. when there is no one who fears death, death becomes irrelevant. when death becomes irrelevant, the desire for power loses its appeal. for those seeking to control do so only to keep from being the controlled.

at the very least, change would certainly be dependent on what you do today, and for the days leading up to the year 2012, the end of the mayan calendar, and the date of the mother of all venus transits. beyond the date of 2012, your life could look so different, it might be unrecognizable. there is a plan in place to position the *right person* in the office of the united states presidency and vice presidency.


its not an election; its prophecy, written far in advance of right now, and the numbers are aligned. numbers can be interpreted, but when so many of the same numbers and combinations of numbers keep appearing, you can either shut it down and turn on american idol, or you can take it seriously.

everything you have ever been taught about god, the bible, jesus an lucifer and more is up for question in new ways. no, this isn't the davinci code, or anything like it. these are simple ideas, from a simple woman, and the numbers align. i am a numerologist of sorts, and a spiritual dowser. i am also a reiki master. i have been hard at work these last several months, looking at the numbers from a vertical and horizontal perspective.

some call the work i do the "work of the devil". i just giggle for the silliness.that doesn't deter me. i am supported by higher love. anything is the work of the darkness, when in the hands of darkness.

long ago, i partnered with jesus christ for the work i do. my work is in the right hands. i would like to dive deeper into this idea before moving on.

go read:

divination and magic.... (the myth)

http://www.usccb.org/catechism/text/pt3sect2chpt1.htm (reference) see how they do not want you to know of their power at the highest levels.

this offering is not in any way meant to offend catholics. my entire extended family, on the other side, are catholics. these are good and loving people. in fact, my mother in law is the walking, living jesus. she is a devout catholic.

this sharing is meant to expose the truth, as i see it, so it can be seen for what it is, released, forgiven, and given to the true god called all. a formless essence (in my opinion) that accepts and allows all things as free will, the natural result of divine love ( or the real definition of what love is). it serves no one to be angry or vengeful. i don't see the enemy as any human being. i don't see enemies. what i see is a lost consciousness, directed by non-physical energy (mostly). but, it is far worse to let illusion stand as truth. i will add my name to all those who have gone before me to expose what i view as darkness bent on destroying this world and everything in it.

my sister has been a professional astrologer her entire adult life. she is also a brilliant writer and has had an amazing journey through life. recently, she decided to go back to the mormon church, for reasons unlcear to me. she packed all her books, her papers, her soul, and put it in a four square box that says, this is evil,


do not touch. i am so sad for this.

but, i respect her decision. unfortunately, i could really use her mind help now as i begin to uncover so much on the numbers front. especially venus transits and stuff like that. i could really use her help, but she will have no part of it anymore for the church tells her it is magic. they tell her it is the work of the devil. it is indeed !!! if you use it for evil. like everything else, bring love into the picture, and evil finds no sanctuary. partner with jesus and holy divination is a miracle. try telling that to your local church pastor. some of these same people support president/cheney and an iraq war.

it has become clear to me that lucifer made the laws of most all religions in existence today. this is easy to prove. read the old testament, then look at the gaping holes in the new testament. guilt will impact memory every single time. it is my feeling that there are only a select few who know this secret. however, if there are more, i would not be surprised.

the reason the entity known as lucifer doesn't want people to learn about divination, is because within divination lies the answers to what has happened here, and what is to come. lucifer's tools are the very thing he demands you do not use.

everything that is happening now on this planet, has happened before and will happen again, only in different costumes, and hairdo's. it's a mad movie loop of archetypal agreement that can be busted if people are willing to think. one only need to study the age of julius caesar, the kings of egypt, the kings of jerusalem, the kings of england, and now the kings of the usa and the globe. it's the same script in a different age. the same motives, the same ideas, the same cravings and the same agenda's. only this time, there is technology to play with, and highly motivated non human partners to assist them.

divination is the miracle of jesus christ. he didn't need a pendulum, or oracle cards, or runes, or the tarot, or astrology and numerology, but he knew we would need them....and we do. truth lies in the stars, the sun, the moon, the planets, and far more. the wise men found jesus by folllowing the north star. except these wise men, were not of the light. they came, bearing gifts and great interest and very possibly more than that. we just don’t know do we. all i know, is what i know from this system of numerology, and they had forewarning, these forces of darkness.

the ancient greeks were astrologers. this physical universe is the domain of lucifer, not god. everything you see with your body's eyes is a creation of lucifer at it's root. the good that happens here is because of the life of jesus and his cleansing flood of love. and because of good people who believe in authentic love. everything lucifer built up until the death of jesus was washed clean in one instant when jesus remembered why he came. he came to forgive.


in his forgiveness, lucifer was found without reason and purpose.

those who believed in the message, would benefit from his visit.

everything was washed clean. every name change, every monument and covenant, every lie, blood sacrifice and murder was forgiven. this is the power of love. the birth, the life and death of jesus christ saved us beyond the unthinkable. you simply have no idea. but, even jesus knew what was coming down the pike. he knew what would take place and yet he did nothing to stop it. what he did do is voice it. and, this, alone, will be my mission. i will be another voice. you will decide what to do with all the information, but consider first what jesus did with it. no attack - no defense. i am trying. i ask for help daily. it is important to get the information out however, and there will be some who are hurt by it. that is not my responsibility. i bless it all, and still voice it.

why did jesus tell his followers what would be happening? why not just keep it to himself? because the truth will set you free. by illuminating what was to come, and taking it in with centered knowing, without fear, you withdraw the power from the seed of it. until it is seen and acknowledged without fear and loathing, it lives and breathes and creates. this is precisely why denial is not the answer.

there is good in the world, and you know this. you create your own good as well. but, there is a force here, a part of the whole mind, even as it is not real, and it is implicating you.

i don't want to get into all that now. all i will say is that your ability to create to joy will become more and more limited in the future, if things don't change dramatically.

at one point, thanks to the angels, i came across a miracle divining tool called a pendulum. this remarkable tool put me in direct contact with the angels. don't roll your eyes yet, its still early. through my conversations with higher light intelligence, i was able to learn more about how things work, and more. i never used this tool for the lottery, or to find out if my son was growing pot in his closet. i can't tell you how many times i was tempted. i then learned numerology. everything i have learned has brought me to right here, right now. i can't say enough for the benefits that come from an open mind, but it is very hard to find the key if you aren't looking.

remember 2117.

i found this number after many many hours of in depth research, using traditional numerology. it was in fact, numerology that showed me who the god of abraham is. of course, abraham and sarah were unaware, and most remain unaware, but not all. this evil crime thrust upon abram and sarai is what brought us to right now.


"you shall love your god (lucifer)with all your heart, and with all your

soul, and with all your mind"the lucifer covenant that has ruled the world.

(cloaked in the illusion of religion in many cases)just because it quacks like a duck, does not mean it's a duck.

we have been hoaxed. in ways you really can't even imagine...yet. when you hear what i have to say, you will likely shut it down immediately. i understand. i did the same not so long ago. once you stop being ignorant, the facts become crystal and there is no way to ignore what has happened, is happening now, and will happen sooner and later.

there is so much to tell you, and i don't have time to write the entire book today, but this info is critical, especially if you are feeling a shift in our country, in our world, in our governments, and especially if you are seeing 11:11on digital clocks.

but, this offering is really for everyone willing to climb out of the box that is getting smaller and smaller each day. if prayer were the only answer, then why are we in such a mess, as there are more people praying than ever before in the history of prayer? prayer is powerful indeed, when you are praying from knowledge, to the true creator of your being.

do what you want, but please consider praying in jesus' name. you will need to come to understand the power of a name, as evidenced with my findings. if you are praying to only a *god*, lucifer is only to happy to pick up the line. it isn't personal. i don't make this suggestion in the name of religion or christianity. i am a follower of jesus, but not a christian. i make it because it will help you. there is so much we don't know about the life and times of jesus.

i believe that soon after jesus died, the crusaders came to take possession of the bloodline; jesus’ body. i imagine they stole the body from the tomb. the stone was rolled away. they had the advance knowledge of who jesus was. what did the crusaders know that was never illuminated in the bible?

just questioning. in the end, it would not truly require offspring of jesus to maintain the cleanse. the cleanse has always been with us. but, we have chosen to align with lucifer. it was our choice then, and is our choice now. the miracle is as bright today as it ever was.


while i was raised a mormon, i left the church when i left home. i align most closely with a course in miracles. the course is attractive to christians who are looking for more information. for me, it was the farthest edge i could cling to in 2000 and still not die from shock. it is a wonderful, eye opening text that i am now learning is a a true miracle of these times. you can pick up a copy at most libraries. having said that, i have learned a great deal from others, all over the world. there are no boundaries except that which humans draw. get open to a larger universe, before its too late. the religion you're in will, if they are what they say they are, be waiting for you when you come back, if you come back. but, now is a great time to jump and fly.


