Early Literacy Learning Model: Additional Practice Exercises for Home Visitors about Responsive...

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Early Literacy Learning Model: Additional Practice Exercises for Home Visitors about Responsive...

Early Literacy Learning Model: Additional Practice Exercises for

Home Visitors about Responsive Teaching

Distance Learning Events brought to you by the Center for Early Literacy Learning



What are additional practice exercises for home visitors?

• Created specifically for those who work with families

• Cover the four main components of the CELL early literacy learning model

• Utilize the Participatory Adult Learning Strategies (PALS) approach to learning


Additional Practice #1:Responsive Teaching

• During a home visit this week, practice the steps of Responsive Teaching.

1. Pay Attention- take a closer look at the child as an individual and their interests

2. Respond Promptly & Appropriately to the child’s behaviors when noticing a particular interest or moment of frustration.

3. Interact with the child by introducing new information based on the child’s interest such as expanding on the child’s contributions or challenging and encouraging the child to do something different.

4. As the child engages in play, take opportunities to ask the child questions and comment on behaviors and accomplishments. Note any new skills developed and provide opportunities for use.

• Immediately following the visit, write down how you addressed each step of Responsive Teaching.


• Did you identify any new interests when you increased your focus of attention?

• How did the child react when you responded promptly?

• What new information did you introduce to the child based on their interests?

• Did you prompt the child with additional questions, or offer specific comments?

Additional Evaluation #1:Responsive Teaching


Additional Reflection #1:Responsive Teaching

• We strongly encourage you to reflect on the additional practice that you just completed

• Reflecting assists you to determine your level of knowledge and the outcome of your practice

• To help you reflect about responsive teaching, print and complete the checklist located on our tools page located here


Additional Practice #2:Responsive Teaching

• Choose one of the following Parent Practice Guides, Creating Young Storytellers or Author! Author! and read the vignettes on the back page. Write down examples of each of the following responsive teaching techniques:

ـ Pay attention

ـ Respond promptly

ـ Introduce new information

ـ Support and encourage new child behavior


• What aspect of responsive teaching seemed to occur the most often in the vignettes?

• How did the child respond when the adult engaged in responsive teaching techniques?

Additional Evaluation #2:Responsive Teaching


Additional Reflection #2:Responsive Teaching

• We strongly encourage you to reflect on the additional practice that you just completed

• Reflecting assists you to determine your level of knowledge and the outcome of your practice

• To help you reflect about responsive teaching, print and complete the checklist located on our tools page located here


Additional Practice #3:Responsive Teaching

• During a home visit this week observe a parent. Try to identify the parent using steps of Responsive Teaching.

• Did the parent do the following? List examples.

1. Pay Attention

2. Respond Promptly & Appropriately to their child’s behaviors

3. Interact with the child by introducing new information based on the child’s interest

4. As their child engages in play, take opportunities to ask the child questions and comment on behaviors and accomplishments.

• Immediately following the visit, write down your parent observations with specific examples.


• What aspect of responsive teaching seemed to occur the most often during the home visit?

• How did the child respond when the parent engaged in responsive teaching techniques? Did the parent notice the child’s response?

• Did you identify aspects of responsive teaching that were strengths or weaknesses of the parent?

• How could or would you use this information with the parent?

Additional Evaluation #3:Responsive Teaching


Additional Reflection #3:Responsive Teaching

• We strongly encourage you to reflect on the additional practice that you just completed

• Reflecting assists you to determine your level of knowledge and the outcome of your practice

• To help you reflect about responsive teaching, print and complete the checklist located on our tools page located here