Earth-717: FF Vol 2-2

Post on 01-Nov-2015

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An alternate time. An alternate world. Despite having formed a new family, Reed Richards' dream of traversing the stars lives on. Having completed a new version of his spacecraft, Reed resolves to take the Fantastic Four to explore the galaxy. However, their interstellar adventure soon has grave consequences, leading the team into the heart of a massive galactic conflict.

Transcript of Earth-717: FF Vol 2-2

Earth-717: Fantastic Four Vol 2

Chapter 2: Date Night

So what's this joint got that yours don't, huh? Some jerk playin' the sax?

Alicia giggled as she and Ben walked down the streets of Hell's Kitchen together. Since Ben was far too large to fit in any normal vehicle and Alicia preferred physical exercise regardless, the two of them had made a habit of walking to their destinations whenever possible. The natural light of the sun had since disappeared and given way to the iconic lights of the Manhattan skyline.

Looking down at Alicia's feet, Ben found himself once again impressed with her ability to always know exactly where she was at any given time. She told him very early on in their relationship that she had essentially memorized New York's layout, and so even if she was alone at any given time, she could always find her way to any specific destination in the city.

Still, while Alicia was extremely capable when it came to path-finding, Ben still knew that she did not see the reactions of the other people on the street. As they made their way down the sidewalk, all of the other pedestrians made sure to move out of their way so as to provide a clear path. Alicia always kept on her best smile, and Ben was thankful that she didn't actually have to see some of the facial reactions that the two of them received.

Taking a few more steps, Alicia then stopped in her tracks and turned to the nearby building. Ben looked up, and saw the words Scene Contempo Gallery above the doorway. He then looked below the sign and sighed with relief upon seeing that the building had a set of double doors. Several people in high class clothing were entering the building and milling about in the lobby.

Ben looked down at his bare chest and Future Foundation pants and rubbed the back of his head. Alicia, staring at the building, tilted her head to the side.

Is something the matter?

Eh, I dunno, babe. Not quite sure I fit the dress code, ya know?

Alicia shrugged and briefly adjusted her sunglasses.

Wouldn't have exactly been easy to find a tuxedo in your size, Ben.

Ben rolled his head from side to side and pursed his lips.

Ha, ha, ha. You been spendin' too much time around Johnny. His lip's rubbin' off on you.


Besides, already got Reed wearing one of them penguin suits for his dinner with Sue tonight. I don't want to be ribbin' anyone else's style, know what I mean?

Ben grunted and tapped his hands against his sides, still not moving from his spot. Alicia panned her head slightly so that she was almost facing him.

Do you not want to go inside?

Uh, what? Uh, oh, no, I mean, yeah, I just . . . .

The sides of Alicia's mouth turned downwards.

If it makes you feel too uncomfortable, we don't have to.

Ben closed his eyes for a few moments and swallowed. He then looked to the side and sighed before tapping his right foot against the ground a couple times.

Ben? What is it?

Ben reached up with his right hand and scratched the part of his forehead where his right eyebrow would have been.

I, uh . . . . I don't . . . . ugh . . . .

Alicia tilted her head downwards and blinked as she waited for him to finish. Moving his hand, Ben rubbed his chin with the side of it before speaking again.

This is just not my thing, he said. Mean, I wanna be there, do it, you know, for you. Cause it's you. But I won't . . . . fit in. Ya understand?


But I still wanna do it. Cause it's you.

Alicia beamed, reaching out with her hand and massaging the side of Ben's arm. She ran her fingers through the cragged grooves in his skin, tracing the lines that held him together.

You've no need to be afraid, Ben.

Heh. You been sayin' that one a lot. Tryna give me a complex or somethin'?

I'll keep saying it until you believe it.

Ben opened his mouth as if to speak, but caught himself unprepared for the forceful but still compassionate tone of Alicia's response. Considering her words for another minute, he then straightened up his back and let out a deep breath. Turning to her, he then reached out with both hands and placed them on her arms.

Alicia playfully murmured upon being touched.

Anybody ever tell ya you're one helluva gal?

Hmmm. I might have heard it once or twice.

His chest swelling up, Ben put on a smile, even if he knew she could not see it. For in truth, she didn't have to; she could sense the change in his demeanour, but that was not enough for Ben. For him, that moment where they were smiling at each other helped give him all the confidence in the world.