a very important side note:

there are now literally tens of thousands of humans on planet earth who are seeing 11:11 on their digital clocks. they are looking at the clock and seeing 11:11 at such a rate that it has caused them to search the internet and libraries looking for possible answers. there is some helpful information available to help people understand that these 11:11 sightings are meaningful. this odd phenomenon began in the 1980's, but there were some who did see these numbers even before then. fact is, there are many online groups and forums, filled with like minded people, all discussing what 11:11 means. for those of you who have never experienced this vibe, don't worry. your mission will unfold when you are ready to pay attention to it. missions are funny things. everyone has one.

they are personally unique, of course, but community is in the mix as well. when you are ready, the community will appear. in fact, just reading this article here and now might activate this energy signature in your own consciousness. remain open. there is more going on here than you know.

the entire physical and etheric earth plane is, in my view, 11/2. there's that. the numbers will show you why i believe this. i may not have time to lay it all out here an now....we'll see. but if not, stay tuned.

the 11:11 activation point is ancient, and has likely reactivated at several points throughout history. the meaning is multi-dimensional. additionally, continued sightings of 11:11 will have unique meaning at certain points along your personal journey. it's a giant buzz of past, present and future, configured handily by the fallen eight (8). i will soon share with you what i learned recently about one of the major meanings of 11:11. it is important for people to know that they are not losing their minds.


it is my feeling that lucifer is adam. the one. but, of course, the bible would say differently. adam is the first fallen eight (8).

people seeing 11:11 do have a unique calling. they likely know this already, they just don't know how to define it. again, a gem is multi-faceted, and so it is with 11:11. a strong desire, or need to solidify meaning will not serve you. ask to be guided and you will be, but understand that the greatest mysteries of 11:11 tend to drip, drip, drip into your personal awareness, as other events in your life have aligned properly. there is a plan in place. since no one has your spreadsheet of divine timing, no one can answer the biggest questions of all. be patient.

a book i am currently working on, yet unnamed, stems from my work on the 11:11 phenomenon, which began in early 2005, mostly. it was on the date of november, 11, 2005 (11-11-11) that i opened a online discussion list for others who resonated with 11:11. on the eve of 11-11-11, we gathered together, via conference call, and engaged in sacred group prayer. it was a very powerful event that lasted roughly two hours. during the evening of that night, i experienced intense energy and dreams. i wrote about it in my journal and shared it the next day with the list members. several other list members also experienced noteworthy events on that evening, and since then. seems that the 11-11-11 gateway was very powerful and even more meaningful, but it would be two and half years, before i could come to learn so much more, and have some answers that must be shared with the public at large, despite the risk i take in alienating family, friends, and neighbors.

one of the most important lessons i had to learn in doing this work was to let go of the need to be loved, accepted and validated. it was not easy. my middle name was: oh, please love me! the lesson beamed in only a year ago. i knew it was coming. i knew there was something in the air. when the spiritual textbook arrived, along with the worksheets, i knew i couldn't turn back, no matter my fear. i had to call everything in my soul up for new processing. that was entirely unpleasant. i had to look behind the sofas and under the beds of my life. i was asked to lift up dirty laundry and sweep behind the hutch. after i got everything up for some air, i was asked to decide what i would keep, what i would give back to it's rightful owner, what i would discard, and what i would place on my to do list. long story short; this was the mother of all house cleanings. out with the dust and the mold of my ailing spirit, but in came new awareness and stunning clarity. after the clarity comes the courage. the courage i didn't yet have. i understood the message and it's importance. its just that my dna wasn't cooperating.

finally, after much procrastination and enormous resistance to change, and fear to eat a woman whole, i was forced to make the decisions about my self, i had thus far refused to make. the time had come, and i was swept up in a wave of intentional purpose i could not ignore any longer. it was at that time, i had to release 80% of my life. that's the part that was not really serving me any longer. imagine the horror. it came down to the release of old ideas and concepts, friends, foods, tv news, and more.i call it the "clearing of the stadium." it can be a


lonely endeavor for awhile. it is indeed the 40 days and 40 nights required of us all. the good news is that once you clear the stadium, you have the field of all potential to review, without the screaming crowds, on both sides, to impress you - imprint you, convince you, debate you, and distract you. this was the single most important thing that took place in my spiritual journey, that brought the kind of non-physical help i had wanted for so long.

an emptier physical space helps make room for light. some people took it very personal. our friendship ended. others stepped back and watched with faith in me.

there were several events worldwide, hosted by different groups on november 11, 2005. that day was said to be the 11-11-11 gateway; a so called *portal opening* to another layer of consciousness, perhaps yet untapped. of course, there was no real way of knowing what it all meant, and what would unfold in the minds of all those participating, but the effects of that evening, have brought me through a remarkable maze of information, knowledge, vision and intense instruction; the likes of which i have never experienced in my life.

my findings stretch way beyond 11:11, backward and forward, and touch upon several significant numbers in between. my book will bring new meaning to the words: read between the lines. not everything i write in my book should be taken for gold. i work mostly intuitively. there is always room for embellishment and error. i offer that caveat for your good senses. my intuitive guidance has led me to numbers that closely align, and other numbers that exactly align. these findings are hard to ignore. when taken as a whole, my findings, based on my own intuitive research has offered what i believe to be a compelling script for the movie we are in.

the online discussion list would continue for about two years. there's that number two again. in april of 2007, the group went tight and private. no lurkers allowed. we were on to something, and the energy needed to be up close and very personal. since we went private, globs of insights arrived. see what i mean?

i just picked up a wonderful book at my local library called, descartes', secret notebook, by amir aczel (2005). i sat down, this morning in fact, to begin reading, and the book fell open to chapter 9, on page 101. :-) i love how this stuff works. down the page, it says this:

on november 11, 1572, tycho brahe first observed a * new star* in the night sky,


a supernova, the most dramatic in the history of astronomy since the chinese discovered the supernova that created the crab nebula in a.d 1054. five years later in 1577, astronomers at the observatory of kassel observed on the night of 11/10 and 11/11, the first appearance of the comet of that year. the observations of this comet made brahe abandon the theory of solid celestial orbs. this was the ancient ptolemaic system, named after the second century mathematician and astronomer, ptolemy of alexandria,in which the earth is the center of the solar system, and the sun, moon, and planets rotate in concentric spheres around the earth. the comet and it's orbit, made it necessary for brahe to modify the ancient ptolemaic theory of fixed celestial orbs, supported by the church, because it agreed with scripture. his discovery of the highly elliptic orbit of the comet, which was not aligned with those of the planets, was the beginning of the collapse of the geocentric theory of the universe. the rosicrucians kept this knowledge secret, in part because of the implications of their scientific findings on theories that church held sacred. "

it is my personal belief that this date of 11/11 is directly tied to the 11:11 people like me are seeing on digital clocks. it is time for the truth to come out. remember asteroid hathor 2340. odd that the discovery above involved a comet.

as well, the first world in the history of the world war ended in the 11th hour of the 11th day in the 11th month. there is plenty more 11-11 where that came from, and some of it is very interesting. it begs the question: is this world and it's puppeteer a program? are dark decisions made based on the sun, moon, stars, planets, and even dark matter? are dark decisions being made according to dates and names? if i have to come with an answer right now, i would say they have a great deal to do with decision making, if not everything to do with it, at the highest levels.

in early january, a bit before things ignited, i was playing around with a dowsing chart i had just made. i never believed much in the goddess thing. but, someone asked me to make a chart for them, so i did. i sat down with it in a moment of boredom when my binder fell open to that specific chart. i thought, "oh what the heck, let's just see." the pendulum went to hathor. i had no idea who hathor was. it was an odd name. i put it down and did some laundry.

i began my in depth numbers journey on february 7, 2007 (2/7/2007 = 9 ). the activation point for this new turn came from a wonderful rebook called, the secret of nine, by gary val tenuta. gary calls himself a crypto-numerologist. his work is not only stunning, but funny. once i began reading, i couldn't put it down, and that is where it all started. suddenly 11:11 appeared to me as the first step along this pathway, and the road ahead was lit with amazing experience, and all the other numbers of the multi verse. i have only just begun, but the information i have thus far pieced together is far to important to keep secret, while waiting the final chapter. therefore, i am going to call it a work in progress. gary's path and mine


are somewhat different, and it is intentional. it will take a village of like minded souls to put the puzzle together. maybe you are holding some pieces too?

