Early Modern Africa and the Atlantic Slave trade I.West African Politics and Society II.Central...

Post on 20-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Early Modern Africa and the Atlantic Slave trade I.West African Politics and Society II.Central...

Early Modern Africa and the Atlantic Slave trade

I. West African Politics and SocietyII. Central African Politics and SocietyIII. Case Study: Sugar and the Slave Trade

Terms: Angola, Queen Nzinga, Antonian Movement, Syncretism, Triangular Trade, core vs. periphery

I. West African Politics and Society

A. Songhay Empire

B. Religion in West Africa

II. Central African Politics and Society

A. Kongo Empire

B. Colony of Angola

C. Religion in Central Africa

III. Case Study: Sugar and the Slave Trade

A. Background

B. Beginnings of Atlantic Sugar Production and Atlantic Slave Trade

C. Sugar and Triangular Trade