Letting go of her arms, he then turned back towards the entrance.

Alright, he said. Let's do it.

Alicia lead Ben towards the doors, pushing them open with both hands. Crouching down so as to not damage the upper frame, Ben followed her inside and was immediately set upon by dozens of wary eyes. Many of the patrons turned to look at him as he entered, and all of them were clearly surprised by his appearance.

Ben quickly scanned the room, trying not to let his dismay show on his face as he took note of everyone staring at him. He was then nudged by Alicia with the back of her elbow.

Come on, she said.

Alicia started walking into the lobby, ignoring the other patrons. Blinking and glancing at the floor for a moment, Ben then walked after her, trying to focus specifically on where she was going and not on anyone else. Still, he couldn't help but have his gaze drawn to the floor, watching as his rocky, orange feet took each trespassing step.

Soon enough, the two of them were inside of the main gallery area, which featured walls of white with numerous paintings adorning them. The light fixtures and polished flooring were discernibly expensive, helping to create a lavish decor that embellished the aura of the entire place. Ben had rarely felt more uncomfortable in his life.

At that moment, a woman walked from another part of the open concept gallery, taking notice of her two new guests. She had shoulder length, dark brown hair, with her face framed by a twin set of elegant, lavender gem earrings. Wearing a colour block sheath dress with salmon and white sections, she strolled towards Alicia with her arms across her chest, her hands gently placed on the inside of her elbows.

Standing in front of Alicia, the woman then moved her neck back slightly so as to get a better look at Ben, who towered over Alicia from behind. Shifting her jaw to the left for a moment, the woman then returned her gaze to Alicia. She waited a second before speaking.

Welcome. May I help you with something?

Alicia held out her hand.

Alicia Masters.

The woman took a moment before reaching out and shaking Alicia's hand.

Vanessa Marianna, she said. Miss Masters, yes. I know of your work.

Vanessa then found herself looking over at Ben again.

I . . . . see you've brought a friend.

Alicia weakly chuckled as she gestured towards Ben.

Ah, ah, y-yes, this is Ben Grimm, of the . . . .

I'm aware.

Ben tapped the tips of his index fingers together.

Eh, nice to, uh, meet you, ma'am . . . .

A pleasure, said Vanessa, her tone flat.

Ben blinked as Vanessa then turned around, haughtily ignoring him. She then started leading Alicia into the gallery, returning her arms to their crossed position. Ben sighed and shook his head as he put his hands at his sides and solemnly followed after them, the soft pattering of his feet drowned out by the noise made by Vanessa's expensive designer heels.

So what brings you to my gallery, Miss Masters?

Well, as I understand, you host a variety of sculptures and other applied arts to go along with your paintings. I was hoping to get some sense of what types of applied arts you have a taste for.

Vanessa shifted her jaw slightly to the left again, not turning to look at Alicia when she spoke.

You're interested in having your pieces hosted by my gallery, she said.

Uh . . . . well, yes.

Miss Masters, I host pieces for some of the most prestigious clientele in New York. I routinely sell pieces for prices well into seven figures.

W-Well . . . . I, I wouldn't be asking for that much . . . .

I have little doubt as to your skill or enthusiasm, Miss Masters, but the fact remains that your work is nowhere near as well known as many of my other clients.

B-But you knew who I was!

Vanessa brought her hands together in front of her stomach as she replied.

Of course, because I make it my business to know every artist in this city, regardless of craft or personal circumstance. It's how I maintain my position as the most sought after art dealer in New York. I've curated for galleries and functions in over a dozen countries on four different continents. This is no doubt why you've come to me; after all, you want to become more well known, do you not?

Alicia lowered her shoulder and gulped, her face growing sullen. Vanessa glanced to the side for a moment before clearing her throat.

My concern is not with the quality of your pieces, but with . . . .

Hey! Don't you get smart with me!

Vanessa and Alicia turned to the side, where they were in plain view of Ben, who was waving one of his arms down. His gesture was directed towards a couple of elderly patrons, a man and a woman.

Ah, who needs ya? Buncha lousy, no good, wool suit types who think they're better than me! Me! The idol of millions!