this 11:11 can be traced to the very beginning of time and space itself. light=11. but, as above, so below, and every single living thing is made with high light and low light. i call this the 11/2. more on that in the book. every number and combination of numbers is multi dimensional and alive with old covenant and infinite potential for new covenant. that is key. numbers are the art and science of time, space, minerals, plants, animals, man, woman, and child. the alchemy of creation.

that's a whole lotta math. but, let me say this: you don't need to be a rocket scientist to glean insights from numbers. you just need to tap into the higher light realms, where big knowledge lives. being good at math isn't a requirement. i flunked decimals. i still can't do fractions. but, my skill is not of this world. my skill is my willingness to be an instrument of light, and to communicate that light to others. no more is needed. just clear the stadium and breathe. the angles will find you, light you and help you. believe it.

two weeks before taking on gary's ebook, i was receiving some strong intuitive messages about the great pyramid. i posted on a couple of dowsing forums asking if anyone knew anything about the great pyramid being a communication center, as that is the hunch i was getting. i was given a couple of links to explore. there was some validation, but not exactly what i was looking for. i had the feeling that without the great pyramid there could be no communication between the physical and the non-physical. now, i know that sounds wack. but, that is what i was getting. i wasn't at all sure what this meant. does that mean angelic communication, or et communication, or both? i read pages and pages of information looking for leads. it wasn't until i picked up gary's ebook that i began to see the pathway open up. gary talks quite a bit about the great pyramid. he was kind enough to send me some links that taught me just how truly amazing these structures are. gary was a blessing of huge magnitude. then, in one early posting, he mentioned hathor. you can imagine how this settled in. it was probably the very first clue that i decided to follow, and it's a good thing i did. today, it is because of that darned pendy chart, and hathor, that i am able to write this article.

i never really resonated, consciously, with the whole egyptian thing. i could barely grasp american history. i was busy daydreaming of a career on broadway. i'll be honest; i couldn't place a push pin for egypt on a map, to save my life. like that funny commercial, "you have no idea where china is, do ya bob?" egypt was just a snapshot in my mind of elizabeth taylor and richard burton. loved her eyeliner. so, the search for all things pyramid was strangely surreal.

as it turns out, it's all about the great pyramid, egypt and all things closely related. more in the book. that is where my numbers journey took off like a swift wind


through eden, the ark, hathor,the middle kingdom (aka 11th dynasty), through a few venus transits, to 2012, by way of politics, religion, philosophy. science, biology, dna, the freemasons, las vegas (my home town) and area 51...well out into 2069 and 2117/ 2118, by way of nasa, and the asteroid known as hathor 2340. all along the way, the bible scriptures come along to help confirm, in some cases, and to confuse in others. at the tail end of this particular chapter is the fact that god does not spell 8. the god of the old testament is lucifer. the covenant lucifer made with abraham and sarah, (previously abram and sarai) under the name of *god*, has created what we have come to know as the human experiment. that's a lot to swallow isn't it. i say it here because it's the hoax of the ages and i may be dead tomorrow.

tons of research in a nutshell: a name !

this is where you need to pay close attention.

lucifer seeded abram's wife sarai, by first changing her name to sarah. run the numbers vetical and horizontal yourself. look closely at the unreduced offerings.

a name is everything. after the mother of all covenants with abraham, newly named for lucifer's ancient and continued desire to be god, he gained a son named isaac. isaac would be the prince of nations, but not under the true divine god. isaac became the seed abram and sarai could not have intended. it was not a sin, nor a crime. it was only a mistake, and one that any one of us would have made in those times.

abraham and sarah saw the miracles and the attention created by this unseen power and couldn't imagine anything but a god; and rightly so. remember, this is a long time ago. there was little doubt, especially due to the preceeding history. but, we know now, from looking at all these laws, covenants, rules and regulations, that something is definitely up. a loving creator is life, not death.

so, abraham, the king of nations, and sarah were amusingly happy to be having a son at 100 years old. this must be god. how else could such a thing happen. they did not know lucifer was their god. (forgive them father, for they know not what they do.)

people don't imagine that lucifer could have possessed the power to bring a great flood and bring a devastating plague to an entire nation. but, he does, he did, and he will. lucifer has no less power than god, in this plane of existence. the only difference is that one is a shadow creation, and one is real creation. 3d is the shadow creation. it's like...nice try, but no cigar.

you see how things got a little twisted. two beautiful souls, lit with love and faith, sucked into a black hole of a dark power vibration.


lucifer was all too willing to kill to make room for his special nation. no one knew any better. there was very little frame of reference. remember please; lucifer was on a second round takeover with abraham. the great flood was in fact the result of lucifer's madness for a world he didn't yet understand or control. he would learn as he goes along.

the tree of knowledge is just that. the mother of all archives. from beginning to end. the beginning did not begin with genesis. this part of the story could be quite disturbing to sleeping minds, so i will save it for later.

know that isaac was the only patriarch whose name was never changed. isaac, known that as both sk and sc.

as good fortune would have it, jesus christ, the manifestation of light, came to show us the truth. he comes in the form of a jewish male, for obvious reasons. the crime against all of humanity originated with abram and sarai who were jews. jesus was not jewish. he is the embodiment of all. lucifer is the 8 alright. the fallen 8. infinity indeed.

all is the true essence of god, as we like to define it. if you insist on defining god. god is the high and the low and everything in between. lucifer spells 11. jesus spells 11. isis spells 11. three elevens rule planet earth and beyond. that = 33. that is a magical number. the number 11 expresses high and low, like everything else. but, if you want to be a light that elevates the darkness, you have to get with it, energetically, without fear, bust it, love it, forgive it, and know that all is well.

these two numbers that have haunted me for months. 2117 and 2118. they have amused me, confused me, irritated me and illuminated me. abram was 99 years old in 2118 when the so called *god* came and bribed him to be abraham and birth isaac in 2117. in 2117 abraham would be 100 years old and sarah was 91. add them together and you get 191. this number of 191 is very very interesting. the word abraham comes to 44. add 100 and 44 and it = 144. this is a very important number. the word hundred is the same numerical read as lucifer h and v.

side note: i recently discovered some interesting sync with disney's superman (44). the man of steel. i thought this odd, after a recent review of a you tube video showing george bush sr. slapping terri hatcher on the bottom in a la parking lot. coincidence? isolated, maybe so, but taken in the whole, i think you have to at least file it, if you would like to remain open. i am just reporting what i find. that might be interesting to look at more closely. the poster for the superman returns movie is quite interesting.

julius caesar was born in 100 bc and was killed in 44 bc. again, you have the 100 and the 44 > 144. just like abraham. thes connections cannot be ignored if you are serious about these things.


his grand-nephew, gaius octavius, duly took the name "gaius julius caesar" upon his posthumous adoption in 44 bc, and the name became fused with the imperial dignity; in this sense it is preserved in the german and russian words kaiser and tsar (sometimes referred to as czar), both of which refer to an emperor. compare the slavic word for "king", kral from the name of charles the great.

also, soon after ceaser's death, at the games, there was a comet in the bright of day. it is called, the daylight comet. in 44 bc.

when i talk about sync in the numbers, this is one of them. abraham and julius caesar were connected through destiny and numbers. this is precisely why the power on this planet doesn't want people to know numerology and astrology and dowsing. they don't want you to know. both these two figures have remarkable histories. i suggest reading up on both men, the bloodlines and the major events in their lives.

a snippet from gary val tenuta's website: the process i use is based on the straight alpha-numeric system of a=1, b=2, c=3, and so on throughout the alphabet, ending with z=26. in conventional numerology, multi-digit numbers are reduced to a single digit by a process called cross adding. so, for letters with double digit values such as p=16 (p is the 16th letter in the alphabet), the number is reduced or distilled to its single digit value. in the case of p=16, for example, the single digit would be 7 (1+6=7), therefore p=7 in its reduced form. (speaking of p=16, here is a good example of the self referencing kind of synchronicity which i find intriguing: pi is the 16th letter of the greek alphabet. p=16 and i= 9. by reducing the 16 to 7 and then adding it to the 9 we get 7+9=16, which brings us right back to the very place number of pi in the greek alphabet!) reducing the numbers, however, is an option. i would suggest that the multi-digit numbers and their respective reduced values can each reveal different levels of meaning within the same context. in other words, the number 144 (an important gematrian number), for example, refers to the concept of "light". that's one level of meaning. on the other hand, the reduced value of 9 (1+4+4) might mean something different.


from: http://www.uic.edu/las/clas/comet/millennium.html

until quite recently, comets were usually read as signs announcing the advent of war, the onset of pestilence or floods, but most especially the death of rulers. hence the famous lines of shakespeare, uttered by julius caesar's wife on the fateful morning of his murder: "when beggars die there are no comets seen. the heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes." so well


established was the sinister connection between comets and the death of rulers that even when no comet appeared, one was invariably invented by chroniclers. there was thought that a new age was about to dawn in 44 bc.

