Early childhood nature

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Early childhood nature

Scenario #1

What are ways to get the children’s attention when it is time to change activity?

Example: Looking under a log at crawly creatures, some children are done and others are still working.

Scenario #2

How can we calm a group that won’t listen?

Example: You looked at some scat on the trail and some children pushing and shoving.

Scenario #3

How can you get the chaperone’s help?

Scenario #4

Johnny is eager to lead and goes too far down the trail, how do we set boundaries?

Scenario #5

Someone is crying, you assess the situation for safety and find

Two children arguing about being first.

One child grabbed an object that was being passed around

Scenario #6

You ask a question about the color of a tree?

The children don’t have an answer?

Working with

the young ones

Kids are eager learners

Children like repetition

Youngsters like a short song

Give them a hug with a puppet friend

Discover things at their level

Redirect kid’s attention to something new

Adults on task

Speak to adults early about encouraging children

Ask adults politely to be helpers with the children

Give the adult something to hold, laminated sheet, check list

Please silence your phone


Enlist chaperones to help us have an enjoyable time

Repeat if adults are distracted

Say, I need your help!

Answer adult questions and redirect to the children’s activity

Open-ended question can be

answered by young children

Simple tasks.

One direction at a time.

Which footprint is big? This one or that one?

Help me count the petals.

Let’s find a place for our animal to live (puppet or picture)

Someone is crying

help the child feel safe.

Could you sit near teacher, adult

Ask the other youngster to say I’m sorry.

Ask a child if he/she is OK

Move on to a puppet or fun activity

Push & Shove

Redirect children with some activity such as looking under log

Redirect children to take turns

Take childs hand and redirect his behavior to a task on trail

Experience First


PracticeWhat we learned


Giving directions

Get their attention, Can you hear Miss Pat (name)?

Young children can do one thing at a time

Enlist the adults to observe and help with task

Focus children’s search with a meeting place.

Plan the Hike

Three ideas is all I can remember

Use objects to focus


Pictures and puppets

Whole ideas not parts

Looking at gross things

Show objects along with pictures

You only get close if you want to

SCAT helps us learn about where animals have been

Remain cheerful and matter of fact if someone is fearful

Move on to another activity

Consider that children can be too young for some things.




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