Alicia tilted her head to the side and gave Ben a stern face. Vanessa furrowed her brow and looked at Ben with confusion.

Ben! said Alicia.

Ben threw up his hands before using one to point at the elderly man.

Hey, don't look at me! He started it!

Alicia sighed and shook her head as she put a hand on her forehead.

Oh, Ben . . . .

Mister Grimm, said Vanessa, if you are disturbing my guests, I'm afraid I'll have to . . . .

Ah, I ain't doing nothin'. Don't worry about me. I'm as friendly a guy as you'll ever meet, and I'd pulverize any joker who says otherwise. So, whaddaya say 'bout my girl, huh? She's a real fine catch, I say so myself. I, I mean . . . . for the art stuff. That is why she came here, ain't it? Wants to stock up your shelves with her sculptures and knick-knacks. You'll take her, right?

Actually, I was just explaining to Miss Masters why I will not be able to help her.


Without thinking, Ben punched out to the right, slamming his fist against the wall. However, to connect with the wall, his fist punched directly through one of the paintings. A handful of people gasped as everyone else went silent. Vanessa held both of her hands out in front of her with open fists as her jaw dropped.

Ben slowly withdrew his hand, his muscles quivering. The destroyed painting then fell off the wall, landing on the ground with a deafening crash. The impact shattered the frame and sent shards of wood and pieces of material all across the floor. Alicia cringed at the sound. Ben looked down at the pile and blinked, unable to say anything.

Alicia sighed as Vanessa then finally broke the silence.

S-Someone . . . . someone get this, this, this THING . . . . out of my gallery!

Ben lowered his head, looking down at the floor in shame. He then closed his eyes.

Don't bother. I know my way out.

His hands at his sides, Ben then turned away and silently marched out of the room, with all eyes on him. Alicia took a few moments to think before she took off after him. Pushing through the double doors, she then walked to the sidewalk, where he had already started making his way back the way they came.

Ben? Ben!

Ben didn't respond. Alicia followed him, listening to the sounds of his footsteps.

Ben, please. You know I can't run. Please wait. Wait! Ben!

Still, she received nothing in response. She continued to try and follow him, but the sounds of the vehicles and pedestrians on the streets made it harder and harder to track his movements. After moving down an entire city block, she finally lost track of him. Tearing up, Alicia just stood still on the sidewalk as thousands of people moved all around her.

Then, the moonlit sky gave way to a slew of rain, which just seemed to make everything worse. Within moments, her tears were drowned out by the infinite number of raindrops, which made her suffering all the more invisible.

* * * *

Nice view.

With her left arm hanging down and her right hand on her left elbow, Susan stared out at the iconic lights of the Manhattan skyline. She was wearing a dark blue peplum dress that she had specifically chosen for the occasion. She was standing on a balcony patio, attached to a restaurant situated in the penthouse level of a building.

While the interior of the establishment was completely stuffed with patrons, the balcony had been completely cleared. All of the tables were made and ready, but no one was sitting at any of them. Instead, Susan was standing alone, left to stare out at the lights of the city that she called home. After a few more moments of silent thought, she heard the transparent double doors to the balcony open behind her.

Turning around, Susan saw Reed walking through the doors. He was wearing a finely-pressed and clean tuxedo, and he took a moment to pull on the ends of his bow tie before approaching her. She moved her eyes and up and down his entire outfit, realizing to herself that it had been weeks since she had seen him wear anything other than his Future Foundation costume.

Susan put her hands together in front of her, her downward facing palms pressed against her body. Reed coaxed himself into a smile as he found himself staring at her face. Susan saw that his gaze kept shifting, seemingly unable to focus on which of her features he specifically wanted to look at. After a few seconds of this, Susan giggled and ever so slightly shook her head.

You, uh . . . . you look gorgeous, said Reed.



Should, uh . . . . should we sit down? asked Susan.

Uh, yeah. Y-Yeah.

Reed and Susan took their respective places at one of the tables. Reed placed both of his palms on the table, repeatedly pattering his fingers against the surface. Susan sat with her hands in her lap, looking out at the city again. After a minute or so, a waiter walked out and took their drink orders before handing them both menus and returning inside.

This is nice, said Susan.


Reed blinked as he looked around at the rest of the tables.