my hathor 2340 theory is blooming more petals. better take a picture. speaking of olympic games, wasn't mitt romney in charge of the games in salt lake? coincidence?

recall the willard mitt romney connection. he is 60 years this year (2007). he announced his intention to run for president on a six day. his birthday and full name = 6. now, that does not mean that this energy of 666 around his current vibe is of the dark. i am not here to say that at all. you just can't take things and make them meaningful by themselves. you have to look at a whole bunch of things together, such as the bees issue, which is outlined in this sharing.

i happen to *sense* a strong connection between industry, major transition, mormonism and romney. you want to look at the history of the lds church. mitt's history, bloodline, etc.. what is confusing to me, and was confusing to me growing up, was the fact that the lds church is called the church of jesus christ of latter day saints, yet, they appear to believe the book of mormon is also the word of god. the focus is on the angel moroni and joseph smith as prophet. they do seem to believe that jesus is the son of god. but, which jesus? as someone raised in the mormon church, i come with a unique perspective on these things. i do remember being told, over and over, that this is the true church, and everyone else would be left behind in the end times. this never set well with me, even as an eight year old. i had many good times in the mormon church as a young girl. there are many fine people in the church. but, i have deep questions about the plan, the agenda and, most importantly, the political ramifications of electing a mormon, with a deep mormon lineage, to the highest office in the world. i will leave it at that.

moving along.... i learned a new way of adding numbers thanks to gary. i learned more deeply that numbers are multi dimensional and hold meaning at different points along the way. i learned that light can also equal dark, and that numbers can hide from you, if you are not thorough. i learned that you better double check your work before posting in front of others. :ugh:

from there, i decided to try adding all of my numbers as single digits, for the most part. i don't always keep 11 and 22 as double numbers, unless i can feel something nudging me to do so. i always leave 11 and 22 for single words, and full names or birthdays. i do a lot of work with phrases; especially biblical phrases.

i also work numbers on such things as comics, video games, and other popular


culture that fuels our youth consciousness in big ways.

if you google 2117 ad you will be as amazed as i was to find so many video games, books, and a few movies, to include disney's movie, the green lantern, where the number 2117 appear. for instance: "the year is 2117 ad." that was remarkable to me.why that year? there are too many of these items to be simply coincidence. search the phrase itself and see what you get, if it is still indexed. not long ago, i ran a search like this: deibold + mormon. i found some very interesting pages that confirmed my nudges. those pages are not indexed any longer. i wasn't smart enough to save the searches. same thing when i was looking at the number 144. the pages that were on the net 3 months ago, don't seem to be there any longer. i have learned my lesson. my online file cabinet is about to burst. i now print everything out as soon as it interests me. it's costing me a fortune in ink. i am hear to tell you that there is a connection between the mormon church and deibold. i saw several of those connections with my own eyes. what troubles me is that the info i read seems to have vanished.

early on, i began to sense a cross symbol of the universe, inside a circle. both symbols, or geometric forms, are expressing as darkness at specific points in time and space, where numbers are relevant. but, there is light in all things. sometimes, it wishes to remain hidden, like the light of human consciousness. so, the cross can represent death, or rebirth. the circle can mean a host of things. for now, it feels to me like the physical boundary of our physical existence and the supports that hold that circle in place is the cross. or, i should say our collective perceptions of the cross, based on the illusion of death and separation.

i like the adding of numbers, both h and v, and may even bring in 360 degrees if i am feeling a tug to do so. i have discovered amazing sync by doing so on more than one occasion.

i have a sense that if the number is vibing as 11 or 22, it will show itself from the adding of the single digits. additionally, i like to add the numbers vertically, using columns to accomodate double and triple numbers. i have found that it is quite rare to find the vertical (v) numbers and the horizontal (h) numbers match. i have found that the numbers do sometimes invert on the v and the h. in other words, the v answer might be 93/12/3. but, the h answer is 39/12/3. i believe there is huge significance in this, but i don't know what it is. some might argue its only the way it is being added, but i think there is more meaning in this occurence. early on, i began to sense a cross symbol of the universe, inside a circle. therefore, i like the adding of numbers, both h and v, and may even bring in 360 degrees if i am feeling a tug to do so. i have discovered amazing sync by doing so on more than one occasion.



the time has come.

we'll talk about why pluto was delisted another day. but, know this: there is a venus transit in 2117 ad. in fact it is the very next transit after the one in 2012. remember that the 11th dynasty (middle kingdom) begins in 2117 bc (some say 2118 bc). the mix-up is due to a host of deliberate tracks laid out for the sake of confusion between 7 and 8.

thankfully, for a reason i cannot explain, this god=8 infection would not take hold on the rest of the alphabet and thusly, the universe. it is my belief that there is a higher power at work, over the head of lucifer. i will call it intelligence. but, that is far as i can go. why doesn't that power save mankind. it already did. there is no time in truth. i won't be dealing with that topic right now. but, i would encourage you to read up on the theory of the holographic universe. it would also pay to see the pbs presentation of brian greene's, the elegant universe. time is a grand illusion. there is much for you to learn.

this is the same year isaac (sc) is born,: 2117. isaac was spelled sc as the hebrew language was written with no vowels. therefore, isaac, prince of nations, would have been called just sc, or sk. i am going with sc due to the fact sc=22, and is representative of the master builder. interestingly, my own initials are sk.

from : www.gnmagazine.org - linguistic links (reference to numbers are mine)

very soon after the exile of the 10 tribes, the term sacae (letters for isaac with latin plural ending ae) identified the new settlers in the black sea region of scythia. the assyrians spoke of the emergence of the ishkuzaand the persian-medians of the saka, both derivations of the name isaac. the greek historian herodotus (484-420 bc) wrote that the persians called scythians "sacae" (29/11). later, the greek writer ptolemy (ad 2nd century) referred to the sacae as saxones (97/16/7) btw: sax (44). can you name bill clinton's favorite musical instrument? british historian sharon turner tells gnmagazine.org this: the saxons [who migrated to the british isles] were a scythian tribe; and of the various scythian nations.

the behistun rock, a mural carved in stone near present day bisitun, iran, provides linguistic clues to the understanding of several ancient languages. the rock relief dates from the reign of darius i of persia (ca. 522-486 b.c.). its depiction of conquered foreign kings paying homage was inscribed in the old persian, elamite (susian) and babylonian languages. one sees skuka, king of the temporarily subjugated asiatic branch of scythians, pictured as the last one in line. the behistun rock describes him as the king of the scythians, saka or cimmerians (pronounced "gimiri" in babylonian).


sheree's note on gimiri: g begins the word gimiri. this word is very interesting to me. the letter g begins the word. god / i ? gi - then miri. mirror. i the mirror image of god? just sharing what pops into my head. its an intuitive flash and could be nothing more than menopausal symptoms.

when this entity who called himself god, made contact and contract with abram in 2118, it was for the future of planet earth and it's people. this so called god, changed abram's name to abraham to set the program in motion. sarai's name was changed to accommodate the birth of lucifer's son as well. yes, lucifer was hard at work well before abram, but he was displeased that the people no longer paid him his due. they no longer followed his rules, so he found an 11 entity on planet earth called noah. he took this entity and made him his. did you know that there is no mention of noah's wife's name in the bible? how could this be left out? more on that later. but, suffice it to say that it is at least very odd that the matriarch of the ark of all time, was not named. as a woman, a wife, and a mother, i find this to be exceptionally curious. i have done some research and some asking, and what i have found is shocking. i will save that for a bit later, as it will take some time to outline for you.

an interesting connection to 2118:

the knights templar: an introduction to the orderhttp://www.questmagazine.com


the knights templar were the largest and most powerful of the medieval christian crusading orders. they were originally known as the poor knights of christ and the temple of solomon. they later changed their name to knights templar.

the templar order was founded by nine knights in 1118 a.d. who created an order of 'warrior monks.' the templars were begun in the aftermath of the first crusade of 1096 a.d. to help the new kingdom of jerusalem defend itself against its hostile muslim neighbors and to ensure the safety of the large numbers of european pilgrims who journeyed to jerusalem. the medieval templar order was officially ended in 1314 a.d. with the burning at the stake of the last official grand master. this connects the knights templar to 2118. knights templar (the new name) were formed in 1118 by 9 knights. one thousand years later, to the year, god would speak to abraham and make a covenant with him making him king of nations, and giving him a son, isaac, to be prince of nations. considering who the knights templar were / are....and thee most important false covenant ever made in the history of man, this is actually quite stunning to me.

remember that the confusion between 2117 and 2118 has been a hot topic since the beginning of my divining journey. due to the confusion between 7 (all) and 8 (god) partly. the hathor 2340 asteroid near earth passes are planned for oct 21


according to nasa . but, interestingly, the asteroid was discovered on the day of 22nd in october. why was it moved up one day. the difference in the one day is (again) 2117 when you add 10/21/2086 vertically. but, if you were to use the 22nd instead, you would get 2118. why move it up a day?

