Early Help in Sandwell

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Early Help in Sandwell. Early Help a core part of the Sandwell Improvement Plan. Delivering services at the right time and in the right way to help families help themselves to meet the needs of their children. Defining Early Help. This definition to be used by all staff across all partners - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Early Help in Sandwell

Early Help in Sandwell

Defining Early Help

• Early Help a core part of the Sandwell Improvement Plan.

Delivering services at the right time and in the right way to help families help themselves to meet the needs of their children.

• This definition to be used by all staff across all partners

• This means working with, children and families who are below the threshold of social care, that stops problems emerging and supports families to improve their situation.

• Work in neighbourhoods

• Share information

• Work within the planned resource base

• Help families improve their daily lives


Our Sandwell solution

Four very basic principles

Intervene early to prevent escalation of needs

Social Care/ Statutory

interventionEarly Help

Section 17 Assessment(Children In Need)

Early Help Assessment (CAF)

Universal services meeting needs

Lead professional co-ordinating necessary


Key Worker delivering intensive interventions

Social Worker managing the case

Build resilience in families and de-escalate needs

‘Early Help’ refers to needs and services before statutory interventionThe entire model is designed to de-escalate and prevent escalation of need

Children’s Services Prevention Model

Questions and Answers

What is a COG?

• Assist the Early Help Family Support (Tiers 1-3) by helping to resolve issues and frustrations

• Ensure the right partners are engaged, the appropriate Lead Professional is identified and supported and action plans completed

• Monitor performance, feed into corporate scorecard and provide data for partners

• To spot purchase support and inform commissioning

A Community Operating Group is a multi agency meetingwhich will:

Practical details

• Seven COGs, based on the learning communities - 1 per town, 2 for West Bromwich

• Meet monthly

• Chaired by Senior Early Help Coordinator

• Admin support from Family Services Team

• Paperwork and details available electronically via Early Help Information System (eCAF)

• Twelve cases per meeting/10 minutes per case

When to refer to a COG

• The family are not engaging

• A new Lead Professional is required or one cannot be identified (responsible for monitoring the action plan, coordinating partners and acting as the family’s point of contact)

• Needs are escalating

• There are gaps in service provision

• A partner is not engaging properly

Multi‑Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

Partners signed up …West Midlands Police

Local Police Units

Public Protection Units


Safeguarding nurse

Adult mental health

Sandwell & W Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust – Health Visitor

Children’s Social Care

Adult’s Social Care

Public Health




Youth Offending Services

Family Support Services (inc. CAF)

Domestic Violence

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub

• Combined high-level information sharing, early help and child in need screening, and DV screening team

• Continuing to develop Multi-Agency Enquiry Team model with Police (note MAET not MAIT)

• Sandwell MASH and MAET now being considered as a pilot within a regional model

SMBC Contact Centre

Multi Agency Referral Form

Early Help Assessment

Part 1


Domestic Violence


Multi-Agency Safeguarding



Enquiry Team

SMBC Children’s Social Care

Sandwell Early Help Services

Sandwell Early Help Services


Questions and Answers