Good that they didn't put us inside, he said. I was getting a little bit mobbed walking through the dining area.

Susan blinked.

Well, of course, she said. The hostess told me you requested the whole balcony be cleared for us.

I did?

Susan nodded. Reed thought for a couple moments before tapping his left wrist against his forehead.

Oh, yeah, yeah, I think Herbie said something about that. Probably a good idea he had when he made the reservation.

Susan shook her head and blinked a couple times as the waiter returned, pouring out a glass of water and a glass of wine for each person.

Wait, what? Herbie made the reservation?

Yeah, said Reed, reaching for his glass.

You said you were gonna make it.

What's the difference?

Reed took a sip of his water, nodding at the waiter and smiling. She held her gloved hands together before looking at each of her customers in turn.

Have you had a chance to look at the menus?

Susan glanced at the waiter.

Just, just give us a minute.

Absolutely, Miss Storm.

The waiter turned away and returned inside. Reed looked over at Susan, who did not seem impressed.

What? he asked. What did I do?

You couldn't have called the restaurant yourself?

Reed coughed, holding his hand in front of his mouth.

I, I . . . . I was working. Putting the finishing touches on the warp core so I could deliver it on time. So I asked Herbie to help. Told him to go ahead and pick somewhere nice, somewhere you . . . .

You didn't . . . .

Susan moved her head back as a frown started to grow on her face.

You didn't even pick the restaurant?

Uh . . . . Susan, please. You know how much work I've been doing on the spacecraft. I, I didn't mean to upset you.

I'm not upset, said Susan. I know you've been working really hard this past year to make this happen. I know this is your dream. I just . . . . you know that I have no problem with all the work you do. It's who you are. But you also said that we would carve out more time for . . . . us. Us is something that's felt a little sidelined for, for a long time. I want more time for things like this, and . . . .

Susan took a moment to breathe before continuing.

I don't think it's too much to ask for you to care about us, too.

Before Reed could stammer out a response, a beeping noise was heard coming from his person. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small white disc. Pressing the centre with his thumb, the disc flipped open and transformed into a datapad, with a hard-light hologram interface. Herbie's face appeared on the screen.

Give me, give me just a second, he said.

Susan clenched her teeth, but did not open her mouth to show it. She then put her elbows on the table and lowered her arms so that they were perpendicular to her body, with one palm placed over the other.

What is it, Herbie? asked Reed.

Hello, Doctor Richards! I hope that you are enjoying your night on the town with Susan! I trust that the dinner arrangements I made are to your liking?

They're fine, Herbie.

Splendid! Now, to the matter at hand . . . . I was doing more data crunching regarding our interstellar trip, and there are a few modifications to some of the design specifications that I believe you should look over.

Susan rolled her eyes and looked back out at the city again. Reed noticed this and rubbed the back of his neck.

Herbie, c-can we do this later? I just . . . .

But Doctor Richards, time is of the essence! If we want to maintain our schedule, I must begin construction as soon as possible. My Repair-Bots have almost completed their assigned tasks, and then they will assist me with the construction. As long as you approve of the design modifications, of course!

Reed sighed.

Okay, okay, Herbie. Let's hear it.

Very well, Doctor Richards! Let us start with . . . .

Herbie would then ramble on for the next ten minutes. Susan blankly stared at Reed, her head leaning against her right fist. She had to send the waiter back on two separate occasions. Finally through waiting, Susan turned herself invisible. For a full minute, Reed continued his conversation with Herbie as if nothing had changed.

Sighing, Susan stayed invisible as she then stood up and jumped over the balcony's railing. Creating a force field disc under her feet, she then soared her way through the skyscrapers of the city until she arrived at the Empire State Building. Sitting on one of the highest possible perches and lowering her legs so that they were dangling over the edge, Susan turned visible again.

For a long while, she just sat there, absorbed in her own morose thoughts. She did not know if anyone in the city could see her at that moment, but she honestly didn't care, for she truly felt unnoticed by the one person who mattered to her the most. Finally, she couldn't keep her emotions contained any longer, and she started to cry, placing both hands on her face.

Then, the moonlit sky gave way to a slew of rain, which just seemed to make everything worse. Within moments, her tears were drowned out by the infinite number of raindrops, which made her suffering all the more invisible.