********************************** from:

[katherine train is a psychophonetics counsellor with a practice in cape town, south africa. she employs methods of deep counselling, expression of experience through gesture, and the sounds of human speech to heal and integrate the many aspects of the human being towards more conscious living. for more information visit http://www.psychophonetics.com.]

according to philosopher and seer rudolf steiner, the human "i" is not the only master in the astral and etheric bodies of the human being. other astral and elemental beings inhabit these bodies. depending on the nature of the deeds of man, so are corresponding elemental beings given a room at the inn. there is only one aspect of the human body that can increasingly belong to man alone and that is his blood. if, however, he is not perpetually careful to strengthen his i inwardly through a strong and vigorous will, he loses control of his i and other beings can fasten onto his blood. the blood becomes a stronger expression of the i as the i finds its centre and inner strength.in basel, switzerland, in october 1911 in his lecture on the etherization of the blood, steiner described the human faculties of the following in relation to their effect on the blood: thinking or intellectual activity; feeling (sympathy and antipathy); and moral impulses or the will to do good or evil. the activities of thinking and moral impulse have a tendency to polarize, resulting in thinking devoid of moral integrity and will activities that are not thought through. steiner stated that distorted moral deeds will assert their influence on the blood in a negative way.

abraham made the covenant with the false god in 2118. isaac was born as prince of nations in 2117. just something to ponder.

there are lots of questions about the knights templar and their true religion. some claim these men were muslims in disguise. they claimed to want to protect the bloodline of jesus and the people wishing to journey to jerusalem, but they were the very first monks who killed in the name of christ. this had never been done before, and i think is monumental in our history, and more so when you consider the date of 1118.

as well, there is other information available that makes a case for some of the knights templar escaping their deaths and surviving to carry on their mission.


and now: common sense

would a loving god bring a great flood and kill every living thing? or would that be lucifer? would a loving god strike people down and demand the sacrifice of animals for affirmation of loyalty? or would that be lucifer? would a loving god bring a asteroid to destroy the earth? or, would that be lucifer.

remember 2117.

it is the single most important number combo i have come across. within it is the all of creation. all= 7 and 11/2 = that creation: light and dark both. the reason it is backwards is because that is how lucifer wants everything. upside down and backwards, so you will remain disoriented. i found this number after many many hours of indepth research, using numerology. it was in fact, numerology that showed me who the god of abraham is. it's not pretty. of course, abraham and sarah were unaware, and most remain unaware, but not all. this evil crime thrust upon abram and sarai, then isaac, is what brought us to right now. here's something interesting:

in 1613, the house of lorraine (part of the prieure de sion) joined with the house of stuart. after that the prieure de sion began to display more interest in scotland. scotland was one of the few countries where the knights templars had thrived when the order was suppressed by the order of the pope. scotland also had several occult traditions operating. it was a hotbed of occult activity. scotland and the scottish people have played a very big role in the new world order conspiracy for centuries. meanwhile, when the prieure de sion went underground they established their archives in some secret rooms beneath the chapel of st. catherine, at the castle at gisors, northern france in the rue de vienne. the archieves were, according to reports, contained in 30 coffers. secret tunnels connect the chapel with the local cemetery. the merovingian descendents and the prieure de sion have guarded the sacred blood line that satan has built up. their members are secretly scattered in key positions throughout society. many of the descendents are unaware of their heritage. for instance, within the sinclair family only certain branches have kept up their generational occult heritage, and are aware of what is going on. family trees subdivide over the centuries until the merovingian family tree has become a forest. the houses of hapsburg-lorraine (whose titles are dukes of lorraine and kings of jerusalem), plantard, luxembourg, montpezat, montesquiou, among many others including the freeman family, and hundreds of others.

be wise as serpents revealed for the first time (as far as i know) how all the heads (presidents) of the lds and rlds have been descendents of the merovingian dynasty, and they and the masons have both used the merovingian symbol, the bee.


read the rest at: http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/bloodlines/freeman.htm

perhaps there are some that believe the kings of jerusalem are the bloodline of lucifer. i do not know what proof exists to back up their ideas. but, i have numbers that indicate they are not wrong.

i leave you with this:

the american public, by and large, are eyes wide shut. such a fitting description when you factor in the untimely death of stanley kubrick, who made the film of the same name. see the movie and learn what goes on in this world you are living in. there are many sites to review on this eyes wide shut movie. here's a blog i found interesting. i draw no conclusions. i simply offer it for your educational pursuits.

and now, i am just throwing this in at random because i am not organized enough to be organized. take it or leave it.

from: #hyperlink "http://kentroversypapers.blogspot.com/2006/03/eyes-wide-shut-occultsymbolism.html"http://kentroversypapers.blogspot.com/2006/03/eyes-wide-shut-occult-symbolism.html

(a short snippet)

in 1999, an extremely peculiar film was released by legendary film director stanley kubrick, which would end up the sixteenth and final film he would direct in his career. in fact, eyes wide shut was kubrick’s first film in twelve years, since 1987’s full metal jacket, and only his fifth film since 1968, when the magnificent 2001: a space odyssey was released. kubrick died under mysterious circumstances only four days after delivering the final print to warner brothers. the film, eyes wide shut, was filled with the symbolism that astute researchers have come to recognize as the calling card of the illuminati, the synarchist group of global rulers, who believe in rule by birthright, and who rule this planet by the ‘iron fist in a velvet glove’ divide and conquer methodology. used in the preceding context, synarchy refers to joint rule by those who are under the influence and direction of a fascist government, and the various secret societies to which such politicians belong. and this:

an interpretation of kubrick's eyes wide shut

adam gorightly

in stanley kubrick's final film, eyes wide shut, are numerous veiled allusions to the cia's mk-ultra mind control experiments and monarch sex


slave programming, subjects which readers of the konformist should be well familiar. according to believed victims of monarch abuse, their ranks

number literally in thousands, and it has been alleged that these very same victims have been used extensively as sex slaves, drug mules and

assassins. according to varied sources, monarch programming begins immediately at birth, and is carried out through the lives of its victims, as

they are used by intelligence agencies and secret societies like mere pawns on a gameboard, until--in many instances--they have outlived their

usefulness, and are terminally "discarded".


all pretty hard to swallow eh? i am not showing this to you to convince you. use your own judgement. but, a man is quite dead. people are dead for a host of reasons. reasons are good things.

(the) great pyramid (234) is the landing pad for hathor 2340. the asteroid is the missing capstone for the master grid. this asteroid does not drop to earth by accident. it is intentionally guided here by those who left for better worlds. this happens on october 21, 2086. that's the bad news. the good news is this: there cannot be rebirth until there is death. this is the second coming. hathor 2340 brings with her...love. you wil just have to trust me. this gives you plenty of time to get your hair done.

the last message i got before writing this article, was this: tell them the remedy is art. we are asked to dance, sing, paint, and create. we have become distracted and sad. art lifts the spirit and washes our energy clean. trust this please. if you have artistic talent, your number is up. start sharing. art heals. if you have yet to read some *so called* fictional writings called wingmakers, you might want to have a look now. the link is www.wingmakers.com .

please know that your energy may shift in big ways once you awaken to the truth of our earthly existence. it may bring on enormous sadness and even rage. obviously, this would be expected. allow your feelings to play out please. you will get to the other side. and, when you do, you will see the monumental responsibility you have to share this information with others. you will know to print this out, and all other things you come across like it, and you will put it in a binder for your kids, when they are old enough to hear it. to leave behind this knowledge would be criminal. our children and grandchildren will suffer greatly from centuries of denial and fear. if you just finished this article, you are chosen. you're it. may love guide you and i home. in light,

hathor, goddess of love, music, beauty ......by caroline seawright


hathor and seti i

hathor (ht-hr - house of hours) she was a goddess of many things, among them she was a:

•celestial goddess: the mistress of heaven •goddess of love, music and beauty: the goddess of love, cheerfulness,

music, and dance, •goddess of women, firtility, children and childbirth: the mother of mothers, the

celestial nurse, •goddess of destruction and drunkeness: the vengeful eye of ra, the lady of

drunkeness, •goddess of the dead: lady of the west

she was also known as the mistress of life, the great wild cow, the golden one, the mistress of turquoise, lady of dendera (her cult centre was located at dendera), mistress of qis, lady to the limit (of the universe), lady of punt (perhaps an area in present day somalia - see hatshepsut's expedition to punt), the powerful one, the mistress of the desert, lady of the southern sycamore (she was depicted as handing out water to the deceased from a sycamore tree, hence a goddess of moisture as well as of the dead, both relating to the sycamore tree), lady of malachite (eye makeup from sinai was made from green malachite - sinai was one of hathor's domains)... and many other names, besides.

the reason that she has so many names, one would assume, is because she is an ancient goddess - she seems to have been mentioned as early as the 2nd dynasty. she may even been associated with the narmer palette - although the two human faced bovines may also have been a representation of the king.

it is interesting to note, though, that there is not a personal name of the goddess mentioned in the list of names - they are all titles.

another interesting thing about hathor is found in one particular egyptian tale - when the hero of the story was born, the 'seven hathors', disguised as seven young women, appeared and announced his fate. they seemed to be linked with not only fortune telling, but to being questioners of the soul on its way to the land of the west. these goddesses were worshiped in seven cities: thebes, heliopolis, aphroditopolis, sinai, momemphis, herakleopolis, and keset. they are linked to the pleiades.


generally, hathor is pictured as a woman with cow's horns with the sun between them (eye of ra, golden one), or as a beautiful woman with cow's ears, or a cow wearing the sun disk between her horns, or even as a lioness or a lion-headed woman (destruction and drunkeness). she often is seen carrying a sistrum, an ancient musical instrument (hence a goddess of music). the sycamore was sacred to her (lady of the southern sycamore). she is said to be the mother of the pharaoh, and is often depicted in a nurturing role, suckling the pharaoh when he was a child (hence a goddess of motherhood).

the eye of ra

one of the tales of hathor was how she was originally a goddess of destruction (hathor-sekhmet), and how she came to be the goddess of happier things:

then ra took on the shape of a man and became the first pharaoh, ruling over the whole country for thousands and thousands of years, and giving such harvests that for ever afterwards the egyptians spoke of the good things "which happened in the time of ra". but, being in the form of a man, ra grew old. in time men no longer feared him or obeyed his laws. they laughed at him, saying: "look at ra! his bones are like silver, his flesh like gold, his hair is the colour of lapis lazuli!"

ra was angry when he heard this, and he was more angry still at the evil deeds which men were doing in disobedience to his laws. so he called together the gods whom he had made - shu and tefnut and geb and nut - and he also summoned nun. soon the gods gathered about ra in his secret place, and the goddesses also. but mankind knew nothing of what was happening, and continued to jeer at ra and to break his commandments. then ra spoke to nun before the assembled gods: "eldest of the gods, you who made me; and you gods whom i have made: look upon mankind who came into being at a glance of my eye. see how men plot against me; hear what they say of me; tell me what i should do to them. for i will not destroy mankind until i have heard what you advise."

then nun said: "my son ra, the god greater than he who made him and mightier than those whom he has created, turn your mighty eye upon them and send destruction upon them in the form of your daughter, the goddess sekhmet."

ra answered: "even now fear is falling upon them and they are fleeing into the desert and hiding themselves in the mountains in terror at the sound of my voice."

"send against them the glance of your eye in the form sekhmet!" cried all the other gods and goddesses, bowing before ra until their foreheads


touched the ground.

so at the terrible glance from the eye of ra his daughter sekhmet came into being, the fiercest of all goddesses. like a lion she rushed upon her prey, and her chief delight was in slaughter, and her pleasure was in blood. at the bidding of ra she came into upper and lower egypt to slay those who had scorned and disobeyed him: she killed them among the mountains which lie on either side of the nile, and down beside the river, and in the burning deserts. all whom she saw she slew, rejoicing in slaughter and the taste of blood.

presently ra looked out over the land and saw what sekhmet had done. then he called to her, saying: "come, my daughter, and tell me how you have obeyed my commands."

sekhmet answered with the terrible voice of a lioness as she tears her prey: "by the life which you have given me, i have indeed done vengeance on mankind, and my heart rejoices."

now for many nights the nile ran red with blood, and sekhmet's feet were red as she went hither and thither through all the land of egypt slaying and slaying.

presently ra looked out over the earth once more, and now his heart was stirred with pity for men, even though they had rebelled against him. but none could stop the cruel goddess sekhmet, not even ra himself: she must cease from slaying of her own accord -and ra saw that this could only come about through cunning.

so he gave his command: "bring before me swift messengers who will run upon the earth as silently as shadows and with the speed of the storm winds." when these were brought he said to them: "go as fast as you can up the nile to where it flows fiercely over the rocks and among the islands of the first cataract; go to the isle that is called elephantine and bring from it a great store of the red ochre which is to be found there."

the messengers sped on their way and returned with the blood-red ochre to heliopolis, the city of ra where stand the stone obelisks with points of gold that are like fingers pointing to the sun. it was night when they came to the city, but all day the women of heliopolis had been brewing beer as ra bade them.

ra came to where the beer stood waiting in seven thousand jars, and the gods came with him to see how by his wisdom he would save mankind.

"mingle the red ochre of elephantine with the barley-beer," said ra, and it was done, so that the beer gleamed red in the moonlight like the blood


of men.

"now take it to the place where sekhmet proposes to slay men when the sun rises," said ra. and while it was still night the seven thousand jars of beer were taken and poured out over the fields so that the ground was covered to the depth of nine inches -- three times the measure of the palm of a man's hand-with the strong beer, whose other name is "sleep-maker".

when day came sekhmet the terrible came also, licking her lips at the thought of the men whom she would slay. she found the place flooded and no living creature in sight; but she saw the beer which was the colour of blood, and she thought it was blood indeed -- the blood of those whom she had slain.

then she laughed with joy, and her laughter was like the roar of a lioness hungry for the kill. thinking that it was indeed blood, she stooped and drank. again and yet again she drank, laughing with delight; and the strength of the beer mounted to her brain, so that she could no longer slay.

at last she came reeling back to where ra was waiting; that day she had not killed even a single man.

then ra said: "you come in peace, sweet one." and her name was changed to hathor, and her nature was changed also to the sweetness of love and the strength of desire. and henceforth hathor laid low men and women only with the great power of love. but for ever after her priestesses drank in her honour of the beer of heliopolis coloured with the red ochre of elephantine when they celebrated her festival each new year.

note that in the above tale, the goddess called 'eye of ra' was hathor who became 'sekhmet', then 'hathor'. but afterwards, sekhmet and hathor were two separate deities, both having claim to the title 'eye of ra'!

caroline seawright is a full time worker, part time traveler, anime and manga lover and html programmer! she writes many articles on or about egypt.

for additional articles and information on egypt, see her web site.

a recent posting from my blog:


do you wonder what happened to the bees?

i work with numerology and sacred geometry. i am a follower of christ, and use these tools always in his name. i have now thousands of pages of numbers to show that lucifer has our government leaders by the short hairs. this has been in the making for ions.

i have been writing about the bees thing on my blogs.

what kind of frequency of thought took place / is taking place that put the bees in such peril. indeed, the beehive is ancient in it's symbology for industry. read that again. i found some information ( posted below) that may offer some answers, depending on your leanings.

willard mitt romney is a mormon running for president. one of only two in history that have run, and the only one who runs with any chance of seriously participating in the election process. coincidence? mitt romney is 60 this year (6). his announcement to run for president of the united states came on a 6 day. his birthday and full name = 6. just coincidence? i'll let you decide.

not saying that mitt romney is lucifer. i am just showing you the numbers. this is what i mean by sync in the numbers. all by themselves, numbers might not teach a sleeping and fearful mind. but, added together with what is actually happening around you, one can reason that there is "something there".

is there something sinister being done to the bees, or is there such a energetic wave of thought that would cause these creatures to die? is there a message in it all? and, remember back to different points in time, with plagues and locust, and more. were these really brought by a loving god? no. were they brought by lucifer? yes. in my view, yes they were. i'm no rocket scientist, so i have to rely on common sense to guide me.

is there something happening right now on planet earth that would resemble the plagues and insect devastations of old? killing off the bees, kills off food (within 4 years- according to albert einstein) . that would add up to just a few months before 2012.

but, don't worry. the government has been hard at work, a long time, on genetically engineered foods.

if you can afford them. and if you can discern which genetic foods are made for the poor, and which are made for the wealty. it's all about the money folks. and power.


again, i ask you.....do you wonder why george bush is so cavalier these days. not a care in the world?

i'm not sure he recognizes we are really watching. some of us find it curious. if you are asking me, it's because there are truly no worries for him. why is that? wouldn't common sense tell you there is plenty to be worried for, if you are him, if you are a republican politician? but, no. there is clearly no worries. he did an interview a couple of days ago, at the white house, that aired a bit on pbs. he was so slouched back in the chair, i thought he would slip right out of it. the body language tells the truth.

just questions people. questions are good. unless you hate the answers. why should you care about these questions, when there are books like the secret to focus on ???

what are we leaving our sons and daughters and our grandchildren? the secret? i don't wanna be mean, but the book, the secret will not save them from lucifer, and what is unfolding on this planet. the more material wealth one builds, the more lucifer energy one absorbs. that is the truth. the secret is a tool of lucifer - cloaked in the robes of god. believe what you want. the true god doesn't know money. good or bad. its a trillion vibes away from reality, at least.

lastly, the number of years between 2001 (when 911 happened) and 2012 is 11.

and now this:

the beehive is an emblem of industry and recommends the practice of that virtue. joseph smith, founder of the mormon church, adopted the beehive as the church and community symbol and brigham young added it to his personal seal. in utah, brigham young erected a large home surmounted by a gilded beehive.

this came to be known as the beehive house, it being the home of, at one, 13 (4) of his wives. it might even have resembled one. several of the temples display the beehive prominently on both their interiors and exteriors. it is the sole heraldic device on the shield of the state seal and flag as well as the seals of the university of utah and brigham young university. three beehives are the sole adornments of the tabernacle podium and the immense beehive atop the old hotel utah overlooks the valley. the word beehive and deseret are used in the area business so extensively that the native-born scarcely notes them. even the sidewalks are adorned with a tile pattern of the honeycomb. on the temple itself you will see inscribed several symbolic items, along with the beehive you will find the sun, moon, stars (shaped like the o.e.s. star), the all-seeing-eye and the clasped hands. across the street on the relief building is prominently display a sheaf of wheat.



disclaimer: i know a lot of fine mormons. i was born and raised mormon, so i do have a frame of educated reference. this is not meant to be a blanket statement. as in all things, there are good and not so good expressions within groups of energy. my entire family is mormon. they won't discuss these things with me.

my daughter just had it in her mind to add the word bee 2 + 5+5 = 12/3

as i have said before, every single number and combo's have light and dark expressions, depending on the consciousness at play.

12/3 has shown itself to me over and over again as dark energy. i have seen two exceptions. as i have also said before, light will consciously enter a low light number expression, in order to light it with love and forgiveness. it happens. but, with this 12/3 expression, it appears to be rare. more than any other number- 12 when reduced to three, shows me lucifer influence.

however, the reverse of the number to 21/3 has shown me light filled expressions.

bee = 12/3 (missouri comes to 123.)

the bee is a high light vibe, being used by darkness to impact our global food supply.

this happened while we were sleeping, and unable to look more deeply at things that would scare us into denial.

you can sit on this if you want. or, you can pick someone to send it to. you might even be interested in helping the rest of us bring light to the darkness. blog. spread the word. ask questions. stay centered. pray. ask for blessings for all living things.


each day, when you awaken, use jesus' words: satan get behind thee. this immediately brings the all to it's natural state. trust it.

update to this document:



this is very important. notice the number is 022. about half way through the doc - about page 3, you will see a paragraph dedicated to the word

ney. i have been very curious about the word ney for months now, as you know. as well as the five sons/suns. 5 x 23 (w) = 115 please read what the word ney means in ancient hebrew from the link above. now consider this: the president and ceo of boeing is mcnerney. that is his last name. dick cheney vice pres during 911mitt romney gov of ma soon after 911 (took over for interim gov) james mcnerney president of boeing you will recall that it was boston airport where everything began. romney was living in ma at the time and campaigning there. there was also bob ney, rep. of ohio who resigneddue to ties with jack abramoff. posting on that further below. from:http://www.boston.com/news/politics/2008/specials/romney/articles/part3_side?mode=pf

at boston consulting group, romney was part of what several of his colleagues affectionately called "the mormon mafia," a coterie of smart, talented, hard-working mormon men who eventually rose to leadership positions at the firm. today, many of the company's founding principles are considered basic business concepts. but in the mid-1970s, the firm was at the cutting-edge of consulting."for me and everybody there, including mitt, it was a very formative time, and probably more powerful than business school or law school," said per lofberg, a former consultant at the company who is now chief executive of a venture capital firm. "you were now applying some of the things you learned in business school, but you were also learning things business school did not teach."


it is my feeling that bob ney - and abramoff may have had something to do with the stolen election in ohio, of which i was personally interested in.

from wikipedia:

robert william "bob" ney (born july 5, 1954) is an american politician from the u.s. state of ohio. a republican, ney represented ohio's 18th congressional district in the u.s. house of representatives from 1995 until november 3, 2006, when he resigned. ney's resignation followed his october 13, 2006 guilty plea to charges of conspiracy and making false statements in relation to the jack abramoff indian lobbying scandal.

ney's best known congressional work was on the election reform efforts founded in the wake of the confused 2000 voting in florida.

before his own guilty plea, ney was identified in the guilty pleas of jack abramoff, former tom delay deputy chief of staff tony rudy, former delay press secretary michael scanlon and former ney chief of staff neil volz for receiving lavish gifts in exchange for political favors.

on september 15, 2006, the justice department filed ney's guilty pleas to a charge of conspiracy to defraud the united states and to a charge of falsifying financial disclosure forms.

wiliam jefferson clinton

george herbert walker bush

the five sons (like romney's five sons)

dick cheney

w. bush

w. mitt romney

w. mcnerney

w. bob ney

ney \ney\, n. [as. net; akin to d. net, os. net, netti, ohg. nezzi, g. netz, icel. & dan.


net, sw. n["a]t, goth. nati; of uncertain origin.]

1. a fabric of twine, thread, or the like, wrought or woven into meshes, and used for catching fish , birds, butterflies, etc.

2. anything designed or fitted to entrap or catch; a snare; any device for catching and holding .

a man that flattereth his neighbor spreadeth a net for his feet. --prov. xxix. 5.

in the church's net there are fishes good or bad. --jer. taylor.

3. anything wrought or woven in meshes; as, a net for the hair; a mosquito net; a tennis net.

4. (geom.) a figure made up of a large number of straight lines or curves, which are connected at certain points and related to each other by some specified law .

source: webster's revised unabridged dictionary (1913)

this is some info on the govenor of ma that resigned very curiously. then, an interim gov took over and waspresent during 911. romney won in 2002. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/paul_cellucciread about the republican govenor who took office in the infamous 1991, then curiously resigned just months before 911, to become ambassador. that left in office, jane swift as an interim gov, who likely wanted to keep her head low during the dark hours of 911 and it's connection to ma. and boston airport, which is where it all started. scroll down the page and you will see that w. mitt romney takes over in the election of 2002. just one term. do you see the w of romney;s first name willard? in the above wiki piece, you will see it written at the bottom as w. mitt romney. then there is the president of boeing: i have seen his name listed as w. james mcnerney.

from wikipedia:

walter james "jim" mcnerney, jr., is an american businessman. on june 30, 2005 he was named the ceo of the boeing company. prior to that, mcnerney was the chairman and chief executive of 3m. he had been a member of the boeing board of directors since 2001. he is also a member of the board of directors of procter & gamble. mcnerney is a current member of the northwestern


university board of trustees. mcnerney earned a b.a. degree from yale university in 1971 and an m.b.a. from harvard university in 1975. during his tenure at yale, mcnerney excelled in two varsity sports, baseball and hockey. between yale and harvard, he worked for a year at both british united provident and g. d. searle & co.. mcnerney is married and has five children.

romney has five sons. i have done a lot of work on the the fifth son, the five suns.

it may be that mcnerney and romney were at harvard at the same time. bush came through right after.

go back to the top and click on the link and read what is said on the word ney, as it directly relates to the word of elohim.

i would like to share this with you also- for some spiritual perspective:

a course in miracles

mi ra play

this is a course in ra's play

i am seeing it now from a whole new perspective. not making any statements. just sharing :-)

strangers in a strange worldthe search for meaning and hope

(volume 8 number 3 september 1997)

gloria wapnickkenneth wapnick, ph.d.

the title of this article calls our attention to one of the most important ideas that a course in miracles teaches: this world is not our home, and therefore in some region of our minds that is


obviously unknown to us, we do not quite feel as if we belong here. deep down within us we indeed feel as if we are strangers in a strange world:

this world you seem to live in is not home to you. and somewhere in your mind you know that this is true. a memory of home keeps haunting you, as if there were a place that called you to return, although you do not recognize the voice, nor what it is the voice reminds you of. yet still you feel an alien here, from somewhere all unknown. nothing so definite that you could say with certainty you are an exile here. just a persistent feeling, sometimes not more than a tiny throb, at other times hardly remembered, actively dismissed, but surely to return to mind again (w-pi.182.1).

many people bear witness to the fact of pursuing a search for meaning in their lives. in fact, in one way or another, we all seek to find out who or what we truly are, whence we truly come, and from where this uneasiness of alienation springs. thus, we probe our feelings, read books, cultivate hobbies, travel to different places, study various economic, religious, political, and social systems, and communicate with diverse peoples in order to get some clue about our existence, and to uncover the origin and ongoing presence of this uneasy feeling of being an alien in a world we do not remember choosing:

no one who comes here but must still have hope, some lingering illusion, or some dream that there is something outside of himself that will bring happiness and peace to him....and thus he wanders aimlessly about, in search of something that he cannot find, believing that he is what he is not.

the lingering illusion will impel him to seek out a thousand idols, and to seek beyond them for a thousand more (t-29.vii.2:1,5; 3:1).

yet this quest never results in our discovering from where this abstract feeling of alienation (aliennation) is truly emanating: the belief we have separated from god, our creator and source. and so we spend a significant portion of our lives either in searching to pinpoint the exact nature of this discomfort, or in giving up the search rather early, trying to mold ourselves to fit into this alien world and adapt ourselves to its multitudinous pathways. in this article we should like to discuss the two ways in which we spend


the time -- the time we call "our life" -- from the viewpoint of the world (the ego), and from the viewpoint of the course (the holy spirit).

our life

our = 18 h 56 v 74 hv

life - 23 h 32 v 55 hv

our life = 129 hv

41 h 88 v 129 hvchrist bloodline canaanites/mormonism

here is the vibe on our life

18 cain h56 isis v74 lucifer v23 bush h32 america h eve v55 heaven v scorpion h mormon blood h41 christ h bloodline h alien v jerusalem h pyramid h yin yang h mi ra v88 mormon v bloodline v venus transit 2012 v astronomical units h129 atlantis hv canaanites hv mormonism v

the holy spirit 82 h 184 v 266 hvthe morning star 82 h 182 v 264 hv

(please google morning star)


e g o5 7 15

fives are flanking 71 and 17 reverse (god = 17 and 71 reverse) a course in miracles helps us to understand that in truth there is no real search here, only a sorting out and adoption of goals and roles that are directed towards making our individual existence in the world more successful, more pleasurable, and less painful. moreover, the world looks with favor on individuals who adapt to their culture, class, community, and country. striking out on one's own and flouting the unwritten rules is not generally smiled on with approval, and is likely to be dismissed as eccentric or even sociopathic.

the search for existential meaning is not considered a serious or appropriate way to spend one's life, unless one is a philosopher. thus the message reaches each generation in the same way, wherein the sign of maturity is becoming a good, productive, taxpaying citizen of one's country. however, if we rebel, because we "march to a different drummer," all our energies are directed towards rebellion and setting up an alternative lifestyle and proving what society and our family expected of us was wrong to begin with. in this way we end up proving we were right all along about our separation and alienated state of existence.

but the search for meaning still continues, and inner discomfort is still our strong experience. it is to escape from that pain that we are impelled to distract ourselves in the lifestyle we have chosen, so that this aching feeling will be pushed out of awareness and laser-beamed out of existence. and here the world offers us all the distractions we could ever dream of. we can direct ourselves into any of the many roles it offers, from hermit to family person, ascetic to licentious indulger of the senses, sinner to holy person, indolent to workaholic, "nobody" to "somebody," coward to brave warrior, ignorant dolt to scholar, and from an orientation of selfishness to one of selfless service, and any or every role in between. and when we have finally accomplished all of the goals


and roles that we have set up for ourselves, traditional and non-traditional alike, the inner ache and emptiness become even more pronounced. the search for meaning now takes on a new and desperate impetus.

what is to be done now? what can be done now?

at this point, the ego counsels us, we can begin a new search, or re-ignite a previously discarded one, hoping against all hope that the answer will yet be found along one of the many by-ways the world contains. new interests, new hobbies, new careers, new places to live or visit, new love relationships, new friendships, and new and exotic spiritualities -- all are sought in order to extinguish that inner longing, helping us abandon the search for true meaning. but once again, that sense of futility returns, along with the deep-seated ache and yearning that continually haunts us, like a shadow that will never leave us. yet it seems as if we are driven to pursue a path that exhausts all the possibilities and probabilities that the world offers:

perhaps you would prefer to try them all, before you really learn they are but one. the roads this world can offer seem to be quite large in number, but the time must come when everyone begins to see how like they are to one another (t-31.iv.3:2-3).

and thus we are finally ready to accept the thought that "there must be a better way" (t-2.iii.3:6).

when we look at this almost universal situation from the perspective of a course in miracles, we can begin to discern with clarity that we have been much mistaken. we have sought in the wrong places, under the guidance of the wrong teacher, believing that we can substitute one illusion for another.

in the course we are taught by jesus that this world is not our home, because it was not created by god, our source, but rather was made by a thought of attack; i.e., "the world was made as an attack on god" (w-pii.3.2:1).

furthermore, the theology of a course in miracles is very clear: we are spirit, a perfect thought of love in a perfect mind, at one with our source. that is our only heritage as god created us: nowhere does our source end and we begin as something separate from it (w-pi.132.12:4); creator and created are one, perfectly united in a totality of limitless abstraction, beyond all dreams of separation, differences, individuality, and form of any kind. and so it slowly dawns on us that adapting to what appears as an opposite to heaven -- i.e., this world of concrete specifics -- can only be accomplished in an hallucinatory state wherein what is real is


denied, and what is illusory is seen as real:

when you made visible what is not true, what is true became invisible to you (t-12.viii.3:1).

yet as strangers in a strange world, how could we believe anything else? clearly then, to search for happiness, peace, or fulfillment here must result in disillusionment, for how could this not come from pursuing illusions? it takes great courage to look at this insanity, since we have put so much time and effort into making this dream real. it takes great determination and faith to examine all the beliefs and hopes we had invested in this world, and realize that they were but defenses against the truth of god's love that the holy spirit holds out for us in our right minds. and it takes the willingness to admit that we were wrong in having chosen the ego's thought system of separation and the "gifts" it deceitfully held out to us in its false promises of finding hope and meaning in this world.

in this state of humility, we finally call out for help, admitting that all our ways have not worked, and that our lifetime search for meaning has not produced any meaningful results. it is at this point that we are ready for a message of light that can bring the dawning of the thought that there is no hope for meaning in a dreamworld of illusions. this thought allows us to direct our search away from the world at last, and becomes the invitation to the holy spirit, whose presence in our right minds carries the memory of our true home, reminding us that we "are at home in god, dreaming of exile" (t-10.i.2:1). this presence of love reminds us that we are dreaming a dream -- a nightmare -- the content of which is not true (t-28.ii.7:1). furthermore, we are informed that there is a correction thought in our right minds for each misthought that the ego has convinced us to accept. in fact, we are told that we are not our egos, and therefore we can withdraw our allegiance from this false self in any instant and place it in our right minds. in this process we become aware that there is a part of our minds that freely chooses whether to listen to the lies of the ego or the truth of the holy spirit. we call this part of our minds the decision maker.

many insights will occur to us as we proceed in our journey to awakening: for example, we shall understand that death is not an ending, but a non-linear continuation of a theme in an ongoing dream that states that an opposite exists to what god created. we


can now smile at the ideas that theologians have taught and enshrined for centuries: that god created death as the end of life, at which point he takes people back to him, or assigns them to purgatory, or perhaps even condemns them to hell. we shall begin to wonder how we ever could have believed in such a god. having accepted forgiveness for many of the grievances we have held in our minds, we also come to the realization that a wrathful and punishing god is a concept we can no longer believe. it is totally untenable to a mind that forgiveness is now healing:

no compromise in this is possible. there is either a god of

fear or one of love. the world attempts a thousand compromises, and will attempt a thousand more. not one can be acceptable to god's teachers, because not one could be acceptable to god. he did not make death because he did not make fear. (m-27.4:5-10).

always mindful of asking for help of jesus or the holy spirit, we have finally found a new meaning and hope in our lives: to become enlightened to the truth. the focus in our lives becomes asking for help to change our attitudes and question our values, and to accept forgiveness as our one function and purpose. for it is this shift from our wrong to our right minds that removes the barriers to our awareness and recognition of the truth. as the course states:

"enlightenment is but a recognition, not a change at all" (w-pi.188.1:4).

therefore, rather than being distraught at discovering that this world and body are not our home, we become "happy learners." in glad acknowledgment of our new teacher, we realize that the meaning of our lives is to accept the happy dreams of the holy spirit as a replacement for the nightmare dreams the ego had offered us. as jesus comforts us, in words that describe our crossing the bridge to the real world: "and you will think, in glad astonishment, that for all this you gave up nothing!" (t-16.vi.11:4). we are thus happy to learn that all our efforts can now be aligned with the purpose of accepting the atonement for ourselves.